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August 02, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-08-02

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Ticket Seller. Expected
To Be Campus Quiz Kid

The student ticket seller must be
ned with the patience of Job,
intricate knowledge of campus
e and a sense of humor, as well
the correct change.
The task was doubly bewildering
a visiting student, unfamiliar
h the campus, who was recruit-
to sell tickets for a movie re-
FROM BEHIND the barred win-
w at the Union, clearly marked
at tickets were for sale, she in-
ated the way to the steam bath
1 confessed she was not taking
plications for swimming lessons.
"I may have a kind face, or
ok as though I went to school
ere, but Idswear I don't know
here laundry is collected," she
mented, peering over a pile of
undry bundles on the desk.
)ne gentleman approached her
king for his son in medical
cool. She took out her map of
campus and together they
nd the medical building. Then
directed him to the door-but
feared that somewhere in the
yrinth of University Streets
re might be a lost parent.
HE GENTLEMAN looking for
vice-president of the Univer-
r she directed to the phone
In the chaos she was still able

to supply the bellboys with cig-
arettes, but she was completely
unnerved by the stranger who
demanded, "Where is Cather-
And to the gentleman who look-
ed at her in awe, believing there
must be some connection between
movies and the legitimate theatre
and who asked, "Are you a great
actress?", she smiled grimly from
behind the bars and replied, "Yes,
sir, I am."
Group To Study
A comprehensive study of Mich-
igan transportation laws and ad-
ministration will be conducted by
the Transportation Study Commis-
sion under the chairmanship of
Prof. Paul Kauper of the Law
The study will be undertaken as
a result of a conference with Gov.
G. Mennen Williams. Williams
told the Commission to look into
the transportation field, paying
special attention to motor trans-
port and the determining of what
new legislative rules were heeded
to improve safety and economic
The Commission is composed of
25 representatives of the industry,
the people and the state govern-

Local Toyman,
'Santa Clas'
Albert Warnhoff, who for years
has been a Santa Claus toymaker
to underprivileged children entered
St. Joseph Hospital yesterday afterM
a series of heart attacks.
Although he hopes he won't
have to give up his hobby entire-
ly, he expressed the wish that
someone would come forward and
offer to help carry on his work.
He said he already has 500 toys
ahead for next Christmas, but this
is far short of the 1,500 he gave
away last Christmas.
A carpenter employed by a local
lumber company, Warnhoff has
been advised to give up this job
in favor of less strenuous work.
In spite of relatively poor health
over the past months, Warnhoff
has maintained nearly a full pro-
duction schedule of Christmas toys
which he distributes free to han-
dicapped and under - privileged
Foster Foundation
Plans FirstStudy
The James Foster Foundation of
Ann Arbor announced yesterday
plans for a study of the state's
public services for children.
The project is the first for the
foundation, organized by James
Foster, Ann Arbor art dealer who
died last year. His entire estate,
which is still in process of settle-
ment, will go to the foundation.

For More League Eating

Attitude of Cooperation
Marks General Motors

--Daily-Bo- Lewis
LEAGUE MODERNIZATION--Work is under way to modernize and expand the food preparation
and serving facilities of the League. A small addition is being made to the basement and first floor
to provide more needed kitchen space. The cafeteria and dining room which have been closed all sum-
mer will resume operation at the opening of the fall semester, but will probably have to be closed again
for a short time during the while the modernization project is completed.

ning ¢

Restaurant Food Prices Rise
As Owners Deplore Situation

Phone 23-24-1
HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M.
2 .54 1.21 1.76
3 .63 1.60 2.65
4 .81 2.02 3.53
Figure 5 average words to a line.
assified deadline daily except
turday is 3 P.M. Saturdays,
:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue.

WASHING-Finish work and iro
also. Rough dry and wet was.
Free pick up and delivery. Ph. 2.
Bargain: 78 weeks of Life, $7.80
weeks of Time, $6.87. To new subw
ers only. Good for graduationg
birthdays. Student. Periodical Ag

0; 78

VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist, at
308 S. State. Legal, Masters, Doctors
dissertations, etc. Call 2-2615 or
2-9848. )13
HAVE YOUR typewriter repaired by the
Office Equipment Service Company,
215 E. Liberty. )4
Sales & Service
MORRILLS-314 S. State St. )4B

RIDERS WANTED to California Sept.
1st. Call 2-4591 by Aug. 4th. )6T
SMALL CAR like Crosley or Jeep. Ph.
2-2168_after p.m. )3W
TWO-WHEEL TRAILER, 2 burner hot
plate, study desk and lamp, in good
cond. Ph. 2-2800 bet. 4 and 9 p.m.




Y GOOD-One single room, two
ables. and one suite for three, for
1semester. Close to hospitals and
apus. Ph. 6466. )32F

WELL READ BUS. AD. members are
talking about "The graduate business
school' and' "Michigan studies work
morale" in the August edition of
Fortune; $1.25 at the newsstand,
$12.50 by subscription. But,.only $7.50
to students and educators at Student
Periodical Agency, 2-8242. )2
TYPING-Quality work on theses, man-
uscripts, etc. Ph. 2-7460 or 2-0795 )20P
KIDDIE KARE-Reliable baby sitters.
Ph. 3-1121. )lB


BABY PARAKEETS - 'which can be
trained to talk. $6 each. Also canar-
ies and other birds. Bird supplies and
cages. 562 S. Seventh. Ph. 5330. )2B
U.S. NAVY "T" SHIRTS, 45t; Long
Sleeve Sport Shirts, mesh knit, $1.99;
Wash Pants, $2.66; Sport Shirts, short
sleeves, $1.50. Open 'til 6 p.m. Sam's
Store, 122 E. Washington St. )5
1339 PLYMOUTH, black,4 door. Ex-
cellent condition throughout. Phone
3-1561. Ask for 5537. )35
GOLF CLUBS-Joe Kirkwood matched
set. 5 irons. 2 woods. Never used.
$29.95. Ph. 2-8692. )23
BABY PAR.AKEETS which can be train-
ed to talk. $6 each. Also canaries
and otherkbirds.Bird suppliesand
cages._562 S. Seventh._Ph._5330._)2B
ROYAL PORTABLE - Quiet deluxe
typewriter. Guaranteed. Slightly used.
1 /3 off. Ph. 9310 evenings. A Can-
field. )36
Full year occupancy. Preferably near
Hospital. Call Dr. Jacobson 2-9460. )1N

IDE SHOPPE-109 E. Wash-
Custom Clothes and Altema-

Jimmie Hunt Dance Studio
209S. State
Phone 8161



ri 11 1!

Jo clue to begin with ...
ot even a body ... Bit
y bit ..you'll see what
appens when a lonesome
nan meets a girl at a

Starts TODAY
M-G-M is grateful for the coop-
eration of Harvard University and
its Department of Legal Medicine
where scientists in crime detection
help law enforcement agencies un-
ravel previously unsolved crimes.
Many of the exciting scenes of this
picture were photographed in and
around Harvard University.

Restaurant food is the latest'
item that has risen in price in
Ann Arbor.
Throughout the city, one rest-
aurant after another has upped
the price on one or more of its
items. Proprietors seemed to feel
the same as did Donald B. Reid,
president of the Ann Arbor Wash-
tenaw Restaurant and Caterers
Association, when he said, "It's
IN A MEETING last Saturday,
the group came out with a state-
* * *
C iarette Hike
Bemoaned by'
Many_ Students
Ann Arbor cigarette-smokers
will be paying a little more for
each puff they exhale now, due to
a general increase in price.
In a spot poll taken by The
Daily, it was found that each of
12 stores contacted are now charg=
ing 21 cents a pack; prices for
cartons vary from $1.85 to $2.00,
* * *
JUST WHAT has caused the n-
crease in prices is a matter of
speculation. Many people,wh en
asked what they thought the rea-
son for the increase was, replied
"I'd like to know the answer to
that myself!"
Although some were unim-
pressed one way or the other
by the raise, others were highly
"I think it stinks," cried one
student. "They were supposed to
take some taxes off of cigarettes
- if that is the reason they were
raised - instead of raising the
"ATROCIOUS," was the reply
of another dissatisfied smoker.
"There is no justification for it al
all, and I think that it is just an
attempt to capitalize on the Ko-
rean crisis.,
Local druggists had a slight-
ly different outlook on the
problem, and generally concur-
red with each other. Their in-
There was apparently no rea-
son for it. One manufacturer rais-
ed his prices, and then all the rest
immediately followed suit.
U Faculty Paper
Published at Yale
"The Relation of Herpes Virus
to the Cell Nucleus," a paper writ-
ten by two faculty members of
the School of Public Health, Dr.
Thomas Francis, Jr., and Hilda
B. Kurtz, has been published in
the July issue of the Yale Journal
of Biology and Medicine.

ment warning the public that a
rise -in prices could be expected,
and over the weekend many prices
did go up.
Hamburgers, which had for-
merly been purchased at 20
cents,' now were up to 25 cents.
Cheeseburgers likewise went up
a nickel from 25 to 30.-cents.
Even the nickel-a-cup' coffee
spiraled to eight cents, and the
larger size cups which formerly
sold for seven cents are now 10
cents, in most stores.
UPHOLDING THE restaurant
owners, Reid declared that they
had absorbed the increase in prices
without raising their retail prices
accordingly for months-now, but
that the latest rise made it man-
datory that they raise their retail
Bemoaning the fact that
everything seemed to be going
up, Reid observed that "even
such things as the soap we use
in washing dishes," has gone
Commenting on prospects for
the future, the Association presi-
dent speculated that unless costs
were stabilized, further price in-
creases might be necessitated.
Lang To PlaT
Folk Music
Ross Lee Finney of the music
school is well known for his vari-
ous orchestral and chamber group
compositions, but audiences at
Kenneth Lang's violin recital at
4:15 p.m. today in Rackham As-
sembly Hall will hear Finney, the
folk-music arranger.
Lang will perform Finney's Fid-
dle-Doodle-Ad, a composite of such
old folk favorites as Rye Whiskey,
Wayfaring Stranger, The Nightin-
gale and many more.
"SINCE MOST of my musical
repetoire consists of the old class-
ics, Finney's work is a challenge,
and very different to me," Lang
Lang, who began fiddling in
the fifth grade, is completing his
master's in music here.
He graduated from the Baldwin-
Walalce Conservatory in Berea,
Ohio, and has since served as Su-
pervisor of Music in the Marys-
ville, Ohio, public schools, and as
concertmaster in the Tuscarawus
Philharmonic Orchestra of oDver,
His program will be rounded out
with Concerto in D minor by Tar-
tini, and early Italian violinist who
has 140 violin compositions to his
credit, Bach's Sarabande from
Sonata IV, and Concerto in G
minor, Op. 26 by Bruch.
The recital will be open to the

GI's Launch
Counter Attack
(Continued from Page 1)
25th Tropic Lightning Division
have dug in 20, miles north of the
First Cavalry front around Kum-
had its own °say about the fight-
ing, as it claimed yesterday that
its troops have "annihilated" the
24th Division of the U.S. Eighth
Army plus 50,000 South Korean
The Communist New China
News Agency said:
"With the loss of one entire
division the Americans have now
only the 25th Division and a few
artillery units left, amounting
to 17,000 men in all."
The story declare dthat "at no
time since their engaging in the,
war" have the American "air and
ground forces manifested any will
to fight."
* * * *
guns also played a part in the
fighting yesterday on the Ongjin
Peninsula when they fired on an
Australian destroyer and were
shelled into-silence, Far East Nav-
al headquarters reported.
The Australian destroyer si-
lenced them with 150 rounds.
A British cruiser came to the
aid of the destroyer and fired
57 rounds without receiving
answering Red fire.
AMERICAN AIR power again
showed its might yesterday as
heavy bombers pounded the heart
of North Korea's powder-making
indusrty with a second huge load
of high explosive bombs.
About 50 B-29's attacked Hung-
nam, on the east coast 95 miles
inside North Korea, with more
than 400 tons of bombs. A news
release said the strike sent "thick,
greasy smoke" billowing 15,000
feet into the air.

General Motors wants people to
want to work for them, according
to Harry W. Anderson, vice-presi-
dent of General Motors, in charge
of personnel.
Anderson, speakipg on the sum-
mer lecture series programs on
Russia Fails
To Oust China
From Council
(Continued from Page 1) ,
that the Chinese issue is not link-
ed with the Korean crisis.
Malik contended President Tru-
man himself had linked the Chi-
nese and Korean questions by de-
ciding to "put Formosa into his
pocket." He said that was what
Mr. Truman meant by ordering the
Seventh U.S. Fleet to protect For-
* * *
IMMEDIATELY after the coun-
cil convened at 2:12 p.m. C.D.T.,
Malik announced that as presi-
dent he ruled that the representa-
tive of the "Kuomintang group"
was not a member of the council
and could not take part in the de-
liberations of the council.
Austin challenged the ruling
as an "arbitrary fiat."
Eight hands went up when the
vote was taken against the ruling.
Malik announced the vote as seven
against his ruling.
Austin"shouted an immediate
challenge and said it was obviously
eighft against.
Malik replied Austin was too
quick, that he was going to say
seven voted in favor plus the rep-
resentative of the Kuomintang.
AUSTIN SAID the president of
the Council is not a dictator and
insisted that Malik record the vote
"truthfully" and not "falsely."
Malik said he objected to such
words from Austin and called him
to order. He said he had pointed
out there were eight votes, includ-
ing the representative of "the Kuo-
mintang." Austin replied that since
Malik had corrected his statement
to eight votes he did not require
a vote on his challenge. The ex-
change ended with that reply.
After hearing Malik on Korea,
the Council adjourned at 5:15 p.nI.
until 2 p.m. tomorrow. It did not
settle the order of the agenda and
that will be the first business to-
Former 'U' Law
Professor Dies
Prof. Homer F. Carey, 56 years
old, former member of the Law
School faculty, died yesterday in
Chicago after a short illness.
Carey had been on the North-
western University law facluty
since 1932. A professor in the law
school at the University of Kansas
from 1928 to 1929, he joined the
University faculty in 1929, where
he remained for three years.
He is survived by a wife, three
sons a mother and a brother.
Qci= s<==ooo= 04=>O<>0
rJ 1319 S. University
- "Home of the
Official Michigan Ring"
Summer Hours, ten till five;
o closed Saturdays.
o n oogo

"The Quest for Social Security,"
explained that this was one of
the main objectives of General
Motors and is the basis for the
corporation's dealings with its em-
ANDERSON, who participated
in the negotiation of the recent
five-year agreement with the
United Auto Workers, said that it
was this cooperative attitude that
led to the conclusion of the his-
tory-making contract.,
Anderson then proceeded to
explain the terms of the agree-
ment which included a four
cents an hour annual wage in-
crease, a wage scale subject to
fluctuation with the cost of
living, a $100 monthly pension
plan and a modified union shop.
The guaranteed four cents an
hour annual wage increase is. due
to the corporation's belief that
employees' buying power should
increase over a period of years
just as the welfare of the cor-
poration is improving through
technological advancoement, An-
dei'son asserted.
* * *
TIE BASIS of the cost of liv-
ing formula is to set the buying
power of employees at the 1940
level by adjusting wages in ac-
cordance with the index on the
cost of living put out by the fed-
eral Bureau of Labor Statistics,
the GM executive said.
The progress that has been
made in labor-management rela-
tions at GM is, typified by the
satlsfactoryyagreements worked
out in the fields of pensions and
insurance, Anderson remarked.
Two years ago these topics were
taboo at the collective bargaining
table, but today there are plans
in both fields that are satisfac-
tory to both parties, he added.
Beads, Belts
Made at Shop
Students who want to release
their creative urges on Indian
bead work and leather belts can
find materials and instruction ev-
ery Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:30
p.m. at the Lane Hall Crafts Shop.
Shell earrings and broaches,
soap carving and stencilling of
such items as peasant skirts and
dinner napkins are also on the
Crafts Shop program.
Materials are inexpensive and
anyone interested in welcome to
use the facilities, according to
Joanne Smith, program assistant.
In addition to the Crafts
Shop, the Lane Hall photography
dark room is open and can be
used at any time, she added.



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