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August 13, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-08-13

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Latest Deadline in the State





Ban Could
Apply to U. S.
Pentagon Urges
Security Censor,
WASHINGTON - (P) - Gen.-
MacArthur's headquarters is pro-
posing that the terms of any cen-
sorship imposed in the Korean war
zone apply to news gathering in
the United States as well, Officials
said here yesterday.
This counterproposal from the
Far East Command came as the
Pentagon, backed by even higher
Washington officials, was urging
MacArthur's headquarters to put
into effect a censorship-for-mili-
SO FAR AS is known, no man-
datory order has gone forth from
Washington to the Tokyo and field
commands. Dispatches up to now
apparently have been couched in
terms of recommendations or sug-
However, the reported counter-
proposal from MacArthur's head-
quarters apparently is at variance
with thinking here. President Tru-
man has been described as deeply
concerned about published and
broadcast information coming
from the Far East.
As explained in authoritative
quarters, the top level view here
is about like this:
f ' 1-Instances of public disclosure
of tactical military information of
value to the enemy have occurred
in the Far East.
2-Information released here
generally has been within the
bounds of military security, al-
though a new tightening up was
announced by the defense depart-
* *
THE PENTAGON wants the Far
East command to set up a defini-
tive code which will make clear to
war correspondents what will and
what will not be of possible aid
to the enemy in planning his daily
tactical operatiofns.
Bus Drivers
In New York
Ca11 Of £Strike
By The Associated Press
A New York bus drivers strike
was called off yesterday, but a
walkout of bus and streetcar op-
erators in St. Louis forced a com-
plete shutdown of service.
The two-day wildcat bus drivers
strike in-New York left 350,000
daily passengers on 16 lines with-
out their normal transportation.
JAMES O'SHEA, local 100 shop
steward of the AIO Transport
Workers Union, saidt he men went
back to work pending further ne-
The dispute was over what the
drivers called poor maintenance
of busses.
Michael J. Quill, TWU president,
joined with officials of the Sur-
face Transportation Company in
terming the strike illegal.
* *
THE ST. LOUIS transportation
strike paralyzed the city, eighth
largest in the nation. It started

Friday morning and spread ra-
pidly throughout the day. The
public transit system gave up at-
tempts to continue operations Fri-
day night.
The strike was called in de-
fiance of state seizure of the
company and a state law pro-
hibiting utility strikes.
Leaders of the union, the AFL
Street and Railway Motor Coach
employes, urged the men to con-
tinue working, butr oving squads
of strikers flagged down the busses
and street cars that tried to run.
The dispute stems from the com-
pany's refusal to carry out the
recommendation of a fact-finding
q board for a seven cents hourly pay
hike, retroactive to Jan. 1.
Specialst To
Talk on Iran
Donald Wilber, specialist on the

West European Nations
To Consolidate Armies
Eleven Nations To Unify As Answer
To Threat of Communist Aggression
STRASBOURG, France-()P)-Britaifl's Winston Churchill and
political figures of 10 other Western nations are preparing to demand
support from their governments for creation of a united Euopean
army, sources in the Council of Europe said yesterday.
Churchill proposed such a unified army as Western Europe's an-
swer to the threat of Soviet aggression, and the Council's consultative
Assembly voted approval, 89 to five with 27 abstentions.
But the Assembly has no powers to create an army or to set up
the European defense ministry which it decided should be the direct-
ing agency. Its function is limited to recommendations. The Assembly-
men represent sections of national opinion, but not their governments.
The French situation is illustra-

Arms Unity
In Europe
sentiment is reported developing
among North Atlantic treaty na-
tions, with some support here, for
the creation of a supreme military
command over Western European
defense forces.
French officials, whose govern-
ment has requested more Ameri-
can troops' in Europe, have infor-
nially told American representa-
tives the commander should 'be
an American.
* * *
BRITAIN AND other countries
are said generally to shdre this
view. hey feel the United States
has a kind of final responsibility
for the defense of the West be-
cause of its total resources.
The major reluctance to creat-
ing a single military leadership
for the Atlantic area has stem-
med from military authorities
here in the past.
They have felt, according to au-
thoritative information, that as-
sumption of such leadership by
the United States might cause the
Europeans to ease up on their
defense program - now being ex-
panded to meet the new threats of
aggression arising from the Ko-
rean crisis.
The American government has
long advocated non-Communist
unity in Europe. But in the pre-
sent world emergency American
policy' makers appear to be pri-
marily concerned with promoting
the unity of non-Communist coun-
tries everywhere. They regard the
problem of European defense as
part of a larger problem of North
Atlantic defense.
Senators Deny
WASHINGTON -R')- Senators
Mundt (Rep., S. D.) and Ferguson
(Rep., Mich.) said today their an-
ti-Communist bill would not curb
free speech.
The twomen noted in astate-
ment that President Truman had
said in a message to Congress last
week that "there are some people
'who wish us to enact laws which
would seriously damage the right
of free speech" and which could
be used against groups engagec
in "unpopular political activities.'
iMany lawmakers regarded this
Eas an attack on the Mundt-Fer-
guson bill which would require the
aregistration of Communist Part
members, denying them appointiv
federal jobs and banning then
from getting passports.
But Mundt and Ferguson saic
that the President's charge can'd
be made against their bill.

tive. Two former premiers of
France, Georges Bidault and Paul
Reynaud, are expected to lead the
drive in France for Churchill's
But a foreign office spokesman
in Paris commented:
"What he (Churchill) asks is
excellent, but it should be ac-
complished through the Atlantic
Pact and not through the Coun-
cil of Europe. Any such combin-
ing or unification of military
forces of the Western world de-
pends on the participation of
the United States and Canada,
who are not and never will be
members of the Council of Eu-
rope but are members of the
Atlantic Pact."
Proponents of the united army
plan expect to introduce it in the
parliaments of Britain, France,
Italy, West Germany, Turkey,
Greece, the Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxembourg and the Saar.
Members of Britain's ruling La-
bor Party split over the proposal.
Opponents said it was too vague
and the Assembly exceeded its
authority in voting for it.
Belgian Socialist Paul-Henri
Spaak, president of the Assem-
bly, gae his indorsement at a news
conference for a unified army
and high command.,
"Why wait until war comes?"
he asked. "A wellorganized Euro-
pean defense would reinforce the
Atlantic community."

Sen. Johnson
Urges Price
Control Now
Calls Measures
WASHINGTON - UP) - Senator
Lyndon Johnson (D-Tex.) called
last night for immediate control
of prices as "a military necessity."
Such action is imperative, John-
son added, because price increases
on military goods within the last
six weeks "have reduced the pur-
chasing power of our defense dol-
lars as much as 50 per cent in some
the secretaries of the army, navy
and air force as saying the recent
sudden price increases "are one of
the major problems complicating
our preparedness planning at this
Johnson spoke out as two Re-
publican leaders, Wherry of Ne-
braska and Millikin of Colorado,
joined with senate Democratic
chiefs in predicting passage next
week on a home front mobiliza-
tion bill giving President Tru-
man broad powers over the na-
tion's economy.
The Senate measure-like the
bill already overwhelmingly ap-
proved by the House-would let
Mr. Truman invoke wage-price-ra-
tioning controls whenever he saw
* * *
Senator Sparkman (Ala), chief
drafter of the Senate measure, re-
iterated that administration lead-
ers are confiden tthe bill will pass
by a lopsided vote.
"I look for only a few minor
amendments," Sparkman said.
Johnson, a member of the sen-
ate armed services committee,
concentrated in his statement on
the rising cost of defense items.
But he did not suggest that price
controls be limited to those ma-
"Immediate control of prices is a
military necessity," Johnson said.

aktong; Ta

egu Menaced



New Action
Awaited On
River Front
Yanks Defending
i TOKYO, Sunday, Aug. 13--(P)-
Korean Communists struck across
6 the Naktong today in new cross-
ings near Taegu and American
r Headquarters said a massive offen-
sive by more than 60,000 Reds may
be near.
As the threat mounted to the
key communications center on the
West front of the United Nations
beachhead, U.S. Air Force planes
abandoned the vital airfield near
the burning ruins of Pohang on
the East coast. Pohang, once the
second best supply port for the
Allies, was a no-man's land.
However, latest reports on the
ground action were that American
forces still held the airfield which
tho har d ni dwith fta k th t



MARINES ADVANCE-U.S. Marines move out single file to engage with North Korean troops at the
front. American troops and battle-tested South Koreans have arrived at the fighting line, and their
arrival materially strengthened defense on the vital airstrip of Pohang.
* * * * * * *

Army Finds


Prof. Hopkins Retires
As 'U' Summer Head

When Prof. Louis A. Hopkins
walks out of the Summer Session
Office next week he will be closing
the door on 44 years of serviceI
to the University.
There are no loose ends to pick
uph e reported. "I can walk right
out of here and the University
will continue to operate smoothly."
* * *
HE PLANS to start off his new
life with a two-month vacation at
his cottage at Frankfurt. "Then
I'm going to try to' put into some
form for the library my studies
and lectures in celestial mecha-
Following that, the retired
professor will take a trip to Mex-
ico, and then return to put his
material into more permanent
But for Prof. Hopkins, there's
nothing new about being able to
do what he wants. "I've always en-
joyed the utmost freedom in the
tasks I've undertaken." And, he
added, "the confidence of the ad-
* * *
PROF. HOPKINS has taught
mathematics at the engineering
school for 44 years, has served as

secretary of the. University Sen-
ate - comprising the entire Uni-
versity faculty -- for 20 years and
has acted as director of the Sum-
mer Session for 17 years.
One.of his major contributions
to the University was his ser-
vice as chairman of the War
Board during World War II, and
prior to that, as head of the,
committee on national defense.
* * *.*
IN PRESIDENT Burton's day,
Prof. Hopkins had an active hand
in an experiment of three years'
duration known as the Michigan
School of Religion, out of which
grew the present Religion and
Ethics program in the literary col-
The retiring mathematics pro-
fessor was also one of the foun-
ders of Health service, which grew
out of his "extracurricular" Sun-
day classes in the Bible as litera-
WHAT PROF. Hopkins enjoys
most about being director of the
Summer Session is the "wide range
of contacts with intellectual re-
sources" that his position gives
Under his responsibility comes
all the summer instructional op-
erations of the University in-
cluding the summer camps and
their physical properties, the
summer programs abroad, the
programs in the four state
teachers colleges and almost
everything else of an educational
character that happens during
the summer.
The job isn't as terrifying as it
sounds, Prof. Hopkins hastened tc
add. "The Summer Session oper-
ates largely on tradition passed
down from one director to the
next; its policies are well-estab-
TRADITION, however, didn't
keep Prof. Hopkins from adding
something new. His chief inova-
tion was the development of coop-
erative programs which overlay

Soviet Mortar
Shell in Korea
my yesterday showed a picture ofa
what it called al 950 model Rus-
sian mortar shell picked up in Ko-
The picture was shown to re-'
porters at a Pentagon briefing in
obvious reply toRuss ian claims
that the Korean Communists are
using old Soviet arms supplied to
them before Russia's announced
withdrawal from Korea in 1948.
Jakob A. Malik, the Soviet del-
egate to the U.N. Security Council,
told the Council earlier this week
that American hints that Russia
is supplying the North Korean
army were slanderous and un-
Malik said the North Korean
troops actually have at their dis-
posal supplies made available to
them by the Russian army before
its exacuation of Korea. That
evacuation was announced as of
December, 1948.
HVeader (Quits
WASHINGTON -(-W)= George
Meader resigned yesterday as
counsel for the Senate Banking
subcommittee investigating RFC
operations, to seek the Republi-
can nomination for Congress in
the Second Michigan District.
In a letter to committee mem-
bers, Meader asked that his resig-
nation become effective Tuesday
so he can begin active campaign-
-* * *
Mich) has said he will vacate the
seat after 30 years in Congress.
Meader formerly was prose-
cuting attorney in Ann Arbor.
Five other candidates already
are seeking the GOP nomination
in the usually Republican district.
The primary is September 12.

<" -

By The Associated Press I
Armed strife that was largely
promoted by Communists is sim-
mering in a half dozen areas of.
the Far East while world attention
is eentered on the battle lines in
South Korea.
Burma, China, Indochina, Indo-
nesia, Malaya and the Philippines
remain torn by revolts or outright
civil wars that are estimated 'to
have cost 930,000 lives since the
Japanese surrender ended World
War II five years ago tomorrow.
ing France and Bao Dai's govern-
ment gird for the showdown phase
in Indochina, a gateway to South-
east Asia from Communist China.
Amboinese nationalists are
still making it hot for the fledg-
ling United States of Indonesia
in the single conflict of the
group where a Communist in-
fluence is not apparent.
There is a lull in China, whose
Maivqand is under Communist
sway; in Burma, where the Mon-
soon season has slowed opera-
tions; and in the Philippines,
where the Communist-led Hukbal-
ahaps have concentrated on pro-
paganda since the outbreak of
fighting in Korea.
MORE THAN 600,000,000 per-

sons and about 5,000,000 square
miles of territory are involved in
these struggles.
From his post in Singapore,
chief of bureau Tom Masterson
writes: "Events in Korea un-
doubtedly will determine the
start of a Communist push into
Southeast Asia. The logical tar-
get is Indochina, though Burma
cannot be entirely ruled out."
The Burmese government has
been fighting a war with assorted
antagonists for 29 of the 60
months since V-J Day. Commun-
ists, Karen tribesmen and 'the
White Band People's Volunteer
Organization are the main groups.
The government now claims the
revels are a beaten force whose
total annihilation is but a question
of time. And a high diplomatic
source said his government has
"definite proof" the White Flag
Communist Party, the Stalinist
faction, is now receiving secret aid
from Communist China.
The United States began deliv-
ering war material to the French
and Vietnamese government forces
in Indochina this week for the
showdown phase. of their four-
year old war against the Commu-
nist-led Vietminh forces of Ho
Chi Minh.


Far East In Middle of
Revolts and Civil Wears


Hyma Questions Authorship
Of Famous Religious Classic

ney na rngea wil tan s a
rushed to their support Friday
night. These reports also said the
Americans still clung to the port
which is outside Pohang proper.
* * *
THE NEW RED crossings put
600 to 800 troops across the Nak-
tong on the American held front'
at dawn. They followed a tank-
supported North Korean division
that got across Saturday.
Units of the US. 25th Infan-
try Division rushed up from the
Southern front to help hold the
sagging river line.
New concentrations of Red forc-
es also were reported on the North-
ernfront which is held by South
massed on the Western side of the+
Naktong for the expected all-out
offensive was estimated at 60,000
Eighth Army Headquarters
considers the big battle in South
Korea "imminent." The main
push is expected from the Waeg-
wan area, 12 miles northwest of
Besides threatening Taegu from
the Southwest and Northwest, the
invaders snapped at the left flank
of the defending U.S. 24th Infan-
try Division an dsucceeded even in
setting up two road blocksin the
These were somewhere between
Miryang, 16 miles east of Changn-
yong, and Yongsan, seven miles
south of Changnyong. Miryang is
on the main rail and highway
corridor from Taegu to Pusan,
chief defense port, and is 25 miles
southeast of Taegu.
* * *
THE U.S. 25th Infantry Division
swung up from the South and
joined the battle. The neemy ap-
parently had intended to strike for
Kyongju, 15 miles to the South
and then Eastward to Kampo on
the Japan Sea. Kyongju is on a
secondary road and rail line circl-
ing from Taegu to Pusan.
Experts Blast
perts said yesterday that major
sports teams in Russia are a bunch
of pros in amateur guise who are
expected to do or die for Uncle
Joe by hook or crook.
That was their answer to the
Soviet Radio's propaganda 'blast
at American sportdom. The Rus-
sians pictured American.football,
for example, as an orgy of murder
and mayhem. This week they par-
ticularly cited football as played
at the University of Michigan.
According to the Russians,
American sport is a plot by Ameri-
can capitalists' aimed at whipping-
up "bestial" instincts for World
War III.
This prompted diplomats who
have been behind the iron curtain

A famous religious classic has
been credited to the wrong author
for 500 years, according to Prof.
Albert Hyma of the history depart-
ment. 4
Prof. Hyma challenges the re-
puted authorship of "The Imita-
tion of Christ" in his new transla-
tionhof Book I published last
"THE IMITATION," which has
been published in six to ten thou-
sand editions, has been attributed
to Thomas 'a Kempis.
Prof. Hyma believes that it
was written earlier by Gerard

Zerbolet of Zutphen, teacher of
'a Kempis.
He bases this interpretation on
a lost manuscript which was dis-
covered and printed in 1940 by the
Catholic University of the Nether-
lands in Nijmegen. The manu-
script, found in a gymnasium near
Lubeck, Germany, was thought to
be of little value.
PROF. HYMA, who has spent
more than 30 years of research and
written 12 books on the subject,
asserts that 'a Kempis included in
his Book I an attack on higher
education which was not contain-
ed in the Zerbolt version.


Annual NSA Congress
To Arrive Next W'eek

The third annual National Stu-
dent Congress will bring more
than 800 college and university
students and educators to the Uni-
ver'sity campus from Aug. 23 to 31.
SL and the University adminis-
tration are hosts for the Congress,
which is sponsored by the U. S.
National Student Association.
A WELCOME to University per-

and a faculty representative will
welcome the delegates to the Con-
® '* * *
COPIES OF the Congress' agen-
da will be available at NSA of-
fices in the West Quadrangle when
meetings begin Aug. 23.
Among the speakers will be
Dr. Francis J. Brown, associate
director of the American Coun-


Last Daily
With today's issue The Daily
, ceases publication for the sum-
mer. The next issue will appear
Tuesday, Sept. 26.

Razing Hall Highlights Summer

Everything from heated discus-
sions on the arts to sidewalk su-
perintending have been popular
sports for summer session stu-
dents during the past seven weeks.
Following is a refresher course

JUNE 28. The resignation of As-
sociate Dean of Women Mary C.
Bromage brought tributes to her
accomplishments from the Board
of Regents, President Ruthven and
Mrs. Bromage's staff and asso-

JULY 8. Sarah Lutes Healy, '30,
was appointed acting associate
dean of women.
"Polythene," a new plastic film,
was used to save a woman's life at
the University Hospital.
4' * *

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