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July 18, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-18

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_.. . . . THEs MvaaaGAN DA1LY

.W ---.-DAY. S lL, Y #of.SLY {I



The President's Message

WASHINGTON-It is understood that to-
day the President is going to talk to us
about Korea and what it means for us and
to us - naturally, of course, after taking all
the many factors into account. They add
up to make this another one of the solemn
and grave decisions for a man who has had
so many in so short a time.
Possibly this is the most fateful decision
of all.
* * *
A FELLOW WHO GETS around hears the
questions people are asking. They need
simple, direct answers. Some of the ques-
tions may be foolish - but they are what
trouble people. It would be good, at the
outset, for President Truman to take us
into his confidence frankly so we can button
ourselves up and do the job that has to be
done from here out, whatever it may be.
One question you hear is why there are
not troops of other United Nations over
there slugging it out alongside ours. This
is rather important for the reason that
this is a United Nations operations. Its
first test in a case of open aggression, a
test that so far our world organization
has met magnificently, for which we are
The United Nations flag is flying there
now. That's a symbol. Our people would
like the troops of other nations under that
as a more substantial symbol. It's good to
have company when you are walking in the
dark. It may be a long walk.
ANOTHER QUESTION being asked is like
this: if we have been spending 15 or so
billion dollars a year for military equip-
ment and forces, where are they and, blunt-
ly, how come?
We here know that we withdrew from
Korea in keeping with honorable inten-
tions and pledges and washed it out as a
military obligation and know that it's a
long distance out there to get stuff in,
and that we have many other fronts.
But, since we are going to be asked to pay
a lot more stuff that may have to go a
long way off to some other exposed point
and operate under conditions there, this
questions ought to be cleared up.
Another question is why we didn't know
about North Korean Communist plans in
idvance. Our intelligence did know a great
leal and compiled detailed reports. But ap-
>arently no one here evaluated them. There
s something missing seemingly in the way
)f somebody to do the job of pulling all
such information together and getting it
o the proper authorities.
Then there's a very simple matter, seems
almost silly to mention it, but it boils down
to what we are fighting for. Most of us
know that instinctively, or should know
Editorials published i The Michigan Daily
re written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

about the great struggle in the world be-j
tween freedom and the integrity of the
individual, on one hand, and totalitarian
ism and suppression of the individual, on
the other. But it needs to be re-stated
clearly in terms of the Korean aggression
and in terms of our own leadership and
the function of the United Nations.
One of our war correspondents reported
that some G.I.'s he talked with didn't know
what they were fighting for. We are sure
they know instinctively, though they may
not be able to put it into words. They ought
to have the words again - from their
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate,Inc.)




IN RESPONSE to a recent editorial citing
the lack of outdoor swimming opportuni-
ties due .to Ann Arbor's inaccessibility to
local lakes and the transportation problem
involved, Rodney Grambeau of the men's
physical education department hastened to
assure us by telephone that there are many
indoor intramural swimming opportunities.
These are available during the day to any-
one who wants to avail himself of them, he
The men's physical education depart-
ment has a summer intramural program,
he pointed out. Swimming is held daily
from 2 to 5:30 p.m. and on Saturday
morning from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in the In-
tramural Sports Building Pool. There is
also a dip for men and women from 7:30
to 9:30 p.m. on, Friday evenings in the
Intramural Pool, he continued.
The faculty may swim from 11:30 a.m.
to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday, too, he
The summer group is mostly past the
undergraduate age, Mr. Grambeau, said,
they don't express interest in the idea of an
outdoor swimming program.
We think differently. We feel that out of
8,000 steaming students, surely there are
many who would be interested in outdoor
swimming in the local lakes surrounding
Ann Arbor, were transportation provided.
With the summer session nearly half-
over and the prospects of finals looming
on the not-too distant horizon, it's a little
late to expect an avalanche of subscribers
to the idea. Our contention is that such
an outdoor swinning program shiould
have been provided by the physical edu-
cation department at the beginning of the
summer session.
But thanks to Mr. Grambeau's coopera-
tion, it still can be arranged if 25 to 50 stu-
dents will call him at 8109 and express their
rinaira fito niv swfim h n ralInliroc of n n

IT WAS STATED by the reviewer last week
that "Antigone and the Tyrant," staged
by the Speech Department at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, was a worthwhile
theatrical experience. The opinion is reiter-
ated here.
Ample evidence was presented that the
department, notwithstanding a shaky sum-
mer inaugural ("The Corn Is Green"), is
capable of stimulating a critical audience
with philosophically important, as well as
entertaining, drama.
There is one question, however, which
demands discussion: was director Hugh
Z. Norton justified in demanding weak-
ness from the tyrant Creon, magnificently
enacted by Nafe Katter?
No criticism of Katter will be offered -
he fulfilled perfectly the assigned interpre-
tation. The stage business at the conclu-
sion, following the deaths of Haemon, Anti-
gone and Eurydice, was masterfully done -
an impending degenerative process was
heralded by the powerful tyrant who can
no longer find an answer, who turns hope-
lessly in all directions seeking an answer.
This weakness strengthened by the weak,
shaky voice of the monarch, coupled with
the convincing arguments he has offered
to Antigone in an attempt to dissuade her
from the course she has taken, created *a
sympathy for Creon which should not have
This sympathy was so poignant that it
robbed the play-goer of his admiration for
It is important to note that Norton was
not striving for a sympathetic approach to
Creon as man but, rather, for a feeling of
remorse for the misguided genius. In order
to achieve this, a feeling of regret was fos-
To find the answer to the problem, it
is necessary to turn to Antigone. Again,
there can be no criticism of Alice Juzek's
performance: the lovely lady was excellent
as the stubborn daughter of Oedipus; she
fought tyranny, she believed in ideas and
was willing to die for them - in spite of
the admonitions of her sister Ismene to the
But Antigone said at one point, answering
Creon's accusation that she did not attempt
to understand the situation, "I am not here
to understand." In contrast to Creon, Anti-
gone here was mentally weak, her powers
of reason fall heavily under the rational po-
wer of her uncle.
This could be the effect sought by the
director, but individuals do not often admire
simple faith accompanied by a lack of men-
tal ability.
A proper amount of respect and sym-
pathy would have been gained by Antigone
if she had had the charming combination
of simple faith and superior reasoning po-
The only other alternative would have
been to make Creon as inhuman as ever at
the resolution, unaffected by the tragedy
which had just occured, an interpretation
employed in the Paris production. Though
Creon would be totally unsympathetic and
there would be little indication that here
was genius perverted, there would be a
more serious implication: the play would
be excellent propaganda for absolute rulers.
The situation was so delicate, perhaps this
interpretation would have been more appro-
priate - there are very few individuals in
an American audience who would admire
that strength.
Tremendous improvement over opening
night was exhibited in the final perfor-
mance of the play Saturday evening, as
Miss Juzek imposed restraint in her use
of facial expressions in the second act,
adding to the credulity of her anguish.
Robert Hawkins added to the characteri-
zation of the first guard by displaying more
of the tragic in his tragi-comic scene with
Miss Juzeck while the other two guards,
sturdily played by Dan Waldron and Shel-
don Slavin, remained perfectly oblivious to
their responsibilities and to the world about

them, even to the extent of including the
first guard in their card game at the final
curtain, though the latter was in deep
thought upstage.
The final exhibition of a superior perfor-
mance over that of the opening night was
given by Earl Matthews (Haemon) - in
the first act, he was convincing as the en-
raptured lover of Antigone as he discarded
the stiff approach and embraced his be-
trothed with sirit and feeling..

City Editor's
TE Stockholm Peace Appeal has stag-
gered into Ann Arbor buffeted on all sides
by attackers from all over the country, but
with a long and glorious list of names of
those who support it. It had smooth going
before the attacks came, and had gotten
some 10 percent of , the campus, according
to its, circulators.
People in official positions and many with
no official title have blasted this appeal,
even to painting it red, with little or no
:knowledge of it other than its content. And
the signers have accepted it with the same
lack of knowledge.
THE Appeal asks four things; To outlaw
the atomic bomb; to set up a strict con-
trol to accomplish this; to brand the first
user of atomic weapons as the aggressor in
war; and to call on all people of the world
to sign it. It first came out of Stockholm,
and spread all over the world until its cir-
culators claim 200 million names: 70 mil-
lion in China, 60 million in Russia and
most, of the rest in France, Germany and
the lowlands. America already has some
1,000,000 names. The Appeal's goal in this
country is 5,000,000.
The Appeal is being circulated throughout
the country by many different organiza-
tions, including labor, veterans and rligious
groups. Headquarters is the Peace Informa-
tion Center in New York City. Localcircu-
lators are 'American Veterans Committee,
Committee to End Discrimination, Demo-
cracy in Education Conference and Phi
Iota Alpha, a foreign students' fraternity.
Its attackers are mainly the House Un-
American Activities Committee and the
All-American Congress to Combat Com-
munism (AACCC) The Congress is also
made up of different organizations, in-
cluding veterans, fraternal, religious, la-
bor and patriotic groups, and claims a
membership of 80 million in 60 different
Both the Congressional committee and the
AACCC claim that the Appeal is a Com-
munist-inspired "phony petition to disarm
the United States." They claim it is an "im-
portant weapon in pernicious psychological
warfare . . . a deliberate effort to embattle
and blackmail our government in its effort
to stay the hand of the aggressors," and is
"a propaganda device to create abroad the
impression of disunity in the United States."
* * *
THEY also claim that the petition does
not do anything. In this they are right.
The Appeal does propose to set up an atomic
controlling factor, but the vast number of
names:is not going to stop a nation from
using the atomic bomb if it sees advantage
in it. President Truman, and certainly Pre-
mier Stalin, wold not bat an eyelash at
so-and-so many millions of signatures. They
would be interested in getting the war over
with, taking in some consideration of its ef-
fects on the world and the power of retalia-
The potential use of the atomic bomb is
one of the big things that will prevent
a third World War, if it hasn't started
already. That possibility is better than
outlawing it in order to fight just as total-
ly with ordinary weapons that kill, wound,
maim and destroy.
The House Un-American Affairs Commit-
tee and the AACCC are not the organiza-
tions to put one's trust in. The Committee
by its reputation and the AACCC by many
of its "patriotic" and other groups prone
to blind flag-waving. But one thing they're

right about, indirectly, is the idea of the Ap-
peal being a medium of disunity in this
country, simply by causing organizations,
often made up of people with the same back-
grounds and general outlook, to line up
against each other and vociferously shout
one way or the other about the Appeal
neither side knowing the entire story.


/ ette/' TO THE EDITOR
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any " eason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Korea & World Peace
To the Editor:
THE KOREAN crisis, deplorable
and dangerous though it is,
gives us an opportunity to do a
great service for international
peace. It is heartening that the
flag of the United Nations flies
over the battlefields. It is hearten-
ing that the organization has re-
fused to collapse, as did the Lea-
gue of Nations, before the face of
armed aggression. The absence of
Russia, though in itself a sign of
danger to world peace, enables us
to go ahead unchecked by the fa-
tal veto power which so nearly re-
duced the United Nations to im-

We should, as soon as possible,
take the following steps:
1-Declare the veto abolished
and devise some better voting pat-
2-Organize an international
armed force, a world police.
3-Transfer to this interna-
tional force all atomic bombs and
all atomic power control.
4-Agree that the decisions of
the United Nations Assembly
Council, and World Court shall in
all cases of international dispute
be absolutely binding, without
reservation, and that any nation
which violates this provision be-
comes automatically an outlaw
government, subject to police ac-
In this way ,and in this way
only, we can make an end to war.
-Preston Slosson

"By The Way; Have You Signed Our Petition
To Outlaw New Weapons?"

-'K _

University of Oklahoma, will be
guest lecturer and consultant this
week, Wednesday through Friday.
His topic will be "Placement in
Guidance". The Guidance Work-
shop, located in room 267, Business
Administration Building, h a s
Stewart C. Huslander and Willard
M. Bateson of the University fa-
culty as directors and consultants.
Seminar in Applied Mathema-
tics: Thursday, July 20, at 4 p.m..
Rm. 247 W. Engineering Bldg.
Prof. Sydney Goldstein will speak
on "Diffusion by discontinuous
movements and on the telegraph
Geometry Seminar: Wed., July
19, 3 p.m. Rm. 3001 Angell Hall.
Jesse Wright will discuss "Meta-
projective Geometry."
Wednesday, July 19
Linguistic Institute. "Chinese
Pronouns and Terms of Address,"
Professor Y. R. Chao, Visiting Pro-
fessor of Chinese, University of
California. 1 p.m. today, Michigan
Speech Assembly. "Radio and
Theatre in Europe." Joe A. Calla-
way, Michigan State College. 3
;.m. today, Rackham Amphithea-
Education Conference. "Educa-
tion in the World of Tomorrow."
John A. Perkins, Assistant Provost
of the University. 4 p.m. today,
University High School Auditor-
The Quest for Social Security.
"A Critical Appraisal of the Amer-
ican Social Security System." Lew-
is Meriam, Vice-President of the
Brookings Institution, Washing-
ton, D.C. 4:15 p.m. today, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Symposium on Psychology and
Chemistry of the Cell. Lecture,
"SomesConstitutional Factors in
Cell Physiology." T. M. Sonneborn,
Professor of Zoology, University of
Indiana. 8 p.m. today, Auditorium,
School of Public Health.
Notice: The Contemporary Arts
and Society Program lecture by
German Arciniegas scheduled for
4:15 p.m. Friday has been can-
Contemporary Arts and Society
Program. Lecture, 4:15 p.m. today,
Architecture Auditorium.
Contemporary Arts and Society
Program. Lecture, "The Art of Ed-
vard Munch" (illustrated in color).
Frederick Wight, Director of Edu-
cation, Institute of Contemporary
Arts, Boston, Massachusetts. 8
p.m. today, Rackham Amphithe-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Eu-
gene Varroll Yehle, Business Ad-
ministration: thesis: "An Apprai-
sal of Corporate Working Fund
Requirements," 3 p.m. Wednesday,
July 19, 616 Business Administra-
tion Bldg. Chairman, 0. W. Black-
Doctoral Examination for Rafael
Marinelarena, Bacteriology; the-
sis: "The Effects of Various Chem-
ical Substances and Bacteria on
the Glycolytic and Respiratory Ac-
tivities of Leukocytes", 2 p.m.
Wednesday, July 19, 1562 East
Medical Bldg. Chairman, M. H.
Class in Choral Literature, under
the direction of Harold Haugh,
will perform Handel's Messiah at

8:30 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Audi-
torium, in an open class meeting.
Public is invited. Performing stu-
dents are enrolled in the School
of Music.
Student Recital: Elmira Koeh-
ler, Pianist, will, be heard at 8:30
p.m. Thursday, July 20, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall, in a pro-
gram of works by Bach, Beethoven,
Schubert, Schumann, and Debus-
sy. It is "presented in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music in
Music Literature, and will be open
to the public. Miss Koehler is a
pupil of John Kollen.
General Library, main lobby
cases. Contemporary literature
and art (June 26-July 26).
Rackham Galleries: "Contem-
porary Visual Arts" and "Ameri-
can Painting Since the War,"
July 3-22.
Museum of Archaeology. From
Tombs and Towns of- Ancient

exhibit, Fossil Flora of the Mi-
chigan Coal Basin. Exhibitien
halls, "Some Indian Cultures of
North and South America."
Law Library. History of Law
School (basement); classics for
collectors (reading room).
Michigan Historical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. Tourists
in Michigan, yesterday and today.
Museum of Art. Oriental cera-
mics (June 26-August 18). Mo-
dern graphic art (July 2-30).
Clements Library. American
Colonial Culture. (July 5-August
Events Today
U. of M. Hostel Club: Swimming,
late afternoon and evening.'DI-
parture Times posted on Lane Hall
bulletin board. Plenty of rides and
everyone welcome.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Bible Study, "Upper Room," Lane
Hall, 7:30 p.m. Topic: I Thessalon-
ians, chapter four.
University of Michigan Soaring
Club: Meeting to be held at 7:30
p.m., Rm. 1042 E. Engineering.
Plans will be made to pick up the
plane the following weekend. All
interested are invited to attend.
Phi Delta Kappa: Luncheon
meeting and Iniation of new mem-
bers. Michigan Union. 11:30 a .M.
Speaker: Dean James B. Edmon-
Sociedad Hispanica: Prof. Char-
les Staubach will speak on the Co-
lombian novelist Osoric Lizarazo,
8 p.m., East Conference Rm.,
Rackham Bldg. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Young Progressives of America:
Forum on Korea postponed from
tonight to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Mi-
chigan Union.
Graduate History Club: Meeting
to be held at the Michigan League
at 8 p.m. Mr. George Breathet will
speak on Haiti.
Opening Tonight: "The Time of
Your Life" by William Saroyan,
presented by the Department of
Speech at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre at 8 p.m. Considered as
the warmest and heartiest comedy
in modern drama, it is one of the
few plays that has been awarded
the two highest awards in the the-
atre; the N.Y. Drama Critics.
Award and the Pulitzer Prize. Four
performances will be given, Wed-
nesday through Saturday evenings
at 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the
Mendelssohn box office from 10
a.m. through 8 p.m. daily.
Coming Events
French Club: Meeting Thursday,
July 20, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Two French films will be
shown, on Paris and on the Rhone
river. Games and songs. All those
interested in hearing and speaking
French are cordially invited.
Deutsches Haus, 1101 Church St.,
will again hold open house Thurs-
day, July 20, 1950, from 7:30-10
p.m. Everyone is again cordially
invited to join in the games and
singing. Refreshments will follow.
Reports on past gatherings are
very favorable, and the remark of
many guests is that the departure
time comes much too soon.

Alr~lgau t-E



(Continued from Page 2)
work, should file a petition ad-
dress to the appropriate official in
their school with Room 1513 Ad-
ministration Building, where it
will be transmitted.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
The Lane-Bryant organization
of New York, New York, has open-
ings in their executive training
program for young men and wo-
men interested in entering the re-
tail field. For further information
please call at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments 3528 Administration
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces an exam-
ination for Engineering Aid and
Scientific Aid for positions in Illi-
nois, Michigan and Wisconsin. No
closing date. For further informa-
tion call at the Bureau of Appoint-
rnents 3528 Administration Build-
Veterans who are now enrolled
under the G.I. Bill, or who have
been enrolled under the Bill, are
reminded to make application for
a supplemental Certificate of Eli-
gibility for their next registration
if: (1) any change of training in-
stitution is planned; (2) any
change of course is planned, al-
though, the veteran remains in
this University; (3) any degree is
received at the end of Summer
Session. Application for a supple-
mental Certificate of Eligibility is
made through the Veterans Service
Bureau, 555 Administration Build-
Approved Student Sponsored So-
cial Events for the coming week-
July 21, 1950
Intercooperative Council.
July 22, 1950
Nelson Interndtional House.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Counseling and Vocational Con-
ference on getting jobs and pro-
motions, sponsored by the Bureau

of Appointments and Occupational
Information, will be held in the
Rackham Lecture Hall, Wednes-
day, July 19 at 4:10 p.m. and 8 p.-
m. Dr. T. Luther Purdom, Director
of the Bureau of Appointments,
will be chairman.
At 4:10 p.m. the topic "Why
Some People Fail of Promotion"
will be discussed by Jay D. Runkle,
Vice-President and General Man-
ager, Crowley, Milner and Com-
pany, Detroit; Charles F. Olmsted,
Director of Education and Train-
ing, Great Lakes Steel Corpora-
tion, Ecorse; and Roy E. Robinson,
Superintendent of Schools, Fern-
dale, Michigan.
At 8 p.m. a demonstration of
"Why You Didn't Get That First
or Second Job" will be given,
;howing the various techniques,
both right and wrong, of an inter-
view. Among the off-campus peo-
ple taking part will be George N.
Hall, R. E. Maten, and Reardon
Peirsol of Ann Arbor.
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces examina-
tions or Chemists and all types of
Engineers to fill positions in Illi-
nois, Michigan, Wisconsin. There
is no closing date for these exami-
nations. The U.S. Civil Service
Commission also announces exam-.
inations for Bacteriologist, Bio-
chemist, Serologist. The Detroit
Civil Service Commission an-
nounces examinations for all types
and levels of engineers, X-Ray
Technician, and Practical Nurse.
The Michigan Civil Service Com-
mission announces examinations
for Student Psychiatric Social
Worker and Psychiatric Social
Worker. The closing date is Aug-
ust 9, 1950.
For further information please
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Build-
U. of M. Sailing Club: There
will be a meeting Thursday, 7:30
p.m., Room 311 West Engine.
Guidance Workshop: J. R. Rack-
ley, Dean, College of Education,





WILLARD MacGREGOR is a pianist of
energy and stamina, and a discrimina-
ting program planner. He offered last night
a generous selection of music, ranging from
Beethoven's last piano sonata to pieces by
Bela Bartok. One wished that his musician-
ship was equal to his versatility and endur-
The Beethoven Sonata OpusI n1 was play-
ed on a small scale: the introduction did not
have the fist-like power which the music
demands; the allegro showed none of the
demon which makes these later works of
Beethoven such terrifying and compelling
experiences. There were also technical lacks
-- we recall the scramble to play the diffi-
cult ascending passages which follow the
three dire notes in the bass.
In the Mozart Variations "Come un an-
gello" and the Bach Chromatic Fantasy and
Fugue, the playing was blurred by excessive

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Philip Dawson......Managing Editor
Peter Hotton...............City Editor
Marvin Epstein........Sports Editot
Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor
Business Staf
Roger Wellington.... Business Manager
Walter Shapero... .Assoc. Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor,.Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school


Museums Building.

R o t undaI


Busy signal.. .Good to

S ...So I figure I'm sitting

You know, that kid said

He's a pretty bright kid.

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