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Latest Deadline in the Stale
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Legal Mire
Holds Back
Arsonist in Jail
For Haven Fire
The appeal of Robert Sta
former University teaching f
low, for a State Supreme Co
reversal of the decision that se
him to the Southern Michig
Prison in Jackson for burni
down Haven Hall, has beco
rmired in legal muck.
Stacy, wh6 is now serving a
to 10 year sentence for firing t
old brick building that once sto
on the north side of Angell Ha
was found guilty of arson after
three-day trial last December.
* * *
Young, court-appointed attorni
for Stacy, submitted a 16-poi
appeal for reversal of the Circu
Court trial decision. In the appe
Young was required to include
"concise and accurate" reportc
the Stacy trial. This report, b
law, was to have been checked an
certified by the judge who hea
the trial, Circuit Judge James F
Breakey, Jr.
According to law, if the pre
siding judge does not certify th
accuracy of the report within 3
days, the appellant may take the
case directly to the State Su-
preme Court without the certi-
When Young first submitted h
report, Judge Breakey require
that two additional pagesnbe add
ed to the trial transcript and thre
affidavits by Stacy be appended t
the report.
Since that time nothing his hap
pened to the appeal.
*" a *:
JUDGE BREAKEY, who is cite
in Young's appeal as having erre
in admitting certain extra-ud
cial, statements in the evidenc
against Stacy, says that he wi
not sign any statement about th
court record until the inclusion o
the additions he demanded.
"The burden of Initiative is on
the appellant," Judge Breakey
Young argues he has not bee
informed of all the correction
Judge Breakey wishes to be mad
and has been unable to get the
original copies from Judge Brea
key's office to make those correc-
tions he knows about.
las K. Reading, who conducted th
State's case against Stacy, claim
"there is no way under the law
that anyone could have the powe
to delay the appeal. There is no
reason why the appeal can't go
on without the record of the pro-
Young grants that hetcould
take the case directly to the
Supreme Court, but claims that
to go without certification of
the trial record would produce
unnecessary difficulties in the
conduct of the appeal.
"Getting a certification of the
record is a three-minute proce-
dure," Judge Breakey says, "once
the report includes the details I
have requested."
While this circuitous argument
goes on, Stacy, who tried to kill
himself shortly after being sen-
tenced, still sits in prison.
His arrest, without a warrant,
came four months and four days
after the June 6 Haven Hall blaze,
when his former girl friend, Zelda
Clarkson, called police to demand
that the 30-year-old Latin scholar
be committed to an institution for
the insame.
Quad To Gel
Vaughan Men
Former residents of Vaughan
House, recently converted into a
women's dorm, will be assigned
rooms in Kinsley House of the
South Quadrangle, Francis C.
Shiel, manager of Service Enter.
prizes, announced yesterday.
i i
l i
Soule Decision
Laid to Regents
The University administration was overruled by the Board of Re,
gents in the matter of rejecting the resignation of the late Malcolm
H. Soule, former head of the bacteriology department of the Medica
School, who committed suicide Friday after learning that he had beer
dismissed from the faculty for mishandling funds.
This was revealed in a letter from University Vice-President Wil-
bur K. Pierpont to Soule dated July 18 which was made public yes-
terday by Mrs. Alma Soule, the bacteriologist's wife.
* * * *
Five - Power
THE LETTER which acknowledged receipt of Soule's resignation,
tendered to Dean Albert C. Furstenberg, of the Medical School, noted
that full restitution of the mishandled sum of $487.05 had been made
and concluded:
"This isatoadvise you that your resignation submitted July
13 has been accepted."
"He thought the whole affair at an end and that the unfortunate
" circunistance was to be forgotten,"
Mrs. Soule said yesterday. "He
CourtD ro s was preparing to start life all over
again as a consultant in private
practice," she said.
Ca e"Then came a messenger from
the Board of Regents with the
letter. It was more than he could
Iran rincebear.",
The letter from the Regents was
the message found near Soule's
body Friday which informed him
Prince Mahmoud Pahlavi, Grad.
absent from his own hearing, un-
concernedly attended classes yes-
terday as his municipal court tria:
on charges of driving with a re-
voked license was dismissed by
Judge Francis O'Brien.
Dismissal of the case "in the
best interest of the public" was
moved by Prosecuting Attorney
Douglas K. Reading. The absent
prince was represented by attor-
ney Louis Burke.
* *d*
his belief that the critical situa-
tion in Iran makes it impractical
to regard Pahlavi, brother of the
Iranian Shah, separately from his
own government. The prosecutor
admitted that he has found that
the prince is in no official way a
representative of that government.
Denying emphatically that he
was "yielding to State Depart-
ment pressure," Reading declar-
ed that his decision was reached
independently. He said the im-
portance of the case here is dis-
proportionate to the importance
it might be given abroad.
After the brief five-minute hear-
ing, Judge O'Brien granted the
request for dismissal of the case
on Reading's report that "it is
more important that the interests
of the country be protected than
that this case be prosecuted." Ac-
cording to the prosecutor, what
might have been a ticklish inter-
national situation has been avoid-
* * *
EXPRESSING hope that the
prince would comply with local
laws in the future, Reading stated
that Michigan's books are now
cleared of charges against the
Shah's young brother.
Pahlavi was thus spared a
two-day jail sentence which
conviction would have carried.
The prince was arrested by Ann
Arbor police on a speeding charge
June 22. It was then discovered
that his driver's license had been
revoked for failure to settle a
previous traffic charge in Jackson.
Pahlavi was released on $25
bond. A few days later, a three-
man delegation from the Iranian
embassy in Washington arrived in
Jackson to pay the $22 fine.
that his resignation had not been
accepted and that he was dismissed
instead and the facts of the case
l would be turned over to the coun-
- ty prosecutor for prosecution.
y * *
INFORMED OF Mrs. Soule's'
e statements, University officials as-
s serted that Soule had "misinter-
preted" Pierpont's letter if he be-
t lieved that it was the final word
on the case.
President Alexander G. Ruth-
yen pointed outtyesterday that
3"regardless of the wording of
the Pierpont letter or the inter-
pretation put upon it by Dr.
Soule, he must have known that
the Regents never have delegat-
ed to an inferior officer the right
to dismiss, employ or promote a
faculty member. They insist on
reviewing every such case. No
action taken by Mr. Pierpont
could be more than a temporary
one, pending final action by the
Pierpont said that under the
by-laws of the University he had
no alternative but to write the
letter as he did. "Once Dr. Soule
admitted that he had forged the
indorsement of checks my duty
was rigidly prescribed," Pierpont
"I was forced to accept his res-
ignation for the purpose of separ-
ating him from the payroll at that
time. He must have known that
;he regents could sustain or re-
scind my action as they willed."
On Monday, a coroner's report
given after an autopsy performed
at the coroner's request by a Uni,-
versity surgeon, showed that Soule
had been suffering from a nasal
lesion which was cancerous. An
operation designed to correct the
condition was performed in 1937
but another one to relieve pressure
on the brain had to be performed
two years ago.
The coroner's report said that
the condition must have caused a
good deal of continuous pain.
A further study of sections of
the brain tissue to determine if'
the pain caused a deterioration of
the brain will take about two'
weeks, the coroner said.
Members of the family reported
that physical examinations in May
and June had found Soule physi-
cally fit, however.
Allies Await
Truce Talks
Hinge on Red OK
Of UN's Demand
TOKYO-()-The Allied truce
team left by plane for Korea yes-
terday to await Communist guar-
antees for strict neutrality at
Resumption of the suspended
armistice talks hinges on Red ac-
ceptance of Gen. Matthew B.
Ridgway's new demand that Com-
munist troops be kept out of the
truce ciiy neutral area.
VICE ADM. C. Tiner Joy,
chief United Nations armistice
delegate, and three members of
his team left Tokyo at 6 p.m. (Ann
Arbor time).
The return of the Allied dele-
gation to Korea indicated that
a favorable reply was expected
from the Communists.
Communist radios gave no im-
mediate reply to Ridgway's latest
message, which was broadcast re-
peatedly to the top Red com-
Instead, Peiping countered with
a broadcast alleging that U. S.
ground troops in three attacks
violated the neutrality zone July
BRIG. GEN. William P. Nuck-
ols, official UN spokesman, 4aid
North Korean Lt. Gen. Nam I did
bring before the conference a
charge that UN forces had vio-
lated the neutrality agreement
and the matter wasdiscussed by
liaison officers of both sides. He
said the matter was investigated
but he did not know with what
result or conclusion.
A Pyongyang radio broadcast
gave no bint that Ridgway's
message had ever been received.
It continued to berate Allied
negotiators for failing to appear
Sunday at Kaesong, the confer-
ence site, "on the pretext of a
mistake made by our troops in
violating the neutral zone."
The Supreme UN commander
halted the cease-fire negotiations
and called his team to Tokyo after
140 armed Reds marched past the
conference site during a mid-day
recess in the 19th meeting last
Ridgway acknowledged he had
received an explanation from the
Communist top command on the
But the UN commander plainly
showed he was not satisfied with
the Red reply from Gens. Kim Il
Sung, North Korean premier, and
Peng Teh-Huai, leader of the
Chinese Red army forces in
On the fighting front, Allied
patrols ranged up to six miles
in front of their lines without
meeting strong opposition.
The Communists sent a single
plane over Allied lines on the cen-
tral front. Five bombs were
dropped. There was no announce-
ment of casualties or damage. ;
Allied warplanes flew 236 sor-
ties, 90 of them at night. Pilots
reported 80 Communist vehicles
were hit in moderately large con-
voys moving toward the Red{
' Announces'
New Project
The University and the Dearborn
Motors Corp. announced yesterday
a join t four-year $100,000 project
to find out how trace elements
of the soil-iron, copper, zinc, bor-
on, manganese and molybdenum
-may be used to increase yields
and add nutritional values to farm
RAW DEAL?-Cadet Capt. Harold . Loehlein (center), captain-elect of Army's football team, goes
over a statement he made to newsmen, as Cadet Ronald Clough (left) and Cadet Harrison Travis
watch. Loehlein lashed back at the accusers of the 90 cadets who are facing expulsion from the U.S.
Military Academy, saying the accused cadets felt they were getting a "raw deal."
Testifies in
Cadets Face Resignation
Or Immediate Expulsion
By The Associated Press
West Point's commandant, de-
fending the institution's academ-
By The Associated Press t ic record, said yesterday that
A University of Washington Icheating cadets can resign with a
professor testified yesterday he clean slate if they so choose.
got a cold shoulder from an aide
to President Roosevelt after pro- But if they don't, Maj. Gen.
posing that anti-Communist forc-_
es in China be given substantial
military aid in 1943. W orld News
Prof. George E. Taylor said he
suggested that enough arms be j
sent to Chinese Nationalist forces 1
to "shoot up the Communists." Ro n u
But, he told the Senate's internal By The Associated Press
Security Subcommittee, White
House adviser Lauichlin Currie WASHINGTON-The National
broke off relations with him after Cancer Institute yesterday award-
that. ed 150 grants totaling $1,416,760
to aid cancer research in 78 hos-
TAYLOR said that at that timeI
he was with the Office of War In-
formation in charge of the China
He said he had been a trus-
tee of the Institute of Pacific
Relations since 1946. The sub-
committee has been probing at
length into the operations of the
Institute, whose officers say it
is engaged in objective study of
Far Eastern problems.
Asked if he had received com-
plaints that the IPR was "Com-
munist influenced or Communist-
controlled," Taylor replied he had
been told there were some Com-
munists in the Institute, that some
thought it Communist-controlled
and some thought it not.
pitals, universities and other in-
stitntions here and abroad, in-
cluding grants to Dr. Abraham
I. Braude and Dr. Albert H.
Wheeler of the University.
American rocket yesterday set a
new altitude record of 135 miles.
WASHINGTON - President
Truman asked the Senate yes-
terday to restore about $3,000,-
000 which the House cut from
appropriations for the United
Nations and other international
WASHINGTON - Senator Mc-
Carthy (R-Wis.) said last night
he was prepared to make public
Frederick A. Irving said, they will
be ousted.
* * *
PREVIOUSLY the Army had
not made clear that the 90 ac-
cused cadets would have a chance
to resign with clean records.
Irving, graying, 56-year-old
superintendent of the U.S. Mili-
tary Academy, said he believed
that "we probably are cleaner
than almost any other institu-
"The fact that we took action
just makes us look bad," he told a
news conference.
** *
AS IRVING spoke, proposals
were being voiced in Congress that
West Point, and the Annapolis
Naval Academy, be abolished as
full-scale educational institutions,
and reduced to purely military
There also was word from the
Army that it will try to learn if
there are other cadets or grad-
uates involved in a classroom
cribbing scandal, which already
has ensnared 90 West Point stu-
Should other cases be unearth-
ed, "appropriate action" will be
taken, an Army spokesman said.
Gen. Irving disclosed that 29
other cadets had been investigated
on exam-cribbing charges, but
that there was not enough evi-
dence to punish them. So far as
he knows, he said, only the 90
were involved.
Some of the accused cadets
ehav claimed that at least 200 oth-
ers got off the hook by lying.
AS FINAL screening of the ac-
cused students progressed, the
Senate's special investigating sub-
committee called off an inquiry,
f or the time being.
Rep. Hoey (D-N.C.), chairman,
said the reason was that the ca-
dets now are getting additional
individual hearings.
At the same time, Rep. Clemente
(D-N.Y.) introduced a resolution
calling for an investigation by the
House Armed Services Committee
of both West Point and Annapolis.
P act
Calls Peace
Russia Remindd
Of Charter Aims
ted States scornfully dismissed as
"a propaganda trap" yesterday
Russian President Shvernik's pro-
posal for a five-power peace pact.
A statement by the State De-
partment said the whole proposi-
tion was an old favorite of Soviet
propagandists going back to Jan-
uary, 1949. It asserted there was
nothing new in the proposal,
made in a letter from Shvernik to
President Truman
* * *
WITH ITS rejection, the State
Department issued a challenge to
the Soviet Union to live up to
peace obligations it has already
undertaken in the United Nations
State Department press offi-
cer Michael J. McDermott said
that if and when Mr. Truman
answers Shvernik's letter which
he received Monday his answer
will follow the same line as the
The statement issued by Mc-
Dermott at a news conference was
the fourth in a series of develop-
ments in the battle of words with
Russia which began when Con-
gress adopted a resolution declar-
ing American friendship for the
Russian people and asking that
this resolution be published in
THE SECOND move came on
July 7 when Mr. Truman dis-
patched the resolution to Presi-
dent Nikolai Mikhailovitch Shver-
nik of the Presidium of the Su-
preme Soviet, with a request that
it be published in Russia.
The third move came Mon-
day when the Russian embassy
delivered to the State Depart-
ment Shvernik's answer, In-
cluding a resolution of the
Presidium. This dealt at lewth
with the familiar themes of us-
sia's interest in peace and
friendship and denounced the
United States.
Along with this Shvernik called
for a five-power pact "for the
strengthening of peace." This
would be a pact among the United
States, Soviet Union, Britain,
France and Red China-which the
United States does not recognize.
McDermott began his state-
ment today with a blast at the
Russians for failing to publish the
American friendship resolution.
Later, dispatches from Moscow
said the Moscow radio broadcast
the resolution to the Russian peo-
ple yesterday, along wtih an ac-
companying letter from President
Truman and Shverniks' reply. It
was announced that Soviet news-
papers would carry the texts this
Vinson Moves
To Increase
Air Power
Vinson (D-Ga.) of the House
Armed Services Committee open-
ed a fast-action drive yesterday
for a 163-group air force, nearly
twice present strength and over
two-thirds above the present offi-
cial air power goal.
He called also for two more
super aircraftscarriers like the
one now under contract. 0
PRESSING for speed on the
ground that planes and mass wea-
pons have so changed strategy
that the loser in the air is certain
nf defeat in war Vinson:
I --
--- --
Streiff Reports Perfect
Student Driving Record
MEANWHILE the FBI rounded today the names of 29 state de-
up five more Communist leaders partment employees who, he says,
yesterday, bringing to 50 the num- are under loyalty investigation if
ber of party officials charged with the wire services promise to carry
plotting to advocate the violent the names.
overthrow of the United States -
Government. NEW YORK-A CIO union's ef-
In San Diego, Calif., FBI fort to organize New York's 19,000
chief J. Edgar Hoover said the cops was answered yesterday with
roundup will be followed by more a. headquarters order that no po-
arrests, liceman could join any labor
Hoover declared in an interview union.
that third level Communists would **
be jailed next but "there is to be SAN FRANCISCO-The accor-
no hysteria, no mass raids, no dionplayer, Dick Contino, 21 years
roundup of thousands." old, who dodged the draft, is go-
Of those taken into custody yes- ing to prison for six months. After
terday, two were arrested in New he gets out, and pays a $10,000
York, two in Baltimore and one fine, he will step into an Army
in Cleveland. uniform.
University students have turned
in an exemplary driving record
this summer, with "nary a one"
reported for violating his special
driving permit, according to offi-
cials in the automobile division of
the Office of Student Affairs.
Karl D. Streiff, administrative
assistant, reports that two depu-
tized sheriffs, employed by the
University to check on student
drivers this summer, have not yet
listed any violators.
THE REPORT indicates that
students have apparently abided
with the summer session rule
which allows use of recreational
MEANWHILE, University offi-
cials have been meeting to com-
plete a tentative plan to set up
regular police protection for the
campus, as announced last May
by University Vice-President Wil-
bur K. Pierpont.
At that time, Pierpont ex-
pressed a need for police on
University parking lots. "There
is no regular enforcement now,
and the problem is a serious
one." he asserted.
An agreement was reached aft-
er nearly eight months of discus-
sion between city and University
officials. The University has been:
paying the city annually the equi-
valent of about seven policemen's
Draft Forces College Faculty Cuts
I WASHINGTON- P) -One out At the University, officials
of about every 12 American col- have announced that 97 facul-
so have offered some help in this
and other ways to relieve the
crop. lap ntiunivrsiy t.A ~rqf-sP! s,
tv members will he cut in the