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June 29, 1951 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-06-29

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See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State





an Hopes
Korean C






A l

* * *

Woods Orders Rent
Survey Held Here
Federal Investigator En Route;
Will Probe City Council Request
WASHINGTON-(W)-Housing Expediter Tighe Woods ordered a
survey to determine if rent ceilings should be abolished in Ann Arbor
and at the same time decontrolled rents in Muskegon, Berkley, Pon-
tiac Township and Troy Township yesterday.
The decontrol orders are effective Saturday.
* * * *

Asks No Let-Up
In Mobilization
WASHINGTON-(A)-President Truman expressed hope yester-
day that current Korean cease-fire talks will work out successfully,
but he said he was not yet certain whether that would be true.
Mr. Truman also emphatically declared at a news conference that
a Korean settlement would not justify a slowdown in the defense
program. He declared relaxation now would be one of the most
disastrous things that could happen to the country.
* '* * *
HE BRIEFLY DISCUSSED the situation in response to reporters'
questions after the State Department had made public an official
summary of the Russian two-stage proposal for (1) developing an
armistice along the 38th Parallel * **


THE ANN ARBOR survey order came after the City Council had
passed a resolution asking Woods to decontrol rents there on his own
initiative-which would allow reinstatement at some future time,
if needed.
The City Council informed Woods, however, that if he failed
to act it would seek decontrol under the mandatory local option
* * * t feature of the rent law. If the

ATOMIC ARRIVAL-Plant department employes form the welcoming committee for the largest piece
of radioactive material ever shipped to a college campus. The men are gingerly handling a 6,300-
pound steel-jacketed lead cylinder containing a six-pound bar of Cobalt-60 from the atomic fission
pile at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, N. Y. The University's Engineering Research
Institute will use the 1,000-curie bar to find practical industrial uses for atomic energy fission prod-
ucts. The project is being sponsored by the Atomic Energy Commission and will be supervised by
Prof. Lloyd Brownell of the engineering school.

Regents To Consider New
University udget Today

The Board of Regents will con- year will
vene today to consider a general 845,000 a]
University operating budget of State Leg
$19,561,000 for the 1951-52 fiscal pected st
year. $4,343,000
However, no official action on 000 will(
the budget is expected for at least eous sour
two weeks in order that the Re- Provisio
gents and other University ad- tive budge
ministrators can carefully study ical class
the proposed budget. The budget students n
should go into effect July 13, ac- class size.
cording to retiring Provost James mated the
P. Adams. ;cal student
THE NEW BUDGET represents years with
a cut'-back of $771,000 from the ties which
current operating budget. Out-Patien
Income for operations next struction.
Crn-~t ~ ('~ chopped of)
Court ir . ,Is ff year as
~ ~not making
Prince's Trial retiring
added that
The trial of Prince Mahmoud junior per
Pahlavi, Grad., scheduled to be newed.
held yesterday morning in the
municipal court on the charge of sake mo
driving with a revoked license has for curre
been postponed until July 26. materials,
The postponement was request- because
ed through a mutual agreement level," Pr
between the prosecuting and de- it makes
fense attorneys. equipmen
Friends report that the prince, of capital
free on $25 bond, has been spend- rehabilital
ing the last few days in Canada.
Although Pahlavi's speeding Provost
charge in Jackson was settled appropriat
recently when a three-man dele- for the U
gation from the Iranian embassy very drast
paid his $22 fine, his license was nel which
revoked for not paying the fine sary had1

accrue from a $14,-
ppropriation from the
gislature and an ex-
udent fees total of
. The remaining $373,-
come from miscellan-
n is made in the tenta-
t for a freshman med-
next year of 200-40
more than the normal
Provost Adams esti-
total number of medi-
ts will reach 800 in four
the new training facili-
will be available in the
nt Clinic now under con-
* * *
100 instructors will bej
ff the faculty roster next I
n economy measure by
g replacements for some
nd resigning faculty
Provost Adams said. HeI
t some appointments of
sonnel will not be re-
budget attempts to
re adequate provision
nt accounts, such as
supplies and services,
of the increased price
ovost Adams said. "But
no provision for major
t needs in the nature
improvement or major
tion of buildings."
Adams said the state
ion "makes it possible
niversity to avoid the
ic reduction in person-
would have been neces-
the appropriation been

Auto Workers
Strike Back
At John Lewis
ted Auto Workers struck back at
John L. Lewis last night, calling
him "an embittered, petulent and
argumentative minor public fig-
ure" who had tried and failed to
raid the UAW membership.,
The counter-blast broke an offi-
cial five-day silence in the wake
of Lewis' widely-ballyhooed ap-
pearance here last Saturday.
* * *
"THE UAW-CIO HAS no per-
sonal quarrel with John L. Lewis,"
said a statement issued by the
auto workers' executive board.
"Our disagreement transcends per-
sonalities. We fundamentally dis-
agree with John L. Lewis on basic
principles with respect to trade
union policies, the national eco-
nomy and the welfare of the
American people."
Lewis' all-day visit in Detroit
was at the request of President
Carl Stellato of UAW Ford Local
600, who has broken with the
UAW International leadership.
While advertised as part of ai
celebration of the 10th anniversary
of the signing of the first Ford
contract, it obviously was aimed
as a body blow at UAW President
Walter Reuther.
Among other things, Lewis re-
ferred to Reuther as a "pseudo-
intellectual nit-wit."
Final Chance

Senate Price
Control Foes
Score Victory,
WASHINGTON - () - Foes of
the Administration's price controls
won a new victory in the Senate,
last night despite President Tru-
man's urgent warning that the
consumers face "a beating."
In an angry session which look-
ed as though it could last until
dawn, the chamber turned back,
58 to 26, a proposal by Senator
Douglas (D-Ill.) to relax its pro-'
posed sweeping curbs on future
price rollbacks.
Douglas stepped forward with
an amendment to permit reduc-
tions, of as much as 12 per cent,
on products other than beef.
The amendment was modified,
on motion of Senator Case
R-S.D.) to permit rollbacks of
as much as 10 percent. Then it
was soundly beaten.
On the House side, a powerful
move was in progress to tack a
"no rollback" clause on a one-
month stopgap extension of ex-
isting economic controls, due to
expire Saturday night.
IF A HOUSE coalition of South-
ern Democrats and Republicans
succeeds in shoving through their
amendments today-and they are
approaching the test confidently
-it will be one of the heaviest
blows dealt yet to the Truman
controls program.
Price-wage and other controls
would be extended through July,
but the Office of Price Stabiliza-
tion would be forbidden to roll
back any more prices or apply
any new price ceilings during
that time.
The Senate meanwhile was
nearing a vote on a bill to extend
price, wage, and rent controls for
eight months, but with a sharp
curb on OPS rollback powers.
President Truman took cogni-
zance of the situation in a special
statement issued from the White
House yesterday.
Mr. Truman warned there is
" a terribly dangerous possibility"
that Congress won't have a new
law ready by midnight Saturday,
when all controls on prices, wages,
rents and credit expire.
"But there is another possibility
just as dangerous-that the Con-
gress will act before the deadline
Saturday by passing a bill so crip-
pled and confused with special in-
terest amendments that it would
be worse than useless in the fight
against inflation."

Council formally requests it
Woods must lift controls and
they cannot be reinstated.
Woods rejected April 16 a re-
quest by the Washtenaw County
Rent Advisory Board that he de-
control rents in Ann Arbor. He
said then the request was "not
properly substantiated."
He said an investigator is en
route to Ann Arbor now to begin
a survey on which he will base his
decision on the City Council's re-
* * *
WHILE approving decontrol for
the City of Muskegon, Woods de-
clined to abolish ceilings in the
rest. of Muskegon County.
In refusing to end controls on
a county-wide basis, Woods said
a decontrol resolution by the
County Board of Supervisors
could apply only to unincorporat-
ed communities but there are no
unincorporated areas in Michigan.
Each county is divided into incor-
porated townships.
Muskegon's city governing body
asked abolition of controls there,
declaring there was no housing
Reds Sentence
Arch-Bishop to
Prison Term
BUDAPEST, Hungary - (JP)-A
Hungarian court convicted Arch-
Bishop Joszef Groesz yesterday of
plotting to overthrow the Com-
munist Government with Ameri-
can help as the successor to the
imprisoned Cardinal Mindszenty
and sentenced him to 15 years in
Six co-defendents of the 64-
year-old Roman Catholic Prelate
also were sentenced, one of them
to death and the rest to prison
terms ranging from eight to 14
years. The fate of two other co-
defendants is to be decided later.
The United States Legation
here, in a special news conference,
denied accusations made against
American diplomats in the four-
day trial as "false and inaccur-
Matthews Named
Irish Ambassador
WASHINGTON - () - Secre-
tary of the Navy Francis P. Mat-
thews was nominated by President
Truman yesterday to be Ambassa-
dor to Ireland.
Mr. Truman named Undersecre-
tary of the Navy Dan A. Kimball
to head the Navy Department in
Matthews' place.
Matthews, 64, succeeds George
Garrett, who resigned from the
Dublin post last month.

Iran Offers
To British
TEHRAN, Iran- (P})-Iran gaves
ground slightly last night in her
war with Britain over the nation-
alization of oil.
She offered to drop a pending
anti-sabotage bill if British tech-
nicians of the Anglo-Iranian Oil
Company will stay on the job.
* * *
THE BILL, which would provide
penalties up to death, was one of
the main reasons AIOC employees,
at the refinery port of Abadan re-
fused en masse last night a call
to work for the new Iranian Na-
tional Oil Company at their exist-
ing rates of pay.
The Iranian concession came
a few hours after Premier sent
a personal message to President
Truman expressing confidence
the United States will support
his dream of nationalizing the
British-run industry. He said
Iran is making every effort to
maintain the westward flow of
Iranian oil.
President Truman later told his
weekly news conference in Wash-
ington the United States govern-
ment is using every effort possible
to bring about a settlement and
will continue to do so. He said
there is plenty of opportunity for
a settlement. He described the sit-
uation as very serious.
* * * .
zation Director, Charles E. Wilson,
approved a voluntary agreement
among 18 American oil companies
to pool their resources in supply-
ing fuel to "friendly foreign na-
tions" who may be cut off from
Iranian oil.
Mossadegh's letter contained
no hint of a compromise. He said
the sole blame for any break-
down in the oil flow must rest
upon authorities of the AIOC.
"They are encouraging em-
ployes to leave their services and
are threatening the Government
with their resignation en masse,"
Mossadegh wrote.
A British official in Tehran
commented that the message, re-
plying to an appeal by President
Truman June 1 for moderation,
was "just outright propaganda."
The Iranian Government made
public the 800-word message only
five and a half hours after it was
handed to United States Ambassa-
dor Henry F. Grady, which con-
tributed to a belief among West-
erners here it was intended main-
ly for propaganda effect. Nor-
mally letters between two friendly
nations are not made public with-
out mutual consent or acknow-

and (2) eventually seeking a
permanent settlement in Korea.
Mr. Truman declined to say
what the next step in the peace-
seeking talks will be.
It was learned, however, that
the United States has asked the
other 15 governments with forces
in Korea for suggestions on how
to proceed. It gave them reports,
in a series of State Department
conferences, on what Soviet De-
puty Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko told U.S. Ambassador
Alarn Kirk Wednesday about the
meaning of Jacob Malik's call for
truce talks. Malik, Soviet Repre-
sentative at the UN, sounded the
call in a speech at New York Sat-
THE SUMMARY of Gromyko's
remarks made public by the State
Department disclosed that the
Soviet Government backed up Ma-
lik's views. It suggested that in
the first stage, negotiations for a
truce should be conducted by mili-
tary representatives in the field,
with political and territorial ques-
tions left for second stage dispo-
Military representatives on
the UN side, according to the
Russian suggestion, would be
drawn from the unified com-
mand (General Matthew B.
Ridgway's command) and from
the Korean Republic command.
On the Communist side they
would be representatives of the
North Korean command and of
"Chinese volunteer units."
At the news conference Mr.
Truman was asked whether he
thought the Russian "overtures
are a sign that "the stand taken
by your administration in the
MacArthur controversy is the
right one."
He said yes, it was.
* * *
THE GROMYKO plan, as made
public by the State Department,
provided that the armistice talks
in the field should deal only with
military questions which would'
include assurances "against the
resumption of hostilities."
Beyond conclusion of an arm-
istice it would "be up to the
parties in Korea to decide what
subsequent special arrangements
would have to be made for a
political and territorial settle-.
In addition to the two stages
of possible Korean peace-making,
the State Department's summary
covered a third point of possi-
bly vital importance. It said
Gromyko had asserted that the
Soviet Government was "not
t aware" of Communist China's
views on the Russian peace sug-
* * *

Allied Armies
Block Brisk
Chinese Drive
TOKYO-(P)-Allied forces to.
day checked small but furious Red
attacks in Central Korea,. but a
lull settled along most of the re-
mainder of the front as rumors of
a cease-fire spread.
There was no substantiation of
the riot of rumors. Indeed, Allied
spotters noted more enemy con-
voys moving toward the front
by night. Allied night bombers
brought them under attack.
UP TO 1,000 Chinese Commun-
ists mounted several small attacks
at the approaches to their central
Korean stronghold of Kumsong
last night. These were contained
by daylight after brief fighting.
An Eighth Army briefing offi-
cer said action was light during
the night on the east-centfal
front. On the western front,
action subsided after Allied pa-
trols hit heavy resistance in
front of the suspected enemy
buildup area beyond the 38th
parallel north of Seoul.
Lt. Gen. James A. Van Fleet re-
turned to his Eighth Army Head-
quarters from a frontline inspec-
tion and cautioned that the Chi-
nese appeared to be building up
for another effort to overrun Al-
lied lines.



See Prints

earlier, made as originally proposed by
He has thus far declined to use the Budget Office."
the diplomatic immunity granted University officials estimate the
s him on his passport and if -con- $13,700,000 figure submitted by
victed, faces a minimum sentence the office would have required cut-
f two days in jail. ting the faculty by close to 300.
r U
By The Associated Press industries are completely free from
WASHINGTON - Communist price controls. * ,

Yugoslavia formally asked the
f. United States yesteiday for a
powerful array of armaments, de-
claring that it is the target of
continuing pressure from the
bloc of Red nations led by Mos-

al Labor Relations Board ruled
that employers may fire work-
ers who "run down" their pro-

Today is the last day in which
the pictures of the Art Print Loan
Collection may be viewed by stu-
dents this summer.
The collection, one of the few
of its kind among the nation's
universities, is hung on the mez-
zanine of the Rackham Memorial
Building. It will be open to the
public until 5 p.m. this afternoon.
A RENTAL FEE of 35 cents will'
be charged students who wish to
decorate their rooms this summer
with these prints of the great
The fees are use dto buy new
prints-over 200 have been add-
ed to the collection in this way
-and for repairs and framing.
Although the pictures cannot be
signed up for this afternoon, those
who missed signing for a picture
this week will be able to obtain
pictures not already selected some
dar next week. The day will be
announced in The Daily.
Democra is Unite

HOWEVER, Van Fleet did not
think a major enemy thrust could
come immediately. He said his
troops were better prepared than
they were in April and May when
they hurled back the Reds with
staggering losses in Communist
manpower and equipment.
"Of course, in our hearts we
all want peace," Van Fleet said.
"But we won't let up on the
An air of expectancy neverthe-
less swept Van Fleet's headquar-
ters over the Soviet cease-fire
A rumor spread through the
area that Gen. Matthew B. Ridg-
way, Allied Supreme Commander,
was on his way from Tokyo to
Korea to discuss a cease-fire with
Communist field commanders.
There was no indication, how-
ever, that Ridgway had left Tokyo.
(In Washington the State De-
partment Press Officer, Lincoln
White, was asked if Ridgway
had been ordered to do anything
yet as a result of preliminary
armistice talks. He replied that
he doubted seriously if the de-
partment would want to dis-
close any instructions which.
might have been sent.)
The Peiping radio, weathervane
of Communist China's thinking,
was silent last night on the Soviet
cease-fire suggestion.
The North Korean radio at Py-
ongyang likewise made no men-
tion of a ceasefire. Instead, it
claimed four U.S. jets and a
Grumman fighter were shot down
Thursday by ground ire.
Hoffman Names
Marquis to Board

THIS SEEMED incredible to
authorities here. They have as-
sumed the closest relations be-
tween Moscow and Peiping and
in fact have charged that the
Chinese Communist regime is sim-
I ply a satellite of Russia.




cow. WASHINGTON - The Federal
* * Trade Commission ordered the
AAmerican Tobacco Co. to stop say-
DAN VILLE, III.-A four- car ing that Lucky Strikes contain
passenger train of the Chicago less nicotine than any other lead-
andEastern Illinois Railroad ing brand of cigarettes.
overturned at a bridge washoutj *
in Shelby county, Ill., late last* *
night, injuring an undetermined LANSING -- A $14,000,000
number of persons, an official boost in the Corporation Fran-
ote aim ..adsm ia chise Tax was signed. sealed and

Pioneer Dances Featured in First Speech Dept. Play

A round-up of authentic folk
songs and dances of the roaring
days before Oklahoma became a
state will be one of the attracting

name was coined because the par-
ents of that day believed dancing
to be wicked, "inspired by the de-
vil." The youngsters, in order to
hoodwink their parents, decided

Grow the Lilacs," a rodeo of Ok-
lahoma cowboys was at Madison
Square Garden. After the rodeo
closed, the cowboys entered the
guild cast, and it was their singing

mer plays for many years. At
first, while she was teaching at
Oklahoma College for Women,
she was guest director. Since
1948, however, she has been a

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