Youth, Says
He Set 1944
'C Fircus Fire
Tells of 4 Killings
Plus Other Fires
COLUMBUS, O-W)-A husky
circus roustabout, 20, by his own
words a killer and arsonist sinec
the age of six, has confessed to
,touching off the blaze that took
68 lives as it swept through the
Ringling Bros. Circus six years
Although not formally charged
with the circus fire, Robert Dale
Segee, of nearby Circleville, was
named today by Ohio Fire Marsh-
ill Harry J. Callan as the man who
put the torch to the circus in Hart-
ford, Conn., July 6, 1944. In addi-
tion to the huge death toll, 412
p ersons were injured.
~ CALLAN SAID Segee had signed
a statement admitting the circus
f ire, four slayings "by his own
Vands," and more than a score
of major fires in Ohio, New Hamp-
shire and Maine.
Segee's long statement, ob-
tained after days of questioning
by fire marshal investigators
and psychiatrists, told a wierd
story of. a nightmare red Indian
riding a flaming horse.
Prosecutor Guy B. Cline of
n eighboring Pickaway C o u n t y,
where two arson indictments were
returned by a grand jury today,
told this story of Segee's phantom
'r HE INDIAN appeared to Segee
at night, urging him to set fires.
Segee's mind then went blank. Up-
o n coming to, a fire had been set.
At this point, the phantom rider
wdismounted, tacnted and sneered
t Segee so that he ran from the
Investigators said this fact
prevented capture of S e g e e
through his years of setting
A tip from a convicted arsonist
led to Segee's arrest last May 17
at the farm of a relative near
mast St. Louis, Ill.
* * *
CALLAN SAID weeks of inves-
tigation and questioning convinced
'im Segee committed the alleged
crimes despite his youth.
"The record speaks for itself,"
:he observed in discussing wheth-
er the husky Segee is a pyro-
mania%, a person who gets a
sexual thrill from setting fires.
Callan said Segee definitely
worked for the circus from June
to July 13, 1944. The state offi-
M1al's statement said.:
* * *
"HE JOINED the circus on June
30 at Portland, Me., and the day
-he joined the circus there was a
fire on the tent ropes which was
extinguished without loss.
BusAd Prof.
jWlaver Dies
{ Prof. Earl S. Wolaver, of the
b u s i n e s s administration school,
died of a heart attack early yes-
terday in St. Joseph's Mercy hos-
He was 63 years old, and a{
member of the business adminis-
gration faculty since 1920.
HE HAD BEEN professor of
business law since 1940 after serv-
ing since 1920 as instructor and;
assistant aId associate professor.
Prof. Wolaver graduated from
the Univerity in 1912 and re-
ceived his LLB in 1914 and JD
in 1922. He practiced law for
six years before coming tothe
An authority on business law,
he wrote a textbook, "Treatise on
Business Law," and a study of
"Trade Barriers in Interstate
Commerce," the second published
by the U.S. Department of Com-
chigan Bar Association and the
American Business Law Associa-
tion, of which he served as presi-
dent in 1930-31.'
He is survived by his wife and
one son.
'U' Lumberjack Class
Thrives on Own Forest
From the Near East
In addition to running a var-
iety of enterprises from a Food
Service to an electric power plant,
the University also operates a saw-
The mill, a part of the Forestry
School, is located on Portage
Pinchney Road 16 miles outside of
Ann Arbor on University property.
Stinch Field, as the property is
named, encompasses 800 acres of
Land on which the University ob-
servatory and the WUOM broad-
casting tower are also located.
* * *
ager, who has been working for
the University since 1935, is in
charge of operations at the saw-
mill. "The main objective in run-
ning the mill," Murray said, "is to
Bartley Sees
Remodeling of
U.S. EducationI
MYSTERY-A burned-out electric light bulb in the basement of a
downtown appliance store was found to contain a large dead
spider. How the insect got inside the airtight bulb is a mystery.
TWarm' Weather Gives Boost
To Summer Outing Clubs
Public Interest
Be Considered
The opportunities of summer
weather are beckoning students on
swimming parties, canoe trips and
long hikes.
* * *
TWO GROUPS are particularly
devoted to furthering the students
"outside" activities - The Hostel
Club and the Graduate Outing
A moonlight canoe cruise is
being offered by the Hostel Club
Close Locks to
(P)-Security measures at the stra-
tegic Sault Locks were strengthen-
ed yesterday with an order clos-
ing the American locks to all pas-
senger ships.
Previously, the Government had
ordered all visitors banned from
the locks, the gateway between
Lake Huron and Lake Superior.
The action followed the interna-
tional crisis in Korea.
Passenger ships, however, will
still be able to use the canal on
the Canadian side in plying the
Great Lakes. There is only one lock
on the Canadian side.
On the American side, there are
four locks with facilities able to
handle the largest ships on the
Great Lakes. The latest order will
prevent cruise ships, ordinary pas-
senger ships and the sightseeing
ships based at the Sault from us-
ing the American locks.
Play Pro Tickets
Go on Sale Today
Single tickets for all summer
plays to be presented by the speech
department will go on sale at 10
a.m. today at the Lydia Mendel-
sohn box office.
The series gegins next Wednes-
day with "The Corn Is Green' by
Emlyn Williams and will include
"Antigone and the Tyrant" by
JeannAnouilh, "The Time of Your
Life" by Saroyan, the opera "Han-
sel and Gretel" and "The Great
Adventure" by Arnold Bennett.
Supplementing this bill will be
two plays by the Oxford University
Players, an English company
making their first tour. They will
perform in two classics, "The Al-
chemist" and "King Lear."
The box office will be open daily
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. except July
4 and Sundays. Single admissions
cost $1.20, 90 and 50 cents. Reser-
vations may be made by calling
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
Universities and Colleges
Engineering Department Heads
$8000; Pharmocology. Science.
Young Ph. D's needed in ol
fields. Librarians. Home Ec. to
$6500. Coast to Coast Cover-
today on Barton Pond. Members
and other interested students
will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the
League. The cruise will start
from the Huron River canoe
Non-members will be charged a
slight fee.
Other activities of the Hostel
Club include Wednesday swims,
hikes and overnight cycle and ca-
noe trips. Students interested in
joining the Club can contact Helen
Davis, 5011.
* * *
will offer graduate students relief
from their studies on the Fourth
of July with the attraction of all-
day and overnight canoe trips.
Those interested in joining the
canoe trips should meet with the
club at 2:15 p.m. tomorrow at the
northwest corner of the Rackham
Building, when the Club will go
on its weekly Sunday outing.
Club activites in the summer
consist of afternoons spent swim-
ming in one of the various lakes
near Ann Arbor or canoeing up
the Huron River. An evening pic-
nic supper and group singing us-
ually round up the day.
''Art Course
The first summer art exhibit,
one of the supplementary offerings
of the University's three-week
course in Contemporary Arts and
Society, opened in the Rackham
Galleries last night.
The lectures and panel discus-
sions of the arts course will begin
next week and registration will
remain open today.
The exhibit is a two part com-
bination of Contemporary Visual
Arts and Post-War American
Painting. The former includes ex-
amples of ceramics, product de-
sign, sculpture and architecture;
the latter comprises paintings by
such moderns as Kuniyoshi, Eve
Tanguy, Zerber and John Marin.
Frederick White, visiting pro-
fessor in .the fine arts department
who is regularly with the Boston
Institute of Contemporary Art, ar-
ranged the exhibit on modern
painting, while Prof. Emil Weddige
of the architecture school was in
charge of the contemporary visual
arts display.
The exhibit will be open to the
public during the next three
YD's Decry MSC
News Suspension
The Young Democrats have
passed a resolution condemning
the officials of Michigan State
College "for curbing freedom of
speech and thought" through the
suspension of the MSC student
They also endorsed President
Truman and the State Depart-
ment's Near Eastern Policy. "We
believe the State Department is
.doing a fine job," Mrs. Frances
Wagmen, '52L, YD President, as-
The YD's, discussing campaign
strategy for the forthcoming Con-
gressional race, will all do ward
American education is now in a
process of being remodeled in ac-
cord with public interest, accord-
ing to E. Ross Bartley, director of
public relations at Indiana Uni-
versity and outgoing president of
the American College Public Re-
lations Association.
Bartley spoke last night at the
final meeting of the Association,
which has been in session for
three days at the University.
* * *
"POSTWAR educational struc-
ture can no more ignor the public
interest than American industry
could follow the 'public ge damn-
ed' philosophy of William H. Van-
derbilt," Bartley declared.
At least in part because of our
efforts, the public is interested
in what goes on in our class-
rooms and laboratories, in our
business offices, in our dormi-
tories, fraternities and sorori-
ties, and in many other aspects
of academic and campus life, he
"The public is interested in
whether we are turning out a good
product and at what cost."
* * *
presentatives of colleges and uni-
versities, must, therefore, travel a
two-way street, Bartley continued.
In one direction goes the inter-
pretation of education to the pub-
lic and in the other comes the in-
terpretation of public interest to
individual colleges and to higher
education generally, he explained.
Some pertinent educational
topics having a public interest
cited, by Bartley were: (1) who
should go to college; (2) removal
of barriers to educational op-
portunity; (3) financial aid to
students; (4) responsibility for
the welfare of the student; (5)
education for the professions;
(6) education for citizenship;
and (7) religion in higher edu-
Stewart Harral, director of pub-
lic relations at the University of
Oklahoma, was inaugerated last
night as new president of the As-
sociation for 1950-51.
Other business handled at the
final meeting was a voted decision
of the Association to hold its 1951
conference at the University of
give the forestry students exper-
ience in the management and op-
eration of a regular mill.
"Other colleges have been
maintaining similar mills for the
same purpose," he added, "but
most of them are run by hired
hands rather than by students."
The history of the sawmill goes
back to 1941 when a group of
Forestry School alumni began col-
lecting funds for its construction.
CONSTRUCTION started in the
spring of 1947, and the mill began
operation in 1949. Erection of the
building and installation of the
machinery were done entirely by
student labor.
"The mill operates only three
or four weeks each spring and
fall; it is not a commercial en-
terprise," Murray said.
The rest of the year it is main-
tained by a University alumnus
who lives near the property.
* * . *
WHEN the mill is running, stu-
dents usually saw a few hundred
feet of lumber a day. The annual
output is about 20,000 board feet,
according to Murray.
Logs for the mill are cut from
Stinch Field and nearby Uni-
versity forests. Lately the For-
estry School has been using the
lumber to improve some Univer-
sity property in Ringwood For-
est, 90 miles north of Ann Arbor.
Murray instructs an average of
60 students each semester in the
techniques of logging and milling.
Classes are held each Thursday
and Friday.
Students are taken out to Stinch
Field at 1 p.m. in the afternoon
and are usually back about 5 p.m.
Campus Cop
Life Not All
Beer, Pretzels
The life of a campus cops is not
all beer and pretzels.
In fact it's hardly concerned
with beer at all. The real cam-
pus cops actually have very little
to do with students and leave
such activities as party-raiding
and driving investigations to
their brothers on the University
* * *
JURISDICTION of the campus
cops does not go beyond the cam-
pus grounds where they act prin-
cipally as night watchmen, keep-
ing a practiced eye peeled for fire,
theft or pranksters' skullduggery.
Under the genial direction of
Floyd Ames, a 10-man night
crew checks the entire campus
making sure that all is secure
and shipshape.
Ames holds forth at his office
in 101 West Engineering Annex
every day from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.
passing the time with an occa-
sional visitor and keeping track
of the members of his crew who
call in every so often to report on
their progress.
Once in a while, according to
Ames, someone calls to complain
about a noisy student party, but
his police never go beyond the
edge of the campus, and he refers
the caller elsewhere.
Ames, who has been with the
campus cops for 10 years has "no
kicks against the students." Says
he 'with a smile: "sometimes they
sort of clutter up the campus on
a fine summer night but I guess
we can overlook that."
COLOSSI OF MEMNON-Egypt's famed giant twin statues, at
Luxor, are to undergo a two-year restoration program to efface
the ravages of 3,000 years.
* * *
Institute on Near East Offers
Variety of Instruction, Facilities
74 Spring
'A' Students
Seventy-four students received
all A's for the spring semester,
1950, according 'to a list of names
released yesterday by the Regis-
trar's Office.
The all-A students, listed ac-
cording to schools are:
Literary College:
Elizabeth F. Ainslie, Esther N.
Arroyo, Florence S. Baron, Joel J.
Baron, Marilyn O. Bates, Anne J.
Beck, Herbert Boothroyd, Jr.,
George V. Boucher, Lyle A., Carr,
Yun Ching Liu Chou, Russell M.
Church, James G. Degnan, John
C. Fontaine.
Jerome N. Goldman, Barbara
Ann Grimm, Gloria J. Hile, John
F. Huntley, David P. Johsman,
Kathleen E. Keely, Edward L.
Kendall, Jerome L. Knittle, Law-
rence B. Krause, Alethea Kubbler,
Marvin J. Labes, Virginia Leader,
Kalman B. Lifson, Thomas J. Ma-
James R. McReynolds, William
H. Matheson, Charles E. Mays,
John I. Meyers, Joanne Patterson.
Maureen Patterson, Allan M. Paul,
Phyllis J. Peterson, Edward H.
Poindexter, Jerome K. Porter,
Nancy J. Porter, Gladys R. Quale,
Richard M. Rappley.
Frank C. Richardson, Marshall
D. Sahlins, Eleanor J. Scott, And-
rew E. Segal, Joan A. Sieber, Sarah
Slocum, Jerold S. Solovy, James E.
Sullivan, Nancy K. Watkins, Paul
L. Weinmann, Arthur N. Wright,
Lester Zeff.
* * *
Architecture college: Leonard G.
Education school: Shurly J. Ash,
Jack W. Rose.
Forestry school: Bruce R. Jones,
Raymond L. Sarles.
Musiceschool: Warren T. Bellis,
James D. Berry, Jr., Sheldon W.
Henry, John L. Iltis, Joan Bullen
Lewis, Carol M. Neilson, Wanda
Lou Pitman, Jesse 0. Sanderson,
John E. Williams.
Pharmacy school: Jerome F.
Mancewicz, Henry C. Godt, Jr.
School of Public Health: John
R. Fleming, George A. Hall, Rhoda
M. Michaels, William J. Morrow,
Henry J. Ongerth, Jane B. Taylor.
Speeders' Demise
DETROIT - (R) - Watch your
speed over the July 4th weekend-
or you might end up in jail.
That was the warning today a,
the Automobile Club of Michigan.
Police in some cities plan to ex-
periment with electronic speedo-
meters which permit them to cal-
culate a motorist's speed without
pacing him on the road.
In Detroit reckless speeders get
automatic jail sentences.
One of the University's more in-
formative and timely summer pro-
grams is the Institute on the Near
East, which combines a resident
faculty, visiting faculty, and week-
ly guest lecturers in its summer
instructional program.
Offering courses as part of both
the literary college and graduate
school credit plan, the Institute
features instruction in "the mo-
dern Near East," modern and an-
cient languages and modern and
ancient history and civilizations.
* * *
bers participating in the program
are: Prof. George D. Cameron of
the Near Eastern Studies depart-
ment; Prof. Douglas D. Crary of
the geography department; N.
Marbury Efimenco of the political
science department; Prof. Clark
Hopkins of the classical studies de-
partment; Prof. Roger A. Pack of,
the Latin department; and Prof.
Mischa Titiev of the anthropology
Among'institutions of learning
represented by visiting professors
are the College of France, Oxford,
Yale, UCLA, Chicago, and Illinois.
Institute faculty members are also
present from the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, the British Broad-
casting Corporation, the Rand
Corporation and the U.S.. State
and Agriculture Departments.
Resident scholars and Near
Easttern authorities invited by the
University give weekly lectures in
the Rackham Amphitheatere to
Institute students and the public.
Next speaker in the series will be
Prof. Carry, who will lecture Wed-
nesday on the geography and ect
nomic development in the Near
Enrollment Open
For Health Plan
University students can enroll in
the Blue Cross Blue Shield non-
group health plans by making ap-
plication before July 20.
Requests for applications and
folders to be mailed to interested
persons can be made at any hos-
pital or doctor's office. No one
wil call upon the applicant since
all folders are mailed directly to
the Blue Cross. There is no physi-
cal examination or health history
Leslie S. Moon, Blue Cross dis-
trict manager, said that the local
program is in co-operation with
the Michigan State Medical So-
ciety 'and the Michigan Hospital'
Association in their state-wide
program of extending Blue Cross-
Blue Shield protection to Michigan
(Continued from Page 2)
the summer program of the De-
partment of Speech and the
Speech Clinic at Purdue Univer-
sity under the direction of Dr.
Mack Steer.
Saturday, July 1: Institute on
the Law and Labor-Management
Relations. Subject: Pensions for
Workers. Sessions at 9:00 a.m. and
10:30 a.m., 100 Hutchins Hall.
..Dr. Leon Brillouin, Director of
Education for the International
Business Machines Corporation,
will give a lecture on "Statistcal
Thermodynamics, in Relation to
the Theory of Information, as de-
veloped by C. E. Shannon and N.
Wiener," at 4:00 p.m., Thursday,
July 6, in Room 1400, Chemistry
Building. Open to those interested.
Lecture in the Near East Insti-
tute Series: Professor Douglas D.
Crary will speak at 4:15 p.m., July
General Library, main lobby
cases. Contemporary literature
and art (June 26-July 26).
Museum of Archaeology. From
Tombs and Towns of Ancient
Museums Building. Rotunda
exhibit, American Indian stimu-
lants. Exhibition halls, "Trees
Past and Present." Fridays, 7:00-
9:00 p.m.
Law Library. History of Law
School (basement); classics for
collectors (reading room).
Michigan Historical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. A Century
of Commencements.
Clements Library. One Hundred
Michigan Rarities (June 26-July
Museum of Art, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall: Modern Graphic Art;
Oriental Ceramics: through July
* Watches, Clocks
* Watches modernized
with brand new cases
nnd watch bands