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July 15, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-15

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S ...AURD...A. JULY 15 1950y'.a rv



Two Primary Elections

OREA, AND THE pronouncements the
fighting there has brought, has beer
variously hailed as a turning point in our
foreign affairs, an occasion for a change ir
attitude toward the Far East, and a majoi
departure from our policy of the past fev
A lot of people, in other words, have be-
come very excited-too excited-about the
whole toing.
Naturally, the fact that we are fighting
again, only five years after World War II, is
disturbing, to say the least. But the kind of
excitement which has developed in some
quarters about Korea, though natural, per-
haps, is also dangerous-especially so since
certain events give it a kind of sanction.
R * R
ment of the U.S. policy toward the Kor-
ean conflagration-a determined attempt to
end hostilities by defeating the North Kor-
eans-a new and united support for the
President seemed suddenly to have mater-
At first, the only opposition stemmed
from such Communist-line newspapers as
the Daily Worker and the Chicago Tribune
-joined, briefly and foolishly, by Sena-
tors Taft and Wherry. Almost everyone
else apparently felt, and still feels, that
the decision to send U.S. troops to Korea
was simply an unfortunate necessity.
With this sudden near-unanimity, there
appeared a sort of lightening of the atmos-
phere. It was as if a burden fell from the
shoulders of the plain civilian. A genuine
feeling of relief is evident even now, when
American troops are holding only precari-
ously. At last, something tangible and spe-
cific and understandable happened-at last,
after months of vilifications from Russia,
counter-blasts from the U.S. (and under-
neath them all implicit threats)-someone
has struck and we can strike back.
ONE MIGHT THINK, from all this, that
Truman's action represents a major de-
parture from U.S. policy of the last two years
-something really to get excited about. But
this, I think, is a dangerous misapprehen-
sion. The unity of the country behind the
President is only a seeming, temporary unity.
And the sort of relief which so many people
evidently felt is a specious, irresponsible re-
At bottom, our problem in dealing with
the Russians is the same as it was two
months ago, or two years ago. It is, briefly,
how to aid in the spread of democratic
ideas and practices while at the same time
preserving the basis for negotiation with
an anti-democratic power at the earliest
real opportunity.
The fighting in Korea has not changed the
essential nature of this problem-it has sim-
ply made it more difficult. The sudden de-
velopment of united support for the Presi-
dent ought not to disguise the fact that there
are numerous people in this country who do
not recognize and are not prepared to deal
with this problem. They do not believe in
our announced policy and have attempted to
sabotage it at every turn.
Senator McCarran, for example, un-
doubtedly still believes that we should, sup-
port any government that is sufficiently
anti-Communist-without regard to what
it stands for-including the Franco regime.
Congressman Rankin, and men of his
kidney, is probably more strongly than
ever convinced that we should shut off all
communication with the Kremlin-as he
suggested by saying that Trygve Lie was
trying to betray us to the Communists on
his trip to Moscow.
Opposition of this sort has only been tem-
porarily silenced, not persuaded, by Tru-
man's action in Korea.

A CTION DISSIPATES the tension of wait-
ing, and frees the mind from worry-
temporarily, at least. And this is the effect
that Truman's action undoubtedly had.
Still, unless we are prepared for World;
War III, it is not the state of mind that
should be cultivated. The action to which we
are committed is to be strictly limited. It
should not require us to plunge bodily into
a great struggle.
We are not ready, psychologically or
militarily, to take on the Russians. It isn't
even clear that this will ever be necessary.
But the kind of relief which evidently was
felt, at the prospect of fighting in Korea,
was pretty clearly an ah-action-at-last
feeling-the last thing, at this point, that
we need.
What is needed, and what fortunately
seems to be developing, is nothing more than
grave concern, and a sober determination to
do what must be done to carry out our policy.
With this, the idea that we have suddenly
embarked upon a new course-the notion
that Truman has somehow reversed himself
in Korea~-is r'nmn1l1ehiv inonn~haf

South Carolina ..
WASHINGTON-There was both good
and bad news for President Truman in
the South Carolina primary result. The
presence of any good was a consoling change
after fair deal setbacks in Florida and North
Carolina on the tempestuout Southern front.
Naturally pleasing to the President was
the defeat for the Senate of Governor J.
Strom Thurmond, Dixiecrat symbol who
bolted and ran for President on the inde-
pendent States Rights ticket in 1948, there-
by carrying four states and splitting the
The President consequently has unchar-
itable feelings toward the South Carolina
governor. He has seized appropriate oc-
casions to express them since the 1948
election. He happened, for example, to
be looking the other way when the gov-
ernor rode past the White House reviewing
stand at the inaugural parade. Subse-
quently, the Democratic National Commit-
tee, on his instructions, kicked out Na-
tional Committee members who had sup-
ported the Dixiecrat ticket. Only recent-
ly, the President pointedly snubbed Gov-
ernor Thurmond by not including him
in a luncheon here for Democratic gover-
-nors, explaining that the South Carolina
executive and his 1948 running mate, Gov-
ernor Fielding Wright of Mississippi, were
omitted because "only Democrats were in-
So Strom Thurmond's defeat by Senator
Olin Johnston was good news from South
* * *R
HOWEVER, IN THE SAME election a po-
tentially more formidable anti-Truman
leader emerged in the South when James F.
Byrnes was elected governor to Succeed Mr.
Thurmond. While Jimmy Byrnes has not
divulged his future plans, saving only that
he wants to be a good governor of South
Carolina, it is suspected that he has bigger
aims, that he will capitalize his position to
try to assume leadership of the anti-Truman
Southern forces. Because of his standing
and prestige, he can give that anti-Truman
movement a respectability that it lacked in
the mongrel Dixiecrat rebellion and remove
the taint of racialism.. He has kept dis-
creetly away from the racial issue and pit-
ches his opposition to the Fair Deal on eco-
nomic grounds.j
His desertion of the administration,
which he signalized several months ago by
his attack on the Truman Fair Deal as
"the road to statism," carried weight be-
cause of his former close association with
Harry Truman in the Senate and as the
President's No. 1 cabinet officer, Secre-
tary of State. It carried weight also be-
cause of the high position he held in the
previous New Deal administration - as
a Senate leader and confidant of Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt, as Supreme Court Justice,
and as chief of the top civilian command
for World War II in the White House.
While Mr. Brynes' renunciation of any as-
pirations to be President on any ticket is
accepted at face value - he is 70 years old
- it is believed that he may manipulate
Southern forces - either at the next Demo-
cratic convention or afterwards - in an
effort to influence the 1952 Presidential
election, and not in Harry Trumap's favor.
He is a very skillful politician and an adroit
* * *
T HE SOUTH CAROLINA election was a
rebuff to the President's civil rights prc-
gram, of course. Nothing else is possible in
that sector. That was accepted routine.
Senator Johnston and Governor Thurmond
vied with each other in condemning the
program. Senator Johnston, however, in con-
trast to his unsuccessful opponent, ha;, kept
a foothold in the Democratic Pa'ty - slip-
pery and precarious at times, it is true.
A former textile mill worker, he supports

a number of Truman objectives, especial-
ly in the field of labor. He voted against
the Taft-Hartley act. Labor support un-
doubtedly contributed to his re-election.
It is presumed also that he got a larger
share of the Negro vote as the less ob-
jectionable candidate of a duo in which
there was not much choice for the race.
though this is not ascertainable.
In protest against the civil righ',s program,
Senator Johnston had absented himself
from the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in early
148, the empty table set aside for him and
his party a gaping reminder a few feet in
front of the President at the head table.
At the subsequent Democratic e-Titional con-
vention, he was a loud-talking Geneial
Dwight D. Eisenhower booster, sporting the
biggest button seen at that gathering, But,
when President Truman returned rium-
phantly to Washington after the election,
no one was quite so conspicuous in the wel-
coming crowd at Union Station as the bulky
South Carolina senator. He was among the
first to rush forward and congratulate the
President, a ludicrous spectacle for those who
take their politics with a dash of cynicism.
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

Oklahoma . . .
WASHINGTON-One of the most signifi-
cant senatorial primaries took place in
Oklahoma the other day, where Congressman
Mike Monroney forced elderly Senator El-
mer Thomas into a run-off for the Demo-
cratic nomination. Monroney actually won
a healthy lead over Thomas, but didn't have
a majority due to the presence of other can-
What broke Thomas' quarter-century
hold on the state was that Oklahoma vot-
ers got wise to his speculating activities.
For years, Thomas had been using his fa-
vored position as a senator and as chairman
of the Senate Agriculture Committee to get
advance information about commodity
prices which other taxpayers could not get,
to influence prices, which other taxpayers
could not do, and to speculate in commodi-
ties for his own personal profit.
* * *
SOME PEOPLE might not worry too much
about a senator's buying commodities
if it were not for the fact that Thomas used
his official position and his inside informa-
tion to influence the market.
For instance, the senator's family and
friends were "long" on cotton in 1946. They
were holding for a further rise in price. But
in October, 1946, instead of rising further,
the cotton market broke, causing Mrs. Tho-
mas to lose her contemplated profit of $12,-
Immediately there came a cry of pain
and anguish from the Senator from Okla-
homa. The drop in the price of cotton, he
said, must be officially investigated. Hit
where it hurts most, his pocketbook, Thomas
sent indignant telegrams to the heads of the
cotton exchanges and the Secretary of Ag-
riculture, claiming a "bear raid."
"There has been a definite and well-
laid plan among cotton exchanges, cot-
ton brokers and their clients," Thomas
protested. And since he was chairman of
the Senate Agriculture Committee, his word
carried weight.
Thomas also threatened further legisla-
tion to control cotton prices. But in none
of his indignant telegrams did he breathe a
word of the fact that his wife, his secretary,
his campaign manager, and his own personal
brokers had lost heavily in the break in the
cotton market.
Actually there was no bear raid, nor any-
thing else wrong with the cotton market, ex-
cept that the price had soared too high and
the Thomas group got caught. ,
* * *
SINCE THEN the Senator from Oklahoma
has tried to tell farmers that he was only
trying to keep their prices up. What he has
not told them is that he also speculates on
various other commodities-wheat, beans,
eggs, even silver-and that sometimes he has
worked just as hard to bring prices down.
In the fall of 1949, for instance, the Sen-
ator from Oklahoma wanted the price of
eggs to drop. Infact, he wanted eggs to come
down just as ardently as he had previously
wanted the price of cotton to go up.
There was a good reason for Thomas'
position on eggs, though he did not tell
anyone in Oklahoma about it. His broker,
Dyke Cullum, had bought 10 carloads of
eggs-short. In brief, he was committed
to deliver 10 carloads of eggs on the fu-
tures market, and if the price went down,
the senator and his broker made money.
So the senator proceeded to bombard the
Agriculture Department with letters and
ideas for bringing down the price of eggs;
also wrote a letter to Sen. Clinton Anderson
of New Mexico, chairman of an Agriculture
subcommittee, asking him to investigate the
price support of eggs.
"I am taking the liberty of referring two

bills to your subcommittee for consideration
and report," Thomas wrote Anderson.
"These bills are S 1751, a bill to amend the
Commodity Exchange Act and S 2482, a bill
to repeal the mandatory price support auth-
ority for Irish potatoes and eggs for the bal-
ance of the current year, 1949."
Thomas went on to give his own ideas
on eggs, but at no place in his letter did
he intimate that he and his broker had a
personal, pocketbook interest to the tune
of 10 carloads of eggs. In brief, what the
senator was doing was using the investi-
gative machinery of the U.S. Senate and
his prestige as chairman of the Senate Ag-
riculture Committee to influence a com-
modity in which he had made a personal
He knew, of course, that the mere an-
nouncement of an egg investigation by the
Senate was likely to send down the price of
eggs, following which he and Dyke Cullum
could deliver their 10 carloads at a profit.
Thus has the Senator from Oklahoma,
despite 25 years in the highest legislative
body in the U.S., used that body for his own
personal pecuniary profit.
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)







The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any ;eason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Movie criticism .. .
To the Editor:
view of "Samson and Delilah"
in Wednesday's Daily is the best
piece of movie criticism that I
have ever seen in your paper. Why
not give her the job permanently.
We live in an age when mature
minds alone should be entrusted
with lighting the lighthouses, even
if the light shed is only that of
The Daily movie section.
-Constantine G. Christofides, '49
* * *
Music Criticism, -..
To the Editor:
Finney's string quartet in the
music column of The Michigan
Daily, July 13, Harvey Gross cheer-
fully availed himself of the pro-
noun "we." Now, another "we,,
express ourselves in regard to his
manner of reviewing the quartet.
Not attempting to clash judg-
ment with Mr. Gross, we condemn
his misuse of the gift of free
opinion. Mr. Gross might better
insure his status as a critic by
suppressing his personal convic-
tions unless he is certain that they
are infallible. Surely they cannot
stand alone unless they are cast in
experience, open-mindedness, and
imagination. Surely they should
not be flouted as violent, colorful
adversity if there is any flimsiness
wallowing between the lines. Our
notion of flimsiness has two sourc-
1-The quartet has already been
recognized as a commanding, ma-
ture work by people of authority.
Much as we hate to deprive Mr.
Gross of his stance as a lofty, em-
bittered champion, we question his
presumption to the title of lone
sage. We do not say that his opin-
ion is wrong, but deem his ex-
travagant, erratic assertion of it'
a misdirected plunge. Extreme in-
dividuality is fine, but it needs a
2-Mr. Gross' descriptions of the'
music were bewildering. "Disson-
ance and clash without conflict"
(just think; "clash means "peace"),
and "primitive, but so academic"
seem to be word plays. We are also
looking forward to being "irritat-
ed" again by the scherzo move-
Perhaps we have only succeeded
in being as narrow-minded as Mr.
Gross, but our supreme wish is
that student critics would have
enough concern and love for art to
regard any manifestation of it
with temperance, respect, and flex-i
ibility of mind. And from now on,;
we hope that Mr. Finney's music
will be allowed to speak for itself.E
-Mary Helen Snow c


Korean Policy .. .
To the Editor:
ACCORDING to the latest AP
dispatches, the UnitedI States
military in Korea under General
Hodge is appointing Japanese po-
lice and army officers to rule
South Korea. This was done de-
spite vigorous protests by South
Korean officials. It seems that
these Japanese police have mowed
down a couple of hundred South
Koreans who were supposedly on
their way to welcome U.S. troops!
There is mounting evidence that
the South Korean government un-
der Syngman Rhee was as rotten
as they come, that Rhee has in-
stituted a terrorist police state
under former Japanese Army offi-
cers and with American approval,
that all Koreans, north and south,
hate the United States for its
policy of support to Rhee and
thwarting the peaceful unification
and national independence of Kor-
ea (see the Detroit Free Press,
Tuesday, July 11.)
I think it should be made clear
to the American people that the
prime desire of all Asiatic colonial
peoples is for national indepen-
dence, for political and economic
unity, and for a complete reform
of the land system which now is
largely feudal in character with
extreme oppression of the peasants
by a few wealthy landlords.
But the tremendous movements
of the colonial peoples for inde-
pendence and unity in Asia and
Africa must inevitably run up
against the established interests
of the British, French, and Ameri-
can imperialists (we have $1.25
billion invested in Korea alone,
largely Morgan and Dupont inter-
ests)-and imperialism never gives
up without a fight. Russia keeps
gaining allies among the colonial
peoples especially in Asia because
of its support for their demands,
while the United States keeps los-
ing them because of our support
for the most unpopular militarist
cliques in these nations-witness
Chiang Kai-Shek in China and
Syngman Rhee in Korea. Let us
not assume the mantle of the
"white man's burden" anywhere
in the world. Let us stop the war
on the Korean people. And for
heaven's sake, let's have more dis-
cussion on the whole business!
-Al Lippitt
Informal Poll
NEW YORK-(OP)-Hangover can
be cured by anything from fer-
mented mare's milk to bird's nest
soup, according to an informal poll
of 18 countries taken at the Unit-
ed Nations bar by a representative
of the United Bartender's Guild.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin-
istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 13-S
The Lane Bryant organization of
New York, New York has openings
in their executive training pro-
gram for young men and women
interested in entering the retail
field. For further information
please call at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces an exami-
nation for Engineering Aid and
Scientific Aid for positions in Illi-
nois, Michigan and Wisconsin. No
closing date. For further informa-
tion call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Build-
Naval Research Reserve: Mon.,
July 17, 7:30 p.m., 18 Angell Hall.
Dr. R. L. Kahn: "A Universal Bi-
ological Reaction in Health and
Disease." All naval reserve officers
and enlisted personnel engaged in
advanced work in the sciences and
engineering are eligible for mem-
bership in the Research Reserve.
Interested reservists (including
Waves) are invited to attend a
meeting of the Unit to discuss
membership application with the
commanding officer.
Seminar Series-"Living Alter-
native to Christianity"-4:00-5:30
p.m., Monday and Tuesday after-
noon. Chancellor T. R. Milford,
Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral,
London and legal custodian of the
Magna arta will conduct this
series. Informal - everyone wel-
Mathematics Education Lecture:
Miss 'Ava Mae Seedorff of Battle
reek High School will exhibit and
discuss student-made mathemati-
cal models and tools, Tuesday,
July 18 at 2:00 in Room 146 Busi-
ness Administration Building. The
lecture is for students in Educa-
tion D234 and others who are in-
Lecture, Alumni Memorial Hall,
July 17, at 8:00 p.m. "The Art of
Edvard Munch" by Frederick S.
Wight, Associate Director, Insti-
tute of Contemporary Art.
A lecture illustrated in color on
the Norwegian painter and gra-
phic artist, Edvard Munch.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Eric
Newton Rackham, Education; the-
sis: "The Determination of Cri-
teria for the Evaluation of Student
Personnel Services in Institutions
of Higher Learning," Monday, July
17, East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, H.
C. Koch.
Doctoral Examination for Elea-
nor E. Maccoby, Psychology; the-
sis: "Acquisition and Extinction of
a conditioned Response under
Three Different Patterns of Par-
tial Reinforcement," Monday, July
17, 3121 Natural Science Bldg., at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, E. L. Walker.
Doctoral Examination for Her-
bert Frederick A. Smith, Educa-
tion; thesis: "A Determination of
Principles and Experiments Desir-
able for a Course of General Sci-
ence at the Junior High School
Level," Tuesday, July 18, East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at

7:00 p.m. Chairman, F. D. Curtis.
Willard MacGregor, Guest Pian-
ist, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday
evening, July 18, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, in the first of two
programs to be played during the
summer session. The first will in-
clude compositions by Mozart,

Bach, Bartok, Faure and Ravel;
the second, scheduled for August
1, will be an All-Chopin program.
Both are open to the general pub-
lic without charge.
Composers' Forum, under the di-
rection of Ross Lee Finney, Pro-
fessor of Composition in the
School of Music, 8:30 Monday eve-
ning, July 17, in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Elaine Brovan, Ann
McKinley, Digby Bell, and Anita
Bassett, pianists, Leslie Eitzen, so-
prano, and Joan Bullen Lewis,
cellist, will perform compositions
by Grant Beglarian, Robert Cogan,
Frederick Don Truesdell, and Les-
lie Bassett. The program will be
open to the public.
Student Recital: Elizabeth Tho-
mas, Organist, will present a pro-
gram at 4:15 Sunday afternoon,
July 16, in Hill Auditorium, in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music de-
gree. Her program will include
compositions by Buxtehude, Bach,
Franck and Vierne, and will be
open to the public. Miss Thomas
is a pupil of Josef Schnelker. The
recital was previously announced
for Sunday evening.
General Library, main lobby
cases. Contemporary literature
and art (June 26-July 26).
Rackham Galleries: "Contem-
porary Visual Arts" and "Ameri-
can Painting Since the War,"
July 3-22.
Museum of Archaeology. From
Tombs and Towns of Ancient
Museums Building. R o t unda ,
exhibit, Fossil Flora of the Mi-
chigan Coal Basin. Exhibition
halls, "Nature's Balanced Eco-
Law Library. History of Law
School (basement); classics for
collectors (reading room).
Michigan Historical Collections.
160 Rackham building. Tourists
in Michigan, yesterday and today.
Museum of Art. Oriental cera-
mics (June 26-August 18). Mo-
dern graphic art (July 2-30).
Clements Library. American
Colonial Culture. (July 5-August
Events Today
Congregational - Disciple-Evan-
gelical & Reformed Guild. 438
Maynard. Informal discussion with
(Continued on Page 3)


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Philip Dawson......Managing Editor
Peter Hotton .-........City Editor
Marvin Epstein.........Sports Editor
Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor
Business Staf
Roger Wellington. . .. Business Manager
Walter Shapero... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.



Cushlamochree, Barnaby!
Picking up with strange
men the minute your Fairy
Godfather's back is turned!
He just wanted to
see where the new
highway is going-



He looks exactly like an Ogre
f used to know. Lucky your
Fairy Godfather came along
just in time to save you-

s - - r
Gosh, Mr. C T
L '
O m o Crortett Johaeoh. Re s AAt. (fft<.

We'd better get back
to the house, Barnaby.
That nice Mr. Friendly
probdbly called about
fiiancing my chain
of Iourist's palaces-

Yeah.. . This is Friendly.
Some brat kid who tagged
along with the surveyors
showed me where the road
is going. Find out who owns
that section of woodland,
Jim, and call me back-
® 4

A rlington Inscription

Ellen, I wasn't able to reach
thalit ouvn Frie~ndJlyj .Iall day-

Huh? What do you know


Barnaby! Leave your Fairy
TI--p~l #h^,-., -4 L;, rt.- '1

r~ohn? Schultz calling, 1 just

I I - ---- --- -- - - -- -


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