See Page 4.
0 e O'3
Latest Deadline in the State
. .
*' VOL. LX, No. 12-S
U..S. Drops
of Convict
Patterson Dodges
75 Year Sentencee
DETROIT - (A) -The federal
government refused yesterday to
prosecute Haywood Patterson, an
escaped Alabama convict facing
a 75-year sentence in the "Scotts-
boro rape case" as a fugitive.
At the request of Assistant Dis-
trict Attorney James Soltesz, U.S.
District Judge Arthur F. Lederle
dismissed a charge against Pat-
terson of fleeing across a state
line to avoid imprisonment.
* * *
refused Wednesday to grant ex-
tradition of Patterson to Alabama.
Patterson was one of nine Ne-
groes arrested on charges of
raping two white women aboard
a freight train in Alabama in
1931. Twice the Supreme Court
reversed death sentences given
Patterson, but it affirmed the
75-year term. Five were finally
convicted, four freed.
Patterson, after serving ap-
proximately 16 years, escaped
from a Kilby prisonrfarm near
Montgomery July 17, 1948. He was
picked up here 15 days ago by the
FBI on a fugitive warrant.
The 38-year-old Negro says he
plans to stay in Michigan "for a
while at least." He could be pick-
ed up in any other state, or Mi-
chigan, for that matter, if Wil-
liams changed his mind on extra-
Alabama Case
Scar on U.S.
Justice a- Finkle
"All evidence has shown that the
Scottsboro Case of 131 was not in
the true spirit of democratic pro-
cesses and consequently is a sear
upon American justice," Jason,
Finkle, a graduate student in p-
itical science, toldthe Daily yes-
"The trial was exceedingly un-
fair, a deduction I have arrived at
after careful scrutiny of the case,"
he added. "In fact, it violated the
very principle of morality because
of the fact that the judicial meth-
od was improper."
FINKLE explained his belief
that, because of the crudity of the
trial, Gov. G. Mennen Williams,
who recently refused to extradite
Hayward Patterson, a criminal fu-
gitive from Alabama, was definite-
ly within the limits of his power.
Under normal conditions, a
fugitive should be returned to
the state from which he escaped,
according to Finkle.
"In most cases, Williams would
have been wise to return a fugi-
tive by reason of inter-state re-
ciprication and justice, but in this
case, Williams probably felt any
further imprisonment would be a
continuation of wrong," he said.
* * *
"I THINK it's a matter of con-
science on Williams' part," said
Finkle. "He was duly attempting
to rectify a wrong which had de-
veloped in Alabama 19 years ago."
Finkle recognized a great pos-
sibility that if the roles of Mich-
igan and Alabama are reversed
in the near future, the Governor
of Alabama will avenge his state
by refusing to return the Michi-
gan convict.
"There are precedents for such
revengeful acts," Finkle elabor-
Theodore Liss, another grad-
uate student in political science,
concurs in Finkle's opinion that
there is no compulsion on Gover-
nor Williams to return Patterson
to Alabama officials.
"Each Governor has his own
choice as to whether he'll extra-
dite," Liss declared. "Discretion is
granted the governor by Article 4,
Section 10 of the Constitution."
ACL To Present
'Louisiana Story'
Ute Indians Collect
Record U.S. Claim
WASHINGTON-(P)-The Ute Indians of Colorado and Utah
struck it rich yesterday.
The Utes-mostly poor, uneducated farmers-won a record-break-
ing $31,700,000 claim against the government.
THIS AMOUNT represents about $10,000 for each Ute as payment
for the 6,000,000 acres of land the U.S. took from his ancestors.
The court of claims handed down four judgments. One of
these was for $24,296,127, which lawyers say is the biggest judg-
ment ever handed down against he government. The three other
judgements pushed the total up
--- ~* to $31,700,000.
Ernest Wilkinson, attorney for
the Utes, told a reporter that the
x largest previous total was awarded
only a couple of months ago. It,
too, went to Indians-$17,000,000
to the Tillamooks on the west
4- coast.
* * *
* * *
* *
* * *
U.S. Casualties
TOKYO - tom) - American
casualties in Korea total 488-
42 dead, 190 wounded and 256
missing-General MacArthur's
headquarters announced last
Press reports from the front,
based on information from in.
dividual soldiers, had given the
public a "completely distorted
and misrepresentative picture,"
the announcement said.
The reports have been exag-
gerated, it added, because the
Army has avoided military
censorship and has not unduly
restricted movements of cor-
U.S. Guns
500 Tons of
Blast Target
* * *
MV'arine Takes
Over 'U'.Navy
A Marine officer will have the
say-so among Michigan's Navy
men, now that Col. William B.
McKean of the U. S., Marine Corps
has taken over command of the
University's NROTC.
Col. McKean succeeds Capt. Ho-
mer B. Wheeler of the U. S. Navy,
who terminated his tour of duty
at the University in June.
to the campus from Washington,
where herhas been chief of the
G-1 (Personnel) section of the
Plans and Policy Division of the
Marine Corps Headquarters.
As a major, he participated in
the reconnaissance and seizure of
Guadalcanal and served as beach-
master in the Solomons.
'Beast' Lurks
In State Area
CHARLOTTE, Mich.,-(P)-Thec
dark holds a squealing terror for
residents of the area five miles
west of here.
A strange beast - five feet
high, hairy, with long forearms
and a flesh-colored face - is be-;
lieved hiding in tie woods along9
An all-day land and air search,
however, failed to discover any
trace of the animal. It apparent-
ly left no tracks in the Swamp-
The "thing" was first seen early
Wednesday morning by Jack Ha-
ley, 60, who patrols state high-;
He said it came out of the drive-
way of a deserted home, crossed
the highway, and fled in the
Later that night, Alva Love, who
owns a farm about a mile south of
M-29 said he saw a strange object
in the woods.
Officials of the Ringling Broth-
ers, and Barnum /2 Bailey Cir-
cus, which played Lansing Wed-
nesday, said none of their ani-
mals had escaped.
Haley said he supposed that the
beast was a baboon or a gorilla.
THE UTES have had their share
of troubles with the white man's
They started out dandy, with
15,000,000 acres set aside for
them in 1868. But after gold was
discovered in Colorado, they sold
back 4,000,000 acres-at 17 cents
an acre.
Then came an Indian uprising, a
U.S. Indian agent and most of his
employes were massacred, and the
11,000,000 acres were taken away
from them. Congress decided the
land was to be sold, but made no
arrangements for paying the Utes.
What with one thing and anoth-
er, the fuss has been sputtering
along ever since.
Although the Utes were happy
over the verdict, it still may be
some time before they have their
hands on the money.
Despite the court's ruling, they
can't get their cash until Congress
votes it.
But the Utes can wait. By now,
they should be. used to it.
County Draft
QuotaNow 20
Washtenaw County's D r a f t
board was ordered to have 102
men ready for pre-induction phy-
sical examinations between July
15 and Aug. 15, in anticipation of
actually drafting only 20 in the
first call.
State Selective Service offi-
cials said that five or six men
will be given exams for every one
ANN ARBOR'S mayor William
E. Brown, Jr., chairman of the lo-
cal board, said the board "expects
no trouble at all" filling the pre-
induction quota.
"We already have 1,400 men
classified as 1-A," he said.
Draft-age men closest to 26
years old will be called first, work-
ing down to the 19-year-olds.
THE SATE'S quota for exams
was 5,675 men, with an actual
quota of 469 men to drafted by
Sept. 30 and to build up a pool for
anticipated October calls.
A state draft board spokesman
said he expected Michigan would
start final inductions Sept. 1 and
that he hoped they would be com-
pleted by Sept. 15.
Maas To Speak
On Campus Today
Carl Maas, design consultant
for a national oil company, will
deliver this week's final lecture
on Art as a Method of Communi-
cation in the contemporary arts
and society course, at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Architecture Audi-
-Daiy-R~oger D. weuington
"QUIET" ON KOREAN FRONTS-Artillery duels were the chief action between American and
North Korean troops, according to latest reports. Americans are defending thesouth bank of the
Kum River, (left arrow.) South Koreans are reported 15 miles south of Chungju (right arrow)
where the North Koreans' objective is the vital U.S. supply rail and highway line from Taejon to
Taegu to Pusan on the Southern coast.z
* * *
By The Associated Press
LEBANON, O. - A four-engine
B-50 from Biggs Field, El Paso,
Tex., fell in a field near here yes-
terday killing at least 11 members
of the crew. The state highway
patrol identified the plane as com-
ing from the 342nd Bomber Squad-
ron at Biggs Field and fixed the
number of dead at 11. It was the
second B-50 to crash during the
* * *
Un-American Activities Commit-
tee warned Americans yesterday
that they may be black-mailed
for years if they innocently sign
a "peace petition" which the
committee called a piece of
"Communist chicanery." The
committee charged in a state-
ment that the petition-said to
contain 1,000,000 names already
-is really intended to open the
way for a planned, campaign of
civil disobedience and defiance
of the government "in the inter-
ests of the war effort of a for-
eign power."
WASHINGTON - The Defense
Department yesterday clamped a
censorship on the release of in-
formation about troops movements
to the Kbrean war theatre. Mili-
tary officers were instructed not to
tell when a unit is transferring, its
sailing date, its strength or its
Nehru Sends Peace Notes;
Koreans Pledge No 'Crimes'
WASHINGTON-(IP)-Prime Minister Nehru of India sent notes
to both the United States and Russia yesterday apparently seeking
some way in which to bring a peaceful end to the Korean war.
Neither the State Department nor Indian Embassy officials here
would discuss the contents of the note delivered to this government
late in the day.
BUT IT WAS understood that the note to the United States does
concern the Korean situation and also Nehru's desire to find some way
to arrive at a peaceful settlement of the Korean fighting.
Still aiding the South Koreans, the Air Force said it arranged
to charter 63 four-engine transport planes from commercial air-
< lines to operate an airlift to
Maul North
Korea Reds
By The Associated Press
TOKYO - North Korea's finest1
division has been mauled by U.S.
troops and replaced on the firing
line along the vital Kum river,I
General MacArthur's communi-
que announced today.
American artillery along the
winding river, which flows five toI
13 miles from strategic Taejon,I
blasted away yesterday and today
at the Communists on the north
A SPOKESMAN at advanced
American Headquarters in Korea
(possibly Taejon itself), said the
Reds responded with sporadic ar-
tillery and mortar fire.
Once about 100 North Korean
infantrymen showed up at the
north approach to one of the
blasted bridges over the Kum.
They were driven off by U.S. small
arms fire.
The spokesman declared the
front far to the east, where the
South Korean army is defending,<
was generally stabilized.
Earlier yesterday North Korean
forces launched two heavy attacks
on the eastern flank, causing some'
concern. Unless checked the attack
would outflank American positions
before Taejon and threaten rear
supply lines.
* * *
SOME OF the North Korean at-'
tackers are veterans of the cam-
paign in Manchuria, fighting for
the Communists against the Chi-
nese Nationalists, the spokesman
said. They are being used as tank
and artillerymen.
In that sector, the spokesman
reported, a company of Com-
munist troops broke through the
South Korean lines but was "an-
North Korean troops in civilian
clothes are infiltrating allied lines.
The spokesman did not locate the
points of infiltration, but said
"definite action" was being taken
to seize suspects.
The spokesman said the Ameri-
can sector of the front was "gen-
erally quiet" after the artillery
* * *
ONLY A HEAVY downpour of
rain provided cover for the Com-
munist legions as they scrambled
to dig in on a high level wall, a
few hundred yards from en-
trenched U.S. positions on the
south banks of the river.
Front line dispatches said that
under steady aerial pounding
and artillery shelling, the Reds'
Russian-built tanks had not
been effective in action for two
However, it appeared that the
defense line had been dented by
a Red operation that might threat-
en communications of Americans
defending the Kum.
* * *
THE AMERICANS having with-
drawn southward across the Kum
river, were holding new defense
renewed attack by Korean Reds
positions against infiltration or
outnumbering them 20 to 1.
This sector is east and west
of the main highway bridge
south of Chochiwon, front line
TOKYO-(A)-U. S. Superforts,
nearly 50 strong, made their first
big raid of the war on North Ko-
rea yesterday and the Pyongyang
radio indicated the target was
the key coast port of Wonsan.
A broadcast from the capital of
Communist North Korea said
"more than 30" bombers raided
Wonsan and surrounding areas
five times.
IT CONCEDED damage was
First reports on the Super-
fort strike did not give the tar-
get beyond the fact it was
north of the 38th parallel' di-
viding North and South Korea.
Wonsan is 80 miles north of the
The B-29 Superforts, in the
heaviest single air blow of the
war unloaded 500 tons of bombs
on the target. This inauguarated
mass precision bombing by two
groups of B-29s rushed here from
U.S. bases.
Australian airmen joined U. S.
pilots in a series of blows aimed
both North and South of the pa-
THERE WERE indications that
the air blows had the Red invaders
in trouble in some areas. The Air
Force report on the B-29 strike
gave few details.
One of the aircraft command-
ers said "this will make Uncle
Joe sit up and take notice."
About 60 per cent of the men
are combat tested veterans Nof
World War II
The Air Force headquarters said
one B-29 was missing but did n o
say specifically it was lost on this
mission. There was no news of.
any other B-29 strikes Wednesday
although in Washington the air
force also announced a B-29 was
lost near Seoul. It was unclear
whether the same plane was be-
ing referred to but later an air
force source here said two Super-
fortresses were missing.
The Air Force announced 229
combat sorties near the battle-
front area for the day and claim-
ed a bag of 38 tanks destroyed
along with many trucks, trains,
halftracks and other vehicles.
* * *
No Home War
Measures To
Be UsedYet
Truman yesterday said the gov-
ernment has under consideration
plans for every phase of home-
front mobilization but will use
them only if necessary.
* * *.
TRUMAN TOLD his news con-
No food rationing will become
No food shortage is in prospect;
Hoarding is very foolish.
Truman said the sharp increase
in many food prices must be at-
tributed to profiteering.
HE IMPLIED he has no imme-
diate plans to call on Congress for
emergency powers dealing with
price, wage or allocation controls
or with the conversion of civilian
industry to war production.
All matters relating to the emer-
gency are under consideration, he
said, and at the appropriate time
steps will be taken - if they are
Senator Maybank (D-SC) had
said earlier that if the world situ-
ation is "as black a it's beir.g
painted," the government might
be forced to slap drastic controls
on the civilian economy.
There had been reports during
the day that the joint Chiefs of
Staff had decided tentatively unon
'Campaign of
Truth' Unveiled
Truman asked Congress yesterday
for $125,645,000 to wage an in-
tense "campaign of truth," aimed
principally at "critical" countries
of Europe and Asia.
One tim is to crash the Soviet
radio jaiAming screen with a more
powerful Voice of America and
to reach remote areas.
"We will never attain real se-
curity until people everywhere
recognize that the free nations of
the world are the true seekers of
permanent peace,"
Truman asked Congress to add
$89,000,0$0 to the $36,645,000 al-
ready in his budget request for the
American information program
the Far East.
No details of the projected air-
lift were disclosed by the Airforce
but it seemed probable that it
would operate primarily from
West Coast points.
* * *
MEANWHILE, at Lake Success,
the UN-sponsored republic of Ko-
rea and the Communist North Ko-
rean regime both have promised
to observe the Geneval conven-
tions against atrocities, reports
received at the UN said yesterday.
The South Korean republic of-
ficially said its soldiers are strict-
ly carrying out the government's
order to adhere to the Geneva
In Belgrade, Yugoslavia, leaders
appear convinced this nation has
taken all possible precautions
against the chance it may be
marked next on a Russian-select-
ed hit parade of conquest.
aert rains His Movie Actors 'On Locati
Flahety on
"He makes his untrained actors
work by the force of his own
personality," was Carl Maas' des-
cription of the methods of Robert
Maas, a consultant with a na-
tional oil company, was on loca-
around a young boy who firmly
believes his magic salt will pro-
duce oil where the mechanical
driller had failed.
"Flaherty loved the Bayou
country for its photogenic qual-
ities," Maas explained, "and he
cne.. about %.yea... ..tnr to
an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts
* * *
"NANOOK" was filmed at the
risk of many lives, including Fla-
herty's. He was caught in two of
the far North's deadliest storms -
the same kind which two years
"Elephant Boy" which was Sabu's
first movie appearance, "Man of
Aran" and many more.
* * *
been showing his films, and lec-
turing about them in Germany
under the auspices of the State
"Flaherty was very pleased with
Ann Arbor movie opportunities,"
he continued, "since four of his
films had showed here during the
past year, and regular movie
houses seldom carry them."
* * *