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August 01, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-08-01

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WEDNESDAY,_ AUGUST .. 1..vvw.1951~va

ROTEST over the Atomic Energy Com-
mission's tolerance of undemocratic em-
ployment practices in the South have been
steadily growing. The most recent and most
heartening is a resolution made public by
all southern chapters of the American Vet-
erans Committee criticizing the AEC as "out-
doing the South in racial discrimination."
Thus the southern AVC chapters have gone
on record along with the National Urban
League and the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People in protest-
ing the refusal of the AEC to require that
private contracting companies (including
such nohern firms as du Pont, General
Electric and Union Carbide and Carbon)
employ workers on the basis of merit rather
than color .
The AVC resolution points out that by
adapting their hiring policies to prevailing
racial customs, the contracting companies
are committing an injustice which is "dou-
bly reprehensible in Federal operations
which are designed to build weapons for
the defense of the very democratic princi-
ples which are now being violated."
The companies, apparently, are working
on the pusillanimous principle that in racial
matters it is best to let time take its course
and avoid incidents which are likely to
rouse racial tensions (and in this case, it
must be pointed out, perhaps cause costly
labor trouble and ill will toward the corpora-
tions involved.)
THIS go-slow policy rests on the familiar
"evolutionary" argument which is used by
everyone from barbershop proprietors to fra-
ternity men in defending discriminatory
practices. The argument maintains that it
is impossible to force social change upon so-
ciety and that incidents or controversies of
any sort in racial matters act only to inten-
sify existing prejudices
The point that this argument ignores is
that without agitation, the mutation which
is needed to effect social evolution will never
take place.
A good example of just how falacious
the "evolutionary" argument is can be seen
In Mississippi where campaigning for the.
August 7th primary election is in full
swing. Because of a U. S. Supreme Court
decision in 1945 which held that Negroes
*ere entitled to participate in that state's
traditionally all-white Democratic pri-
mary, the often abused race issue, with its
attendent tensions and injustices is totally
absent In this campaign.
The reason is, of course, that an estimated
20,000 registered Negro voters may hold the
balance of power in the all-important
Democratic primary and no candidate dares
run on a racial platform because he fears
antagonizing the Negro voters. So, because
pf newly-gained political power - power
which wasn't gained without many "inci-
dents"-the Negro has come into a position
of new dignity and prestige in Mississippi.
Without political power, he could not have
done so, and the same is true on an econo-
mic level. Without economic power, he will
never gain the equality to which he is en-
titled under the Constitution.
In the communities of Oak Ridge, Tenn.,
Paducah, Ky., and Ellenton, S. C., where it
operates installations, the AEC is missing a
good opportunity to strike a blow for equality
of treatment in his own country for the
American Negro.

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Washington Merry-Go-Round

DICTATOR FRANCO of Spain dropped
two important hints when nine U.S.
Senators interviewed him in Madrid, which
the Truman Administration apparently did-
n't realize when they embraced Franco so
ardently recently.
First Franco refused to make any com-
mitment on using Spanish troops to defend
Western Europe.
Second, he made no commitment to re-
store civil liberties, including freedom of
religious worship.
The Senators' trip, including the inter-
view with Franco, was highlighted by the
irrepressible diplomacy of Sen. Alexander
Wiley of Wisconsin, ranking Republican
on the Foreign Relations Committee, who
boomed out to the Spanish dictator:
"Franco, we're with you 100 per cent."
Wiley also reached around the back of
King Paul of Greece to shake hands with
Mrs. Jack Peurifoy in such a way that he
bumped the King on the back. The reason
he did so, explained the genial Wisconsin
Senator, was because he wanted to slap the
King on the back.
Wiley slapped so many European backs
that Senators Guy Gillette of Iowa and Brien
McMahon of Connecticut closed in on each
side when they were ushered in to see the
"We grabbed his hands to keep him from
slapping the Pope on the back," McMahon
explained afterward.
FRANCO'S REVEALING statements came
in answer to questions by Gillette and
Sparkman of Alabama, after Franco boasted
that he could mobilize 2,000,000 men in case
of war with Russia.
"How many of those two million would
you commit to the defense of Western Eu-
rope?" Senator Gillette asked..

Franco talked back and forth to his in-
terpreter before answering. Obviously it was
a ticklish question and in the end the dic-
tator ducked.
"It would depend on the conjecture of
events," the interpreter finally replied.
Neither Gillette nor the other Senators
knew what this meant. So Gillette tried
"Would you be willing to commit one sol-
dier to the defense of Western Europe?"
Gillette pin-pointed his query.
Again Franco conferred with his interpre-
ter. Finally the interpreter replied: "The
Generalissimo has already answered that
The Senators, remembering that the
Spanish Blue division which fought for
Hitler on the Russian front, had over 30
per cent desertions, came away not too
optimistic about military help from Fran-
co in case of war.
The other significant Franco answer came
when Alabama's Sparkman observed that
one great American objection to Franco was
that "in Spain the ordinary freedoms are
denied-freedom of speech, press, religion,
and the right to free assembly."
"I would like to state that the very term
freedom is relative," Franco replied. "It
means different things in different coun-
tries. In Spain during the last 13 years we
have been in a state of turmoil. Under these
conditions it became virtually impossible to
maintain the so-called freedoms. There has
had to be some curtailment. As time goes
on, we might be able to remove some of the
It was considered significant that Franco
declined to make any definite commitment
on civil liberties, though President Truman,
in OK-ing the new liason with Spain, had
demanded that Spain permit Protestants
the right to worship.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

"Do You Swear To Preserve
The Government Of C

, Protect, And Defend
Kiang Kai-Shek?"


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


WASHINGTON - In the background of
the battle between President Harry
Truman and Sen. Paul Douglas over the
Illinois judgeships is something far more
interesting and significant than appears
on the surface. At first blush, it would seem
that Truman simply took a wholly gratui-
tous and politically stupid slap at a major
Fair Deal supporter, when he broke prece-
dent and refused to nominate the judges
Douglas wanted. In fact, Truman's move
is almost certainly a shrewd bid for sure
support from the crucial Illinois delegation
at the 1952 Democratic convention.
The reason Truman wants the sure sup-
port of the Illinois delegation-which he
distinctly did not have in 1948-is rather
obvious. Truman fully intends to run again.
Indeed, he virtually said as much in a recent
conversation with Democratic Sen. Tom
Hennings of Missouri. He told Hennings
that he hoped the Missouri Democrats would
nominate and elect in the 1952 Senatorial
race "somebody I can work with." The im-
plication is obvious; Truman himself ex-
pects to be nominated and elected in 1952.
The connection between the Illinois
judgeship row and Truman's 1952 inten-
tions is, moreover, very close. The judge-
ship fight is a part of a bitter struggle
for power which is now going on within
the Chicago Democratic machine, a strug-
gle in which Truman has a major politi-
cal interest.
On one side of the struggle is Jacob
Arvey, Chicago's Democratic political boss.
Arvey, who is a good cut above most big
city bosses, is in a sense the political god-
father of Sen. Douglas, whose nomination
Arvey put through in 1948. Arvey has been
in the past one of the Democratic party's

great panjandrums, and perhaps the most
powerful machine politician in the country.
In 1948, however, he made the mistake of
jumping the tracks and backing Dwight D.
Eisenhower for the Democratic nomination,
as did Sen. Douglas. In backing Eisenhower,
Arvey did not endear himself to President
Truman, who undoubtedly finds this sort
of aberration even less excusable in a ma-
chine politician than in a man like Douglas.
* * *: *
MOREOVER, Arvey's hold an the Chicago
machine has slipped badly since the
Democrats took a beating in 1950. And now,
Arvey is most seriously challenged in his
own bailiwick. His challenger is ward-leader
Thomas D. Nash, nephew of a former Demo-
cratic boss, who hankers to inherit the
political throne his uncle once occupied.
In Nash's fight to replace Arvey, Chicago's
powerful "syndicate" has taken, according
to all accounts, an attitude of at least ben-
evolent neutrality.
Already, Nash controls nearly half of
Chicago's Democratic wards. In other
"weak" wards, the ward leaders are sitting
on the fence, until it becomes clear who
is to win the battle. But they are showing
increasing signs of moving over to Nash.
Thus Nash is by no means a bad bet to dis-
place Arvey. And President Truman has now
bet squarely on Nash.
The judgeship now really centers around
one of the three vacant judgeships. For
this vacancy, Douglas proposed the able,
non-political William H. King., Jr. Doug-
las did not consult Arvey in advance-he
is by no means "Arvey's man" or indeed
anyone's man-but Arvey loyally backed up
his choice.j
Nash's candidate, on the other hand, is
Cornelius Harrington, an amiable but by no
means non-political lawyer. Harrington was
actually proposed to Truman by a major
Democratic contributor and Presidential ac-
quaintance called James B. McCahey. But
there has never been any doubt that Har-
rington is a Nash man. And when Truman
disregarded the unwritten law that Senators
should have the right to propose Federal
judges in their states, and sent Harrington's
name to the Senate, he was serving notice
that he was backing Nash against Arvey.
No doubt Truman had his personal rea-
sons for this public slapping of Douglas
and Arvey. Truman has never liked Doug-
las, whom some of those in the White
House entourage are fond of describing
as a "damned intellectual." He has liked
Douglas even less since his part in the
R.F.C. investigation, and since Douglas
called for Eisenhower's nomination on both
tickets. And it must have given Truman
pleasure to slap back at two men who had
left him for Eisenhower in 1948.
But it would be naive to suppose that Tru-
man, a professional politician to his finger-
tips, was swayed entirely by personal pique.
For Truman cannot be sure that Douglas
and Arvey will not again leave the Truman

Cicero . . *
To the Editor:
I WAS RATHER shocked to see
in the "Letters to the Editor"
column a letter defending the city
of Cicero in connection with the
recent riot in that city. It is, how-
ever, my firm belief that though
the city may have its defenders
that it has no real moral defense
for its action.
But it was only the ugly head of
bigotry that was evidenced by this
overt act and I only wonder how
much of a body of bitter white
chauvanism is attached to its
head? Although it is important to
spotlight the tragedy of this man
that had every legal, moral, pro-
perty and human right to live in
an abode of his own choosing, we
must remember that to solve the
problem it does no lasting good to
just bash the head of prel idice be-
cause it will only arise somewhere
else and in some new form. We
mustgby our untiring efforts, pull
the ground out from under pre-
judice by education and under-
standing. Sensationalism will nev-
er cure our race problems, which
in my estimation are more white
problems than Negro because the
whites are more to blame at this
juncture in ,human history than
is the Negro race.
I suggest that we celebrate
"Emancipation Day" by trying to
solve slum clearance, housing, and
sufferage problems. We should al-
so strive to provide a real two par-
ty system in the South and to se-
cure equal employment rights for
our minority groups.
President Truman could provide
equal employment rights in most
large industries by simply signing
an' F.E.P.C, executive order that
has been on his desk since last
January. The rest will take much
longer and until the many prob-
lems are solved we should never
--David Cargo, President of
the University of Mich. Young
P.S.: Let's see some editorials on
the signing of this F.E.P.C. order
for a change instead of rambling
about the Catholics.
S * * *

ling Manchuria at the risk of en-
larging the present conflict. And
need I answer his question, "What
is the plan for bringing to a halt
this inflationary movement . "
Ask the Republicans and Southern
"Democrats" in Congress, or bet-
ter still ask President Truman,
Economic Stabilization Adminis-
trator Eric Johnston (former pre-
sident of the Chamber of Com-
merce) and Defense Mobilizer
Wilson. They have offered some-
MacArthur has chosen to open
the 1952 campaign now. For the
sake of our two-party system I
sincerely hope that the Republi-
cans will not base their 1952 pro-
gram on this attack on the Tru-
man foreign policy. If the Repub-
lican National Convention does
not nominate a man like Eisen-
hower, Morse, Saltonstall or oth-
ers of their good sense, I would
not be and am not afraid to pre-
dict that President Truman will
be renominated and re-jected by
a vote larger than in 1948. My
vote would most certainly be for
President Truman.
--Alan Berson, '52
** *
C at holic Issue...
To the Editor:
THERE IS A confusing concept
regarding the "Catholic Is-
sue," Fri., July 27, which is the
crux of controversy. True, the
church temporal concerns worldly
affairs; the ecclesiastical, church
dogma. The former is fallible,
whereas the latter enjoys abso-
lute infallibility. However, auth-
oritarian precepts of the latter
are frequently confused with mili-
tant social action of the former,
and in a democracy such as our
own, they are open to review.
For example, when Cardinal
Play Daniel broadcast welcom-
ing orations to the fascist troops
over radio Barcelona, Seville, and
Madrid, and later accepted the
franchise of Catholic education,
banning free public schools, was
he acting as part of the "Catho-
lic Church" or as an individual
fascist? What is the moral differ-
ence? Cardinal Play Daniel was
the highest curate at the time.
When the Cardinal of Buenos
Aires preached that a vote for
Peron was a vote for divine love,
was he acting as part of the "Ca-
tholic Church?" If not, then why
did he discipline a priest from
Tucuman because he preached
against Peron?
To refute the aforementioned
article, both Nicholas Vitelli and
Donoso Cortes were Italy's and
Spain's foremost Catholic neofas-
cist philosophers. Their moral re-
fomr was headed by an attack
against American bathing suits,
movies, materialism, and unchap-
eroned dates.
If American Catholics repudiate
facts, confusing infallible faith
with wordly datum, they are in-
deed intransigent thinkers. For
not only do they enjoy religious
preference, but also the freedoms
of citizenship, which include elec-
ting intransigent politicians who
follow their preferred dialectic.
Indeed, any citizen may morally
review such medieval retrogres-
sion as carnal punishment for
spiritual reward. Especially, when
our historical dignity affirms the
minimum human suffering and
the maximum facility to choose
one's own salvation.
-Luis Altamira

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tivesnotice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent In
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 25-S
Candidates for the Masters Degree at
the end of Summer Session are invited
to be the guests of the University at
the annual Masters' Breakfast, Sunday,
August 5, at 9:00 a.m. in the Michigan
Union ballroom. Tickets may be se-
cured at Room 3510 Administration
Building up to Friday, August 3 at 4:00
Veterans' Requisitions Friday, August
10, 1951, has been established as the
final date for the procurement of books,
supplies and equipment using veteran
requisitions. No requisitions will be
honored by the vendors subsequent to
this date.
The Oscar Mayer Company, Madison,
Wisconsin, is in need of men for their
Supervisory Training Program in addi-
tion to Chemical and Mechanical Engi-
neers, Chemistry majors and Food Tech-
nologists and related fields. This com-
pany Is one of the ten leading meat
packing firms and has plants in Madi-
son, Pairie du Chien, Wisconsin; Dav-
enport, Iowa; Chicago, Illinois; Phila-
delphia; and Los Angeles. They will in-
terview at the Bureau of Appointments
if enough men are interested. Please call
immediately at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Admnistration Building If
Personnel Interviews:
Thursday, August 2-
Mr. Smiley, Personnel Director of LA-
will interview men and women who are
interested in department store training
programs. Mr. Smiley will be Interview-
ineve-ing for his own store and others In the
R. H. Macy Corporation, New York and
Thursday, August 2-
PANY, Cleveland, Ohio, will be inter-
viewing men interested in sales or sales
administration, Literary College, Bus-
iness Administration students as well as
technical men are eligible. Their train-
ing program will begin approximately
September 1 and will continue for 6
to 8 months in Allentown, Pennsylvania,
then candidate will be placed in either
outside sales or sales administration in
one of their district offices.
For further information and appoint-
ments for interviews please call at the
Bureau of Appointments 3528 Adminis-
tration Building.
1Personnel Reque± :
COMPANY, San Francisco, has openings
for sales engineers in their Denver, San
Francisco, and Seattle branch offices.
They prefer Electrical Engineers, but
will bonsider Chemistry majors, Me-
chanical or Civil Engineers, or Business
Administration graduates who have had
2?'2 or 3 years engineering or have me--
chanical aptitude.
Maryland, hs openings In their Ballis-
tic Research Laboratories for men and
women In the fields of Electronics and
Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics,
and Physics.
We have had a call from a local re-
search laboratory for a man who has
had -t least two years of engineering
to be a detail checker.
For further information please call at
the Bureau of Appointments 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
Student sponsored social events: Aug-
ust 1, Graduate Outing Club; August 5,
Graduate Outing Club, Intercooperative
Personnel Interviews:
Tuesday, August 7
Oscar Mayer & Company, Madison,
Wisconsin, will be interviewing men in-
terested in the following positions:
Trainee for Personnel to work in the
Training Department; Mechanical En-
including drafting; majors in Chemistry,
gineering or other engineering training
Chemical Engineering, Food Technology,
and related fields for Product Control
and Product Research; and men forPre-
Supervisory Training Program. For ap-
pointments for interviews please call at
the Bureau of Appointments 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Thursday, August 2, at 4 p.m., in Room
3201 Angell Hall. Mr. W. S. Bicknell and
Mr. P. C. Cox will be the speakers.
Events Today

Roger Williams Guild: 4:30-6:00. Tea,
talk, table-tennis.
Michigan League, Ballroom Dancing
Lesson. Beginners 7:00, Advanced 8:00.
Tonight at 8 p.m. in the University
High School Auditorium, The Depart-
ment of Speech presents the Teachers'
Dramatics Workshop production of Noel
Coward's improbable farce, Blithe Spirit.
Tickets may be obtained at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office free of charge
today from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. Non-
ticket holders will be seated after 7:50
if there are any seats available.
T he Department of Speech pre-
sents Dion Boucicault's breath-tak-
ing 19th century melodrama, "The
Streets of New York," August 1-4. at 8
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Box office open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
on days of performance until 8 p.m.
La p'tite causette meets today from
3:30 to 5:00 p.m., in the South Room of
the Michigan Union Cafeteria.
Sociedad Hispanica: Meeting on Wed-
nesday, August 1, 8:00 p.m., Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall.
Dr. Darnell Roaten will present an
illustrated lecture: "Wolfflin's Princi-
ples of Art in the Spanish Baroque
The public is cordially invited.
There will be aGraduate Outing Club
bike trip at 5:30 p.m. Fifteen miles

dia Mendelssohn Theatre. Box office
open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and
until 8 p.m. on days of performances.
Events this Week: Michigan League,
Thursday. Duplicate Bridge Tourna-
ment. Women's League 7:30. Friday,
Beach Ball, Informal dance, League
Ballroom, 9:00-12:00. Free.
French Club: A social meeting on
Thursday, August 2, at 8:00 p.m. in the
Michigan League. French songs, games
and dancing. All students on the cam-
pus are cordially invited. A special wel-
come to the professors from France who
attend the English Institute.
Lectures Today
Biophysics Symposium, 1300 Chemistry
Building. "Infra-Red Studies on Pro-
teins," G. B. B. M. Sutherland, Univer-
sity of Michigan, 11:00 a.m.; "Ionization
and Thermal Effects on Viruses and
Enzymes," E. C. Pollard, Yale University,
4:00 p.m.; "Sturture of Proteins" (con-
tinued), V. L. Oncley, Harvard Univer-
sity, 7:30 p.m.
Linguistic program. "Crucial Problems
in Areal Linguistics." Roman Jakobson,
Harvard University. 1:00 p.m., Rackhan
Speech Assembly. "The hole of the
Theater in a Democracy." Lee Norvell,
Chairman of the Department of Speech,
Director of the University Theater, In-
diana University, 3:00 p.m., Rackham
Coming Lectures
Thursday, August 2-
Biophysics Symposium, 1300 Chemistry
Building. "Veruses: Structure, Repro-
duction, and Origin" (continued), S. E.
Luria, University of Illinois, 4:00 p.m.;
"Structure of Proteins" (continued), V.
L. Oncley, Harvard University, 7:30 p.m.
Linguistic Program. "Formation, Dis-
integration, and General Laws of Lang-
uage," Roman Jakobson, Harvard Uni-
diana University. 3:30 p.m., Rackham
versity. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphithe.
United States in the World Crisis.
"Re-thinking Our Asiatic Policy." Ed-
win 0. Reischauer, Professor of Far
Eastern Languages, Harvard University,
8:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
Friday, August 3-
Biophysics Symposium. 1300 Chemis-
try Building. "Ionization and Thermal
Effects on Viruses and Enzymes" (con-
tinued). E. C. Pollard, Yale University,
4:00 p.m.
University of Michigan Summer Ses-
sion Orchestra, Wayne Dunlap, conduc-
tor, will play its- annual concert at 8:30
Wednesday evening, August 1, in Hill
Auditorium. The program of summer
music will include Orfeo by Monteverdi,
Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 in F' ma-
jor; Prokofieff's Summer's Day Suite;
Barber's Knoxville: Summer of 1915, Op.
24, featuring Carol Neilson Wilder, so-
prano, and A Summer Overture by Clyde
H. Thompson.
The program will be open to the
public without charge.
Student Recital, Postponed: Robert
Dumm, pianist, will play a recital a8:30
Monday evening, August 6, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, instead of Thursday,
August 2.
fident Recital: William Wilkins, or-
ganist, will be heard at 4:15 Thursday
afternoon, August 2, in Hill Auditorium.
A pupil of Robert Noehren,Mr. Wilkins
will play a program of compositions by
Buxtehude, Bach, Alain, and Widor, as
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree. The
general public is invited.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will present an-
other in his current series of summer
recitals at 7:15 Thursday evening, Aug-
ust 2. It will include Romance, from
Mozart's Elne kleine Nachtmusik, Selec-
tions from Pieces de Clavecin by Cou-
perin, Andante cantabile for carillon by
Denyn; four spirituals, and Caller Her-
rin by Gow.
It is a strange coincidence that
Franco's Spain and Chinese For-
nosa seem to be able to provide
just about the same elastic num-
ber of soldiers: between half a
million and a million. This at least
is the estimate that Senator Pat
McCarran made recently in an
article on Francos Spain, pub-
lished in the Saturday Evening
Post. In both cases, of course, we
are offered the raw material, not
the finished product: The soldiers

have to be trained or retrained,
equipped, and fed. But, Franco's
and Chiang's middlemen say, we
could never find a better buy.
-The Reporter
us 4r






f '6


EMIL RAAB, violinist, and Benning Dex-
ter, pianist, performed four sonatas,
including two by contemporary American
composers, Monday night, in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
The works presented were the Schubert
Sonatina in D major, Op. 137; the Sonata
(1946) of Diamond; the Sonata in G minor
of Debussy; and the Sonata (1946) of Cop-
The performance was excellent. Good
ensemble complemented by Mr. Raab's
fine bowing arm and Mr. Dexter's control
of line served to effectively project the
musical idea.
The high point was the Debussy Sonata.
The very nature of the music provided the
performers with the opportunity to exploit
the resources with which they are best
equipped. Likewise, the works of Copland
and Schubert were warmly and cleanly per-
The sonata of Diamond was unmoving.

THROUGHOUT his second piano recital
last evening John Kirkpatrick again
treated us to consistently absorbing piano
playing. Under his hands, the piano is
capable of sounds as various as life itself.
As interpreter, his spiritual strength lies
in unselfconscious devotion to the musical
Perhaps this very concentration helped
the series of short pieces come off so well.
In Theodore Chanler's "A Child in the
House" both composer and performer suc-
ceeded in bringing truth from the always
risky grownup venture into the child's
Paradoxically this very sense of the unique
in musical style hindered flow in the Mo-
zart fantasia. The composer allows him-
self to range a vast arc of musical ideas
before he announces the strong theme of
the sonata which follows. Too pronounced
loud-soft contrasts robbed its character of

To the Editor:
THIS PAST spring General Mac-
Arthur spoke before Congress
and presented an excellent pic-
ture of his views on Far Eastern
policy. Whether one agreed with
him or not-I chose not to-he
offered a basis for criticism or
agreement. However, when Mac-
Arthur spoke on July 25 before
the Massachusetts State Legisla-
ture, he in effect politically
doomed any Republican who
might choose to accept his guid-
ance. I am happy that several
prominent Young Republicans on
campus have disavowed any con-
nections with his policies, though
I wonder if their view will domi-
nate their party.
Needless to say, his comments
on political domestic questions
were a mark of an amazing come-
back for the General. Wasn't it
this same man who two months
ago told the Senate Investigating
Committee that in his 14 years
in the Far East he was so intent
upon his job that he did not feel+
qualified to comment on the gen-
eral world situation? I wonder1
how in these three months he has+
not only caught up in this field,


Sixty-First Year
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George Flint.. .. .. ports Editor
Jo Ketelhut .......... Women's Editor
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