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July 20, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-20

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See Page 4




'Militant' UN
Called for in
Truman Plea
'Defends Peace
Spending Plan
CHICAGO-(/)-President Tru-.
man called last night for a "mili-
tant" United Nations organization
with enough force to maintain the
peace after accusing Soviet Rossia
of making agreements for the pur-
pose of breaking them.
Speaking at a Shrine Dinner,
the President asked if it wasn't
better to spend three, four or five
billion dollars a year for peace
than "a hundred billion dollars
a year for war" in a fervent de-
fense of American spending.
* * *
HE SAID United States Foreign
Policy .was aimed at reviving "Eur-
ope and Asia for Peace" and said
"We are going to make the United
Nations .a going and militant or-
ganization o r the welfare of the
world as a whole."
The President spoke at the
dinner after an earlier Foreign
Policy speech in Soldier Field
in which he told of apparently
increasing "tensions and con-
filets" behind the "iron curtain."
Speaking extemporaneously last
night, Mr. Truman told fellow
Shriners he had hoped that peace
had arrived with the capitulation
of Japan in September, 1945.
* * * *
"IT DIDN'T come," he said. He
did not mention Russia by name,
but he added:
We found we had an ally
whose habit is and has been
since 1917 the making .of agree-
ments for the purpose of break-
ing them."
He said it was "absolutely nec-
essary" that the United States as-
sume leadership of the Democra-
cies to provide "enough force in
this world to maintain the peace
-that's all we are trying to do.
** *
THE PRESIDENT said that had
the United States failed to join
the world organization for peace,
there would have been "nothing
left to do" but "crawl into our
shells and prepare for the destruc-
tion of the world and ourselves
with it."
In October, the month after
Japan folded up, he said he can-
celled $60,000,000,000 in war
He stated he thought expenses
might be brought down drastically
after that until the "Cold War"
started. '
* * *
ALL HE IS asking now, he said,
is to take less than one third of
that $60,000,000,000 cancellation
and "revive Europe and Asia for
Earlier, at a big Shrine Rally,
-- the President said he is opti-
mistic the world may Yet be or-
ganized for peace without war.
Communist tyranny, he told
cheering thousands of Shriners
and their guests in mammoth Sol-
dier Field, will ultimately destroy
itself or have to "abandon its at-
tempt to force other nations into
its pattern."
'The President, speaking at a
great outd or celebration cf the
diamond Jubilee session of the
Eh:mne, said the United States .l1
ccrtinue its "great crusad" for
The red fezzes of the nobles and
tleir colorful uniforms proved a

vivid setting for Mr. Truman's
foreign policy speech. Roger Shan-
ahan, chief of the Park police,
estimated 70,000 persons heard the
President's address.
Zoning Law
Talks Delayed
By Council
Ann Arbor's City Council prob-
ably will not act on the proposal
to change the city's zoning ordi-
nance until the fall.
The proposed change would ban
fraternities, sororities and certain
other student buildings from AA
(single family residential) areas.
* * *
PROF. A. D. MOORE, head of
the Council's Ordinance Com-
mittee, said that petitions from
the 129 families who want the ban
would remain in the committee's
hantriq for the, timej hpin~v_ d

~I_ _


Off for Europe
ScatteredStudents Suffer Seasickness
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of articles on the
National Student Association summer tour of Europe by Barnett and Dolores
Laschever, Daily staff members. Mrs. Laschever is the former Dolores
Palanker, night editor of The Daily.)
ABOARD THE S.S. VOLENDAM-(Delayed)-Scattered cases of
sea sickness developed today when the student ship Volendam left
the St. Lawrence River andhit the open sea.
Most affected were young coeds who were lnaking their first
ocean voyage. However, by late morning most of the 1,400 Europe-
bound students had adjusted to the slight rolling motion of the ship
and flocked to the sun decks in shorts and bathing suits.
* * * *
FOR THOSE INTERESTED in readying themselves for their
tour abroad a full day of orientation activities has been put into
Following breakfast a general meeting is held each morning

on the main desk during which;


Reds Claim
Italy Broke
Peace Pact
LONDON- W) -Russia accused
Italy of violating the terms of the
Italian peace treaty by signing the
North Atlantic Pact.
She made the charge in notes
sent to Italy, the United States,
Britain and France in the midst
of an Italian Government debate
on ratification of the pact.
* * *
Rome was made public in a Mos-
c6w radio broadcast heard in Lon-
don. It charged that the North
Atlantic Treaty is an aggressive
instrument aimed at Russia and
the "Peoples' Democracies."
Italy signed a peace treaty
with the Big Four and 19 other
nations in Paris on Feb. 10, 1947.
She signed the North Atlantic
Pact in Washington last April
4 along with the U.S., Britain,
France and eight other coun-
The Russian note said that in
joining this pact Italy broke the
peace treaty clause which, (1)
pledged her to "abstain from un-
dertaking, any actions' directed'
against states with which that
treaty was signed and consequently
was not to join any alliances or
other groupings pursuing aggres-
sive aims," and (2) which limited
her army, navy, air force and war
* * *
RUSSIA said the pact is "of an
aggressive nature and directed
against the Soviet Union and the
countries of the, People's Democ-
racy." People's Democracies is a
term used by Russia and her sat-
ellites to identify the Communist-
dominated countries of Eastern

uch subjects as "What Europeans
4 Think of Americans" are dis-
cussed by various educators and
experts aboard.
Special lectures on art, litera-
ture, music and architecture are
also scheduled each day.
* * *
PERHAPS MOST uniquei in the
entire program are the intensive
language classes that have been
set up by Fred Mueller of the
Henry Holt Publishing Company.
Using the same textbooks so
successfully employed by the
armed forces in its vast lan-
guage trainiing program, Mr.
Mueller has organized sections
in Dutch, French, Italian, Ger-
man and Russian.
Some 1,000 students have en-
rolled in the classes to make this
the largest mass civilian experi-
ment of its kind. Sections are
taught on, the elementary, inter-
mediate and advanced levels.
* * *
INSTRUCTORS have been re-
cruited from students and pro-
fessor proficient in the various
Main emphasis is placed on
developing a quick knowledge of
the fundamental conversational
phases most necessary for every-
day usage. No attempt is made
to instruct In detailed grammar.
Classes are held in the lounges,
the holds, staff rooms and on deck
weather permitting.
. .*. * *
language students are trying out
phrases on the Dutch sailors who
listen patiently but have confided
that to date they can't understand
a word.
Slated for tomorrow is a pillow
fight for the Volendam cham-
Movies of the Hollywood variety
and of special cultural interest
such as a revival of "The Great
Train Robbery" are held daily.
Spontaneous singing groups and
square dancing to the accompani-
ment of a shipboard orchestra are
everyday occurrences.

Senate Group.
Puts Blight
On Farm Plan
Brannan Subsidy
Receives Setback
WASHINGTON -W)-Skeptical
lawmakers put a blight on the
Brannan Farm Plan today, and
it appeared to be in danger of
withering on the vine.
A Senate Agriculture Subcom-
mittee rejected a bill that would
have empowered Secretary of Ag-
riculture Brannan to try out his
subsidy program on hogs.
not decisive, it appeared to sym-
bolize the strong Congressional op-
position to the Administration
plan. One Democratic Senator
close to the White House confided
in reporters:
"There won't be any trial run of
the Brannan plan."
The plan would let market
prices of perishable crops drop to
their natural level. Then the
government would pay subsidies
to farmers to keep their income
up to a certain level. These sub-
sidies would eventually be paid
by taxpayers.
The plan contrasts with the
present system, under which the
government supports the market
price by buying up surpluses and
removing them from the market.
In doing this, the government pre-
vents a depression in prices which
the surplus otherwise would create.
THE SENATORS' rejection of
the subsidy plan for hogs, coupled
with other capital hill develop-
ments, pointed to a possibility that
the fight over future farm legis-
lation may narrow down to a con-
test between the present high 90'
per cent of parity wartime price
support system and the so-called
Aiken Law allowing supports for
major products to be set as low
as 60 per cent of parity.
(Parity is a price calculated to
give a farmer the same purchasing
power he had in .anearlierfavor-
able period.)
* * *
IN THE HOUSE, a coalition fo
Democrats and Republicans re-
jected a Bannan plan compromise
proposal and decided on an all-
out fight to extend the present
program another year.
Meanwhile, John W. Flannagan,
Jr., of Virginia, retired House
Democratic farm leader in the
last Roosevelt administration, wir-
ed Rep. Gore (D-Tenn.) praising
him for "the gallant fight you are
putting up to keep the American
farmer from becoming a charity

Justice 1Murphy


Heart Attac.

k in Sl-ee p
Services for
To Be Friday
Famed Idealist
Wa 'U' Alumnus
DETROIT -OP)- Justice Frank
Murphy, fighting idealist of the
U.S. Supreme Court, died sudden-
ly yesterday in a Detroit hospital.
The 59-year-old champion of
the underdog was hospitalized
with a heart ailment shortly after
the High Tribunal wound up its
spring session June 27.
* * *
HIS DEATH at 6:45 a.m. came
as a complete surprise. His condi-
tion had not been considered ser-
ious. Only the day before he had
gone for an automobile ride and
was in the best of spirits.
He died in his sleep in the
dynamic Motor City where, as a
young lawyer, he had launched
a long career of public service.
Shortly after announcement of

"THE WHITrE STEED"-Players in tonight's performance of Paul Vincent Carroll's masterful com-
edy run through a dramatic scene in final preparation for the play's opening. They are, from left
to right: Arthur Flemings, Ruth Livingston, William Bromfield, Ruth E. Mohr and Earl Matthews.
The production is the fourth of the summer serie; of the Department of Speech.
* * * * * * * * *

'White St
Paul Vincent Carroll's "White
Steed" opens a four-day run at
8 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, starring Whit-
ford Kane, noted star of stage and
screen, as the understanding
Canon Matt Lavelle.
The celebrated character actor,
who is teaching a course in the
Oral Interpretation of Shakespeare
at the University this summer, is
also in charge of direction.

eed' Opens


K.. _____________

THE PLAY, a comedy, is the
fourth in the summer series being
offered by the Department of
Ruth Livingston, whose most
recent performance as Ann Rut-
ledge in "Abe Lincoln in Illinois"
drew favorable comments from
critic and audience, alike, will
play Nora Fintry, a girl who
lives by instinct purified by a

World News At A Glance

Sound Out


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The AFL abandoned all hope today4
the Taft-Hartley Act at the present session of Congress.
Concluding an all-day political session, AFL leaders
as a "waste of time" to pursue this goal.
* * * *

of repealing
described it

PITTSBURGM-Van A. Bittner, veteran labor leader and
vice-president of the CIO, died tonight in Mercy Hospital. He
entered the hospital July 7 for treatment of a heart ailment. He
was 64.
* * * * -
LANSING--A Michigan delegation will appear before the Federal
Power Commission in Washington today to appeal for increased
natural gas for Michigan.
The group, headed by Public Service Commissioner Schuyler L.
Marshall will testify in favor of the proposal to raise the capacity
of the Michigan-Wisconsin pipeline from 47,000,000,000 to 75,000,000,-
000 cubic feet of gas annually.
LONDON-The National Dock Labor Board tonight ordered,
all striking London dockers to return to work by Thursday morn-
ing or run the risk of losing their work contract benefits.
The board is a joint union-employer group which sets down
terms of employment on Britain's waterfront. The strike began
more than four weeks ago when the dockers refused to unload
two Canadian ships involved in a seamen's dispute.
WASHINGTON-General critics of the North Atlantic Pact
consolidated their forces yesterday behind a 38-word reservation
specifying that ratification would carry no "legal or moral" commit-
ment to supply arms to foreign nations.
* * * *
THE HAGUE, The Netherlands-The Dutch parliament's
lower house approved the Atlantic Pact overwhelmingly yesterday,
after being assured it would not prejudice the Netherlands'
defense of her interests in Indonesia.
The vote was 65 to 7, with only the Communists opposed to
the treaty.
* * * *
WASHINGTON-Profits of manufacturing corporations skidded
downward about $550,00,000 during the first three months of this

On 'A-Bomb'
WASHINGTON -(,)- The Ad-
ministration was reported yester-
day to have sounded out legisla-
tors on the question of sharing
atom bomb secrets with Britain
by executive agreement, without
action by Congress.
Members of Congress, who can-
not be named, said the idea had
been discussed but emphasized
that no decision to take the step
had been made. The question was
considered likely to come up at
an extraordinary closed meeting
of the Senate-House Atomic Com-
mittee today with representatives
of the State Department, the
Armed Services, and the Atomic
Energy Commission.
Conn.), Chairman of the Joint
Committee, announced this mo-
mentous meeting as a sequel to
the "hush-hush" conference of
high government officials and
legislators with the President at
Blair House last Thursday night.
He said the conferees would ex-
plore "the continuing problem of
our relations with the United
Kingdom and Canada in the field
of atomic energy."
Discover New
Planet Near Sun

SL Needs Entertainment
Help for Summer Dance
Entertainment-that's all the teller, they added. If he can get
Student Legislature--"U" Admin- one or more of them to offer us
istration summer dance needs to their talents, they said, our
be a terrific shindig., worries would be over.
SO SL IS LOOKING for possi-
bilities for a floor show. They've 1
thought of gymnastics, hillbilly ncr ease in
singing and a one-man trio, but
they all were absent or out of com- e mploym ent
mission for the summer, according m ployLent
to Frank Butorac, SL dance chair-
man. WASHINGTON-(P-A contin-
The entertainment has pro.:uing increase in unemployment
gressed to a master of sere- was forseen by the Bureau of Em-
monies, he said, but what good is ployment Security yesterday in re-
MC without a floor show. Other questing additional funds to han-
entertainment includes a bridge die benefit claims.
tournament and the usual re- Robert C. Goodwin, Bureau
freshments as well as a chance director, told a Senate appropria-
to dance on a warm summer's tions subcommittee that the
evening, and it's all free. claims load under the unemploy-
Any type of entertainment with- ment insurance program is now
in reason for an intermission floor- 2/2 times the level of last Octo-
show is adequate, according to ber.
SL members. A man with a banjo He said further increases are
will do, or a dancer of a jokeexpected in the next 12 months.

dreaming conception and a vivid
sense of the indestructible
beauty of the world.
Father Shaughnessy will be
played by William Bromfield, who
won high praise for his enactment
of Clarence in "Life With Father"
two weeks ago.
A STERN MAN who believes in
rules and strict discipline, Father
Shaughnessy is dogmatic, insu-
man, humorless and tyrannical.
He appears in direct contrast to
the lovable Canon Lavelle.
Opening on Broadway Jan-
uary 10, 1939, "The White
Steed" soon won recognition as
the best play of the season by
a foreign author. Only the year
before, author Carroll had re-
ceived the same honor for his
"Shadow and Substance."
The playwright, bearing in mind
that the turmoil in international
affairs is primarily due to men's
conflicting attitudes toward life,
chose his characters accordingly.
* * *
ONE CRITIC said of the char-
acterization. "In this play, Mr.
Carroll has created some vivid
characters-with hot tempers and
bitter tongues - seasoned with
flaring humor."
The cast includes Earl Mat-
thews, Jeanette Grandstaff, Ar-
thur Flemings, George Crepeau,
Robert Holston, Ruth Mohr, Au-
relia Gutowski, Bruce Huffman,
Betty Lou Robinson, Craig
Tenney and Morris Winer.
Art design is by Oren Para and
Harold Ross of the Yale Drama
School and costumiere is by Helen
Forrest Lauterer of the University
of Oklahoma. Jack Bender is tech-

his death Congress adjourned for
the day.
* * *
MURPHY was born at Harbor
Beach, Mich., of humble parents.
After receiving his law degree
from the University of Michigan
in 1914, he went to work in De-
troit at $13 a week.
Commenting on Murphy's
death, President Alexander G.
Ruthven said "His many friends,
of whom I am proud to be one,
will be deeply grieved at the
passing of ustice Murphy."
. Condolences loured in from
people of all walks of life across
the nation. At the same time,
Washington' began buzzing with
speculation on a successor.
* * *
mer Secretary of War, and Sena-
tor Joseph C. O'Mahoney (D-
Wyo.) were prominently mention-
ed. Patterson has been listed for
months as a possibility. Specula-
tion also included the names of
Attorney General Tom Clark, of
Texas, and Sen. J. Howard Mc-
Grath of Rhode Island, chairman
of the Democratic National Com-
Murphy's death presents a
problem in that it removes from
the bench the only Roman Cath-
olic Justice. If President Tru-
man were to follow custom, he
would probably fill the post with
a Catholic. That is the faith of
both O'Mahoney and McGrath.
The appointment will be Mr.
Truman's third to the Supreme
* * *
MURPHY'S LAST decision from
the bench - the much-disputed
5-4 ruling freeing union leader
Harold Christoffel - was char-
acteristic of his fight for social
Speaking soft and hitting
hard, the devout, Bible-reading
jurist never wavered from his
fervent belief, which he express-
ed this way:


Gadget Translates UN Speaker's Words

(Special to The Daily)
NEW YORK - At the United
Nations meetings, words are broad-
cast in five different languages
the instant they leave the speak-
ers mouth.
This amazing feat, which en-
ables all delegates to speak and
listen to proceedings in their na-
tive tongues, is accomplished by!
the use of earphones and little
gadgets resembling miniature port-
able radios.

Meetings of the Trusteeship
Council consist mainly of consid-
ering reports and petitions re-
garding dependent areas present-
ed by one of the council-members.
from one speaker to another and
the languages change, the dele-
gates either put on or take off the
ear-phones. Speakers talk into
microphones, so if the language
spoken is intelligible, the ear
phones are left resting on the

this is actually an unused station
which picks up near-by sound
THE JOB OF translating is done
in small, glass-fronted booths
built high into the side walls of
the auditorium and resembling the
projection rooms of a broadcast-
ing studio.
There are about three booths
on each wall, with two people in
each. Wearing ear-phones and
talking into microphones, these
are the translators who listen

"In the scheme of Democracy,"
as in the code of Christianity, all
men are on a common level of
dignity and importance."
* * *
him today:
"As a member of our highest
Judicial Tribunal, his opinions
were ever tempered with a deep
sense of justice and righteousness,
and an abiding love for his fellow
Pyle Buried
In Honolulu
HONOLULU - (R') - Ernie Pyle,
the reporter who died writing the
GI's story of war, was buried yes-
terday in the mountain crater of
the National Memorial Cemetery
of the Pacific.
The service marked public open-


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