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July 15, 1949 - Image 1

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LIX, No. 18S



i i

President To
Fight Decline
In Economy,
Urge Passage
Of Atlantic Pact'
Truman yesterday ordered top
administration officials to con-
centrate government spending in
areas hardest hit by unemploy-
He disclosed this new move to
fight an economic decline at a
news conference in which he also:
* * *
1. CALLED FOR ratification of
the Atlantic Pact without reser-
s2. Described Franco Spain as a
nation with which this country is
not on friendly relations and op-
posed a $50,000,000 loan to that
country as proposed in the Senate.
3. Stoutly defended federal dis-
trict Judge Kaufman's conduct of
the Alger Hiss perjury trial, and
criticized those who have said
Kaufman was partial to Hiss. Mr.
Truman said Kaufman is a good
4. Expressed hope that U.S. Steel
and other dissenters to his pro-
posed 60-day truce in the steel-
labor dispute will change their
minds and avoid a work stoppage.
5..Labeled as that gang the
sponsors of a proposed civil rights
conference to demand an investi-
gation of the Federal Bureau of
He said he had no comment on
anything that gang wants to do.
This came when he was told that
sponsors of the meeting in New
York this weekend included Henry
Wallace; Clifford Durr, President
of the National Lawyers' Guild
and Paul Robeson, Negro Singer.
6. Disclosed he had talked over
the New York Senatorial race with
Mayor William O'Dwyer, who, he
said, brought it up at the White
House this week. Mr. Truman said
he did not discuss O'Dwyer's de-
cision to seek reelection as mayor.
* * *
MR. TRUMAN began his con-
ference by saying he, had given
John R. Steelman, his assistant,
the job of coordinating govern-
ment efforts to meet crises caused
by heavy economic setbacks in
some areas.
Secretary of Commerce Saw-
yer, the President said, is under-
taking a survey to pinpoint
spending in cities of greatest
Mr. Truman confirmed reports
that he is working on a reorgani-
zation plan to tighten up unifica-
tion of the armed forces along the
lines of legislation on which the
House Armed Services Committee
delayed action this week. A presi-
dential reorganization order be-
comes law unless House or Senate
vetoes it.
THE PRESIDENT'S defense of
Judge Kaufman came when he
was asked what he thought of the
judge's conduct of the trial of
Hiss, foimer state department of-
ficial, which ended in a hung jury.
Kaufman has been the subject
of bitter congressional criticism
by Republicans who say he show-
ed bias in favor of Hiss,
'U' Receives

Federal Fuinds
WASHINGTON- () -National
Heart Institute grants totaling
more than $1,200,000 for heart di-
sease research in medical schools
and hospitals were announced yes-
Dr. C. J. Van Slyke, institute
director, said the grants are only
a part of the federal funds to be
awarded for such research during
the year which began July 1.
The Michigan grants include:
University of Michigan Medical
School, three projects, $10,000,
$9,342 and $18,646; University of
Michigan, $9,963; Wayne Univer-
sity College of Medicine, two pro-
sects, $15,000 and $9,000.
ACL Presents
'Star Is Born'
"A Star Is Born" will be shown

It's Raspberry

INSIDE STORY-This is a walking ice cream cone in the early
stages of construction. Designed by Congregational-Disciples
Guild members as a publicity stunt for their Ice Cream Carnival,
the cone began to stroll through the town yesterday, startling
pedestrians and drivers. Cone builders from left to right are
Phil Culbertson, co-chairman of the cone, Sis Gibbons, refresh-
ments chairman, Ardith Hubbard, co-chairman of the cone, and
Wym Prime, general co-chairman of the Carnival.
* * * *
Big Ice Cream Carnival
Hiere TodayU, Tomorrotw

An Ice Cream Carnival is com-
ing to town.
Heralded by a mammoth walk-
ing ice cream cone, the Carnival
will be given by the Congregation-
al-Disciples Guild from 7 p.m. to
midnight Friday and Saturday on
the lawn between Betsy Barbour
and the First Congregational
REFRESHMENTS will feature
three flavors of ice cream in all
its delectable forms,but especially
in the cone. Cake and lemonade
will provide the side dishes, while
fresh raspberries will be offered
as a special treat.
The Carnival will not confine
its scope to food. Fortune tellers
and silhouette drawers will pre-
sent their talents to Carnival
attenders. Autographed balloons
will be on sale. And that tradi-
tional carnival standby, the fish
pond, will be operating.
As a special attraction, the Car-
nival will include a nerve tester,
"the greatest mystery ever seen on
campus," according to Wym Price,
co-chairman of the event z
Mickey Mouse and associates
will appear at the Carnival in the
cartoon movies to be shown inside
the First Congregational Church.
activity can join a square dance
group on the Betsy Barbour tennis
courts. The Carnival committee is
hoping to secure a "genyoowine"
hill-billy band.
Seven to 8 p.m. will be Kiddie
Hour at the Carnival. A series
of kiddie games have been ar-
ranged to attract the wee folk
of Ann Arbor.
In addition to the walking ice
cream cone, publicity for the Car-
nival has taken the form of a
canvas banner stretched across
State Street at North University.;
* * *
TICKETS FOR the Carnival will
be hold on the diagonal. Used to
facilitate making change at the
refreshment counter, each ticket
is worth one serving of ice cream
and cake.
However, a ticket is not nec-

essary for admission to the Car-
nival, Price explained.
Committee members of the Car-
nival are: general co-chairmen,
Price and Nancy Bender; publicity,
Dotty Heldreth; concessions, Ruth
Kluckhohn; refreshment, Sis Gib-
bons; and cone building, Phil Cul-
bertson and Ardith Hubbard.
Proceeds from the event will go
toward the guild's project of spon-
soring a displaced student.
Pelirson Cites
Need for Firm
A sound national mineral policy
is necessary to perpetuate the
power position of the United
States, according to Elmer W.
Pehrson, chief of the economics
and statistics division of the U.S.
Bureau of Mines.
Citing Great Britain as an ex-
ample, Pehrson warned that a loss
in mineral supplies presages a de-
cline in world power.
PEHRSON'S address on "Min-
eral Resources and National Se-
curity," delivered yesterday at the
Rackham Amphitheatre, was one
of the Summer Session lecture
series on "Natural Resources and
World Affairs."
"The United States as a na-
tion is unsophisticated about
the role minerals play in our
daily lives," Pehrson stated.
He condemned "our unusual ca-
pacity in the exploitation of
mineral resources" and warned
against the present short range
mineral policy.
The former mining engineer em-
phasized our need for wartime
security, predicting that "sooner
or later the two camps of the
world are going to meet in armed
* * *
ADVANCED planning should re-
place our dependence for miner-
als on foreign sources and costly
substitutions, he declared.

Top Officials
Keep Secret
On Meeting
Presence of AEC
Stirs Speculation
Truman met for two hours and 33
minutes last night with top cab-
inet, military, atomic and Con-
gressional leaders on a matter so
secret none of the participants
would discuss it.
Chairman Tydings (D-Md.) of
the Senate Armed Services Coi
mittee, who left the meeting about
midway in the special session held
at the Blair House, told a re-
"YOU WOULDN'T want a news
beat on this. You wouldn't print
it if you had it for the good of
the country."
Tydings, who said he left the
session because of a bad cold,
was asked whether the extraor-
dinary parley concerned "Russia
and the atomic bomb."
As the conference broke us, Vice
President Barkley set the tone for
the other conferees, who included
Secretary of State Acheson, Sec-
retary of Defense Johnson and
General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
When asked by reporters if he
could say anything about the ses-
sion, Barkley replied:
"Not a damn thing."
* * *
LATER HE ASKED the news-
men who had been waiting in the
rain for hours to eliminate that
remark and quote him as saying:
"I've got no statement of any
He said there would not be
any statement by anyone "un-
less the President decides to
make one."
And Chairman McMahon (D-
Conn.) of the joint Senate-House
Atomic Committee told reporters'
that he did not believe there would
be a statement from the President,
certainly not last night.
Lilienthal of the Atomic Energy
Commission and members of the
Congressional Committee on Ato-
mic Energy raised speculation that
the top level conference dealt
with some aspect of the atomic
weapons question.
Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich.)
minority leader of the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee, grave-
ly told reporters he had nothing
whatsoever to say about the con-
ference and said they need not
"telephone me at home."
Gen. Eisenhower was asked
"what do you make of this?"
"It's a hot evening and rainy,"
the General responded pleasantly
but gave out no information on
the conference.
World News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Britain slashed her
dollar spending by one-fourth yes-
terday to save her dwindlng re-
serve of gold and dollars. To aus-
terity-ridden Britons, the crisis
cuts will mean less food, fewer
smokes and a new spell of candy
CANTON, China - Generalis-
simo Chiang Kai-Shek and

Premier Yen Hsi-Shan both
vowed last night to push a finish
fight against the Chinese Com-
munists. Both said war was the
only possible solution since peace
t overtures had failed.
* * *
NEW YORK-A sudden strike
that began with the walkout of 350
CIO maintenance workers mush-
roomed yesterday to all 21 lines of
the big New York City Omnibus
LONDON - Union leaders
made a new effort last night
to coax London's 14,289 idle
dockers back to work on the
government - seized Thames
River waterfront.
Scott. Jr., said yesterday he would
quit the chairmanship of the Re-
publican National Committee if a
successor is found who can har-
monize the party's various fac-




Reds Lift Little Blockade'

Berlin Land
Traff ic Freed
By Russians
Airlift Fleet Cut
BERLIN - (P) --The Russians,
turning on the charm, lifted their
"little blockade" of West Berlin
The main highway from the
Western Allied zones, running from
Helmstedt to Berlin, was crowded
with Berlin-bound German trucks
after five days of Soviet slow-down
tactics at the zonal border.
* * *
WITH TRUCK traffic back to-
ward normal, British sources dis-
closed the first reductions in the
Anglo-American airlift fleet. More
airlift cutbacks are to be made as
trains, trucks and barges boost
their supply shipments.
The Russians ended the slow-
down blockade, which had cut
truck traffic at Helmstedt to
four vehicles an hour, as mys-
teriously as they started it-
without any official explanation.
Like capitalistic go-getters sell-
ing service with a smile, they went
all out yesterday to speed truck
shipments through the Helmstedt
* * *
THEY KEPT nine other border
crossing points closed to Berlin-
bound truck cargoes. But they
cleared trucks faster than one a
minute at Helmstedt and wiped
out a jam that reached 500 ve-
hicles Wednesday.
The U.S. Air Force has not
yet followed the British in re-
ducing its section of the Berlin
airlift. American four-engined
C-54 transports accounted for
80 per cent of the 8,759 tons of
coal and food flown here in the
last 24 hours.
But it is no secret that the
Americans also expect to skeleton-
ize their airlift operations by win-
ter, if Berlin's land and water
routes stay open.
A survey of British airlift
strength showed 15 aircraft char-
tered from civilian companies have
already been withdrawn. Another
four will leave Germany this week.
These reductions will leave 15 ci-
vilian planes in temporary service.
Today is the final day for re-
moval of incomplete marks in the
engineering college.
Any petitions for extension of
time must be on file in the col-
lege secretary's office by today in
order to receive consideration.
Also, engineering students who
wish to drop courses without rec-
ord must do so by today, accord-
ing to Assistant Dean W. J. Em-
Courses may be dropped only
with the permission of the classi-
fier after conference with instruc-
The literary college deadline for
incompletes is July 20. Students
with marks of I, X or "no report"
at the close of their last term at
the University will receive an E
for those courses unless made up
by the July 20 deadline.

Red Europe May
End Vatican Ties
ROME-(P)-Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe may soon snap
its last frayed diplomatic tie with the Roman Catholic Church, Vatican
informants forecast last night.
A papal decree announced Wednesday, excommunicating all
Catholics who persistently and actively espouse Communism, may
hasten the break.

* *



VATICAN SOURCES SAID Czechoslovakia is expected momen-
tarily to sever relations with the Holy See. Czechoslovakia is the only
remaining Soviet-dominated nation which still maintains regular,
two-way diplomatic intercourse

with the Church.
Communists reacted bitterly
to the historic excommunication
decree by Pope Pius XII, reading
all militant Communists out of
the Church. A monumental
battle of ideas was joined.
Vatican observers expressed be-
lief the.decree will "prick the con-
science" of wavering Catholics.
They pointed out that the decree
draws a distinction between Cath-
olics who "knowingly and freely"
support Communism and those
who may have been forced into
thep arty by fear or government
S* * *
Catholic Communists who con-
tinue to openly defend and spread
the Communist doctrine, which
the decree termed "materialistic
and anti-Christian," will suffer
major excommunication. They will
be denied the sacraments and
comforts of the Church and will
be treated as outcasts and heretics
by faithful Catholics. Those who
repent could obtain absolution
only from Vatican authorities.
Those who may have joined
the party through fear or pres-
sure have a last opportunity to
return whole-heartedly to the
"There is no pressure involved,"
said one Catholic informant. It is
mainly a matter of conscience."
Communist-line newspapers de-
nounced the decree.
* * *
THE CLIMAX of "a violent pro-
vocatory campaign of the Holy See
against Catholics who do not in-
tend to submit to her political di-
rectives," was the description by
the official Italian Communist
newspaper, L'Unita.
The stakes are high: The po-
litical future of Catholic coun-
tries, the survival of the Roman
Catholic Church in Eastern Eu-
rope, and, indeed, in any coun-
try threatened with complete
Communist domination.
The Vatican threatens to cut off
from the Sacraments those who
vote with the Communists in Eu-
rope's elections.
France and Catholic Italy? In
France there are 1,000,000 mem-
bers of the Communist party-but
the party won more than 5,000,000
votes in the last national elec-
tions. If French Catholics heed the
orders of the Vatican, this total
surely will be slashed.
In Italy, where by Soviet fig-
ures there are 2,283,000 members
of the Communist party-the
strongest in Europe outside the
Soviet Union-the Communists
are aligned with the Leftist So-
cialists. Italy is predominantly
The main arena right now, how-
ever, is behind the Iron Curtain,
where the representatives of the
Roman Catholic Church are
battling for the right of some 50,-
000,000 Catholics to practice their

Taft, Flanders
Urge Monroe
Doctrine Use
Vote on Atlantic Pact
of the Atlantic Treaty urged yes-
terday that America protect West-
ern Europe from Russia by extend-
ing the Monroe Doctrine.
Senators Taft (Rep., Ohio) and
Flanders (Rep., Vt.) tossed their
resolution into the midst of de-
bate on the treaty.
* , * *
tor Watkins (Rep., Utah), succeed-
ed in blocking a final vote on the
treaty this week.:Democratic;Lead-
er Lucas of Illinois immediately
ordered overtime sessions to push
toward a finish early next week.
President Truman told report-
ers that the treaty should be
ratified without any reserva-
Watkins refused when unani-
mous consent was asked to docket
the issue for a vote at 3 p.m.
tomorrow. Presumably Watkins
hoped the delay would increase
the opposition.
Watkins said he would go along
with a vote next Wednesday. But
Lucas said he will hold the Senate
in session tonight and perhaps
Saturday to try to get a ballot
early in the week.
* * *
tion is one of a number of pro-
posals to amend or supplement the
pact. The latter would bind 12
nations in the North Atlantic area
to act together if a Communist
attack comes.
Flanders told reporters that
extension of the Monroe Doc-
trine would assure Western Eu-
rope that the United States is
standing behind her against at-
The doctrine, set forth 125 years
ago by President James Monroe,
has stood: as a stern, unchallenged
warning to Europe that the Unit-
ed States will not stand for any
attempt to control or oppress an
independent nation in this hemi-
Flanders told reporters that if
"vast masses of arms" are sent
to Europe, we don't know what
will happen to them if some of
the Western European govern-
ments fall under Communist con-
A bill to set up a $1,130,000,000
American arms program for the
treaty partners will be introduced
soon. Taft has proclaimed his
opposition to the treaty on the
grounds it would obligate this na-
tion to furnish arms-a step which
he opposes as likely to lead to an
armament race and war.

Steel Strike
For Tonight
Compromise Can
End Dispute
deadline for a steel strike rushing
closer, the U.S. Steel Corporation
last night asked President Tru-
man to change the terms of his
peace proposal.
The phugscorporation, pace-
maker for the steel industry, re-
quested that the President's pro-
posed fact-finding board be given
no power to recomment a settle-
THE BIG STEEL corporation's
reply, on which the entire indus-
try waited for guidance in deter-
mining whether to follow Ms. Tru-
man's proposal, was sent by tele-
President Benjamin F. Fair-
less said the corporation was
"most desirous of avoiding a
steel strike if possible," and add-
ed that:
"A lockout is farthest from our
A strike of at least 315,000 mem-
bers of the CIO United Steel-
workers is scheduled to begin at
midnight tonight unless some
compromise can be reached.
* * *I
MR. TRUMAN suggested a 60-
day truce and appointment of. a
three man fact-finding board with
power to recomment a solution to
the wage and pension dispute in-
volving the entire steel industry
and Philip Murray's 1,000,000-
member steel union.
Murray's union has agreed to
a 60-day postponement of the
walkout at companies which
agree to appear before the board.
In Pittsburgh, Murray declined
to comment on last night's U.S.
Steel telegram. He said he would
hold a news conference today. But
a source close to Murray said:
"The latest U.S. Steel offer is
merely repetitious. It doesn't say a
thing that hasn't been said be-
* * *
Arthur Goldberg, the union's gen-
eral counsel, said U.S. Steel, Beth-
lehem, Republic, and Inland are
the four firms now definitely on
the strike list.
Government officials said
other steel companies had either
accepted the President's plan
or had not yet made their posi-
tion clear. Many firms appar-
ently were marking time before
committing themselves.
President Fairless made his
tensely-awaited reply to Mr. Tru-
man's second appeal Thursday in
which the 'resident strongly urged
that company and Bethlehem and
Republic to cooperate with the
Fairless pointed out that the
Taft-Hartley Act provides for an
inquiry board with no power to
make recommendations.
President Truman has already
told Fairless he did not consider
that the present wage-pension dis-
pute constitutes such a peril to
"national health or safety" as to
warrant use of the emergency pro-
vision of the Taft-Hartley law.
D'Aquino 'The'

mer war correspondent testified
yesterday that Mrs. Iva Toguri
d'Aquino told him she was the
only Tokyo Rose.
"She said she was not the only
girl on radio Tokyo, but that shie
was the only Tokyo Rose," said
Clark Lee, a government witness.
LEE ALSO testified, on direct
examination, that Mrs. d'Aquino
told him she had no particular
feeling of right or wrong about her
wartime propaganda broadcasts


Truma r

Suits Calls Truman's
Economic Policy Right
V 9

"The steps recommended by Mr.
Truman, are those needed to head
off the eventuality of another de-
This was the opinion -of Daniel
B. Suits, instructor in the eco-
nomics department.
* * *
ent political parties have learned

"EXPENDITURESdby business
firms for plants and equipment,
remained approximately the same
as the last quarter of 1948, a pe-
riod which was obviously the high
peak," he explained.
"Slackened consumer demand
is revealed by a comparison of
the figures of the 'peak' period

Michigan Staters Got Salty' Start

Michigan State College has
sprung from a salty beginning.

spring lands must have provided
a sizeable sum of cash.

revenue from something called the
Diamond Crystal Salt Company.

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