Latest Deadline in the State
See Page 2
Fraternity Expansion Halted?
"DOUBLE A" AREA-This map of Ann Arbor's East side shows, in v hite, the area in which zoning revisions are being sought. Petitions
signed by 129 fanilies within this "Double-A" zone recently ask ed the City Council to keep college organizations from the area.
About half a dozen student groups are located in the section, inclucing Acacia, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Sigma Delta,
Zeta Beta Tau, and Hillel Foundation. Fraternity officials said, however, that the Double-A area "is
Greek-group expansion.
the only place left" for further
* * * *
LandownerS eeksRevision
Of'AA'Zone Regulations
Daily Special Writer
Ann Arbor's controversial East-side Double-A zoning ordinance
is under fire again as 129 families within the area awaited results
of their petition to the City Council asking for revisions which would
affect student groups in 'that locality.
Double-A, or single-family residential areas, would be closed to
further expansion by fraternities, sororities, and "organizations where
the accessory or secondary use thereof is religious in character," if the
petitioners have their way.
A SIMILAR MOVE was stymied last February when the same
group of landholders were defeated by a narrow, six to five, Common
Council vote.
Trying again last week, the petitioners asked 136 families in the
area to sign and were successful in obtaining all but seven of them.
The City Council referred the petition to the Ordinance Com-
mittee whose chairman, University Prof. A. D. Moore, could not be
reached by The Daily for a definite commitment as to when his
committee will make its report.
At present, about half-a-dozen fraternities and student groups
lie within bounds of the "hot zone."
CityCouncil action, while permitting them to continue opera-
tions, would'"curtail any large-scale rebuilding" or "construction of
new additions" to the property, according to city officials. It would
also prohibit other groups from moving into the area, which is con-
sidered by many fraternities as "the only logical place to build in
future," if University growth keeps at its present pace.
* * * *
THE PRESENT City Ordinance covering the situation says that
"although the building does not conform with the provisions of the
zone, lawful use of the structure may be continued at the time of
adoption of the ordinance . . . if such a 'non-conforming' property
should discontinue its use for a period of ninety- days the FUTURE
use of the structure must conform to the ordinance . .. no structural
alterations or additions to the property may be made.
"If a non-conforming building in the district is destroyed by nat-
ural causes, and the expense of its reconstruction does not entail ex-
penditure of seventy per cent of the assesed valuation at the time of
the damage, permit may be granted for its reconstruction within a
period not to exceed 12 months."
Five of the six groups in the zone-all fraternities-were
erected before the 1923 adoption of the ordinance. They are tech-
nically safe from interruption.
Hillel Foundation, the sixth and latest group to build in the
area, completed moving operations to its present location at 2101
Hill St. in August 1948 and was allowed to stay-under the stipulation
that the building be a religious edifice.
A. F. Hutzel, 2115 Wallingford Rd., a signer of the petition, gave
vent to the property owner's views when he said "a very small per
cent of the area in the City of Ann Arbor is zoned "AA" and property
owners in these "AA" zones have chosen their locations with the
expectation that they would be protected from certain types of
,____.~ii,-.-n riic rrn nr. i..A A nf +h~long rin a, single famil
c ; i
St ai' Gazing
A beautiful girl, a pitch dark
observatory and stars in her
eyes. That's what the smart
operators will see tonight at
the University Observatory
(only a step from the New
Women's Dorm) when it will be
open from 8:30 to 10 p.m. for
interested persons to gaze at
Jupiter, star clusters and double
stars, among other things.
Pa pal Decree
Meets Official
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia-(L)-
Justice Minister Alexi Cepicka
said yesterday a treason charge
will be lodged against anyone who
tries to enforce Pope Pius' decree
excommunicating Communists
from the Roman Catholic Church.
"Let no one have the slightest
doubt that anyone who, in any
way, should attempt to carry out
this directive of the Vatican per-
petrates treason," Cepicka said in
a speech.
"All acts violating valid laws
will be punished as such. Who-
ever tries to carry out on our
territory the order of the mai
enemy of our state (the Pope),
let him count on the fact that he
must forfeit all right to call
himself a Czech or Slovak."
Cepicka disclosed plans for a
law to give the Communist govern-
ment control of practically all
Roman Catholic chur ch affairs in
this nation, three-fourths of whose
12,000,000 people are Catholics.
He accused Archbishop Josef
Beran, the Czechoslovak primate,
and other high church leaders of
treasonable and anti-state activ-
DP Carnival
The Ice Cream Carnival will
continue from 7 p.m. to midnight
today on the corner of State and
William streets.
Truman Signs
First Big Victory
For 'Fair Deal'
WASHINGTON - () - With
deep satisfaction," President Tru-
man signed the long-range hous-
ing bill into law yesterday.
Then he called for quick action
to put into effect its three main
features, which call for:
Construction of 810,000 pub-
licly-owned low-rental housing
units in the next six years.
A five-year multi-billion dollar
slum clearance program.
A $325,000,000 farm housing
Mr. Truman announced he will
ask Congress immediately for
funds needed to finance the three-
part program this year.
THE SIGNING ceremony held
at noon at the White House, was
attended by more than 20 notables
from Congress, the housing agen-
cies, and labor and veterans or-
Mr. Truman gave the pen with
which he signed the bill to David
Lawrence of Pittsburgh, represent-
ing the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
The President issued a state-
ment saying the objective is "a
decent home and suitable liv-
ing environment for every Amer-
ican family."
He said the new law "opens up
the prospect of decent homes in
wholesome surroundings for low-
income families now living in the
squalor of the slums" and initiates
a program to help farmers obtain
better homes, too.
* * *
ENACTMENT of the housing
law was Mr. Truman's first big
victory in this session of Con-
gress for the domestic program he
calls the "fair deal."
The Federal government will
meet one-third of the cost of the
slum clearance program, local
communities the balance.
'Menagerie' Ends
Spending To
Begin Soon
New England
To Get First Aid
land was billed for first attention
yesterday in the Truman Admin-
istration's new program to elim-
inate "pools" of joblessness by
centering Federal spending in the
troubled areas.
Secretary of Commerce Sawyer,
in announcing plans of his depart-
ment to undertake an on-the-spot
fact finding study of economic
conditions throughout the coun-
try, said he personally will set the
program in motion by meeting
with New England governors and
business leaders at Boston, July 25.
THERE WAS another develop-
ment indicating growing official
concern in the Capital over the
economic state of the Union.
Eighteen Senators-16 Demo-
crats and two Republicans-in-
troduced their long - heralded
"anti-depression" bill designed
to reverse the present trend to-
ward contraction in business
Senator Murray (D-Mont.), the
chief sponsor, said the purpose
of the bill is the same as the aim
which President Truman announc-
Md in his mid-year economic re-
port: To raise the nation's output
of goods and services in the next
few years to a $300,000,000,000
annual rate. (It's now about $250,-
000,000,000, Murray said.)
* * *
WITH SCORES of pressing
measures jammed up awaiting at-
tention in the final weeks of the
session, there appeared to be little
possibility of action on this bill in
Secretary Sawyer said his de-
partment's spot check of busi-
ness will have a three-fold pur-
1. "To obtain first-hand and
up-to-the-minute information on
business and employment."
2. "To explore with responsible
business and civic leaders prac-
tical plans for maintaining indus-
trial production and employment
at high levels."
3. "To carry back to Washing-
ton recommendations for practic-
able government action."
S* * 9
PRESIDENT Truman told news-
men Thursday the government will
combat area unemployment by
concentrating its buying of sup-
plies in the "soft" spots, possibly
also starting construction projects
or government loan projects there
w orld Ne'ws
ound=- Up
By The Associated Press
PREUM, Germany - A French
army depot exploded yesterday,
killing 12 Germans, injuring scores
more, and leaving hundreds
homeless in the vicinity of this
west German town, 45 miles from
* * *
Communist authorities have or-
dered the closing of the Shang-
hai and Hankow offices of the
United States Information Serv-
BERLIN-An American soldier
was returned by the Russians to
the U.S. Sector of Berlin yesterday
after spending five months in
Soviet Sector prisons.
The Russians turned over Chris-
tus Rangavies, to Amer "an au-
* * *
WASHINGTON - A $1,010,-
000,000 slash in military spend-
ing was voted yesterday by the
Senate Appropriations Commit-
tee in an action which dealt a
severe blow to advocates of a
Means of.
To Gather New Information
Telescope-Like Instrument
--Daily--Norm Steere
TESTING COLOR VISION--Mrs. William McIntosh, research
worker for the Vision Research Laboratory, administers a color
discrimination test to Daily staffer Dave Belin at the East Quad-
rangle. The telescope-like device is an anomaloscope of which
there are only two others in this country. The anomaloscope will
be set up in the League lobby during the coming week for further
Color Blindnss Test
Use Student Guinea Pigs
Students Aid Scientists
Students will get a chance to squint through a novel vision-
testing instrument next week in the League lobby-aiding University
scientists gathering evidence on a new type of color blindness.
The recently uncovered color defect is highly technical in nature
and can only be detected by the use of spe"yally designed instruments.
THE UNCOVERING of this new development stems from the
results of partially completed tes
Probe U is
UN Workers
WASHINGTON - ()-Twenty
or more foreigners attached to
the United Nations Headquarters
in New York City are under in-
vestigation by the Justice Depart-
ment for possible espionage and
intelligence activities, Attorney
General Clark disclosed yesterday.
However, the cabinet officer told
a Senate judiciary subcommittee:
"This is not to imply that these
parties are actively engaged in es-
pionage or intelligence work but
merely that available information
requires these investigations and
that they are presently in prog-
* * *
ts now being conducted with an
< anomaloscope by the Vision Re-
search Laboratory, under the dir-
ection of Dr. James C. Peskin.
Though the detection of this
new color vision abnormality is
at present purely of a theoreti-
cal value, it may prove present
theories of color blindness in-
adequate and hence open new
fields of research.
The anomaloscope is a telescope-
like instrument containing two
color scales.
Panel Chosen
By President
Proposal Gets
Reluctant OK
WASHINGTON -- 'P) - This
country narrowly escaped a steel
strike yesterday.
President Truman's 60 - day
peace plan was accepted after all.
A fact-finding board appointed
yesterday will study deaodlocked
disputes over wages, pensions, and
group insurance, and will make
THE CIO Steelworkers have
demanded a substantial raise,
mentioning 20 cents an hour as
a possible figure. The big steel
companies have refused to grant
any raise, saying it would'hurt the
Mr. Truman gave these men
the heavy responsibility of de-
livering an opinion by the end
of August on the issues at
Chairman, Carroll R. Daugh-
erty, professor of business eco-
nomics at Northwestern Univer-
Judge Samuel I Rosenman, of
New York, former adviser to Pres-
idents Roosevelt and Truman.
David L. Cole, of Paterson, N.J.,
lawyer and labor relations ex-
meanwhile, is already lost to the
country. That's because major
companies had begun to bank fur-
naces, and they said it will be a
few days before normal operations
are resumed.
Less than 12 hoursbefore the
midnight strike deadline, the
United States Steel CorporatIon
reluctantly fell in with the
White house plan.
The huge company protested
that it was being "compelled" to
accept the plan in order to avoid
a strike. It still objected to the
fact that Mr. Truman's board-
unlike Taft-Hartley boards-will
have power to recommend a settle-
ment. But it agreed to testify be-
fore this board.
That did it. The other large
companies had already accepted.
Philip Murray, president of the
CIO United Steelworkers of Amer-
ica, formally announced the strike
was off for 60 days.
He said in Pittsburgh: "I think
we can all express delight that a
strike has been averted."
Hiaber Says
Walkout Halt
Good for U.S.
''The avoidance of a steel strike
at this particular time is most
fortunate for the economic health
of the whole country," according
to Prof. William Haber of the Eco-
nomics Department.
"A steel strike now would have
introduced artificial influences
and aggravated the uncertain bus-
iness and employment conditions
that have existed for the past
months," Prof. Haber explained.
* * *
THE PRESSURE of public opin-
ion and the tremendous responsi-
bility of a strike at this time were
the reasons P~rof. Haber gave for
the acceptance of PresidentTru-
man's proposals by the United
Steel Workers and the steel com-
panies involved.
"Whether a settlement can be
discovered that is mutually ac-
ceptable to both parties in the
agreed upon 60-day strike post-
ponement, remains to be deter-
mined," he said.
President Truman was success-
ful in his objective in avoiding
the strike, according to Prof. Ha-
"IF THE TAFT-Hartley Act had
been followed, President Truman
would have had to declare the
strike a national emergency as a
* * *
IN TAKING the test, the sub-
ject adjusts, by turning a small
knob, the ratio of mixtures of red
and green light until the yellow
color produced in the upper scale
by this mixture, matches the yel-
low standard on the lower scale.
In the absence of Dr. Peskin
(who is not on campus this sun-
mer), Dr. H. Richard Blackwell,
Director of the Vision Research
Laboratory, explained that this
color vision defect is not ac-
counted for by presently ac-
cepted theories of color blind-
One implication of this recent
development is that color blind-
ness may be the result of a great
number of genetic factors instead
of just a few, as is now thought.
* * .9
A PRACTICAL application of
the results obtained by the ano-
See COLOR, Page 4
by Senator McCarran (Dem.,
Nev.), is conducting hearings on
a bill designed to tighten immigra-
tion bars against subversive aliens,
specifically including those who
come here as representatives of
foreign governments or interna-
tional organizations.
American A lumni Elect
Tapping Council Head
*' * *
T. Hawley Tapping, general sec-
retary of the Michigan Alumni As-
sociation, has been elected presi-
dent of the American Alumni
Council to take office next year.
A graduate of the Law School in
1916, Tapping was field secretary
of the Michigan Alumni Associa-
tion from 1923 until he was ap-
pointed general secretary in 1929.1