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Kr q atI

Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LX, No. 10-S




* * * *

Senate Will
Debate on
House GOP Hits
Point Four Plan
By The Associated Press
opend debate yesterday on the
omnibus $34,688,000,000 appropri-
ation bill with Democratic leader
Lucas saying he expects to bring
it to a vote this week.
Simultaneously, the House stiff-
armed a new plea from President
Truman for the part of his Point
Four Program which would
guarantee American investments
abroad. It put off a final vote un-
til today, when Republicans will
try to kill the whole thing.
* * *
IN THE SENATE, Senator Paul
H. Douglas (D6m., Ill.) was press-
ing a one-man economy campaign
to save a billion dollars by cut-
-ting funds for rivers, harbors, dams
and highways, by restrictions on
tilling vacant government jobs,
by reducing government subsidies
to railroads, airlines and shipping
lines, and by reducing the vaca-
tion time allowed government em-
Various other economy schemes
are being advanced, but Senator
Lucas said after a strategy ses-
sion of the Democratic policy
committee that he will seek an,
agreement today to limit debate
on amendments to the mamoth
money measure.
In debate yesterday, Senator
Harry Byrd (Dem., Va.) told the
Senate it must face up to the peri-
lous financial situation posed by
the Korean war - and the threat'
of other conflicts. It all adds up
to retrenchment at home in non-
miliary expenses, he said.
Senator Byrd is ramrodding an
economy scheme for a ten per
cent reduction in payrolls and a
20 per cent cut in travel expenses
(except military).
* * *
IN THE HOUSE, Rep. Jesse
Wolcott (Rep., Mich.) said that
the Point Four proposal is so
limited by amendments that it
is "meaningless" anyway. He will
try to have it sent back to com-
mittee where it probably would
The $250,000,000 proposal is
part of the Truman program
for helping underdeveloped areas
abroad to raise their living
standards and bolster their eco-
nomies The guarantee would
be give nfor investment in en-
terprises considered useful in
that direction.
The plan is a companion to
one for provision of technical aid
and know-how for the same pur-
pose. The President made some
headway today with an effort to
get more money for the latter
program than the $10 million the
Senate Appropriations Commit-
tee voted for it.
A direct written plea to the
House on the investment guaran-
tee phase of the foreign program,
however, showed no signs of suc-
These are the restrictions
written into the bill:
1-Prohibiting guarantee of in-
vestments in any country not hav-
ing a treaty with the United
States providing "just compensa-
tion" for expropriation of Ameri-
can-owned industry, the right to
convert profits into dollars, and

recognition of fair business prac-
2-Refusing guarantees for in-
vestments in foreign industries
competing directly with American
duplicating U.S. production "of
* * *
REP. CRAWFORD (Rep., Mich.)
declared the $250,000,000 provided
in the bill was "just a trap"'in-
tended to allow the Point Four
program to get under way.
He declared the Truman ad-

-Daily-Bab Lewis
OPENS OTNIGHT-Antigone, played by Alice Juzek, defies the tyranny of Creon, portrayed by
Nafe Katter in this scene from "Antigone and the Tyrant," which opens at 8 o'clock tonight in

Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
* * *
Antigone and the Tyrant
Opens Tonight at Lydia

In 1943 a play against tyrants
by the noted French dramatist
Jean Anouilh opened a sensa-
Jtionally successful three-and-a-
half year run in Paris, under the
very noses of the city's Hitelrian
Such was the beginning of the
speech department's second sum-
mer offering, "Antigone and the
Tyrant," which will be presented
at 8 p.m. today through Saturday
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
the play in France and in 1946
brought it to Broadway, where
she and Sir Cedric Hjardwicke
played the major roles.
But the "Antigone" that lo-
cal theatre-goers will see is a
different play visually from
the Cornell production,ydirector
Hugh Z. Norton of the speech
department revealed.
Plevin Named
New Premier
PARIS-(P)-The National As-
sembly yesterday confirmed Rene
Pleven as Premier and indorsed
his plea for a 20 per cent increase
in French defense spending.
"Your approval must mean that
you accept the rigorous duty of
increasing the sum devoted to the
defense of the country," Pleven
had warned. "To those who find
these expenses too great, I reply
it is less costly to pay for our part
of a system of common defense
than to try to preserve a chimeri-
cal neutrality in solitude."
Then, in a reference to the Ko-
rean fighting, he added: "As long
as the United Nations has not
created the conditions for inter-
national security, the Democracies
must accept with virility the hard
necessity of forging arms for their
Senators Ask
Aid forU.S.
multiplied in the Senate yester-
day that troops from other United
Nations countries join American
soldiers fighting the Communist-
invaded South Korea.
The call for aid from America's
TUN allies came shortly after Gen.

Norton; who does not believe
in the bare-stage technique for
"Antigone," has redone the play
in a lavish setting, which includes
period furniture copied from
Louis XV and constructed by his
own 1stage crew.
* *
TO EXPLAIN his concept of the
setting, Norton pointed out that
most world-conquerors, such as
Creon, the "tyrant" in the play,
will surround themselves with fin-
ery and art, stolen from the peo-
ple he has conquered.
Norton picked "Antigone" to
direct because he considers the
paly to have "timely and very
important" ideas.
"The play is a modern story
about modern problems; only the
ancient Greek theme of Sopho-
cles' "Antigone" was borrowed."
THAT IS THE significance of
Anouilh's use of modern dress
and modern language, he explain-
Anouilh made Creon into a dic-
tator in a totalitarian state and
Antigone into a person who be-
lieves in the dignity of human life
as opposed to statism, Norton said.'
However, he added, Creon is
not a villain; he is a round,
complete character who has a
philosophy in which we don't
"It was because of this that the
Germans did not recognize the
play for what it was and permitted
it to run in Paris during the height
of their occupation."
The cast of the play includes
Alice Juzek as Antigone, Nafe
Katter as Creon, Richard Burgwin
as Chorus, Earl Matthews as Rae-
mon and Joyce Edgar as Ismene.
Other players are Robert Hawk-
ins, Dan Waldron, Sheldon Sla-
vin, Warren Pickett, Norma Stol-
zenbach, Cyrene Bell and Dennis

Haber Urges*
Increase of
'lThere can be no denying the
widespread acceptance and pop-
ularity of the social security pro-
gram but there are great issues to
be dealt with in the technique
of administering the program,
Prof. William Haber said yester-
day in the second lecture of the
summer series on "The Quest for
Social Security."
Speaking as a last-minute re-
placement for Snator Paul Doug-
las, who was forced to postpone
his address because of the urgency
of present Senate business, Prof.
Haber was despondent over the
tendency in the U.S. to think in
terms of minimum rather than
adequate benefits for victims of
economic hazards.
* * 4
PROF. HABER declared that
the average weekly unemployment
benefit is $21 which is 35 per cent
of the average weekly wage and
asked if one third of a normal
wage is adequate; for distressed
Congress has finally realized
that the $26 average monthly old
age benefit which is currently be-
ing paid is grossly inadequate and
is considering boosting the aver-
age to $50 per individual and $75
for a couple. But Prof. Haber as-
serted that a recent survey in De-
troit showed that a decent liveli-
hood for a couple requires $143
per month.
The economist said that in-
creased benefits would have
little effect on the incentive to
work. "We have not reached
that level of benefits where in-
centives are hurt," he declared.
Prof. Haber called for expanded
coverage so that America's entire
labor force of 60 million would be
entitled to benefits.

Byrnes Wins
In S. Carolina
Johnston Leading
In Senate Fight
COLUMBIA, S. C.-(P)-James
F. Byrnes won the South Carolina
governorship last night and Sen.
Olin D. Johnston held a narrow
margin for return to office.
Byrnes, former Secretary of
State, Supreme Court Justice and
War Mobilized, beat three oppo-
nents in the Democratic primary
which is equivalent to election.
* * *
JOHNSTON, who said he was
loyal to the National Democratic
Party, was ahead of Gov. J. Strom
Thurmond the 1948 States Rights
presidential candidate. Thurmond
has been an avid critic of Presi-
dent Truman, especially on the
Fair Employment Practices Legis-
lation, but Johnston, too, has
fought FEPC.
With 1034 of the state's 1,572
precints reported, the vote
stood: Byrnes 105,060; Thomas
Pope 12,549; Lester Bates 23,-
519; and Marcus Stone 2,685. A
total of 1,131 precints gave
Johnston 86,769; Thurmond 80,-
Johnston's upward surge came
chiefly from the industrial coun-
ties where labor's vote is strong.
Thurmond's chief . support came
from farm areas.
been in the making for 'years.
hurmond carried the state two
years ago for the States Righters.
Johnston opposed the renomina-
tion oft President Harry Truman,
but supported .the President as
nominee of the National Demo-
cratic Party. Johnston said that
the South's fight against the
FEPC must be made within the
Democratic Party.
Some 500,000 persons were
registered for yesterday's pri-
mary in this overwhelmingly
Democratic state.
Four U.S. Representatives also
had opposition. They were Reps.
L. Mendel Rivers, Hugo S. Sims,
Jr., James B. Hare and Joseph R.
Bryson. Rivers defeated A. J. Cle-
ment, Jr., the first Negro candi-
date ever to offer in a state Demo-
cratic primary. "Bryson appeared
headed for renominatioh.
Sims trailed former Rep. John
J. Riley but a runoff appeared
likely, because a third candidate
was in the field. Such a runoff
would be July 25.
Hare led a four-man field but
a runoff also was indicated be-
tween him and former Rep. W. J.
Bryan Dorn. Bryson was far ahead
of his opponent.
Peurifoy New
Greek Envoy
Truman yesterday nominated John
E. Peurifoy, Deputy Undersecre-
tary of State, to be Ambassador
to Greece.
A 42-year-old South Carolinian
who has risen rapidly in a career
as a government official, Peurifoy
clashed repeatedly with Senator
McCarthy (R-Wis) over McCar-
thy's charges of Communism in
the State Department.

GI's Retreat
Beyond Kun
With Losses

With American Forces in South
Korea-(IP)-One week ago yester-
day U.S. Armed Forces went into
action in the South Korean war
against Communism.
For one week surprisingly strong
North Korean forces have mauled
one of the most powerful nations
on earth. A review of General
MacArthur's communiques and
statements of an advanced head-
quarters spokesman discloses that
the Americans-have been pushed
back and back since they went
into the lines.
THERE ARE various reasons for
this. We were not prepared for
this fight. In fact it is extremely
doubtful that we knew the Com-
munist invasion was coming. We
have underestimated the North
Koreans, as has been, and will be,
admitted by U.S. soldiers and gen-
erals alike.

KOREAN PRISONERS-Soldiers of the Communist North Korean
army sit with bowed heads under the guard of a Suwon police-
man. They are waiting in front of the railroad at Suwon for
shipment to the rear.
First Week of Battle Points
Up American Shortcomings



The withdrawals and losses out
here have affected the morale of
the soldiers who, like all Ameri-
cans, hate to lose a fight.
In their out-cries against what
has happened here this past
week, men and officers com-
plain: Our force is not strong
enough. We are outnumbered.
The Air Force has let them down
by failing to halt every Red tank
on Korea's roads. We are being
committed in a piecemeal and
haphazard fashion.
Our mounted equipment is not
powerful enough to halt the rice-
paddy-treading, hill-climbing Reds
from North Korea-half guerrilla
but well trained.
Everyone here is confident the
North Koreans are in for the jolt
of their lives when we get set and
start moving north. In the mean-
time we have lost ground which
must be retaken-at a cost. And
the cost is high.

N. Korean Taua
Force U. S. Bac
TOKYO -- (A) - America
forces have fallen back of t
Kum River defense line in Sou
Korea, General MacArthur am
nounced yesterday.
TOKYO - WP) - North Kore
Communists behind an artill
barrage yesterday drove U.
troops from Chochiwon, only eig
miles north of the vital Kum Ri'
Associated Press correspond
Tom Lambert in a field dispat
sai dthe Northerners resumedt
drive after an aminous quiet t
persisted through half the mor
IT WAS THE same story of
treat as Monday, when outgunr
U.S. tanks were 'unable to che
the crunching southward mo
ment which supposedly is spe
headed by 80 Russian-made tan
The tank-led Communist co
umns had taken a deadly plai
tering from allied warplanes, bi
they kept on coming. Earlier,
spokesman at advanced Amer
can headquarters in Korea sa
the columns appeared "preti
well crippled? by the air attack
Close support planes knocked a
six more tanks on the front yi
terday in wide-ranging strikes
North Korean ground forces, t
Far East Air Force announc
This made a two-day tank bag
at least 45.
B-29 SUPERFORTS also turJ
their attention to targets neal
the front, blasting away at sup]
bases and leaving all Chinchon
flames. Chinchon is about 20 mi
north of the front.
The Kum River winds 15 roa
miles north of Taejon,which h,
been American advance head
quarters. Taejon is 90 air nmi1
south of Communist-conquer
Seoul, the South Korean capita
American defenders pulled be
slowly in hard fighting to positic
near the north bank of the Ku
which is the last barrier of a
consequence north of Taejon.
M'Arthur Hits
'War Crimes'
TOKYO -(P)- General MacA
thur announced today docum
tary proof had been received st
stantiating reports of "barbar
and murder" of American prisc
ers of war by North Korean troo
A headquarters communique si
the alleged atrocities had be
committed against four Amerc
soldiers who had been captured
the Communists.
ea, however, indicated at least
American soldiers have been bou
and shot to death by their ce
MacArthur's spokesman sai
the General was "astounded 1
these barbaric 'acts and hol
the leadership of the North Ko
ea: s responsible for permittir
theae uncivilized actions."
The communique said offic

photographs flown from the Kc
ean battlefield showed the bod
of the four American soldiers w:
their hands tied behind th
All members of an infantry ur

Clapp Urges Economic Aid
For Near Eastern Countries

"Although the task of aiding the
Near Eastern countries will be long
and slow, it is vital that an out-
side agency or country does no
more than organize projects and
place their execution in the hands
State To Draft
946 byFall
LANSING -{(P)-Michigan got
orders yesterday to draft 946 men
for military service by Sept. 30.
Col. Glenn B. Arnold, State Se-
lective Service Headquarters, said
orders to report for physical exam-
inations early in August would be
sent to about 5,000 men so that a
pool of five eligibles for each man
needed would be built up. Induc-
tees have 21 days notice after ex-
aminations before they can be in-
Michigan already has 46,000
men classified in 1-A and eligible
for immediate draft call. There
are 460,000 men registered in the

of the native governments,, Gor-
don Clapp, chairman of the board
of TVA, asserted yesterday.
Clapp, head of the UN econo-
mic survey mission to the Near
East, said in a lecture on "An Ap-
proach to Economic Development
in the Near East" that at present,
the foremost economic problem is
that of the status and future of
the three-quarters of a million
Arab refugees.
"THE REFUGEES want to go
home, but repatriation is so in-
volved in political disputes that
discussions are stalemated," and
since the refugees are truly with-
out a country, resettlement also
becomes an intricate political
problem," he explained.
Clapp stressed that the refu-
gees must be rehabilitated into
a productive force which can
aid the material development of
the Near East.
He said that the proposed pro-
gram to continue present UN re-
lief support and to plan public
works projects has already been
adopted by the UN and the fi-
nancing of the18 month program
is reasonably assured.
"THE administering a g e n c y
must realize that this is an oppor-
tunity for the development of
larger scale plans, and if the agen-
cy allows the Arab government to
participate in the execution, ex-
perience will stimulate larger pro-
jects as well as provide training
opportunities for the Arabs," Clapp
Statehood Bills To
i, _ , .




Congress May Pass Statehood Bills

"It is quite possible that the Ko-
rean crisis may increase the like-
lihood of favorable action by Con-
gress on the Statehood bills of
Hawaii and Alaska," Prof. Joseph
E. Kallenbach, of the political
science department, said yester-

the chance for passage of1
bills on the ground that
forces are centered there
particularly would this be
in the case of Hawaii.


Hawaii is the fact that only 12 to
15 per cent of the population are
whites, he declared.
"However," Prof. Kallenbach
added, "if we do admit Hawaii,
we can then say that we are in-;
terested in a fair and just treat-
ment of our territories, and con-

population. If Alaska became a
State, it would be the least popu-
lous of all our States, which would
give it an overweight in Senators.
This is why the Republicans, in
general, would be opposed to ad-
mitting Alaska, for it is expected
that it would fall into the Demo-

Declaring that he himself is in
favor of admitting the two terri-
tories as states the Doltical scien-

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