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July 30, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-30

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ST+.NA ,JTJY 3O, .1950




EARS that ha
horizon for
ached harrowin
e country the t
mments aboutt
Our setbacks
een responsible

'War Jitters' Arrive
ave been looming on the one-way street of thoughtlessness which
several weeks have now can end only with war. It would indeed
1g proportions: throughout be horrible if it were the American peo-
alk of the day is rife with ple, through their childish behavior, ra-
the next world war. ther than the Russians, in some new act
in Korea, of course, have of aggression, that brought about a third
for this mainly. But it is world conflict.

a truism that a population with "the jit-
ters," regardless of whether that concern
be over a possble war, is not the best at-
mosphere in which to solve pressing prob-
That the people are thoroughly alarmed at
he restive conditions in the world today is
bvious. Fantastic reports, so reminiscent of
ie early days of World War II, are already
ouring in: soap, canned meats, sugar, toi-
t' tissue, tires, orders for cars, hosiery and
host of other goods are being bought up and
>ught in batches by these jittery people.
This is most regrettable. For despite re-
Bated assurances from industry and even
resident Truman that our stock of these
ems, with the exception of automobiles, is
mnple, these foolish persons are by their
wn actions setting about to bring on the
ntrols which they dread.
One clamor after another is voiced to rid
ir government of such incompetents as
cheson, Johnson and MacArthur.
And industry is girding itself for the even-
iality which is indiscriminately said to be
mly a matter of time.
This is the way the American people,
eichest and most powerful in the world, are
attacking their new problem of fending
off a possible war. With consternation
instead of dispassion, with helter-skelter
confusion instead of calm deliberation,
they are rapidly advancing down this
elitorials published in The Michigan Daily
-e written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

If we accept this defeatist attitude, and
prepare for that which we proclaim we do
not want, we are merely fooling ourselves.
Those people who are relearning the tricks
of hoarding will not only make it tougher
for themselves if controls are ordered by
the President, but in the scarcely considered
advent, that things will return to "normal"
if and when we push the North Koreans
back, they might very well be responsible
for a sharp recession.
Now is not the time to criticize adminis-
tration policy, either. Secretary of Defense
Johnson has made mistakes; Secretary of
State Acheson has made mistakes; and time
may prove that MacArthur has made mis-
takes. But the administration is aware of
this as well as the people are. They are hard
at work to solve the present crisis in a ra-
tional manner. If we do not strive to bring
what criticism we have to the fore in an in-
telligent and tolerant manner, than- there
really will be little reason to hope that we
will pull through this tense period.
Russia has come back to the Security
Council. And the immediate comment is
that they have devised some new and
insidious reason for so doing. This could
be so, but it could also be just the opposite.
The disease of condemning too soon
spreads rapidly among a pessimistic and
scurrying public.
With the same amount of effort, we could
just as easily assume a more patient and
thereby sensible attitude toward the world
situation. Granted that with American
troops being killed every day in Korea, this
may seem like a rather difficult view to take.
But it is by far the more healthful attitude,
in more ways than one.
-Larry Rothman


Washington Merry- Go-Round

WASHINGTON.-The real estate lobby has
issued a confidential letter to its mem-
bers expressing satisfaction over President
Truman's recent order curbing credit on
housing. In fact, it looks as if the real es-
tate lobby might have been responsible for
pulling the backstage wires *by which the
White House chiefly cracked down on homes
for veterans.
But, while he pleased the real estate
boys, the President has struck a vital f
blow against home-front morale.
For at a time when we are asking new re-
cruits for Korea, it is an ironical fact that
we have not yet fulfilled our promises of
homes to the GI's who fought in the recent
war. One of the chief things they looked
forward to when they got out of the fox-
holes was a home of their own. The Presi-
dent's order, however, will make this dif-
ficult of fulfillment.
Here is what the White House credit
curb does:
1-Low-cost public-housing projects are
reduced by 25 per cent. This hits the vete-
rans hardest, because they comprise the
great majority of tlose wanting public
housing. It took years for Congress to pass
this law - over the vigorous objection of the
real estate lobby -- and now the President
has played into the hands of the lobby by
reducing funds for carrying out the law.
2-Private builders and mortgagers are
given a green light to boost prices and in-
terest rates - until such time as Coniress
grants the administration control powers.
3-Veterans' loans at cheap interest rates
for the purpose of buying homes are cur-
* * *
NO WONDER the real estate lobby is glee-
ful. It is quite understandable, also, why
Thomas P. Coogan, president of the Nation-
al Association of Home Builders, last week
wrote to members:
"I am here in Washington collaborating
with Frank Cortright in the preparation of
these extremely important letters."
Then, giving a hint as to how Truman
happened to issue his crackdown on vete-
rans and low-cost housing, the real estate
letter continued:
"When it became known that President
Truman was preparing a message to Con-
gress on the Korean situation, I imme-
diately came to Washington and we have
spent the past ten days in a series of con-
ferences with many government officials
and industry leaders . . .
"President Truman has moved rapidly to
request certain limited controls on the na-
tional economy . . after study we believe
that these new regulations have been care-
fully thought out as to their effect on the
housing industry."
PIOUSLY, the White House contends that
"veterans' preference" on home build-
ing and financing will not be affected by
the new regulations. However. "veterans'

ders will have virtually no place to dis-
pose of surplus GI mortgages - and a
stoppage of home loans to veterans is
bound to follow. The mortgage bankers
never have liked the low 4 per cent interest
rate on the government-guaranteed GI
loans, anyhow, and are happy the Presi-
dent is giving them the opportunity to
make no more.
Housing experts generally agree that the
stabbing of "Fanny May," plus another move
by the President requiring veterans to make
a down payment of at least 5 per cent on
homes purchased with GI loans,, will shut
out millions of low-income vets who are
still clamoring for homes in the $7,000 to
$10,000 class.
However, the President and his advisers
are not stopping there. Truman also has
asked Congress for sweeping authority to
do away with the GI loan program entirely
if he deems it in the war interest.
ARMY EXPERTS are now holding closed-
door conferences with Cadillac and
Chrysler engineers about mass production
of T-41, the new and highly secret light
tank developed in the Army's own plant in
The T-41 is a 28-ton job, speed 35 miles
per hour, armed with a 76-mm, gun to pen-
etrate 11 inches of steel plate - the ar-
mor measurement of Russian tanks used
in Korea. The 28-ton model is much small-
er than the giant 60-ton Russian tanks,
but is supposed to make up for this by its
superior quality. The Army also has de-
veloped the T-42, a medium tank, and the
T-43, a heavy.
All these new tanks recently developed
by the army are supposed to equal anything
the Russians have got. Unfortunately, we
have only a few experimental models.
* * *
BELIEVING that international friendship
is something you have to wark at all the
time, 1,000 Catholic college students are
sailing for Europe tod'ay on a pilgrimage
to Rome and other European cities.
In the last two years they have raised
a total of $750,000 from college students
to send medical supplies, food, books to the
students of Europe. Now they plan to fol-
low this up with personal visits. In Eu-
rope they hope to meet with some of these
students and perhaps form friendship
clubs which will conduct letter-writing
campaigns and exchange of students in
the future.
Meanwhile, when Senator Fulbright of Ar-
kansas urged the Senate not to cut the
State Department's budget for student ex-
change and for friendly propaganda in for-
eign countries, Senate economizers led by
George of Georgia and Byrd of Virginia
overruled him.
* * *
SOME OBSERVERS were surprised at the
fact that conservative Southern senators

The Dangers
WASHINGTON-We are by nature a some-
what impulsive and impatient people.
But we are going to need to restrain our-
selves and be calm, clear-headed and reso-
lute for the long ordeal that we obviously
face now with Russia. Her tactics, frustrat-
ing enough before, have now taken another
and more plaguey shape, with the blunt ag-
gression by proxy through her North Korean
stooge, hitting us at a far corner of the
world where we must grapple, at long range,
with the sharp claws of masked foe This
is enough to make anybody blow his top,
especially since it may occur again at some
other point.
That is exactly what Russia would like
to see to promote her strategy of confusion.
It is necessary that we act promptly to
prepare ourselves by building up our military
strength. It is natural that at first, all em-
phasis, in such a situation, would be on
military matters.
But arms alone, essential as they are,
won't win this contest, which is a struggle
between two ways of life. Neither will im-
patience and impulsiveness and loss of our
tempers, for this is to be a long contest
that we know in advance is going to test
our patience and adherence to our way of
Our objective is peace. The purpose of our
preparedness is to make ourselves strong
enough to ward off aggression and to assure
peace. We want no third world war. We
can not allow ourselves to become frustrated
to the point where we would permit ourselves
to be provoked into war, as this long ordeal
continues, which could very easily happe
AS WE GO ALONG, too, we've got to pre-
serve and protect those things that are
fundamental in our way of life.
They are the things that we must rely
upon to draw others to us, and keep them-
on our side in this struggle - not only our
essential freedoms of speech and opinion
and of our persons, which always are
threatened in times such as these, but
freedom of economic opportunity-for the
preservation of which we have in our
country, by common consent, imposed
restraints on selfish influences which
would stifle freedom of ijndividual oppor-
tunity. Basic is our spirit of tolerance
and charity toward our neighbors.
Something of all of this is represented to
the world, for example, in our ECA program
by which we have helped to restore the
means of production, so people can work
and produce, and be healthy and content
in freedom and, in turn; support in public
office to manage their affairs those who
espouse this way of life, and not be led
astray by dictators, either of the left or
the right. Our ECA effort must go ahead
and not be sacrificed in our necessary em-
phasis on military objectives, and must be
directed in ways that will support our way
of life.
Managers of our foreign policy are
tempted, in times such as these, because
of their anxiety to avoid the Communistic
left, to accept the always receptive and
eager extreme right for expediency's sake
which, in the long run, cannot win friends
for us, either in Europe or Asia.
Here at home our detestation of Commun-
ism breaks out, in some people, in a cry for
restrictive measures that would affect our
traditional personal liberties, a tendency
which President Truman singled out and
deplored by saying that we must have no
Alien and Sedition laws.
It was encouraging to hear this from
him after his general invitation a few
days ago for people to report their sus-
picions about possible subversives to the
FBI, a practice which we know, from past
experience, can be abused.
That danger, in fact, was stressed in a
speech to Pennsylvania chiefs of police this

week by an FBI officer, Arthur Cornelius, Jr.,
head of the Philadelphia FBI office, who said
efforts of individuals in hunting down sub-
versives "not only hampers police in their
work, but often puts the finger of scorn on
innocent persons.
There is danger of another sort in an-
other field, the economic. This is that, in,
the necessary imposition of controls on
industry and production, the strong will
find ways to exploit the weaker and
This was discussed during testimony be-
fore the Senate Banking Committee of At-
torney General J. Howard McGrath on the
administration's control bill, which permits
relaxation of the anti-trust laws under cer-
tain conditions. The Attorney General as-
sured the committee he would not permit
relaxation of the anti-trust laws, and saig
there must be no undue increase in concen-
tration of economic power. 4
Congress would do well to study this proa.
vision most carefully because of experience
in the last war. Then anti-trust laws were
relaxed. Also policy on contracts and their
renegotiation favored big corporate inter-
ests. Many of them acquired war plants
built by the government at bargain rates
after the war, because they were financially
capable while smaller companies were not,
with the result that concentration of indus-
try was intensified greatly, as official records
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
ception of Acheson, who is from Connec-

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Republican Complaint. .
To the Editor:
WYJE SHOULD like to call atten-
tion to an error in Wednes-
day's Daily. The reason the Young
Republicans did not show up at
the YP-sponsored meeting on Ko-
rea was not that we are inactive
this summer. We are getting a
great deal done for ourselves, al-
though in a quieter way.
We didn't officially attend be-
cause, being loyal Americans, we
find it beneath ourselves to con-
sort with people we believe would
sell their country short.
We note with approval that the
working people of American (pro-
letarians, that is) have given in-
dication that they do not support
Red Fascism, nor do they allow

themselves to be taken in by the
Stockholm "Peace" Appeal. We
heartily endorse the forthright
stand the workers have been tak-
ing in certain individual cases.
Of course, we feel that a Re-
publican Administration could best
guide us in the struggle ahead.
Our complaint is not that our gov-
ernment has taken, and will take,
action, but that its action is not
courageous or efficient enough.
We would rather support our coun-
try than betray it. We are pleased
to see that people such as Don
McNeil are coming to their senses.
-Jasper B. Reid, Jr.
Acting President,
Young Republican Club
-Alvin R. Lewis
Acting Vice-President,
Young Republican Club



"You're Helping Me Get In, Huh'" "


thy Frances Deach, Education;
thesis: "Genetic Development of
Skills of Children Two
'inrough-Six Years of Age," at 3
p.m. Monday, East Council Rm.,
Rackham Bldg. Co-chairmen, M.
E. Rugen and W. C. Olson.
Doctoral Examination for John
James Deher, Speech; thesis: "A
Comparison of Native and Acquir-
ed Language Intonation," East Al-
cove, Assembly Hall,Rackham
Bldg., at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Chair-
man, E. D. Schubert.
Doctoral Examination for Max
Nelson, Speech; thesis: "A Com-
parison of Electro-Cutaneous Dif-
ferentiation of Vowels Through a
1-Electrode and 2-Electrode Ss-
tem," Monday, East Council Rm.,
Rackham Bldg., at 7:30 p.m.
Chairman, E. D. Schubert.
Sociedad Hispanica: Mr. Medar-
do Guitierrez will discuss, with the
aid of unusual recordings, "The
Music of Spain"; East Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 8 p.m.
Wednesday. The pqblic is cor-
dially invited.
Graduate History Club: Dr.
Chester G. Starr, visiting professor
in the history department from
the University of Illinois will draw
a parallel between the Modern Cri-
sis and the Greco-Roman Crisis
of the Second Century B.C., at 8
p.m. Wednesday in the Interna-
tional Center..
Student Recital: David Larson,
student of piano with Mischa Mel-
ler, will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday in the Rackham Assembly
Hall, in a program given in par-
tial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music de-
gree. Open to the public, the re-
cital will 'include works by Bach,
Mozart, Brahms, Kabalevsky, and
Student Recital: Kenneth Lang,
student of violin with Gilbert Ross,
will present a program at 4:15
p.m. Wednesday in the Rackham
Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music. It will
includecompositions by Tartini,
Bach, Bruch, and Ross Lee Fin-
ney, member of the School of Mu-
sic faculty. The general public is
Collegium Musicum, under the
direction of Louise Cuyler, 8 :3
p.m. Monday, Rackham Assembly
Hall. The program will include the
following: Music for wind instru-
ments by Gabrieli, Pezel, and Pur-
cell, played by Charles Kirsch and
R i c h a r d Dunham, Trumpets,
Charles Houser, Horn, Leslie Bas-
sett, Trombone, William Weich-
lein, Bassoon, Conducted by An-
drew Minor; Music for flute and
harpsichord by Dornel, and Leon-
ardo Vinci, played by Lorraine and
Nathan Jones; Two Fantasias by
John Jenkins, conducted by Ro-
bert Warner and played by Ger-
aldine Schmoker, Henry Wenzel,
violins, Kurt Schuster and Emil
Simonel, violas, Charlotte Lewis
and Daphne Ireland, cellos; Dia-
logue entre Madeleine and Jesus,
and Laudate Dominum omnes
gentes, by Marc-Antoine Chapren-
tier, conducted by Wiley Hitch-
cock, and presented by Grace
Hampton, Soprano, Richard Mill-
er and Robert Pearson, Tenors,
Jack Wilcox, Baritone, Alfred Boy-
ington and James Vandeisall, vio-
lins, and Daphne Ireland, cello.
Open to the general public.

Organ Recital: Robert Noehren,
University Organist, will play the
second of two programs scheduled
for the:summer session, at 4:15
p.m., Sunday, in Hill Auditorium.
It will include Bach's Prelude and
Fugue in F minor, Canonic Varia-
tions on "Von Himmel hoch da
komm' ich.her," Fugue in G major,
Canzona, Trio-Sonata No. 6 in G
major, and Fantasia and Fugue in
G Minor.- The general public is.
General Library, main lobby
cases. 'Trochiledae, Family of
Humming Birds," by John Gould,

supplement, 1887. (July 27-August
Museum of Archaeology. From
Tombs and Towns of Ancient
Museums Building. Rotunda ex-
hibit, "The Coal Flora of Michi-
gan." Exhibition halls, "Microsco-
pie Life."
Law Library. Legal cartoons
(basement, July 24-August 18).
Michigan Historical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. "Tourists
in Michigan-Yesterday and To-
Museum of Art. Oriental ceram-
ics (June 26-August 18). Modern
graphic art. (July 2-August 15).
Clements Library. Michigan rar-
ities. (August 1-18).
Events Today
U. of M. Hostel Club: Sun., July
30: Historic Bike Trip: Meet at
W. entrance of League at 2 p.m.
to visit historic spots in, and near,
Ann Arbor. Bring lunch for cook-
out after. Everyone welcome.
Graduate Outing Club: Meet
at 2 p.m. today, Northwest en-
trance Rackham. Canoeing, hiking,
Coming Events
"Hansel and Gretel," Humper-
dinek's opera- based on the Grimm
fairy tale, will open at 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday at Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Presented by the Depart-
*ment of Speech in cooperation
with the School of Music, the op-
era will run through Saturday, all
performances beginning at 8 p.m.
There will be no matinee. Tickets
are on sale at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn box office, open daily (ex-
cept Sundays) trom 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. and until 8 p.m. the nights of
Tea Time at the Guild House,
438 Maynard. 4:30-6 p.m. Congre-
gational - Disciple - Evangelical &
Reformed Guild.
Botanical Seminar: at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Rm. 1139 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Prof. R. J. Lowrywill
speak on "Some Piactical Consid-
erations in the Use of Radio-Ac-
tive Materials in Botanical Stu-
dies." All interested are invited to
Square Dance Group meets, 7-
9:30 p.m. Tuesday, Lane Hall.
The English Journal Club will
meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow, West
Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg.
Prof. Archibald Hill of the Uni-
versity of Virginia will speak on
"Linguistics and Literary Criti-
(continued on Page 3)
+j *




Publication in The Daily Official'
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin-
istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1950
VOL. LX, No. 24-S-
All applicants for the doctorate
who are planning to take the Aug-
ust preliminary examinations in
Education, to be held August 21,
22, and 23, 1950, will please notify
the Chairman of the Committee on
Graduate Studies in Education,
Room 4019 UHS, immediately.
HARLAN C. KOCH, Chairman
Committee on Graduate Studies
School of Education
Admission of Freshmen to the
University of Michigan will be dis-
cussed at 4 p.m. Monday in Uni-
versity High School Auditorium.
The meeting is planned particular-
ly for those who deal with counsel-
ing prospective University fresh-
men; however, everyone interested
is most welcome. There will be a
report of new practices aiid trends
in admission, pre-college counsel-
ing and testing services, and a
consideration of ways of improving
articulation of high school and
University counseling of pre-col-
lege students.
The names of M. A. candidates
in history who passed the foreign-
language examinations are posted
in Room 100A Rackham Building.

Contemporary Arts and Society
Program. Dr. German Arciniegas,
Colombian writer and educator,
will speak on Popular Art in Latin
America (in English), in The
Rackham Amphitheatre tomorrow
at 8 p.m. The Department of Ro-
mance Languages is co-sponsor.
Naval Research Reserve: 7:30
p.m. tomorrow, Rackham, Rm. 106.
"Use of Punched Cards in Scienti-
fic Computation."
Mathematics Colloquium w i 11
meet at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Rm.
3001 Angell Hall. Prof. H. D.
Kloosterman, visiting professor
from the University of Leiden will
speak on "Derivatives and Finite
The Quest for Social Security.
"American Management and So-
cial Security." Harry W. Anderson,
vice-president, General Motors
Corporation. 4:15 p.m. tomorrow,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Institute on the Near East. "The
Concepts ofnPrivaterand Public
International Law in Islam." Her-
bert J. Liebesny, United States De-
partment of State. 4:15 p.m. Tues-
day, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Linguistic Institute. "The Prob-
lem of Hattic." H. G. Guterbock
University of Chicago. 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Doro-


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Philip Dawson......Managing Editor
Peter Hotton............City Editor
Marvin Epstein ......... Sports Editor
Pat Brownson........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.... Business Manager
Waiter Shapero... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwse credited to this newspaper.
All erhts of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor,.Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular schoc.
year by carrier. $5.00. by mail, $6.00.

Against the super-highway
coming through here? Buf I-..
Yes. 'The Highway Department
had a perfectly good route A
all laid. out WEST f town-

And then somebody saw a way to
make a buck for himself and put
the old pressure on the politicos
to run the highway through here-
But I... Mty Firy
It was- Godfather-

Whoever dre meS up the crazy idea...
My Fairy
God father".- - Must be pixilatged-
Huh? Who? -
OMalley did
THlS to US?
"Jolt3 a



But, fellows-My friends-The

All those trucks roaring through our woods-

We don't want no 1 1


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