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July 12, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-12

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See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the Stale




-Daily-James Butt
'NOT A DROP TO DRINK--"There must be water here some-
where," Barbara Blair, campus water dowser, cried as she con-
inued her search long into the night with the aid of a'forked maple
twig and her own special kind of "extra-sensory perception."
oman Dowser Stalks
Cam usSeeking Water

Iran Leader
To Receive
U.S. Advisor
Urged To Abide
By CourtRuling
TEHRAN, Iran -(P)- Premier
Mohammed Mossadegh politely
agreed last night to receive Avereil
Harriman, President Truman's
special foreign affairs advisor, for
talks on oil-but there were no
signs the Nationalist leader in-
tended to compromise with the
The President sent the bed-
ridden Premier a letter Monday
urging him to abide by recom-
mendations of the International
Court of Justice on the billion
dollar dispute and ogering to send
Harriman here for talks.
LAST NIGHT the Premier call-
ed U.S. Ambassador Henry F.
Grady to his house and gave him
the reply.
(In Washington, the White
House said Harriman would fly
to Tehran within the next 48
But informed quarters believed
Mossadegh was merely seeking to
avoid any affront to Americans.
He already has rejected the Inter-
national Court's recommendation
for a stand-still on his oil nation-
alization plans and for appoint-
ment of a joint British-Iranian
commission to supervise the Brit-
ish-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Com-
pany until its fate is settled by
* s S
force a showdown on Iranian
boasts that they can operate the
far-flung industry whether Brit-
ish technicians stay or not.
...The Company withdrew its last
five British erperts from Gach
The company withdraw its
lasthfive British experts from
Gach Saran oilfield, 200 miles
east of its giant Abadan re-
AIOC has been pressing the
Iranians to accept responsibility
for this smallest of its seven pro-
ducing fields without getting a
definite answer.
The British already had stopped
the pumps and shut the valves on
the pipelines because storage vats
at Bandar Mashur, Persian Gulf
port, were full.
The 33 skilled Iranians and 500
laborers at Gach Saran, were left
with "nothing to do but pump
their own water and take in each
other's washing," Peter Cox, AIOC
leld manager, commented.
Flood Strikes
East Kansas
TOPEKA - () - The biggest
flood in this state's history buf-
feted eastern Kansas cities and
towns last night, bringing death
to at least two persons, marooning
hundreds, and forcing 10,000 more
to flee their homes.
The raging waters, sweeping
down on an area that has ,been
flooded and re-flooded for two
months, brought untold millions
of dollars damage to homes, bus-
iness establishments and farm

Cease -Fire









U' WillReduceFaculty

Budget Cuts
Dropping 97
Other Colleges
To Follow Suit
The University plans to drop
about 97 faculty members next
fall in its drive to keep within the
reduced budget, a University
spokesmen declared yesterday.
And about 670 other colleges
and universities across the nation
will have to make similar cuts,
according to a release from the
United States Office of Education.
It is estimated that close to 500
college-level teachers will be laid
off by the time football season
rolls around next year.
s * *
FACULTY CUTS here will all
be made by not filling vacancies
that will open through retirement
and the termination of one yearj
contracts, University officials re-
In cases where student demand
requires that vacated positions be
filled, the University plans to hire
professors able to fill the posts.
However, where it is at all pos-
sible, it Is planned to distribute
the work of retiring professors
among the present faculty, offi-
cials said.

NEGOTIATORS' LEAVE-TAKING-UN negotiators are shown with Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway (sec-
ond from right), prior to their departure for the peace conference in Kaesong. Left to right: Rear
Admiral Arleigh Burke; Maj. Gen L. C. Craigie, Air Force; Gen. Sun Yup Paik, South Korean Army;
Vice-Admiral, C. Turner Joy; General Ridgway; and Maj. Gen. Henry I. Hodes, deputy chief of staff,
'U. S. 8th Army.


World News


I can also tell which of a row
of bottles contains gin and which
Scotch whiskey," Barbara Blair,
'52, claimed yesterday as she in-
tently examined the grounds in
front of the library for under-
ground water with he aid of a
maple diving rod.
She was encouraged in her ef-
fors by a disheveled onlooker who
staggered to his feet to complain,
"I haven't had a drop to drink
since I got to Washtenaw County."
MISS BLAIR discovered her "di-
vine" gift when she was the only
successful member of a group of
University students who tested
their dowsing abilities several
weeks ago.
The art of using a diving rod
for discovering water hidden in
the ground is an ancient one and
its uses may be traced through the
writings of Cicero and Tacitus.
Today the professional "dowser"
claims to be able to locate water
where it is not known to exist by
the use of a forked twig which,
twisting in his hands, leads him
by its directive power to the place
where a boring or well should be
Widespread f a i t h exists,
spurred by frequent success and
many and varied claims of phe-
nomonal perception on the part
of dowsers, have been made.
"A forked stick in the hands of
one Henry Goss will locate con-
cealed persons, an outboard motor
lost in deep water and veins of un-
derground water merely by being
held over 'a map of the locality."
according to Kenneth Roberts in
his book, Henry Gross and His
Dowsing Rod. Gross has also toy-
ed with the idea that dowsing
might be able to deermine the sex
of an unborn child.
Miss Blair has never entertained
this theory, but she does say har
diving rod has proved most valu-
able in locating the surf on crowd-
ed beaches.
ALONG WITH these startling
reports come an equal amount of
cries of "fake" and "dowsing is
nonsense," as Thomas M. Reddick
State Prison
Tour Slated
American students are especial-

House Rejects Proposed
Plant DispersalPower

says, casting a coldly scientific
eye on dowsing claims in the July
issue of Harper's Magazine.
"Every man can be king or
anyone can be a water prophet
in the area where Henry Gross
has done his dowsing, since in
certain sections of the land wa-
ter can be anticipated in about
one half of the rock holes
drilled," Reddick writes.
Prof. James T. Wilson of the ge-
ology department asserts no scien-
tific faith at all is placed in wa-
ter dowsing, or divining rods.
"That's the sort of thing for which
the geologist would refer you to
he psychology departmenit," he
However, the psychology depart-
ment also refused to claim the
seemingly ostracized dowser.
UNDAUNTED, Miss Blair says
she will continue her experiment.
Inspired by the knowledge hat
many dowsers have succeeded us-
ing a willow rod, beech or holy
twig or even a piece of wire or
watch spring, she plans to travel
to Italy this fall where she will
test he dowsing value of a string
of spaghetti.
When told that the Encyclope-
dia Brittanica states the best
dowsers have generally been more
or less illiterate men, her reply
was : "Women can dowse too. I
don't intend to let my education
interfere with my life.

Only the medical
which will increase Its
is liable to escape the


Requests from the state legis-
lature and public demand for
more doctors has caused the Uni-
versity to increase the medical
school budget.
While the Legislature leaves the
distribution of appropriated mon-
ey in the hands of the Regents,
Legislators restored a part of the
original budget request with the
understanding that some of the
money would be marked for ex-
panding the medical school, a
University official explained.
.' . .
THE EXPECTED enrollment
drop next fall (University offi-
cials estimate that about 16,500
students will register) will make
some faculty cuts painless. Sec-
tions from many courses would
logically be cut anyway, in view of
the 'reduced enrollment.
No general rule of thumb will
be applied in deciding which one
year contracts will not be renewed,
University officials claim. Each
sdhool's executive committee will
make recommendations to its
dean. The Regents usually act on
these recommendations without
investigation, a University spokes-
man said.
Most departments of the Uni-
versity will have at least part of
their budget cut in the economy
University officials are serious-
ly worried about the rehabilita-
tion and maintenance of property
which has been neglected for years
because of tight budgets.
Because of this, chances for
reduction of some "non-educa-
tional" service expenses are slight,
a University official asserted.
"In giving up many of its prom-
ising young faculty members, the
University feels that it is standing
still when it should be marching
ahead," a spokesman said. "But
under the circumstances, we have
no other choice."
The faculty cut contrasts sharp-
ly with the University's original
estimate that a 23 percent slash in
teaching personnel would be ne-
cessary if the Legislature didn't
restore some previously-slashed
budget funds.
Rail Brotherhood

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Opponents'
failed yesterday in an effort to
kill legislation authorizing con-
struction of the St. Lawrence Sea-
way and Power Project.
Members of the House Public
Works Committee, which is con-
sidering the measure behind clos-
ed doors, said privately that a mo-
tion to table the legislation was
beaten 15 to 12 on a roll call vote.
istration proposed yesterday a
vast program of government
compensation for losses which
Americans might suffer in atom-
ic war.
The plan extends even to
providing regular incomes for
some victims as well as emer-
gency aid for others whose live-
lihood might be destroyed.
'C ' *
tests by the Soviet Delegation
against what it called "hooligan-
ism" in front of the delegation
home on Park Avenue were dis-
closed here yesterday.
The United States received two
letters from the delegation and
asked New York City police for a
House Conference Committee
yesterday discarded a Senate
provision in an appropriation
bill which would have allowed
states to open their relief rolls
to public inspection without the
threat of losing Federal Welfare
funds, and greatly softened big
payroll cuts passed by both
C* * *
WASHINGTON - The keel for
the Navy's radically new carrier,
with a disappearing "island" to
enable the flattop to handle big
atom bomb planes, will be laid
soon, and Congress may be asked
to authorize the construction of
one or-two more of the same kind,
it was announced yesterday.

WASHINGTON - (A) - T h e
House, locked in a battle over eco-
nomic controls, yesterday rejected
a proposal to authorize President
Truman to "disperse" new defense
plants as a safeguard against ato-
mic attack.
The vote was 134 to 79.
VEERING AWAY from the main
price controls' fight, the debate on
dispersal developed mostly along
sectional lines.
Both Democrats and Republi-
cans from the industrial East,
fearful of losing heavy industry to
the .South or West, attacked the
No End Seen
In Federal
Tax Hearings
WASHINGTON-(P)-The "tax-
the-other-fellow" argument dron-
ed on before the Senate Finance
Committee yesterday, with no end
in sight.
The committee, holding hearings
on the House-passed bill to boost
taxes by $7,200,000,000 a year,
1. An American Federation of
Labor spokesman endorse the Tru-
man Administration plea to raise
the total of new taxes to $10,000,-
000,000. The AFL argued that the
burden should fall on bigger in-
comes and corporations.
2. Businessmen protest that the
capital gains levy should be light-
ened, not made heavier as pro-
posed, and that the House-approv-
ed 20 per cent withholding tax on
dividends should not apply to pay-
ments from insurance companies.
3. A commercial banker's call for
taxation of building and loan as-
Business groups in general have
urged moving the burden of taxa-
tion to lower income ranges where
they say mair inflation pressures
are generated by loose cash.

proposal as "socialistic" and as1
"regimentation" of industry.
Chief support for the plan
came from Southern legislators.
The dispersal plan was offered
by the House Banking Committee
as an amendment ot the proposed
new Defense Production Act carry-
ing various emergency control
power. The amendment had not
been requested by the Administra-
Badly buffeted in the prelimin-
ary voting, the Administration
continued to sound alarms about
the future if Congress curbs the
Fededal controls program.
DiSalle told a news conference
that auto prices will be raised if
price rollbacks are barred by law.
He also hinted that meat price
control is already tottering.
DiSalle said livestock marketing
is up since Tuesday's House vote
against Government-fixed slaugh-
tering quotas, "but so is the price."
Drafting of
Women Urged
CHICAGO-(P')--Direcors of the
National Federation of Business
and Professional Women's Clubs,
Inc., went on record. yesterday as
in favor of a draft of women.
A resolution adopted' unanim-
ously voted to "support Federal
legislation to provide for registra-
tion of women similar to that re-
quired for men under the Selec-
ive Service Act, and the draft of
women for military service when it
may be advisable in the interests
of humanity."
The resolution-one of several
adopted at the closing session of
the board's five-gay meeting-
urged, however, that any women's
draft legislation "provide against
the disruption of homes and fam-
ilies when the welfare and security
of children may be jeopardized by
such a draft."

Bar Allied
Joy Threatens
TOKYO-(A)-Gen. Matthew
B. Ridgway's Supreme Head-
quarters announced today Kor-
ean cease-fire talks have been
broken off temporarily because
the Communists refused to al-
low Allied newsmen in Kaesong.
Twenty Allied newsmen start-
ed for Kaesong today but their
convoy was halted short of Kae-
song by Communist guards.
They were ordered to return to
United Nations lines by Adm. C.
Turner Joy, Chief UN delegate to
the peace talks.
The Headquarters announce-
ment said Joy had asked on both
days of the opening peace talks
that newsmen be allowed to
visit the Kaesong area.
MUNSAN, Korea - (M) - High-
level talks seeking an end of the
Korean War hit at least a tem-
porary snag yesterday when the
Reds barred 20 Allied 'newsmen
from going to the Communist-
held, peace-talk city of Kaesong.
The senior member of the ?UN
delegation, Vice-Adm. C. Turner
Joy, indicated the third day of
talks would not open until the
convoy containing the newsmen
was allowed to pass.
* * *
JOY AND the rest of the UN
delegation were still at this for-
ward allied "peace camp" two and
one half hours after their sched-
uled time of departure for Kae-
song, 12 miles northwest. The of-
ficial party ha's been traveling in
Sentiment of officers in Seoul
was that the delay in the talks
was only temporary. They felt
the matter would be ironed out
today, with the meetings resumed.
The hitch developed after an
Allied delegation spokesman yes-
terday reported the talks were "on
the tracks" despite indications the
Allies would refuse to discuss a
Red demand that they get out
of Korea.
ADMIRAL JOY messaged Gen.
Nam Ii, of North Korea, leader
of the Communists' delegation,
that the newsmen's convoy had
been refused passage and he had
ordered it o return to UN lines.
"I am prepared," the message
said, "to return with my delega-
tion and continue the discussions
which were recessed yesterday up-
on notification from you that my
convoy bearing personnel of my
choosing, including such press
representation I consider neces-
sary, will be cleared to the eon-
ference site."
Meanwhile, U. S. Eighth Army
Headquarters reported a spee-
tacular air battle that ranged
from 33,000 feet down to 3,000
cost the Communists there Mig-
15 jet fighters.
Thirty-foursAllied Sabre jets
destroyed the Russian-built planes
and damaged another in a 20-
minuterdogfight over Northwest
emn Korea.
Back in Jail;
Bail Revoked
NEW YORK-(P)--Fifteen see-

ond-string U.S. Communist lead-
ers went back to jail yesterday,
their best and maybe last source
of bail money gone.
Federal Judge Sylvester J. Ryan
revoked their bails totalling $176,-
500 posted by the Civil Rights
Congress and said the Congress
cannot act as bondsman again in
his court.
THE EFFECT of his ruling, the
defense argued, is "to deny the
right of these defendants to be


Induction Looms Near
For U' June Graduates

Prospects of a draft for the
University's June graduates are
still looming on the not-too-dis-
tant horizon, despite the recent
"cease-fire" peace talks.
The drafting of the June gradu-
ates depends on many factors-
whether or not they apply for a
deferment, how they make out on
their college defermen exams and,
whether they can find a job in an
essential indusry.
THE DEMANDS on he draft
boards have been comparatively
light in the past, but with the

many students incorrectly be-
lieve that it is granted them
automateially because they are
in the student category.
Those June graduates who are
following a program of study that
leads to professional or graduate
studies can be fairly sure of ob-
taining the requested deferment.
* ' *
SOME OF the courses of study
in this particular category include
medicine, dentistry, physics, engi-
neering, law, business administra-
tion and political science. And if
the June graduates have been ad-
mitted to a graduate or profes-
sional school or have the inten-
tion of entering such a school,

Quizzer Enjoys Giving Away Money

Have you ever wanted

to give

THE AUDIENCE wasn't disap-
pointed as Moore handed out over
a thousand dollars in cash and

twelve years ago in a small
southern Illinois station.
Athletics still play a big part in

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