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July 06, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-06

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(41tv'4 tote
(Editor's Note is written by Co-Managing
Editor Craig Wilson.)
ON THE FRONT PAGE today, a former
University faculty member violently
attacks the "U" Administration with partic-
ular attention given to President Alexander
G. Ruthven and Provost James P. Adams.
They are criticisms that appeared in Sun-
day's edition of a Detroit newspaper.
His unsupported statements have
brought, only polite silence from University
officials who undoubtedly do not feel it
necessary to defend themselves from vague
meaningless charges.
The attacker is former assistant professor
Lyle S. Van Antwerp, whose teaching con-
tract in mechanism and engineering drawing
was not renewed for the 1949-50 term.
That such outspoken attack should be
levelled at such a time-with no reference to
any possible reason for the University's fail-
ure to keep Van Antwerp-may be taken
as some indication of the worth of the
Although no one will deny his right to
criticize, the competence of that criticism
is forever open to the analysis of those
who are subjected to it.
In this case the merit of the charges lev-
elled may be seriously doubted. Until their
author substantiates them with documented
evidence, they stand as idle chatter-nothing
more, nothing less.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Looking Back
The 1915 Union Opera was in for an ex-
tended tour if plans panned out as pro-
moters hoped. The company would play in
Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, South Bend, Chi-
cago, Fort Wayne, Toledo and Detroit.
Camp Bogardus, the University's outdoor
camp at Topinabee near the Straits en-
rolled a record 96 for the summer. Forty
tents and 10 steel huts were erected on the
camp site. Only mishap of the sessin to
date was a cut foot, whose owner failed to
get out of the way of an axe he was
The Law Quad was progressing favorably,
with towers erected and leaded glass already
installed. Couzens Hall, a nurses' dormitory,
ws expected to be ready before Christmas.
And all 4,000 of the windows for University
Hospital were being installed, with a total
of 6,822 steel and woolen sashes and more
than 25,000 square feet of glass. At the Uni-
versity power plant, the 250-foot tower was
nearing completion.
Commemorative services at Sarajevo,
Jugo-Slavia (Yugoslavia) marked the shot
which just 15 years before led to World War
I. Both those who fired the shots and their
victims were honored.
On the tenth anniversary of the signing
of the Versailles treaty, the German people
vigorously protested the continuation of
the "war guilt lie" that countries have
labeled them with.
* * *
The missing president of Louisiana State
University, Dr. James Monroe Smith, who

was alleged to have been tapping University
funds, was reported to have crossed into
Canada via Detroit in his escape from pur-
A Louisiana Democratic senator, a
strong advocate for a two-term president,
predicted that Roosevelt, who hasn't said
yet, would not be a presidential candidate
in 1940.
* * *
Adolf Hitler was rumored to have taken
over German forces on the Western Front
after removing Field Marshal Gen. Karl Ru-
dolf Gerd Von Runstedt. It apparently didn't
do much good, for in the biggest battle
since D-Day, Americans.and Britishers were
reported in the town of Caen, and Germans
were getting out as fast as they could.
* * *
University Prof. Preston W. Slosson has
made known his intent to run for Congress
for the second Michigan District on the
Democratic ticket.
Japan's Fukui earthquake was reported
to have taken 3,155 lives and injured 7,520.
Soviet Marshal Vassily D. Sokolovsky held
out hope that the Russian blockade of Berlin
could be lifted before the city's food runs
out, whcih is only "several weeks," according
to city officials.
From the Pages of The Daily.

Graduate Examinations


T hat Could Happen

in Sumimmer School

Letters to the Editor -

TOMORROW another batch of graduate
students will be taking the graduate rec-
ord examination. Many of them may be
wondering what sort of examination it is,
and why they have to take it.
The test itself is not too much of an ordeal.
Most people who are old enough to be grad-
uate students have gone through so many
intelligence tests and aptitude tests that one
more holds no terrors for them. Besides,
those in charge of the examination have as-
sured the students that the results will not
influence their academic standing one way
or the other.
Presumably the test results are used in
some sort of statistical study. But no one
seems to know for sure.
The only thing that the student can be
certain of is that the examination is com-
pulsory.hEvery graduate student in the Uni-
versity this summer has to participate, unless
he has taken the test before or can show
proof that he has had an equivalent exami-
nation elsewhere.
The Graduate School has announced

that if anyone should refuse to comply,
he would be refused permission to reregis-
ter at the University next semester or next
But not only has the student no choice
about complying, he is obliged to pay a two-
dollar fee for admission to the examination.
The time and effort involved are not exces-
sive, but to many people two dollars is a
lot of money to spend for no visible benefit.
What is the purpose of the graduate rec-
ord examination? What use is made of the
results? How are they compiled? Who is
responsible for it?
The students who have taken this exami-
nation before have asked these questions,
without receiving a satisfactory reply. Why
couldn't the authorities make a statement
explaining the reason for the graduate rec-
ord examination and its purpose?
Surely the graduate students are entitled
to know why they are paying their two dol-
lars and trooping to the Rackham Building
to spend the evening sweating over an apti-
tude test.
-Virginia von Schon

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
iblication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Economics ...
To the Editor:
According to Arlynn Rosen of
The Daily, "it seems that now,
more than ever, only over-all eco-
nomic planning will be enough to
forestall or maybe avert another
I and undoubtedly the Congres-
sional Un-American Committee on
American Affairs would like to
learn what is to her mind an ef-
fective over-all economic plan. If
she has one and it is of the So-
cialistic variety, be it Communis-
tic or British edition, it will fail.
This is true, I believe, because all
economic planning of today stum-
bles over two of its essential ingre-
dients: Industrialism and Nation-
Industrialism, by its very na-
ture, must, if it is to survive, search
out world markets for the sale of
ts goods. Secondly, it must em-
brace. underprivileged areas in a

"Fair Deal." in order to assure
adequate raw material for its in-
dustrial plants. Industrialism takes
little cognizance of geographical,
political, or national barriers. In
the days of Adam Smith when the
"Fair Deal" was a lot less fair
than it promises to be today, this
type of industrial calisthenics met
little serious opposition from its
fraternal brother, Nationalism. To-
day. with nation-states locked
tightly together in an uncomfort-
able tembrace by modern science,
there can be only one result to
industrial maturation. The results
have shaken the world in two
mighty wars within easy memory.
Today no over-all economic
plan can hope to succeed if nation-
alism is allowed to exist in a state
of raw freedom. What started out
to be Communism in 1920 turned
into a super form of Nationalism
in 1930. The proletariats instead
of raising their standard of living
to a height unknown to capitalist
countries, raised fortifications un-
der orders of a strict dictatorship
which rightly expected an attack.
British Socialism and American
capitalism are caught in-the same
spider web of Nationalism which
so effectively expurgated Marx
from Russian political thinking.
We too are unable to hold to the-
ory and are in truth drifting into
a form of totalitarianism.
-Allen Hurd

I'd Rather Be Right

A YEAR OR SO ago the big question be-
fore America was whether Western
Europe could be made prosperous, and the
first Marshall Planappropriation was our
answer. We realized then that we needed
a prosperous Western Europe, and that it
was worth paying something to have it.
This year the great question before Wes-
tern Europe is whether America is going
to remain prosperous-prosperous enough
to continue the Marshall Plan at full levels,
prosperous enough to import Western Euro-
pean goods in quantity, prosperous enough
to send tourists. European papers, especially
the English, print American unemployment
figures with some degree of prominence, as,
apparently, indices well worth the watching.
It is quite strange, this change in a year,
from American concern over European
prosperity to European concern over
American prosperity. Some sort of wheel
has come some sort of circle.
Of course, there isn't very much that
Western Europe can do about it. It isn't
quite in a position to organize a Marshall
Plan of its own, to keep us prosperous so
that we can keep it prosperous. And there
is no real comparison, anyway, between otir
moderate economic dip, and the sad condi-
tion that the European economy was left
in by the war.
But what does come out of the whole
situation is the very clear realization that
prosperity is indivisible, that you can't give
it unless you have it, and that when we
undertook a four-year Marshall Plan to
make Western Europe prosperous, we gave
an implied promise to stay prosperous our-
selves, at least for four years.
We didn't spell that promise out, but
it's obviously a part of the picture. When
we undertook to lead the western world

to prosperity, it became a fair inference
that we would keep ourselves in tVe nec-
essary condition to do that job.
And what we have to realize in this sum-
mer of 1949, perhaps with a bit of a start,
is that we are a part of the Marshall Plan
area, and a part that mustn't be neglected.
European concern over American prosperity,
such as has arisen during the past year, is
no tso much the emergence of a paradox
as it is a manifestation of a basic unity in
this field.
Perhaps we did not realize when we an-
nounced that we were going to care for
others that this meant we must also care
for our own, but, after all, the discovery of
such deep, underlying unities as this is part
of the great human adventure.
And now we must do something about
it; we must work out a plan to counter-
act our own recession, through the use of
public works projects, aid to business ex-
pansion, and whatever else may be need-
ed. Merely to pull back on the Marshall
Plan, and to cut appropriations for it,
would be no answer; that would be a
declaration that we had undertaken more
than we could fulfill, and we cannot place
such a declaration on the record.
To decide that we must help ourselves
instead of Europe would violate the unities
we have lately been finding out about-the
same unities that are violated by the effort
to help Europe while paying too little atten-
tion to our own unemployment.
And the fact that the Marshall Plan is
pushing us on toward a discovery of these
unities and to a realization that we are
commited to prosperity may in the end be
marked down as not among the least of its
accomplishments, but among its greatest.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)

-Daily-Bill Hampton
Thf freshman who, at an exchange dinner, finds himself
paired off with his old tenth grade English teacher.
Washington Merry-Go-Roun




At the State . . .
THE LIFE OF RILEY, with William Ben-
dix, Jimmy Gleason, Digger O'Dell and the
rest of the crew.
WHEN MOST RADIO shows make their
debuts on the screen, the results are
pretty sad. The Life of Riley is sad, too, but
there are some face-saving events, mainly
hauled out of the fire by Bendix, Gleason
and Digger.
Generally the story follows the radio
show quite faithfully, with all the assorted
characters and situations. Mr. and. Mrs.
Riley are quite charming and Babs, their
daughter, played by Meg Randall, is
doubly so. Junior is just a kid, which is
the way it should be.
The plot, such as it is, gets Riley into
some absurd situations and is helped along
by his boss, the boss's son, who owes a
pseudo-crook $23,000 for playing the horses,
and the landlady's nephew, an insipid pre-
med student (with apologies to all pre-med
students). This is the guy that Babs marries
in the end, and it shouldn't happen to a dog.
Riley is threatened with losing his honue,
gets promoted, gets the money necessary
to pay for the house through his promo-
tion which was engineered by the son
providing that Babs marries him so he
can get a trust fund with which to pay
the crook. It all gets very complicated
and is cleared up very implausibly in the
nick of time before the last reel runs out.
There is also an ex-beau of Mrs. Riley,
played by Bill Goodwin, who is so unfunny
that he's worth forgetting about right here
and now.
There are a few redeeming factors, as I

mentioned before, and they are all handled
very well by Bendix, Gleason and the radio
Digger O'Dell, played by John Brown.
Bendix is genuinely funny with his
facial expressions and is actually sincere,
if not overwhelming in his job. Gleason
is his old self as Willy Gillis, and Digger
is just as soon on the screen as on the
Also ran-an excellent bit of horse-flesh
on the Kentucky Derby and a Disney tennis
match with Goofy the dawg as the an-
nouncer, Goofy as the player, Goofy as his
opponent and thousands of Goofies as spec-
tators. It's clever.
-Paul Brentlinger.
DESPITE President Truman's refusal to
comment on Bernard Baruch's blast at
the failure to evolve a national mobilization
plan for use in the event of war, the crit-
icism deserves more than shoulder-
shrugging.. Whatever the White House
meant in saying that Mr. Baruch was mis-
informed, our best information is that no
such plan exists today in practicable form.
The responsibility for such a plan devolves
upon the National Security Resources Board;
the top-level advisory agency charged with
allocating over-all resources between po-
tential civilian and military needs.
.-The Washington Post.
A CERTAIN AMOUNT of care or pain or
trouble is necessary for every man at all
times. A ship without ballast is unstable and
will not go straight.

WASHINGTON-While the congressional probe of the five percent-
ers has been getting the headlines, another Senate investigation
has been quietly delving into certain gentlemen who make much
more than 5 per cent.
Five percenters are lobbyists who expedite government contracts
-through influence-in return for a commission of 5 per cent. But
Senator Bill Fulbright Hof Arkansas is spotlighting a much more
significant practice whereby certain government officia; after aiding
private firms, then resign to take jobs with those firms.
Two cases of this recently exposed by this column are:
1. John Hagerty, former manager of the RFC's Boston office,
recommended a government loan to the Waltham tch Company.
After the loan was granted, Hagerty was hired A general manager'
at $30,000 per year, and took with him his RFC assistant, William H.
2. Sterling J. Foster, former chief of the RFC Loan Division,
helped process a $2,500,000 loan for the Plywood Plastic Corp. of
Hampton, S.C., later went to work for the company at a starting
salary of $18,00--plus a percentage of the company's net earnings.
Hagerty and Foster made $10,330 with the RFC.
To cure this practice, Senator Fulbright drafted a bill forbidding
firms, borrowing from the government, from employing RFC officials
for at least two years. Fulbright also called hearings of his Senate
Banking subcommittee, with the first witness RFC Director Harvey
"You are familiar with the recent criticism which to a great
extent gave rise to this bill?" Fulbright began.
"I am aware of criticism contained in the Drew Pearson column,"
replied Gunderson. "That is the only criticism I have seen."
When the questioning got around to Hagerty who had denied
recommending the Waltham loan, Fulbright read a United Press dis-
patch giving Hagerty's denial, and demanded: "Is that an a'ccurate
statement? "
"I believe it is, Senator," replied Gunderson.
"Hagerty recommended a $9,000,000 loan, and you cut it to $6,-
000,000," shot back Fulbright, incredulously. "Therefore, you do not
think that is a recommendation of the $6,000,000 loan?"
"That is right," agreed Gunderson, lamely.
"To me that is a very odd distinction," puzzled Fulbriglt. ""If you
recommend more than you gave, you say that is not a recommendation
of the loan."
Snapping his fingers, the Senator from Arkansas called for the
RFC files on the Waltham loan.
"I think you will find," he addressed the RFC director, "that
there is language (in Hagerty's report) which recommends that a
loan be made. It is true that some of the details were changed. For
example, he recommended they pay him $40,000 and they ended
up only paying him $30,000, so they cut his salary some."
Fulbright referred to a 25-page report containing Hagerty's orig-
inal recommendations to Washington. In this report, Hagerty re-
peatedly stressed the need for a "competent" manager who, he sug-
gested, should be paid $40,000 per year. It turned out that he had
himself in mind for the job. His opinion of himself is also indicated
in one passage in which he states the qualifications essential for the
"We cannot emphasize too strenuously," he wrote, "the impor-
tance of having a hard-boiled, realistic businessman who understands
the importance of integrated control, a merchandizing program, and
the practice of economy in this business ...'
Note-Worst branches of the government to practice this type
of favoritism are the army and navy, where admirals and generals
frequently retire to join big firms doing millions of dollars worth of
business with the armed services.
Senate grandfather McKellar of Tennessee is getting touchier
and touchier.
The other day, Dr. Paul Raver, chief of the Bonneville Power
Administration, was testifying before the Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee, of which McKellar is chairman.
"May I interrupt to ask a question?" broke in McKellar. Then he
changed his mind.
"Never mind," he grunted. "I will question you later. Go ahead."
"I shall be glad to answer your question now, sir," Dr. Raver
offered politely.
"I heard what you said!" snapped the Senator from Tennessee.
"I do not like to be answered that way, so I will not pursue it!"
The startled Dr. Raver, who hadn't opened his mouth except to
offer an answer, sat dumfounded.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent toathe Office
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
VOL LIX, No. 11S
"The Graduate Aptitude Exam-
ination is required of all graduate
students who have Cnot had the
Graduate Record Examination or
the Graduate Aptitude Examina-
tion before.
The examination will be held 7
to 10 p.m. in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, Thursday, July 7.
Examination fee is $2.00. Candi-
dates must buy an examination
ticket at the Cashier's office. Vet-
erans will have a supply requisition
signed in the Graduate School of-
fice before going to the Cashier's
Approved Student Sponsored
Social events: July 6, 1949-Casa
Espanola; July 8, 1949-Graduate
School Student Council; July 9,
1949-Chinese Students Club;
Hostel Club; Phi Delta Phi; Stev-
ens House. July 10, 1949-Amer-
ican Veterans' Com.; New Wom-
en's Residence Hall.
History Language Examinations
-French, German and Spanish
language examinations to be given
in 1035 Angell Hall, Saturday, July
16, 10-11. Master's candidates in-
tending to take this examination
must register immediate in the
HistoryOffice, 119 Haven Hall.
Student Organizations planning
to be active during the summer
session are requested to submit to
the Office of Student Affairs, Rm.
1020 Admin., not later than July
8, the following information: (1)
a list of officers and members, (2)
the acceptance of a member of the
faculty willing to act as adviser
to the group. ORGANIZATIONS
Forms for reporting the required
information may be secured in
Room 1020 Admin.
Eligibility: Officers of student
organizations and staff members
of student publications should
apply immediately in the Office of
Student Affairs, Rm. 1020 Admin.
Bldg. for a certificate of eligibility.
Overseas Positions: Representa-
tives of the Department of the
Army will be at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, July 7, 8, and 9 to in-
terview people interested and
qualified for the following teach-
ing positions in Dependent
Schools: In Japan-men with
math, science, physical education
combination; physical education
men to teach basketball and base-
ball; combination French and
Spanish teachers; music and art
teachers; first grade teachers with
MA to also be building principal.
Also, librarians, assistant librar-

ians, and school nurses, In Ger-
many - elementary teachers to
handle four grades in two-room
Age limits: 22-40. Two years'
teaching experience required. For
further information and appoint-
ments, call at 3528 Administration
Building or call extension 489.
The Department of the Army is
also recruiting recreational work-
ers (women) for Army Service
Clubs in the Pacific Theatre
(Japan, Okinawa, Guam, Korea).
Qualifications: Assistant Service
Club Director-graduateion from
college and experience in adult
education; age limits 30-40. Rec-
reational Director - graduation
from college and practical knowl-
edge of arts and crafts, dramatics
or group recreation. Interviews will
be held the latter part of this
week. For further information call
at 3528 Administration Building.
American Canadian Relations
Lecture: An introdution to Clem-
ents Library and to the Summer
Exhibit "Unique Canadiana." Col-
ton Storm, Assistant Director of
Clements Library. 7:30 p.m., Clem-
ents Library.
Giraud Chester, visiting assist-
ant Professor in the Department
of Speech will talk on "The New
Look in Radio and Television"
this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Lecture Series in Chemistry
Building: Professor Luis W. Al-
varez of the Radiation Laboratory
of University of California will
talk on "High Energy Physics,"
Wednesday, July 6, 4:00 p.m., Rm.
1300 Chem.
Lecture: "Using Tests Effective-
ly." Robert M. W. Travers, Asso-
ciate Professor of Education, and
Chief of the Examining Division
(Continued on Page 3)
1Mi~i3u &r~

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigy tunder the
authorityof the Board in Gbntrol of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown ......Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson...Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin ............. Sports Editor
MarilynoJones.......Women's Editor
Bess Young ............... Librarian
Business Staff
Robert C. James.Business Manager
Dee Nelson.....Advertising Manager
Ethel Ann Morrison ...Circulation Mgr.
James Mc~tocker ....Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to It or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann.
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mat



Those policemen had nothing to do with


They're looking for a man they think

c r
Yes, it seems that this crook.

IBut Mrs. Van Ess-You mean you brought a valuable
_I --^I nfulcf H RF rn vn.... ..n.- he >p

7'777.,W- rzo [ 5 ral a


Chees, Boss, you're smart. Like you
ta. rl,,eIush; ao-crt IoA ndfro


And i told you to ditch that outfit
when you come here. You're supposed


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