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August 03, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-08-03

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Latest Deadline in the State






Senate Unit
OKs Wage,
Price Control
Depends on Rise
In Living Cost
ate Banking Committee voted yes-
terday for automatic price and
wage controls and rationing if the
cost of living rises to some point
which the Committee will fix later..
The alarm clock method of in-
voking the curbs was approved by
a voice vote. This reversed a 12-1
vote 45 minutes earlier for the
general idea of standby powers for
President Truman to put on such
controls if and when he sees the
* need.
THE COMMITTEE acted after
signs had appeared in the House
that the Administration was grab-
bing up the standby authority ball.
In that branch a last-minute sub-
stitute was introduced to broaden
the limited economic control mea-
sure originally sponsored by the
White House. 'Backed by Admin-
istration leaders, it included the
standby powers.
The Senate Finance Commit-
tee rounded out a day of rapid-
fire deveopments on' home front
mobilization with a vote for a
10 per cent tax on television sets
and home freezers. The televis-
j.ion levy was expected to bring in
$42,000,000 a year and the freez-
er tax another $8,000,000.
The committee did not get to
President Truman's proposal to
boost income taxes, though Secre-
tary of the Treasury Snyder urged
prompt action.
It did go through the formality
of junking provisions of a House-
passed bill which would have cut
excise taxes by $1,010,000,000.
Another tax boost voted by the
committee would bring in $5,000,-
000 by raising the levy on 'oper-
ating slot machines from $100 to
Another. attempt to get a tax
Sincrease, failed. This was a plan
ntotie an excess profits tax onto a
measure for renegotiation of de-
fense contracts when prices are
considered too high.
Truman's Man
Still Hopes in
Missouri IRace
Hennings Claims
By The Associated Press
The campaign manager of form-
er U.S. Rep. Thomas C. Hennings,
jr., of St. Louis claimed the Mis-
souri Democratic Senate Nomina-
tion yesterday over President Tru-
man's choice, State Senator Emery
W. Allison.
State Senator Elmery Atlison
congratulated his opponent last
night but clung to the hope that
a final count might yet give him
victory in the race for the Demo-
cratic senatorial nomination in
HE LATER reduced the margin
to 5,035 with 184 precincts un-
counted. He refused to concede al-
though admitting his chances were

slim. He said he would await the
tabulation of absentee ballots Fri-
In 4586 of 4676 precincts, Hen-
nings had 178,967 votes, Allison
President Truman, who had cast
a mail ballot last Wednesday, had
no comment.
* * *
inated Gov. Frank Carlson for U.S.
Senator and Edward F. Arn, form-
er state attorney general, for Gov-

U.S. Not Open to
Soviet Peace Deal
Refuses Negotiations on Basis of
Giving Communist China UN Status
LAKE SUCCESS-(P)-American chief delegate Warren R. Aus-
tin heatedly rejected yesterday any "deals" for a settlement of the
Korean War.
Austin turned down for the second straight day in the Security
Council a Soviet move to link the question of Communist China's en-
trance into the UN with the Korean War. He said the United States
will never agree that the end of North Korean aggression depends on
any other issue.
* * *
THE COUNCIL adjourned until 2, p.m. today without acting on
its agenda. The Soviet Union is seeking to have the Council take up

Police Stop
Peace Rally
NEW YORK - (A) - Leftist
"Peace" marchers - banned from'
heavily-guarded Union Square -
defiantly clashed with police yes-'
terday in a tense, noisy brawl.
An estimated 2,000 marchers
formed ranks amid thousands of
home-going workers at the height
of the rush hour.
"We want peace-open up the
square," they cried.
their ranks and scattered them
but they reformed again and again
as the brawl swirled through the
streets of downtown Manhattan.
A 1,000-man police detail -
stationed like an army ground
the Square - spent an hour
breaking up the demonstration.
Fists flew at times and several
injurieswere reported. At least one
window was smashed.
Thirteen of the marchers were
arrested, most of them charged
with disorderly conduct or assault.
DRIVEN AWAY from Union
Square-traditional center of New
York soap box oratory-some of
the marchers still. were shouting
slogans as they fell back south as
far as 11th Street, three blocks
About 500 others moved north to
23rd street and milled about a
park in Madison Square. But po-
lice pressed in and chased them
An estimated 10,000 persons
making their way peacefully
along sidewalks in the Union
Square area were thrown into a
turmoil by the fighting.
* * *
THE NEW YORK Labor Confer-
ence for Peace, which sponsored
the forbidden rally, later released
the text of a telegram it said was
sent to Mayor William O'Dwyer.
It charged that police clubbed
the marchers, adding: "Mr. Mayor,
it was quite a spectacle of brutal-
ity and blood."
The New York Labor Conference
for Peace originally scheduled the
"peace rally" to protest the atom
bomb and to call for mediation in
Korea. But the police refused them
a permit for the rally.

the question of seating Commu-
nist China before ioing on to the
Korean problem.
Austin joined five other dele-
gates in demanding the Council
It~ everything aside except the
issL - of aggression upon the re-
public of Korea, a question that
has been before the Council five
weeks. Backing Austin were Sir
Gladwyn Jebb of Britain, Jean
Chauvel of France, Arne Sunde
of Norway, Antonio Quevedo of
Ecuador and Alberto I. Alvarez of
First County
Draftees Get
Washtenaw County's first group
of eligible draftees -- 77 strong
- left early yesterday morning
for their pre-induction physical
examinations in Detroit.
Eighty-nine had been ordered
to report but 12 failed to show
A second group of draftees will
report to Detroit Aug. 31. Out of
the two groups will come the 64
men who will make up the coun-
ty's quota in the September draft
Draft Board officials said yes-
terday that in making up the sec-
ond group, they may have to dig
deep into the lower age brackets.
Most of the initial group that
left yesterday were 24-year-olds
and 25-year-olds, since Selective
Service orders had been to con-
centrate on older draftable men.
Buck Appointed
To State Panel
Prof. Carl Buck of the School
of Public Health was named yes-
terday to an fl-member advisory
panel to give Michigan's health
agencies the once over.
Appointment of the panel, which
will use methods similar to those
of the Hoover Commission, was
announced in Lansing by a legis-
lative committee on government
Also named to the panel was
Dr. Leonard Himler, director of
Ann Arbor's Mercywood Hospital.

ECA Loan to
Spain Unwise
-- Acheson
of State Acheson yesterday op-
posed the Senate's $100,000,000
Spanish loan "rider" to a pending
ECA appropriation.
He told a news conference there
were adequate funds for any jus-
tified Spanish loan already avail-
able in the Export-Import Bank.
* * *
HE ALSO said that the State
Department had met with no suc-
cess in efforts to persuade Spain
to adopt a more democratic gov-
The Senate Tuesday added to
legislation appropriating funds
for European recovery a clause
saying a $100,000,000 loan should
be made to Spain through the
Export-Import Bank
Though he did not phrase it
that way, Acheson's attitude ap-
peared to be this in short: he feels
any loan to Spain ought to be
handled in the regular way; that
Congress ought not to tie the
hands of government agencies in
negotiations with Spain by direct-
ly ordering a loan.
* * *
ACHESON DID say he is not
opposed to the principle of a loan
to Spain if it is economically jus-
tifiable and a good credit risk.
He recalled, however, that in
his last comprehensiversummary
of American policy toward Spain
last Jan. 18, he noted there were
a number of economic barriers
to such a loan.
These obstacles, he said, are in
the power of the Spanish govern-
ment to correct.
The Senate loan proposal will
have to go before the House, which
could knock it out of the bill.
Chi Minh Men
Train in China
SAIGON, Indochina-(P)-Of-
ficial French sources said yester-
day three camps have been open-
ed in Communist China to train
troops of the Communist-led
Viethminh army, which is fight-
ing French forces in Indochina.
The informants gave this ac-
count. The training centers, near
the Northern Indochina frontier,
are located at Wenshan, Tchenn-
gan and Tunghing.
At least 10,000 Vietminh soldiers
are in the three camps, some of
them having been sent there last
May. The camps are used not only
to drill and equip raw recruits but
to give advanced commando
training for soldiers of Commu-
nist chieftain Ho Chi Minh.

__ ..m...,,. _.,.... :.:. ._:" .,,

ALONG THE CHINJU-PUSAN ROAD-Sherman tanks lead a counterattack of American force, built
around battered fragments of the 24th Division and reinforcements from Okinawa. The GI's have
fallen back on the central front to make the Naktong river the new United Nations defense line.
** *

s E
Ready for
Korean Fight
Aug. 3-(/P)-The U.S. Marines be-
gan going ashore early this morn-
ing and started moving immed-
iately toward the critical Korean'
Unloading of Marine equipment
continued through Wednesday
night, following the docking yes-
THE MARINES were in combat
fatigues and wore canvas leggings.
Brown and green camouflaged
cloth covers were on their heads
as they moved from the ships.
While waiting on the dock, some
snatched a few winks of sleep.
Others polished and oiled their
Trucks were lined up at the pier,
ready to roll toward the front as
soon as the troops climbed aboard.
The vow to "give them the best
we got" was spoken by a sergeant
veteran of World War II as he
looked out across the rail of a
transport yesterday at the low hills

Starr Compares Present'
Crisis to That in 200 B.C.

of Korea. He wasn't cocky,

just I

Belgium Movement Not
Anti-Monarchic -- Slosson

w orld News
By The Associated Press
LONDON-The Republic of Tur-
key, which links southeastern Eur-
ope with Asia, is planning to apply
for membership in the North At-
lantic Defense Alliance, the British
Foreign Office said yesterday.
* * *
DETROIT - The Ford Motor
Company last night announced
a settlement with the UAW-CIO
of a workers' dispute over trans-
fers that had brought a strike
*' * *
ment yesterday sought to jail Har-
ry Bridges immediately by declar-
ing the labor leader a danger to
the country's internal security in
the Korean war crisis.
LANSING-Governor Williams
said yesterday he will ask the
a, 1 5 lzigiv gcsis in

House Hears
New Bill on
which would outlaw the Commu-
nist Party, and another which
would require all Communists to
register as agents of a foreign
government were introduced in
the House yesterday.
The new measures were off er-
ed justnas ammovewas started to
bring the controversial Mundt-
Nixon Communist curbing bill to
the House floor for action.
REP. COX (Dem-Ga) submit-
ted the proposal which would
make in unlawful to belong to or
be affiliated with the Communist
Party. Violators could be impri-
soned for 10 years and fined $10,-
Rep. Saylor (Rep-Pa) filed a
petition in the House to bring
the Mundt-Nixon Bill up for con-
sideration. If 218 House mem-
bers sign Saylor's petition, the bill
will be brought to the floor as
it now is written. It could, how-
ever, be amended.

"Although s u c h similarities1
should not be carried too far, the
present international crisis is1
strikingly analagous to the Greco-
Roman situation in the second
century B.C.," Prof. Chester G.
Starr, visiting member of the his-1
tory department, asserted yester-
In a talk sponsored by the In-
ternational Center, the University
of Illinois professor presented his
analogy as follows.t
THE PRACTICAL, enterprising
Student Expert
Fall Program
Needs Boost
Student experts, the University's
own Quiz Kids, may not be around
to give-the-cuff tips to course-
hunting students this fall if more
experts are not found soon to
participate in the program.
Keith Beers, summer president
of Student Legislature, which
sponsors Student Experts, has is-
sued an urgent call for experts
in 15 unfilled fields.
THE MOST important of these
are business administration, chem-
istry, economics, history, physics,
zoology and Army ROTC. Experts
are also needed in astronomy, bo-
tany, forestry, fine rats, geogra-
phy, German, philosophy, and
Beers would also like to find
one or two male and female ex-
perts on extra-curricular activi-
Experts will not only be re-
warded with that feeling of im-
portance which comes with giv-
ing advice, but will also be en-
titled to register early.
The experts are to meet on
Sept. 19 at 8:30 a.m. in Rm. 25
Angell Hall. They will be on the
job from 9 a.m. to noon and from
1 to 4 p.m. Sept. 19 and 20 in
the same room.
* * *
EXPERTS ARE to advise stu-
dents in their field of concentra-
tion. Although a B average is de-
sirable, it is not an essential re-
quirement for becoming an expert.
Students interested in working
in the student expert program
should contact Beers, 28534, or
Dorianne Zipperstein, 38850.

Romans compare with the Ameri-
cans of 1938-39 and Greece with
Europe of the 1930's, with small
states continually at war, a work-
ing knowledge of the balance of
power system, teeming with al-
liances, and united solely by a com-
mon civilization.
Of the five major powers which
Rome (the U. S.) faced, both
Greece under Philip (Germany un-
der Hitler) and Syria under Anti-
ochus (Russia under Stalin) had
expanded swiftly and were rumor-1
ed to have allied to conquer Egypt,
(Poland),ea move opposed by the
two trading nations, Rhodes and.
Pergamum (Britain and France).
When Rhodes and Pergamum
went to war against Philip they
realized that they alone werea
unequal to the task, and much'
like their counterparts in 1941,
sent ambassadors to the power-
ful Rome (the U.S.).
Under Roman law, Rome could
fight only defensive war, so an
ultimatum was sent to Philip and
when he failed to acknowledge its
existence, Rome considered her-
self insulted and justified in "de-
fensive attack."
Meanwhile Antiochus was paci-
fied and temporarily forgotten.
When Philip was defeated,
although the "liberated" Greek
cities were declared free, occu-
pation troops left two years la-
ter and Rome still pulled the
strings and expected alliegance.
The Romans then realized that
Antiochus (Stalin, remember)
was still a threat (the point at
which the U. S. is now) and tried
to limit his expansion into Thrace
(China), but his promises to the
disgruntled lower classes increas-
ed his power until Rome went in-
to battle against him and in 188
he was defeated.
* * *
PROF. STARR then carried the
startling analogy into the future,
declaring that Rome's uncertain
policy toward post-war Greece
(now,Western Europe) involved
her so deeply into international
quarrels that in 146 B. C. she was
forced to conquer Greece, thus
completing the cycle of liberation,
domination, conquering, and sub-
"And the result was that Rome
became so large that her system
of democracy could not work and
she became a dictatorship under
Augustus," Prof. Starr added.

Called Last
Major UN
South Koreans
TOKYO-(P)-American troops
yesterday fell back on the central
front to make the Naktong river
the United Nations defense bar-
rier for much of the north and
west sides of the Korean beach-
Field dispatches said the gene-
ral withdrawal was expected to
be last major UN pullback of the
war. Battle-ready U. S. Marines
streamed ashore and started im-
mediately forethe hard-pressed
lines. Ahead of them were army
reinforcements which had arriv-
ed earlier.
HOWEVER, ON THE east coast,
the Communists were chased out
of the battered town of Yongdok by
the South Korean third division
Tuesday under the covering fire
of a U. S. cruiser and destroyers.
A far east naval communique
said the South Korean counter-
attack carried three miles north
of Yongdok, northeast anchor of
the twisting front.
One of the critical sectors was
west of Pusan, the main supply,
port at-the southeastern tip of Ko-
rea. Fighting raged only 40 miles
to the west of the city.
The general withdrawal, how-
ever, apparently did not extend
this far south on the western side
of the box-shaped beachhead.
LATEST FIELD reports said
army tanks and troops were en-
gaged in bloody fighting after
halting a powerful Korean Com-
munist thrust 40 miles west of Pu-
san with a counterattack. The
Americans drove within three t
five miles of Chinju before re-
turning to their positions, an
Eighth Army communique said
The general withdrawal -
planned and orderly - began
two days ago. Its aim apparent-
ly was to relieve the heavy pres-
sure of 10 Communist divisions
- possibly 100,000 troops -
until fresh army and newly ar-
rived Marine units can get into
For two days, the Americans
and South Koreans have been
pulling back behind the Naktong
river on the north. They gave up
their old line from Hamchang at
the northwest corner of the box
to Andong, eastward toward Yong-
dok. The Americans on the north-
south front just below Hamchang
withdrew from Sangju eastward
to new positions behind the river.
Tuesday they did the same on the
Kumchon front, abandoning the
town30 miles northwest of Taegu.
How far south the withdrawal
carried was not clear either in
field dispatches or the Eighth Ar-
my communique. The communi-
que indicated, however, it might
be down to the point where the
(Continued on Page 4)
Expect Pledge
Of 'No-Strike'
By U.S._Labor

WASHINGTON - ( ) ae Mn-
people in Washington are con-
vinced that in the labor-manage-
ment field the events immediate
after Pearl Harbor are about to
repeat themselves.
That means. 1. A labor-manage-
ment conference. 2 A no-strike
pledge, at least in defense pro-
duction. 3 Creation of some kind
of labor board to handle dis-
THE labor-management confer-
ence is already being talked about
-.. - _ s 1,,, 1 A _A.


"The present situation in Bel-
gium is not the result of anti-
monarchist sentiments, but of re-
gional differences and opposition
to King Leopold III himself," Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the his-
tory department said yesterday.
"If Leopold had held out and
refused any compromise, a rep-
ublican movement might have
grown, but the fact the Belgium

exile, saying that he would not
return unless he was favored
by 55 per cent of the votes in a
plebiscite, Prof. Slosson con-
"Actually Leopold received 57
per cent of the votes in the pleb-
iscite a few months ago, but that
small margin of victory was al-
most tantamount to a defeat," he

Social Security Program Incomplete

"Although the government's so-
cial security program is a start,
there are still important gaps in it


with government, and not

More care must be exercised
with health insurance than with
pensions, though, Becker empha-
sized. For pensions deal with
money payments, whereas health

At this time the workers' right
to social security has been well
nr lic. o . _ - 1 _ -. _A

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