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July 27, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-27

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IMMT1SDAY,3ULY 27, 1950

Phit Ti4 Corke .. .

Em ________________________________________

ning the sale of "subversive" publica-
ns on city property, seems to have been
st blindly lashing out at an enemy whom
e Councilmen do not understand or know
>w to defeat. Their action is worse than
tile. It is actually subversive itself. And the
ost disturbing thing about it is that the
uncil does not give any sign of knowing
lat is being subverted.
The Council resolved to order Detroit
olice to stop the sale of "subversive news-
apers and literature." The Councilman
ho offered the resolution explained that
ommunist papers were giving "aid and
omfort to the enemy" while the U.S. is
ighting in Korea. He said that their sale
The action affects news stands located on
,y property, which includes sidewalks. It
is based on the fact that street news
inds are not licensed by the City. They
yve only "squatters" rights," according to
e Council.
When police found a news stand near City
I selling the Daily Worker, the Council
opted a new ordinance banning this stand
a nuisance and making no mention of
ibversive literature." They hoped in this
y to avoid a long court test on the consti-
tionality of their action.
tional, the Council's purpose is obviously
prohibit the sale of the Communist pubes
ations. And it is still true that nothing
1 be gained-and a great deal may be
t-by their action.
The Communist Party will continue to
action. Those who believe the Party's pro-
ganda will continue to believe it-and will
atinue to read it. Those who might be per-
aded by the Party's arguments about cap-
list totalitarianism in the U.S. will 'be
esented with just one more pro-Commun-
At the same time, those who disagree
ith the Communists are denied the op-
ortunity of examining the propaganda
hey are attempting to combat. A "great
%mpaign of truth," such as Secretary
cheson proposed, cannot have much ef-
et if those who are to undertake and
ipport it are not allowed to examine
If there is one thing the Nazis proved, it
that force cannot conquer an idea. And
it is the idea of Communism, as much as
aggressive political power, that we art
ainst, then we must fight it by showing
at democratic ideas-such as freedom of
ech and of the press-are better.
HERE IS ALWAYS, of course, the bare
-possibility that the Communists may
neday be right about something. The City
uncil is not only inadvertently aiding the
mmunists' propaganda campaign; more
portant, it is giving up our traditional re-
rce upon freedom for even the most ex-
me opinions as a means of arriving at
And the fact that Communism is an in-

ternational conspiracy does not remove
the obligation to protect freedom of
thought. It is one thing to insist that
Communists not be given responsible posi-
tions in the government. It is quite anoth-
er to prohibit them from advocating their
ideas in peaceable fashion.
Our governmental agencies, including the
Detroit City Council, should be prepared to
tolerate Communist propaganda so long as
it is not a clear and presentdanger togthe
existence of the government. And, while
Communist conspiracy is a present danger,
Communist propaganda is not-at least not
S* * *
THIS BRINGS ME to the most dangerous
feature of the Council's action: the as-
sumption that Communist propaganda is
If true, this premise means that what we
are engaged in is not a police action in
Korea but an all-out military war against
Communists all over the globe.
If Communist propaganda is treasonable,
then there is no hope whatever of getting
along with the Russians or any other Com-
munists; the only possibility is full-scale
military war, which might as well begin im-
mediately before the Russians are too stroxtg
to be beaten by us.
Communist propaganda cannot be treas
onable unless it constitutes a clear and pre-
sent danger to our government. And this
propaganda cannot constitute a clear and
present danger unless people who read it are
likely to rise in rebellion, or desert from Ar-
my, or engage in violent action against our
The Detroit City Council, and others who
agree with them, are apparently ready to say
that this is so. They seem to think that we
must give up the conflict of ideas in order
to engage in a conflict solely of force. They
must believe that a general war is inevitable.
And by acting on this assumption, they
are prepared to make it so.
If we assume that World War III is in-
evitable, and tailor our thinking to that as-
sumption, we will miss all the opportunities
that present themselves to avert a world war.
We have such an opportunity now in
Korea. Our policy there is to stop aggres-
sion by force, if possible. And our future
policy ought to be to do all we can to es-
tablish the positive conditions of demo-
cracy there. But we cannot do this if our
policy is to be subverted at home by peo-
ple acting on the assumption that we are
in a world war.
To confuse the Korean war with a world
war, as the Detroit City Council has done in
banning the Daily Worker, is not only to
miss the whole point of Truman's action
there. It is to subvert our world policy, or
what should be our policy, of attempting to
aid in the spread of democratic ideas and
practices while at the same time preserving
the basis for negotiation with an anti-demo-
cratic power at the earliest real opportunity.
-Philip Dawson

WASHINGTON-A diverting theme has
been parroted constantly by Republi-
cans in their attack on the majority report
of three Democratic members of the Foreign
Relations subcommittee, who called the
charges by Senator Joe McCarthy of Com-
munists in the State Department a "fraud
and a hoax."
As if by common accord, Republicans
who have risen during the debate-which
has been prolonged to the exclusion of,
much more pressing business-have said
in varying phraseology that the subcom-
mittee's investigation was, as Senator Ives
put it, "aimed primarily and exclusively
at the senator from Wisconsin."
The fact is that the committee, under di
rection of Senator Tydings, its chairman,
gave Senator McCarthy, who alone brought
the charges, days and weeks in which to pre
sent his case, which he did in elaborate and
nauseating detail. Quite humanly, committee
members became annoyed as the senator
rambled on at his complete lack of proof.
But they always acceded to his repeated re-
quests for more time, which in the end only
brought more of the same unsubstantiated
One who has watched Congressional in-
vestigations for more than a quarter of a
century can attest that this committee was
far more patient with the senator than .any
other investigative group in that time has
been with private citizens. That probably
comes under the license of what is known
hereabouts as "senatorial courtesy" which is
extended by members to one another.
One by one, the committee went ex-
haustively into all cases submitted by the
senator, including an exploration of the
files, and the three Democratic members
constituting the majority-Senators Tyd-
ings, McMahon and Green, reported they
found nothing to uphold his allegations
and excoriated their Republican colleague.
But there is another side of this case which
has been overlooked. That involves the pub-'
lic interest-and the Senate.
'* *
TO THE EXTENT that the committee did
question Senator McCarthy as to his
facts, it was not only entirely justified, but
it would have failed in its duty to the pub
lie, and itself, if it had not done so. It was
justified, in fact, in going much further.
Under the Constitution the Senate, as
well as the House, is the sole judge of its
members. It has the duty to sit in judge-
ment under the Constitution to protect
both itself and the public, and this it has
done in many instances in its long his-
tory. It has called its members to account.
At times its judgement has gone so far as
expulsion, at others to votes of censure.
Senator McCarthy slandered citizens from
behind his cloak of Congressional immunity.
Because of that immunity, these citizens an,
the public in general have no protection
whatever in cases of this kind. That makes
it incumbent upon Congress, in whichever
branch the breach of public interest occurs,
to assume its duty to protect the Constitu-
tional rights of citizens, as well as to protect
itself so that it will not lose the public con-
fidence necessary for the proper exercise of
its functions in our systems.
Never in the history of Congress has one
member traduced so many private citi-
zens without reason. In normal times, with
an absence of the emotion and, prejudice
that suffuses these times, he would have
been called more strictly to account, aS.
othersahave been, and by members of his
own party as well.

The Republican position is somewhat hard
to understand, even if you dismiss it as
mere politics designed either to take a fell.
low member off the hook, or to keep alive
the rumors he circulated for effect in the
fall elections, or both. The give-away of the
weakness of this case is that no one has
risen to defend the Wisconsin Senator. You
can find out from cloak-room conversation
what most of his Republican colleagues
really think of his performance. The resort
instead, is to technicalities, a round-about
approach, a defense by indirection without
going to the root of the matter.
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which arse signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any ;eason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Scottsboro Case...
To the Editor:
I WISH to take exception to the
editorial, "Scottsboro Case-
Finis," which appeared in The
Daily on July 20th.
In the first place, the title of
the editorial represents an erron-
eous assumption. The Scottsboro
Case is not ended. The refusal of
Governor Williams to extradite
Haywood Patterson means only
that Patterson is free to live in
Michigan. For the "last of the
Scottsboro boys" the case cannot
be ended until a complete pardon
is granted by the state of Ala-
bama, so that Patterson will be
free to live in any state of the
Union. For the Negro people, and
other American citizens, the case
cannot be considered ended so
long as the conditions under
which the original assault on the
principles of justice, decency, and
democracy took place still largely
persist. True, Haywood Patterson
if free (while he stays in Michi-
gan), but at the present time
other Haywood Pattersons. are
facing death. At this writing 27
Negro men and boys are facing
death through "legal lynchings"
in nine states of our country. The
"ultimate justice of democracy".
which took eighteen years to
catch up with Patterson, may be
too late to save the lives of Willie
McGee of Mississippi, the "Mar-
tinsville Seven" in Virginia, or
the nineteen other Negro Ameri-
cans who are victims of Jim-Crow
The Scottsboro Case cannot be
ended so long as the pattern it
so vividly portrayed is still a part
of the "American way of life."
For in the last analysis, the pat-
tern of Negro oppression in Am-
erica is buttressed, not only by
unjust courts, but by intimida-
tion, the threat and use of lynch
terror, and, Mr. Samra to the con-
trary notwithstanding, bullets. As
long as this pattern is allowed to
continue, we must expect other
colored peoples of the world to
regard with suspicion and dis-
trust our professions that we are
seeking unselfishly to protect and
foster their democratic aspira-
tions. We send American troops
8,000 miles from home "to combat
Communism" and ensure free
elections to the colored people of
Korea. How many people in this
country would support the send-
ing of troops to combat fascism
and ensure free elections to the
coolred people of Alabama (home
of the Scottsboro Boys) and Mis-
sissippi (home of Willie McGee)?
While we rejoice that Heywood
Patterson, "last of the Scottsboro
Boys" has secured at last a meas-
ure of freedom, we cannot afford
to relax our struggles to make all
America truly a land where pro-
gress can be won through the bal-
-Thomas Byers, Grad.
.* *
'Peace' Petition
To the Editor:
IT APPEARS obvious from The
Daily's account of physicist
Dean Sawyer's speech on atomic
energy that he is not too well
versed in sociology, military tac-
tics, or logic, and that he may
never even have read the Stock-
holm Peace Appeal which he so
easily classifies as a Communist-
Russian plot designed to emascu-
late the U.S. of her military viril-
The Dean implies in his attack
on the Peace Appeal that it only
asks the U.S. to destroy her atom-
is bombs. Actually, the Appeal
mentions neither the U.S. nor the
U.S.S.R. and instead asks for an
international ban on atomic wea-
pons with "the institution of strict
international control to enforce

this." It is no radical proposal.
Both ourselves and the Soviets
have in the past proposed, the
same in the UN, being unable to
agree on particulars. The Appeal
is merely a direct moral injunc-
tion from the people designed to
bring pressures on all statesmen
to work harder to gain agreement
on the particulars as one step to-
ward world peace.
Dean Sawyer says that without
the bomb the U.S. would be at the
"mercy of Russia because of her
superior overall military strength,"
that the atom bomb is "our most
strategic weapon." But what is
strategic about a weapon which
cannot single out industrial tar-
gets but only knocks them out in-
cidentally to killing millions of
quite unstrategic women and
children. And why is the posses-
sion of this weapon of mass terror
particularly advantageous to the
U.S.? This is 1950; the Russians
have the bomb too. And are not
our own populations more cen-
tralized, more exposed, than Rus-
eia~9 Ar u ...milind n af mi

pearkweak when he attempts to
attack the Appeal by labeling it
Communist. The error is formally
called the "genetic fallacy" .---
But forgetting the fallacy, the la-
bel itself is false. Surely, for in-
stance, t h e French Catholic
Church, which has almost unani-
mously endorsed the appeal, or
our own atomic physicist, educa-
ro, and religious leader, Arthur
Compton, who supports the Appeal,
would not fit any "front organiza-
tion" or "fellow traveler" classifi-
Incidentally, if the Communists
are "plotting" peace, what, pray
tell, are we capitalists plotting?
-Harold Morris
* * *
Bolivian Offer .. .
To the Editor:
KITH RESPECT to the first
definite offer of army person-
el by Bolivia to the UN call, I can
not but shake my head, smile,
and later call it a gross and false-
ly inspired offer. I spent years in
Bolivia; my father was for four
years military adviser in the Bo-
livian Army; Bolivia and its peo-
ple are still close to my heart. It's
people are friendly and coopera-
tive, its music is inspiring, its na-
ture ic beautiful and impressive.
There is something in Bolivia that
is not only a nuisance, but also a
burden that has strangled the
country since its existence. This
is the Bolivian Army, especially
its officers. These men are mostly
crude, ignorant, and reactionary;
they have controlled the country
many times in the past; they have
tried to eliminate with the most
cruel methods any opposition to-
ward them, they receive the
greatest share of the national
budget in a country where iliter-
acy is among the highest in the
world. These officers are nearly
all against foreigners, especially
the U.S. They just hate the U.S.
Many of them studied in Hitler's
armies and some of them even ac-
quired their knowledge in Dach-
au, Buchenwald, or Belsen. How
hypocritical is it that 30 of these
officers have been offered to the
UN efforts in Korea. The fight in
Korea attracts them because they
can get experience and training
later to be turned against those
in Bolivia who will want to be-
come free of such a vicious army
I deplore the fact that other
countries are not willing to send
ground troops to Korea and that
only U.S. soldiers are dying for a
UN cause.sBolivian officers are a
greater evil than no offer. Their
lack of technical knowledge will
only burden the war efforts. For
the Bolivian people it is danger-
ous because what these officers
will have learned will be turned
against them and it will only
mean a greater tyranny by the ar-
Certainly, there are some good
and honest men among these of-
ficers, but they are so few, nearly
all of them sooner or later leave
the army; therefore, the chance is
very small that these will be
among the 30 officers offered to
the UN.
-Charles W. Arnade, Grad.
* * *
Peace' Petition . .
To the Editor:
T(' THE DAILY'S coverage: of
F Dean Ralph Sawyer's talk is
accurate, then wil somebody ex-
plain the logic to me? Dean Saw-
yer said among other things:
1-In a major war we must use
atomic bombs as our most stra-
tegic weapon.
2-Success of the Stockholm
Peace Appeal would lead to the
destruction of our country.

3-Atomic energy has the pow-
er to destroy civilization.
Acording to these premises our
country is in for destruction no
matter what. We might call this
a bloody syllogism or by the more
appropriate term, nonsense.
-Alm Lippitt
'Peace' Petition ..
To the Editor:
I WOULD like to use The Daily's
Letters to the Editor column as
a means of contacting the Ann
Arbor group which is circulating
the Stockholm "peace" petition.
It's hard to admit in print that
you've been wrong, but frankly I
have been. Without checking into
the reasons or people behind the
petition, I took it at face value
and signed.
I now have had a chance to in-
vestigate and believe that while
the local group may be perfectly
sincere I have reason for question-
ing the motives of the originating
group or groups. The petition is
being used as an instrument of
Sat. f+ rarmn niie+to mirraii


Publication in The 'Daily Official
Bulletin is constructivenotice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin-
istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 22-S
Preliminary Examinations in
(1) General Linguistics, Friday,
August 11, 2-5.
(2) Comparative Grammar, Sat-
urday, August 12, 9-12.
(3) English, Chinese, etc., Sat-
urday, August 12, 2-5.
Candidates should notify Prof.
H. Kurath of their intentions by
August 1.
Deutsches Haus. No "Open
House" will be held this week,
Thursday, July 27, because of con-
flict with Oxford Players.
The Counseling Division of the
Bureau of Psychological Services
will be located beginning Thurs-
day morning, July 27, on the sec-
ond floor of the old ROTC Build-
ing, on State Street between the
Michigan Union and the Adminis-
tration Building. The former ad-
dress was 1027 East Huron.
Summer Employment: Positions
open at Michigan resorts for wait-
resses, cooks, salad girls, and kit-
chen help for both boys and girls.
For further information, call Ext.
2614 or at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Build-
The American Blower Company
of Detroit has an opening for a
mechanical, industrial-mechanical,
electrical, or civil engineer to do
work analizing field reports and
The Packard Motor Company
has a position in their organization
for a junior project engineer. The
scholastic standing of the candi-
date must be decidedly above av-
The Marvin Motors of Tekonsha,
Michigan, is interested in a Busi-
ness Administration or Economics
major to fill the position of office
For further information call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building.
All applicants for the doctorate
who are planning to take the Aug-
ust preliminary examinations in
Education, to be held August 21,
22, and 23, 1950, will please notify
the Chairman of the Committee on
Graduate Studies in Education,
Room 4019 UHS, immediately.
HARLAN C. KOCH, Chairman
Committee on Graduate Studies
School of Education
A representative of the North
American Companies of Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania will be at the
Bureau of Appointments on Aug-
ust 2, 1950. They are interested in
interviewing August, 1950 gradu-
ates of the Business Administra-
tion, L.S.&A., and Engineering
colleges. For further information
and appointments for interviews
call the Bureau of Appointments,
Ext. 371.
The New York State Civil Ser-
vice Commission announces an ex-
amination for Assistant Electric
Engineer for residents and non-
residents of New York state. Clos-
ing date August 25. For further in-
formation call at the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administra-
tion Building.
A representative of the Michigan
Chemical Corporation of St. Louis,
Michigan will be at the Bureau of

Appointments on Tuesday, Aug-
ust 1, to interview Chemical En-
gineers interested in Process Engi-
neering and Pilot Plant Develop-
ment. They are interested in men
taking either B.S. or M.S. in
Chemical Engineering. For further
information and appointments for
interviews call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Ext. 371.
The Connecticut General Life
Insurance Company of Hartford,
Connecticut has the following op-
enings for August graduates: Ac-
cident insurance underwriters; ac-
cident and health sales and ser-
vice representatives; claim depart-
ment examiners and field claim
representatives; actuarial s t u -
dents; and conservation and ser-
vice representatives. In addition to
the openings listed there are some
single openings in the various oth-
er aspects of the insurance busi-
ness such as accounting, finance,
etc. For further information and
application blanks, call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
Bowser, Inc., of Fort Wayne,
Indiana, manufacturers of liquid
control equipment, has openings in
fli Pirmc'nivoin f- nlc --

the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building.
August 7, 1950 has been estab-
lished as the final date for the ac-
ceptance of veteran requisitions
for the procurement of books, sup-
plies and equipment by the ven-
dors. Material necessary for the
balance of the Summer Session
should be anticipated and procur-
ed on or before this date.
Dr. Samuel Hartwell, Michigan
Department of Mental Hygiene,
will be our psychiatrist consultant
at the case clinic Friday, June 30,
at the Fresh Air Camp, Pinckney,
Pol. Sci. 279, Public Policy and
Atomic Energy, Seminar meeting
open to the public on Thursday,
July 27, at 3 p.m. in the East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham
Building. Lyman Moore, City Man-
ager of Portland, Maine, will
speak on "Management of Atomic
Seminar in Applied Mathema-
tics will meet at 4 p.m. today in
Rm. 247 West Engineering Build-
ing. Paul T. Nims of the Chrysler
Corporation will speak on "The
Vibration of 'aircraft engines."
The Quest for Social Security.
"An Appraisal of the British Na-
tional Health Service." Otto
Kahn-Freund, Lecturer, London
School of Economics and Political
Science. 2:15 p.m. today, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Public Policy and Atomic Ener-
gy. Lecture, "Management of the
Atomic Towns." Lyman Moore,
City Manager of Portland, Maine.
3-5 p.m. today, East Conference
Rm., Rackham Building.
Institute on the Near East. "De-
velopment and Characteristics of
Near Eastern Private Law." Her-
bert J. Liebesny, United States
Department of State. 4:15 p.m. to-
day, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Linguistic Institute. 'Word-coin-
ers." Prof. Bruno Migliorini, Uni-
versity of Florence (Italy). 7:30
p.m. today, Rackham Amphithe-
Seminar: Thursday, July 27 at
7:45 p.m. East Council Room,
Rackham Building. Speaker: Dr.
S. Chandrasekhar, subject: Illum-
ination and Polarization of the
Sun lit Sky.
Seminar in Applied Mathema-
tics will meet Thursday, :July 27
at 4 p.m. in Room 247 West Engi-
neering Building. Mr. Paul T.
Nims of the Chrysler Corporation
will speak on "The vibration of
aircraft engines."
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Mary
May Maneval, Education; thesis:
"An Investigation of Certain Val-
ues of Radio Broadcasts from a
Metropolitan S u b u r b a n High
School," Thursday, July 27, East
Council Rm., Rackham Bldg., at
7 p.m. Chairman, F. D. Curtis.
Student Recital: Grace Hamp-
ton, Soprano, will present a pro-
gram in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m.
Friday,July 28, in the Architec-
ture Auditorium. It will include
compositions by J. S. Bach, J. C.
Bach, Schubert, Georges Auris,
Yrjo Kilpinen, and Samuel Bar-
ber, and will be open to the pub-
lic. Miss Hampton is a pupil of

Philip Duey.
Student Recital: Marilyn Mitt-
ler, soprano, will present a pro-
gram in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree at 8:30 Wednesday
(Continued on Page 3)



Washington Merry-Go -RoundN


WASHINGTON-It isn't generally known,
but Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, chief
of the super-duper spy agency, Central In-
telligence, .had asked for sea duty well before
the Korean outbreak.
The Admiral has done a better job of
foreign intelligence than Congress gives him
credit for, but he has never been particularly
happy in the job and would like to get .back
to a battleship. Hillenkoetter was former
commander of the battleship Missouri, comes
from the state of Missouri, and was picked
by Truman personally for the difficult in-
telligence assignment.
Faced with the Admiral's insistence that
he wants to be transferred, President Tru-
man has asked General Bedell Smith, for-
mer U.S. Ambassador to Moscow, to take
over Central Intelligence. Smith, so far,
has refused, on the ground that he re-
cently underwent an ulcer operation.
Gen. Smith knows the Russians, and
would be better than most military men for
this assignment. However, Congress, in cre-
ating Central Intelligence, did not intend
that it be run by the military. Past experi=
ence has shown that civilians are better
qualified to direct detective-espionage agen-
Therefore, some of the President's
friends are urging that he appoint J. Ed-
gar Hoover to this important post.
Hoover is one of the best organizers in
government, has built up one of the best-
trained investigation bureaus the world has,
ever seen, and has it in such good shape that
it could operate under a new director.
On the other hand, getting intelligence on
a prospective enemy is all-important in this
day when a suitcase smuggled into an Amer-
ican harbor, or the flight of one plane
across the Arctic, or the secret massing of
#rn ncnno ar~a nl~rrornni ._ riY n I

F RIENDS TOLD ex-OPA Administrator
Leon Henderson that he might be draft-
ed to handle price controls and rationing
again. "The Constitution of the United
States," replied Leon, "does not permit dou-
ble jeopardy.
Sen. Margaret Chase Smith of Maine spe-
cifically requested that she be put on the
Senate subcommittee to investigate sex-un-
fortunates in government. Her motive was
to see that the probe is conducted in a dig-
nified manner . . . . Sen. Clyde Hoey of
North Carolina, in charge of this probe, is
doing a fair-minded job . . . . Preliminary
indications are that the greatest number
of homosexuals are in the armed forces-
about 30 per cent of the Navy and around
20 per cent of the Army .
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


1 + MUSIC +

THE STANLEY QUARTET gave their sec-
ond concert of classical and contempor-
ary music Tuesday night: a program made
up of a modern American work sandwiched
between Mozart and Beethoven. Ordinarily
one doesn't make odious comparisons; the
best of the modern composers hold their
own against Haydn, Mozart or Beethoven.
But Quincy Porter's Eighth quartet dis-
tintely suffered being played after Mozart's
Divertimento in E Flat, and before the
Beethoven Opus 59 No. 2 Quartet. The cen-
tral fault in the Porter work is a lack of

ner: hard, dry, and lifeless; or it perpetu-
ates late nineteenth century romanticism.
This observation is perhaps founded on an
insufficient amount of listening, yet it re-
mains my impression of the Piston, Porter,
and Finney I have heard.
The first number on the program was
the Mozart Divertimento in E Flat for
string trio. The first three movements are
dull Mozart; the last three movements are
among the finest Mozart ever wrote. Es-
pecially remarkable is the Andante, a set
of variations on a beautiful evocative
m- n1ly_ Mr. an r'c .. ni ": avi f ;:-~

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Philip Dawson....... Managing Editor
Peter Iotton............City Editor
Marvin Epstein........Sports Editor
Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor

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