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July 01, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-01

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C, r

Latest Deadline in the State






* * *

Senate OK's
Aid Program'
To Anti-Reds,
Korean Conflict
Spurs 66-0 Vote
rare display of unanimity the Sen-
ate yesterday approved, 66 to 0, a
$1,222,500,000 program to arm na-
tions resisting Communism, in-
cluding South Korea.
Republicans who have heatedly
assailed administration methods
of defending the free world against
aggression suddenly closed ranks
behind the bill, impelled by the
Korean crisis.
'the House. It is an authorization
measure which requires separate
action to finance it.
Although the bulk of the
funds, $1,000,000,000, would go
to strengthen North Atlantic
Treaty allies, Senator Connally,
(D-Tex.) voiced assurance that
"the bill contains plenty of
funds for Korea."
Connally, chairman of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee,
said that the bill's $16,000,000 ear-
marked for Korea and the Phillip-
pines could be increased at any
time by a shift of funds.
* * *
HE ASKED the Senate to reject
an amendment of Senator Cain
(R-Wash.) which would have left
open the figure for Korea so that
it could be. increased later. The
Senate rejected the amendment
by voice vote.
Senate leaders had not ex-
pected much opposition to the
measure-perhaps a dozen votes
-in view of the sudden turn of
world events. But one after
another some of the most out-
spoken GOP critics of the ad-
ministration fell into line.
The bill represents the second
year of arms aid, mostly going to
Europe to discourage any aggres-
sive ideas Russia might have. Be-
sides $1,000,000,000 cash, The At-
lantic nations would get $250,000,-
000 in equipment. The bill also
carries $131,500,000 for Turkey,
Greece and Iran, and $75,000,000
fr the general area of China.
There is provision for sale or do-
nation of arms to other nations
whose security the President con-
siders vital to American defense.
Senator Taft of Ohio, Republi-
can policy leader who had opposed
the Truman arms aid program,
told the Senate he was voting for
the bill although he is against the
general idea of arming foreign
nations at heavy expense.
* * *
Prof. Bromage
Heads Local
SCivil Defense
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, of
the political science department,
has been appointed by Mayor Wil-
liam E. Brown as director of ci-
vilian defense for Ann Arbor.
The appointment was made on
the request of Gov. G. Mennen
Williams, who asked the mayors
of 44 Michigan cities to make de-
fense director appointments "in
view of the advisability of acceler-
ating civil defense preparedness,"
in relation to the South Korean

PROF. BROMAGE issued a
statement calling for the "ener-
gies and patriotism of loyal Amer-
icans to perform specific tasks
as they arise."
He will attend an organiza-
tional "meeting of the defense
heads next Thursday in Lan-
sing. State Police Commissioner
Donald S. Leonaird has been
named state commander.
Prof. Bromage said of his ap-
pointment: "Our first task, as I
see it, well be to bring about a
greater degree of coordination be-
tween police, fire and public util-
4+reautinhen ss, uMeaie

Fund Cut Called.
Blow by Wiliams
Governor Terms Drop in Medical
Enrollment 'Terribly Disappointing'
"The failure of the State Legislature to provide adequate funds
for the University's medical school is a serious blow which may en-7
danger the future of the University for some time," Governor G.
Mennen Williams told The Daily last night.
Gov. Williams added that it is "terribly disappointing to note the
small size of next year's freshman class in the medical school."
"I RECEIVE LETTERS every day," he said, "from people desirous
of attaining entrance into the University's medical school." The Gov-
ernor said that many of them * *

were well-qualified candidates who
were not accepted because of lack
of facilities.
Gov. Williams asserted that
when the next Legislature con-
venes, he hopes to see adequate
financial aid "pushed through
speedily rather than by piece-
"I have had the feeling for
some time," he said, "that many
members of the University's staff
have been hanging on by their
eye-teeth for a long time." "
* * *
THE GOVERNOR stated that if
* * *

Old AgeAid
"I know from experience that old
age assistance in Michigan is sad-
ly inadequate for present needs,"
Gov. G. Mennen Williams said
last night.
Addressing the final session of
the University's Institute on Liv-
ing in the Later Years, Gov. Wil-
liams asserted that Michigan has
gone only a small way toward pro-
viding a sound program for care
of the aged.
*a * *
"WE IN MICHIGAN are very
singular in one particular phase
of old age assistance," the Demo-
cratic governor said. He called
the condition resulting from the
preservation of the "lien act" a
"barbarous situation."
This law, Gov. Williams ex-
plained, provides that the state
has a lien on property owned
by people benefiting from old
age government allowances.
"I have fought a war against
this law for some time," Michi-
gan's chief executive stated. He
said that by refusing to do away
with the "lien act," Michigan has
"created a psychological barrier
of great proportions."
* * *
THE GOVERNOR added that
"part of this lag in Michigan's
fulfillment of an adequate plan
for old age assistance is a refu-
sal to recognize responsibilities
which we have in a measure ac-
"In a sense," he stated, "cul-
tures should be judged by their
treatment of the aged. In the his-
tory of the world, it has been
maturity and experience which
have tempered and directed the
aggressive, youthful spirit which
has created great civilizations."

Egypt Fails
To Back UN
Korea Stand
U.S. Supported
By 32 Nations
two countries have lined up in
support of American-led military
measures under United Nations
auspices to save South Korea, the
Security Council was advised yes-
There was one flaw in the
otherwise solid lineup of non-
Communist nations offering ma-
terial and moral support.
EGYPT told the Council she
would not accept the Council's
resolution of Tuesday night en-
dorsing American intervention in
Korea and asking other nations
to contribute their support.
Egyptian delegate Mahmound
Fawzi Bey said his government
regarded the Korean conflict as
just one more divergence be-
tween the East and West.
He also told the Council it had
not acted in the past to stop ter-
ritorial grabs or aggression against
peoples. This was an apparent ref-
erence to the Council actionson
the Palestine war, which the
Council ended with cease-fire or-
ders and truce negotiations.
* ,. ,,
THE 32 COUNTRIES joining
the fight are the 21 American re-
publics, which made their deci-
sion in the Council of the Or-
ganization of American States in
Washington; Britain, Canada,
The Netherlands, New Zealand,
Nationalist China, India, Belgium,
Australia, The Philippines, Tur-
key and Pakistan.1
Council members privately1
discussed arrangements for co-
ordinating the war effort out-
side the range of on-the-spot
decisions being made by General
Delegates said there was no in-
tention of trying to take militaryi
authority from General MacAr-
thur but that there should be some
sort of coordination here.
It was said the Council might
set up a committee of representa-
tives of countries that actually
send men, planes and ships against
North Korea. Within this group
there would be a small- high-level
sub-committee with extraordinary
political powers granted by the
Crash Victims'
Bodies Found,
Reports Say
SOUTH HAVEN, Mich - () -
The Coast Guard reported yester-
day finding the mangled bodies
of two wbmen on the shore of Lake
Michigan. They are believed to
have been victims of the crash of
a Northwest Airlines passenger
plane early last Saturday.
Previous discoveries of chunks
of human flesh and debris ind-
cated the plane plunged into the
lake about 10 miles due west of
this city. An electrical storm was
raging at the time.
It was the worst disaster in
commercial U.S. aviation history.
The plane carried 55 passengers,
including 28 women, and three
crewmen. All perished.

A COAST GUARD patrol found
the two bodies on the beach late
yesterday. One was decapitated,
both were legless, and the right
arms of both were missing.
Officials attempted to identify
the bodies through finger prints
and rings. One had both an en-
gagement and a wedding ring. The
other had a wedding ring.
Staebler Named
Dem Chairman
DETROIT-P)-Neil Staebler of
Ann Arhor was chosen last night

* * * *


THE 290-man American field headquarters had to flee Suwon
by jeep and truck.
Gen. JohnrH. Church, commanding the headquarters, told
a correspondent in Taejon to- * * *
day that the first battalion was AA
flown to Pusan, southern port, A A F its a
and taken by train to defend
bridges-. _5 _to130 -miles _ALortf~

Communist Tanks
Blast KoreanArmy
South Koreans Virtually Collapse
Few Hours Before U.S. Troops Land
By The Associated Press
TAEJON, Korea - A Battalion of the U.S. 24th infantry Division
entered South Korea yesterday just a few hours, after the virtual col-
lapse of South Korean military forces under fast-rushing North Ko-
rean Communist tanks.
The South Koreans have lost Suwon and its strategic air strip
Dispatches from the far south early today indicated the northern
invaders already are nearly 40 miles south of that position.

SEOUL CAPTURE-Arrows show how North Korean Communist
forces have entered and encircled Seoul, capital of South Korea.
University Involved in
2 Minor' Labor Disputes

.calls for more U' funds
* * *
they did not receive financial re-
cognition soon, the University may
lose "many of the men which have
contributed immensely to its pre-
Asked about the forthcoming
state legislature elections, Gov.
Williams predicted that the Demo-
crats "may very well take at least
one house."
"Of the House seats contested
by the Democrats in the last elec-
tion, a majority of them were won
by the party," he said. "This time
we will contest the other 24 seats,"
he added.

The University has become in-
volved in two minor labor "dis-
putes" involving its employes, butl
both cases appear to be on the
way to peaceful settlement.
Some 900 maintenance workers,
walked off their jobs early yester-
day in a three and a half hour
work stoppage protesting the Uni-
versity's failure to include wage
increases for them in the 1950-
51 budget.
The men returned to work after
University spokesmen agreed to
consider the matter during the
next week.
* * *
ed Romeo Mazzuco, University
Hospital cook discharged last
month, who has rallied the local
hospital employees' union and the
Michigan Labor Madiation Board
in an effort to secure his reenstate-
Mazzuco told The Daily last
night that the day after he had
attended an organizational meet-
ing for hospital workers of the
University Employees' Union,
AFL, he was discharged "with-
ont explanation."
Fince then he has been working
for reenstatement, and declared
that the Mediation Board will
meet next Thursday at the Union
to consider his case.
*' * *
versity Hospital Director, said that.
Mazzuco was discharged because
of "unsatisfactory work."
He was not able to get along
with the dietitians at the hospital
kitchen," Dr. Kerlikowske said.
He added that he had not
heard about the impending Med-
iation Board meeting.
Although Mazzuco is at present
unemployed, he sai dthat he could
get good employment, but refused
because he would miss the pension
he claims from his 26 years service
at the hospital,

Mazzuco said that the University
offered him other jobs on campus,
but that he also refused these to
protect his fellow hospital workers
whom he helped to organize, and
who are still members of the
* * ,*
IN YESTERDAY'S wage dispute,
those involved included electri-
cians, plumbers, carpenters, truck
drivers, janitors and laborers.
Harold Dapprich, acmember
of the employes' committee
which met with Plant Superin-
tendent Walter Roth and other
officials, said no union was in-
volved and that the work stop-
page was not intended to be a
He and other workers indicated
that they would walk out again
next Thursday or Friday if agree-
ment was not reached on wages by
that time.
Officials pointed out that all
non-academic hourly-rated per-
sonnel were being given pay for
six holidays for the first time this
House Authorizes
Bigger Air Force
House completed Congressional
action today on a bill authorizing
a combat air force of 70 groups
- if and when the money is pro-
A voice vote in the House sent
the measure to President Truman
who has been insisting that the
nation cannot afford any larger
airforce than it now has - about
48 combat groups.j
The legislation, passed Thurs-
day by the Senate, sets top limits
on manpower and aircraft for the
armed forces. Actual strength is
determined, however, by t h e
amount of money Congress pro-

bridges 25 to 30 miles north of
That temporary South Korean
capital is 70 miles south of Su-
won, where the defense previous-1
ly had been aligned.
least one full Ameircan division
would go into combat in the
South and would - with South
Korean help - undertake to
drive the Northerners back north
of the 38th parallel boundary. E
Asked what would happen ifr
the Russians come to the North-C
erners' aid, Church replied: "Ifs
the Russkies come down, we'll3
fight the Russkies.",
The Southerners virtually quit
fighting about 3 p.m. yesterday.
The Han River just ouside Seoul
was breached in several places.k
One column of 50 Northern trucks
pushed south.t
South Koreans refused to mine
the roads in order to block the
Red advance and walked awayt
from the fight after promising
Americans to continue fighting.i
On Capitol Hill, President
Truman yesterday signed thet
new draft law which leaves him t
unrestricted authority to order1
inductions resumed at any time.I
The law, which runs until July
9, 1951, also empowers him to put
the National Guard and the re-
serves on active duty any time he
sees fit to do so.
* * *
MALES FROM 19 to 26 are sub-,
jeoted to induction.
Swift and emphatic approval of
President Truman's historic new
decisions came from Congress
members in general.7
White-haired Rep. Eaton (R-
NJ), and ordained Baptist minis-
ter, summed it up tersely:
"We've got a rattlesnake by
the tail and the sooner we,
pound its head in the better."
The decision to throw American;
troops into the breach had become
more and more pressing as the
Southern Koreans, badly jarred
by the surprise dawn attack of the
northern invaders last weekend,;
failed to stem the tank-led in-
vasion forces.
-* * *
FOR REASONS of military sec-
recy, Truman did not specify how
many American GI's would be
sent into action out of the 123,-
500 men in Gen. MacArthur's Far
East Command.
So far as is known, no Russian
soldiers have yet appeared in the
fighting, although the invaders
are Russian-trained and have been
reported using Soviet Yak planes
eand Russian-made tanks.

Red Advance
Armor Near
Seoul Blasted
TOKYO-(A)-The U.S. far east-
ern air force, seeking to stem the
North Korean breakthrough south
of Seoul, reported today it de-
stroyed 15 red tanks by strafing
yesterday and heavily bombed oth-
er Communist armor along the
Han River east and west of Seoul.
A communique issued at 3:45
a.m. (12:45 p.m. yesterday, CDT)
by the air force said it flew 161
sorties over Korea, including a
third raid by B-29 Superfortrese.
The B-29s bombed alsong the Han
* * *
"BARGES AND troop concen-
trations received heavy damage as
well as tanks, convoys, and road
intersections. Elements of the 5th
air force provided cover, and in-
complete returns indcate approxi-
mately 30 trucks destroyed, two
locomotives, an undetermined
number of boxcars-believed to be
at least 10+-and 15 tanks were also
destroyed," by strafing, said the
The North Koreans asserted in
a broadcast their air force had
shot down four superforts in two
serial battles Friday. No combat
losses have been reported by the
U.S. air force.
B-26 bombers supported South
Korean ground forces and strafed
"targets of opportunity."
F-80 jet fighters yesterday con-
tinued strafing the Kimpo airport,
which South Koreans earlier
claimed they had recaptured. The
bg airport, 16 miles west of Seoul,
already had been heavily damaged
by B-29s the day before, the com-
munique said.
* * *
THREE AMERICAN planes were
shot down and four destroyed on
the ground, a North Korean broad-
cast from Pyongyang claimed. The
report, not confirmed elsewhere,
was relayed by the Peiping red
radio in a broadcast heard here.
The Pyongyang report said
one plane was shot down out of
six that penetrated north of the
38th parallel, the imaginary line
that splits Korea in half.
(An earlier Pyongyang broad-
cast claimed 27 American bombers
had hit the Northern capital to-
day, but listed no damage.)
ANOTHER was shot down over
Suwon, 20 miles south of Seoul,
and four wrecked there on the
ground, claimed the radio. It add-
ed that one "P-38 type plane" was
brought down by groundfire over
Kaesong, just south of the 38th
* * *
'U' Grad in Korea
Moved to Japan

* * * *
Reuther, Williams Hit
Law as Backward'


The legal profession has not car-
ried out its responsibility to pro-
vide, advancement of civil rights
and social and economic justice,
Victor Reuther told the banquet
of the institute on "The Law and
Labor - Management Relations"
last night.
But Gov. G. Mennen Williams,
after taking the banquet by sur-
prise when he entered the hall
midway through Reuther's ad-
dress, said that he "would at-
tempt to enter a defense for at-
SPEAKING strictly off-the-cuff
after Reuther had concluded, Wil-
liams said that Reuther's criti-
cisms "might not apply to indi-
viduals occupied with law but to

the collective bargaining would be'
* * *
HE ALSO CITED instances in
which members of the bar had
deemed peaceful picketing unlaw-
ful and had caused delays in de-
cisions on the constitutionality of
various social and economic legis-
Faced with this and other evi-
dence the Governor seemed to
retreat and said that "the faith
of the people has been lost in
some of the professions."
Williams then told of an in-
stance in which justice was being
denied mainly because of the in-
efficiency ofhbarristersand asked
"Is this what our founding f a-
thers had in mind when they set
up this democracy?"
* * *

Korean Crisis Reflects Hectic World


Korea's present crisis is the re-
sult of the tense and turbulent
condition of world affairs today
and not of the division of Korea
into northern and southern sec-
tors, according to Young-Sook

Miss Chang said that Korea
had always been torn with dis-
"The only time that we ever en-
joyed an amount of freedom was
after the liberation in 1945, when
we were allowed to use our own

"But when in 1948 I left Seoul,
their power had been pretty well
A recent letter from Miss
Chang's family made- no mention
of the crisis which was then forth-

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