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July 07, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-07

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Nelson Hits
NEA Action,
On Red Bany
Teachers Pass
Communist Bar
"Ten years from now we'll all
be ashamed of this!"
That was the comment of Prof.
Norman E. Nelson, of the English
department, on the National Edu-
cation Association passage yes-
terday of a declaration calling for
banning Communist teachers.
* * *
THERE WERE only a few faint
"no's" as the 3,000 delegates ac-
cepted a report- from the NEA
educational policy commission,
signed by Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, president of Columbia Uni-
versity, and James B. Conant,
president of Harvard University.
"I am against any restriction
on academic freedom," Prof.
Nelson said.
"I believe in free-trade in
"Let us have everybody heard.
For every Communist teacher
there will be four or five thousand
others with different ideologies,"
he said.
* * *
FEW STUDENTS will be un-
able to discriminate wisely, Prof.
Nelson predicted.
"Besides, no one is absolutely
free in his beliefs. The mind of
a Catholic is as much hampered
by religious beliefs as the mind
of a Communist by political be-
liefs," he commented.
Prof. Nelson said that we can
best fight communism by faith
in our own way of life. "Our pro-
tection lies in freedom."
* * *
HE PRAISED Robert M. Hut-
chins, chancellor of the Univer-
sity of Chicago, and many other
university presidents whom he
said have shown far more insight
than most university professors
in speaking. out in opposition to
the proposed ban.
Although Prof. Nelson is presi-
dent of the campus chapter of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors, he stressed the
fact that he was speaking in a
personal capacity.
Housing Bill
Nears Floor
WASHINGTON -The compro-
mise, trimmed-down version of
President Truman's multi-billion-
dollar housing bill was approved
by a Senate-House conference
committee last night. It calls for
810,000 publicly-owned dwellings
in six years.
Administration leaders voiced
hope that the Senate and House
will approve the legislation finally
tomorrow and toss it on the Pres-
ident's desk. It would give Mr.
Truman his first major victory
for the domestic program he call-
ed the "Fair Deal."
BESIDES the controversial pub-
lic housing section, the bill sets
up a huge slum clearing program
in cities and provides farm hous-
ing aids.
The conferees agreed to accept
*higher Senate figures of $325,000,-

000, (M) for aids to farm housing,
instead of the lower $312,500,000
(M) in the House-approvedk bill.
Mr. Truman asked Congress for
authority to build 1,050,000 pub-
licly-owned dwellings in seven
years, to be occupied by low-in-
come families with federal rent
subsidies running up to $400,000,-
000 a year for 40 years.
The Senate trimmed these fig-
ures to 810,000 dwellings and max-
imum rent subsidies of $308,000,-
000 (M). It then passed the bill
57 to 13.
But in the House the measure
ran into rough weather, drawing
shouts of "Socialism" and cries
that the huge cost would imperil
the stability of the federal treas-

Hiss Defense Hits



Stryker Attempts To Discredit
Testimony in Long Summation
(Special to The Daily)
NEW YORK-During three and one-half hours of summation,
defense attorney Lloyd Paul Stryker attempted to completely dis-
credit the testimony of the government's starwitness, Whittaker
Chambers, at the Alger Hiss perjury trial yesterday.
In tones sometimes so low that the carefully-chosen words were
scarcely audible, sometimes loud enough to vibrantly echo in the
high-ceilinged courtroom, Stryker drew a dramatic portrait of
Chambers as a liar, perjurer, petty thief, and traitor.
AND RUNNING THROUGH his summary was the theme, quoted
from prosecuting attorney Thomas Murphy's opening address to the
jury, "If you don't believe Chambers, the government has no case."
Stryker repeated that statement again and again, varying
his emphasis from the words YOU to BELIEVE to CHAMBERS.
Tracing step by step Chambers' odd assortment of jobs, frequent
use of aliases, membership and activities in the Communist Party,
and admitted lies and perjuries, Stryker told the jury:
* * * *
"IF I DIDN'T KNOW anything about a man but that, I wouldn't
believe him if the FBI erected a stock of Bibles as tall as this
The original indictment, charging Hiss with committing
perjury on two counts before the grand jury last December,
proves nothing, Stryker declared.
The indictment accuses Hiss of lying when he said, (1) that he
did not give secret State Department documents to Chambers, and
(2) that he had not seen Chambers after Jan. 1, 1937.
Chambers has testified to repeated meetings and close friend-
ship with the Hisses, and to receiving documents from Hiss for
transmission to the Communist Party in 1938.
* * * *
STRYKER REDUCED the case to one issue: "Did Mr. Hiss fur-
nish, transmit, and deliver to Mr. Chambers in February and March,
1938, secret State Department documents?"
"The burden on (prosecuting attorney) Murphy is to establish
beyond reasonable doubt that Whittaker Chambers told the truth in
this matter," he said.
Stryker charged that Chambers' original denouncement of
Hiss as a Communist, made before the House Un-American
Committee in August, 1948, was a political maneuver.
Chambrs' charge was a wonderful red herring to get people's
minds off the 80th Congress.
By linking "Communism" with the name of a man who had
helped organize the Yalta, San Francisco, and Dumbarton Oaks con-
ferences, Chambers hoped to gain a top position after a Republican
victory in November, Stryker said.
* * * *,'
"BUT, LIKE GALLUP and Roper, he guessed wrong."
Hiss immediately requested a hearing before the committee, and
filed a libel suit against Chambers, Stryker told the jury.
"Does that sound like the conduct of a guilty man?" he asked.
During most of his summary, Stryker addressed the jury
directly, looking carefully at the ten men and two women who
today will begin deliberations on the fate of Alger Hiss.
. "Here in an orderly courtroom we lay aside politics, prejudices,
or feelings we have on any issue," he told them.
The stolen documents, which Chambers at first denied still
possessing and later produced, were brought out because the libel
suit made it necessary for Chambers to back up his charges, Stryker
* * * *
WITH A SWEEP of his hands and a reminder that he had not
cross-examined the government's typewriter experts, Stryker dis-
missed the experts' contention that the stolen documents were copied
on the Hiss typewriter by saying that the "evidence is not conclusive."
Japanese Yen First Evidence
Entered in 'Tokyo Rose' Trial

England Cuts
Reserves Near
1 Billion Low
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Britain, the banker
for a quarter of the world's people,
haltedyesterday all but urgent
new buying from the United
States in the gravest dollar crisis
here since the start of the Mar-
shall Plan.
Sir Stafford Cripps, Chancellor
of the Exchequer, told a crowded
House of Commons that the gold
and dollar reserves of the sterling
area plunged last week to a low
of $1,624,000,000.
* * *
THIS RESERVE is the working
capital for trade with the U.S.,
Canada and other countries with
dollar-based economies by the
whole sterling area-that is, by
Britain and her colonies plus Iraq,
Burma and Iceland and all the
Commonwealth but Canada.
Meanwhile in Washington,
Secretary of State Dean Acheson
approved Britain's emergency
slash in foreign purchases.
Acheson disclosed that Britain
would encounter no objection from
the American government to the
stern measures announced by Sir
Stafford Cripps for meeting the
worst British economic crisis since
ERP began.
IF YOU ARE WISE, he said,
when your income falls off, your
buying falls off too.
Both Acheson and Cripps an-
nounced that the cutback in
buying is only a temporary
Acheson told a news conference
that the long-range solution is to
build income and that British in-
dustry, by- increased efficiency,
lower prices and better selling
methods, must ompete for buyers
in world markets.
* * *
Australian Prime Minister J. B.
Chifley announced similar restric-
tions in Canberra. Australia will
buy only "urgently needed com-
modities" for dollars.
Cripps said the "standstill" ar-
rangement was an "immediate
corrective measure" to the crisis.
He said it started last month and
would last at least until Septem-
ber, possibly longer.
No Heat Relief
Due; Death Toll
Predict High of 95
As Nation Simmers
The weather-weary campus can
expect little relief from the long
heat wave which has left the na-
tion simmering and has brought
death to at least 150 persons.
U.S. Weather forecasters at Wil-
low Run have predicted a range
of 92 to 95 degrees today with
high humidity and scattered thun-
der showers.
** * *
SHOWER conditions will bring
an increase in wind velocity, but
the cooling breezes will be of short
However, temporary relief is

in sight for the weekend as the
result of a moderate cool wave
moving in from the west.
In the Ann Arbor area, two
deaths have been reported as a
direct result of the heat wave.
Elsewhere the Associated Press
reported that no widespread re-
lief was in sight, although cooler
air from Canada had overspread
most of New England, New York,
and northeastern Pennsylfania.
CHICAGO, after six straight
days of 90 degree temperatures or
higher, received temporary relief
yesterday from overnight showers.
The temperature was 82 degrees
in the downtown district at noon.
Although it benefitted from
cooler air, New England received
only a few local showers which
gave little relief to the long
drought. Farm crops there were
badly wilted and damage was
estimated at more than $50,000,-
Nine were known dead and five
were missin gfrom . violent rain


To Be Purged From
pit City Government

Raimu Romps Th rough French Filmt

Starring Raimu, the celebrated
French comedian, "The Eternal
Husband" will be presented by the
Art Cinema League tomorrow and
Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Based on a Dostoievsky novel,
"The Eternal Husband" was de-
scribed by the New Republic's re-
viewer as being "good for our
memory of Raimu." It was Raimu's
last picture before his death.
* * *
RAIMU, according to the re-
viewer, "produces a full-bodied
and plausible character, one far
more individual than the screen
customarily offers."
Born Jules Muraire, in 1883
or thereabouts, he has become
internationally famous under
the stage name of Raimu.
Like many other actors, he
dropped his first name. After a
start,, in Toulon, he became f a-
mous for his work at the Theatre
de Paris, the Folies Bergere and
the Comedie Francaise.
* * *
for Sacha Guitry in 1929 and es-
tablished himself 'as one of the
great character actors of filmland.
Those who have seen him in Pag-
nol's "Fanny" trilogy, "Un Carnet
de Bal," "The Baker's Wife" or
"The Welldigger's Daughter" will
not soon forget his moving por-
trayals, full of comedy and human
After Raimu's death in 1946,
J. B. Priestley wrote in The

* * * *

New Statesman and Nation: "He
had . . . a ripe earthiness lit
with magic for which I would
gladly exchange all the romantic
profiles in the world . . . He
was always larger, more massive,
infinitely heavier than all the
players around him, and yet he
offered more light and shade
than they did ...

"The French are good at mon-
uments: they should erect one to
the memory of this player, who
reminded us so often, in the dark-
ening thirties, that France had
known a Rabelais, a Moliere, a
Balzac, that the old spirit had
not flickered out entirely but could
light up a cinema screen for an
hour or two."


World News
By The Associated Press
denberg (R-Mich.) yesterday urg-
ed the Senate to ratify the North
Atlantic Treaty as a barrier against
World War III and a warning
that any aggressor will be "beaten
to his knees."
"This candor can be as power-
ful as an atom bomb," he said.
* * *
TOKYO - Japan's cabinet
may declare a national state of
emergency and try to outlaw the
Communist Party because of a
swelling wave of violence, the
newspaper Yomiuri said yester-
The violent death of Sadanori
Shimoyama, president of the
government's National Railway
Corporation, heightened the ten-
sion in Japan. Communist riot-
ing and labor disturbances al-
ready had the government un-
States is "way out ahead" of other
nations in the production of atom-
ic energy, according to Robert F.
Bacher, former member of the
Atomic Energy Commission.
* *-*
LAKE SUCCESS-Ethiopia is
the first country to ratify the
United Nations convention out-
lawing genocide, the U.N. an-
nounced yesterday. Genocide
means mass extermination of a
WASHINGTON - Sen. Butler
(R-Neb.) said yesterday he thinks
it would be "disastrous" to order
a trial run of the Brannan farm
price plan on Hogs.
* * *
CHICAGO-The AFL's League
for Political Education plans to
support at least 17 Democrats and
three Republicans in the 1950
Senatorial elections.

Efficiency Needed in Office of




name of "Tokyo Rose" written on
the back of a Japanese yen note,
was introduced today as the first
exhibit in the treason trial of Mrs.
Iva Toguri D'Aquino.
The first witness against the
Los Angeles-born woman was J.
Richard Eisenhart of Rochester,
N.Y. He was a cvorporal at Yoko-
hama prison in 1945 when Tokyo
Rose was first arrested.
THE 33-YEAR-OLD woman is
charged with "impairing the ca-

pacity of the United States to
wage war against its enemies" by
"traitorously" broadcasting de-
moralizing propaganda to U.S.
troops in the Pacific.
Eisenhart told the jury he was,
like many other soldiers, a souv-
enir fancier. When he learned
that Tokyo Rose was in the prison
where he was stationed, he sought
her autograph.
She wrote on the bill "Iva I.
Toguri," and after it, in quota-
tion marks, "Tokyo Rose."

"The Governor doesn't need
more power as much as he needs
help in setting up an efficient~or-
ganization in his own office."
This was the opinion of Prof es-
sor Joseph E. Kallenbach of the
political science department.
* * *
KALLENBACH participated in
a panel discussion at a Michigan
State College governmental work-
shop with Governor Williams, Dr.
Alan P. Grimes of MSC and State
Senator Colin L. Smith.
Agreeing with Williams and
Grimes that the governor should
have a four year term instead
of the present two year length,
Kallenbach said, "It takes at
least two years before the gov-
ernor knows his way around
sufficiently to do a good job."
The primary problem, Kallen-
bach feels, is the need for over-
all reorganization of administra-
tive agencies. Some of the heads
of the government bureaus and
commissions, he pointed out, have
overlapping terms. Thus a new
governor often has to contend with
subordinates of a different politi-
cal belief than himself, said Kal-
Haven Hall Hit by
Second Local Fire
For the second time in 24 hours,
fire broke out on campus.
A small blaze destroyed news-
papers on a table outside the jour-
nalism department, second floor,
Haven Hall.
Three students quickly extin-
guished the fire.
The origin of the blaze, which
caused no official damage, has
not been determined.

"GOVERNOR Williams is ex-
perimenting with a new idea to
try to create a better co-ordina-
tion between the various agencies
and to help the various officials
to get to know one another," said
Noting the need for coopera-
tion between the many govern-
ment agencies Williams has re-
cently set up a series of once-
every-two-weeks meetings of the
various officials to talk over mat-
ters in common.
"The experiment seems quite
successful so far," Kallenbach
Hoover .Board
Urged at MSC
members at the workshop in state
and local government at Michigan
State College yesterday urged es-
tablishment of a Michigan "Hoo-
ver Commission" to achieve long-
range state government reorgani-
The suggestion came up in a
discussion on "What control does
the Legislature have over admin-
istration?" Members of the panel
were Senators G. Elwood Bonine
and Harold D. Tripp, Rep. Homer
L. Bauer and Professors John W.
Lederle of the University and E.
Engelsman of Michigan State Nor-
mal College.
Discussing methods of reorgani-'
zation, Sen. Tripp said that "one
of the best means would be
through a special study commit-
tee, headed by a top governmental
expert not connected with the
state government, such as the
Hoover Commission on the na-
tional level."

May Require z
Loyalty Oaths
Of Emnployes
Three-Man Board
Named by Mayor
DETROIT-M)-Detroit set up
initial machinery today for a
purge of Communists in city gov-
A three-man Ioyalty board was
appointed by Mayor Eugene Van
The mayor named his police
commissioner as chairman.
America's turbulent motor cap-
ital was believed to be the first
city in the country to follow the
Federal government's lead in fer-
reting out Communists.
THE PROBLEM flared as No. 1
topic at the city hall today. Nu-
merous officials got into the act.
In the background were the city
primary elections coming up in
Recommendations that all city
employes take non-Communist
oaths were expected to come
from the loyalty board. Van
Antwerp has asked the board
to report its recommendations
on Monday.
At the same time, Arthur Don-
dineau, Superintendent of Schools,
gave tacit approval to loyalty
oaths for teachers. He said he
suspected several teachers of be-
ing Communists.
s * «
THE CHARGE that set off the
anti-Red movement was rather
nebulous. Donald J. Sublette, sec-
retary of the city civil serviceow--
mission, estimated that 150 of De-
troit's 30,000 employes were Com-
Sublette said he took esti-
mates made by the House Un-
American Activities Committee
on Communism among federal
employes and applied these sta-
tistics percentage-wise to De-
Van Antwerp ordered the dis-
missal of a young city engineer
soon after he received Sublette's
charges. The engineer, George
Shenkar, 25, had refused to state
whether or not he was or had
ever been a Communist, accord-
ing to the mayor.
* * *
sion, which employs Shenkar,
meets Monday. It will probably act
Meanwhile, Shenkar called the
affair "illegal political persecu-
tion" and said it "sets a precedent
for rotten politics in civil service."
Even if the water board dismisses
him, he can appeal his case to the
The charge against Shenkar
centered around a pamphlet, pub-
lished two years ago, while he was
a student at Wayne University,
linking him with hte Communist
Party. He said the Civil Service
Commission had "no proof of my
present affiliation."
NSA Regional
Group To Meet
Here Sunday
Delegates from universities in
the Michigan Region of the Na-
tional Student Association will
meet here this Sunday to formu-
late regional policy for the Sec-
ond Student Congress, according

to Harvey L. Weisberg, '50L, pres-
ident of the Michigan Region,
"The Congress, which will meet
at the end of August at the Uni-
versity of llinois, will take up
such questions as Communists
teaching in fields of higher educa-
tion and federal aid to private
"It is the objective of the
Michigan Region to be a unified
group, for it is the well prepared




Heat Wave Slows Pace
In A ctive Student Gro up

Ann Arbor's intense summer
heat has apparently slowed down
the amount of student activity for
the summer session.
So far, onlyr11 campus organi-
zations have, registered with the
Office of Student Affairs to in-
dicate that they will function dur-
ing the hot weather term, with
tomorrow the last day for regis-
This figure indicates nearly a
50 per cent drop from the 21 stu-

Association and the Lawyers'
Guild. AVC, though not yet reg-
istered, has contacted the Office
of Student Affairs, and will be
Organizations still have today
and tomorrow to deliver the need-
ed informatio to the Office of
Student Affai~s, so it. is possible
that a last minute rush will bring
the number of active groups up to
the usual summertime standard.
* * * -

Prof. Chester Says TVScaring Radio

"Radio has come to the end of

The radio industry is obliged
to retrench. Major broadcasting

the gross income has not been re-

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