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July 07, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-07

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Vegetarian Claims Meat Causes World Troubles
* * ** * *4*




Garr Osterhouse, a tall, hearty,
bronzed man with long white hair
and a straggly white beard, who
left the Netherlands fifty years
ago and now lives in Kalamazoo,
is a celery seller who really puts
his heart in his work.
Osterhouse, whose deceptively
youthful energy brings him to Ann
Arbor several times a week, has
been a vegetarian for the past 30
of his 73 years.
"I'VE SEEN HOW meat makes
lions and tigers angry," Oster-
house explained. "In the army
they feed the soldiers large
amounts of meat so that they will
become angry and fight better.
It is the lambs who eat grass that
are peaceful. As long as people
refuse to realize this, we will con-
tinue to have wars," he said.
The flowing hair and beard,
which provide his wrinkled face
with the appearance of an old
world sage, and the practice of
vegetarianism, are an outgrowth
of an event which entirely
changed the life of the former
Dutch sailor. Ever since his con-
version 30 years ago, he has
neither eaten meat, fish nor
chicken nor drunk coffee, tea
nor alcoholic beverages.
"Before, I ignored God's teach-
ings. Now I follow them. I am no
longer able to hate. If men were
not capable of hating there would
be no war," Osterhouse said.
Each morning, he drives to De-
troit to sell his celery and then
fills his truck with other produce
and delivers it to markets and res-
taurants in the towns on the road
back to Kalamazoo.
He drives a black and silver
truck on which are painted quota-
tions from the Bible. "Obey the
Ten Commandments" is plastered
on the front bumper and on the
sides of the vehicle are lettered

-Daily-James Butt
VEGETARIAN VENDOR-Garr Osterhouse sells his celery and brings the Word of God to his cus-
tomers at the same time, through4the Biblical statements which adorn his truck. A vegetarian, Os-
terhouse believes wars will end when men stop eating meat, which makes them fierce. We will all be
as gentle as lambs when we eat what they do-vegetables, he claims.

the Ten Commandments and oth-
er phrases from the Bible.
* b* *
"I DON'T need signs to tell peo-
ple that I sell celery. It's the
teachings of God that need ad-
vertising, not my celery. People
can tell that's what I sell by the
smell," he asserted.
"It is not enough to believe,"
Osterhouse explained. "You
must also bring the -truth to

"If you have a sweetheart whom
you love, you like to tell everyone
about him and how wonderful he
is. The Bible says that you should
love God above all. So I cover my
truck with the wishes and com-
mandments of God," Osterhouse,
the evangelist in work-stained ov-
eralls, says to all who gather curi-
ously around the truck containing
his produce.
Osterhouse has held firmly to
his religious convictions even in

the face of occasional ridicule.
"People call me 'Moses,' 'Jesus,'
'Uncle Sam,' 'Whiskers,' and
Goat.' Every once in a while, some
little boy or girl asks me if I am
Santa Claus. But I don't care if
they make fun of me. I have pa-
tience. I go to school. The Bible is
my book. People ought to take a
little time off from making mon-
ey and war and do what the Bible
says," he concluded.

Katona Ties
Psycho logy
Psychological factors play as
important a role in an individual's
economic behavior as they do in
the way a person votes, thinks and
gets along with his wife or em-
ployer, according to Prof. George
Katona, director of the Survey Re-
search Center.
Prof. Katona explained that a
real understanding of spending,
saving and investing habits must
take into account the economic
attitudes, expectations and inten-
tions of the consumer and the
business man.
* * *
AUTHOR OF A new book on the
psychological analysis of economic
behavior, Prof. Katona is the first
authority to publish a work in-
tegrating the fields of psychology
and economics. The purpose of
the book is to show that economic
processes are more easily compre-
hended if the human factors and
the psychology of decision and
action are studied.
The new approach of applying
the principles of psychology and
economics to business activities of
both the consumer and the bus-
inessman may be developed in the
future to a point that will be use-
ful in forecasting business trends,
Prof. Katona maintains.
He indicated that prediction
may be accomplished by further
development of the research
method employing the "sample
interview survey" techniques.
This technique, which involves
personal interviewing of a small
group of persons selected at ran-
dom through complicated scienti-
fic procedures, enables researchers
to study "microeconomics," or the
economic behavior of a small sam-
ple of persons that represents the
activity of a larger group, Prof.
I Katona points out in his book.
* * *
EXAMPLES illustrating how the
sample survey technique was em-
ployed in past economic studies
are contined in the book. Another
of the main features of the work
is an extensive treatment of in-
flation and price control from a
psychological point of view.
For instance, surveys in 1949
of people's expectations and buy-
ing intentions for that year cor-
rectly revealed that there would
not be a severe drop-off of con-
sumer purchases.
The consumer finances survey of
early 1950, on the other hand,
showed that there would be a de-
cline in consumer's buying activi-
teis, which is evident at the pres-
ent time, Prof. Katona declared.
Prof. Katona emphasizes that
his book is not written for the
"scholar alone," but for "everyone
who is interested in what is going
on in present-day American eco-
nomic life."
Prize Pupil
SLOUGH, Eng. - () - Joseph
Davies, 26 years old, who went
back to show his old schoolteacher
how he was doing, was fined $5.60
yesterday for stealing her hand-
bag on the way out.

A full program of summer acti-
vities, ranging from picnic suppers
to prayer meetings, is being plan-
ned by nine student religious
The Canterbury Club will have
an outdoor recreational program
at 3:30 p.m. every Sunday, fol-
lowed by a supper and a speaker.
Tomorrow's speaker will be Ada
May Ames, the group's counsellor
for women.
* *I *
by breakfast, will be held at 7 a.m.
Wednesdays and Fridays, and at
9 a.m. Sundays. A Bible study
group will meet at 8 p.m. Thurs-
Open houses will be held at 7:30
p.m. Wednesdays at the chaplain's
home, 702 Tappan, and from 4
p.m. to 6 p.m. Fridays at the Can-
terbury House, 218 N. Division. All
meetings except the Wednesday
open houses will be at the Can-
terbury House.
The Congregational Disciples
Guild's Sunday evening programs
will begin at 6 p.m. with supper
at the Memorial Christian
Church, corner of Hill and Tap-
pan, followed by a speaker and
a short worship service.
Informal teas will be held from
4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays at
the Guild House, 438 Maynard.
A "fireside without the fire" will
be held at 7:30 p.m. tonight and
on other Saturday evenings at the
Guild House. Tonight's speakers
will be Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rey-
nolds, recently returned from Chi-
na, who will talk about their ex-
periences in the Orient.
The Guild plans to have a re-
creational program every Friday
night. Next Friday's will be a
watermelon hike to begin at 8
p.m. at the Guild House.
open houses from 8 p.m. to 12
p.m. every Friday at 503 E. Wil-
liam. The club rooms will be open
every evening.
Masses will be held at 7 a.m.
and 8 a.m. Mondays through Sat-
urdays, and at 8, 9 and 11:30 a.m.
Sundays, at St. Mary's Student
Chapel, E. William and Thomp-
son. Wednesday night benediction
services will be at 7:30 p.m.
Instruction in the Catholic
faith will be available every eve-
ning by appointment.
The Wesleyan Guild will meet
at 5:30 p.m. Sundays at 602 E.
Huron for supper and singing,
followed by an hour-long wor-
ship period starting at 6:45 p.m.
A discussion group will meet
from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sun-
days. Tomorrow morning it will

consider "What is God and the
nature of God?"
* * *
Organization will meet at 7:30
p.m. Tuesdays at Lane Hall.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club, will hold Bible class-
es at 5:30 p.m. and suppers at
6 p.m. Sundays at 1511 Wash-
tenaw. Christian symbolism will
be discussed at tomorrow's meet-
The group also plans a candle-
light vesper service and several
outings for later this summer.
The Lutheran Student Associa-
tion will begin Sundays with
breakfast at 8:30 a.m. and a Bible
class at 9:10 a.m., at its center at
1304 Hill.
Supper, followed by a program,
will be held at 5:30 p.m. Sundays
at the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall,
corner of Washington and S.
Fifth. Tomorrow night, Prof.
George Mendenhall, guest Pro-
fessor in Near East studies, will
speak on archaeological discover-
ies in the Bible.
Tea and coffee hours will be
held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wed-
nesdays at the center.
The Roger Williams (Baptist)
Guild will alternate between
swimming parties and outdoor
discussion meetings Sundays.
Beginning next Saturday, the
Guild will have a bi-weekly picnic
supper and discussion. On the odd
weeks, there will be planned Fri-
day night parties at the Guild
House, 502 E. Huron.
Teas will be held from 4:30 p.m.
to 6 p.m. every Wednesday at the
Guild House.
The Michigan Christian Fel-
lowship, composed of students of
all Christian faiths, will hold Bible
study meetings at 7:30 p.m. Fri-
days, and discussion meetings at 4
p.m. Sundays. Tomorrow, Vern
Terpstra, last year's president,
will speak on "Who is Jesus
Prayer meetings are held by the
Fellowship at 12:10 p.m. and 4:10
p.m. Mondays through Fridays.
All meetings are at Lane Hall.
Seattle Greets
Korean Veterans
SEATTLE-(JP)-A shipload of
combat veterans arrived from
Korea yesterday just as another
transport loaded troops bound for
the war zone.
The 2,845 veterans who returned
on the transport Marine Lynx got
a boisterous welcome. Jet planes
flew overhead. Models clad in
white bathing suits waved from
the pier.
Fifty yards away a long line of
fatigue-clad s o 1 d i e r s silently
boarded the transport M. C. meigs,
bound for the Korean area as re-

Summer Activities Planned
By Religious Organizations

New Yank
At Oxford
0P)-Alfred E. Perkins, '08, breez-
ed in yesterday from Denver,
Colo., to become a Yank at Ox-
ford-at the age of 66.
The former steel executive, a
graduate of the University, plans
to spend a year at Oxford study-
ing English history.
ness became official July 1, and
he told newsmen who greeted his
liner, "It seemed going to Oxford
would be a nice way of taking the
impact of stopping work after all
those years.
"I believe that after a year of
leisurely study and travel, I
won't miss the activity of my
working day," Perkins said.
"The main reason I wanted to
go to Oxford was because my fore-
bears were English. In addition, I
have been interested in English
history all my life. So far I have
had little or no opportunity to.
study it."
Perkins is an ardent angler and
golfer, but he left his clubs and
fishing tackle at home.
"I AM taking this business seri-
ously," h'e explained.
The elderly student said he had
promised his friends in Denver to
avoid acquiring the famous Ox-
ford accent.
"But," he said, "I may pick up
just enough accent so that I can
tell English jokes better than I do
Prof. Arnold
Will Present
Recital Here
Prof. Heinz Arnold, guest or-
ganist from Stephens College, and
Fred Thompson, Grad., are sched&
uled to give recitals at 4:15 p.m.
on July 11 and July 15 respective-
ly in Hill Auditorium.
Prof. Arnold's recital will in-
clude works by Strunck, Brahms,
Reger, Zachau and Bach; "Noel
in D Minor" by Daquin; and "Po-
emes Evalgeliques" by Jean Lang-
lais. His program will be open t
the public,
Presented in partial fulfillmein
of the requirements for his Mis-
ter of Music degree, Thompson's
organ recital will include "Pre-
lude and Fugus in E Major" by
Lubeck; "Sonata I" by Hinde-
mith; "Passacaglia and Fugue in
C Minor" by Bach; and others.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

Prof. Angell
Explains Low
Crime Rates
Cities in which the leaders know
what the common people are
thinking show a low rate of crime
a n d delinquency, according to
Prof. Robert C Angell, chairman
of the sociology department.
"The efforts of schools and
churches to promote community
responsibility is also an important
factor in lowering crime rates,"
Prof. Angell writes in a supplement
to the July issue of the American
Journal of Sociology entitled, "The
-Moral Integration of American Ci-
* * *
IN1940 Prof. Angell became in-
terested in the problem of why
some cities have fewer delinquen-
cies than others and began a study
of four key cities in the East Cen-
tral part of the United States. He
was aided in his analysis by the
University Survey Research Center
and a large grant from the Hor-
ace H. Rackham Foundation.
In this preliminary study, Prof.
Angell set up an index of integra-
tion and found that two causes for
disorganization in the city are:
the continuous movement of peo-
ple in and out of the city and the
great mixture of races and na-
The analysis of the four cities
was temporarily halted by World
War II but Prof. Angell and his
staff carried on after the war by
studying the differences in leader-
ship and organization in the vari-
ous cities. They found that the
right pattern of leadership, cou-
pled with efforts of schools and
churches to encourage good citi-
zenship, had more influence on
lowering crime than any other fac-
tor including the effects of news-
papers and labor unions.
Navy Helicopter'
Used in Rescue
helicopter instructor used his
windmill-type plane as a "blower"
yesterday to save three men from
possible drowing in Escambia Bay.
The pilot, R. C. Hamilton, 27
years old, of San Diego, Calif.,
was on a practice flight when he
noticed a small boat drifting away
from three men thrashing about
in bay waters.
* * *
HAVING NO rescue equipment
aboard, he swung the helicopter
around on the opposite side of the
boat. Gusts of wind churned up
by the blades blew the craft back
to the trio.
The three, all navy reservists
on active duty at Ellyson Field,
climbed in. Hamilton churned up
some more wind to get the boat

Ninety-three All 'A' Students Announced
For Past Semester by Registrar's Office

The Registrar's Office has is-
sued the names of those students
who received all 'A' records for the
past semester.
In the College of Architecture
and Design, William A. Werner,
'52, was the only student to ob-
tain the perfect record.
IN THE School of Music, Robert
A. Elson, Grad.; Theodore O.
Johnson, Jr., '51; Richard D. Mil-
ler, Grad.; Norman Rost; Richard
D. Skyrm, Grad.; and Anne K.
Stevenson, '54, received all A rec-
In the School of Natural Re-
sources, Henry H. Galusha; John
A. Kadlec, '52; and Edward S.
Parker, '52.
In the College of Pharmacy,
Shirley A. Swinson, '52; and
Donald S. Wyss, '51.
In the School of Public Health,
George W. Comstock, '51; Jose
Cuyegkeng, '51; Robert W. Eddy,
'51; Marjorie E. Lyford, '51; Glenn
E. Spurlock, '51;- and Raphael B.
Watts, '51.
IN THE College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, 75 students
achieved perfect records. They
Royal Pair Asked
To Visit Detroit
WINDSOR-(IP)-Mayor Arthur
J. Reaume yesterday invited Bri-
tish Princess Elizabeth and Prince
Philip to include Detroit as well
as Windsor in their tour of Cana-
da this fall.
Such a gesture, he said, would
do much to strengthen the "friend-
ship which already exists between
our two peoples locally."
Mayor Reaume made the state-
ment in a letter of thanks to Prin-
cess Elizabeth for her reply to his
previously cabled invitation to
come to Windsor.

Elizabeth F. Ainslie, '51; Wil-
liam S. Allen, Jr., '54; Thomas R.
Arp, '54; Helen R. Beatson; Neil
N. Bernstein, '54.
The list continues with Frank
N. Blanchard, '53; Nancy L. Bon-
vouloir, '54; Herbert Boothroyd,
Jr., '52; Ernest G. Brookfield, '52;
Jessie A. Brunton; Mona J. Buck-
ingham, '51; James M. Clark,
Grad.; Sally M. Colberg, '53; Ken-
neth R. Dorner, '53; James E.
Douglas, Jr.; Susan Dwan.
Harry A. Easom, '54; Lea Eisner,'
'53; William W. Filler, '51;! Ross
L. Finney, III, '54; John C. Fon-
taine, '53; Victor W. Gladstone,
'53; June C. Granstrom, '54; Mil-
ton M.Green, '52; Earle I.lHam-
mer, '54; Frances R. Hill, '54;
Joyce A. Hoeper,s'53; Robert W.
Holloway, '54.
Others are Margaret J. Huebsh-
man, '52; John B. Huntington,
'52; Gail R. Hyman, '54; Berne
Railroad Accident
DENVER-(P)-A $25,000 ship-
ment of small bills was scattered
for miles along the Union Pacific
railroad tracks north of Fort Lup-
ton, Colo., in a freak accident.
But, disclosing the fact yester-
day, Chief Postal Inspector R. B.
Dunbar said more than $24,000 of
the currency has been recovered
by a small army of inspectors, po-
lice, and railroad agents.
The currency was strewn along
the tracks when a mail pouch,
thrown from the speeding City of
St. Louis streamliner was sucked
back under the wheels in Fort
Lupton Tuesday.
Ironically, the pouch also con-
tained some letter mail salvaged
from the crash Saturday west of
Fort Collins of a United Air Lines

L. Jacobs, Jr., '53; David P. Jahs-
man; Robert F. Johnston, '54;
Kathleen E. Keely, '53; Doreen S.
Kollenberg, '54; Lawrence B.
Krause, '51; Robert Layton, '51;
Naomi F. Lemkey, '54; Geoige W.
Leney, Grad.; Rita J. Levine;
Douglas C. Long, '54; John L. Mc-
Knight, '53; Merritt W. Major.
CHARLES E. MAYS, '51; John
D. Milligan; Robert W. Moulton,
'52; George H. Musselman; Don-
ald F. Nelson; Martha B. North-
rup; Marion L. Nowlin, '54; Dun-
can Osborne, '53; Carl A. Pohly,
'52; Edward H. Poindexter, '52;
Vidyut Prakash; Irving Rash, '52;
John E. Riecker, '52.
Paul G. Rohlfing, '52; Alvin J.
Rosenstein, '53; James A. Sell-
gren; Sanford D. Shanblait; '53;
David G. Shappirio, '51; William
B. Stason, '53; Jeremiah G. Tur-
cotte, '54; Arthur G. Waltz, '52;
William G. Warren, '52; Robert B.
Weaver, '54; Suzanne White, '54;
Susan J. Wilcox, '52.
Nanette M. Wilhelmi, '51; How-
ard P. Willens, '53; Joah C. Wil-
lens, '51; Joyce J. Winter, '53; Joy
A. Xenis, '53; Barbara J. Yeo-
mans, Spec.


Si~~tt fT6~

This Ottoman Topper-
Black or Navy

*~~*~ * *r *
We 'want
to educate
For your own safety and conven-
ience, take a lesson from us. Learn
to use Traveler's Checks. They are

1 $25

f lr

(National Lutheran Council)
1304 Hill Street
Dr. Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
9:10 A.M.: Bible Class at the Center.
10:30 A.M.: Services in Zion & Trinity Churches.
Note: Communion Service at Zion.
5:30 P.M.: LSA meeting in Zion Parish Hall--
Dr. George Mendenhall will speak on "Archaeo-
logical Discoveries and the Bible."
4-6:00 P.M.: Tea and Coffee Hour at the Center.
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
- Subject-"Sacrament."
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
Ths room is open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 1.1 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Fridays 7-9
P. M., Saturday 3-5 P.M.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Phone 3-4332
10:00 A.M.: Morning Worship, Rev. Leonard
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service, Rev. Verduin.

11:00 A.M.: Sundays. Visitors welcome.
University Community Center Chapel
Willow Run
Reverend Blaise Levai, Pastor
Sunday, July 8th, 1951
10:45 A.M.: Divine Worship. Sermon "The Goal
of Life."
10:45 A.M.: Church School and Nursery.
120 South State Street
Dwight S. Large, Erland J. Wangdahl,
Eugene Ransom, Ministers
10:45 A.M.: Worship, "Remember Who You Are,"
Rev. Wangdohl preaching.
5:30 P.M.: Student Supper and Social Hour.
6:45 P.M.: Vespers.
Welcome to Wesley Foundation Rooms, Open Daily
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill at Tappan Street
Rev. Joseph M. Smith, Minister
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
Frances Farrar, Organist
9:45 A.M.: Morning Worship and Church School.
Sermon: Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Reynolds, re-
cently returned from China.
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Director
STUDENT GUILD: Saturday, 7:30-9:00 at the
Guild House; discussion with Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Reynolds.
Sunday: 6:00 supper at the church. Prof. Roger
Heyns will talk on "Our Changing Sex Mor-

Dusters, too, of taffeta,
Failes from 12.95
of Denim, 8.95
Pique, short waist length
Toppers, 7.95
Linen at 5.00

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