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July 28, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-28

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Cditoe4 Iiete
IF ONE ASSUMES that Gen. MacArthur
really believes all that he said before the
Massachusetts legislature the other day, the
speech must stand as an indictment of the
General's own narrowness of experience and
poverty of intellectual breadth.
In a long speech filled with pious plati-
tudes and contradictory statements the Gen-
eral revealed what many years out of touch
with national affairs or a partisan motiva-
tion, or perhaps both, can do to a man's per-
Protesting that he was speaking with
"neither partisan affiliation nor political
purpose," the former Supreme Commander
of the United Nation's forces in the Far
East struck out at the Administration fis-
cal policy, the Administration policy of
containment of Communism by aid to
friendly nations, the Administration ac-
tion in recalling him from his command,
and finally, war, as an instrument of na-
tional policy.
The General raised the old dry about
back-breaking taxes threatening to destroy
the American economy, and although he
did manage to mention that the major por-
tion of these taxes are going for rearma-
ment, he neglected the fact that most econ-
omists believe at present that the great dan-
ger is not taxes that are too heavy but taxes
that are too light and may allow a disas-
trous inflation.
T HE General also attacked aid to our
friends abroad. He chose to ignore the
fact that men like Paul Hoffman, former
head of ECA have testified that it was this
aid which saved all of continental Europe
for democracy.
Again professing his ignorance of the
real reason for his recall from the Far
East-his arrogant denial of civilian sup-
remacy in matters of foreign policy-Mac
Arthur spoke of his high patriotism in
writing the back-stabbing letter to Rep.
M rtin.
In line with this, he repeated Sen. Taft's
statement that the Korean war was a name-
less sacrifice of American blood, ignoring
such tangible gains as our increased pre-
paredness, greater UN soliditary and pres-
tige and the obvious shift it has produced
in Soviet foreign policy.
The General seems not at all bothered
about sayig in one portion of his speech
that the current cease-fire negotiations
are unfortunate since they gain none of
our objectives, and then complaining in
another part because the Administration
removed him for advocating the same ne-
gotiations which he now condemns.
And as far as discarding war as an in-
strument of policy, how he expects to at-
tain this by widening the Korean conflict,
or by reducing mobilization by reducing
taxes, or by letting Europe go to the Com-
munists by default, is beyond this writer.
This "non-political" speech has already
been widely interpreted as blueprint for Re-
publican policy in the 1952 election cam-
paign. And it seems to this writer that if
Gen. MacArthur is going to set himself up
either as a candidate for office or a support-
er of one political faction in such a partisan
way, he cannot continue in good conscience
to exploit his uniform and position as a top
general. He had better don homburg, bow
tie and gray flannel suit for good.
FURTHER PROOF that economists can
take their beliefs on how to cure the
nation's ills very seriously indeed comes
from the University of Illinois where a long-
smoldering feud between the "deficit finan-
cers" and the "free spenders" in the College
of Commerce has broken into the open once
more with the resignation of another top fac-
ulty member.
The head of the economics department, a
"deficit-spending" man announced that he
was joining a group of seven other economics
faculty members who had previously re-

signed because of "outside political pres-
surewhich interferred with their work."
The dispute has already cost the dean of
the college his post and, knowing how an
inter-departmental fight of this kind can
tighten up news sources, I can only wish,
for the sake of the editor of the Daily Illini,
that the dispute can be settled in the near
* *' '
ORVILLE L. HUBBARD, mayor of Dear-
born, Mich., has managed to bull his
way into the headlines again with another
of his flamboyant assaults on the demo-
cratic process.
Little Orvie who has done everything from
ordering legitimate city news withheld from
critical newspapers to threatening constitu-
ents who voted against him with a cancel-
lation of garbage collections, has now sug-
gested that the taxpayers pay a $7,500 libel
judgment which he was ordered to pay
after libeling a political opponent.
The mayor claims he isn't financially
able to pay for the judgment won by
John J. Fish, a Dearborn attorney, and
for a while he moved his city government
into exile in nearby Windsor, Ont., to
dodge Fish's attempts to put him into jail
for failing to pay up.
Finally he avoided jail by putting up a
bond but he is prohibited by law from leav-
ing Wayne County as long as the judgment
is unpaid.
Now there's nothing Little Orvie enjoys
more than taking "business" trips at the
taxpayers' expense, and so this restriction
is more onerous to him than most might








WASHINGTON-As these words are writ-
ten, the outlook again seems hopeful for
a cease-fire in Korea. It would be foolish
to go much further than this in trying to
predict the future. It does seem worthwhile,
however, to point out a rather major fact
about the recent past which has gone oddly
unnoticed, although it ought to have been
just about as noticeable as a rogue elephant
in a drawing room.
In plain language, during the few days
when the Kaesong talks were interrupted,
the danger of the immediate outbreak of a
third great war hung over the whole world
like a very visible dark cloud. People cheer-
fully followed their summertime pursuits.
They talked of anything but the danger
hanging over them. But the war danger
was plainly there all the same.
The facts, indeed, speak for themselves.
The American government was firmly de-
termined not to throw away our Korean
victory by acceding to the Communist de-
mand for immediate withdrawal of troops.
The Communist leaders, including the
leaders in Moscow, said there could be
no cease-fire until troop withdrawal had
been agreed to. They appeared firm; and
their attitude. was taken so seriously in
the highest American circles that Secre-
tary of State Dean G. Acheson and Sec-
retary of Defense George C. Marshall both
issued the sternest warnings, just before
the Communists indicated they might
compromise the issue after all.
Until the compromise offer, however, at
least a strong minority of the American
policy makers actually suspected that the
Kaesong talks were turning out to be a
Communist trap, intended to soften up our
troops in Korea for a major Chinese and
North Korean offensive.
The arguments for this view were indis-
putably logical. Long before the Malik radio
overture, the Chinese and North Koreans
began the most important of all their suc-
cessive build-ups of strength on the ground.
This build-up has gone forward continuous-
ly, until a most massive force has now been
assembled. Altogether, the enemy is now
believed to have over 300,000 troops on the
line in Korea; the same number or more
in reserve; a powerful air force of over a
thousand jet fighters and fighter-bombers
in Manchuria; substantial increments of ar-
tillery; and an important, entirely new
armored force variously estimated from 200
to 600 tanks.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

EVEN although Gen. Ridgway's U.N. armies
now hold the Iron Triangle, this greatly
strengthened enemy force constituted (and
indeed still constitutes) a most serious
threat, especially after the relaxation of ef-
fort and vigilance resulting from the open-
ing of truce talks. The Kremlin and Peking
were clearly hoping to win the prize of gen-
eral troop withdrawal from Korea in peace-
ful discussion at Kaesong.
Failing this, however, it was also clear
that they might be intending to fight for
the prize if need be. And it was wholly logi-
cal to expect that this time, the large Com-
munist air force in Manchuria would be
thrown fully into the fight; and that Amer-
ican reprisals against the Manchurian air
bases would thus become unavoidable.
These facts in turn constituted the
danger of immediate war already referred
to. No policy maker in Washington, any
more than in London, supposes that the
Korean fighting can be contained any-
where, once it starts to spread at all. In
short, until the compromise offer, the se-
quence of events that would lead to a
third World War was all too easy to
Even so, these facts were less meaningful
than the light-hearted inattention to this
war danger, even during the few doubtful
,days when the issue hung publicly in the
balance. This cheerful complacency, in
America and elsewhere, in turn shows the
extreme shrewdness of the new Soviet line
that began with the move to end the Kor-
ean fighting.
As the experts now unanimously agree,
the new Soviet line is to lull the Western
powers to sleep, and to halt Western rearma-
ment by judiciously administered doses of
sweet reasonableness. If whole nations can
be dozy when the war danger is immediate,
they are certainly likely to slumber when all
seems peaceful. And then will come the
time for the sleepers to be cheaply and safe-
ly destroyed.
The trouble is that world politics are get-
ting to be too much like the "Perils of Paul-
ine." When Pauline has been snatched from
the railroad tracks, from the very jaws of
the onrushing locomotive, for eighteen times
hand-running, you stop believing in the
train, and the tracks, and even Pauline her-
self. But tracks, train and Pauline are all
absolutely real, none the less, and if the
Marines do not bestir themselves the nine-
teenth time, Pauline, who in this instance is
both world peace and world freedom, is going
to be pretty decisively mangled. On the
other hand, the good aspect of recent events
is the proof that if the Marines keep on their
toes, Pauline can be saved.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

"There Ain't A Good 100% Spaniard In The Lot"
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W ASHINGTON-No announcement has been made to the American
people, but, while their own food prices skyrocket, they will foot
the bill to keep Greek food prices down. For the United States has
agreed to subsidize over half of the Greek diet at cut-rate prices.
What happened in Greece is that a timid government permitted
inflation to push prices out of reach of the average Greek. The Greek
Government refused to pass high taxes or inflation controls, so, to
combat a sure breeder of Communism, the U.S.A. has promised to un-
derwrite a three-year rationing program.

Western Europe Takes Road
To Long-awaited Federation
Associated Press News Analyst
WITH a surprising burst of speed, Western Europe has agreed to the
idea of a joint army composed of the men of five nations as its
contribution to Gen. Eisenhower's command.
After months of haggling over the size and shape of Germany's
contribution under the original plan, by which each nation would
have created an armed force and turned it over to the General under
the North Atlantic Pact, the new plan seems to wipe out most of the
As was true of the Schuman Plan, which has been initialed
but not yet put into effect, a lot of particularization remains to
be done under the military plan.
The great thing, however, is that Italy, Germany, France, Bel-
gium and Luxembourg have agreed to a joint army instead of na-
tional armies. The idea is to contribute nearly three quarters of a
million men-perhaps 20 divisions-promptly for European defense.
* * * *I
THERE'S to be a top international council-perhaps even the same
one which is to administer the Schuman Plan for pooling of in-
dustrial resources-to act within the NATO setup almost as though
the five countries were one insofar as military matters are concerned.
Holland is not yet involved. Britain and the United States,
of course, will make their contributions as separate identities.
But, barring some snag not now foreseen, the nations of Western
Europe, each swept at one time or another by the armies of one or
more of the others, will soon see all of their fighting men in the same
uniform, under the same high command, jointly resolved that the
civilization of Western Europe is greater than its component parts,
and that it shall not be overrun by any horde from the East.
WHEN France first proposed such an army some months ago, obvi-
ously in an effort to overcome the fear of her people that crea-
tion of a national army in Germany would recreate all the old dan-
gers of Franco-Prussian enmity, it was coldly received in the United
States and elsewhere. The whole idea then was for an operation
much the same as the one Eisenhower conducted in World War II.
But the French idea has now produced political undertones
of great import for European unity.
The deal means that Germany will be admitted into the Euro-
pean part of the defense program on a basis of complete equality, but
not necessarily to membership or voice in the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization which controls the high command.
In effect, the principles of the military plan are the same as those
of the Schuman Plan. Pooling of armies, pooling of coal and steel,
Then, perhaps, further industrial economic pooling, and Europe will
have laid a firm basis for that long sought but little hoped-for de-
velopment-political unity, federation.

Poll Picks Sen. Douglas

WASHINGTON-President Truman won't
like it but a forth-coming magazine poll
of Washington correspondents will name
Sen. Douglas of Illinois as the best Senator
among the 96.
The White House may find some consola-
tion in the fact that the same group selected
Sen. McCarthy as Mr. Douglas's opposite
number. The Senator from Wisconsin nosed
out Sen. McCarran of Nevada for the title
of worst Senator.
Two years ago Sen. Taft won the laurels
about to rest on the handsome head of
Sen. Douglas. In fact, Ohio was titillated
to discover that the press corps was, in a
manner of speaking, equally attentive to
both its Senators. It rated Sen. Taft best,
Sen. Bricker worst.
The Ohio election returns followed thej
press poll; Sen. Taft was re-elected with his
first whopping majority. But the corres-
pondents have changed their minds in a
provocative fashion.
They now rate him fourth best-but also
fourth worst.
Why? The magazine may shed light on
the reasons. A safe guess is that many of
the press date their change of heart from
the loss of Sen. Vandenberg, architect of the
Bipartisan Foreign Policy, one of the few
men to whose judgment Sen. Taft was will-
ing to yield.
The biggest single alteration of the past
two years in Sen. Taft's conduct of his af-
fairs is that he has stepped forward as a
foreign-policy spokesman. Criticism of him
in that role has been directed not just at his
opinions but at their wide variety and in-
consistency, also at his tolerance of Sen.
McCarthy's tactics against the State De-
* * *
PERHAPS the factor that most influences
reporters is that Paul Douglas is a nation-
interest Senator who, with unusual consis-
tency, practices what he preaches even when

gested that soil-conservation subsidies
were not needed nor wanted for the rich
farming acres of Illinois; he said he was
willing such payments should be made to
the less fortunate South. His pride
touched, Sen. Russell of Georgia opposed
such language in the legislation, point-
ing out that the Illinois farmers need not
request soil-conservation subsidies unless
they chose to do so.
Turning the Bible on the Bible belt, Sen.
Douglas quickly countered: "Ah, but when
our Good Lord admonished us to pray to be
delivered from evil, He also told us to pray
to be delivered from temptation. Do not
tempt even our splendid Illinois farmers."
Sen. Douglas finds it easy to keep smiling.
The Bar associations are overwhelmingly ap-
proving his judgeship candidates as against
President Truman's nominees. He'll fight
for his own.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
White .Bucks
WHAT has happened to the distinguishing
mark of the University fraternity man-
those perenniel white bucks?
Suddenly the dazzling whiteness of newly
polished white shoes had pervaded the cam-
pus. Only last fall the "square" who dared
to remove any scuffmarks from his tattle-
grey "white" bucks faced ostracism from
his house.
Admittedly the visiting teachers, princi-
pals, and various unaffiliated men on cam-
pus who have infringed on the trademark
of the fraternity man are partly to blame.
But the affiliate too is guilty of defying
the established tradition surrounding the
polishing of white buck shoes.
All this combines to confuse the few coeds
who have braved the Michigan campus this
summer. One simply can't judge a man ac-

Thus we will subsidize approximately 65 per cent of the
Greek ration, or 1,500 calories out of a total daily ration of 2,400
calories. But what's more, the United States will not only guar-
antee the food, but will supply it at below-market prices. In other
words, the American taxpayer will guarantee all Greeks two out
of three meals a day-at cheaper prices than the Americans are
paying for their own food.
This is on top of $2,000,000,000 in aid that has already been
poured into Greece since the end of the war.
NOTE-Real profiteers are the Greek shipowners, who have grown
fabulously wealthy overnight shipping ECA cargo. They bought their
ships at bargain-basement prices from the United States, and are
now charging scandalously high rates for use of these ships. In re-
turn, they are paying no taxes to the United States and almost none
in Greece.
* * * *
W HILE CONGRESS has been haggling over price controls, the Of-
fice of Price Stabilization has come to a virtual standstill. This is
revealed in a confidential memo from price headquarters to all
branch chiefs and section heads.
Marked "for internal use only," the memo shows how the price
agency has bogged down and become demoralized while waiting for
Congress to make up its mind about controls.
"Naturally we regret the present situation since it has brought
to a halt the development of five months of carefully considered
and hard work," the memo declares. "However, neither recrimi-
nation nor looking for an easy way out will resolve our problems,
and we ask that the agency continue to stand together as a team
until such time as its immediate course can be more clearly
The memo instructs price chiefs throughout the country that price
boss Mike Di Salle "desires to maintain the status quo . . . in con-
nection with our manufacturer regulations as well as with most other
peace actions."
"As just one example," the confidential memo points out, "Mr.
Di Salle felt that if we issued only price-increase actions during this
period, Congress could take the position that we were showing pique
and petulance and trying to place it in the worst light . . . according-
ly, our job is to make the best of a bad situation until such time
as it is resolved by Congress."
*. *. * *
OREGON MAY BE the showdown state where Gen. Eisenhower fi-
nally makes up his mind whether "to run or not to run"-and
on what ticket.
The situation in Oregon was outlined to Ike's political chief-
of-staff, Sen. Jim Duff of Pennsylvania, the other day by Robert
Lewis Jones, publisher of the Salem, Ore., Capital Journal. Jones
pointed out that Oregon has a primary ruling whereby any person
can be entered in the race by a petition of 1,000 signatures-
whether the candidate wants his name entered or not.
Thus Eisenhower's name could be entered in the Oregon Pre-
sidential primary by 1,000 of his friends, entirely without his con-
sent, and as a means of testing out his political strength.
The Oregon primary has another interesting angle, Jones explain-
ed to Sen. Duff. The state attorney general has ruled that no candi-
date can run unless his party affiliation is known, thus Eisenhower
would be forced, at that time, to be stamped either as a Republican
or a Democrat.
Since the Oregon primary is May 16 and since all names have to
be filed ninety days in advance, the showdown for Eisenhower would
be sometime in February.
NOTE-It's a good bet that Ike's friends-and he has a lot in the
Northwest-will toss his hat into the ring through the Oregon primary.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) a

The Daily Official Bulletim is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent In
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 23-S
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for George Ray-
mond Brewer, Electrical Engineering;
thesis: "The Propagation of Electro-
magnetic waves in a Magnetron-Type
Space Charge," Saturday, July 28, 3521
East Engineering Bldg., at 9:00 a.m.
Chairman, W. G. Dow.
Doctoral students in Sociology should
turn in summer prelim applications at
'the Departmental Office at once. The
examinations are scheduled to be held
August 6 through 10.
Doctoral Examination I or Abdul-
Karim Ahmed Ali, Civil Engineering;
thesis: "The Analysis of Continuous
Hipped-Plate Structures," Monday, July
30, 315 west Engineering Bldg., at 3:00
p.m. Chairman, L. C. Maugh.
Doctoral Examination for Gerald Rob-
ert Toy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry;
thesis: "Antihistaminics," Monday,
July 30, 2525 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke.
Events Today
Intercultural Outing at Independence
Lake. Meet at Lane Hall at 10:00 a.m.
Return at 6:00 p.m. There will be pic-
nic, swimming, discussion, refresh-
ments. Reserve by calling 3-1511, Ext.
This week: Wednesday through Sat-
urday, July 25-28, at 8:00 p.m. in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, the De-
partment of Speech presents the comic-
fantasy, The Enchanted, by Jean Girau-
doux and adapted by Maurice Valency.
The Enchanted, which opened in New
York in January, 1950, was adapted from
Giraudoux' Intermezzo which was pro-
duced i nParis in 1933. Tickets are on
sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
box office daily from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.,
on days of performance until 8 p.m.
Coming Events
Conference of English Teachers. "The
Possible Importance of Poetry," July 30.
Intercultural Education Conference.
July 30 - August 1.
Next Week: The Department of Speech
presents Dion Boucicault's breath-tak-
ing 19th century melodrama, "The
Streets of New York," August 1-4, at 8
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Box office open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
on days of performance until 8 p.m.
Classical Coffee Hour, Tuesday, July
31, 4 p.m. in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Students of
the department and their friends are;



invited. Mr. Sweet will speak on "Ideas
about the Teaching of Latin."
Congregational - Disciples Guild: Teas
on the Terrace, Tuesday from 4:30 to
6:00 at the Guild* House, 438 Maynard
Michigan Actuarial Club: Meeting,
Tuesday, July 31, 2:15 p.m., 3A Union.
Mr. A. L. Bailey, Actuary, New York In-
surance Department, will speak on
"Basis for Casualty Insurance Rate-
Making." Staff and students who are
interested are invited.
Roger Williams Guild: Class at 10:00;
Miss Ruth Daniels, Midnipoor, India,
speaker at 11:00. Meet at 3:30 at Guild
House for swimming, foodd, and discus-
sion. Speaker: Dr. Waterman "The Re-
appearance of Christ."
Student Recital Postponed: Vivien
Milan, mezzo-soprano, whose recital
was previously announced for Sunday,
July 29, in the Architecture Auditorium,
has postponed her program until 4:15
Sunday, August 5.

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


Barnaby convinced all of the children

I But it didn't rain and they've lost 1 -1

s'// We'll have to hold the picic indoorschildren-

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