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August 04, 1951 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-08-04

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Canine Conceit

-Daily-L. Wilk
PRIDE OF THE DANES - "Rye-o-lee," Sigma Phi harlequin
Great Dane, arrogantly displays his new platinum bleach with
which he hopes to outdo his two brothers "Major" of Delta Tau
Delta, and "Rummie" of Chi Psi in attracting campus canine
queens. Fraternity members refused to reveal the 'operator' res-
ponsible for "Rye-o-lee's" tonsorial transformation.
Visiting Foreign Teachers
Comment on 'U' Activities

T h e informality for which
America is noted appears missing
in the relations between students
and administrators, according to
Georges Maillon, one of the 19
teachers visiting the University
from France this summer.
All of the 36 teachers from 10
foreign countries who are attend-
ing summer session education
courses on scholarships sponsored
by the State Department have
been impressed by the friendliness
and informality of the people here.
Some of the Frenchmen, how-
ever, were a little confused by
the rules and regulations of the
administration concerning stu-
dent activities.
* * *
TO US, one of them said, it is
difficult. to comprehend that we
have to walk all the way down-
town for a glass of beer or wine,
TV Hook-Ups Go
NEW YORK --(') --Television
goes transcontinental Sept. 30,
just 25 and three-quarter years
after the first coast-to-coast radio
The historic linking-up will take
network television into the popu-
lous Los Angeles-San Francisco
region. It will give network tele-
vision, in turn, access to the fabu-
lous talent center of Hollywood.
The connection will come in time
for the world series, as well as the
Rose Bowl football game.
It was for the Rose Bowl game
on New Year's day 1926 that the
first coast-to-coast radio hookup
was made.
The network companies have
not yet completed their plans for
originating part of their programs
from Hollywood but are expected
to make fairly frequent use of the
link to the coast.

and that any student who wants
a car is not allowed to have one.
Augusto Mauriquez Salgado
from Chile was disappointed by
how little American students
are aware of other countries. In
other countries, he continued,
more stress is placed on their
neighbors in the world.
The only complaint made about
the program was -that all of them
wish to see more of American
home life. The consensus of opin-
ion is that young Americans live
one way while attending college,
and another when with their par-
ents in their home town.
* * *
THERE WERE many other dif-
ferences noticed. Abdal Rehim
Rashwan, on leave from Teach-
er's College,nCairo. was surprised
that the store clerks say "Can I
help you?" Rashwan was also
impressed by the idea of a sum-
mer course. In other countries
when it's hot, the people don't
"It appears that nobody here
ever gets tired or bored in the
heat, I'm constantly amazed
how students go to classes and
lectures during the day, and
then attend other lectures and
meetings at night," Rashwan
All the visitors are agreed on
one point. American students
worry less about politics than stu-
dents in other countries. How-
ever, whether this lack of politi-
cal interest is good or bad, they
could not decide.
'U' Student Wins
NRC Fellowship
Hugh Gundel, graduate student
in physics and mathematics, has
been awarded a National Research
Council Fellowship which will fi-
nance a year of aeronautical re-
search at the Royal Technical In-
stitute at Stockholm, Sweden.

Music Groups
Will Present
Last Recitals
Two campus music groups will
Hake their final bows for the
summer in recitals scheduled for
tomorrow and Tuesday.
Professors Ava Comin Case and
VIary Fishburne of the music
chool will present a two-piano
ecital at 8:30 p.m., tomorrow, in
Hill Auditorium.
The Stanley Quartet's final
summer concert will be held at
3:30 p.m., Tuesday, in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
FEATURED IN the program to-
norrow will be a "Sonata for Two
?ianos," by Paul Hindemith and
'Sonata for Two Pianos and Per-
-ussion" by Bella Bartok.
Four music school students will
urovide the percussion for Pro-
:essors Case and Fishburne in the
3artok number.
Highlighting the S t a n I e y
Quartet's concert will be the
first performance of Prof. Ross
Lee Finney's "Quartet in E, No.
Finney, professor of composition
and composer in residence at the
music school, began the composi-
tion here in July of 1950 and com-
pleted it in December of that year.
Prof. Finney said his quartet
"attempts to correlate a complex,
chromatic melodic technic with a
concept of tonal architecture."
MAKING UP the Quartet are
music school faculty members
Emil Raab, violin, Robert Courte,
viola, and Prof. Oliver Edel, cello.
Also appearing with the Quartet
in this performance will be Jer-
mome Jelinck, '53SM, cello.
The Quartet will also play Hay-
dn's "Quartet in G minor, Op. 74,
No. 3" and Schubert's "Quintet in
C Major, Op. 163."
ROTC Cadets
Win Ratings
Col. Charles D. Wiegand, pro-
fessor of military science and tac-
tics, and other ROTC instructors
have returned to the University
from summer training camps
throughout the nation.
Col. Wiegand, who commanded
the summer ROTC program at
Camp McCoy, Wis., this summer,
will direct the transfer of army
ROTC headquarters from North
Hall to the Temporary Classroom
The ROTC announced that
eighteen University seniors were
among those receiving commis-
sions of second lieutenant at the
summer encampments.
Those commissioned in the
Quartermaster Corps, U. S. Army
Reserve, at Fort Lee, Va., were
William C. Benson, Francis F.
Byrne, John L. Dekker, Harland
P. Dodge, Harry P. Hawkins, Al-
bert C. Keith, Jr., Raymond L. M.
Lum, and John S. Wilkie, Jr.
Commissioned in the Signal
Corps at Ft. Monmouth, N. J.,
were Stuart D. Hubbell, Richard
A. Humes, James C. Meehan,
Douglas J. Putnam.
At Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Md., commissioned in the Ord-
nance Corps were Robert W. Cor-
rigan and Donald J. H'udler.
At Camp McCoy, Wis., the fol-
lowing received commissions in
the infantry: Monroe E. Ader-
hold, Crane Kendrick, Charles C.
Sloane and Henry F. Tyson, Jr.





- _ _


brothers of Buffalo, N. Y., have chalked up 102 years in the postal
service and have covered enough miles to circle the globe 10 times.
Left to right are: Roland, 49; Norman, 47: Herbert. 59; Robert, 57.

M A K I N G T H E G R A D E - A six-room house is inched up one of Los Angeles' steepest
grades with use of winches by two trucks. each anchored to manholes and telenhone poles.








C 1 A N T E X C A V A T 0 R -- This 1,100-ton blade-wheel, excavator built for lignite mines
near Helmstedt, Germany, moves toward site of operation. It can dig 850 cubic yards per hour.

BUTTONED BY B I R D I E- Birdie H. Aldrich, Los
Angeles public accountant, shows some of the vases she has made
from variously colored buttons, her hobby for the past ten years.

F U N O N W H E E L S - The players wheel into action as .two Erlanger teams engage in a
football match on motorcycles before a tree-sheltered crowd at Wasserburg, Germany. -

It - -'i

C E A S E -"F I R E 4T A L K - On western Korean front,
Cpl. Earl W. McKittrick, of Milan, Ind., discusses with ROK
Army Nurse Chay Byoing Ha the news of cease-fire discussions.


1833 Washtenaw Ave.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
Subject-" Love."
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
Ths room is open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Fridays 7-9
P. M., Saturday 3-5 P.M.

11:00 A.M.: Sundays. Visitors welcome.
Y. M. C. A. Auditorium
G. Wheeler Utley, Minister
11:00 A.M.: Sunday morning service.
7:00 P.M.: Sunday evening service.

504 E. Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister and Student Counselor
Crystal Cuthbert, Assistant Student Counselor
Sunday School (Guild Class) 10:00.
Church Service 11:00: "Christian Love."

120 South State Street
Dwight S. Large, Erland J. Wangdahl,
Eugene Ransom, Ministers
9:30 A.M.- Breakfast Seminar, Pine Room.
10:45 A.M.: Worship, "I Believe in Christ-
Therefore." Dr. Large, praching.
3:30 P.M.: Leave Foundation for Portage Lake.
Picnic, Outing and Supper. Evening Vespers-
"Worship Through Nature."






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