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June 28, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-06-28

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____________________________________ U _________________________________________________________________________

W ASHINGTON-The careful and co-oper-
ative planning of a Republican diplomat
from the canyons of Wall Street and a
Democratic Senator from the Northwest is
presenting Washington with a welcome de-
parture from the current confusion and
rivalry between the executive and legislative
Between them, Ambassador John Foster
Dulles and Sen. Warren Magnuson of Wash-
ington have in hand the main outlines of a
Japanese Peace Treaty which will fulfill
two vital aims:
I. It will bring Japan into the United
Nations as an independent nation, freed of
occupying forces and re-armed to do its
part in the fight against Communist ag-
2. It will replace the threat of another
prewar Japan, the cut throat economic
competitor that the West learned to fear
and hate, with a nation allowed trading
room but required to obey the West's rules
of conservation and fair trade.
The international political goals of the
first part of this tall order are the special
province of Mr. Dulles and he has proved
brilliantly successful with them in a hard
recent week in London. When the British
succumbed to Mr. Dulles' argument that
Japan presented the only potential source
of military strength now available to the
Allies in the Far East, he was over the
It was Mr. Dulles' inspiration to separate
consideration of the economic problems
posed by Japan from the General treaty.
These economic aspects are covered by a
blanket provision in which Japan obligates
herself to negotiate settlements with the
Allies in the fields of trade agreements, mer-
chant marine and fisheries.
* * *
T HUS the Senate will be free to act swiftly
on the general question of mobilizing the
political, social and military force of Japan
for the anti-Communist world. This will be
a popular aim and Senators are predicting
that once Allied accord is reached, action
can be had with reasonable promptitude.
From a domestic point of view, the Sen-
ate will be more skeptical with respect to
the economic aspects. And this is where
Sen. Magnuson, whose special province is
merchant marine and fisheries-he is head
of; that subcommittee of Interstate and
Foreign Commerce-comes in.
As for the trade agreements, Japan, the
Senate will be assured, can be fitted into the
existing trade agreement structure. The
State Department now possesses a vast ex-
perience in reciprocal trade agreements and
is ready to promise the Japanese its prompt
Sen. Magnuson is starting his work on
the problem of Japan as a trading and fish-
ing nation entitled to an adequate merchant
marine and fishing fleet with the premise
that the West will not try to fence off the
Pacific Ocean. He is aware that extremists
here and in Great Britain would prefer to
have it that way but he believes he can con-
vince the majority to the contrary.
The Senator from Washington initiated
his present studies with a trip to Tokyo and
the Far East where he talked directly to
Japanese officials. When their negotiators
arrive, which will be soon, he expects to sit
down with them and U. S. shippers and
fisheries to talk things over.
(Released by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Dewey's Tour

GOVERNOR DEWEYS announcement that
he will make a journey next month
covering various trouble areas of the Far
East indicates that his voice will be heard,
and heard with fresh vigor and authority,
in the debates on foreign policy which are
bound to continue.
The Governor has never been hesitant
about accepting a role of leadership in
regard to the Far East. He discerned
early that the Democratic Administration
must accept the onerous responsibility
for failures and disappointments in that
field; he has not ceased to hammer away
at his broad-based and in large part un-
answerable criticisms of the prevailing
Mr. Dewey, however, has not, while con-
sidering Asia, closed his eyes to the rest of
the world. One of the earliest and most out-
spoken advocates of General Eisenhower's
candidacy for 1952, he has committed him-
self in speech after speech to the urgencies
of the Atlantic pact; and it is not to be
supposed that he will now adopt positions
which might be untenable for the figure
whose candidacy he favors.
The Governor stresses that he will jour-
ney as a private citizen at his own expense
and by commercial air lines. Wherever he
goes he will be accepted, nevertheless, as
one of the most influential and one of the
wisest voices in the shaping of Republican
He will be received and listened to as
only a rare private citizen deserves to be.
We trust that in the various stages of his
journey, in Japan, in Korea, in Formosa







WASHINGTON-The reaction of the us-
ually optimistic President Truman to
the Malik statement was, uncharacteristic-
ally, a good deal more cautious and skepti-
cal than that of his advisers. Truman ori-
ginally intended to keep his previously sche-
duled Tennessee speech unchanged, and it
was only at the last moment that he was
persuaded by Secretary of State Dean Ache-
son to include in a few sentences an ob-
lique nod to Malik.
Unlike Truman, who was much inclined
to write the Malik statement off as a mere
propaganda trick, the State Department and
Pentagon planners and Russians experts
take the Soviet proposal of a Korean cease-
fire very seriously indeed. This is signifi-
cant, if only because these men are much
more familiar with the pattern of Sov1it
behavior than President Truman.
Moreover, the belief among the experts
that the Soviets may now be willing to
cut their losses in Korea goes back well
before the Malik statement. Almost six
weeks ago, reports began appearing in this
space stating that "it is entirely possible
that the fighting in Korea will come to an
end in the near future," and that "the
most experienced policy makers serious-
ly believe that there is a real chance of a
negotiated settlement of the Korean war."
Especially before Malik's speech, this
hopefulness was surprising, and difficult to
explain in really solid terms. It was natural
to suspect-and this reporter did suspect-.
that the sudden flowering of cautious op-
timism which began early in May and still
continues was based on some sort of direct,
secret negotiations with the Kremlin. But
if secret negotiations have been going on,
either knowledge of them is limited to a
half dozen men at the most, or official
Washington has produced a remarkable crop
of skillful liars.
What has apparently actually happened is
that a sort of semaphoric diplomacy, a wav-
ing of signal flags across the vast gulf
which separates the Soviet Union from the
West, has been substituted for the direct
and secret contact of the old diplomacy.
From the first the Soviet signals convinced
the experts that there was a real chance of
a Korean settlement.
* * *
THE FIRST' very dim and distant wig-
wagging came, about two months ago,
in the form of very faint hints from Soviet
officials that a reasonable settlement might
be reached. These hints were conveyed first
to the British and Swedes, and then, extre-
mely tentatively, by Malik himself to two
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

subordinate American officials of the United
At the same time, American objectives in
Korea were in process of being defined by
the National Security Council. The N.S.C.
ruled officially that the "political" objec-
tive remained the unification of all Korea,
but that the "military" objective was a cease
fire at or near the 38th Parallel. This
amounted to saying that we would like a
non-Communist government in all Korea,
but that we would settle for less because we
had to.
After this National Security Council deci-
sion, the semaphoring started from the Am-
erican side. During the MacArthur hearings,
very broad hints from Secretary of Defense
Marshall and from Generals Bradley and
Collins were followed by a flat statement
by Secretary Acheson. This statement, that
under certain obvious conditions we would
accept a cease-fire at the Parallel, was un-
doubtedly read with interest in Moscow.
Meanwhile, the Kremlin was also run-
ning up more signal flags. The Johnson
resolution, calling for a Korean cease
fire, was given great prominence in the
Soviet press. Immediately the American
Communists, obviously under priority in-
structions, from the Kremlin, started an
all-out campaign in support of the John-
son resolution.
Thus the Malik statement is only the last
of a number of moves in a complicated, ri-
tualistic feeling-out process. It may be, of
course, that President Truman's first in-
stinct was correct, and that Malik's state-
ment, and all the signs and portents which
preceded it, have been no more than an
elaborate trap for the unwary.
But as the Russian experts point out,
Lenin long ago laid down the rule that So-
viet policy must be a "zig-zag" policy, strik-
for power when the risks seem small, re-
coiling when the risk becomes too great.
Those best qualified to judge believe that it
is entirely possible that the Kremlin intends
to zag in Korea. For the risk in Korea is
quite clearly the risk of a third world war.
Yet Soviet zigs always follow Soviet
zags, as Greece followed Iran and Berlin
followed Greece and Korea followed Ber-
lin. This is why, if there is an end to the
Korean fighting, this country will be faced
with a test of its stamina and Its leader-
ship greater, in a way, than the Korean
war itself.
For the already evident temptation to re-
lax the painful and expensive effort to
strengthen the free world against Soviet
aggression will then become immensely
powerful. If this country does relapse into
complacency, sooner or later the Soviets will
achieve the decisive breakthrough, in Yugo-
slavia or the Middle East or elsewhere,
which is the object of their zig-zag policy.
Then the alliance of the West will begin to
fall apart in weakness and fear. But Korey,
has shown, at least, that this need not hap-
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

"You Were Saying, General - "
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libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the





Four Out of Five .. .
To the Editor:
Where among this motley array
of draft dodgers, probation stu-
dents and old maid school teach-
ers that have just dragged them-
selves onto the campus is some
faint resemblance of a real CO-,
ED? For the past three days I
have prowled this campus high
and low, but nowhere was there
one to be found.
I know that the fifth one comes
to Michigan, but I seriously doubt
if that one bothered to show up
this term.
I well realize that a lack of
good material keeps the male
sharp, alert and active. However,
the femmes in this neighborhood
are enough to discourage even the
most rash among us. If you are
hereabouts COED, for Aphrodite's
sake, reveal thyself.
Box 69, The Daily
Capitalism . .
To the Editor:
New Name for Capitalism,"
condensed in a recent article in a
national magazine (Readers Di-
gest), William Nichols says "it
(Capitalism) is a misleading term
because, when applied to America,
it no longer fits the system it
pretends to describe.'
To justify a change in name,
Mr. Nichols points to the dif-
ference in "conditions" today
from those of fifty to one hundred
years ago. He says, "There is no
denying that Capitalism's early
period contains many dark chap-
ters of worker exploitation," as
compared to "new plans for bon-
uses, pensions, and other ways of
sharing profits."
"The redefinition of just one
word (Capitalism) could help
check the spread of world com-
munism." Nichols says, "Capital-
ism is the word used over and over
by the Soviets as a smear wvrd to
discredit us."
He concludes by saying, ''We
need a new word to describe our
system where men go forward free-
ly together, working together, and
A man comes home from a trip
to the Ozarks, and he says, reach-
ing to scratch himself just above
the left ankle, "Boy, did I get
chigger bites!"
"Nonesense!" says the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, announcing
the results of eight years of re-
search on which it spent some
$216,000. "Chiggers do not bite.
They attach themselves to the
base of a hair and secrete a poison
that irritates the skin."
Now this is scientific stuff, prob-
ably sound, since so much cash
was spent in accumulating it. But
one thing even the department ex-
perts are going to have to admit;
it still leaves the poor man stand-
ing there, reaching by this time
to scratch right and left ankles
-St. Louis Star-Times

sharing together the rewards of
their increased productions.
Now then, according to the dic-
tionary, Capitalism: "An econom-
is system . . . in which the own-
ership of land and natural wealth,
the production, distribution and
exchange of goods the employ-
ment and reward of human labor
. are entrusted to .. . private
enterprise and control under com-
petitive conditions." As this de-
finition covers our present eco-
nomic system in America, we can-
not honestly call it anything else
but Capitalism.
As to working together and
sharing the rewards of our in-
creased production, this is not
true. For while Capitalists were
almost doubling their volume of
profit over the past few years,
most workers have actually suf-
fered a decline in purchasing
Capitalists would like us to be-
lieve that modern conveniences
are the direct effects of Capital-
ism. What we should know, how-
ever, is: Capitalism has nothing
whatsoever to' do with the devel-
opment of ideas or rewards there-
Nichols also alleges that im-
provements in working conditions
and America's high standard of
living is a direct result of Capi-
talism. If this were true, how can
one account for the low standard
of living in all other Capitalistic
And anyway if everything is so
good under Capitalism, WHY
not change its name. Let us either
abolish it, or improve it. Let us
establish a decent society, and
the name will take care of itself.
George Neal

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to allmembers of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 2-S
June 25 - August 17
The General Library will be open:
8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday through
8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday.
8 a.m. - 12 m. Saturday.
Closed Sunday.
Circulation of books for home use
from the second floor desk will be
discontinued at 6 p.m. except to hold-
ers of stack permits, but books may be
returned and loans renewed at the
charging desk.
The Divisional Libraries will be open:
8 a.m. - 12 m.; 1 - 5 p.m. Closed
evenings and Saturdays with the ex-
ception of:
Music Library
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; 7 - 10 p.m. Monday
through Thursday.
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday.
8 a.m. 12 m. Saturday.
Engineering and East Engineering
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Fri-
8 a.m. - 12 m. Saturday.
The Study Halls in the General Li-
brary and Angell Hall study Hall will
be open:
8 a.m. - 12 m; 1 - 5 p.m.; 7 - 9 p.m.
Monday through Thursday.
8 a.m. - 12 m; 1 - 5 p.m. Friday.
8 a.m. - 12 in. Saturday.
Automobile Regulations
The University applies certain restric-
tions to the use of automobiles by its
students. The restrictions on the use
of automobiles do not apply to the fol-
lowing students of the summer session
who are in an EXEMPT category,
but even students of this EXEMPT ca-
tegory must register their automobiles
with the Office of Student Affairs
Room 1020 Administration Building.
The following students are in an EX-
EMPT category:
1. Those who in the academic year
are engaged in professional pursuits, as,
for example; teachers, lawyers, physi-
cians, dentists, nurses. That is, those
who in the preceding academic year
were engaged in one of the above oc-
cupations or professions and not en-
rolled as a student;
2. Those who are 26 years of age
or over;
3. Married students;
4. Students holding a faculty rank
of teaching fellow or higher.
Students who are NOT EXEMPT in
accordance with the above listings may
apply for permits to Mr. Streiff or Mr.
Wirbel in the Office of Student Affairs,
Room 1020 Administration Building.
Each application will be considered up-
on its merits. A Recreational privilege
is available for participation in outdoor
sports such as golf, tennis, swimming,
All students who in the academic
year 1950-51 held either the EXEMPT
or SPECIAL PRIVILEGE permit will
automatically be entitled to the same
privilege for the summer session as
long as their status remains the same,
i.e., the reasons for which the permit
was originally granted persist through-
out the summer session; BUT, these
students must promptly notify the Of-
fice of Student Affairs of their intent
to extend the permit through the sum-
mer session.
All students, including those who are
in the EXEMPT category, must carry
Public Liability and Property Damage
and furnish the name of the insuring
company, the policy number, and ex-
piration date of the policy before per-
imission to drive is granted. Any stu-
dent under 21 years of age must pre-
sent a letter from a parent giving him
permission to operate a car.
NOTE: Any student who drives with-
out first having secured a permit is
subject to disciplinary action. The
summer session interpretation of this
ruling given above does not apply to the
regular academic year.
Student organizations planning to be
active during the summer session must
register In the Office of Student Af-
fairs not later than July 6. Forms for
registration are available in the Office
of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration
Social Events sponsored by student
organizations at which both men and
women are to be present must be ap-
proved by the Dean of Students. Ap-
plication forms and a copy of regula-
tions governing these events may be
secured in the Office of Student Af-
fairs, 1020 Administration Building.

Requests for approval must be sub-
mitted to that office no later than noon
of the Monday before the event is
scheduled. A list of approved social
events wil be published in the Daily
Official Bulletin on Wednesday of each
Season tickets for the Department
of Speech Summer Season of Plays
may now be purchased at the Men-
delssohn box office from 10 a.m. thru
Despite all the talk of manpower
shortage, the old prejudices in the
hiring of labor are operating as
usual. Henry L. McCarthy, New
York City's welfare commissioner,
says that past-40 workers are being
given the brush-off by employers.
Perhaps in a year and a half,
when the manpower pinch will be
felt through all industry, employ-
ers will not be able to afford their
present hiring prejudices. How-
ever, it would seem farsighted of
them to be shedding them now.
-The Washington Post

5 p.m. daily. The summer schedule
which will run from July 4th thru
August 13th includes comedy, tragedy,
melodrama and an operetta. Also fea-
tured on bill is The Young Ireland
Theatre Company, on tour in this
country for the first time. Single sal.
of tickets begins July 2. All perform-
ances start at 8 p.m.
Badminton may be played by both
men and women students every Wed-
nesday evening at 7:30 in Barbour Gym-
nasium. Instruction will be offered to
those who wish it.
Recreational Swimming - Women Stu-
There will be recreational swimming
at the Union Pool every Tuesday and
Thursday evening at 8:15.
The J. Raleigh Nelsn House for In-
ternational Living wishes to announce
several openings for room and board
for the summer session. 915 Oakland.
The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be
held June 29, 8:00 p.m., at the camp on
Patterson Lake. Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch,
Asst. Prof. of Psychiatry: in Charge of
Children's Service, Neuropsychiatric
Institute, University Hospital will be
the psychiatrist.
Events Today
Martin Joos, Professor of German.
University of Wisconsin. "A Linguist's
New English Speling." 7:30 Rackham
French Club: First meeting Thurs-
day, June 28, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Prof. Cr. E. Koella, of the
Romance Language Department, will
speak on: "La France a vote". French
songs, games, elections of officers. The
weekly meetings of the French Club
are open free of charge to all students
and Faculty members interested In
speaking and hearing French.
Student Recital: Graham Young, cor-
netist, will present a program at 8:30
in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree. It willI-
lude compositions by Handel, Jeanine
Rueff, Satie, Ravel, and Vittorio Gian-
nini, and will be open to the public.
Mr. Young is a pupil of Clifford Lill..
Academic Notices
Sports and Dance Instruction
The Department of Physical Euca-
tion for Women offers Instruction In
golf, tennis, archery, swimming, recrea-
tional sports, posture, and modern
dance. These classes are available to
all summer session students. Register
now in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
Seminar in Mathematical StatIstcs.
Meeting to arrange hours will be held
on Friday, June 29, at 12 o'clock in
Room 3020 Angell Hall.
Institute on Taxation of Businese
Enterprise. Topic. Some Tax Consid-
erations in the Organization and Man-
agement of Business Enterprise, 4:00
anm., Rackham Lecture. Hll. I Tpic:
Tax Considerations Respecting 7Corn'
pensatory Arrangements, 2:00 p.m.
Rackham Lecture Hall,
Lecture. "The Development-Hygiene.
Approach in Education." Lelal H.
Stott, Director of Research, Merrill-
Palmer School. Detroit. 4:00 p.m.,
Schorling Auditorium, University High
Coming Events
Friday, June 29--
Motion pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums. "Nature of Energy"
"Cell Division-the Basis of Growth In
All Living Things," "Life Cycle of
Moss." 7:30 p.m., Kellwgg Auditorium.
Saturday, June 30-
Reception for Newly Arrived Foreign
Students, auspices of the International
Center. 8:00 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Phi Delta Kappa (Men's Education
Fraternity) picnic Thursday, June 28.
Meet at front entrance to University
High School at 5 p.m.
Intercultural Oting: Sat., June 30.
Silver Lake. Leave Lane Hall, 10:00
a.m., return, 8:00 p.m. Cost $1.50. Make
reservations at Lane Hall by Friday
Hostel Club
Sunday canoeing, July 1. Meet at
League at 8:00 a.m. with food for cook-
out. Call Mary Rowley by Friday, tele-
phone 3-8687. New members welcome.
Tues., July 3-
"English Surnames." Ralp L. War,
Associate Professor of Classics, Yale

University. 7:30 Rackham Amphitrea-
Thur. July 5--
P h o n e m i c s and Pronunciation
Tests." Robert Lado, Assistant Dirk-
tor, English Language Institute, Uni-
versity of Michigan, 7:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
United States in World Crisis lecture.
Harold H. Fisher, Chairman, The Hoov-
er Institute and Library, July 5.
Student Recital: Sieglinde Sauskoju
pianist, will present a program at 8 :3&
Monday evening, July 2, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Master of Music. A pupil of
John Kollen, Miss Sauskojus will play
compositions by Haydn, Bartok, Mo-
zart, and Schumann. The recital will
be open to the public.
Student Recital: Wendell Nelson, stu-
dent of piano with Joseph Brinkman,
will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday evening,
July 3, in the Rackham Assembly Hall,
playing a program of works by Franck,
Debussy, Beethoven, Bach, and Proko-
fieff. The recital is played in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree, and is open to
the public.


W ASHINGTON-While making a survey
of Europe last winter several top dip-
lomats expressed the following idea about
peace or war with Soviet Russia:
"The worst blunder Moscow ever made
was to invade Korea. It created unity among
the United Nations. It aroused the American
people; and it put your mobilization pro-
gram in high gear.
"And the smartest thing the Kremlin
could do now," these diplomats continued,
"would be to make a dramatic peace bid.
It would throw discord into the United
Nations. It would pull the stops out of
your mobilization program. And it would
ease the American people into a false
sense of security.
"The peace bid wouldn't mean anything
in the long run," these diplomates believed.
"For as long as Russia maintains a huge
land army the world cannot be safe. But a
false sense of security is just what Moscow
This may be what is happening today. It
is interesting that Malik's speech came just
as the Price Control Bill was nearing a vote
and just as Congress was about to adopt the
biggest tax bill in peacetime history-most
of it to pay the cost of mobilization.
,i'* *
REPUBLICAN LEADERS did some fancy,
backstage wirepulling to keep Senator
McCarthy off the important GOP Policy
Committee. Here is the inside story of what
McCarthy had demanded the Policy Com-
mittee seat as his reward for smearing the
Democrats and carrying five states for Re-
publican senators last November-Mary-
land, Utah, California, Indiana and Illi-
nois. He was supported in this claim by such
Republicans as Sen. Ferguson of Michigan,
who argued that McCarthy's name-calling
was worth ten to twenty thousand votes in
each state; but he was opposed by Sen. Mil-
likin of Colorado, the GOP Senate Chair-
man, who flatly refused to appoint McCar-

What they proposed was to add another
member to the Policy Committee in order
to create a vacancy for McCarthy.
Under the rules, this petition forced Mil-
likin to call a meeting of all Republican
Senators, which he did.
Meanwhile, however, GOP leaders mov-
ed fast. They shifted committee assign-
ments around to create a vacancy on the
powerful Senate Rules Committee, then in
order to pacify McCarthy, offered the
rules post to him. This was too much of a
temptation for McCarthy to resist, and he
accepted. For it put him in a position to
block the Senate Report on the Maryland
elections, where he is up to his neck in
this scandal and anxious for a whitewash.
For example, the Maryland investigation
has already discovered that McCarthy's as-
sistant, Don Surine, perjured himself be-
fore a Senate committee and was kicked out
of the FBI for fraternizing with a white
slavery prostitute he was supposed to be in-
So McCarthy accepted the Rules Commit-
tee post. After attaining this, however, he
refused to be satisfied and continued his
campaign to get on the Policy Committee.
THE LAST TIME Congress had a major
debate on price controls was in 1946,
at which time a lot of interesting speeches
were made, some of which certain Congress-
men would like to forget. Significantly, it's
some of the same solons who are promising
reduced prices if controls once again are
relaxed. Here is what they said in 1946-af-
ter which food prices went up 50 to 100
per cent:
Sen. Wherry (Neb. Rep.)-"Mr. Bowles
has said that if price controls were eliminat-
ed, the price of meat would go up 50 per
cent. Mr. Bowles is trying to scare us. My
prediction is that without price control meat
will cost less than today." (Meat is now up
in some cases more than 100 per cent).

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas .........Managing Editor
George Flint .............Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut........... Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz ....... ... Business Manager
Eva Stern..........Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon .......Finance Manager
Allen weinstein .. Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, 57.00


You came back to say good-bye to me,
Mr. O'Malley! You're not mad Onymore!

The conflict of my offer to tutor you
and your enrollment in Mrs. Tyler's nature

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