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August 05, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-08-05

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Latest Deadline in the State






Introduce Own Korean Peace Plan

* * *
Red Armies
Prepare for
Pusan Drive
North Koreans
Switch Generals
T OK Y O-(P)-North Korean
troops today were expected to
loose an all-out smash on the
southern front aimed at Pusan,
the beachhead port 35 miles east
of the quiet battle line.
V The U. S. Eighth Army, charged
with holding the Southeast Ko-
rean beachhead until a counterof-
fensive can be launched, reported
this development in a communique.-
* * *
IT SAID there were "uncon-
firmed reports" that indicated
"the enemy may launch -an at-
tack east of Chinju today." Chin-
ju is 55 miles west of Pusan.
General MacArthur's headquar-
ters earlier said two more Red
Ibet Next



Senate Approves
Appropriations Bill
$34 Billion Budget Sent to Committee;
Marshall Plan Spending Still Intact
WASHINGTON-(P)-The Senate approved a huge $34,237,000,000
appropriations bill yesterday on a voice vote.
It took the action after it had rejected another attempt to trim
the amount of money this country would spend on Marshall Plan
* * * *
THE RECOMMENDED appropriations would finance most Federal
Government operations for the year ending next June 30.
The amount is subject to change in a Senate-House Confer-
ence which will be called shortly to iron out the differences in
n the bills passed separately by

Gen. Liu Po-Cheng, Comman-
der of .the Chinese Communist
Second Field Army, has an-
nounced flatly that Red troops
soon "will march into Tibet."
The one-eyed Chinese general
was quoted in a pro-Communist
Chinese paper as saying the
move against Tibet would have
two objectives: 1. To drive
the "aggressive influence of
American imperialism" from the
mountain nation, and 2. "To
consolidate the western line of
national defense."
' divisions were moving up for the
attack on the southern front.
An announcement- indicating
that the North Koreans have
a new conmanding general has
been -made by the Red radio
at Seoul, a U. S. Defense Depart-
ment spokesman said.
The radio said on July 31 that
General Kim Chaek had become
Comnmnander-in-Chief. Appa-
rently he succeeded Marshall
Choe Yonggun.
The reason for the shift was not
Northward, the North Koreans
were moving up to the last-ditcA
Naktong River defense line, which
curls to within seven miles of Tae-
gu. This is the front line supply
city 55 air miles northwest of Pu-
* *.
S O U T H KOREAN covering
forces on the northern frqnt were
being forced back steadily by ene-
my pressure, the communique said.
The main body of the South
Koreans was digging in on
stout positions in the hills back
of the Naktong River 35 miles
or more north and northeast of
Marine carrier-based planes for
the second straight day yesterday
lashed at enemy troops and trans-
portation targets on the southern
front, a Navy release said.
MORE AIR NEWS includes six
U. S. jet fighters - vanguard of
American air units assigned to de-
fend Formosa against Chinese
Reds - which announced their
own arrival today with thundering
low-level sweeps over the northern
part of this Chinese Nationalist
headquarters island.
heThere was no letup in the Red
pressure, however, on that door-
way to Pusan.
Bracing for the main battle that
was sure to come, the Americans
hurried up reinforcements of ele-
ments of the First Marine ard
Second Infantry Divisions to un-
disclosed places at the front.
Reece Wins;
Trumanite Out
By The Associated Press
In election contests around the
nation, Carroll Reece, former
Republican National Chairman,
cleared the major hurdle to his

'Army, Navy,
To .Bolster
my said yesterday it will call up
62,000 reserves in September and
October, and the Navy said it is
adding another 12 months to the
enlistments of those in the Navy
or Naval Reserves.
Both orders deal with enlisted
men only.
THIS TOPPED a day which in-
cluded these other military devel-
1-A request by President Tru-
man that Congress vote another
$950,000,000 worth of Naval planes.
The total amount of additional
military funds asked for by Presi-
dent Truman since the Korean war
has now passed the $15,600,000,000
2-The Military Sea Transport
Service announced that to date it
has chartered 78 U. S. flag ships
and 13 foreign vessels to move
troops and supplies. Another 105
vessels in thereserve fleet have
been reactivated.
3-S e n a t o r Magnuson (D.-
Wash.) proposed that the Armed
Services open their ranks to volun-
tary enlistment of Japanese.
Army Plans
Red Screen
my said yesterday that Reservists
called to active duty will be screen-
ed to weed out any Communist
An Army spokesman disclosed
the existence of a program for
such screening in reply to an in-
quiry at a press briefing.
A REPORTER asked whether
any screening of Reservists as to
possible sympathy with a former
ally is planned.
The Army spokesman replied
that there is a program for screen-
ing - not necessarily for people
sympathetic with a former ally,
but for people sympathetic with
Communist beliefs.

both houses.
The attempt, by Senator Mc-
Clellan (D.-Ark.), to whack five
per cent off the $2,726,761,473
Marshall Plan for economic aid
for Western Europe was defeated
41 to 38.
AS FINALLY approved, the bill
carries $14,680,000,000 in cash and
spending authority for the Armed
Services. This does not include
about $16,500,000,000 recently re-
quested by President Truman for
military outlays in connection with
the Korean War.
In addition to the regular mil-
itary funds, the bill carried $4,-
590,000,000 in cash and spending
authority for all'foreign aid, in-
cluding $2,726,000,000 for the
European Recovery Program.
The proposed Marshall Plan cut
would have amounted to $136,338,-
A 10 PER CENT slash in a num-
ber of items in the bill was adopted
by the Senate and was the only
major economy operation perform-
ed on the bill during the four
weeks it was before the Senate.
Sponsors of this cut, Senators
Bridges (R.-N.H.) and Byrd (D.-
Va.), said that the savings would
amount to $525,000,000. The cut
did not include defense or foreign
Figures made available by the
Senate Appropriations Commit-
tee staff showed that the Senate
added $72,389,556 in cash to the
$32,504,972,672 originally recom-
mended to the Senate.
This total then was reduced by
$525,000,000 through the Bridges-
Byrd amendment, to $32,052,362,-
* * *
THE SENATE also added $1,-
234,000 to the $2,183,336,000 ap-
proved by the Appropriations Com-
mittee in spending authority.
Cash and spending authority
in the Senate-approved Bill to-
taled $34,236,932,228.
This represented a net reduction
of $451,376,444 in the Committee's
It is $1,924,425,920 less than re-
quested by President Truman in
his budget message.
* * *
THE HOUSE approved $29,492,-
000,000 in cash and spending
authority, subject to two economy
amendments which sponsors said
would have reduced the total by
some $750,000,000. The Senate
Committee knocked both out.

House Junks
Price, Wage
Recess Delays
Economy Curbs
House junked its mandatory price
and wage curbs yesterday and
then quit until Tuesday, with the
Administration's economic control
bill still up in the air.
Gefore adjourning, it began the
job of writing an economic con-
trol measure all over again. The
weekend recess ended legislative
floundering, in which sentiment
was growing for price and wage
controls pegged to the cost of liv-
The House also voted to make
hoarding a prison offense, but
then bogged down in confusion.
* * *
ON THE OTHER side of the
capitol, Sen. Sparkman (D.-Ala.)
announced that the Senate Bank-
ing Committee had approved the
idea of giving President Truman
discretionary authority in invoking
wage-price-rationing controls.
He said the Committee re-
jected, 10 to 3, a plan by Sen.
Fulbzright (D.-Ark.) for auto-
matic wage, price rationing con-
trols if prices rise to a certain
point, say 6 per cent above the
level of June 15.
The President has come out
against such mandatory legisla-
tion but has indicated he has no
objection to discretionary author-
IN A DIZZY parliamentary tan-
gle, the House tossed overboard
by a 172 to 161 vote a previously-
approved plan calling for manda-
tory price-wage ceilings if prices
continue to rise.
The scuttled plan would have
provided ceilings to be invoked
when living costs topped the
June 15 level by 5 per cent.
Then it beat down two efforts
to give the President standby po-
wers over prices and wages. The
plans were offered by Rep. Kun-
kel (R.-Pa.) and Deane (D.-N.C.).
Kunkel lost 165 to 130, Deane 151
to 140.
WHEN THE House quit work for
the day ,it was considering still
a n o t h e r wage-price control
amendment tied to the cost-ofliv-
ing index.
This proposal, by Rep. Mc-
Kinnon (D.-Calif.), would give
the President discretionary po-
wer to invoke wage-price ceil-
But if the cost of living rose
5 per cent above the June 15 lev-
el, the controls would become man-
datory and prices and wages would
be rolled back to the June 10-25
* * *
Controls Not
Needed Now
-Prof. Ackley
There is no need for price and
wage controls or rationing at this
time if taxes are increased and
expenditures limited, according to
Prof. Gardner Ackley of the eco-
nomics department.
Prof. Ackley, who was an OPA
administrator for five years dur-
ing the World War II period, said

yesterday that Congress is bark-
ing up the wrong tree' in seeking
to prevent inflation from growing
out of the present crisis by im-
posing controls on the economy.
-* * *
preventing inflation is to have
higher taxes and restrict pur-
chases to essential goods, Prof.
Ackley said.
If Congress is going to spend
ten billion dollars to build up
the military machine and yet
only ask for a five billion dol-
lar increase in taxes, some de-
gree of inflation is bound to re-
sult as there will be an extra
five billion dollars with which

COSTUME PREPARATION-Prof. Lucy Barton, visiting costum-
iere from the University of Texas, checks details of a period
costume for the speech department's production of "The Great
Adventure" next week. Prof. Barton will speak on "Where
Clothes Become Costumes" at the Summer Speech Conference,
9 a.m. today, Rackham Amphitheatre. The program for the
morning session will also include lectures by Margaret Hall,
supervisor of speech correction in the Chicago public schools, on
"Current Trends in Speech Correction" at 10 a.m. and Prof. Loren
D. Reid on "The House of Commons," at 11 a.m..
- * * * *
Chaotic TV Stage Not Place
For Sensitive Stomachs
Fred Allen's clitche about a radio director being an ulcer with
a stop-watch has much truth in it, according to Edward Stasheff of
television station WNYE in New York.
He spoke yesterday on "Building a Television Program," in the
Summer Speech Conference series.
* * * *
"IT IS NO JOB for a person with a sensitive stomach. To say
that television is organized chaos is an understatement. It is a
slightly chaotic organization with high hopes that the audience

Successful City Theatre Possible

* * * *


A theatre can be made a suc-
cessful community project, ac-
cording to Dina Rees Evans, direc-
tor of the Cain Park Theatre, in
Cleveland Heights, .
"The Cleveland Heights theatre
proves that it is possible to es-
tablish an excellent theatrical cen-
ter away from New York," she
told the Summer Speech Confer-
ence yesterday.
* * *
MISS EVANS explained that
the magnificently equipped Cain
Park Theatre began in 1934 with
the simple question: "Why not
build a theatre?"
In that year, Miss Evans help-
ed the Cleveland Heights civic
theatre and local high school
students produce "Midsummer
Night's Dream" in an open ra-
vine at one end of an athletic
After the production, the ma-
yor, interested in a community
theatre project, suggested that the
ravine site appeared appropriate
and - with Miss Evans - ini-
tiated the project.
THE MUNICIPAL, outdoor thea-
tre was financed by the city and
built by relief labor in the depres-
sion and was completed in 1938.
The open air plant includes an au-
ditorium seating 3,000, a children's
puppet theatre, rehearsal rooms
consisting of concrete floors and
walls of trees, a concrete-floored
backstage area; and an adminis-
tration building.
Originaly much smaller, the
stage area now measures 82 feet
"Whenever we needed more
space, the city poured another
concrete block, and the stage
grew," Miss Evans said.
THE ORIGINAL staff of four,
now numbers 100 paid workers,
including administration, direc-
tors, designers and stage crew.
To meet the minimum require-
ments, the crew includes one
union member who operates the
lights, but the rest consists of pro-
fessors and student apprentices
from high school and college thea-
"The purpose of our municipal
theatre is to provide entertain-
ment for the community at a
low cost, and, more important,
to provide an outlet for civic
talent," Miss Evans said.
She explained that the Cleve-
land Heights city council sub-
sidized the project for the first
five years, but since then the thea-
tre has been self-sufficient, op-
Air Fair Will
Open Friday
The third International Air Fair,
sponsored by the Aero Club of Mi-
chigan will open next Friday at
the Wayne County Airport.
Last year's traffic jam which
kept thousands from entering the
field should be alleviated this
year. State police, sheriffs' offices
and traffic experts have been at
work, widening highways and
planning traffic routes to avoid
possible conjestion.
THE WORLD champion acroba-
batic fliers, both for the men and
women, will perform their cargo of
daredevil tricks; the Army's jet
pilots will demonstrate strafing
and bombing techniques; and one
hardy airomaniac will stand aloft
on the wing of a plane as it dips
and loops over the field.
The big show will start at 2
daily, and end at 6 p.m.

Malik, Austin
Toss Insults
In 'Sessions
Two UN Nations
Volunteer Troops
By The Associated Press
With a threat to use the veto,
the SovietUnion introducedits
Korean Peace Plan at the opening
of yesterday's United Nations Se-
curity Council session.
Russia's Jakob A. Malik de-
manded that the United Nations
order American troops out of Kor-
ea and seat the North Koreans in
Security Council deliberations on
the Korean War.
delegate, accused Russia's Jakob A.
Malik of conducting a shell game,
full of "hypocrisy," in his conduct
as Council President. Austin as-
serted Malik is playing the Coun-
cil "around and around the squir-
rel cage," and said the demand for
withdrawal of troops is against all
Austin attacked the Russian
Peace Plan as a deviation from
the business at hand. He and
Britain's Sir Gladwyn Jebb said
only the Republic of Korea-the
South Koreans-belong at the
Council table. They made it
clear the Russian proposals
would be rejected by a majority.
when the Council resumes ses-
sions next Tuesday.
Austin sounded his "hypocrisy"
charge outside the Council, telling
reporters after the session there is
a way-he did not name it-to end
Malik's tactics. The former Ver-
mont Senator added he did not
see how the Council could continue
with "obstructionist cunning tac-
tics-the kind of under-this-shell
now, under-that-shell then, game
that is being played."
special force of infantry and sup-
porting ground troops, possibly
3,000 to 4,000 strong, to fight un-
der the United Nations flag in
Korea. And the Union of South
Africa's cabinet decided to re-
cruit a volunteer airforce fighter
squadron with ground personnel to
join United Nations forces in
The pending business at the
start of yesterday's meeting was
an American resolution for the
Council to condemn the North
Koreans in defying a cease-fire,
and to call upon all nations to
boycott them.
Malik's resolution would counter
the U.S. proposal.
Malik said the Soviet Union re-
gards the question of inviting rep-
resentatives of the Korean people
as a matter of substance rather
than procedure, which allows them
the use of their veto power. There
can be no veto of procedural mat-
This is a way the Russians have
of insisting on the right to use
their veto, which they have done
43 times since the UN was found-
ed. Malik did not explain but the
implication in Western delegations
was that he would use the veto to
bar hearing anyone if the Com-
munist North Koreans were not
invited to the Council table.
MALIK TOLD the Council: "The
issue is: will the Council take up

and adopt measures for the peace-
ful settlement of the Korean con-
flict or will military action in
Korea continue as a result of Se-
curity Council acts of commission
or omission?"
Warren K. Austin, United
States delegate, countered, im-
mediately with an accusation
that Malik as usual was con-
fronting the Council with "some
deviation, some novelty." He
demanded that Malik get on
with business and put first
things first-to begin considera-
tion of the American resolution
intended to confine the conflict
to Korea.
Sir Gladwyn Jebb, Britain, said
"It would be out of order to have
them (the North Koreans) come

Census Gives
Michigan 18th
House Seat
will gain a seat in the House of
Representatives in the 1950 cen-
sus shuffle.
Tentative 1950 population fig-
ures also indicated that five other
states will gain seats, while eight
are losing.
. * * *
ALTHOUGH THE final popula-
tion figures the Census Bureau
will furnish to President Truman
in December may change things
slightly, the outlook is that:
Seat gains will be: seven for
California, twof or Florida and
one each for Maryland, Michi-
gan, Texas and Washington.
Losses will be: three for Penn-
sylvania, two each for New York,
Oklahoma and Missouri - Presi-
dent Truman's home state; and
one each for Arkansas, Illinois,
Kentucky and Mississippi.

0will accept it," Stasheff contin-
The first step toward televising
an idea-and believe- it or not
they do start from ideas-is
securing the rights to televise, he
The author rarely prepares the
script for TV, so a script writer
does it instead. The budget is then
set up and the play is cast next,
Stasheff explained.
* * *
also a difficult job as it must al-
ways be fresh so that no reference
to 'that villain was last week's
younger brother, wasn't he?' can
be made by the audience," he as-
"The director usually has a
double-Job. He must direct the
program in an empty room with-
out props-or a dry rehearsal-
in addition to worrying about
the rehearsal schedule and pro-
duction attempt at the same
time," Stasheff said.
"Film and slides are used for in-
serts and transitions. When the
actress chirps, 'Fifth Avenue does-
n't look the same without any
traffic on it' a quick shift must be
made to film showing a bare Fifth
Avenue," he explained.

world News Roundup
By The Associated Press
BERLIN-Two Allied soldiers with poor service records were
introduced to the German press in Communist-ruled East Berlin yes-
terday as recruits in the Communist "fight for peace."
Gerhart Eisler, fugitive from the United States who is the Soviet
Zone propaganda chief, presented the soldiers-one an American and
the other English.
* * * *
WASHINGTON-The Senate Finance Committee yesterday
approved tax law revisions increasing Federal revenues about
$144,000,000, including a crackdown on "collapsible corporations"
when used for tax evasion.
* * *
NEW YORK-Paul Robeson yesterday asked Secretary of State
Dean Acheson for a conference to explain why his passport has been
The Negro singer's attorney, Nathan Witt of New York, denied
a State Department announcement that Robeson had refused to
surrender his passport.
* * * *
T~A T....-T Aglniniidratin' pstimmtpn Ar 2 u2n A)IAflflf

Operas Give Women Men's Roles

Women of the opera stepped
into knee-breeches during the 18th
century, when composers intro-

the grade, according to Dean
Earl Moore of the music school,
because the roles required wide
ranges and long performances.

create a dramatic illusion in the
minds of her audience."
Opera has a traditional dis-
regard for fitting the physique

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