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July 06, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-06

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_______________ ___i__ts__________ti____________________


Views on the Iranian Crisis

The Sound of Drums


~ObMAY, when your schedule is rigidly
packed for the first time in months with
no room for a single interruption; some
place, where you have finally discovered a
nook completely inacessible to all mortals-
you will be confronted by the perennial
nemesis known as the newspaperman.
If you haven't met him before, you will
probably loudly proclaim your displeasure
with his presence. You will deal with him as
a feather-brained obstacle to your pursuit of
life, liberty and happiness. When he persists
In plagueing you about some completely in-
consequential state of affairs, he will take
on all the characteristics of a persecuting
"Fortunately, this needn't happen to you"
--at least your reaction needn't be the same.
But Dale Carnegie or a new deodorant won't
As a citizen, you should be as well in-
formed of the functions and operations of
the newspaper as of government. For the
newspapermen who calls on you is of as
great importance to you and your com-
munity as the representative in Washing-
ton that you never see.
He is, of course, a very powerful individual.
By a slip of the typewriter, he may initiate
a trend in public opinion.
His task is both difficult and delicate. He
Is responsible for the transmission of the
day's Intelligence to the citizen. In his pro-
fessional role, he is interested in you only
in-so-far as you can contribute to that in-
telligence. When you are given the oppor-
tunity to do so, it is your obligation to aid
his readers in their reception of events.
Hollywood won't help you. The newspa-
perman is not a stereotype. His relationship
with you will vary as widely as the range
of human personalities. But two basic in-
gredients of his outlook 'mark him as a
member of the fourth estate. He is looking
for a story andd he is primarily concerned
with you as a contributor to that story and
a possible contact for other stories.
IT is essential that you should assist him as
readily as you would aid the public in-
terest. In an era which has seen the growth
of government to almost fantastic propor-
tions, the newspaperman has accordingly
grown in importance. He is not only the
recorder of the increasingly complex makings
of history but the watchdog of the conflict
between your interests and the interests of
the governing powers.
He is a public agent and operates on the
basis of public trust. He is a servant who
is not bound by the whims of sectional,
constitutencies but is protected by the
Constitution as a guardian of the demo-
oratic code.
You depend on him for the basis of your
opinions-the contemporary flow of news.
He depends on you as you are related to
important events. It is your responsibility
to live up to your end of this mutual trust.
In dealing with the newspaperman, it is
difficult for you to determine his imme-
diate objectives because you are not as
skilled in the business of pressured, com-
pact writing. What he uses of what you
say may come as a surprise because his con-
cept of significance and Irrelevance is part
of a highly specialized profession.
But you are obligated as a citizen to com-
municate your observations and opinions to
the reporter. If you refuse to say anything,
that fact may be reported. As an isolated
fact, it may easily lead the readers to mis-
interpret your motives for maintaining si-
lence. The editorialist may expand your at-
titude into a whole column of mistaken the-
Sunup is the newspaperman's hour of tr-
umph. Remember it the day before.
-Barnes Connable
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

WASHINGTON-U.S. officials have made
some alarming statements about the
Iranian oil crisis. But the real fact is that
privately they are even more alarmed than
they indicate in their public statements.
There are three reasons for this worry:
1. If Iranian oil is cut off, it will mean
gasoline rationing in the United States. For
Iranian oil now supplies England, France,
Western Europe, is vital for North Atlantic
Pact rearmament. If this supply stops, the
U.S.A. will have to take up part of the slack
and we are already importing oil at the rate
of one million barrels a day.
2. What Moscow wants most is revolution
and unrest in Iran, thereby giving the Com-
munists an opportunity to take over. With,
British oil royalties cut off, this is more
likely to happen.
3. Trouble in oil countries is contagious.
The Iranian shutout of the British could re-
sult in an.Iraquian shutout, then one in
Arabia. Already trouble is brewing in these
areas. The great oil country of Venezuela
could get the nationalization urge too.
Inside fact about the Iranian dispute is
that the State Department was warned of
the situation months ago and in turn warned
the British. Justice William O. Douglas,
who during two summers rode all over Iran
on horseback, reported to the White House
that a disastrous storm was brewing. Doug-
las also made public speeches urging action
before it was too late.
The State Department in turn called in
British Ambassador Franks and Assistant
Secretary George McGhee gave him about
as tough a dressing-down as it is possible to
give a friendly diplomat. This took place
last winter when there was still time to act.
One trouble was that Britain was slow in
increasing its royalty payments to Iran.
Whereas American oil companies in Arabia
paid 50 per cent, Britain paid around 25
per cent.
Another trouble was that the $25,000,000
Export-Import Bank loan which we offered
Iran was aimed to improve standards of liv-
ing, thus heading off Communism. But the
feudal lords of Iran, who really run the
country, were flatly opposed to building
schools, or dividing up the landed estates-
even with American money.
Third trouble is that it's difficult in dip-
lomatic relations to force an ally such as
England to increase oil royalties, even
though the trouble resulting from its failure
may result in gasoline rationing in the
U.S.A. Likewise it's difficult to get the rulers
of Iran to reform their land system even
though lack of reform may bring on Com-
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
IThe Weekend 1

W ASHINGTON - The circumspection of
the White House-State Department
comments on the Iranian oil crisis are an
earnest indication of their anxiety to be
helpful. President Truman was careful not
to appear to be reading into the Iranian
Premier's personal letter to him more than
was there, and he said plainly this did not
include a request for him to act as mediator.
Should the United States be asked to me-
diate however it has two of its foremost
public figures ready, able and willing-a
Supreme Court Justice and a member of
the President's Cabinet.
Justice William O. Douglas has for sev-
eral years devoted his vacations t the
Middle East and their common people. In-
stead of embassy-visiting he has spent his
time in villages and on horseback and
mountain climbing expeditions with the
Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman
has made himself an expert on international
oil problems since he took over management
of the Petroleum Administration for De-
fense following the Red invasion of Korea.
it has in fact been Mr. Chapman's duty
since the Iranian crisis arose to make plans
to supply U.S. allies with the oil they may
not now be able to get from the Abadan re-
finery. His figures and tentative arrange-
ments to switch some of our foreign oil
supply, mainly from Venezuela, are in order.
* * *
THIS BACKGROUND possessed by Justice
Douglas and Secretary Chapman is of
course very important. But what makes
them naturals in the Iranian situation and
should inspire that fermenting country to
regard them with unusual confidence is
their long records of social and political lib-
eralism, their proved devotion to the welfare
of the individual.
Reports from Iran say that the Britis
fell down because they under-estimated the
unrest of the Iranian masses who are so
viciously poor and hungry-an unrest now
fanned into the present danger to Western
defenses. Iran's fractional minority of very
rich are its oppressors to a far greater de-
gree than the British were or could be; nev-
ertheless, the British are described as having
missed the boat when they did not cooperate
with the liberal elements who tried to im-
prove the situation of the people.
Justice Douglas has many times tried to
warn America about this situation. He has
called for a foreign policy aimed not at
putting down revolutions after they start
but at the conditions of poverty and hun-
ger which produce those revolutions. He
has talked specifically of Iran and its
Middle East neighbors.
Both he and Mrs. Douglas are en route
now to that area for a vacation.
Although both the Justice and Secretary
occupy a place high enough to give any mis-
sion they undertake the most luminous pres-
tige of the government and White House,
they have unstarched, direct personalities.
This is frankly another reason why inter-
ested quarters would like to see the Presi-
dent go outside the State Department and
pick one or both to do the mediation job if
it is offered to this country by Iran. Still
another is that the State Department is con-
sidered pro-British in many chancelleries
and the British are the other party at in-
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

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President's Fourth of July
Talk Seen as More Realistic
Associated Press News Analyst
THE PRESIDENT TRUMAN who spoke July 4 of the continuing
dangers faced by the United States is a more realistic President
than the one who for a long time kept reiterating his hopes for peace
and saying, in the old phrase of the faddists, that the world gets better
and better.
If any reliance can be placed at all on rearmament and col-
lective security to attain peace, then peace prospects are better
now. But there has been a lack of qualification, a failure to am-
plify, in some of the President's brief press conference comments
on the subject which very probably has contributed to lack of de-
cision in the public mind.
On Independence Day, however, the President got down to bed
rock. He finally got around to toil, sweat and tears.
The threat of Soviet aggression hangs heavy over many countries,
including our own, he said.
"We must continue, therefore, to build up our military forces at a
rapid rate. We must continue to help build up the defense of other
free nations. And we must continue the struggle to overcome the con-
stant efforts of the Soviet rulers to dominate the world by lies and
threats and subversion."
* * * *
HE ALSO SAID, in apparent reference to the necessity of not re-
peating now the disastrous disarmament mistakes of 1945-46:
"We must remember that Korea is only a part of a wider conflict.
The attack on freedom is worldwide. And it is not simply an attack
by fire and sword. It is an attack that uses all the weapons that:a dic-
tatorship can command; subversion, threats, violence, torture, un-
prisonment, lies and deceit."





In Town

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1951
VOL. LXI, No. 7-S
Standards of Conduct
ALL students, graduate and under-
graduate, are notified of the following
Standards of Conduct:
Enrollment in the University carries
with it obligations in regard to conduct
not only inside but outside the class-
rooms and students are expected to
conduct themselves in such a manner
as to be a credit to themselves and to
the University. They are amendable to
the laws governing the community as
well as to the rules and orders of the
University officials, and theyrare ex-
pected to observe the standards of con-
duct approved by the University,
Whenever a student, group of stu-
dents, society, fraternity, or other stu-
dent organization fails to observe
either the general standards of conduct
as above outlined or any specific rules
which may be adopted by the proper
University authorities, or conducts him-
self or itself in such a manner as to
make it apparent that he or it is not
a desirable member or part of the
University, he or it shall be liable to
disciplinary action by the proper Uni-
versity authorities. Specific rules of
conduct which must be observed are:
Intoxicating beverages.. The use or
presence of intoxicating beverages in
student quarters is not permitted.
(Committee on Student Conduct, July,
Women Guests in Men's Residences.
The presence of women guests in men's
residences, except for exchange and
guest dinners or for social events or dur-
ing calling hours approved by the Office
of Student Affairs, is not permitted.
This regulation does not apply to
mothers of residents. (Committee on
Student Conduct, January, 1947.)
Exchange and Guest Dinners may be
held in organized student residences
(operating a dining room) between 5:30
p.m. - 8 p.m. for weekday dinners and
between 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. for Sunday
dinners. while guest chaperons are not
required, groups without resident house
directors must announce these events
to the Office of Student Affairs at least
one day in advance of the scheduled
Calling hours for women in men's
residences. In University Men's Resi-
dence Halls, daily between 3 p.m. - 10:30
p.m.; Nelson International House, Fri-
day, 8 p.m. - 12 p.m.; Saturday, 2:30
p.m. - 5:30 p.m. and from 8 p.m. - 12
p.m., Sunday 1 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. This
privilege applies only to casual calls
and rnot to planned parties.
Women callers in men's residences are
restricted to the main floor of the
' Fraternities without resident house
mothers and fraternities operating as
rooming houses during the summer
have no calling hour privileges and
may entertain women guests only at
exchange or guest dinners or for social
events approved by the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs,



* * *
Rigg's successful play that Rodgers anl,
Hammerstein adapted for "Oaklahoma!"; is
the first offering on the speech department's
summer schedule at 8 p.m. tonight and to-
morrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
First nighters say it's good.
THE LEAGUE will have a free stag, drag
affair tonight. They've moved the dance
from the Rumpus Room to the Ballroom in
anticipation of a big crowd. Music will be
on records.
LES BROWN will play that balanced,
smooth stuff of his for dancers at Walled
Lake tonight. Russ Carlyle takes over Sat-
urday and Sunday.
GRAHAM YOUNG, his trumpet and his
band will be featured in the Starlight Gar-
dens at Whitmore Lake tomorrow. The
dancing begins at 9:30 p.m. and "Goodnight,
Sweetheart" winds things up about 1:30 a.m.
REMBRANDT, starring Charles Laughton
opens the Student Legislature's Cinema
Guild summer slate. The Guild always
brings back the best. This ought to be no ex-
ception. Today and tomorrow at the Achi-
tecture Auditorium. Two performances, 7:30
and 9:30 p.m.
KATIE DID IT with Ann Blyth doing
whatever it was Katie did at the Michigan
tonight. Mark Stevens helps or hinders or
THE BRAVE BULLS, Tom Lea's exciting
novel loses a 'little luster on the screen the
critics tell us, but it's still highly recom-
mended. Mel Ferrer wins with the bulls and
loses to the women. At the Michigan to-
morrow and Sunday.
Donlevy and Ella Raines at the State today
and tomorrow.
THE FROG MEN with Richard Widmark
and Dana Andrews replaces the "Fighting
Coast Guard" at the State Sunday. It
sounds like an improvement.

several openings for experienced key
punch operators on a part-time basis.
Must have at least six ionths ex-
perience on I.B.M. key punch machine.
Hours to be arranged. Apply personnel
office, 3012 Administration Building.,
Art Print Loan Collection: Loan prints
may be picked up Thursday and Fri-
day between 8 and 12 in room 510 Ad-
ministration Building. A number of
prints are still available and may be
rented for the summer session at at
charge of 35 cents per print.
Veterans enrolled under the G. I. Bill
who, at the end of the summer session,
expect to
1. Receive a degree
2. Transfer to another training insti-t
3. Change their course of study
must apply for a Supplemental Certifi-
cate of Eligibility before the end ofi
their enrollment this summer. Applica-r
tion must be made at the veterans Ser-t
vice Bureau, Room 555, in the basementl
of the Administration Building.t
Graduate Student Council Meeting
Monday, July 9, 7:30 p.m. West Lecture
Room, Rackham. Will all members please
attend whether notified by mail or not.
Mail is being held at the Informationl
Desk, second floor lobby, of the Admin-
istration Building, for Geraldine Ripley
and H L Fry.
Academic Notices
-Graduate students expecting to re-
ceive the Master's Degree in August,
summer 1951, must file a diploma appli-
cation with the Recorder of the Grad-
uate School by Friday, July 6. A student
will not be recommended for a degree
unless he has filed formal application
in the Office of the Graduate School.
M. A. Candidates in History: Foreign
language examinations for the Master's
Degree in History will be given on
Wednesday, July 18, at 4:15 p.m., in 35
Angell Hall. Dictionaries may be used.
Students planning to meet this re-
quirement during the current summer
session should leave their names at the
History Office, 2817 S. Quad, not la-
ter than July 12.
Algebra Seminar: Professor Emil Ar-
tin will speak on the subject "Galois
Theory of Infinite Fields" at the meet-
ing of the Algebra Seminar on Thurs-
day and Friday, July 5 and 6, at 3
p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall.
"Law School Admission Test: Appli-
cation blanks for the August 11th ad-
ministration of the Law School Admis-
sion Test are now available at 110 Rack-
ham Building. Application blanks are
due in Princeton, N. J. not later than
August 1st."
Preliminary Examinations in English:
Candidates for the Ph.D. degree in Eng-
lish who expect to take the prelimin-
ary examinations this summer are re-
quested to leave their nanes with Dr.
Ogden, 3230 Angell Hall, at once. The
examinations will be given as follows:
English Literature to 1550, July 18; Eng-
lish Literature, 1550-1750, July 21; Eng-
lish Literature, 1750-1950, July 25; and
American Literature, July 28. Both, the
Wednesday and the Saturday examina-
tions will be given in the School of
Business Administration, Room 71, at
9:00 a.m.
The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be
held July 6 at 8 p.m. at the Camp at
Patterson Lake. Dr. Ralph D. Rabino-
vitch, Assistant Professor of Psychology
in charge of Childrens' Service, of the

No truce in Korea will change the intentions of the Soviet
rulers, the President said, putting the finger on the Soviets as the
enemy with a vigor seldom attained before. There was a contrast
between this naming of the enemy and the punch-pulling of a
relatively short time ago, when government officials were at-
tempting to build up public opinion against an idea, without
naming Stalin & Co. directly.
The President was adding his voice to a widespread campaign
now being carried on from Washington to impress the people that a
truce in Korea would only be an end to one incident in a long war.
He knows he was speaking at a critical time, when Russia might
be planning an attempt to lull those who resist her into a lethargy of
false security.




duced by the Department
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.

LILACS, pro-
of Speech at

REMBRANDT, directed by Alexander
Korda, with Charles Laughton, Elsa Lan-
Chester and Gertrude Lawrence at the
Architecture Auditorium.
IN VIEW of the alternatives being offered
at the State and the Michigan, you can
do much worse this weekend than the Cine-
ma Guild's, offering of Rembrandt. While
there is nothing about it to warrant taking
it very seriously, it has color, spectacle and,
of course, Laughton.
Like most "biography" films, this one
does not really pay much attention to
the facts of the biographbe's existence.
At this late date, however, this fact should
disturb no one, and the embroidery here
is of a high and glossy quality.
Care is taken, for example, to work
things around at regular intervals to allow
'Mr. Laughcon a "reading": Solomon, David
and Saul and a number of others. Between
times he conducts himself as he usually
does in his pictures and I, for one, cannot
complain about that. There is an infrequent
'ttempt to provide him, as Rembrandt, with

Neuropshchiatric Institute, University
Hospital, will be the speaker.
August Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: The Teacher's Oath will be ad-
ministered to all August candidates for
the teacher's certificate today, in Room
1437 U.E.S. This is a requirement for
the teacher's certificate.
Events Today
Michigan Christian Fellowship Bible
Study, Eph. Chap. 1, 7:30 p.m., at Lane
The Newman Club will hold an Open
House at 8 p.m. in the Newman Club-
room, Williams and Thompson Sts. All
Catholic students are invited.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Open
House at the Guild House, 438 Maynard
St., from 8:00 to 12:00 p.m. Games,
singing, and refreshments.
"Green Grow The Lilacs," a comic
folk-play with music by Lynn Riggs to-
night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre at 8 p.m. This popular play formed
the basis of the Rodgers and limmer-
stein hit musical "OKLAHOMA."' Tick-
ets may be purchased at the Mendels-
sohn box office from 10 a.m. til 8 p.m.
Student Christian Association: Coffee
Hour, 4:30-6:00 p.m. at Lane Hall.
Coming Lectures
United States in the World Crisis lec-
ture. "The North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization." Vice - Admiral Jerauld
Wright, July,.
Coming Events
Growth and Differentiation, a sym-
posium, July 9-20.
Rehabilitation of the Handicapped
Worker Over Forty, a conference. July
Faculty Recitals, auspices of the
School of Music. Stanley Quartet, July
10; Heinz Arnold, July 11.
Student Recital, auspices of the
School of Music. Warren Simpkins,
July 9.
Play, auspices of the Department of
Speech. An Enemy of the People. July
Conference of English Teachers, "The
Longer Classic: Fiction." Robert Gran-
ville, Ann Arbor High School; Mrs. Ruth
Barns, Cooley High School, Detroit: Wil-
liam R. Steinhoff, University of Michi-
gan Monday, July 9, 4:00 p.m. Rackham

THE speech department opened the local
summer theatre season Wednesday eve-
ning with a staging of Lynn Rigg's venerable
"Green Grows the Lilacs", and if this pro-
duction is any indication at all of what lies
ahead, the campus can look forward to a
very pleasant summer-at least as far as
drama is concerned.
Prompted, doubtlessly, by the enervating
effects of summer weather, the straw hat
circuit seems to search out somewhat less
pretentious plays than would be deemed re-
spectable on the regular stage.
"Green Grow the Lilacs" is one of these
less respectable plays. But it manages to
display a great deal of virtue for all that,
and just as some people are surprised to
find University co-eds on occasion clinging
tenaciously to their virtue, so it is a trifle
surprising to find an atmosphere play of
about as many years clingint doggedly to
its integrity.
But the speech department production has
just that-integrity. Instead of creaking
with age, it glows with mellowed warmth.
The company have managed to achieve the
professional polish while maintaining the
amateur vigor which is often the best thing
about a piece of this type.
The scene is laid in Texas before that area
became a state, and the plot concerns a
happy-go-lucky cowboy, the "purtiest" gal
around those parts and a 'villainous farm
supervisor. No one is surprised when every-
thing turns out well in the end, and the cast
and audience alike have a good time getting
there. The ballad singing and square danc-
ing combine with the excellent costumes and

General Eisenhower's work in
building an Atlantic army has been
badly hit by the MacArthur affair.
That is its immediate effect. It has
accentuated his difficulties and
weakened his position by high-
lighting in Europe a basic flaw in
the North Atlantic Treaty Organ-
ization-the fact that the present
treaty provides no effective demo-
cratic civil authority to "govern
the Atlantic army. To succeed,
General Eisenhower must be back-
ed up with such a government to
which he can turn fo pressing
political decisions that are beyond
his jurisdiction.
--Clarence K. Streit in
Freedom and Union.
:ft. alt atty

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas .........Managing Editor
George Flint ...".....S..Sports Editor
Jo Keteihut ...........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz ..........Business Manager
Eva Stern ........Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon .......Finance Manager
Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


Bureau of Appointments Registration:
Students who were unable to attend
the registration meeting yesterday may
pick up registration material at the
Bureau today or Tuesday, Thursday, or
Friday of next week.
The University Tabulating Service has

Hostel Club
Mystery Bike Trip, Sat., July 7. Call
Mary Rowley, 3-8687.
Roger Williams Guild: July 6, 8:30
p.m., party at the Guild House. All
Baptist students invited,



Children, tell our new tampers, Barnaby,
Jame, and Albert, all about what you saw
an your little stature-study walk today-
Did any of you
see Mr. O'Malley? Who?

Now, Sarnaby, how could they have{
seen your imaginary fairy Godfather?
You wouldn't stop He's kind of
for him. So maybe dopey looking.
he flew up to camp
ahead of us and-- And fat.

Ernest, fell Barnaby He's got pink
about the chipmunk- wings. And a
magic cigdr-
Oh, f wenf to
my hear about Gee. 1s he
his Fatry coming
Godfather. honk?
ewe ror/


All the kids are asleep at last.
That Baxter child's imaginary
Pixie may be a bit of trouble.

The kids wouldn't have paid much
attention if little Albert and Jane
didn't maintain they see him too.


Hey, Barnaby. There's
.. _ r_ I ..

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