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July 08, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-08

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. 4 >

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43 9 i

See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY



Mixes Math and Fiction

Shifting his attention from
spheres and parabolas to the
realm of science fiction is no prob-
lem at all for H. Chandler Davis,
full-time instructor of mathema-
tics at the University and spare-
time author.
Writer of numerous science
stories, some of which have been
anthologized, Davis explains that
the aim of his hobby is to put
forth useful ideas for a future
world, and not just to turn out
wild adventure stories.
HE WAS attracted to writing in
the field of science fiction short-
ly after the dropping of the first
atomic bombs, and describes his
initial efforts as "warning stor-
Condemning the characters in
most current science fiction stor-
ies as nothing more than cowboys
in disguise, carrying atomic side-
arms, Davis asserts that by this
stereotyping a good medium is
made ridiculous. Furthermore its
authors are succinctly labelled
His experience with mathe-
matical accuracy has made Da-
yis a, stickler for factual cor-
rectness in his stories, and he
checks background material by
extra research along the parti-
cular story line.
He believes that science fiction
is slowly changing from a means
of pure escapism to a more
thoughtful presentation of ideas
that could be realized in the near
The outstanding feature of sci-
ence fiction, Davis maintains, is
that there are no limits on sub-
ject matter, not even the proverb-
ial sky, and because of this it will
replace the ever-popular detective
story which is stagnated by lim-
ited ideas for new plots.

BRAVE NEW WORLD--H. Chandler Davis puts math equations
aside while he ponders the problems of the future, and tries to
work out the solution in one of his science fiction stories.
* * * * * *

yet )to come into their own, he
says, and the only recent movie
that has been technically careful
has been "Destination Moon."
Davis describes current sci-
ence comics as misleading be-
cause they make youngsters
think science is some kind of
magic, and that future wars
will be great adventures of a
scientifically swashbuckling na-

For those who insist that ex-
tensive speculation about the fu-
ture is fruitless, Davis replies
simply that to act wisely in the
future people must think and plan
for it beforehand.
Though science fiction cannot
be confused with practical full-
scale planning for the future, it
could stimulate the public to con-
structive thinking about it, he

U.S. Yields
To Demands
Of Hungary
Ends Information
Cultural Posts
ted States, yielding to Communist
Hungary's demand, closed down
its information and cultural serv-
ices in that country yesterday, but
accused the Budapest regime of
brazen falsehoods and ruthless
terrorism against its own people.
"The Hungarian Government,"
the State Department said in a
note, "has contrived a tissue of
falsehoods in a brazen though fu-
tile attempt to justify before the
world its continuing campaign to
crush all dissent and to suppress
the human rights and fundamen-
tal freedoms of its citizens."
HUNGARY HAD demanded the
discontinuance of the U.S. Library,
motion picture and musical pro-
grams, as well as the recall of
three American legation officials.
It said the library and other
services were camouflage for es-
pionage, and that the three dip-
lomats worked against the Red
In a note handed to the Hun-
garian Foreign Office, the U. S.
Government said there was no
valid support for these charges
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Enough doc-
tors, dentists and veterinarians
have volunteered for military serv-
ice to make draft calls unnecessary
so far.
PRESTWICK, Scotland-A U.
S. Air Force flying tanker, un-
able to land at Prestwick Airfield
because of low clouds, crashed
and burned about 40 miles from
here today, killing all 11 crew-
men aboard.
Ten bodies had been recovered
by mid-afternoon from the
charred wreckage.
NEW YORK-Scattered violence
was reported and homes, restaur-
ants and hotels were running short
of bread yesterday in the sixth
day of a strike by 4,000 metropoli-
tan New York bakery truck driv-
* * *
DETROIT - A mysterious
flash of light, believed a meteor,
zipped across Southern Michi-
gan and Northern Ohio skies last
The brilliant light was report-
ed at Flint, Lansing, Pontiac,
Jackson and Detroit, Mich., and
Toledo, Sandusky and Columbus,
*' * *
DETROIT - The CIO-United
Auto Workers yesterday announc-
ed plans to send a delegation to
Washington Tuesday to protest
announced material cutbacks
which it says have drastically af-
fected employment in Chrysler
Corp. plants.
* * *
al Educational Association selected
Detroit for the 1952 convention
'* * *
bound for Europe carried with
them disquieting reports on a lack

of progress in efforts to build up'
the North Atlantic Defense Army.
T h e s e reports apparently :
stemmed from secret testimony
given by Louis Johnson, former+
Secretary of Defense, to the Sen-
ate Armed Services and Foreign1
Relations Committees in their in-
vestigation of Gen. Douglas Mac-+
Arthur's ouster.


* ,

Kinney, Murray,
Le NDelegyates
TOKYO -- (R) - General Headquarters today named the main
Korean war armistice negotiators, headed by Vice Adm. C. Turner
Joy, Commander of U.S. Naval Forces in Korean waters.
The others are Major Gen. L. C. Craigie, U.S. Air Force, Major
Gen. Henry I. Hodes, Eighth Army, Rear Admiral Arleigh Burke,
U.S. Navy, and Major Gen. Paik Sun Yup of the Republic of Korea
By The Associated Press
Allied envoys went to Kaesong today (Sunday, Korean Time)
for a dramatic meeting with the Reds to arrange armistice talks in
the bloody, year-long Korean war.
Two U.S. colonels and a South Korean lieutenant colonel took
off in two helicopters from an advanced "peace camp." They were
reported unofficially to have completed the short flight some 30
minutes later.
The officers took with them two interpreters. They and a like
number of Communist envoys will arrange for higher-level armistice

Reach Kaesong

r eliminar y


HOMECOMING EMBRACE--As Korean cease-fire arrangements
proceeded bathing suit-clad models greeting battle-weary veterans
returning to Seattle Friday didn't rate a glance from Pfc. Arthur
Brickham of the Seventh Division, who grasped his wife in a
tight embrace. Yesterday other veterans of the Korean fighting
returned home to a different type of welcome: 394 American war
dead arrived at San Francisco to be greeted by sorrowing next of
Truman Declares Peace
With Russians Possible

Will Lecture,
On Monday
Vice-Admiral Jerauld Wright of
the U.S. Navy will speak on "The
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion" at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in
the Rackham Lecture Hall as the
second lecture in the University
Summer Session series on "The
United States in the World Crisis."
Wright is deputy U.S. represen-
tative to the Standing Group,
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion, at Washington.
- 0
A VETERAN of both world
wars, he has served in the Atlan-
tic and Pacific oceans as well as
in the Mediterranean Sea. He is a
holder of many medals for his
achievements, including the Dis-
tinguished Service Medal, the
Army Legion of Merit, the Silver
Star Medal and the Bronze Star
He has been naval aide to
both the late President Calvip
Coolidge and the former Pres-
ident Herbert Hoover.
During World War II he served
on the staff of General Dwight D.
Eisenhower. He was in temporary
command of the British submar-
ine Seraph when it evacuated
Henri Giraud and other French
officers from La Fosette in South-
ern France.
A native of Amherst, Mass.,
Wright was graduated from the
Naval Academy at Annapolis in
String Quartet
To Perform
The Stanley Quartet will pre-
sent its first concert of the sum-
mer session at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The Quartet members will play
three numbers: "Quartet in F ma-
jor, Op. 77, No. 2" by Haydn;
"Quintet, Op. 47 for piano, two
violins, viola and cello" by Wal-
lingford Riegger, and "Quartet in
G major, Op. 161" by Schubert.
Besides the three regular mem-
bers, Gilbert Ross, violin; Emil
Raab, violin; Oliver Edel, cello;
L Robert Courte, violist, will make
his first appearance with the string
quartet. Mr. Courte is a recently
appointed lecturer in viola and
chamber music at the University.
rra C nm,. ril O'm v tu+,n nthas,

Field Remains in Jail;
Fails To Put Up Bail

NEW YORK - JM - Frederick'
Vanderbilt Field, millionaire "an-
gel" of Red activities, still was
jailed on a contempt of court
charge yesterday for lack of $1% .
000 bail.
The 46-year-old Secretary of the
Civil Rights Congress Bail Fund
faced the prospect of spending the
whole weekend there unless his
attorneys could raise the money.
Their task was difficult because
Britain Moves
To Carry out
Court Order
TEHRAN, Iran -(P) - Britain
pursued a faint hope yesterday
that Iran might accept the Hague
court plan to keep the great Aba-
dan refinery in operation pending
a settlement of their oil dispute.
The Iranians, in the wake of
nationalist demonstrations rang-
ing from civilian violence in this
capital in the North to military
displays in the oil capital of Aba-
dan on the Persian Gulf, all but
shut the door on conciliation ef-
forts. The Iranian foreign office
said the World Court action lack-
ed validity.
The International Court of Jus-
tice at the Hague two days ago
asked Iran to stay her oil nation-
alization program.
The court proposed continued
operation of the billion-dollar An-
glo-Iranian Oil Company plant
under a board of two Britons, two
Iranians and a neutral member.
Revenues would be impounded for
allotment'after a final settlement.
Britain's move was in the form
of a note delivered by Ambassador°
Sir Francis Shepherd. It said the
British will nominate their two
board members soon and asked
Iran to follow suit.
SL To Hold
Open Meeting
The growth of student govern-
ment will be the subject of the
firtue n LiEni n1r pn m.- -

banks and safe deposit vaults were
closed until tomorrow.
A court order barred them
from getting the bond from the
Civil Rights Congress which is
listed as subversive by the At-
torney General.
It was the first the 46-year-old
great great grandson of financier
Cornelius Vanderbilt ever spent in
Mrs. Mary Kaufman, a counsel
for the Civil Rights Congress, vis-
ited him yesterday morning and
his wife visited him briefly during
the afternoon.
days by Federal Judge Sylvester
J. Ryan for refusing to tell who
provided the bail fund with $80,000
bond for four convicted American
Communist leaders who subse-
quently jumped bail.
Soon after the bespectacled
Harvard graduate was taken in
handcuffs from the courtroom to
the Federal House of Detention,
his attorneys obtained a writ au-
thorizing his release in $10,000
temporary bail pending his appeal.
Top Passenger
Train Wrecks
UTICA, ILL.-(,P)-The Sante Fe
Railway's El Capitan, fast Chicago
to Los Angeles passenger train, was
wrecked last night a mile east of
First reports were that about 25
passengers were injured when the
all-coach train left the tracks and
piled up in a swampy area about
75 miles west of Chicago.

Truman told the Russian Govern-
ment yesterday "there will be no
war" if the Russian people can
learn "the peace aims of the
American people and government."
"The peoples of both our coun-
tries know from personal exper-
ience the horror and misery of
war," he said in a message to Nik-
olai Mikhailovich Shvernik, Presi-
dent of the Presidium of the Su-
preme Soviet.
"They abhor the thought of fu-
ture conflict which they know
would be waged by means of the
most hideous .weapons in the his-
tory of mankind."
Mr. Truman sent the message to
Moscow with a resolution Congress
adopted last month, expressing
the friendship and goodwill of the
American people for all peoples,
including the Russian. Congress
asked him to ask the Russian Gov-
Report Stalin' s
Health Waning
LONDON - (A') -'rhe Sunday
Dispatch said last night that
Prime Minister Stalin's health is
declining steadily and that a sharp
struggle among his would-be suc-
cessors is taking place in the
The newspaper, an independent
conservative publication owned by
Lord Rothermere, said Stalin's
health has been one of the main
reasons for the decision to "liqui-
date" the Korean war, while the
Kremlin is "internally weakened
by a struggle for Stalin's job."
The Sunday Dispatch did not
disclose the source of its informa-

ernment to make the resolution
known to its people, and Mr. Tru-
man did so.
His request was made politely
and in humanitarian terms. How-
ever, his reference to "the most
hideous weapons" could be read in
Moscow to mean that if the U.S.
is forced into another war it will
be prepared to use atomic wea-
Attlee Urges
No Let-down
In Armament
LONDON-(P)--Prime Minister
Clement Attlee said yesterday an
end to the Korean War may lead
to an era of peace but he warned
that Britain's rearmament re-
mains "necessary and vital and
we have to go on with it."
He told an All Wales Labor
Rally at Newton that a cease-fire
in Korea would not solve the
Korean problem.
BUT THE beginning of talks is
a hopeful sign," he said. "If we
can get a reasonable settlement
there, there is hope that other
difficult problems may yield to
discussion and reason instead of
brute force.
"But at the present time we
have that menace and we can-
not afford not to be adequately
Two of his Cabinet Ministers
told other Labor and Cooperative
Society rallies that Britain must
push ahead with its new arms
program to safeguard its defense.

* * *
Tangle with
Red Planes
QUARTERS, Korea-(IP)-Fifty or
more Allied and Red jets battled
at 20,000 feet over North Korea
yesterday, but the opposing ground
forces merely checked on each
other's intentions pending truce
talks at Kaesong.
Over Sinanju, 40 miles north of
Pyongyang, 25 to 30 Red MIG-15
jets clashed briefly with 24 U.S.
F-86 Sabre jets, then fled North
across the Manchurian border.
Pilots of pursuing Sabres said they
damaged two MIGs before they
could cross the Yalu River boun-
dary line.
While negotiators headed for
talks near Korea's 38th Parallel
aimed at arranging a cease-fire
parley, ground patrols moved war-
ily into a no-man's land across
the 100-mile front.
The allied patrols were on the
alert for any signs of Red build-
ups during any negotiations.
Yesterday, United Nations pa-
trols moved almost at will around
the Chorwon-Kumhwa-Pyongyang
triangle area in Central Korea.
This was one of two sectors where
the Reds last had been reported
The other was in Western Korea
round Yongchon, northeast of
the Kaesong negotiation site.
Over in the East-central sector,
there were three small close-quar-
ter clashes yesterday lasting five
to 15 minutes, a pooled dispatch
May Increase
may add six more divisions, it
was learned yesterday.
Defense Department officials are
considering calling two or three
more National Guard Divisions in-
to Federal service late this fall or
early next year. However, they
have not decided on this finally
nor have they tentatively tagged
any of the 21 ground divisions of
the Guard still remaining under
state control for a call-up.

. talks next week, possibly beginning
(Peiping radio announced the
Communist negotiators arrived at
Kaesong yesterday afternoon dur-
ing a temporary Allied ban on
bombing and strafing the 130-mile
route from Pyongyang to Kae-
THE SITE of the historic meet-
ing is three miles south of Par-
allel 38 in Western Korea. Kae-
song, normally with a population
of 45,000, was ancient Korea's
capital for 400 years until 1300
A.D. Kaesong is 35 miles north-
west of Seoul.
It lies amid rolling hills in som,
of the prettiest country on the
rugged Asiatic peninsula.
Two large green 'copters carry-
ing the Allied envoys took off on
the 11-air mail flight at 5:50 p.m.,
EST, yesterday.
The flight, under normal con-
ditions, would require less than
15 minutes. An unnamed Air
Force general said more than
an hour later that no word of
the Allied mission's arrival at
Kaesong was expected.
Hence, it was presumed at the
advance base the flight had been
The Allied officers are Col. An-
drew J. Kinney of the U.S. Air
Force, Col. James C. Murray of
the U.S. Marine Corps, and Lt.
Col. Soo Young Lie of the South
Korean Army.
Their identities were kept se-
cret until a few minutes before
their departure.
* * *
TODAY'S MEETING is intend-
ed to arrange for higher-level
armistice talks at Kaesong. These
may begin next Tuesday, as re-
quested by the Reds and agreed
to tentatively by the United Na-
However, a definite date for the
high command sessions may de-
pend on the outcome of today's'
The pre-arranged schedule call-
ed for both parties to be on hand
for the meeting some time after
6 p.m. EST yesterday.
The Allied high command lifted
a ban last midnight on Allied
planes, freeing them to attack the
Pyongyang-Kaesong road to with-
in five miles of the meeting site.
The Red delegation thus had been
given 19 hours of immunity from
air attack in which to cover 130
miles of bomb-cratered highway.
Seventy-one war correspon-
dents gathered at a press camp
to cover the developments. The
army would allow none to go
beyondan advanced base camp.
No newsmen were allowed to
approach the Kaesong area.
High officials in Washington
said the shooting in Korea may
go on for two, three or even four
weeks after the preliminary meet-
They discounted any idea that
peace would settle immediately
over the bloody Asiatic battle-
Nnwppr tem + fi n.at 4+Faap-

Rice Claims Library Hours Not Inflexible

The shortened library hours
have been made necessary by the
recent budget cut, but they are
not inflexible and will be changed
if student protests indicate they
are unduly handicapping academic
work, according to the Director of
the Library. Prof. Warner G. Rice.

sentment among the student body
about cutting library services.
"What I fear is that the stu-
dents will have to riot in front
of the library some Sunday to
convince University officials
that there is any widespread
protest," Wilcox said.
Ti in t n ..+t+e+Sbua+,, -crc-

The Graduate Council will de-
cide in its meeting tomorrow whe-
ther or not it will take formal ac-
tion to have the library hours al-
tered or extended.
Prof. Rice, in explaining the
reduced hours, pointed out that
some students are actually bene-

open for just study purposes was University funds by the State Leg-
an extremely expensive way to islature report.
provide study facilities. * * *
A check of campus reaction in- A UNIVERSITY spokesman
dicates that most students have stated that cuts have been made
only suffered inconvenience from in almost all departments of the
the restricted library service. How- University, although it was im-
ever, many students feel that their possible to distribute them pro-
lih-rnrw ,nr hc' hc* ca r , ,,+fnr+nnrtinnonl,

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