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August 05, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-08-05

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City Editor's

Proposed Loan to Franco

"You Guys Trying To Prove It For 'Em?"


H AVEN HALL has almost gone the way of
all buildings, and soon all that will be
there is 'grass and a sidewalk or two. At
night, or even during the day when occa-
sionally a piece of the wall comes crashing
down, the old hulk gives off a sad, memory-
filled atmosphere that makes passers-by feel
that it's tough to have the old thing go.
Of course, it was an epitome of ugliness
and a firetrap, but through its long career,
87 years worth of students and teachers
have become attached to its ample, echoey,
rooms with the stepped-up tiers of desks
and chairs.
There are many ex-students who are sad
to see it go, not having much else of the
campus intact in their memories, especially
when 'U' Hall and its two ancient wings are
due for annihilation this summer or soon
It has been suggested that one of the
columns from the entrance to the old relic
be rescued (or bought, if necessary) and
set up much like the various monuments,
plaques and sentimental mementoes that
meet the eye of the campus stroller at
every other step. It wouldn't have to be a
column to bring memories back to return-
ing students. A boulder or plaque would do
just as well.
There are many alumni, fraternal and ev-
en student groups which would be able to
accomplish this. Any simple inscription
would do to recall Haven.
Michigan, despite its vast size, is a tradi-
tion-mad campus, but one more monument
wouldn't hurt a bit.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

W ASHINGTON-When men solemnly be-
gin to talk about being "realistic" it's
too often the prelude to compromise of great'
So it was in the Senate this week, when
there was much stress on being "realistic"
and on "realism" before that body approved
-65 to 15-a $100,000,000 loan in the ECA-
Marshall Plan fund bill to the government
in Spain of Dictator Franco.
JUST AS we are calling up all our energies
and setting out in a struggle with Com-
munist totalitarianism, in which our cause
is grounded intrinsically in moral and spir-
itual values, the Senate would have us take
to our bosoms by this gesture the most no-
torious fascist dictatorship still extant.
Bluntly, Senator Morse, Rep., (Ore.) said,
"it looks like a bribe."
"I do not think we are ever going to win
the fight for freedom around the world if we
proceed to support totalitarian principles,
whether they be Communist or fascist," he
The Senate would thus have us court
a regime that is abhorent to so many peo-
ple among our Western European allies,
those of our Way of life upon whom we'
are dependent in the world contest with
Communism and who were not even con-
sulted. Thi"i attitude that has had its in-
fluence in-the State Department's policy
with which the loan would conflict.
There was, indeed, "realism" involved in
the Senate's action beyond thatnof which
the gentlemen spoke. This is political "real-
ism" of which a third of the senators are
peculiarly conscious in view of their neces-
sary appearance in the coming elections, and
of which the rest also are mindful all thi
time. Catholic Church influence played a
considerable part in what the Senate did'.
Not a word was said publicly on the floor
about that pressure and the political "real-
ism" involved, though it was generally re-
cognized privately in the cloakrooms.
* * *
INSTEAD, the talk was about the "realism"
of military necessity, of the potentiality
of Spain as a bulwark in Europe because of

Washington Merry- Go -Round

WASHINGTON - The present emergency
finds America's food bins brimming full
-though food would probably have to be
rationed again in case of total war. Fats
and oils would be first on the ration list, be-
cause they are needed for manufacturing
However, the Agriculture Department has
one pound of butter in cold storage for every
person in the United States. Sugar would
also be rationed, though the shipping lanes
to Cuba and Hawaii would be easier to keep
open than in World War II. Meat would
gradually come under rationing, though live-
stock production is now at an all-time high.
The corn and wheat bins are also full.
AT THE SAME TIME the Army is appeal-
ing to reserve officers to sign up for
active duty, it is punishing those who do.
As a result, the Army can't get the reserve
officers it needs most--doctors, engineers,
radar specialists, and signal corps techni-
The reason these specialists aren't res-
ponding to the call is that not only must
they give up their private occupations but
also take a demotion in rank. The Army
stubbornly refuses to accept volunteers
unless they return to active duty in the
same rank they held before their release.
Since all eligible reserve officers have been
promoted, volunteering now would mean a
demotion for most of them.
Yet, if they are called back to active duty,
the law requires the army to take them
at their present rank. In other words, those
who volunteer are demoted, but those who
are ordered back keep the same rank. No
wonder many officers are not volunteering
but waiting 'for an arbitrary call.
The Reserve Officers Association has
protested this policy all the way up to
Secretary of Defense Johnson. He prom-
ised a change, but none has come.
The Navy, with a different reserve sys-
tem, is accepting volunteer officers at their
present rank.
THOUGH NORTH KOREA has been shut
behind the Iron Curtain for five years,
enough information has leaked out to give
a picture of what has been going on.
One of the first acts of the Russian mas-
ters was to set aside a special "Siberia"
for Korean political prisoners. This is the
Soviet is'land of Sakhalin, which the Rus-
sians are feverishly transforming into a
military base.
A total of 50,000 Koreans has been do-

creasing the production quotas and initia-
ting speed-up programs in honor of cer-.
tain events.
For example, the youth-working unit at
the Mumpyong Refinery recently pledged to
fulfill 180 per cent of its normal quota dur-
ing a "commemoration production caml
paign." For this, they were paid no extra
wages, but if they failed to produce they
were transferred to less congenial work. Yet
the Soviet propaganda press describes this as
"loyal party effort contributed on a purely
voluntary basis."
As another matter of "party loyalty,"
workers are obliged to buy government
bdnds on the basis of the number of mem-
bers in their families who receive food.
North Korean farmers also have a bad
time. The government taxes almost 25 per
cent of everything harvested, besides fixing
compulsory quotas for delivery of beans, rice,
barley, wheat, tobacco, and other crops 'to
the government. Farmers who cannot meet
the quotas or pay the taxes are severely pun-
ished-even though they were not at all to
blame for their bad harvest.
* * *
THE SOVIET UNION also stripped North
Korea of lead, zinc, steel, fuel, lumber,
and other strategic materials. Again as a
propaganda gesture, the Soviets paid foi
what they took. But the payment was at in-
flationary prices and did not come near the
fair value.
After stripping Korean factories, Rus-
sia forced the few factories still operating
to produce for the benefit of the Soviet
Union. This was accomplished by long-
term contracts and through "joint stock
compar.,es." For example, the Wonson Oil
Company is owned equally by' the com-
pany owners and the Soviet Union. The
Soviet share was awarded as a gift for li-
berating Korea from Japan. However, the
Wonson factory is managed by a Russian,
and Russia takes the lion's share of the
output-on her own terms. This is typical
of all important North Korean companies.
The Soviets formed an "independent" gov-
ernment in Korea in 1947. The candidates to
the "People's Assembly," however, were all
approved by the Communists. They were
elected by a show of hands-with no choice
of an alternate candidate.
Because of these conditions, 2,000,000
North Koreans have risked their lives to slip
across the border into South Korea.
of Massachusetts, House Republican
lcara caw fn ,-sit 1that -ao ,.io,, rlitina ,trnrnl

its geographical position and its physical na-
ture and its strategic location in defense of
the Mediterranean. All of which is accurate.
There was reference to it, also, as a "bridge-
Where, it might properly be asked, was
the "bridgehead" in World War II? It wasn't
in Spain, whose Dictator Franco was playing
footsie with his brother dictators, Hitler and
Our "bridgehead" in this struggle in
which we are involved exists in the sup-
port of like-minded people all around the
world. Gestures to Dictator Franco won't
help in constructing that. This is a contest
based in principle-or it's no contest. We
can't afford to corrupt it and confuse it.
The Franco gesture will not even help the
people of Spain, as was pointed out by Sen-
ator Lehman (Dem., N.Y.), who said, "This
legislation will help keep that man and that
regime in power. It will not help the Spanish
people for whom I have such a deep regard."
He said that he would vote gladly for direct
aid to the needy and starving people of
Spain, but not for this suppoort to the gov-
ernment of the dictator.
Only he and Senator Morse raised their
voices against the loan project in the Sen-
ate which, under the circumstances, took
a lot of political courage, as it did also
for the 13 others who joined them in vot-
ing against the proposal.
"If I thought that by this loan we would
save the life of a single American boy, I
would pay a bribe to Franco to save that
life," Senator Morse concluded. "However,
I fear that this loan will be an aid to lying
Russian propaganda about us. I fear that
this loan will raise doubts as to our devo-
tion to the printiples of freedom. I fear that
this loan will not stand the judgment of
* * *
nounced opposition to the loan indicated
that the administration will seek to elimi-
nate it from the ECA bill before final Con-
gressional action on the measure which
went to conference between House and Sen-f
ate for adjustment of differences in the
form of the bill as it passed each branch
The House did not include the Spanish loan
in its bill.
Congress would be well advised to con-
sider all the implications.
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
& Statehood
has been the leading Senate spokesman
against granting statehood to Hawaii. When
the Committee on Interior and Insular Af-
fairs reported favorably on the statehood bill
recently, Butler wrote a 12-page minority
report objecting to statehood on three
1-"Commcnist strength (in Hawaii) is
far, far greater than in any part of the
United States."
2-The territory is not joined to the
3-Statehood would be unwise because
of the "Oriental tradition" of the people.
The committee majority found that the
Communist charge was not supported by
facts. It dismissed the non-contiguity argu-
ment as unimportant in this day of rapid
communication. It took no stock in the "Ori-
ental tradition" fears of Senator Butler,
either, yet the fact that the senator has
raised that question becomes important to
final Senate consideration of the statehood
bill, already passed by the House.
If statehood is denied Hawaii at this
stage, the question of the Oriental back-
ground of many of the territory's citizens

could become terribly serious. The feeling
would spread that the United States is dis-
trustful of people of Japanese, Chinese and
other Oriental ancestry. That could be in-
jurious to our standing throughout the Far
East, where we are sending men to death
in a bid for support against the forces of
The fact that Senator Butler has brought
prejudice against Orientals into the state-
hood argument makes it more important
than ever that the Senate act promptly in
favor of admitting Hawaii to the Union.
.-St. Lous Star-Times
Republicans, might eventually be necessary,
but that "stand-by" powers, etc., were
enough for the present.
"If we get into a third World War, of
course, it will be a different story," Martin
declared. "But meantime I think we ought
to pass the bill Truman wants, plus these
stand-by controls."
"I'm heartily in accord with the proposal
that we keep politics out of this," spoke up
Rep. Francis Case, South Dakota Republican
recently elected to the Senate. "Our country
comes first."

CA 1 ALix

C 93b n4 Lw.fwcrM4,PoS, 4.
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Noxious Elements *. .
To the Editor:
I HAVEN'T bothered to investi-
gate Samuel N. Gold, but, I sus-
pect that he is residing in the
United States, a country whose per
capita income is more than doub-
led the world average. This should
have some bearing on Gold's rea-
soning (as he implies), but happily
it does not. Such sophistries as his
are only aberrations of thought in
a generally superior society.
But it is a pity that the noxious
elements are so noisy that their
distortions carry detectable weight
in public utterances. They twist
words as brazenly as Hitler em-
ployed the Big Lie, and blandly
ascribe their own vices to decent
people in order to discredit them.
Take Gold's "imperialist"-Web-
ster defines it: "favoring the pol-
icy of seeking, or acquiesing in, the
extension of the control, dominion,
or empire of a nation . . ." What
utter inversion of reason is neces-
sary to accuse the United States of

imperialism when we neither
sought nor eacquired extended do-
minion in the last war, and fol-
low a policy of making parts of
our domain independent - while
Russia expanded its territory in
the war, and is still seeking to ex-
tend its control as in Czechslo-
vakia, Poland, China, etc. rue, a
little reflection explodes their ac-
cusations, but the drum of repeti-
tion leaves a measure of credence
even in the rankest distortion.
Gold knows how he would fare,
were he on the other side of the
Korean line-and if his views dif-
fered from prevailing opinion! His
tortured dialectics wouldn't dis-
turb anyone in a domain where
words do not convey thought or
fact any more, but are used only
as implements of persuasion. But
even the most honorable use of
language, and though of the high-
est integrity, could not save Gold
from the sickle if he disagreed.
Gold would be silent in the world
he espouses.
-Taylor Drysdale


FR 003.


Throwing Russia Out
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
W HYDON'T WE KICK Russia out of the United Nations?"
That Question is being asked today, after Russia's tempestuous
return to the Security Council, by a lot of people who paid little at-
tention to former President Herbert Hoover's similar suggestion some
weeks ago.
There is widespread outrage over the Russian' attack on the mo-
tives of Americans who are bleeding in Korea in a fight to stop ag-
YET NONE OF THE 59 member countries has suggested Russia's
ouster. Instead, most of the delegates are glad the Russians have
returned to the Council halls after a seven-month boycott, even though
thye have merely picked up their propaganda and obstructionist tac-
tics where they left off.
No one has even suggested a motion of censure, although there
is no private doubt about who instigated the Korean war, who pro-
vided the arms, who pulled the trigger and who actually directs
the Communist army.
The countries don't even discuss these things directly in the
Council hall. Why?
* * * *
NOBODY WANTS TO FORMALLY give up the dream of colle i
security and admit final frcstration.
They figure that Russia would organize her own armed bloc, the
Western bloc would become more and mare a military organization,
and that there would be a "third force" in the Far East led by India.
Division, rather than unity, would be emphasized.
Also, they figure it is healthier to keep the powers together
where their views can be aired, that if anyone ever decides to make
peace, contact will, be easier if the powers have been kept to-
N4 MOVE to censure Russia is made because some fear it might
provoke her into war, and some fear other logicil results. The
fear of provocation may not be realistic. If Russia is going to war, that
is her policy and will not be affected one way or another.
But if Russia should be formally censured as an aggressor
she might resign from the UN and if she did not the UN would be
faced with a decision of what to do about it.
A precedent in such a case has been established in the case of
North Korea. The UN goes to war to stop aggression.
A motion of censure, then, would be merely the start, not the end,
of a road. And what the Wesi seeks is an end to that road, or at least
a limit insofar as it has started on that road in Korea.
INSIDE THE UN the policy of the peace-loving nations is to substi-
tute words for war. As a corollary, those same nations are mobiliz-
ing their military strength as a deterrent, to hold off war until the
words can amount to something.
These, briefly but basically, are the reasons why the Russian mas-
querade in the halls of peace is not challenged more directly.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office ofthe
Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin-
istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 26-S
Contemporary Arts and Society:
After Friday, August 11, all papers
handed in- for this course will be
marked down; in some cases, anj
'E' may be given for the course.
Next week there will be an an-
nouncement in The Daily stating
where papers already turned in
may be picked up.
Recommendations for Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to recommend ten-
tative August graduates from the'
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Educa-
tion for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter to be sent to the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 1513 Adminis-
tration Building before August 24.
Edward G. Grosbeck
Attention August Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Public
Students are advised not to re-

quest grades of I or X in August.
When such grades are absolutely
imperative, the work must be made
up in time to allow your instructor
to report the make-up grade not
later than 11 a.m., August 24.
Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation
until a later date.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Mathematics Colloquium will
meet Tuesday, August 8, at 4:15
p.m. in Rm. 3011 Angell Hall. J.
Korevaar, Visiting Lecturer from
Holland will speak on "Entiire
Functions as Limits of Polyno-
Doctoral Examination for Mah-
moud Sidky Mohamed, Physiology;
thesis: "Intestinal Motility and In-
testinal Blood Circulation," Mon-
day, August 7, 4017 Eas Medical
Bldg., at 3. p.m. Chairman, J. W.
Doctoral Examination for Sid-
ney Earl Cleveland, Psychology;
thesis: "The Relationship between
Examiner Anxiety and Subjects'
Rorschach Scores," Tuesday, Aug-
ust 8, East Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman,
D. R. Miller.
Doctoral Examination for Rich-
ard Sanders, Psychology; thesis:
"The Relationship between Exam-
iner Hostility and Subjects' Ror-

schach Scores," Tuesday, August
8 at 2 p.m. Chairman, D. R. Mil-
Doctoral Examination for Don-
ald Gordon Duncan, Mathematics;
thesis: "Some Results in Little-
wood's Algebra of S-Functions,"
Tuesday, August 8, 3006 Angell
Hall, at 3:20 p.m. Chairman, R.
M. Thrall.
Student Recital: Paul Janeck,
student of piano with John Kol-
len, will present a program at 8:30
p.m. Saturday, in the Architecture
Auditorium. Played in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music, it
will include compositions by Bach,
Beethoven, Schubert and Debussy.
The general public is invited.
General Library, main lobby
cases. "Trochiledae, Family of
Humming Birds," by John Gould,
supplement, 1887. (July 27-August
Museum of Archaeology. From
Tombs and Towns of Ancient
Museums Building. Rotunda ex-
hibit, "The Coal Flora of Michi-
gan." Exhibition halls, "Microsco-
pic Life."
Law Library. Legal cartoons
(basement, July 24-August 18).
Michigan Historical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. "Tourists
in Michigan-Yesterday and To-
Museum of Art. Oriental ceram-
ics (June 26-August 15). Modern
graphic art. (July 2-August 15).
Clements Library. Michigan rar-
ities. (August 1-18).
Events Today
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
Group: Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m. "An

Introduction to the Real Holland"
-Dr. Peter Bouman, Chairman of
the Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Dromingen, Holland.
Please make reservations by 6:00
p.m., Friday evening.
Summer Speech Conference. 9-
12 a.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Luncheon: 12:15 p.m., Michigan
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Swimming party at Island Lake -
near Brighton. Cars will leave
Lane Hall at 1:30 p.m.
(Continued on Page 3)
1A~i~i13n IEuxI



Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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Peter Hotton.............City Editor
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Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor
Business Staff
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Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
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All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at An
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular sehoc
year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00.

.1 .

Let's .go, Ellen...Leave the dishes
till we get back from the meeting.,
Comeon, Barnaby- But, Mom-
. We'll get cleaned up. My Fairy
---- Godfather!
8-7-50 4..--...y , n..u a,...etet

Mom! Mr. O'Malley may be starving down .
in that cellar! I promised him a sandwich-
Don't be silly, Barnaby- Imaginary
Fairy Godfathers don't need to eat-
Huh?e o
Le' go

This ought to be quite a meeting.
I hope so.,
Psst-Barnaby. Did
your folks leave
all that food on
the table for ME?
IMr. Malley
s cKmor/e
0 Me-U t ,, . SRes.U. 9 .ePt Om"1

r !


Where IS that kid? l I

Run along to the Protest Meeting,


It takes courage, I'll admit, m'boy-


And my Fairy Godfather


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