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July 07, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-07

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Latest Deadline in the State


a v0

' VOL. LX, No. 8-S



GI's Retreat, Regroup for

Defensive Actior


S * *.

* * *

* * *

Freak Train
Crash Kills
9 Injures 75
Coaches Derailed
After Sideswipe
MONICA, Ill.-(P)-Two high
speed Santa Fe railway stream-
liners, streaking eastward side by
side, bumped midsections in a
freak collision yesterday that
brought crushing death to nine
persons and injuries to about 75.
The crash came at a stretch
of tracks near Monica where
daily the 90-mile-an-hour El
Capitan flyer from Los Angeles
passes the 70-mile-an-hour Kan-
sas City Chief from Kansas City.
BOTH TRAINS were bound for
Chicago, 148 miles northeast.
As the El Capitan began pull-
ing ahead, its mail car lurched,
left the tracks, and jacknifed
into the first car and side of
the Chief's locomotive.
It was 4:40 a.m. central stan-
dard time. The men's wash room of
one El Capitan coach was crowd-
ed with men. They were shaving
before going to breakfast in the
diner. Many passengers still were
asleep on both trains.
THE COLLISION slammed the
El Capitan's coach back across its
own tracks. The locomotive and
several forward cars of the El
Capitan broke loose and barreled
down the tracks. The El Capitan's
rear cars piled into the wreckage.
Sleeping passengers w e r e
bounced around in the cars like
rubber balls. Twisted metal
trapped some in their seats.
Four of the dead were in the
washroom of an El Capitan-coach.
They were slammed into the walls
and crushed to death.
The victims were five men and
four women. One man was de-
capitated when thrown through a
front cars of the chief also left
the tracks.
Several cars telescoped and
tracks were torn up for a quar-
ter of a mile.
All available doctors, nurses
and ambulances were rushed to
the scene. Victims were taken to
hospitals in Peoria, 20 miles south
of the small village of Monica,
and to Galesburg, 30 miles west.
THIRTY-EIGHT were hospital-
ized, some in critical condition,
and the others were given first aid
at the scene.
Because of the early hour,
rescue work was slow in start-
ing. Some farmers came run-
ning with axes and chopped
paths to those trapped in the
All the dead were belived to have
been riding the El Capitan.
Crash survivors were put aboard
a special train to be brought to
Movie, Panel
To Highlight
Arts Course
A movie on Michaelangelo and

a panel discussion on "Communi-
cation in the Arts" will conclude
the first week of the contempor-
ary arts and society course.
"The Titan," a film study of
Michaelangelo's artistic develop-
ment based on the painter's works,
is being co-sponsored by the Art
Cinema League, Inter-Arts Union
and the contemporary arts course.
IT WILL BE presented at 7:30
and 9:30 p.m. today and tomor-
row in the Architecture Auditor-
A German film, "The Titan" is
narrated by Frederic March. The
movie was made 15 years ago
and was recently edited by Ro-
bert Flaherty, who is considered
the "father" of the documen-

Altmeyer Advocates
Greater Expansion
. .
Of SocialSecurity
Expansion of our social security into a much more comprehensive
system was called for yesterday by Arthur J. Altmeyer, commissioner
of social security for the Federal Security Agency.
With one third of the families in the U.S. earning under $2,000
a year and with many having no savings, our present system does not
afford adequate protection against the economic hazards caused by
cessation of income, Altmeyer declared.
THE INADEQUACY of present federal social insurance is illus-
trated by the great dependence of people on payments from local
public assistance plans. Altmeyer'
asserted that public assistance
plans which should be our second R a l Strike
line of defense against destitution
provide average monthly benefits
of $45 while the average benefac- S
tor of federal insurance gets onlyp
In an economy as productiveF
as ours people should not have
to rely to such a degree on public
assistance or relief for protec-
tion from destitution. A Federal C H I C A G O-()-T h e AFL
contributory social insurance Switchmen's union called off its
plan based on benefits according strike on four of five western
to wage loss should be our first railroads yesterday - eight hours
line of defense, the formulator after President Truman threat-
of the original Social Security ened drastic action if necessary
Act said. to end the walkout.
Altmeyer also adwocated passage But the union said it will con-
of the National Health Insurance tinue its 12-day strike against the
Plan as being necessary to relieve 8,000-mile Rock Island system "to
families of the unbearable costs of learn whether free men in a free
medical services. country can still bargain with
He said the plan, which would their employers . . . without fear
provide services by private prac- that big government will team up
titioners paid with money from an with obstinate employers."
insurance fund, is not state medi- * * *
cine. Every state has workmen's AT ST. PAUL, Minn., officers
compensation which actually is of the Great Northern Railway
health insurance, but only applic- said the road will resume opera-
able to industrial injuries and sick- tions "just as fast as we can."
nesses, he added.
s d * In San Francisco the Western
A BROAD contributory social Pacific announced passenger
insurance plan would provide in train service on its lines will be
centives that yould lead to a resumed this morning. The
greater common good and an in- California Zephyr service be-
creased degree of personal satis- tween San Francisco and Chi-
faction, the administrator said. cago will be resumed tomorrow.
"Social insurance does not Only the Chicago Great West-
mean giving everybody some- ern Railroad had not announced
thing for nothing or paying peo- any plans by early today.
ple not to work. It is not so* *
much a redistribution of wealth FRANCIS A. O'NEILL, member
as a better redistribution of wel- of the National (Railway) Media-
fare. Itndefinitely does fit into tion Board who has been sitting
our concept of a free society," in on union negotiations with the
Altmeyer asserted. carriers in Chicago, said he had
According to Altmeyer the goal no comment on the union's ac-
of the plan is to provide a mini- pion.
mum basic security which would A union spokesman said the
mean equality of opportunity for Rock Island, which runs from
everybody. Chicago and connects with
With reasonable differentials re- West Coast lines in New Mexico
lated to earned income and con- and Colorado, is paralleled by
tributions the plan would allow other systems. He said a work
each individual to build effectively stoppage on this line creates
the level of security which he de- no emergency.
sires for himself and his family, The union said its men will go
he said. in .1k o ,t,1.'. annp . -r.rnin

'U' Faculty
21 Receive Full
Promotions for 103 members of
the faculty were announced yes-
terday by the Regents, 21 to the
rank of full professor.
Associate professorships were
given to 42,.while 40 were promot-
ed to assistant professor. Four su-
pervisory appointments were made
in the department of physical edu-
cation, three equivalent to asso-
ciate and one equivalent to assist-
ant professor.
All appointments are effective in
the fall.
The list follows, with schools
and departments:
* * *
Campbell (sociology and psychol-
ogy), Carl Fischer (actuarial ma-
thematics), Garnet R. Garrison
(speech), George Katona (psy-
chology and economics), John Le-
derle (political science), Richard
A. Musgrave (economics), Albert
H. Sinith (botany), Bennett Wea-
ver (English), William B. Willcox
(history), Valentine B. Windt
William W. Gilbert (metal proces-
sing), Holger M. Hansen (engi-
neering mechanics), William S.
Housel (civil engineering).
W. Conn (internal medicine), Dr.
Cameron Haight (surgery), Dr.
Edgar A. Kahn (surgery), Dr.
Henry K. Ransom (surgery) and
Dr. John M. Sheldon (internal
M. Northrop.
SCHOOL: Paul W. McCracken
(business conditions).
SCHOOL: Robert Craig, Jr. (wood
Associate Professor
M. Bailey (zoology), Robert C. F.
Bartels (mathematics), Richard C.
Boys (English), Charles W. Cot-
terman (zoology), Helen W. Dod-
son (astronomy), Leon Festinger
(psychology), Otto G. Graf (Ger-
man), Wayne E. Hazen (physics),
Eberhardt W. Heinrich (mineral-
ogy), Wilfred Kaplan (mathema-
tics), Raymond L. Kilgour (li-
brary science), George Kish (geo-
graphy), Karl F Lagler (zoology),
Henry van der Schalie (zoology),
Fred G. Walcott (English), Ed-
ward L. Walker (psychology), Ed-
gar F. Westrum, Jr. (chemistry),
James T. Wilson (geology).
Lloyd E. Brownell (chemical and
metallurgical engineering), Paul F.
Chenea (engineering mechanics),
George M. McEwen (English), Jo-
seph J. Martin (chemical and me-
tallurgical engineering), Lawrence
L. Rauch (aeronautical engineer-
ing), Maurice J. Sinnott (chemi-
cal and metallurgical engineering),
George B. Williams (chemical and
metallurgical engineering).

Barry (anatomy), Dr. Robert C.
Bassett (surgery), Dr. Robert W.
Buxton (surgery), Joseph P.
Chandler (biological chemistry),
Raymond L. Garner (biological

-Daily-Roger D. Wellington
COMMUNIST DRIVE CONTINUES IN KOREA-Spearing 60 miles south of Seoul, three North
Korean infantry divisions preceded by a cutting edge of armor and backed by reinforcements in the
Suwon area, forced American and South Korean defenders to fall back and regroup. On the east
coast, Communist armies fanned out from Utcl'in and were building up a possible enveloping action
based on Pohangdong.
* * * *. * * *

Hit Tru man's
The local Progressive Party has
come out in opposition to U.S.
intervention in Korea and has
demanded "the immediate with-
drawal of all American .armed
forces from the Korean scene."
This statement of policy ap-
pears in a Progressive Party
pamphlet put out by the national
party and being distributed among
party members is signed by Alice
Sloss, a member of the national
committee of the party.
rean incident "has not yet been
told to the American people" and
indeed, is being deliberately kept
from the American people," ac-
cording to the pamphlet.
"The sole evidence offered
by the U.S. in support if its
charges of Northern Korean ag-
gression was the telegraphic re-
port of the UN Commission on
Korea." This was based "sole-
ly on the selfserving declaration
of the Southern Korean gov-
ernment to that effect," states
the pamphlet written for the
Progressives by political analyst
John J. Abt.
The pamphlet cites what it calls
circumstantial e v i d e n c e that
Northern Korea was not the ag-
gressor. The evidence offered is
quotations from a dispatch by
foreign correspondent Walter Sul-
livansappearing in the New York
Times on June 26.
* * *
IT QUOTES the UN commis-
sion report as follows:
"Government of Republic of Ko-
rea states that at 04:00 hrs. June
25 attacks were launched in
strength by Northern Korean
forces along 38th Parallel .
Pwongyang radio allegation at
13:35 hrs. of South Korean in-
vasion across Parallel during night
declared entirely false by Presi-
dent and Foreign Minister."

U.S. Military Leaders Say'
Korean War Not Serious'
WASHINGTON, July 6-(IP)-American military leaders said to-
day the buildup of U.S. forces in South Korea is making steady pro-
gress and despite stiff reverses the battle situation is "not serious in
any way.',
Late today, however, a Defense Department officer spoke in graver
terms about the possibility of enveloping thrusts by the enemy. Dis-
cussing, this, the officer told newsmen:
"THERE IS NOTHING to be alarmed about, but it is certainly
something to be concerned about."
An official Army spokesman had previously declared:
"Our forces now hold a strong%

North Korea
Fbrces Knife
Enemy Rushing '
IN KOREA-(P)-The top U.S.
general in Korea said today the
North Koreans have put 15 di-
visions, spearheaded by about
150 tanks, into the Southern in-
"We now are seeing tanks in
groups of 30 to 40 where earlier
they were in groups of 10," the
general said.
The general estimated the
combat strength of the 15 di-
visions at between 75,000 and
TOKYO - (P) -Defense forces
fell back and regrouped in embat-
tled South Korea Thursday as the
American commander there dis-
closed that so far only 500 AmerI-
cans have seen action.
Three North Korean infantry
divisions preceded by a cutting
edge of armor speared 60 miles
south of captured Seoul.
* * *
AT AMERICANheadquarters in
Korea Maj. Gen. William F. Dean
told correspondents the actions in-
volving Americans so far had been
small and no major engagement
between GI's and North Koreans
has taken place yet.
The "half a battalion" of
Americans sent against a Red
Tank column were driven back
but nevertheless did their job
well. Their casualties were about
ten percent.
The commander asked corres-
pondents to "help me pray for fair
weather" which would enable the
airforce to deal heavier blows to
the lengthening Red supply col-
AN AIR FORCE communique
said two railroad bridges and two
highway bridges had been knocked
out and claimed the Red move-
ment southward had been slowed
or stopped, a claim not wholly
substantiated in dispatches frot
other headquarters and from fight-
ing areas.
General MacArthur's com-
munique, issued at 12:35 a.m.
today, Tokyo time (9:35 a.m.,
Thursday, CDT) said the Com-
munist invaders were pouring
reinforcing troops, artillery,
tanks and supplies into the Su-
won rear area 23 miles south of
Seoul to maintain their big
southern push.
Headquarters acknowledged that
the major invader thrust was
speared by the North Korean First,
third and Fourth divisions (pos-
sibly 30,000 to 40,000 men). Their
immediate objectives were describ-
ed as Osan and pyongtaek, 15 and
25 miles, respectively, south of the
fallen airstrip at Suwon.
dent Tom Lambert reported from
the front, however, that the Red
invaders already had overrun Py-
ongtaek and had nosed into Cho-
nan, 14 miles by road farther south
and 60 miles south of Seoul.
A new Red threat also was de-
veloping on the rugged East
coast, where the North Koreans
established beachheads in am-
phibious landings the first day
of the invasion, June 25.

The communique said one col-
umn of an estimated 1,700 Reds
fanned out from Utchin on the
East coast and others were report-
ed moving and building up addi-
tional strength as far south as
* * *
Russia Hits
U.S. Blockade
LONDON-(/P)-Russia charged
yesterday the American blockade
of Korea was a "new act of ag-
gression" and warned she would
hold the United States responsible
for any damage to Soviet interests
as a result of the blockade.
It was in answer to one sent
by the United States July 4 in-

World News
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-A pilot of the Great
Lakes passenger ship City of Cleve-
land III testified yesterday the
luxury cruise steamer failed to
sound danger signals before it
crashed with a freighter in a fog
on Lake Huron.
The crash off Harbor Beach
June 25 killed five passengers and
injured 20 others.
Carl Paul Luttenbacher, 25, the
passenger ship's third mate, testi-
fied at the trial of Capt. Rudolf J.
Kiessling, master of the City of
Cleveland III, on a charge of mis-
., * *
were told yesterday that the old
Al Capone gang-the notorious
"syndicate" - has revived and
established tie-ups with mobs of
racketeers over the nation.
Virgil Peterson, director of the
Chicago Crime Commission,
gave that testimony to the Sen-
ate crime investigating commit-
tee and added that one of syndi-
cate's alliances is with "members
of the so-called Frank Costello
gang in New York."
* * *
LANSING - At a grim and sol-

uacx o worx wnenever rauroaa
management wants them" on the
Great Northern, Chicago Great
Western, Denver, Rio Grande and
Western, and Western Pacific.
ARTHUR J. GLOVER, president
of the union, announced its action
at a news conference.
The union called out its 4,000
members on the five roads June
25 tosupport its demands for a
40 hour work week at 40 hours
pay - a demand rejected by a
Presidential fact-finding board.
The board instead proposed a
40 hour week at an 18 cents hour-
ly pay boost - about half what
the union wanted.
President Truman called the
strike unjustified. The patriotic
thing to do, he said, was for the
men to go back to work. But he
would not say what he would do
if his suggestion was ignored, for
example, whether he would seek
government seizure of the,-struck

defense position. The situation is
not considered serious in any way."
Asked if Gen.' Douglas Mac-
Arthur, supreme commander in
the Far East, has asked Wash-
ington for more troops, the
Defense Department spokes-
man said he could not answer.
He said thinking undoubtedly is
going on about what should be
done under various eventuali-
Questioned whether the Rus-
sians are aiding the North Ko-
reans in planning operations, the
officer said he didn't know about
that, but the invaders are cer-
tainly putting up an aggressive
* * *
AIR AND SEA reinforcements
are now being sped to the war
zone, the high command said.
At his news conference, Pres-
ident Truman sounded a note
of calm optimism in the face
of some of the darkest reports
yet received in the Far Pacific
Everything will work out all
right, Mr. Truman said.
The President also told news-
men that at present he has no
plans (1) to call up the National
Guard or the Reserves, or (2) to
ask Congress for more money for
the armed forces.

Officials Meet
Can Grievances
A 30-man committee of hourly-
rated University employees met
with four administration officials
yesterday in an effort to clear up
a controversy over wages and
other benefits raised by a work
stoppage last week.
The two-hour discussion brought
the clarification of several points
and a promise by University of-
ficials to give consideration to the
employee requests and to arrange.
for a special Board of Regents
meeting in a few weeks to consider
the matter.
* * *
NO FUTURE work stoppage was
expected, at least until after the
Regents' meeting.
Points cleared up, and bring-
ing some understanding to em-
ployees toward specific Uni-
versity policy, were:
1. Employees are unsatisfied
with the present sliding scale wage,
which they claim is far lower than
rates paid in this area.
2. GI apprentice trainees, whose
certificates of promotion to the
journeyman level are received by
the University from the joint com-
mittee responsible for accrediting
such. training; will get the new
wage rate calledfor by their par-
ticular trade.
3. Sick leave, retirement, and
severaldother policies must be
* * *
V I C E-PRESIDENT R o b e r t
Briggs told the men that a new
and complete personnel booklet
for all employees will be ready for
distribution soon.

writers Answer German Reds, Says Professor

Y ,

"What made the International
Conference of Writers meeting in
Berlin significant was that it was

Dewey and was attended by lead-
ing intellectuals from 16 countries.
We discussed the position of
the European intellectual, and

basic requirement for research,
Arciniegas added.
"Prof. H. J. Muller, Nobel Prize
winner and former senior geneti-

twice served as Minister of Edu-
cation in Columbia and while hold-
ing that office established two uni-
versities for women.

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