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June 29, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-06-29

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FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1951



Open Regents' Meeting

THIS AFTERNOON, seven men and one
woman will file into a plush conference
room on the second floor of the Adminis-
tration Building.
They will carry brief cases loaded with
papers on which are printed words, num-
bers and dollar signs. Somebody will close
the door and they will seat themselves
around an expansive, polished table with
more papers on it.
They will talk all afternoon, perhaps
during the evening, and during the next
morning. They will listen attentively to a
number of important persons who will
throw a few more words, numbers and
dollar signs at them. They will inspect
huge charts covered with more of the
Then the Regents of the University of
Michigan will quietly dispose of more than
19 and a half million dollars accorded them
by the people of Michigan.
Fortunately, the University's operational
budget will be available for all who wish to
peruse it. Less fortunately, the process of
its formulation will never be known.
The Board of Regents is an eight-
member constitutional corporation which
holds the University's charter for the peo-
ple of the state and exercises the supreme
power in University affairs.
Two members are elected to the Board in
the statewide spring educational elections
every two years. They represent the people
in guiding an educational institution which
is owned and largely supported by the peo-
This is the theory. But, in a sense, the
success of its implementation is dubious.
* * *
THE FACT IS, the Michigan voter is re-
presented by the Regents but he has no
way of determining the quality or method of
his representation. There is no newspaper
in the state which pan accurately report
the workings of a Regents' meeting.
Reason: Regents' meetings are closed.
Although there hasn't been a formidable
controversy over this procedural rule in
recent history, it has cropped up consistent-
ly in the biannual campaigns. Questions
concerning it are among the most frequent
at local party meetings before elections. The
Daily's questionnaire to Regent candidates
has brought it to light on campus.
And both Republican and Democratic
candidates have specifically stated dur-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

ing the election battles that they favored
open meetings. Yet, contrary to a popu-
lar notion in some circles, they have nev-
er promised to work for the institution
of the new policy.
Open meeting supporters have a lot of
ground on their side of the fence. But it is
not an open-and-shut case.
It will be argued that many of the mat-
ters considered by the Regents are of a
confidential nature. It will also be contend-
ed that the presence of the press and the
public limits free discussion on matters less
These are important objections to a
change in the existing by-law. But they
are difficulties which can easily be iron-
ed out.
The bulk of the Regents' work would con-
tinue to be handled in the various commit-
tees and the committee-of-the-whole under
the open meeting system. But every issue
brought to an official vote, and accqmpany-
ing discussion if so desired, would be a mat-
ter of public record.
The open meeting would give individual
Regents opportunity to express their agree-
ment or disagreement with policies adopted
by a majority vote of the Board.
* * *
THE CLOSED MEETING is not a small
matter of procedure. It is partially res-
ponsible for the widespread ignorance con-
cerning the Regents, which results in rela-
tively low votes sending them into office. It
has led to a fallacious impression that tlJe
Board is a solid unit of infallible experts
who rapidly achieve unanimity on every is-
sue with an omniscient, godlike precision.
But, more importantly, closed meetings
violate the democratic principle which holds
that the free flow of information is essen-
tial to intelligent voting.
There is no doubt that people of con-
siderable intelligence and leadership have
the final say in the University.
But in Regents' meetings, it is the people's
business that is being transacted and th
people have a' right to know the manner of
that transaction.
Closed meetings can only be harmful. The
fact that they cannot be logically justified
may lead people to mistakenly speculate on
what goes on in them.
By opening Regents' meetings to the pub-
lic, the Board has nothing to lose but an
antiquated, unsupportable by-law which
benefits no one. It is squarely up to the Re-
gents of th eUniversity to take the initiative
in allowing their actions to be reviewed by
their constituents.
-Barnes Connable

WASHINGTON - President Truman had
held out the olive branch to Bernard M.
Baruch weeks before their unexpected meet-
ing and "pleasant chat" at the country
home of Secretary of Defense Marshall last
Baruch was the first choice of Secretary
Marshall and his manpower expert, Assistant
Secretary Rosenberg, for membership on the
commission ordered by Congress to recom-
mend what form Universal Military Train-
ing should take. With some firmness they
so notified Truman.
The President put up hardly a token re-
sistance. After all, the softening process
with respect to his differences with the elder
statesman had gone on a long time. Mrs.
Roosevelt, Stephen T. Early and a few other
bold souls had risked the Truman temper to
recount how much was owed Baruch for his
services to his country and party, how much
he still could do and was doing for many
vital parts of the Truman program.
Baruch, who will be 81 in August, de-
cided in the end that others could do the
UMT job as well or better but the ex-
changes regarding it were wholly pleasant.
The Truman-Baruch difficulties arose
from Baruch's refusal to serve on a fund-
raising committee in the Truman campaign
for reelection. Though a stanch-and gen-
erous-Democrat, Baruch had never taken
on a strictly party function of that sort but
Truman assumed he was being snubbed per-
sonally and wrote one of those letters. As
they always do, it got out. Since then, each
man has occasionally taken off the gloves.
Appropriately a reconciliation of sorts
has now jelled in the home of the man
both disputants admire so much and have
so warmly supported before the world-
General Marshall.
But much has been lost meantime in what
was essentially a' personality difference that
President Truman, the younger and more
powerful man, could have resolved at any
time with a generous word or gesture. There
are unfortunately signs that he has not yet
learned the high cost to his real goals of his
self-indulgence in personalities.
* *4F
THREE Federal judgeships have long been
vacant in Illinois. The state has one
Democratic Senator, Paul Douglas. Obedient
to rockbound custom, Senator Douglas last
January 26 sent to the Justice Department
the names of three candidates on whom he
had agreed with the party organization in
the state. One of the three was ruled out as
too old and a substitution effected.
In mid-April, the trio having cleared all
legal and political tests, the Attorney Gen-
eral forwarded their names to the White
House. There they lie-while 4,000 cases
accumulate on the Federal dockets in that
jurisdiction, the five incumbent judges work
overtime, and the President makes it in-
creasingly clear just how annoyed he is with
the Illinois Senator who Is so often men-
tioned as a possible candidate for the Presi-
dential nomination.
The President is not the only Democrat
who could do with a little less diffusion of
the Douglas talents but then a characteristic
of the intellectual liberal like Douglas is
diffusion, plus a certain allergy to a strictly
party line. And in all major respects the
Senior Senator from Illinois is a powerful
backer of the Truman program.
He is also one of the party's best adver-
tisements in a period marked by wide-
spread attacks on it for confusion and
Neither directly nor indirectly has he had
one word of criticism of his judgeship can-
didates. He could be expected to insist on
high standards, he is satisfied his men are
honorable, progressive Democrats.
In the end the President again will have
to yield unless he wants an open break.

Senator Douglas is seeking only his peroga-
tive as Truman, a Senator himself once,
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

"They Went Thataway"
J ( v
fE 7 ,

Korean Peace Depends Upon
Attitude of Russian Leaders

ewl G . l


Associated Press News Analyst
THE BIG QUESTION regarding the possibilities of an end to the
fighting in Korea is whether the Soviet Union really wants it, or
whether it is making a gesture for the purposes of its phony world
peace campaign while counting on its satellites to scuttle a practical
On the basis of the State Department understanding of Admiral
Kirk's clarifying conference with Andrei Gromyko in Moscow Wed-
nesday, Russia would seme to have given her approval for the Chinese
and North Korean commanders to meet the UN high command and
call off the shooting, leaving political questions for later exploration.
Gromyko, in his attempt to appear in the role of mediator
rather than a member of an anti-UN military alliance which his
country really is, even pretended to have no views on what sub-
sequent political steps might be necessary.
Gromyko professed merely to be interested in a cease-fire, with
the commanders to work out assurances against anyone breaking the
truce, thereby creating an armistice and paving the way for a peace
He even claimed not to know what the Chinese Communists might
* * * *
THERE IS STILL a gimmick in even the bare truce proposal, how-
ever, not to mention the possibilities of another endless and non-
productive propaganda battle after the shooting.
Gromyko said it would be up to the parties in Korea to decide
what subsequent special arrangements would have to be made for a
political and territorial settlement. That could mean, if Russia wants
it that way, another agenda row, such as the recent one in Paris, in
which the Communists would put forward a series of non-acceptable
prerequisites for further talks.
I don't think much of the State Department's fear that Rus-
sia might establish a truce for the purpose of military skull-
duggery. The Communists are capable of anything, even of se-
curing a withdrawal of Allide forces by false representations and
then attacking again. But that would destroy the last tatters of
Russia's peace flag, which now represents the main theme of
her cold war strategy.
If a truce comes, it will most likely be observed, so that Russia
can strengthen her cry for peace while making sure that there is no
real peace.
If the Russians are not sincere in the truce move, it will mean
that they have sought to disrupt Allied morale at the fighting front
at the moment of a new Communist offensive.





The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1951
VOL. LXI, No. 3-S
June 25 - August 17
The General Library will be open:
8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday through
8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday.
8 a.m. - 12 m. Saturday.
Closed Sunday.
Circulation of books for home use
from the second floor desk will be
discontinued at 6 p.m. except to hold-
ers of stack permits, but books may be
returned and loans renewed at the
charging desk.
The Divisional Libraries will be open:
8 a.m. - 12 m.; 1 - 5 p.m. Closed
evenings and Saturdays with the ex-
ception of :
Music Library
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; 7 - 10 p.m. Monday
through Thursday.
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday.
8 a.m. 12 m. Saturday.
Engineering and East Engineering
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Fri-
8 a.m. - 12 m. Saturday.
The study Halls in the General Li-
brary and Angell Hall Study Hall will
be open:
8 a.m. - 12 m; 1 - 5 p.m.; 7 - 9 p.m.
Monday through Thursday.
8 a.m. - 12 m; 1 - 5 p.m. Friday.
8 a.m. - 12 m. Saturday.
Automobile Regulations
The University applies certain restric-
tions to the use of automobiles by its
students. The restrictions on the use
of automobiles do not apply to the fol-
lowing students of the summer session
who are in an EXEMPT category,
but evennstudents of this EXEMPT ca-
tegory must register their automobiles

with the Office of Student Affairs,
Room 1020 Administration Building.
The following students are in an EX-
EMPT category:
1. Those who in the academic year
are engaged in professional pursuits, as,
for example; teachers, lawyers, physi-
clans, dentists, nurses. That is, those
who in the preceding academic year
were engaged in one of the above oc-
cupations or professions and not en-
rolled as a student;
2. Those who are 26 years of age
or over;
3. Married students;
4. Students holding a faculty rank
of teaching fellow or higher.
Students who are NOT EXEMPT in
accordance with the above listings may
apply for permits to Mr. Streiff or Mr.
Wirbel in the Office of Student Affairs,
Room 1020 Administration Building.
Each application will be considered up-
on its merits. A Recreational privilege
is available for participation in outdoor
sports such as golf, tennis, swimming,
All students who in the academic
year 1950-51 held either the EXEMPT
or SPECIAL PRIVILEGE permit will
automatically be entitled to the same
privilege for the summer session as
long as their status remains the same,
i.e., the reasons for which the permit
was originally granted persist through-
out the summer session; BUT, these
students must promptly notify the Of-
fice of Student Affairs of their intent
to extend the permit through the sum-
mer session.
All students, including those who are
in th'e EXEMPT category, must carry
Public Liability and Property Damage
and furnish the name of the insuring
company, the policy number, and ex-
piration date of the policy before per-
mission to drive is granted. Any stu-
dent under 21 years of age must pre-
sent a letter from a parent giving him
permission to operate a car.
NOTE: Any-student who drives with-
out first having secured a permit is
subject to disciplinary action. The
summer session interpretation of this
ruling given above does not apply to the
regular academic year.
Student organizations planning to be


Washington Merry-Go-Round

THE SUBPOENA which the Senate Crime
Committee is issuing for Governor Ful-
ler Warren of 'Florida will set a precedent
which some Senators think should be ap-
plied to Gov. Dewey. They want to question
Dewey as to why he released Lucky Luciano
when Luciano had a 30-50 year jail sen-
tence yet to serve . . . David Lilienthal, ex-
head of the Atomic Energy Commission,
made a special call at the White House to
warn Truman that the new AEC is giving
out entirely too much secret information in
its press releases. A gold mine for the Rus-
sians is in the AEC press announcements.
Lilienthal told Truman
The belated announcement of Tennessee's
aged Senator McKellar that he will run
again has left young, energetic Congress-
man Albert Gore out on a limb. Previously,
McKellar had made a gentleman's agree-
ment that he would retire, leaving the way
open for Gore. As a result, Gore had made
a gentleman's agreement with the other
Tennessee Congressmen that he would give
up his seat, and his Congressional district
could be split among them. This solved the
problem of who would lose a seat, when
Tennessee gets cut down one Congressman
next year. However, Gore is now out in the
cold, unless he decides to tackle the veteran
McKellar ... Wyoming's Democratic Sena-
tor Lester Hunt has the most bipartisan re-
cord in the Senate since the death of Mi-
chigan's great Senator Vandenberg, the
champion of the bijartisan foreign policy.
The latest tabulation of Senate votes shows
that Hunt's record is 93 per cent bipartisan.
* * *
IT IS NO longer a secret that United States
delegates to the United Nations have
been working with other UN members for
some time on a Korean truce proposal and
that Comrade Malik jumped the gun on
The most important issue in these dis-
cussions, however, has not leakde out--
namely, the differences of opinion regard-
position of Formosa; and 2. Seating the Chi-
ing two highly controversial points: 1. Dis-
nese Reds in the United Nations.
The United States proposal, discussed
with 15 other UN nations by United States

Other points in the propaganda truce
agreement were fairly simple-namely, a
20-mlie demilitarized zone north of the 38th
Parallel, and an agreement that there would
be no more bombings, no more guerrilla
warfare, and no more troops or equipment
moved into Korea by either side during the v
The above terms were somewhat similar
to those which President Truman sent to
General MacArthur for his perusal just be-
fore Easter and which MacArthur subse-
quently issued as his own. MacArthur's
jumping the gun was one fact which con-
tributed to his ouster. The President, how-
ever, is in no position to oust Comrade Ma-
lik for likewise jumping the gun when he
heard that the UN and the United States
were working on a truce.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

active during the summer session must
register in the Office of Student Af-
fairs not later than July 6. Forms for
registration are available in the Office
of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration
Social Events sponsored by student
organizations at which both men and
women are to be present must be ap-
proved by the Dean of Students. Ap-
plication forms and a copy of regula-
tions governing these events may be
secured in the Office of Student Af-
fairs, 1020 Administration Building.
Requests for approval must be sub-
mitted to that office no later than noon
of the Monday before the event is
scheduled. A list of approved social
events wil be published in the Daily
Official Bulletin on Wednesday of each
Season tickets for the Department
of Speech Summer Season of Plays
may now be purchased at the Men-
delssohn box office from 10 a.m. thru
5 p.m. daily. The summer schedule
which will run from July 4th thru
August 13th includes comedy, tragedy,
melodrama and an operetta. Also fea-
tured on bill is The Young Ireland
Theatre Company, on tour in this
country for the first time. Single sale
of tickets begins July 2. All perform-
ances start at 8 p.m.
Badminton may be played by both
men and women students every Wed-
nesday evening at 7:30 in Barbour Gym-
nasium. Instruction will be offered to
those who wish it.
Recreational Swimming - Women Stu-
There will be recreational swimming
at the Union Pool every Tuesday and
Thursday evening at 8:15 .
The J. Raleigh Nelson House for In-
ternational Living wishes to announce
several openings for room and board
for the summer session. 915 Oakland.
The Fresh Air Camp Clinic win be
held June 29, 8:00 p.m., at the camp on
Patterson Lake. Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch,
Asst. Prof. of Psychiatry: in Charge of
Children's Service, Neuropsychiatric
Institute, University Hospital will be
the psychiatrist.
Events Today
Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums. "Nature of Energy,"
"Cell Division-theBasis of Growth in
All Living Things," "Life Cycle of
Moss." 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium.
Congregational - Disciples Guild: Pic-
nic. Meet at 5:30 at Guild House, 438
Maynard. Call 5838 for reservations.
Roger Williams Guild: June 29, 8:30
p.m.-Open House. All Baptist students
Academic Notices
Sports and Dance Instruction
The Department of Physical Educa-
tion for Women offers instruction in
golf, tennis, archery, swimming, recrea-
tional sports, posture, and modern
dance. These classes are available to
all summer session students. Register
now in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Meeting to arrange hours will be held
on Friday, June 29, at 12 o'clock in
Room 3020 Angell Hall.
Coming Events
Saturday, June 30-
Reception for Newly Arrived Foreign

Students, auspices of the International
Center. 8:00 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Phi Delta Kappa (Men's Education
Fraternity) picnic Thursday, June 28.
Meet at front entrance to University
High School at 5 p.m.
Intercultural Outing: Sat,, June 30,
Silver Lake. Leave Lane Hall, 10:00
a.m., return, 6:00 p.m. Cost $1.50. Make
reservations at Lane Hall by Friday
Hostel Club
Sunday canoeing, July 1. Meet at
League at 8:00 a.m. with food for cook-
out. Call Mary Rowley by Friday, tele-
phone 3-8687. New members welcome.
Tues., July 3--
"English Surnames." Ralph L. Ward,
Associate Professor 'of Clasies Yale
University. 7:30 Rackham Amphitrea-
Thurs., July 5-
"P h o n e t i c s and Pronunciation
Tests." Robert Lado, Assistant Direc-
tor, English Language Institute, Uni-
versity of Michigan, 7:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
United States in World Crisis lecture.
Harold H. Fisher, Chairman, The Hoov-
er Institute and Library, July 5.
Saturday, June 30, 3:00-6:00 p.m.-
Swimming; Silver Lake trip. Roger Wil-
liams Guild. All Baptist students in-




Iran Dispute

. .



M i O) >/ !


At The Michigan.
Ginger Rogers and Jack Carson.
IT IS DIFFICULT to see in what way light
summer entertainment can become much
lighter than the current offering at the
Michigan Theatre. Around about halfway
through this one, everybody evidently threw
up the sponge, and let it float off into the
infinite willy-nilly.
The comic conception was not so bad.
Jack Carson plays a Hollywood cowboy who
hates horses. To help himself get rid of a
gambling debt he has incurred, he, hires
Miss Rogers as his attorney and marries her
to furnish the proper incentive for her ef-
fort in his behalf.
Unfortunately, however, this is mere
bagatelle. Writer Robert Carson (no rela-
tion to Actor Jack) exhausts this situation
in all of thirty minutes, and thencefor-
ward, hold onto your hats. The charac-
ters lose all semblance of reality; the plot
is forgotten, and the dialogue, which is
ordinarily R. Carson's forte, sounds like

At The State ...
1. with Frank Lovejoy and Dorothy Hart.
STRICTLY as cops and robbers fare, this
film comes close to making the grade.
As far as plumbing the real depths of the
tragedy of Communism, however, it fails
badly as usual.
Establishing the clearly marked line be-
tween good guys and bad guys, it makes all
the easy mistakes, identifying the Party as
a kind of super-racket, confusing the liberal
position with the Kremlin line, and so forth.
Mr. Cvetic, as played by Frank Lovejoy, is
an extremely sympathetic hero. As an FBI
man planted in the Party, he is confronted
by the antagonism of his family and friends.
This is material for a fine internal conflict,
some of which Lovejoy gets across. For the
most part, however, his relatives and his
son are presented as hollow 100 per cent
American types, and we have to accept
Cvetic's hidden affection for his family
mostly on faith.

To the Editor:1
HARDLY a single commentator
denies that Iran is one of the
most mismanaged, exploited ,back-
ward, feudal countries in the en-
tire capitalist orbit. Can any one
seriously argue that the people of
Iran must be kept in that state of
affairs indefinitely just because
American interests fear what they
call the "spread of Communism?"
The story of Anglo-Iranian Oil
Co., is a case in point. It seems
to me unnecessary to argue that
the Iranians have a right to run
their own oil developments. The
British labor government has been
fighting the Tories on the ground
that the British steel industry
needs to be natoinalized, why not
the same right for Iran?
If the entire oil development of
California were in the hands of
a foreign corporation, 52 percent
of whose stock was milked for 50
years by Iranian stockholders, no
American would question our gov-
ernment's right to change that
situation. We'd change it demn
quickly, too.
The Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., has
been an empire to itself. Its green
and red flag flutters over 100,000
square miles of South-Western
Iran. It has its own police, its
airport, its harbors. Thirty two

million tons of oil are extracted
here a year, fourth in the world
Iran never forgot, for it shows
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co's con-
tempt for their sovereignty. In-
stead of paying royalties on gross
income, the company first deducts
its taxes to the British government
and calculates the royalties after
deductions. The royalties have
been paid on the basis of the
weight of oil extracted, not its
value. By paying royalties on
weight, the company gets away
with millions, while Iran gets none
of the valuable lighter fractions.
It can be argued, that the Iran-
ians are not ready to run the giant
enterprise, and it is true that the
British have sabotaged the train-
ing of Iranian technicians. But
the same arguments were made
when the Russians took over their
own oil fields from French con-
cessions, in 1919. The same argu-
ments were used against Mexico in
To land British air-born troops
in southern Iran means within a
short time to face civil war and
risks the elimination of Iran from
the western orbit. To support the
British to the poit of military
measures means American compli-
city in robbing the Iranian people
of their resources. This will not
be forgotten in Iran.
-George P. Moskoff

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas .........Managing Editor
George Flint ........:...Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut..........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz ....... ...Business Manager
Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon.......Finance Manager
Allan weinstein ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann:
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, 57.00







vt ---rte''

Barnaby,. your imaginary Fairy j
Godfather can't go with us to

Mrs. Tyler won't let him in the place-

Ask her to stop by at the haunted house,
Barnaby, to pick me up. And the assistant

1 "

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