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July 16, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-16

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Low Funds Cause Cut
In Teachers, Courses

yy Industrial Club Grills Experts Weekly
° ..

get of $11,854,241 for operation of
Michigan State College for the
next year was approved by the
State Board of Agriculture, gov-
erning body of the college.
The budget compares with $11,-
176,637 last year.
President John A. Hannah said
that $987,238 had been shaved off
the budget to live within the $7,-
513,254 appropriated by the Leg-
islature. The original budget es-
timate had been based on antici-
pation of $8,500,492 in state money.
"SINCE the Legislature did not
see fit to appropriate the funds
for what we considered essential
activities and improvements," said
Hannah, "we have had to cut back
here, improvise there and go on an
economy diet generally."
He said 62 teaching positions
had been eliminated by firing
temporary ,instructors and not
* *

filling vacancies. Some recita-
tion sections will be increased in
size, Hannah added.
Some courses were withdrawn
and others will now only be of-
fered in alternate years.
The budget for the agricultural
experiment station was fixed at
$925,828, compared with $854,697
last year. The extension service
was allocated $1,682,013, compared
with $1,474,799 last year. A bud-
get of $382,900 was set up for the
Hope-Flanagan research program
in agricultural marketing.
The Board accepted several gifts
to aid research in radio-active iso-
topes. They were among grants
totalling $70,149.
The largest grant was from the
Atomic Energy Commission, to-
talling $18,899 to be used for
studying the human absorption
of calcium, manganese and cobalt
by the department of physiology
and pharmacology.
* *

Does the "old-fashioned" per-
sonal interview tell more about a
prospective employee than a bat-
tery of tests?
This is one of the questions
considered this summer by the
Industrial Relations Club, meet-
ing each Wednesday at the School
of Business Administration.
* * * -
"EACH WEEK we have an ex-
pert in one field of industrial rela-
tions talk to us on a very informal
basis," Annette Rich, program

chairman, announced. "He comes
without a prepared talk and we
shoot questions at him."
Composed of students in psy-
chology, economics and business
administration, the group has
also discussed jobs for the
handicapped and the special
problems of women in industry.
"We get a variety of views, for
we invite representatives of man-
agement, 'labor and government,"
Miss Rich pointed out. "Our latest

Color Vision Test Instrument
To Function in LeagueLobby

(Continued from Page 1)

-Daily-Gene Kiddon
* * * *-__ ________ __

Shades of Saturday Night


MSC Panel Agrees Michigan
Schools 'Need Streamlning

Soap Suds in the Fountain!

ernmental workshop panel at
Michigan State College agreed yes-
terday Michigan's public school
system needs "streamlining."
But the educator-members di-
vided as to whether the state
should enforce standards on local
controller and a Wayne Univer-
sity professor, and John McKevitt,
of the State Budget Office, con-
tended that since the state pro-
Deadline for
Grad Picnic
Graduate Outing Club officials
wish to remind graduate students
that anyone who wants to attend
the joint AVC-Graduate Outing
Club picnic tomorrow must sign
up before noon today at the check
desk in the Rackham building.
Those who have registered will
assemble at 2:15 p.m. tomorrow at
the, northwest entrance to the
Rackham Building.
pendence Lake for swimming and
a baseball game between the Grad-
uate Outing Club and the AVC.
Supper will be a steak roast
arranged by the members of the
AVC. Graduate Outing Club
members will be expected to pay
for their transportation, admis-
sion to the lake, and their share
of the food.
The regular weekly square dance
sponsored by the Graduate Outing
Club will take place next week on
Aside from the change in the
date, everything will be the same
as at previous dances in this series.
The time will be 8 to 10 p.m., the
place the Women's Athletic Build-
ing. Admission is open to every-
Stanley Quartet
To Give Premiere
In its second program, the Stan-
ley Quartet will introduce a work
thatdwas composed for and ded-
icated to it.
John Verrall's "Quartet No. 4"
will be played at the concert, to
take place at 8 p.m. Tuesday in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
* * * .
written by Verrall in April, 1949.
He teaches at the University of
Washington in Seattle.
The piano part of the Quintet
will be played by Willard Mac-
Gregor, visiting professo.r of piano
at the University..

vided two-thirds of educational
funds it should have authority to
enforce minimum standards on
the schools.
Earl Mosier, assistant State
Superintendent' of Public In-
struction, and Lyle Torrant,
Jackson County school com-
missioner, contended the local
"home rule" principle must be
Steadman charged that local ed-
ucators lack leadership and vision
and said that if public education
is to be improved, the state must
take the initiative. He proposed
state standards as to size and
juality of classrooms and school
buildings, teacher qualifications
and salaries, and over-all educa-
tional facilities.
* * *
MOSIER said improvement al-
ready had been made with local
cooperation and that the place of
the state in education should be
advisory and supervisory only.
Educator Tells
Of Evaluation
Wishful thinking or guessing
have no place in determining the
success of a school's program, ac-
cording to Lawrence E. Vredevoe,
director of the University's Bureau
of School Services.
Vredevoe spoke yesterday before
the 20th annual Education Con-
* * * *
evaluation is the only way to really
determine how well a school is
doing its job.
"Careful evaluation favors
neither educational traditions nor
new fads and fancies," he asserted.
"It is concerned with the degree
to which a teacher or school is
reaching its goals and objectives."
As Vredevoe sees it, evaluation
can serve as a welcome stimulus
to those participating in the edu-
cation program. Of course, it can
also' be a guide for the improve-
ment of the program.
Among the factors which make
for successful evaluation is the
need for definite goals and stand-
ards which clearly indicate the
aims and objectives of the school
to be evaluated, he said.

Billowy, mountainous, white
soap suds burst forth in the
'Thomas M. Cooley Memorial
Fountain yesterday.
One reader took us seriously,
apparently, when we referred to
the fountain as an over-sized bath
tub in The Michigan Daily on
THE FOUNTAIN is one.. of the
more popular victims of pranks on
this campus. In recent memory
its water mysteriously has been
dyed green and red, and live fish
have even been added.
"This trick would have gone
far beyond all others if the
fountain water had been warm,"
the most recent prankster said.
"We dumped a box of soap
flakes in the fountain a few nights
ago, and the result urged us on
to bigger and better things,"
Prankster explained.
* * *
tried three boxes of soap flakes.
The billows of suds were gratify-
ing to see," Prankster said.
"I really don't know what got
into us. It must have been the
summer weather," he went on.
"I, don't like the fountain,
though. The water smells, and it
isn't a pretty piece of sculpture,"
Prankster said.
"If the University has to waste
water, why can't they waste it in a
swimming pool for us students?"
he asked.
"I MUST ADMIT, however. The
greatest trick that was ever played
on this campuswas the barricad-
ing of the Engine Arch last Hal-
loween," Prankster said modestly.
Robert J. Aitken, of the Plant
Service Department, described
the other side of the situation.
"You never can tell what will
pop into these students' heads
next," Aitken said. "These things
happen every year. All we can do

about them is to clean up after
the students."
* *. *
"IT ONLY MEANS more work
for our department," he said.
The victim of the soap suds, the
Thomas M. Cooley Memorial
Fountain, is officially entitled
"Sunday Morning in Deep Wa-
ters." Students, however, call it
"Ye Gods and Little Fishes."
The sculptor was Carl Milles,
world-famous Swedish artist.
According to rumor, Milles was
really trying to be funny in this
particular work.
The sculpture shows Father Tri-
ton and his sons on a holiday ex-
cursion and "was inspired by the
sculptor's memories of boyhood
adventures with his own father
and brothers," according to the in-
scription plaque.
A CHUBBY Father Triton can
be seen holding a shell to his lips,
while a group of youngsters and
adolescents cling to him.
They are surrounded by fish
and other sea animals all spout-
ing water.
The fountain was donated by
Charles Baird, and is dedicated
to the "memory of Thomas Mc-
Intyre Cooley, jurist, teacher, phi-
losopher of law."
Wilson To -le
Next Lecturer
The next speaker in the current
summer session lecture series will
be Robert E. Wilson, of the Stand-
ard Oil Co. of Indiana, who will
speak on "America's Future Oil
Supplies" at 8 p.m. Monday in
the Rackham lecture hall.
Lucrative Listening
swering questions or identifying
"mystery" tunes or personages, ra-
dio listeners received about $5,000,-
000 during the past year, accor-
ding to the Bureau of Internal
Revenue. G

New Goals
Set for Radio
Waldo Abbot, director of the
University's broadcasting service,
yesterday announced long range
goals for university radio opera-
Abbot has just returned from an
international seminar in educa-
tional radio at the University of
* * *
HE SAID THAT as a result of
the conference "we have become
aware of the pressing need for
improving human relations and
adjustment through increased use
of non-commercial radio."
The conference offered the
criticism that "on a nation-
wide basis, educational radio has
often served only well-educated
audiences. There is danger of
too much emphasis in this di-
Specialists from 23 colleges and
universities, and representatives
from the major networks and for-
eign countries pooled their knowl-
edge and experiences to make the
seminar a success. The session was
sponsored jointly by the Univer-
sity of Illinois and the Rockefeller
was appointed to a special com-
mittee for the study of "Educa-
tional Radio's Audiences and Po-
This committee concluded, in
part, that "information alone is
apt to confuse listeners. In order
to educate ,properly by radio, we
must give meaning and direction
to the facts."
Abbot stressed the fact that
the committee's use of the word
"edufate" follows the original
me aning of the ward-it does
not mcan "propagitndize."
"The educator has a greater de-
gree of integrity than the Propa-
gandist; he clarifies the facts and
lets the individual find his own
solution." he said.
He pointed out that the Uni-
versity's station WUOM strives to
carry information, culture and un-
derstanding to the general public.

maloscope might be in the design-
ing of new color vision tests.
These tests could be used by
motor vehicle bureaus in elim-
inating potential drivers, who
under certain conditions could
not discriminate red and green
traffic signals, but might still
pass color blindness tests now in
Last week the anomaloscope was
set up in the New Women's Dor-.
mitory but only 78 of the approx-
imately 500 women who compose
the unit volunteered to take the
* * *
TESTING AN individual with
the anomaloscope, of which there
are only three machines of the
type in the country, requires only
about a minute.
Michigan Hay
Fever Season
To Be Long
EAST LANSING-()-An early,
long and hard ragweed pollen sea-
son for Michigan hay fever suf-
ferers this year was predicted yes-
terday by Dr. B. H. Grigsby of
the Michigan State Botany De-
Dr. Grigsby, a consultant to
the State Health Department, said
"a very abundant crop" of rag-
weed should begin to spread its
irritating pollen earlier because of
the generally advanced growing
Because the pollen will be
around until the first killing
frost, he said, the early pollen
onslaught will mean a longer
The early grain harvest will prob-
ably increase the pollen counts,
Dr. Grigsby added. Ragweed al-
ready in grain fields will make a
heavy growth as soon as the grain
is cut off, he explained.
Farners can help hay fever suf-
ferers, he said, by .plowing fields
as sooti as grain is harvested or
spraying the fields with weed

So far this new color defect
has been found only among men.
Mrs. William McIntosh, who
has been administering the tests,
pointed out that many more wom-
en must be tested before any de-
finite theories can be formulated.
MRS.McINTOSH has been con-
ducting tests this week among
residents of the East Quadrangle.
She reported that the men had
shown much interest in the experi-
ment and were very cooperative.
This is the first time that any
test of this type has been attempt-
ed on as large a group of people as
are available at the University.
The Vision Research Laboratory
was created by the University in
1946 to study the performance of
the eye. The present work of the
Laboratory is being supported by
Navy research grants.
Early Opticians
PEIPING, China - The Chinese,
were wearing eye glasses in 500
B.C., according to historians.
Marco Polo reported that he had
seen bespectacled Chinamen dur-
ing his visit to the country about
seven centuries ago.

speaker, Mrs. Grace Radford, Per-
sonnel Coordinator of Argus, Inc.,
gave us some insight into the prob-
lems of a small business.
* * *
lations manager of the Chevrolet
plant in Flint, will address the
club on Wednesday, July 20.
Dr. Leonard E. Himler, pro-
fessor of mental health in the
School of Public Health and a
noted industrial psychiatrist, will
speak on July 27.
The last meeting of the summer
is scheduled for Aug. 3, when
Philip Taft, visiting professor from
Brown University, will talk about
problems in writing labor history.
Ed. Elections
Up One-Fourth
The School of Education is
thriving, according to a report're-
cently issued by Dean James B.
Course elections in the school
have increased 26 per cent over
last summer's number, with 90 per
cent of the elections made at the
graduate level.
* * *
THIS SUMMER'S figure of 3,-
451 elections may be compared
with the 2,713 elections made last
Dean Edmondson attributed
this increase to the increasing
emphasis now placed on ad-
vanced work as a condition for
salary increases and promotions
for teachers.
He also said that the Univer-
sity's reputation for a strong
summer faculty and an attractive
program of special lectures, plays,
concerts and informal social ac-
tivities has played an important
role in the increased elections in
his school.











Reading Room, 211 East Washington
Michigan League Ballroom
10:30 A.M.: Sunday Lesson Sermon.
July 17-Life
11:45 A.M.: Sunday School.
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday evening Testimonial
1432 Washtenaw Avenue
W. P. Lemon, W. H. Henderson, Ministers
Marilyn Mason, Summer Organist
10:00 A.M.: Reception of new members by the
Session in the Lewis Parlor.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship and Communion
Service. Sermon by Dr. Lemon "Why Suffer-
5:30 P.M.: Summer School Vespers in the Social
Hall. Dr. Howard Y. McClusky will speak on
"Man's inner World." Supper served at 6:30
1917 Woshtenaw Avenue
Edward H. Redman, Minister
11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship. Sermon by Ed-
ward H. Redman on: "From Boulder Stone to
Cinder Block."

1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred Scheips, Pastor
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
10:00 A.M.: Bible Study Hour.
11:00 A.M.: Worship Service, with sermon by the
pastor, "The Gospel of Peace."
5:30 P.M.: Supper and program of Gamma Delta,
Lutheran Student Club. The speaker will be
Prof. Paul F. Soagpakk, of Upsala College in
New Jersey, an Estonian D. P., who will speak
on, "Resettling Displaced Persons."
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan
F. E. Zendt, Minister to the Congregation
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
10:50 A.M.: Morning Worship.
Nursery for children during the service.
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students
Jean Garee, Assistant in Student Work
Student Guild: Students of the Guild and their
friends will meet at the Guild House, 438
Maynard Street at 5:30 P.M. Transportation
will be provided to a near-by lake for a picnic
supper and vesper service. The group will
return to the city by about 8:30 P.M.

For Your

Three offices-at each end of the diagonal
and downtown:
1108 South University

N. Division at Catherine
8:- A M .:Holv Communion.




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