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July 29, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-29

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SATURDAY. JULY 29. 1953 *

Washington Merry-Go -Round

accumulates in the Justice Department's
belated probe of Senator Brewster's eaves-
dropping on Howard Hughes, the West Coast
aviation mogul.
It will be recalled that three years ago
when the GOP Senator from Maine was
chairman of the Senate War Investigating
Committee, he staged a headline-snatch-
ing investigation of the ratier far-fetched
charge that Hughes had spent govern-
ment money extravagantly in building a
giant amphibious transport plane.
It turned out, however, that Brewster had
something of an axe to grind for his good
friends of Pan American World Airways, and
had talked to Hughes earlier about an amal-
gamation between Pan Am and his Trans
World Airlines.
It also turned out, two years later, that
Brewster had used the metropolitan police
of the District of Columbia to tap Howard
Hughes's phone and put a microphone in
his room. In fact, police Chief Robert Bar-
rett submitted a report to the Justice De-
partment almost one year ago that one of
his officers, Lieut. Joseph Shimon, had
been tapping wires for Senator Brewster's
investigating committee.
Wire-tapping, of course, is barred by sec-
tion 603 of the Federal Communications
Act and is a criminal offense.
HOWEVER, the Justice Department, after
letting the wire-tapping report gather
dust for nine months, finally got around to
ordering an FBI investigation. And the most
interesting thing the FBI has.turned upis a
statement made to a G-man by Lieut. Shi-
mon that Senator Brewster's secretary paid
him for his wire-tapping.
Another interesting point is that a close
friend of Brewster's, William Power Ma-
loney, has been retained as defense counsel
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Wasted Ability
GOOD AS IT IS, the American educational
system is not providing maximum de-
velopment of our human resources.
Among professional educators the problem
usually is discussed in terms of classroom
techniques designed to be of maximum bene-
fit to tie child of above-average intelligence.
But from the standpoint of society as a
whole the education of the gifted poses a
problem that extends beyond the classroom:
What can be done to assure maximum edu-
cational opportunity for gifted young people?
A special report by the Educational Poli-
cies Commission of the National Education
Association has summed up the problem:
"Because opportunities for leadership
depend to an increasing extent on the
completion of advanced education, and
because such education is today more
readily accessible to the children of fam-
Ilies in favorable circumstances than to
others, a tendency toward social strati-
fication exists. This situation also tends to
curtail the full development and utiliza-
tion of the abilities of some gifted youth."
The survey on which this report was based
showed that half the people in the highest
10 per cent in scholastic aptitude do not at-
tend college. The implication, of course, is
that a lot of potentially able people are thus
failing to make their maximum contribution
to society.s
There is no denying the fact that there is
a lot to be done toward better development
and utilization of our above-average human
ability. Some way must be found to lower
the economic barriers that discourage gifted
young people from getting a college educa-

-St. Louis Star-Times
THE ALCHEMIST, by Ben Jonson, and
KING LEAR, by Wm. Shakespeare. Pre-
sented. by the Oxford University Players>
at the Lydia Mendelssohn.
been in town these past two nights busily
demonstrating what an undergraduate play
production group can amount to. Let there
be none of the usual academic reticence
about it: both "The Alchemist" and "King
Lear," as this group does them, are brilliant
There are a number of reasons for the
sustained excellence of these two perfor-
mances. Unhappily, the Daily deadline,
which is, to be sure, the latest in the state;
is nevertheless not late enough to allow
for a nerformance which did not end until

for Lieut. Shimon. For, upon Shimon's testi-
mony depends whether or not Senator Brew-
ster becomes involved in a criminal proceed-
So far, Shimon has stuck to a very care-
ful story. He admits tapping Howard
Ilughes' phone, but he does not admit giv-
ing any information about the wire-tap-
ping to the senator. This is aimed to let
Brewster off the hook.
The Senator from Maine, in turn, has fig-
ured out an interesting excuse for his asso-
ciation with the police lieutenant. Friends
were worried over threats of physical vio-
lence, he says, so Shimon was hired to pro-
tect him. In the course of protecting him, the
police lieutenant tapped the wire of Howard
Hughes-the last persory incidentally, who
would have attacked Brewster physically.
It sounds awfully far-fetched, but believe
it or not, that's the alibi.
* * *
who as chairman of the National Se-
curity Resources Board now becomes virtual
czar of the civilian economy, has worked
out a common-sense scheme for the admin-
istration of controls.
At least it sounds like common sense on
paper, though old-timers have raised eye-
brows as to whether it will really work.
What Symington plans is to place the
administration of controls in the hands of
the present government agencies instead
of building up big new bureaus. For in-
stance, he would have the Labor Depart-
ment handle manpower and labor prob-
lems; the Commerce Department handle
retail prices, and priorities on raw ma-
terials; the Interior Department coal, oil,
and electric power.
The Commerce Department, Symington
points out, has 56,000 employes. Therefore,
instead of building up new bureaucracies,
he would have the Commerce Department
handle all war controls affecting business.
Experts who handled war controls in the
last war agree that this is a most laudable
idea. However, they point out that out o
the Commerce Department's employes, 11,-
000 are scattered around the nation's air-
ports with the Civil Aeronautics Adminis-
tration; another large group' is with the
Coast and Geodetic Survey; and others are
scattered around the country as Weather
Bureau observers. And you can't do much
about priorities or price controls when you're
sitting in a lighthouse or sending up weather
Another criticism is that war controls
have to, be administered impartially and
for the best interests of all.
In contrast, the Labor Department's chief
function is to champion the cause of labor,
therefore it would be handicapped in settling
a wartime wage dispute.
Likewise, the Agriculture Department has
always pleaded the cause of the farmer,
might be prejudiced when given the job of
keeping prices down.
However, Symington points to the futil-
ity of building up big bureaus only to dis-
band them if ,the Korean crisis tapers off
next winter. So his idea will be given a
good trial.
* * *
NO SENATOR was better qualified to ans-
wer Joe McCarthy's harum-scarum at-
tack on the State Department than Tom
Connally of Texas. As boss of the Foreign
Relations Committee, Connally knows the
Department, its policies and personnel, like
a book.
However, Texas Tom remained noncom-
mittal until the closed-door Democratic cau-
cus the other day. Then he said a mouthful.
"The evidence clearly shows that the
State Department is innocent of the char-
ges made against it," declared Connally.
"But it is regrettable to me that this issue
should have been raised a a time when
the reputation of our State Department
can least afford to be sullied.

"This is a time when we should all be
pulling together in a united effort to win
the conflict in the Far East. We should be
exerting all our energies to that job. We
cannot afford to let our people be divided
and confused by political opportunists who
seek to destroy confidence in the govern-
Connally, however, did not approve a
proposal, supported by Sen. Millard Tydings
of Maryland, that a "resolution of cen-
sure" be adopted against McCarthy. Neither
did Senators Warren Magnuson of Wash-
ington, James Murray of Montana and oth-
ers, who argued that this might make a,
"martyr" of the wild-talking Wisconsinite.
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
For the Record
HENRY WALLACE says, "I hold no brief
for the past actions of either the U.S. or
Russia, but when my country is at war, and
the United Nations sanctions that war, I am
on the side of my country and the TT N" Be

WASHINGTON-We, the American people,
are in for belt-tightening and sacri-
fices in our personal lives for a long time to
come. In the end they may go far beyond
those of World War II.
We might as well accept that now, and
prepare ourselves accordingly. For this is
perhaps the most serious crisis in our na-
tional history. Our future, as a free nation,
is at stake.
The gigantic problem we face has become
clear as the North Korean Communist ag-
gression is placed in perspective with the
whole world background, as affects our con-
test with Russia, and, it is now possible to
outline the broad plans as we buckle down
to the ordeal with which Russia has con-
fronted us.
Whether the brutal Korean attack is the
forerunner of others, at other exposed and
vulnerable points, and what the place and
time-table might be, if so, are not as-
certainable. But, for all our purposes now,
they are not essential, for we must accept
that as the new Russian strategy, for
safety's sake, and are so accepting it.
The Korean thrust has revealed very
plainly that Russia is ready to risk open
aggression, however thinly veiled, and it is
scarcely veiled at all from information now
at hand, of her direction and supplying of
the North Korean adventure.
HOW COSTLY is to be the Korean enter-
prise in men, equipment and supplies-
which mean appropriations and taxes and
controls-is now clear, minor and isolated as
it is relatively. Others, if they follow, will
be similarly costly. We must be ready for
those, which means sacrifices of all sorts.
But, furthermore, we must calculate
that, at any time, such explosions on far
frontiers may result in general war, or
that, at some future time, Russia may de-
cide on general war.
That means, simply, that we must get
ready, must get ready fast and, because of
what we need to do, that will require all-
out efforts in every direction, along alf
fronts, military and productive.
That is the immediate task before us-to
match our power and that of our sure and
certain allies with Russian power.
Neither our government nor our people
want to see a third world war. That is
unthinkable. Nobody would win in the
sense in which we formerly have thought
of winning wars. This is where our diplo-
matic strategy, which ties in with our mili-
tary strategy comes in. This aim, broadly,
is to confront Russia with matched pow-
er, and on that basis we can go into di-
rect negotiations, cards down on the table,
for a settlement.
Our readiness for war is the price of peace?
as it is of our national existence.
THE PRICE is going to be high. The initial
"take" of five billion dollars in taxes
which President Truman has asked, and
which Congress will grant, is merely a start-
er. There will be more taxes, for we intend
to pay as we go to preserve the stability off
our economy, and on the basis of ability t
pay. There will be more controls, at Presi-
dent Truman has indicated.
The administration's present plan is to
proceed gradually, but surely, in order to
adjust our people to what is going to be a
new way of life. For the time being, at
least, the administration has rejected the
pleas of those who would move promptly toi
complete mobilization, including all-out
controls on prices, wages, production, such
as advocated publicly by Bernard M. Bar-
uch, and privately within the administra-
tion by others. But, if that is found neces-
sary it will come.
Industry and labor are being taken into
complete partnership, the terms of which are

being worked out between them and W. Sttn
art Symington, chairman of the National Se-i
curity Resources Board. Labor is to be given
a real partnership which it did not have ii
the second world war, with representation in
every sphere of government activity. Mr.
Symington is determined on that, and has
the backing of the President. He has been
convinced of labor's earnestness in this cri-
sis, and is well aware of our reliance on la-
bor for production. Labor is very much
awake to the Communist threat from sad
experience with Communist maneuvers with-
in labor unions. Labor is receptive to wage
controls, but only if they are accompanied by
price controls to protect it, and by controls
on profits.
this emergency will be on the recog-
nized Truman administrative pattern. In-
stead of piling up special boards and agen.
cies into top-heavy, cumbersome super-
structures, as was the Roosevelt pattern for
the last war, with resultant bitter rivalries,
this effort. will be managed, and directed as
far as possible, through regular established
departments and agencies.
For example, the Commerce Department
under Secretary Charles Sawyer, will have
charge of allocating materials, with particu-
lar emphasis on steel; the Interior Depart-
ment under Secretary Oscar Chapman will
handle oil and other natural reosurces nor-
mally under its jurisdiction; the Labor De-
partment under Secretary Maurice Tobin,

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"Can You See Us Now.?"

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Russian Return to UN
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
OVIET RUSSIA'S RETURN to the United Nations Security Council
not only presages a bitter battle over all future UN action regard-
ing Korea. It immediately raises speculation that she may wish to be
in better position to protect her propaganda flanks in some future
aggression by her satellites.
Russia blundered greatly by being absent from the Council when
the Korean matter came up. It gave the Allied Forces clear sailing.
Russia wouldn't want that to happen again. The unanimity displayed
in her absence must have taught her a lesson.
Only time, and the disposition of the Politburo, will determitne
the validity of this speculation.
OF SOME THINGS we can be fairly sure.
Russia's return--if she doesn't walk out again when she fails
to get rid of Nationalist China-presages a renewal of the "Battle
of the Vetoes" on a grand scale. Russia will propose and Nation-
alist China will veto. The Allies will propose and Russia will veto.
There may even be a spectacle in which the Russian chairman,
sitting because of the Council's rule rotating the chairmanship,
will attempt to deny the floor to his opponents. It would be typi-
cally Russian for him to attempt to ignore the Nationalist dele-
gate completely.
The presence in the chair of a delegate whose country has ignored
and villified the UN decision on Korea, refusing to cooperate for peace
or against aggression, is a grim masque.
* * * *
ONE OF THE ISSUES uppermost in the minds of many delegates is
what to do with such a'member. There are grounds for expelling her
from membership. Yet there she will sit in the Security Council presi-
Russia's return is being interpreted in some quarters as a victory
for the west. They take it as unwillingness to accept the role of out-
law, and as respect for the power of international public opinion. But
if it be victory, it is a pyrrhic one. For in any approach to the real
objectives of the UN, Russia is no help.
Russia can be expected to start out with one of her usual
peace appeals, hedged about with demands which would hamstring
the working of democracy.
In one way, Russia's return might result in good. It may so dis-
rupt the workings of the Security Council that the General Assembly
will have to step in to kelp the UN program going. That would be a
step toward greater democracy in the organization's whole conception{
an approach toward a parliamentary body instead of a debating so-
Hope for the UN has been greatly enhanced by its actions without
Russia. The continuance of those hopes will depend heavily on the or-
ganization's ability to handle Russia's return.


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin-
istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 24-S
All applicants for the doctorate
who are planning to take the Aug-
ust preliminary examinations in
Education, to be held August 21,
22, and 23, 1950, will please notify
the Chairman of the Committee on
Graduate Studies in Education,
Room 4019 UHS, immediately.
HARLAN C. KOCH, Chairman
Committee on Graduate Studies
School of Education
Admission of Freshmen to the
University of Michigan will be dis-
cussed at 4 p.m. Monday in Uni-
versity High School Auditorium.
The meeting is planned particular-
ly for those who deal with counsel-
ing prospective University fresh-
men; however, everyone interested
Alabama Tactics
ingham, Alabama, are arrest-
ing some members of the Com-
munist party against whom vag-
rancy charges can be pressed. The
officials' hatred of the local Com-
mies, whose fellow-stooges are
killing Americans in Korea, is
shared by all loyal Americans, but
such tactics of harassment are
dangerous to the very cause that
Americans are defending in Korea.
The Birmingham officials say
the arrests are limited to persons
who are "known" Communists.
"Known" to whom? Truly or fal-
sely? The officials say also that
the arrests are limited to Com-
munists who have no visible means
of support.
Here is a situation in which loy-
al Americans who happen to be
unemployed may be tossed in the
jug while real Communists who
have means of support- may go
untouched. This isn't likely to be
effective either as an action
againt communism or as an argu-
ment for democracy.
The Communists should now be
watched more closely than ever
before, but by people who know
what they are doing. The Com-
munists who are above ground
should be permitted to speak their
little piece. It's very obvious, and
one of the best arguments for the
rightness of America's policy in
-St. Louis Star-Times

is most welcome. There will be a
report of new practices and trends
in admission, pre-college counsel-
ing and testing services, and a
consideration of ways of improving
articulation of high school and
University counseling of pre-col-
lege students.
Summer Employment: Openings
for waitresses and man for general
work at country club near Ann Ar-
bor. For further information call
ext. 2614 or the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
The names of M. A. candidates
in history who passed the foreign-
language examinations are posted
in Room 100A Rackham Building.
Naval Research Reserve: Mon-
day, July 31, 7:30 p.m. Rackham,
Room 106. "Use of Punched Cards
in Scientific Computation."
Contemporary Arts and Society
Program. Dr. German Arciniegas,
Colombian writer and educator,
will speak on Popular Art in Latin
America (in English), in The
Rackham Amphitheatre, on Mon-
day, July 31, at 8 p.m. The Depart-
ment of Romance Languages is co-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John
James Dreher, Speech; thesis: "A
Comparison of Native and Acquir-
ed Language Intonation," Tuesday,
August 1, East Alcove, Assembly
Hall, Rackham Bldg., at 2 p.m.
Chairman, E. D. Schubert.
Doctoral Examination for Max
Nelson, Speech; thesis: "A Com-
parison of Electro-Cutaneous Dif-
ferentiation of Vowels Through a
1-Electrode and 2-Electrode Sys-
tem," Monday, July 31, East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Bldg., at 7:30
p.m. Chairman, E. D. Schubert.
Doctoral Examination for Doro-
thy Frances Deach, Education;
thesis: "Genetic Development of
Motor Skills of Children Two
Through Six Years of Age," Mon-
day, July 31, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., at 3 p.m. Co-
Chairmen, M. E. Rugen and W. C.
Student Recital: Walter Evich,
Violinist, will present a program at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for

the degree of Bachelor of Music. A
pupil of Paul Doktor, Mr. Evich
will play compositions by Tartini,
Bach, Mozart, and Edouard Lalo.
His program will be open to the
General Library, main lobby
cases. "Trochiledae, Family of
Humming Birds," by John Gould,
supplement, 1887. (July 27-August
Museum of Archaeology. From
Tombs and Towns of Ancient
Museums Building. Rotunda ex-
hibit, "The Coal Flora of Michi-
gan." Exhibition halls, "Microsco-
pic Life."
Law Library. Legal cartoons
(basement, July 24-August 18).
Michigan Historical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. "Tourists
in Michigan-Yesterday and To-
Museum of Art. Oriental ceram-
ics (June 26-August 18). Modern
graphic art. (July 2-August 15).
Clements Library. Michigan rar-
ities. (August 1-18).
Events Today
Graduate Outing Club: Over-
night trip. Meet at Rackham, 10
a.m. today.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
Group: Lane Hall, 12:15. Discus-
sion of Institute on Canadian-Am-
erican Relations. Resource person:
Fraser Bradshaw.
Band Conductor's Workshop. 8
a.m.-4:30 p.m. Michigan Union.
Summer Meeting of the Linguis-

tic Society of America. 9-12 a.m.,
2-5 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Coming Events
The English Journal Club will
meet at 8 p.m. on Monday, July 31,
in the West Conference Room of
the Rackham Building. Professor
Archibald Hill of the University of
Virginia will speak on "Linguistics
4nd Literary Criticism."
Graduate Outing Club: Meet
Sunday, 2 p.m., Northwest en-
trance Rackham. Canoeing, Hik-
ing, etc.


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Philip Dawson.......Managing Editor
Peter Hotton ............ City Editor
Marvin Epstein........Sports Editor
Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Walter Shapero... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Telephone 2 3-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular schoc:
year by carrier, $5.00, by mal, $6.00.


Atlas, this is Barnaby...
You remember Barnaby-
Oh, of course.
c , E-s

I have a mathematical
problem, Atas, worthy
Huh? That's
Who-'my Fairy
he- Godfather!

Mr. O'Malley. You just worked
him out on your slide-rule-
Oh. I have just measured
Yes. of 6,880le ts o
a six-inch ruler, Atlas.
How many miles is that?

I only have eleven hundred
miles to go in all. I hope
I haven't measured too far-
You've measured
exactly six and Cushlamochree!
one-third miles- Hh


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