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July 27, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-27

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Latest Deadline in the State



Rent Drops
Approved In
s House Decision
Limits Rollbacks
ence committee agreed yesterd:
to permit rents in newly-designa
ed critical defense areas to 1
rolled back to the levels in effe
just before Korea.
Acceptance of the provisio
from the Senate's Economic Cor
trol Bill, was a distinct victory fR
the Administration as a committi
representing the Senate and ti,
House sought to hammer the vary
ing bills into one measure. Th
House had voted against such rol
(In Ann Arbor, City Clerk Fre
J. Looker reported that, althoug
the City Council sometime ago ap
plied for designation of Ann Az
bor as a critical defense area, offs
cial confirmation from Washing
ton was never received).
Stabilization director Eric John
ston appealed to the Senate-Hous
group over the weekend to grar
the rent rollback authority.
The Administration says it is
needed to end "gouging" by
landlords around swelling mili-
tary posts and defense plants.
Under the language adopted bz
Sthe conferees but yet to get fins
acceptance by the two branche
of Congress, selection of the cri
tical areas would be up to tl
Secretary of Defense and the mc
bilization director.
House provision which would hav
given local officials, in cases wher
they had decontrolled rents, th
right to veto reimposition of con
Any increases in taxes and othe
costs since May 24 - June 25, 195(
the base period, would have to b
considered in fixing ceilings.
Both Senate and House bill
contain identical provisions allow
ing rent increases up to 20 pe
cent above the 1947 level fo
dwellings now under control. Thi
would not apply in the new cri1
tical areas to be selected.
Raft Capsizes;
Students Safe,
Witness Says
BELLAIRE, Ohio -(fP)- The
raft "Lethargia" with two bache-
lors and two women aboard, con-
ducting what was described as a
sociological experiment, turnec
over near here yesterday evening
It has not yet been confirmed
that all aboard we're saved.
Mary Ellin McGrady, 24, a Uni-
versity of Michigan student was
m charge of the expedition which
also included Geraldine Garcia
Boston artist, Milton Borden, 30,
New Bedford, Mass., and Dor
Brown, 24, of Detroit. Both men
are Michigan students.
An identified witness told a
newsman he believed he saw one
of the victims swimming toward
the West Virginia shore. He said
he thought a passing towboat pick-
ed up two others, while another
vessel picked up the fourth.
The party set out from New
Kensington, Pa., a week ago and
was headed for New Orleans via
the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.

Miss McGrady, who got the idea
for the trip while reading Mark
Twain said that she planned to
keep a record of the adjustments
made by the four while living to-
gether in a confined space.
Earlier in the week, a string of
troubles plagued the crew. The
first day out they were held up
by losing their anchor, and two
days later they lost the raft it-
self when it drifted away from a
'Get Acheson'
Bill Rejected
WASHINGTON -- () - The
House turned down the "get
Acheson" amendment after angry
debate yesterday and then passed
the State-Commerce-Justice De-
partment appropriation bill.
It rejected numerous moves for
big cuts in the measure to finance

Royal Flush

NO SALE-Even artist Pablo Picasso fails to 'cheer up Prince Aly
Khan, whose wife, screen star, Rita Hayworth recently refused
his plea for a reconciliation. Aly's mind seems to be on a dif-
ferent type of dish as he listens to Picasso during a ceramics ex-
hibition in Vallauris on the French Riviera.
FBI Agents Arrest
C #.9
Twelve CommUnists

By The Associated Press
The FBI swiftly arrested 12 sec-
ondary Communists in a new move
against the Party yesterday.
Mary Bernadette Doyle, 45, a
Party organizer for the mission
listrict in San Francisco, was the
twelfth person taken into custody
late yesterday.
. . *
EARLIER, four other women
and seven men, secondary func-I
tionaries of the Party, had been
apprehended in quick FBI action
in San Francisco, Los Angeles and
New York.
Mrs. Doyle was taken hurried-
ly before U.S. Commissioner
Francis St. J. Fox, who set bail
at $2,500 for her and two other
women seized in San Francisco.
The commissioner agreed to the
government's demands, however,
"Things are just as we leftI
them in June," said three mem-
bers of Alpha Epsilon Phi sor-
ority as they gazed at the "dis-
orderly mess" throughout their
house, according to police re-
The police had been sum-
moned by an alumna who re-
ported that the house at 407 N.
Ingalls, which is closed for the
summer, had been ransacked.
However, members of the sor-
ority who accompanied the offi-
cers in their investigation re-
ported that everything looked
"Perhaps there is a purpose
in their housekeeping," a police-
man mused. "Any burglar en-
tering the house would un-
doubtedly be discouraged by
the deduction that another bur-
glar had gotten there first."

for $75,000 bail on the four men
arrested in San Francisco. He
commented that higher bail for
Mrs. Doyle was not justified be-
cause she is under medical treat-
In New York, the high bail of
$100,000 had been set earlier for
William Schneiderman, top Red
executive at national headquarters.
Bail of $75,000 each had been
fixed for the two women and two
men apprehended at Los Angeles.
Francisco also demanded $75,000
bail each on the contention that
the secondary Communists might
flee, as did four of the 11 top
Mrs. Doyle, like the others pick-
ed up today, claimed she had been
arrested without a warrant, but
Chauncey Tramutolo, U.S. Attor-
ney for the Northern California
District, said warrants had been
issued for each of the defendants.
This was affirmed by the district
attorney in Los Angeles'
Truman Raps
Truman yesterday tartly implied1
that a Chicago politician went off
half-cocked by suggesting Gen.
Eisenhower or Senator Paul Doug-
las of Illinois as Democratic pres-
idential prospects if Mr. Truman
doesn't run in 1952.
The subject came up at Mr.
Truman's news conference when
a reporter said the Eisenhower-t
Douglas suggestion had been rais-
ed by Jacob Arvey, Chicago po-
litical leader.

House Sinks
St. Lawrence
Seaway Plan
Group Shelves
By The Associated Press
The St. Lawrence Seaway an
Power Project, a subject of Con
gressional controversy in Wash
ington for two decades, wa
shelved again yesterday.
The House Public Works Com
mittee, after days of angry closed
door debate, voted 15 to 12 to ta
ble legislation that would hav
authorized the $818,000,000 inter
national development.
* * *
THE PROJECT, staunchly sup
ported by President Truman, thu
appeared to be dead for this ses
sion of Congress.
In light of the House's decisio
in Washington, Canada was face
squarely with the problem of de
ciding whether she is prepared t
build the costly project alone.
The question, is expected to
come before the Cabinet next
The alternative for the Cana
dian Cabinet wouldebe to wai
again for another year to see i
Congress approves it.
YESTERDAY'S Washington ac
tion was just one of a series o
congressional rebuffs, going badk
through the years, of the $800,000,
000 plan to open the St. Lawrenc
to deep-sea shipping and to pro
vide fresh sources of electrical en
ergy for the power-short industria
areas of Ontario and New Yor
Canada already is on record a
saying she would have to conside
a purely Canadian project if Con-
gress-as it now has done-onc
more gave the joint scheme a colc
Acheson Gives
Congress Vast
GlobalAid Bill
WASHINGTON - A) - Secre-
tary of State Acheson set before
Congress yesterday a vast globa]
aid program costing $25,000,000,-
000 for the defense of U. S. Allies
in the next three years.
That is the price, he said, tC
counter Soviet Russia's desigm
and bring about "an era of genu-
ine relaxation of tension."
ACHESON SAID Spain will get
a share of the money-he did not
say how much-but he declared
that "considerable t i m e must
elapse" before Spain could be ad-
mitted into the North Atlantic
Treaty Alliance.
Testifying before the Senate
F o r e i g n Relations Committee,
Acheson disclosed that the Ad-
ministration's current request for
$8,500,000,000 in foreign aid is only
the first installment in a proposed
long-range program.
Two m o r e installments of
about the same size will be
needed, he said, to equip this
country's Allies in Europe and
With some Congressional critics
already sharpening their knives to
trim the huge program, Senator
Lodge (R-Mass.) came up with an
assist for the Administration even
as Acheson testified.

On the Senate floor, Lodge read
a statement quoting Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower's chief of staff, Lt.
Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther, as say-
ing that if the proposed fund for
European aid is cut in half, it
would chop 14 divisions off the
European defense force.
Acheson told the Senate Com-
mittee that the end of U. S. aid
might come in 1955 so far as orig-
inal equipment is concerned. He
said it mighthbe necessary to con-
tinue after that with some main-
tenance help, but the amount
would be comparatively small.
Field Balles at
WASHINGTON - (A) - Fred-
erick Vanderbilt Field, wealthy
New York leftist. balked yesterday



ARB PHILOSOPHY-Taking advantage of the rebroadcast of their Philosophy 34 class, Chuck
Clippert, '53, and Judy Gallup, '53, spend a leisurely hour in the Arb listening to another class session
broadcast directly from the studio's of WUOM. Not pop, nor insect life, nor the summer breeze can

Truce Negotiators Must Tackle


divert these conscientious students from their philisophic study.
* * * *

* *

Plato Takes to Air Waves on WUOM

Students in the first class to be
held in the radio studios of
WUOM, have their choice of at-
tending lectures or tuning in to
what one student calls the philo-
sophical soap opera "Plato Faces
However, they are reminded by
Prof. Douglas Morgen, visiting
philosophy professor from North-
western, "the lectures come over
the air a week later, leaving the
student who is dependent on his.


To Settle Conflict

radio, rather than classroom at-
tendance, in a precarious position
when final time comes around."
THIS WARNING has not com-
pletely discouraged students in
Prof. Morgen's Philosophy 34 class
from occasionally taking advan-
tage of the rebroadcast to make
up classes they have missed, and
portable radios accompany dili-
gent philosophy students to near-
by beaches or picnic sites inthe

World News Roundup



I ,

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Senate - House
conferees last night shelved a
stripped-down version of the Ad-
ministration's defense housing bill
in writing new economic controls
TEHRAN, Iran - W. Averell
Harriman and British Ambassa-
dor Sir Francis Shepherd tried
to find out last night if the new
Iranian offer to negotiate may
really mean a break in the bit-
ter deadlock over oil nationaliza-
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - Gen.'
Douglas MacArthur wound up two
days of royal welcome in Massa-
chusetts yesterday, cheered from
town to historic town after his
single speech, a volley of criticism
against American policy abroad
and on the homefront.
S* *
DETROIT-A dapper little ex-
convict, the "mystery man" of
a probe into the letting of de-
fense contracts at the Detroit
tank-automotive center, surren-
dered to Detroit authorities to-
Wayne R. Campbell, 41 years
old, had been hunted since he
ducked out of a House sub-com-
mittee hearing Tuesday.

TAIPEH, Formosa-The Chinese
Nationalist Defense Minister yes-
terday reported Chinese Com-
munist troops were massing at
various points inside China proper
in readiness for speedy movement
to Manchuria.
brushing aside cries for "econ-
omy," yesterday voted $280,000,-
000, for this year's payments to
farmers for soil conservation.
The figure, approved without
a rolIcall vote, is $23,500,000
more than the House had voted.
* * *
NEW DELHI, India-India has
ordered thousands of National
Guard troops to active duty for
what a military spokesman yester-
day called training exercises.
** *
DETROIT-Labor unrest in
the automotive industry grew
yesterday as the Ford Motor
Company was threatened with
a nationwide shutdown.
A wildcat strike at Chrysler
Corp. went into its second day,
idling 22,500 Dodge workers. At
Hudson, 10,000 workers remained
* * *
ROME-Premier Alcide De Gas-
peri and his seventh cabinet took
office yesterday pledged to "loyal
support" of the North Atlantic

Actually there are advantages
in the studio turned classroom
according to Prof. Morgen.
The brightly painted studio,
complete with piano and green
"blackboard" is air-conditioned,
offering a welcome relief from the
stuffy classrooms of Angell Hall
where the class was originally
* , ,
Prof. Morgen, a 1940 graduate
of the University, who was an in-
structor here four years ago and
received his doctorate in 1948, has
been teaching at Northwestern,
where he heads the philosophy de-
partment. He seems unhampered
by the mikes and floating boom
which are a part of this unortho-
dox classroom.
One student remarked however
that the "presence of the mike
keeps her from making the ridicu-
lous statement she ordinarily
makes in other classes."
Other students are visibly un-
affected by this unusual type of
classroom atmosphere and their
discussion and questions are
broadcast as part of the lecture
program at 1 p.m., Tuesday
through Friday, over University
station WUOM.
Although WUOM carries a
regular fall program of lecture
broadcasts, this is the first time
any class has actually met in
the radio studio itself, according
to Ed Burroughs, program di-
rector of WUOM.
"We do not intend to make class
meetings in the studios a perman-
ent practice, Burroughs said. In
this case, however, we found that
noise coming from construction
work outside Angell Hall was in-
terfering with broadcast pickup,"
Burroughs explained.
"During the year we broadcast
two courses, one twice a week and
one three times, Burroughs said.
We have tried to arrange different
courses each semester and thus
far have done programs of Eng-
lish, History, Political Science and
Romance Languages classes."'

alNot Assured
i Chinese Troops
Push Back Allies
rERS, Korea-(P)-United Nations
and Ccdnmunist cease-fire nego-
tiators today went to work on
four vital issues that must be solv-
ed before the shooting stops in the
Korean war.
The historic eleventh meeting
in the truce city of Kaesong began
promptly at 10 a.m. Korean time
(6 p.m. CST, Thursday).
* * *
THE QUESTION of withdrawing
all foreign troops from Korea was
not on the agenda, but provisions
were made to take up this touchy
matter after a cease-fire becomes
The Peiping radio, confirming
the agenda, said it was agreed
that a "higher level" meeting
within "a certain time" would
discuss withdrawing foreign
troops "by stages" from Korea.
There was no indication when
such a meeting would be held, or
by whom.
Red demands for immediate
withdrawal of foreign forces had
been the stumbling-block to ear-
lier agreement on an agenda.
* * *
over-optimism for an early end
of the 13-month-old war was is-
sued, however, by Gen.aMatthew
B. Ridgway's United Nations ad-
vance headquarters.
"It is much too early to predict
either the success or the rate of
progress to be obtained," said the
headquarters communique.
At present there is a wide di-
vergence of views, it stated.
It said there were "numerous
basic points" on which agreement
must be found before hostilities
can end.
The United Nations command
apparently wanted to make sure
that the Reds would not use an
armistice and cease-fire to mask
another effort to drive the Allies
into the sea.
Headquarters reported that artil-
lery-supported Chinese Wednesday
stopped three Allied attacks cold
on the eastern Korean front.
An Eighth Army spokesman said
that "activity in this area has
stepped up considerably."
The United Nations assaults-
in company to battalion size-were
aimed at hills dominating Allied
Army Ending
Segregation in
Orient Forces
my announced yesterday it is end-
ing racial segregation in the Far
East Command, closing the 82-year
history of its oldest and last Ne-
gro regiment.
It said the integration of white
and Negro troops at all levels in
Japan, Korea and Okinawa would
be completed in about six months.
It also announced the disbandment
of the 24th Infantry regiment

the 25th division throughout the
Korean campaign.
ganized at Fort McKavitt, Tex., in
1869. It won its first battle honors
in the frontier campaigns against
the Indians and achieved its great-
est fame as one of the units which
stormed San Juan Hill at Santiago,
Cuba, in the Spanish-American
The 24th had the distinction
of being the first Negro unit to

Cinema Guild Proceeds
Swell Insurance Fund

The unique "insurance fund" of
the SL Cinema Guild is at last
making money.
All the proceeds from pictures
being shown this summer by the
Guild will go to swell this fund
that will reimburse the organiza-
tions that might lose money next
year on Cinema Guild enterprises.
* * *
PROFITS FROM the three films
already shown have so encouraged
the members of the Guild, accord-
ing to Dick Kraus, manager, that

ema Guild without taking any
co-sponsors, which is the usual
In order to keep costs at a min-
imum, the Guild also decided to use
the old tickets from previous per-
Although the first film, "Rem-
brandt," which was a hasty choice,
was not well received, the next
w e e k 's offering, "Unfaithfully
Yours," was a great financial suc-
* N *e

Students Sw ;elter Under Blazing Sun

Meat prices were not the only
thing high in Ann Arbor yesterday
as the thermometer soared to a
sizzling 91 degrees.
Weather Bureau official Ernest
Williams said that no let up was
in sight for this longest hot spell
of the vear, and that today's hiTh

Health Service, advised University
students to, reduce activity and
use common sense to remain cool-
er. He also said that one of the
most effective ways to combat the
heat wave is to open the windows
at night and close them during the
day. This will let the cool air
in at night and keep the hot air
out during the day, Dr. Forsythe

most came out an ice cube, but
due to the alertness of a worker,
the cat's meow's were heard and
she was quickly saved.
Although Lizzie wouldn't make
a comment, sources say that she
has become a heat lover and sits
in the sun the entire day.
S* *o
Fm. y'n ''om o ' e* 4 -.. . _ ... -

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