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July 27, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-27

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FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1951

Catholic Issue

DAVE THOMAS' recent attack on the Ca-
tholic Church can only increase the
evils he is trying to fight. His editorial will
stiffen the resistance of Catholics and cre-
ate or increase religious bigotry among non-
Thomas has made an error that no Cath-
olic can forgive and few non-Catholics will
note as they follow his argument against
the Church.
The Catholic Church has never sought
restrictions on bathing suit apparel, Hol-
lywood movies or even non-Catholic birth
control. However, Catholic officials and
laymen have done all of these things, and
more, to spread the influence of the
Church and promulgate their own ideas
of right and wrong. But Church officials
and proselytizing, dictatorial laymen are
not the Catholic Church.
Thomas must know this for he sees mov-
ies made in "Catholic" Italy banned by the
American Legion of Decency. He sees the
predominately Catholic French produce
bathing suits that Catholic officials of Spain
feel are immoral.
*" * *I
THOMAS USES the fact that Church offi-
cials in Spain have influenced local au-
thorities to regulate sunbathing as an in-
stance "of the arrogance which the Catholic
Church displays in every country where they
get away with it towards citizens who are
not Catholics ..."
As a newspaper man, Thomas must rea-
lize that most people in a position of author-
ity are liable to use that authority in "un-
democratic" ways. A policeman's arrogance
in cowing an unoffending drunk does not
constitute an argument against a police
The arrogant policeman and the Span-
ish clergyman are, in my mind, both
wrong, but there is a big jump from the
Individuals to the organizations to which
they belong-a jump Thomas ignores.
A policeman gets his authority by law.
The Spanish clergyman gets his simply from
the power he has to influence his church
members. Because of his exalted position in
the religious lives of the laymen that sur-
round him, this influence is often consider-
able and sometimes extends into fields where
few clergymen have any real capacity.
The Legion of Decency, run largely by
Catholic leaders, exercises a stupid, but ef-
fective censorship over American movies, a
censorship that is harmful to the American
rovie-goer-Catholic and non-Catholic-
both psychologically and morally. Many Ca-
tholic laymen resent the Legion of Decency
and vehemently protest its influence, as
articles in such liberal Catholic magazines
as the Commonweal frequently attest.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Brewster & Ike
WASHINGTON-The indispensable man
is with us again.
According to Sen. Owen Brewster of
Maine, a Taft lieutenant, he is Gen. Eisen-
hower. The catch is, however, that in the
Brewster view, Ike is "indispensable in Eur-
ope at this time."
Senator Brewster made this inspired grab
for the political-speculation headlines im-
mediately upon his return from a look-see
at the North Atlantic Alliance with fellow
members of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee. None of them apparently had
the nerve to approach the General directly
on the personal questions that are in the
forefront of every politico's mind.
Thus the field was clear for Sen. Brews-
ter to rush in wher the bandwagon sear-
chers feared to tread.
"Gen. Eisenhower is indispensable in Eur-

ope at this time," proclaimed the man from
Maine. "We have a long, hard road ahead
there. France has no government. Italy has
no government. An election is coming up
in England."
with Sen. Brewster's key role in the Taft
campaign for the Presidency sug.ested at
this point that an election was also coming
up in the United States next year. Ignoring
the crude interruption, the Senator swept
"In addition to these problems, Gen.
Eisenhower, against the advice of many
of his staff, has also come out for a Eur-
opean army as distinct from the national
armies first planned. This is basically a
French move arising from French fears of
German rearmament. It will inevitably
mean further delays for the Eisenhower
"It is plain that Gen. Eisenhower is deep-
ly committed to his job. He talks of it with
great emotional fervor and crusading zeal;
the practical details are explained by Gen.
Gruenther (Ike's chief of staff) ."
Democrats were considerably entertained
by Sen. Brewster's admiration for Gen. Eis-
enhower as an inspired European leader.
One reported that the Senator had displayed
an unselfish willingness to cooperate with
such Truman Democrats as also preferred to

F THOMAS sincerely wanted to attack the
censorship some Catholics exert on mov-
ies, magazines, newspapers and books, he
would have accomplished more by attacking
precisely that, rather than putting his ar-
gument on an emotional level, for both
sides, by striking out at the Catholic Church.
Some "good" Catholics could supply him
with a profusion of such arguements.
While tacitly approving the reported
Papal favoring of socialized medicine,
Thomas deprecates the attached warn-
ing that the Pope was against "any at-
tempt . . . being made to violate the right
of a human person" in the question of
therapeutic abortion and birth control.
The person the Pope's warning refers to
is the unborn child, whose soul the Church
considers more important than the life of
the mother producing the chuld.
While this may sound "anti-humanistic"
and just plain unenlightened in light of
world conditions to most non-Catholics, it
is a patent, dogmatic truth to believing Ca-
tholics. Presumably Thomas grants people
the right to believe what they believe.
* * *
THE CULMINATING argument of the
Thomas editorial is the statement that
the "tyranny of the heirarchy" and the
Church's protection of its sources of ma-
terial wealth are contributing factors to
the rise of communism in Europe.
The only tyranny the heirarchy of the
Catholic Church perpetrates is a tyranny
over religious dogma and practice. To
remove it would remove Catholicism, an
appeal Thomas is not making. The
Church's protection of its sources of ma-
terial wealth (where it is found to be the
church and not part of the clergy acting
quite independently in lay matters) is
probably no more responsible for the
spread of communism than is General
Motors' protection of its sources of wealth
in Europe.
Thomas is properly concerned about the
concerted influence certain Catholics are ex-
erting on our movies, reading matter and,
most importantly, our educational system.
Just informing most Americans of the facts
is a most important and needed office. It
should be performed, though, with a great
deal of intelligence and real insight, or in-
cidents like those of last week at Cicero,
Illinois, will be sparked in half the cities of
the land.
CATHOLICS MUST be assured that we
who do not believe are not attacking
their belief or their right to believe. Non-
Catholics and Catholics alike must know
that these practices are not basic Church
dogma and are in no way a part of the Ca-
tholic Church.
Some Catholics, sometimes honestly con-
cerned with the world's growing materialism
and sometimes just filled with the poison of
minority psychology, are creating a real
threat to American ideas of democracy. In
the long run the threat is perhaps more ser-
ious than the McCarthy-hysteria threat to
human rights in the United States.
The way to end the threat is not to ere-
ate a worse one by lining up the 120-
million non-Catholics in the country
against the 30 million or so Catholics in
a misdirected religious argument.
The threat can be ended constructively by
recognizing and stating that it is not a re-
ligious argument-and it is not.
People as concerned as Thomas about the
situation should actively employ the argu-
ments of Catholics against these policies,
clearly stating their source. Catholics will
rightfully defend any promiscuous attacks
on their faith.
But like any other conglomerate group of
human beings, they can change their minds
about a mistaken policy if they are shown
to be wrong. However, as with any minority
group that struggles for its identity in an
overwhelming majority, they will fanatically
resist any change they feel directed-either
deliberately or mistakenly -- against their
faith,--John Briley
E - 9

At Hill Auditorium...
Irene Dunne and Rex Harrison.
N the wake of the acclaim for Rodgers and
Hammerstein's "The King and I," it is
interesting once more to look at the original
dramatization of Margaret Landon's biogra-
phy of the English school teacher who
trekked off to Siam back in the 1860's.
Furthermore, the original "Anna" has
the double merit of the ambitious Darryl
Zanuck as its producer and Rex Harrison
in a role that is, for a change, large enough
for his talents. He gives what is surely his
best Hollywood performance as the re-
doubtable king, a part that calls for the
full gamut of his comedy techniques as
well as an unusual understanding of the
more complex side of the monarch.
Where Harrison has soared, however, Mr.
Zanuck has occasionally faltered. He gives
his script a suitably lavish production, and
abundant wit and movement in individual
scenes. However, there are too many of
these scenes which accomplish much the
same thing, making the picture a good thirty
minutes longer than it need to have been.

WASHINGTON-Every so often a reporter
has a personal experience interesting
enough to call for breaking the good rule of
impersonality,, and telling what happened to
him. One such has just come to this re-
porter, in the form of an appearance before
the State Department Loyalty Board in the
case of John Paton Davies jr.
To be sure, there was nothing very stir-
ring about the hour or so at the hearing.
The three man board, headed by a shrewd,
dry-spoken New Englander, Conrad E. Snow,
clothes itself in no special majesty. The
setting is an ordinary State Department of-
fice borrowed for the occasion. After the
oath, the routine of question and answer
goes forward in an informal but businesslike
way. The board seems both sensible and
patient. When it is over, your first reaction
is, "Well, I thought there would be more to
it than that."
On reflection, however, it seems to me
that there IS more to it than that, which
is the reason why the first person singu-
lar is being used in this sphere for the
first time in six years. Here was Davies,
after all, formerly a senior member of the
State Department Planning Staff, now
publicly charged with doubtful loyalty,
and publicly suspended from duty on the
eve of a most important assignment as
political adviser in Germany.
Here was his name blackened, his career
perhaps permanently damaged, his fortune
already hard-hit by all the horrible compli-
cations of a sudden change of family plan
after the sale of the family house. And all
for what? To make a burnt offering with
a sweet savor in the peculiar nostrils of Sen.
McCarthy and Sen. McCarran.
Certainly, if anyone can testify compe-
tently as to the sense or nonsense of this
proceeding against Davies, it is this reporter;
for in the wartime years in Chungking we
were, so to speak, competing backroom boys.
** *
DAVIES was the political adviser of Gen.
Joseph W. Stilwell; I was the adviser of
Dr. T. V. Soong and Maj. Gen. C. L. Chen-
nault. I fought for airpower and a policy
of strengthening the Chinese national gov-
ernment; and he defended Gen. Stilwell's
views and advocated American military aid
to the Chinese Communists. Davies was
finally defeated when Gen. Stilwell was dis-
missed. But it was a bitter battle while it
lasted, and on the principle that no one
knows you as your enemy knows you, I
think I know John Davies pretty well.
As to loyalty, no doubts ever occurred to
me, even in the most squalid moments of the
long, squalid struggle in Chungking. In-
deed, the thought that I could not escape as
I sat before the Loyalty Board, was the
thought that Davies' judgment of the Chin-
ese scene had stood the test of time rather
better than my own.
The difference between the two views
was simple enough. By the end of 1943
and the beginning of 1944, it was already
clear that the regime of Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-shek would succumb to the
Chinese Communists after the war, unless
something pretty drastic was done. My
view was that a Communist triumph could
be prevented by replacing Gen. Stilwell
with a wiser man, increasing the scale of
American aid, and intervening very active-
ly to reform the rotting Nationalist gov-
Given the satisfaction of all these diffi-
cult conditions, particularly the indispens-
able third, I still think I might have been
proven right.
Davies held the view, on the other hand,
and with many excellent reasons, that the
Generalissimo's government was already

past saving. If this was the case, the ques-
tion was not how to prevent a Chinese Com-
munist victory, but how to come to terms
with it. Davies also knew certain thinks
that very few people in America seem to
know even today-that Mao Tse-tung and
his Communists had developed their party
and their policy in isolation from and some-
times in defiance of the Kremlin,. for ex-
ample; and that throughout the course of
the China war, the only recipient of Soviet
aid had been the Generalissimo.
WITH this special knowledge, Davies made
what must now be accounted an ex-
tremely brilliant deduction-that Tito-ism
was possible, before Tito-ism had been
heard of. Believing Chiang Kai-shek was
past saving, believing also in the possibility
of Chinese Tito-ism, Davies therefore recom-
mended moderate American aid for the
Chinese Communists. His avowed aim was
to promote their Chinese Communist confi-
dence in America, and thus to achieve a di-
vision between them and the Kremlin. And
if Davies' recommendations had been fol-
lowed, I now believe he would have been
proven right.
In short, there were two perfectly logical
and defensible American policies in China,
and you could take your choice between
them. What actually happened-what I for
one had certainly never foreseen-was that
after the dismissal of Gen. Stilwell, we ceased
to have any China policy at all. Even when
Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer was performing so
admirably as military commander, his hands
were politically tied; after that, there was

Everything In Its Little Cubbyhole


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Catholic Issue .
To the Editor:
of June 25, he writes of the
"professional manner" in which
Dave Thomas "wields the bludge-
ons of bigotry." In reality, nothing
could be further from the truth.
Dave Thomas did not attack Ca-
tholics, as persons, in America or
anywhere else, nor did he attack
the Catholic religion. He merely
expressed his feelings about eco-
nomic and social actions on the
part of the. Catholic hierarchy.
And he had no reason to feel any-
thing but perfectly free in doing
When the Catholic Church, or
any other institution for that mat-
ter, casts itself into the political
arena, it at the same time lays it-
self open to criticism. I personally
feel that when a nominally reli-
gious organization lays down the
law on temporal subjects as often
and as dogmatically as the Catho-
lic Church has, it is over-stepping
its bounds. But at any rate, it can-
not assume that its religious na-
ture automatically prohibits a rea-
soned and tempered discussion of
its worldly policies,
Thorton's characterization of
Dave Thomas for his views, be
they right or wrong, shows that
it is he-not Dave-who has re-
sorted to bigotry and intolerance.
-Paul Levin, '53
* * *
'Burger Record . . .
To the Editor:
IT WAS WITH much interest
that I noticed a recent article
in The Daily telling of a Univer-
sity student who broke the world's
record for eating hamburgers.
While this particular student's
adroitness in consuming hambur-
gers is especially outstanding and
will probably never be surpassed,
it merely represents a phase in
the rapidly changing mode of eat-
ing at this nation's universities.
For the past fifteen or twenty
years, the feminine craze for slim-
ness has been manifested all over
the United States by calorie-con-
scious coeds carefully ascertaining
the affect of each bit of food on
their figures. Some have gone on
selfdepriving diets. Others have
resorted to patent medicines. A
few radicals have even decided to
see their doctors.
All this was done under the as-
sumption that most men prefer
thin women to stout ones. This, of
course, is still a matter for con-
jecture, but most women seem to
be convinced of its validity.
On the other hand, the physical
stature of the male 'species has
not become nearly so important.
Yet it would be folly to assume
that women are not at all inter-
ested in the height, weight, and
over-all stature of their menfolk.
Some men have become convinced
that the opposite sex prefers the
stouter to the thinner varieties of
masculinity. This belief was, with-
out doubt, started by the immense
popularity of television wrestlers
most of whom weigh over 250
pounds and all of whom get count-
less fan letters from every section
of the United States. Of course,
this fact must be balanced against
the millions of fan letters received
by notably thin radio crooners in
movieland. It is therefore far from

Yet we can not dismiss hambur-
ger eating orgies as merely being
caused by the same impulse that
causes people to eat goldfish, as
was stated in your recent article.
It is far deeper than this.
Perhaps, some day, after more
of these events have been com-
pleted and there is sufficient data
available for scientific research,
we will eventually ascertain whe-
ther women prefer their men thin
or stout.
In the meantime, we should all
be grateful for such pioneering ex-
periments as a step further in sci-
entific research. They are as wel-
come as a whiskey sour at the Mi-
chigan Union.
-E. S. Sader, '53
** *

Campus Tours
To the Editor:

0 40

Asst. Prof. of Psychiatry; in Charge of
Children's Service, Neuropsychiatric In-
stitute, will be the speaker.
Summer Exhibitions, Museum of Art,
Alumni Memorial Hall: "France - in
Paintings and Prints," South Gallery;
"Works by Contemporary Americans,"
North Gallery; "Modern Graphic Art,"
West Gallery. All exhibits selected from
the Museum Collections. Hours: Week-
days, 9-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is
Personnel Interviews:
Thursday, August 2-
Mr. Smiley, Personnel Director of LA-
will interview men and women who are
interested in department store training
programs. Mr. Smiley will be interview-
ing for his own store and others in the
R. H. Macy Corporation, New York and
Thursday, August 2-
PANY, Cleveland, Ohio, will be inter-
viewing men interested in sales or sales
administration, Literary College, Bus-
iness Administration students as well as
technical men are eligible. Their train-
ing program will begin approximately
September 1 and will continue for 6
to 8 months in Allentown, Pennsylvania,
then candidate will be placed in either
outside sales or sales administration in
one of their district offices.
For further information and appoint-
ments for interviews please call at the
Bureau of Appointments 3528 Adminis-
tration Building.
Personnel Requests:
COMPANY, San Francisco, has openings
for sales engineers in their Denver, San
Francisco, and Seattle branch offices.
They prefer Electrical Engineers, but
will consider Chemistry majors, Me-
chanical or Civil Engineers, or Business
Administration graduates who have had
2% or 3 years engineering or have me-
chanical aptitude.
Maryland, has openings in their Ballis-
tic Research Laboratories for men and
women in the fields of Electronics and
Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics,
and Physics.
we have had a call from a local re-
search laboratory for a man who has
had at least two years of engineering
to be a detail checker.
For further information please call at
the Bureau of Appointments 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for George Ray-
mond Brewer, Electrical Engineering;
thesis: "The Propagation of Electro-
magnetic Waves inua Magnetron-Type
Space Charge," Saturday, July 28, 3521
East Engineering Bldg., at 9:00 a.m.
Chairman, W. G. Dow.
Doctoral students in Sociology should
turn in summer prelim applications at
the Departmental Office at once. The
examinationsrare scheduled to be held
August 6 through 10.
Events Today
Band Conductors Workshop-
8:00 The.Alto Clarinet, clinic, NOR-
9:00 Informal Recital. VIRGINIA
accompanist. Rackham Assembly Hall.
10:00 and 2:00 Survey on Wind In-
strument Literature, 204 Harris Hall.
4:30 Picnic, Dexter-Huron Metropoli-
tan Park.
Informal Record Dance, 9:00 - 12:00
at the League.
ICC Open House for Students and
Faculty: Dr. Chandler Davis, Math.
Instructor and noted science-fiction
author, will speak on "What Future
Shall We Make?" A discussion and so-
cial will follow. 8:30 p.m. - 12 p.m.,
Robert Owen House, 1017 Oakland.
International Center: at 12:30 p.m.,
there-will be an educational tour to the
Kellogg Food Plant at Battle Creek.
Foreign Students and American friends
are invited to participate. Tickets are
now available at the International Cen-
Graduate Student Mixer, Rackham
Assembly Hall, 9-12.
Student sponsored social events for
Lloyd Hall Inter-dorm Council.
Graduate Student Council.
This week: Wednesday through Sat-
urday, Julyn25-28, at 8:00 p.m.inthe
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, the De-
partment of Speech presents the comic-
fantasy, The Enchanted, by Jean Girau-
doux and adapted by Maurice Valency.
ThexEnchanted, whichopened in New
York in January, 1950, was adapted from
Giraudoux' Intermezzo which was pro-
duced in Paris in 1933. Tickets are on
sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
box office daily from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.,
on days of performance until 8 p.m.

Michigan Christian Fellowship Bible
Study, Lane Hall, 7:30, Ephesians.
Roger Williams Guild: Fri., 8:00 p.m.,
Hobo Party (dungarees).
Lane Hall, Coffee Hour, 4:30 - 6:00
p.m. Everybody welcome.
Coming Events
Conference of English Teachers. "The
Possible Importance of Poetry," July 30.
Intercultural Education Conference.
July 30 - August 1.
Pi Lambda Theta (Honorary Women's
Sorority) meeting for initiation and
program, July 30, Monday, 7:30 p.m.,
West Conference Room in Rackham,
Sarita Davis will tell of her recent ex-
periences in Germany and present
twelve guests who teach English in
other countries. All members in town
are invited.
Next Week: The Department of Speech
presents Dion Boucicault's breath-tak-
ing 19th century melodrama, "The
Streets of New York," August 1-4, at 8
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Box office open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
on days of performance until 8 p.m.
Lectures Today
Radio and Television Conference.
Rackham Amphitheater. "Radio and
Television in the Public School," Ed-
ward Stasheff, Director of Television

Development, WNYE, New York, 9:45
a.m. "A Review of Educational Radio,"
Walter B. Emery, Legal Assistant to
Commissioner Walker of the Federal
Communications Commission, 10:45 a.m.
"The Commercial Station and Educa-
tional Television," James Eberle, Public
Affairs Manager, WWJ, WWJ-FM, WWJ-
TV, Detroit News, 1:45 p.m. "The Phi-
ladelphia Experiment in Television Ed-
ucation for Adults," Armund Hunter,
Director of Television, Michigan State
College, 2:30 p.m. "The Outlook for
Education Television," Walter B. Emery,
3:15 p.m.
Classroom Conference. , Curriculum
conferences and open house in class-
rooms and laboratories, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00
Luncheon, 12:00 M., Michigan Union,
"Our Classroom Goals," Eugene Thom-
as, President, Michigan Secondary
School Association, Dean Hayward Ken-
Instrumental group meetings, 2:00
"Subject Matter Problems in Today's
Classrooms," 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union
Astronomy Lecture and Visitors'
Night. "The Planets," Dr. Gerard P.
Kuiper, Yerkes Observatory, 8:30 p.m.,
1025 Angell Hall. Student Observatory,
Angell Hall, open to visitors after the
Biophysics Symposium. "Light Scat-
tering Studies on Proteins and Nucleic
Acids," PAUL DOTY, Harvard Univz-
sity, 4:00 p.m., 1300 Chemistry.
Student Recital: Elizabeth Della-
Moretta, soprano, will present a pro-
gram at 8:30 in the Architecture Audi-
torium, in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Bachelor of Music
degree. A pupil of Philip Duey, Miss
Della-Moretta will sing works by Han-
del, Mozart, Schubert, Schumann,
Brahms, Chausson, Aubert, Hahn, Du-
pare, santoliquido, and Cimara. The
general public is invited.
Student Recital Postponed: Vivien
Milan, mezzo-soprano, whose recital
was previously announced for Sunday,
July 29, in the Architecture Auditorium,
has postponed her program until 4:15
Sunday, August 5.
Student Recital: Wyatt Insko, stu-
dent of organ with Robert Noehen,
will play a recital at 8:30 Sunday eve-
ning, July 29, in Hill Auditorium. It
will include compositions by Buxtehude,
Bach. Hermann Schroeder, Schumann,
and Max Reger, and will be open to
the public. The program is presented
In partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of Mu-
Faculty Concert: Emil Raab, violinist,
and Benning Dexter, pianist, School of
Music faculty members, will present a
program at 8:30 Monday evening, July
30, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. It
will include Sonatina in D major, Op.
137 by Schubert, Sonata (1946) by Dia-
mond; Sonata in G minor by Debussy,
and Sonata (1943) by Copland.
The general public is invited.
Faculty Recital: John Kirkpatrick,
Guest Pianist in the School of Music
during the Summer Session, will play
,his second program at 8:30 Tuesday
evening, July 31, in the Rackham. Lec-
ture Hall. It will include Fantasy and
Sonata in C minor, Op. 11 by Mozart,
A Child in the House by Theodore
Chanler, Piano Sonata by Hunter John-
son; Evocations by Carl Ruggles, and
Nostalgic Waltzes by Ross Lee Finney,
Composer in Residence at the University
of Michigan.
The general public is invited.
To strengthen our European
allies, it is -not enough to send
them guns or let them make guns
for themselves. The manufacture
of armaments is only one of the
items-and not the major one--of
increased European production.
We and the European governments
must see to it that their workes
gain an improved standard of liv-
ing from their enlarged opportuni-
ties of employment-that the peo-
ple on our side are relieved from
both misery and fear, for these are
the two main enemies of freedom,
--The Reporter
ffi~tgll ail

t 7

versity for the summer session
as an auditor and have been in-
formed that there is no organized
permanent tour of the campus'
available for visitors and students.
There are so many fine things
to be seen here, that the many
visitors and students, should have
an oppor'tunity to learn of the fa-
cilities available and to make
greater use of the excellent fa-
culty, libraries and buildings, on
the various "campuses.
I suggest a permanent Tour bu-
reau be organized and hope that
many of your readers will have
their views published on this mat-
ter and also recommend that ev-
ery building on the campus be
marked with a sign, which can be
easily read from the street.
I would likento make a pilot
tour of the Ann Arbor campus
some afternoon next week, ac-
companied by a representative of
the Office of Information, Alumni
Council and Phoenix Project.
-George F. Trombley
A public meeting is, of course, a
public meeting. And the people
must certainly be informed. But
television (which seems to have
become standard equipment for
Congressional investigations) has
to become at least as well behaved
as the newspaper reporter with his.
notebook, or the radio microphone,
which fo rall its faults neither
blinds its victims with glaring
lights nor intimidates them with
its superior bulk.
--The Reporter
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
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versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
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day preceding publication.
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1951
VOL. LXI, No. 22-S
The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be
Friday night, July 27, 8:00 at the camp
on Patterson Lake. Dr. Rabinovitch,

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students af
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas.......Managing Editor
George Flint ........ Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut .......... Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz ..........Business Manager
Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon .......Finance Manager
Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
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Nonsense! Barnaby's imaginary


So, let's finish watering the garden with our sprinking


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