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July 26, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-26

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- S

Council Controls Action

jH E BATTLE OVER rent controls has
ended-at least, temporarily.
It consumed more sweat, time and emo-
tion than any controversy in recent Ann
Arbor history. It was a complex and deep-
rooted conflict between contradictory evi-
dence, opposing economic principles and
burning political theories.
It became plagued by side-issues, un-
guarded statements and misunderstandings.
City Councilmen, reporters and many other
citizens for months waded through the facts
and distortions, the speeches and the rumors,
and finally emerged, some jubilant, some
Now, in a sense, the headache is over.
The Council has chosen to eliminate con-
trols. But, in a strange and futile last-
minute stroke of conscience, the munici-
pal body set up a "watchdog committee"
to receive tenant complaints. Judging by
this action, it would seem that the real
headache had just begun.
And it is also a sign of the confusion which
has clouded the issue throughout its long
and turbulent existence. It is an indication
that the anti-rent lid individuals weren't
sure of the effect of the control lift.
This uncertainty gave rise to numerous
misJudgements of the underlying reasons be-
hind the Concil's unique handling of the
rent control situation.
* * *
THE DAILY editorial of July 15, signed
"The Editors," was generally well-
founded and concluded correctly that the
removal of rent controls was a dangerous
and unwarranted move. However, its insinu-
ations concerning the Council's motives
were based upon an apparently logical ap-
praisal of statements and actions which were
not thoroughly investigated.
The editorial hit the Council's passing of
a dual proposal which first asked Federal
Housing Expediter Tighe Woods to decon-
trol rents voluntarily, leaving him the pow-
er to reinstate the ceilings, and, as an alter-
native, required Woods to lift the lids.
Knitting together several statements by
Prof. Russell A. Smith of the Law School,
[Republican alderman, the editorial at-
tempted to prove that the unprecedentel
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

resolution was intended to place respon-
sibility with the Federal Government for
possible rent spirals after decontrol.
Because the Council's resolution was a
novel one, and because the Republican ma-
jority on the Council were actually in favor
of decontrol with no strings attached, this
deduction could be supported superficially.
But, as the evidence of the conclusion was
scanty and questionable, this glib classifica-
tion of motives proves false on further anal-
Ald. Smith, the main force behind the
Council's compromise move, was well aware
of the Council majority's desire to kill rent
lids without any means for reinstatement
left in the hands of the Government. This
much he pointed out in his letter to the edi-
tor of July 15.
* * *
(N PLUGGING FOR the two-part resolu-
tion, Ald. Smith was in a dangerous mid-
dle-of-the-road position. After a conscienti-
ous investigation as head of the Council's
special rent committee, he had decided in
favor of rent decontrol but wanted to in-
corporate a safeguard by which the lids
could be clamped on again if the local rent
levels got out of hand.
Ald. Smith took a gamble and he lost.
Woods refused to decontrol rents on his
own initiative after Federal surveyers had
relayed to Washington their findings on
the rental housing shortage here.
The Expediter's decision was the only ten-
able one he could make. Although the Gov-
ernment thereby lost its power to reimpose
controls, Woods, in lifting the ceilings vol-
untarily would have been forced to ignore
the results of the Federal survey.
Woods also took a gamble-that the
Council would change its mind on the
basis of his recommendation. And he too
In short, the Council's dual resolution was
the best that could be passed considering
the eagerness of the majority; and Woods'
action was soundly based although it neces-
sarily won the battle for the less cautious
anti-control forces.
The process which preceded the lifting of
rent controls in Ann Arbor was, therefore,
a more complex one than the sweeping state-
ments of The Daily editorial would indicate.
Although Ald. Smith's final conclusion-
this juncture-was unfortunate, it was even
that rent ceilings should be swept away at
more unfortunate that his position on the
issue resulted in an indirect attack on his
unquestionable integrity and sincerity.
-Barnes Connable

WASHINGTON - Tidelands oil lobbyists
are planning a neat trick in order to
win the wealthy submerged oil lands off the
coast of Texas, California, and Louisana.
They are secretly planning to bring up
their bill for a surprise vote tomorrow when
Northeastern Congressmen begin their Fri-
day exodus to New York and Philadelphia.
Northeastern Congressmen for the most
part favor the plan proposed by ex-Secretary
of the Interior Harold Ickes and pushed by
Senator Hill of Alabama and others, to use
royalties from submerged oil lands to aid the
schools and colleges of the entire nation.
The Supreme Court has ruled that
tidelands oil belonged not to the three
states which have large deposits off their -
shores, but to the entire 48 states.
However, the oil lobby has introduced a
bill which would reverse the Supreme Court.
This is the bill set for a surprise vote on
Note 1-Several hundred thousand teach-
ers, school boards, and parent-teacher asso-
ciations will be watching to see what Con-
gressmen are absent on Friday and how
the others vote.
Note 2-Senator Case of South Dakota,
Republican, who went on record several years
ago for the use of tidelands oil royalties for
education, is now helping the fight for the
improvement of schools and colleges.
THOUGH the law requires that Congress
publish quarterly reports on lobbyists in
t h e Congressional Record, giving their
names, incomes, and affiliations, no report
has been made so far this year.
However, a report on the lobbies for the
first quarter of this year has been gathering
dust at the Government printing office for
almost three months-all because Senator
Carl Hayden of Arizona, Chairman of the
Joint Committee on Printing, has refused to
permit its publication.
Senator Hayden claims that it would
cost too much to print the full report in
the Congressional Record. However, the
Arizona Senator hasn't raised his voice
against filling the Record with page after
page of form letters against price controls
which these same lobbyists have inserted
through friendly Congressmen at the tax-
payers' expense.
Naturally, the National Association of
Manufacturers, the National Association of
Real Estate Boards, the American Medical
Association, and other big lobbies agree with
Senator Hayden in not wanting the names
of their pressure men, or their fees, made
However, the law is quite clear, and at the
moment Senator Hayden is violating the
CERTAIN shipping lobbies are frantically
pulling wires against the St. Lawrence
Seaway, by which Labrador iron ore could
come by boat to the Great Lakes and make
Chicago a great inland seaport. This would
cut the cost of producing steel and reduce
the risk of submarine attack on iron ore
that's shipped down the Atlantic Coast.
Last week, the anti-Seaway lobby failed
by only one vote to pigeonhole the St.
Lawrence project permanently in the
House Public Works Committee. Here are
the Congressmen who voted secretly against
this important defense seaway: Fallon of
Maryland, Pickett of Texas and Quinn of
New York, Democrats; and Angell of Ore-
gon, McGregor of Ohio, Auchineloss of
New Jersey, Beall of Maryland, Vursell of
Illinois, George of Kansas, Bray of Indi-
ana, Baker of Tennessee, Wood of Idaho,
and Scudder of California, all Republi-
Prediction: The lobbyists have been put-
ting on more pressure this week, and will win
the votes of at least two more Congressmen.
As a result, the vital St. Lawrence Seaway,
the answer to cheaper steel, will be defeated.

P RESIDENT TRUMAN is pressing Demo-
cratic Senators to write a report on the
MacArthur investigation. They had planned
to forget about a report, because they feared
a majority would not agree to blasting Mac-
Arthur. However, the President believes
chairman Dick Russell of Georgia is honest
enough to accept the evidence, which most
observers consider to have been clearly and
overwhelmingly against MacArthur. He
knows that Russell's support would almost
guarantee a majority report criticizing the
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Tin.)



"In Case Of Attack I'll Make
An Unusually Shrill Speech"

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the




WASHINGTON-Before very long, the Air
Force issue is going to come out, or
perhaps burst out, into the open. The pre-
liminary drumfire has already been heard
from the friends of air power on Capitol
Hill. Secretary of Defense George C. Mar-
shall and Under Secretary Robert A. Lovett
now have before them the Air Staff's pro-
gram of requirements for an expanded force
of 150 groups.
Even if the plan is accepted by Secretary
Marshall and the Presdent (which seems
likely) its first disclosure is bound to be a
bit explosive. If only because of the immense
outlays and grave issues involved. As a min-
imum, the cost is estimated at "several bil-
lions" of supplemental appropriations by
the present Congress and $15 billion addi-
tional in the 1953 budget, with recurring
huge appropriations in the subsequent bud-
The chief issue raised is, of course, the
proportion of defense investment between
the services. The Navy is considered to
be approximately large enough already.
The Army is reaching its planned man
power ceiling, although still deficient in'
many types of vital equipment. But while
the curves of expansion of the brother
services are thus levelling off,, the Air
Force expansion curve is to shoot upwards
precipitately; and it is not to level off until
annual Air Force expenditure is far above
either Army or Navy expenditure. The
kind of trouble this can give rise to is only
too easy to imagine.
Building the defense establishment square-
ly around the AirForce; increasing the al-
ready vast defense budget by such huge
further sums-these are serious steps to
take. On any realistic appraisal of the
world situation, however, there is no alter-
native to taking these steps, except to take
unforgiveable risks with the American fu-
ture. The reasons why a greatly expanded
Air Force is needed at this time are, in
fact, quite unanswerable.
FIRST, the air defense of the continental
United States is rapidly becoming a larg-
er and larger job. The Soviet atomic bomb
stock is increasing continually, which means
that the Kremlin is getting nearer and
nearer to the point where the war planners
in Moscow can hope to deliver a crippling
blow against this country. The existing So-
viet strategic air force, of imitation B-29s,
is expanding. And at the recent air show in
Moscow, the Soviets displayed a truly long-
range heat-y bomber of B-36 type, which air
intelligence credits with a 5,000 mile striking
Since the smaller and less costly standard
Soviet heavy bomber can efficiently hit tar-
gets anywhere except in this hemisphere,

vitals of the Russian war machine. Its
first priority must now be the destruction
of Soviet strategic air. This is an immense
task in itself. Furthermore, it is essential
for the destruction of the Soviet industrial
vitals to go forward concurrently; other-
wise the defense will learn from experience
to take the measure of the offense. Thus,
in effect, the American strategic air force
must now be built big enough to do two
jobs at once.
Third, the importance of tactical air in
ground war is now so great that Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower's staff has evolved a rule of
the thumb-"The fewer divisions you have,
the more air groups you need." For the de-
fense of Western Europe, it is necessary for
Genj Eisenhower to have a tactical air force
ready at all times for combat, which will
be capable of dominating the very large
Soviet tactical air force from the moment
when the first shot is fired. For this purpose
alone, it may be necessary to double the
present requirement for American tactical
air power.
Nor are these requirements, and the So-
viet air threat that begets them, mere
dreams of air propagandists. The new Soviet
bomber of B-36 type is not the ten engine
jet that has been wildly reported. It is a
huge, four engine plane, of fairly conven-
tional design. But it exists, has been photo-
graphed, and by the magic of intelligence
analysts has been shown to have approxi-
mately the characteristics given above.
Equally, the air force actually has in its
hands a MIG-15 engine, and has more than
ruefully examined the decidedly superior
high temperature alloys and remarkably
skillful welding that make this the best jet
engine now in production.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

Catholic Issue . . .
To the Editor:
It is not often that I feel called
upon to defend the Michigan
Daily, whose editors handle them-
selves pretty well in most matters.
But perhaps it would be well if
some ground rules concerning the
current controversy over the Ro-
man Catholic Church and its al-
leged restriction of personal free-
dom in Spain were laid down by
a relatively neutral observer.
If anything is to be learned by
editorial comment and be conse-
quent barrage of letters in reply,
it must be granted that the op-
posed forces are sincere, even if
misguided. When M is s Watts
charges that the editors may be
simply seeking to fill space and Mr.
Barkley repeatedly insists that the
whole issue seems "pointed to
arouse a spirit of mirth," then it
is evident that they do not in-
tend to discuss the matter serious-
ly, whatever else they may say. I
have re-read the original "Edi-
tor's Note" and find no evidence of
levity on the part of the editors.
Such a charge, if true, would make
all replies in a serious vein point-
less, anyway. A sneer is not an
argument, at least not a worthy
argument. If a defense can be
made for the church's position, it
will not convince intelligent read-
ers on such a basis as this. A con-
cession of good faith to the op-
posing writer woulddseemdto be
a sine qua non to further discus-
Of equally great importance to
such intelligent discussion is the
careful use of terms and the omis-
sion of irrelevant arguments. I
would have found the original edi-
torial comment more logical if the
closing reference to Communism
had been left unwritten. It was
not the point of the editorial to
compare two authoritarian forces
but rather to declare the authori-
tarianism of the Roman Catholic
church to be opposed to the free-
dom of the individual. In the men-
tal state in which most people now
find themselves, dragging Com-
munism headlong into the discus-
sion beclouds the issue with an
emotional overcast which is un-
But I would be equally censori-
ous of Mr. Thornton's charge that
"bludgeons of bigotry" had been
wielded by the editors. Bigotry is
a word which has been popularized
by the defenders of the Roman
Catholic hierarchy w h e n logic
fails, and it is perhaps not to be
wondered at that when Cardinal
Spellman hurls s u c h charges
against Congressman Barden oth-
er defenders of the faith would
take up his cry. Bigot is an ugly
word; it should not be charged
lightly. Its use, when proven, dis-
qualifies the bigot from further
serious consideration.
The issue at stake in this discus-
sion is not really either bathing
suits or birth control, but tyranny
over the human mind. If Roman
Catholics can successfully defend
the Spanish or American hier-
archies against this allegation,
they ought to be heard. But scare
words and irresponsible epithets
used by either side don't enlighten
-Lee Copple, Grad.

Cicero Defense . ..
To the Editor: -
WE WOULD like to call this let-
ter to the special attention of
Mr. Barnes Connable and Mr.
John Briley, in connection withf
their editorial comments on Cic-
ero, Ill., which appeared in last
Sunday's Daily. These paragraphst
seem to be merely a condensationi
of what has been printed in manyI
other periodicals and newspapers.
We question the qualifications of
the writers to make such biased re-t
marks under their own byline. 1
Have these two members of The
Daily staff ever been in Cicero?
If so, for how long? Assuming that
these fearless reporters dared ven-
ture into "dirty, grimy, infamous
Cicero" we wonder' if they took
time to view the following things:
1. The largest airport in the
2. The third-largest copper wiret
3. The Western Electric plant,
maker of Bell telephones.
4. Morton High School, one of1
the outstanding high schools in1
the Chicago area.,
5. The numerous churches and
civic groups.
In regard to the recent dis-
turbance in Cicero, which journal-i
ists have used for their own bene-
fit, we wonder if it can be termedt
a real "race riot." To our know-
ledge, no Negroes, including the
Clark family, actively participated.I
This is hardly even sides and cer-1
tainly not up to the Detroit-style
rioting. We would also like to in-E
form these columnists that less
than 25 per cent of the rioters
were Cicero citizens. As proof, we
are enclosing a list of people tak-
en into custody. Careful observa-
tion will show that only 14 of the
60 people on the list were Cicero
We will not deny that Al Capone
used this town as his headquarters
over twenty years ago. But, we will
point to Detroit's "Purple Gang,"
Kansas City's Pendergast, New
York'ssCostello, and the Longs, the
Cohens, and the Licavolis and say,
"Don't condemn a city of 70,000
people because of one person or
one organization."
-Frank Lexa,
Charles Skala.
(Editor'sNote: We're still wait-
ing for that list.)
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 21-S
The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be
Friday night, July 27, 8:00 at the camp
on Patterson Lake. Dr. Rabinovitch,

Asst. Prof. of Psychiatry; in charge of
Children's Service, Neuropsychiatric In-
-itute, will be the speaker.
Summer Exhibitions, Museum of Art,]
Alumni Memorial Hall: "France - in
Paintings and Prints," South Gallery;
"works by Contemporary Americans,"
North Gallery: "Modern Graphic Art,"
West Gallery. All exhibits selected from
the Museum Collections. Hours: Week-
days, 9-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is.
Academic Notices;
Seniors: College of L. S. & A., and
Schools of Education, Music, and Public '
Health: Tentative lists of seniors forj
August graduation have been posted on
the Registrar's bulletin board in the'
irst floor corridor, Administration Build-'
ing. If your name is misspelled or the1
degree expected incorrect, please notify
the Recorder at Registrar's window
number 1, 1513 Administration Building.
Law School Admission Test: Those
students who have not as yet obtained
their application blanks for the Law,
School Admission Test to be given Au-
gust 11, 1951, can obtain them ato110
Rackham Building. These application
blanks are due in Princeton, New Jersey.
not later than August 1, 1951.
Graduate Students In English who
wish to begin work toward a Ph.D.
degree upon receiving their A.M. degrees
must apply formally for permission to
register as an applicant for the Ph.D.
In order to obtain this permission,
students should apply to the Secre-
tary of the Graduate Committee, 3221
Angell Hall, at once.
Students will be notified as to whe-
ther or not they have been given per-
August Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
The Teacher's Oath will be administered
to all August candidates for the teach-
er's certificate on Friday, July 6, in
Room 1437 UES. This isca requirement
foil) ; he teacher's certificate.
All applicants for the doctorate who
are planning to take the August pre-
liminary examinations in Education, to
be held in Room 4009 University High
School Building, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
N, August 20, 21, and 22, 1951, will please
notify the Chairman of the Committee
on Graduate Studies in Education,
Room 4019 University High School, im-
Seminar on Mathematical Statistics:
Thursday, July 26, at 4 p.m., in Room
3201 Angell Hall. Miss E. B. Schaeffer
and Mr. J. B. Tysver will be the speak-
Preliminary Examinations in Linguis-
tics, Angell Hall 5208. Linguistic Sci-
ence, Friday, August 10, 2-5 p.m. Coi-
partive Grammar, Saturday, August 11,
9-12 a.m. English Language, Saturday,
August 11, 2-5 p.m.
Doctoral candidates who are planning
to take examinations should consult
Professor Hans Kurath beforehand.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet at 4:00 p.m. in Room 247 West En-
gineering Building. Prof. Charles Dolph
will speak on vector wave equations.
Events Today
U.of M. Sailing Club: Meeting, ':30
p.m., 3D Union. Dues deadline Is this
meeting; no pay, no sail. Barton Pond
team race is this Saturday at Whitmore;
all skippers eligible to participate.
League Activities this week: 7:30
p.m., Duplicate Bridge Tournament.
Friday, 9-12 p.m., Informal Record
French Club: Meeting at 8 p.m. in
the Michigan.League. Miss Jeannette
Brisbois, Grad., will give an informal
talk entitled: "Souvenirs de vienne."
Songs, games, dancing. All students in-
terested are welcome.
Phi Delta Kappa (Men's Education
Fraternity) meeting, 6:00 p.m. at the
Michigan Union. Go through the cafe-
teria line and take your tray into the
University Club Dining Room. Program
will be an informal meeting with this
summer's visiting faculty members.
Band Conductors Workshop-
8:00 The Art of Listening t olusic,
GLENN McGEOCH, 206 Burton Tower.
.9:00 The Function of Music Credits
and Music as a Preparation for Col-
lege by DR. CLYDE VROMAN, Direc-
tor of Admission, Rackham Amphithea-
10:15 Arranging for the School Band
1:00 Summer Session Workshop Band,
Hill Auditorium.
2:00 Technics of teaching the percus-
sion instruments, James Salmon, Hill

3:00 Pontiac Elementary School Band,
League Ballroom.
8:30 University of Michigan Woodwind
Quintet, Rackham Lecture Hall.
Lectures Today
Education Lecture. "Youth in Transi-
tion from Schools to Jobs." Lee M.
Thurston, State Superintendent of Pub-
lic Instruction. 4:00 p.m., Schorling
Auditorium. University High School.
Linguistics Program. "Grammatical
Structure and Lexicon (in Their Formal
and Semantic Aspect)." Roman Jakob-
son, Harvard University, 7:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Symposium on Biophysics-
4:00 "viruses: Structure, Reproduc-
tion and Origin, (contd) S. R. LURIA,
1300 New Chemistry.
7:30 "Structure of Proteins" (contd)
J. L. ONCLEY, 1300 New Chemistry.
Coming Lectures
Friday, July 27--
Radio and Television Conference.
Rackham Amphitheater. "Radio and
Television in the Public School," Ed-
ward Stasheff, Director of Television
Development, WYNE, New York, 9:45
a.m. "A' Review of Educational Radio,"
Walter B. Emery, Legal Assistant to
Commissioner Walker of the Federal
Communications Commission, 10:45 a.
m. "The Commercial Station and Edu-
cational Television," James Eberle, Pub-
lic Affairs Manager, WWJ, WWJ-FM,
WWJ-TV, Detroit News, 1:45 p.m. "The

Philadelphia Experiment in Television
Education for Adults," Armund Hunter,
Director of Television, Michigan State
College, 2:30 p.m. "The Outlook for
Education Television," Walter B. Emery,
3:15 p.m.
Astronomy Lecture a n d Visitors'
Night. "The Planets,"Dr. Gerard P.
Kuiper, Yerkes Observatory, 8:30 p.m.,
1025 Angell Hall. Student Observatory,
Angell Hall, open to visitors after the
Classroom Conference, Friday, July 27.
Open house in classroom, laboratories
and libraries. Luncheon meeting at
12:15, Michigan Union. Tickets and of-
ficial programs may be procured at 1524
Administration Building. Curriculum
conferences from 2:00 to 4:00. Panel
discussions on "Subject Matter Prob-
lems in Todays' Classrooms" 7:30 p.m,
Michigan Union Ballroom.
Carillon Recital, by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, 7:15 Thursday
evening, July 26. Program: War March
of the Priests by Mendelssohn, three
;olk songs, Good Night. My Dear
(Czech) Near Krakow (Polish), Shep-
herds' Song (Greek; Sonata for 30 Bells
by Professor Price; selections from op-
eras by Handel, Weber, Tchaikovsky,
Verdi and Weinberger.
Faculty Concert: The University Wood-
wind Quintet, Nelson Hauenstein, flute,
Lare Wardrop, oboe, Albert Lucon,
clarinet, Ted Evans, French horn, and
Hugh Cooper, bassoon, will be heard
at 8:30 Thursday evening, July 26, in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. The program
is presented as a part of the Third An-
nual Band Conductors Workshop, July
23-27, and will be open to the general
public. It will include works by Reicha,
Cailiet, Hamerick, and Juon.
Student Recital: Mary Parsons; so-
prano, assisted by James Berry, pianist,
and Rupert Neary, clarinetist, will pre-
sent a program in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Master of Mu-
sic degree in Music Education, at 8:30
Thursday evening, July 26, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. Miss Parsons Is a.
pupil of Philip Duey and the program
will be open to the public.
Student Recital: Elizabeth Delia-
Moretta, soprano, will present a pro-
gram at 8:30 Friday evening, July 27,
in the Architecture Auditorium, in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree. A pupil
of Philip Duey, Miss Della-Moretta will
sing works by Handel, Mozart, Schubert,
Schumann, Brahms, Chausson, Aubert,
Hahn, Duparc, Santoliquido, and Cim-
ara. The general public is invited,
Coming Events
International Center: Friday, July 2
at 12:30 p.m., there will be an educa-
tional tour to the Kellogg Food Plant
at Battle Creek. Foreign Students and
American friends are invited to partici-
pate. Tickets are now available at the
International Center.
Graduate Student Mixer, Rackham
Assembly Hall, July 27, Friday 9-12.
Student sponsored social events for
the coming week-end:
July 27-
Lloyd Hall Inter-dorm Council.
Graduate Student Council.
Next Week: The Department of Speech
presents Dion Boucicault's breath-tak-
ing 19th century melodrama, "The
Streets of New York," August 1-4, at 8
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Box office opena daly 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
on days of performance until 8 p.m
ICC Open House for Students and
Faculty: Dr. Chandler Davis, Math.
Instructor and noted science-fiction
author, will spak on "What Future
Shall We Make?' A discussion and so-
cial will follow. Friday, July 27. 1951,
8:30 p.m. - 12 p.m., Robert Owen House,
1017 Oakland.
"One of the finest actions of a
truly intelligent government would
be a law disqualifying university
graduates from election to public
bodies and particularly f r o m
-George Bernard Shaw







Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control df
Student Publications
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Dave Thomas .........Managing Editor
George Flint ..........Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut..........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz ....... ...Business Manager
Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon .......Finance Manager
Allan weinstein ...Circulation Manager
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THE ENCHANTED, produced by the De-
partment of Speech at Lydia Mendelssohn
BACK IN THE REALM of fantasy again
the speech department presents its third
play of the summer season. Like all fan-
tasies, it only occasionally makes sense, but
is agreeably light and frothy for most of
the distance in a uniformly adequate pro-
It is bound to disappoint those, however,
who expect a completely worthy successor
to writer Giradoux's "Madwomen of Chail-
lot." Reaching neither the depth of char-

politician, and ultimately, by a real live
flesh and blood lover who weans her away
from her celestial friend and returns her
to an imperfect, but presumably healthy,
Dorothy Gutekunst and William Brom-
field play the happy pair with the requisite
ardency and enthusiasm. Both seem to un-
derstand that they are themselves blithe
spirts and hence, not to be taken too seri-
ously. Ted Heusel is a little solemn as the
ghost, but then he is supposed to represent
the torpid perfection of the more traditional
phantoms. Mischievous ghosts seem to be out


r The science of rain-making is easy
to mnfo .--. f& io fa rl-a:--i n




Hmm. No

Well, it takesI

fAnd then, of course, the wind hasl co-or'
n dt , mnv4 ..nv;nnn thr, e nrnnr

61 Lima vnur caa f^r n r-nlrl


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