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July 08, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-08

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Difficulties in Korea


"White Is Black. Black Is White. Night Is Day--"



WASHINGTON-Early reverses in the Ko-
rean war, though they might have been
expected from the sudden blitzkrieg inva-
sign by North Korean Communists have,
nevertheless, come as a sobering suprise to
our people who knew little of the situation
in that far-off outpost.
Somehow, we as a people, never expect re-
verses, despite our experience in the early
stages of the Pacific war against Japan, but
look for an immediate turn of the tide once
we step in and, when that does not happen,
begin to look for scapegoats while tightening
our belts for the longer haul.
That seems to be the psychological sit-
uation just at the moment.
It is natural to look for scapegoats, and it
is necessary to locate mistakes and miscal-
culations so our course can be properly set.
But, this is to be a long haul. It won't be
quick. It won't be easy. The American people
might as well know that now.
They should be told frankly by those in
* * *
INTIMATIONS THAT this is to be done in
the July 4 speech here of John Foster
Dulles, consultant to Secretary of State
Acheson, who returned a few days ago from
Korea and the Far East. He warned that the
task we are undertaking "is not a light one,
and before it is finished we shall, all of us
have to pay a price," some with lives and the
rest of us perhaps in sacrifices of an eco-
nomic nature-a cut in our "economic in-
delgences," as he put it.
This diagnosis is expected to be elabor-
ated upon in the near future by President
Truman, probably in a message to Con-
gress, in which the Korean assignment,
undertaken in co-operation with the Uni-
ted Nations and its needs, will be explained
in more detail. Much more of a military
force will be required for the mission than
has thus far been publicly announced
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

and, because of our commitments in other
parts of the world, it likely will be neces-
sary to draw from reserves, and through
increased enlistments, maybe also the
draft, from our manpower here at home,
for both the Army and Navy.
Additional appropriations may also be
necessary. The financial situation was hint-
ed at by Secretary of Treasury John W. Sny-
der when, appearing on the tax bill that has
passed the House, and now is before the
Senate Finance Committee, he withheld
final judgment on the reductions contem-
plated because of the Korean emergency. It
may not be the time to cut taxes.
AN INDICATION of some of the thinking
in Congress on economic aid to Korea-
before the Communist attack-came when
ECA aides testified before the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee in mid-June. They
were grilled at length about why our gov-
ernment should extend aid to the Korean
government for properties and functions
now nationalized by the South Korean Re-
public under its constitution.
Senator Ferguson who was for the aid,
nevertheless protested that "we are aiding
nationalization all over the world instead
of private enterprise," while Senator Robert-
son asked "if we are pouring money down a
rat hole in Korea, and stimulating social-
ism or some other alien form of government,
or are we stemming the tide of Communism
in Korea, and is it worth it?"
The reply was that there is little private
capital in Korea for investment, or out-
side capital willing to risk investment,
and that it is wisest for our government
to deal with the government there rather
than take a chance with local private in-
terests that might not be responsible. The
problem was put very distinctly by E. A. J.
Johnson, ECA director of the Korean pro-
gram, thus: "you have two choices: either
to do that (the present program) or to let
the Communists take South Korea."
Korea is not a simple problem. But the
solution for the immediate dilemma caused
by the Communist attack has been simpli-
fied. The immediate job is a military one,
and everything must be concentrated on
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)


Washington Merry-Go -Round

THE TITAN. The life and work of
Michelangelo. Edited by Robert Flaherty,
with narration by Fredric March.
THE TITAN is the most impressive o
what amounts to a new genre in film
making: the life of an artist told in term
of his art. It is to be immediately dis-
tinguished from, on the one hand, the rathe
technical study of technique and tradition
the best recent example of which was th(
short on Rubens shown here some month
ago, and, on the other hand, the fictional-
ized Hollywood-type biography with, inevi-
tably, Cornell Wilde.
It is the plain purpose of the present
film to get across some feeling about Mi-
chelangelo as a part of his times. To this
end the editors have intercut with con-
siderable ingenuity shots of the sculptor's
own work with the contempora-ry produc-
tions of lesser men in all fields, and have
happily abstained from the temptation
of presenting a tweniteth-century idea of
what Renaissance Italy must have been.
The narration which binds the whole
thing together is likewise distinguished
for the same sort of reticence. There is,
in brief, an air of lettin Michelangelo
and the period handle most of the story
-an attitude which is welcome enough in
this era of souped-up history.
One of the most obvious manifestations
of this impulse to record without revising is
the fact that no living human appears in
the film - only the impossibly virile be-
ings of Michelangelo himself. There is not,
moreover, much of the technical gloss to
which you and I, dear reader, have become
accustomed in our documentaries. The cam-
era moves little, and never over great dis-
tances; lighting is often surprisingly flat
and unimaginative; and special effects are
few and simple. A great deal of this kind of
primitiveness is due, of course, to the fact
that the filming was done some ten or fif-
teen years ago and under conditions which
were and still are difficult.
The present edition of what was origi-
nally a much longer production gets its pace
and direction primarily from crisp cutting
and a busy sound track; the camera never
stays long at one shot, and the narration
moves with it. There is an infrequent use
of background dialogue and sound which
produces the uncanny feeling that there are
living people about; that although you never
catch up with them you are where they
have just been and that you see what they
have just wrought.
The Titan is, for these several reasons,
well worth your time. It has photographic
inadequacies which I do not think will
bother you, and its virtues are multiple.
Above all, it is a picture about Michelan-
gelo's work, a fact which serves more than
anything else to compensate for whatever
mechanical crudities and to give the thing
the size and power it has.
The Art Cinema League and the Inter-
Arts Union offer along with The Titan a
short University-produced film in color
about painting for the fun of it. I have not
seen it, but they tell me it's a good one.
-W. J. Hampton
Another Lin
FOLLOWERS OF baseball's intricacies have
become worried of late about the plight
of the poor pitchers. What with the strike
zone's being whittled and balks' being called
every hour on the hour and the baseball's
having enough rabbit in it to grow ears, the
pitchers are in a bad way. The hitters, to
put it bluntly, are murdering them. Some
folks even have got around to talk about
reviving the spitball just to even things a
Well, we've no answer for the problem.
We have, though, just come across evi-
dence that it isn't a purely national one.
And on the hunch that there's something
to that saying that misery loves company,
we pass it on.
England's Manchester Guardian was dis-
cussing the recent Test cricket matches,
and it went on at length about the wicket

that was used. Then querulously it con-
"If a fast bowler is not to be allowed
to make a ball rear up near the bats-
man's head, we might as well stop trying
to find fast bowlers to send to Australia
in the autumn. Why is it always the bats-
man who is to be casseted? Is cricket to
degenerate into a sort of superior round-
We don't understand all the technicalities,
but we get the general idea: The batters are
getting all the best of it, and the pitchers
are getting their lumps.
Chalk up another thing beyond a mu-
tually misunderstood language that binds
us to that tight little isle across the sea.
-St. Louis Star-Times

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WASHINGTON-Eisenhower got his come-
uppance from sardonic Admiral William
D. Leahy at a recent White House meeting.
Wlhen Ike greeted Leahy, who was Chief
-of Staff to President Roosevelt in World
War II, the Admiral looked Eisenhower over
carefully and replied:
"Hello, professor."
Ike shook his head vigorously.
"Well," Admiral Leahy commented, "I
can't call you 'Mr. President'-yet."
Ike flushed and changed the subject.
* ~* *
THERE'S BEEN a lot of talk as to why
only a driblet of aid was sent to Korea-
$200,000-when Congress voted $10,500,000
more than a year ago.
Republican Senators Homer Ferguson of
Michigan and William Knowland of Calif-
ornia have been raising cain about this.
There were two inside reasons for this
shocking neglect. One was a wrong guess
by military intelligence, the other was a
standoff attitude by General MacArthur.
Part of this story came out at a closed-
door meeting of the Senate Appropriations
Committee, but not all.
1-The National Security Council, on ad-
vice of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also Mac-
Arthur's SCAP headquarters, also Central
Intelligence, all specified that Korea's prob-
lem was "internal security." Attack by an
enemy army was ruled "possible but not
probable." This meant that Korean aid, un-
der a Joint Chiefs of Staff directive, was
limited mainly to replacement parts for the
$110,000,000 in military equipment left be-
hind by U.S. occupation troops, and small
Actually the "internal security" program
was effective and 5,000 guerrillas had been
knocked off in recent months.
2--Aid to Korea was put in a low priority
by the Security Council behind arms for
Western Europe, Greece and Turkey. It was
not until Ambassador John Muccio returned
to Washington this spring and pleaded des-
perately for speed that haste was ordered.
3-The able and conscientious military aid
coordinator, Maj. Gen. L. L. Lemnitzer, tried
to persuade General MacArthur to release
materiel from his stocks in Japan for im-
mediate shipment to Korea. General Lem-
nitzer argued this would save from two to
four weeks time. But General MacArthur
said he could not afford to release the re-
quested supplies.
AS A RESULT of all this, less than $200,000
of supplies had left U.S. ports by June
4-Congress itself was in no hurry to push

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Communists & Formosa
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
THE CHINESE COMMUNISTS say they are determined to take For-
mosa regardless of American naval intervention-but it is notice-
able that they don't say when.
The Peiping message to Secretary-General Trygve Lie of the
United Nations looks more like a boast for home consumption than a
threat of immediate action.
UNITED STATES military authorities won't worry about it a whole
lot. They are confident they have plenty of naval and air power
handy to meet any move the Communists might be foolish enough
to make in that direction.
The announcement of Peiping's position, however, could
have military meaning not directly connected with Formosa. They
might hope to cteate a scare about the island while they go ahead
with plans for other areas.
They've got some business to tend to in Indo-China and Tibet
which they might consider far less dangerous. And they might begin
throwing troops into Korea when and if American forces seem about
to turn the North Korean tide. Incidentally, such a turning now seems
even farther off than it did in the first flush of announcement that
General MacArthur and his occupation divisions in Japan were going
to war.
* * * *
IT'S GOING TO take a lot more stuff than anyone may have antici-
pated to win the Korean war. It may take months instead of days
to even get a real start. Jet planes, flying low because of bad weather,
with resultant heavy fuel consumption as compared with the altitudes
for which they were designed, are not proving up as the real answer
to tactical ground support needs. And it may be two months before
there is any really decent weather for any types.
In the meantime, the Chinese Communist situation presents
the allies with political as well as military forebodings.
In order to insure that war potentials will not reach them for
possible use against her, the United States is moving to shut off ship-
ments. But Britain declines to cooperate, especially with regard to"oil.
Britain has recognized the Peiping regime in an effort to maintain
her commercial interests in China. She claims oil shipments only sup-
ply civilian needs and therefore are not a potential military danger.
But at this distance it seems that if the Communists are relieved of
meeting Chinese civilian needs their military position is just that
much enhanced.
THE CHINESE NATIONALISTS on Formosa are also complaining
about it, saying the U.S. demand that they drop their blockade
and raids on the mainland now permits the British to supply their
enemies and so build them up for the time of showdown which Chiang
insists will come.'
In addition to the possibility of Korean intervention, the Com-
munists are believed to be working feverishly for a shot at Indo-China.
That, more than the Korean situation, may be responsible for new
restrictions on the shipment of oil to Hong Kong and Macao, British
and Portuguese ports from which reshipment to China is easy. Export
licenses for shipments of American oil to these points have been held
up and may not be resumed, and other materials are reported on the
The U.S. doesn't want to have to fight its own products which the
Chinese might relay to Korea, or 'to Indo-China, either.

Knowland was author of a defeated
amendment to cut $300,000,000. Other crit-
ics are Ohio's Senators Bricker and Taft,
who voted against aid along with 22
other senators.
Sen. George Malone, who attacked Ad-
ministration incompetence on aid to Korea,
not only voted against the bill, but said on
the Senate floor: "the whole present pro-
posal is a waste of money."
* * *
more Republican leaders are watching Gov-
ernors Warren of California and Duff of
Pennsylvania as the best Republican bets
for 1952 - for one simple reason. They are
two Republicans who know how to win
Democratic votes.
* * *
bassador Kirk has cabled from Moscow that
14 Russian ships are leaving for the South
Pole to stake out a claim for Russia. Real
reason of the trip is to locate uranium. Back
in 1930 under a Republican administration,
Maryland's Senator Tydings, a Democrat,
introduced a resolution urging that the
U.S.A. claim the Antarctic on the basis of
Admiral Byrd's expedition. The State De-
partment, however, never moved.
* * *
Byrd of Virginia, chairman of the Senate
Committee on Nonessential Expenditures, is
now investigating mail pay rates. The only
trouble is, the same investigation has just
been completed by the Senate Post Office
Committee. Yet exactly the same witnesses
are being called by Byrd and the same facts
dug up - despite the fact that the purp:se
of Senator Byrd's committee is to stop dup-
lication in order to save the taxpayers'
money. Maybe the Committee on Nones-
sential Expenditures should investigate it-
self to see whether it is making a nonessen-
tial expenditure.
* * *
Frank Hogan, the N.Y. district attorney
who jailed gambler Frank Erickson, is being
talked of as a Democratic candidate for
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of therUniversity. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin-
istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 9-S
Notice to all new registrant
with the Bureau of Appointments
There will be a meeting hel
Monday, July 10, at 4:00 o'cloc
in Room 231 Angell Hall for th
purpose of giving information re
garding registration with the Bur-
eau and answering questions re-
garding the filling out of th
blanks. Also anyone who was un-
able to attend the previous meet-
ing may obtain the registratio
material at this time.
People desiring positions for
September should register at this
time and should return the ma-
terial promptly. This applies to
both those interested in teaching
and non-teaching positions.
Registration blanks which were
given out at the time of the meet-
ing last week are to be returned to
the office of the Bureau, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building and are
NOT to be returned at the time
of this meeting.
Concerts for 1950-51. The Uni-
versity Musical Society announ-
ces that orders for season tickets
for the Choral Union Series and
for the Extra Concert Series for
1950-51, are being accepted and
filed in sequence, at the offices
of the University Musical Society
in Burton Memorial Tower.
Choral Union Series (10 con-
certs): Helen Traubel, Obt. 5;
Boston Symphony, Oct. 22; Cleve-
land Orchestra, Nov. 5; Solomon,
pianist, Nov. 20; Polytech Chorus
of Finland, Nov. 28; Royal Phil-
harmonic, Sir Thomas Beecham,
conductor, Dec. 3; Erica Morini,
Jan. 11; Horowitz, Jan. 19; Chi-
cago Symphony, March 4; and
Heifetz, March 14.
Extra Concert Series (5 con-
certs): Lauritz Melchior, Oct. 10;
Boston Symphony, Oct. 25; Myra
Hess, Nov. 14; the original Don
Cossacks, Jan. 15; and the Cin-
cinnati Symphony, Feb. 20.
The language examination for
M.A. candidates in history will be
given Friday, July 14 at 4 p.m.,
in Rm. 1209 Angell Hall.
Those wishing to take the ex-
amination should indicate that
fact to the History Department
,secretary, Rm. 100A, Rackham
Building, by Wednesday, July 12.
Faculty Recital. Elizabeth Green,
Assistant Professor of Music Ed-
ucation in the School of Music,
will appear in a violin recital at
8:30 Monday evening, July 10, in
the Rackham Assembly Hall. Her
program will include composi-
tions by Fiocco, Glazounow, Mo-
zart, Joaquin Nin, Paganini, Kroll,
and York Bowen, and will be open
to the public. Miss Green will be
accompanied by Helen Titus, As-
sistant Professor of Piano.
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross
and Emil Raab, violinist, Paul
Doktor, violist, and Oliver Edel,
cellist, will be heard in its first
program of the summer series at

8:30 Tuesday evening, July 11, i
the Rackham Lecture Hall. Th
program, including works by Bee-
thoven, Mozart, and Ross Lee Fin-
ney, will be open to the genera
public without charge.
General Library, main lobby
cases. Contemporary literatur
and art (June 26-July 26).
Museum of Archaeology. Fro
d Tombs and Towns of Ancient
k Egypt.
Museums Building. Rotunda
- exhibit, American Indian stimu-
- lants. Exhibition halls, "Trees
e Past and Present." Fridays, 7:00-
- 9:00 p.m.
n Law Library. History of Law
School (basement); classics for
r collectors (reading room).
- Michigan Historical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. Tourists
in Michigan, yesterday and today.
Clements Library. One Hundred
Michigan Rarities (June 26-July
Museum of Art, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall: Modern Graphic Art;
Oriental Ceramics; through July
30; weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5.
The public is invited.
Events Today
School Vocal Music Conference,
L Saturday, Michigan League Ball-
room. Program: 8:30, The Effec-
tive School Music Teacher, How
to Train Him, William Knuth, San
Francisco State College. 9, Demon-
stration Rehearsal (The Audience
is the Choir), Maynard Klein, Uni-
versity of Michigan. 10, The Mu-
sical Show as a School Project,
Sadie Rafferty, Northwestern Un-
iversity. 11, New Horizons in Mu-
sic Education - A unified School
and Civic Program. Orien Dalley,
University of Michigan. 1:30, A
Balanced Music Curriculum in the
High School, Sadie Rafferty. 2:30,
The Junior High School General
Music Class, Marguerite Hood,
President, M.E.N.C., 3, A Demon-
stration of Elementary Piano Class
Teaching, Lois Anderson, Univer-
sity of Michigan. 3:30, Forum,
"The Foundation - Music in the
Elementary School," Sadie Raffer-
ty, Roxy Cowin, Marguerite Hood,
Lois Anderson.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
Group: Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m. Mr.
Harold Sullivan will present a
summary on the Youth for Under-
standing program.
Graduate Outing Club: Meet 2
p.m., northwest corner of Rack-
ham building for swimming. Elec-
tion of officers. All members own-
ing cars please bring same.
U. of M. Hostel Club: Sun., July
9 and Wed., July 12: Swimming
in late afternoon and evening.
Departure times: 4:00, 5:30, and
6:00. Transportation will be pro-<
vided for all who sign up on bul-
letin board in Lane Hall lobby by
Tuesday at 6 p.m. Meeting to dis-
cuss plans for the summer will be
held at the lake. New members
especially welcome.
"The Corn Is Green," Emlyn
William's prize-winning play will '

Inside Story'
WASHINGTON---(P)The "inside story" behind President Truman's
historic decision in the Korean war crisis has come out with offi-
cials emphasizing these points:
1-In a solemn talk with his top diplomatic-defense leaders, the
President insisted.that the United States had to "draw the line"
against Communism somewhere.
2-The President said the United States would "lose face" with
democratic nations everywhere if it failed to stand behind the little
South Korea Republic it sponsored.
As Secretary of Defense Johnson and Secretary of State Acheson
recalled events, the decisions in ev-
ery case were actually made and
laid down by Mr. Truman himself.
Other officials said the President
made a decision to move against
Communist forces in the Far East
before he arrived in Washington as
from an interrupted weekend in
Mr. Truman's insistence on
forceful action-even at the cal-
culated risk of war-was such a
well-guarded secret that even some-
of his closest associates were in
the dark. -Li -

MR. TRUMAN himself gave no
inkling that he intended to
move until after his return to
But one of his remarks was
that the Communist tactics in
the Far East could no longer be
There was agreement, from the
President all the way down, that
the United States coud use force
and stay within the resolution
adopted by the United Nations Se-
curity Council asking member na-
tions to 'render every assistance"
in enforcing its order to termi-
nate firing in Korea.
have its last performance tonight
at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre at 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale
at the box office, open from 10
a.m. to 8 p.m.
Coming Events
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation,
1429 Hill Street. Open House for
all students. Sunday evening,
7:30-10:30 Dancing, refreshments.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Philip Dawson......Managing Editor
Marvin~ Epstein ......... Sports Editor
Pat Brownson........Wonn's Editor
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Walter Shapero...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this' newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan; as second-class ma
Subscription during regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail $600;




At The Michigan ..,.
"The Winslow Boy" with Robert Donat,
Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Margaret Leighton.
THE STORY OF "The Winslow Boy" con-
,.r.r h r h nr :r.Y i , . :

humanism of this picture gives it a realis-
tic quality. The sentimental scenes are
carefully measured; emphasis is placed on
restraint rather than on melodramatic

William's prize-winning play will 7:30-10:30. Dancing, refreshments.
year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $8.00.

Where'd you get the
tip, Friendly? Who

\f .

i know lots of O'Malleys.
What ward's this one from?

HE wouldn't go off half-cocked.
He's going to mend ofruna

Is Mr.Friendly going to lend
the non aM r'Mnhsrll -

A cast of well-matched actors makes



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