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June 29, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-06-29

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Latest Deadline in the State



tom. ri !



VOL. LX, No. 2-S

______________________ *r

House Will
Set Tax Bill
Fate Today
Leaders To Ram
Measure Through
tration leaders decided yesterday,
to ram the $1,010,000,000 excise
cut bill through the house today,
and then let the Senate take it,
revise it, or kill it.
What happens to the bill in the
senate obviously depends upon
developments in America's mili-
tary involvements against Com-
THIS LINE OF action was
drawn as some lawmakers spec-
ulated that the tax bill may be-
come one of the first casualties
of the Korean war, if more money
for American fighting equipment
is required.
Senate Democratic Leader
p Lucas, of Illinois, said the fate
of the bill "depends on devel-
opments." He added, "there is
no indication now that more
money will be needed for the
But if such a need does arise,
one influential Democrat told
newsmen, "we will have a tax in-
crease in 30 days - not a de-
the military situation as building
up House support for a $433,000,-
000 boost in taxes on big corpora-
tions, which with loophole plug-
ging and other tax law revisions,
is designed to offset the revenue
loss from the excise cuts.
If no hitch develops and the
bill becomes law, excise taxes will
be reduced or repealed - proba-
bly September 1 or October 1 -
on a long list of articles or ser-
vices, including luggage, jewelry,
furs, cosmetics and movie tic-
k The Senate moved swiftly to
underline the President's deter-
* 'mation to halt the aspread of
Red conquest, voting 76 to 0 for
a one-year extension f the draft
The House passed the measure
by a thumping 315-0o4 margin.
*' * *
THE BILL, which now goes to
the White House, authorizes the
President to call up thousands of
draftees, National Guardsmen or
reserves, if necessary to keep the
strength of the nation's armed
forces above the 2,000,000 mark.
Senator Tydings (D - Md.) -
pleaded for speedy approval of
the $1;222,500,000 global arms
aid bill yesterday, saying any
other course "invites disaster."
The chairman of the Senate
Armed Services Comiittee said it
is imperative there be no delay in
providing increased military as-
sistance to anti-Communist na-
"Never, never, never, never
again," he said, will the United
States "have the time we had in
World War I and World War II
to get ready" in event of another
Tahnadge Has
Wide Margin

In Election
ATLANTA-Y/P)-Georgia's uni-
que county unit election system
gave Gov. Herman Talmadge, de-
fiant champion of "white supre-
macy," a big lead for renomina-
tion tonight.
But former Gov. M. E. Thomp-
son, a never-say-die ex-school
teacher, pulled ahead in popular
votes and jubilantly predicted fi-
nal victory in the Democratic pri-
Veteran Sen. Walter George pil-
ed up an overwhelming lead over
Atlanta attorney Alex McLennan,
who lambasted George as a pawn
of big corporations.
Returns from 765 to 1,704 pre-
cincts, and 127 of 159 counties,
gave Talmadge 245 indicated unit
votes - enough to win if he con-
tinues to lead in the same coun-
ties., Thompson led in 31 counties
having 97 unit votes.
But Thompson led in popular

'Independent' MSC
News Ends Career
The last issue of an independent Michigan State News is in the
hands of East Lansing students this morning.
It was written and edited yesterday by q group of high school
students working under the direction of News staffers. The MSC
paper was suspended four days before it was slated to close up for
the summer, because of an editorial attacking the conduct of the
American Legion sponsored "Boys' State" convention.
* * * *
WHEN THE NEWS appears again in September, it will be super-
vised by a full time director of publications, W. F. McIlrath. Prof.
A. A. Applegate, head of MSC's journalism department and chairman
of the board of publications which suspended the News said that
The full text of the editorial which led to the suspension of
the Michigan State News appears on Page 4.
Mcllrath had been hired in May and that plans had been underway'
for some time to make the college paper a laboratory for journalisni
He said there was no connection between the suspension of
the paper because of the editorial and the hiring of Mcllrath.
Applegate said he did not expect "too much" resentment at the
introduction of a faculty supervisor to the News, but talk with several
staff members yesterday indicated that they were displeased.
HE ADDED that the editorial policy of the paper under its new
faculty supervisor would still be entirely in the hands of the students.
"All we ask is that they base their editorials on facts," he
said. He added that Ron Linton, present editor of the News
would continue as editor in the fall. The paper will not be re-
stricted to journalism students, he said.
Regarding the editorial which resulted in the suspension of the
News, Applegate said that student editors "Went off the deep end."
* * * *
"THEY DID NOT stick to the facts and they used intemperate
language," he said.
Prof.Applegate denied that the American Legion had pressured
MSC officials for action against the paper and said that as far as he
knew, the Legion had not contacted him or any other MSC official.
But in Port Huron, Gerald Barr, State Commander of the
Legion said that a resolution condemning the editorial as "fol-
lowing the well-known Communist line of criticizing the Legion,',
had been sent to MSC President John Hannah.
Barr said the resolution, passed in Sault Ste. Marie, did not call
any members of the News Communists, but pointed out that the Party
line "always brands the Legion as militarists and fascists."
* * * *
"THE EDITORIAL said that Commnuism may be good or bad,"
Barr noted. "The Legion knows that it is bad and has been opposed
to it since 1919. Those who do not know it is bad are idiots," he said.
Barr said that MSC had suspended the News on their own,
but it was "possible that the Legion resolution entered into it."
The matter is closed as far as the Legion is concerned, Barr said.
"We are satisfied with the swift action of President Hannah."
Aged Need Empathy
Not Sympathy-- W einberg

MacArthur I

* * * *

British Navy
In Korean
Seas, Ready
East Berlin Reds
To Protest Today
LONDON- (P) -Britain placed
her Far Eastern Naval Forces at
the disposal of the United States
yesterday to bolster American air
and sea power in support of em-
battled Southern Korea.
Britain has 22 or 23 vessels
within reach of Korea, including
an aircraft carrier with 40 fighter
planes, and an unspecified num-
ber of land-based navy planes.
That makes British naval strength
in the Korean area approximately
equal to American naval strength
* * *
formed a cheering House of Com-
mons late yesterday that orders al-
ready have gone out to the British
naval commander at Singapore to
fulfil the government's decision.
Winston Churchill, the opposition
leader, concurred:
"I need scarcely say that the
Prime Minister speaks for all
parties in the House when he
makes this announcement. We
shall do our best to give him any
support he needs in what seems
to be an inescapable duty."
The British action came less
than 24 hours after the United
Nations Security Council asked all
UN member states to furnish such
aid as possible to help Southern
Korea repel the Communist in-
vaders from the north.
ASKED HOW British Common-
wealth countries were chipping in
to help, Attlee replied: "We have
our responsibilities under the UN.
We have taken this action. Com-
monwealth countries are equally
members of the UN and it is, of
course, for them to decide what
action they will take."
In Berlin East Berlin Com-
munists will stage an outdoor
mass meeting in the Russian
sector today to denounce Presi-
dent Truman's actions in the
Korean situation.
The Communist Peace Partisans
Committee announced the rally
yesterday. It will be held at 5
p.m. (11 a.m. CDT) in the Lust-
garten, the big square at the end
of Unter Der Linden where the
Communists usually, hold their
"Truman threatens with war-
we must enforce peace" is the an-
nounced slogan for the rally, for
which the Soviet-controlled Berlin
radio demanded a big turnout
from all the city.
* * *
IN PARIS, a French Foreign
Office spokesman doubted yester-
day that France would be able to
give material aid to American
combat efforts for South Korea.
"The French government realiz-
es and welcomes the responsibility
of the Security Council vote," he
said in comment on the UN invi-
tation to contribute to the Amer-
ica-led forces.
"It must be remembered, how-
ever, that the French commit-
ments in Indochina will make it
difficult to contribute any mater-
ial assistance to another war

es 0to Korea
Seoul Falls; Communists
SAdvance Toward Suwon
. r".v>:Top Americans Say U.S. Ground Forces
May Be Employed To Stop Red Onslaugi
< <': TOKYO-(P)-General Douglas MacArthur today flew to SC
Korea where Communist troops were slashing deeper into the inva
republic from Seoul, its captured capital.
With North Korean forces driving toward Suwon, 20 mile,
the south, the military situation had deteriorated to the point wl
some U. S. mobat troops were reliably reported placed on the a
Even as the commander of American forces in the Far East
Tokyo "to see for myself the war situation," it appeared to top-]
American authorities that U. S. ground troops may have to be
ployed soon if the Communists are to be kept from overrunning
peninsula.Q * * *


* * *

OFF TO KOREA-Gen. Douglas MacArthur, shown here holding
the arm of South Korean President Syngman Rhee, has left Tokyo
for the warfront where Rhee's troops are sorely pressed by Com-
munist armies from North Korea.
* * * *
UN Asks Members' Aid
To Stop Korean Fighting

The University's third annual
institute on "Living in the Later
Years" opened at Rackham yes-
terday and was featured by talks
by Dr. Jack Weinberg of the Uni-
versity of Illinois, and Dr. Robert
H. Felix of the Federal Security
Dr. Weinberg, who spoke on psy-
chiatric techniques in the treat-
ment of older people, told the in-
stitute that those who treat older
people must have empathy and
waste no sympathy on the aged.
* * *
DR. WEINBERG said that the
outstanding characteristics that
threaten normal emotional health
are physical decline, loss of erotic
values, loss of supporting figures,
social and economic insecurity and
the gradual contraction of ego
strength. And the chief character-
istics of the symptoms of mental
ill health are regression to earlier
methods of adjustment and the
exclusion of overwhelming stimuli,
he added.
The increased incidence of
mental illness should not over-
shaduw the problem of normal
elderly people who face a loss
of social and economic function
that is often disproportionate to
Florida Crime
In for Probe
ate crime investigating committee
announced yesterday that big-time
gambling and crime in Miami,
Fla., is coming in for a public air-
ing soon.
The date and site of the hearing
have not yet geen decided, Chair-
man Kefauver (D-Tenn.) said, but
he disclosed that a group of wit-
nesses have been ordered by sub-
poena to hold themselves in readi-
ness to testify. He declined to
state the number of prospective
Kefauver hinted that in view of
the current Korean crisis the hear-

their actual decline in mental
and physical capability, Dr. Fe-
lix asserted.
Dr. Felix who directs the Na-
tional Institute of Mental Health
called for the evolution of a prac-
tical and effective approach and to
develop integrated community pro-
grams providing for the special
needs of the aged.
* * *
stitute will deal with the medical
aspects of an aging population and
will feature addresses by Dr. Jo-
seph W. Mountin and Clark Tib-
bitts of the Federal Security Agen-
cy. Dr. Mountin will speak on
"Community Health Services for
Older People" at the morning ses-
sion and Tibbitts will speak on
"National Aspects of an Aging
Population" at the evening meet-
Today's evening session will be
highlighted by a panel discus-
sion on the rewards and penal-
ties of growing old and a model
activities center for older peo-
ple. The panel will be partici-
pated in by retired residents of
Ann Arbor. And the activities
center will be a demonstration
of a wide variety of arts, crafts
and group activities which
should be included in an activi-
ties center program.
Friday's concluding session will
consider problems of education for
an aging population. And will wind
up with an address by Gov. G.
Mennen Williams at a dinner in
the Union.

United Nations yesterday asked all
of its 59 members to help in stop-
ping the Korean conflict and sub-
sequently the Soviet Union attack-
ed the legality of the action taken
by the UN in the case.
The UN call went out to Mos-
cow as well as the other capitals.
Even before the official position
of the Soviet government became
known, no one at Lake Success
expected the Russians to heed the
curity Council, which Russia main-
tains is illegal, backed up the
American and British air and na-
WASHINGTON - (P) - Senate
Republican leaders asked yester-
day that a "Communist registra-
tion" bill be addded to the "must
list" of legislation for Congres-
sional action before adjourna-
Senator Taft (R-Ohio) said this
was decided upon at a closed-door
session of the Senate Republican
Policy Committee.
Taft said the GOP will ask
Democratic leader Lucas of Illi-
nois to bring up the bill by Sena-
tors Mundt (R-SD), Ferguson (R-
Mich) and Johnston (D-SC)
which would require registration
of all Communist Party members
and officers of "Communist-
front" organizations.
wind-up of the Senate's protract-
ed Communist investigation ap-
peared possible today as the Ty-
dings sub-committee voted to
make a report of its findings to
The decision to report was made
by a 3 to 2 vote with Republican
members Hickenlooper and Lodge
protesting the move. They were
outvoted by Chairman Tydings
and Senators Green and McMa-

val intervention in behalf of in-
vaded South Korea.
By a 7 to 1 vote the Security
Council Tuesday night asked UN
members to give assistance, in-
eluding military aid, to embat-
tled South Korea. Russia claim-
ed the Council's action was illeg-
al because Nationalist China
took part and Russia and Com-
munist China did not.
The Security Council's appeal
for UN member help in stopping
the Korean fighting, constituted
the strongest action ever taken
In Moscow, Pravda, the Com-
munist party paper, charged yes-
terday that the United States
"has undertaken a direct act of
aggression" against Northern Ko-
rea and Communist China.
In a front page editorial, it de-
clared President Truman's order
sending ships and planes to help
Western-recognized Southern Ko-
rea and to Formosa was "evidence
that the American ruling circles
no longer confine themselves to
the preparations for aggression,
but have gone over to direct acts
of aggression."
"The American government,
with its characteristic uncere-
moniousness as regards interna-
tional law, is grossly trampling on
the United Nations charter, acting
as though the United Nations or-
ganization did not exist at all,"
the Pravda editorial said.
THEN IT inquired:
"Have they not, however, gone
too far?"
It gave no answer to the ques
The U.S. Embassy announced
that a note from Washington ask-
ing the Soviet Union to use its in-
fluence to bring about the with.
drawal of the invading Commun-
ist forces from South Korea was
delivered. No reaction to the note
was made public.
Pravda's editorial was the first
public Russian comment on the
new U.S. policy in the Pacific
strife. President Truman's state-
ment was reported in routine
fashion by the Russian press.

plane landed Far East Air Force
headquarters in Tokyo announced
the Big Boeing Superfortress had
bombed Red-captured Seoul's Kim-
po Airfield this morning.
The B-29 raid was described by
headquarters as againstprimary
targets with "good results."
Kimpo is 16 miles west of Seoul.
The Air Force announcement did
not say how many B-29s partici-
pated. Presumably the giant four
engine planes came from Guam,'
home base of B-29 runs against
Japan in the Pacific war.
THIS WAS the military picture
as represented in Tokyo as the
plane landed safely in Korea with
MacArthur, who planned to stay
at least two days:
The North Koreans had knifed
south several miles from Seoul.
This thrust was toward Suwon,
20 miles to the south, and its
airbase which American planes
are using. The heaviest fighting
was said to be between Seoul
and Suwon.
The Communist line ran rough-
ly east from there to a point just
south of Samchok, a city 40 miles
from the 38th parallel which di-
vided the republican South from
the Communist North.
Far to the south, a Commu-
nist commando force was driv-
ing inland from the east coast
near Pohangdong for Taegu, 147
air miles south of Seoul. They
ewer reported fighting along the
road which links Taegu with
The South Korean Army was
driven from Seoul yesterday after
a shattering attack by an unex-
pectedly large force of Russian-
made tanks.
IT WAS LEARNED authorita-
tively that the military situation
was regarded with such gravity
that the U.S. may be forced to
commit ground troops if South
Korea is to be saved.
No ground troops have been
sent to South Korea.
So far the U. S. Air Force is in
action with F-80 jets and F-82
conventional engine fighters and
B-26 light bombers.
Ships of the U.S. Navy have
been assigned to undisclosed mis-
sions and reliable sources said a
U.S. Signal Corps unit had gone
to Korea to set up communica-
Arms are being airlifted into
South Korea around the clock by
the Air Force. A squadron of big
C-54 transports has been trans-
ferred from the Philippines to
step up the supply operation.

Greeted by a standup ovation
cheers, Mr. Truman said the d
cision was taken on the advice
"all the best brains. I could =-
ter." Then solemnly, he declared
"We face a serious situation,
hope in the cause of peace."
* * *
Taft (R-Ohio) told the Senate
supports the use of American ar
ed forces in Korea, but in blu
unequivocal terms he demand
the resignation of Secretary
State Acheson.
"Any Secretary of State wb
has been so reversed by his s'
periors and whose policies ha
precipitated the danger of w
had better resign and let som
one elseadminister the progra
to which lie was, and perha
still is, so violently opposec
Taft said.

Fear Threat,
Says Tr'urai
Truman said today the Unit
States must codnteract "the Con
munist weapon of fear" and]
pledged this country's help to pe
ple of other lands in their stru
gle to keep free.
"We must and we shall gi
every possible assistance to peoX
who are determined to maints
their independence," Mr. Trum
said, in an address before the a
nual convention of the Americ
Newspaper Guild.
"THE RECENT unprovoked i
vasion of the Republic of Kor
by Communist armies is an exar
ple of the danger to which unde
developed areas are exposed."
Earlier, the President told
luncheon of reserve officers b
hopes the decision to combs
the march of Communism wi
finally mean "peace in ti


"I HAVE heretofore urged
much more determined attitu
against Communism in the F
East, and the President's new p
licy moves in that direction.
"It seems to me that the tim
has come when we give defini
notice to the Communists th
a move beyond a declared lin
would result in war."
Taft said he would vote for 1
use of U.S. troops in Korea
such a request were placed befc
* * *
Democratic leader, replied
Taft's criticism of the administ
tion, saying such speeches p
"directly into the hands of
Now is the time to close rai
and strive for national unity, L
cas said. He said Taft was alwa
talking about what should ha
been done, indicating that he
ways had "the remedies and pi
a ceas to do everything exac
Dr. Sander Gets

Defensive Force Need Not Mean War, Preuss Says

Although the present action of
the U.S. in Korea is not tanta-
mount to a declaration of war, the
President can use the armed for-
ces to protect American security
anywhere, Prof. Lawrence Preuss
of the political science depart-

"The absence of Russia in the
Security Council at the time of
the vote of agreement does not
illegalize or negate the affirma-
tion." There is no 'veto by ab-
sence,' Prof. Preuss asserted.
Russia initiated the practice of
abstention and cannot claim this

sian recognition of the presence
of Nationalist China as the Coun-
cil representative of all China,
Prof. Preuss explained.
He said that although Korea
- is not a member of the UN, the
present UN and U.S. action is
also completely legal under Ar-

danger to the peace," Prof. Preuss
* * *
are binding on all UN members
and the mandate justifies U.S.
action although not requiring it,
he added. "The U.S. must protect

UN to take responsibility would
have been far more disasterous.
The present situation could mean
the end of Russian participation
in the UN, but Russia has been
approaching this state for some
time through its refusal to take
part in any of the organizations,

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