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July 01, 1949 - Image 1

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:43 a t t


Latest Deadline in the State




Jury Finds Judith Coplon Guilty

In Trial of Hiss
(Special to The Daily)
NEW YORK-"The defense rests," Attorney Paul Stryker an-
iouriced dramatically as the Alger Hiss perjury trial reconvened yes-
terday afternoon.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Murphy immediately began call-
ing rebuttal witnesses for the government.
delegate to the UN and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Hiss is a trustee of the
Endowment, and was president until last May.
Unofficial reports had indicated that Dulles would contra-
diet some of Hiss' testimony, but when Murphy finished exam-
ining the witness, Stryker asked, "Where's the conflict?"
Judge Samuel Kaufman replied that finding it was Stryker's job,
As court adjourned at 4:40 p.m., spectators were still wondering
if a contradiction between Dulles and Hiss, hinging on discussions
which led up to Hiss' resignation as president of the Carnegie Endow-
men, did exist.
THE MORNING SESSION ended with Judge Kaufman's refusal
to allow Dr. Karl Binger, New York psychiatrist, to testify.
Dr. Binger, who was in the courtroom during all of Whitta-
ker Chambers' testimony, was called to the stand by Stryker.
Chambers, an admitted former Communist, has charged that Hiss
gave him secret government documents during 1938. As the govern-
ment's star'witness, he spent six days on the stand.
fair witness, and charged Stryker was "hitting below the belt" by
calling him.
Judge Kaufman reserved judgment until Stryker had estab-
lished the purpose for which Binger was called.
He permitted Stryker to ask a hypothetical question, which turned
into a 45 minute summary of Chambers' ;life, from his high school
days to his position as senior editor of Time Magazine. Stryker then
asked: "From what you know about Mr. Chambers, have you, as a
psychiatrist, an opinion as to his mental state?"
* * * *
MURPHY AGAIN OBJECTED and Judge Kaufman ruled that
Binger's testimony would not be admitted.
"The jury, using experience gained from life, is capable of
evaluating the testimony of every witness here," the Judge said.
Binger stepped down.
Earlier, Mrs. Hiss completed her testimony, continuing her denial
of ever having typed secret government documents on an old Wood-
stock machine, or on any machine.
Murphy told reporters after the court recessed that he expected
to call "four or five more witnesses," and indicated that the trial will
continue well into next week.
ALGER HISS told The Daily yesterday that heohas "no doubt at
all as to what the jury's verdict will be."
"I waited a long time for an opportunity to testify, and I'm quite
confident as to the outcome," the tall, lanky former State Department
official declared, smiling.
Lewis Orders Soft Coal
Miners To Shorten Week

Taft Labor
Bill Passed
By Senate
Marks Defeat for
Pres. Truman
By The Associated Press
The Senate yesterday passed the
labor bill constructed by Sen. Rob-
ert Taft (Rep., O.)
The vote on the passage was 51
to 42. The bill contains the basic
provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act.
Its passage was a defeat for Pres.
Truman who pledged repeal of the
measure during his 1948 camp-
. * * *
"LABOR WILL take the issues
to the voters in 1950," Prof. Jo-
seph E. Kallenbach of the Polit-
ical Science Department said.
"Labor doesn't want a half-way
revision of the act now. Such a
revision would make additional
changes only more difficult to
achieve in the next session of
Congress," he said.
"Labor would rather take its
chances at the polls," he com-
Before passage, the Senate ac-
cepted by a 49-44 vote a Taft-
written substitute for the section
of the bill that had previously not
been amended to Taft's liking.
* * *
TAFT'S PROGRAM for injunc-
tions and plant seizure in "na-
tional emergency" strikes was ap-
proved Tuesday by a two vote ma-
Prof. Kallenbach described
this modification of the Taft-
Hartley Act as "givirg the Pres-
ident authority for injunction
and seizure when a strike en-
dangers the health and safety of
the nation."
Taft's program to make 28
changes in the Taft-Hartley Act
but to preserve its "essentials" now
has been substituted for the entire
Administration labor bill.
The bill now goes to the House,
but House action on the bill is
doubtful during this session.
Co-op Houses
List Vacancies
The five co-op houses operating
this summer all still have limited
vacancies for roomers and board-
ers, according to ICC personnel
chairman Bill Kritzer.
There are three men's houses
and two women's houses. Most of
the vacancies are for boarders, but
some rooms are also available.
PEOPLE WHO join now will
have priority in the fall when
co-op housesdwilltbefilled to ca-
pacity, according to Kritzer.
Board and room comes to about
$8.50 a week. Members work ap-
proximately five hours a week
and have a chance to learn various
Further information can be had
from Bill Kritzer, 315 N. State,
6284, or Lefty Yamada, 807 S.
State, 2-3219.
IM Sports Open
Co - recreation at the IM
for co-edudational recreation
as usual. Gymnasium Coach
Newt Loken says there will be
swimming, ping pong, badmin-
ton, volley ball and other sports
activities from 7 to 9:30 p.m.
The IM Building will be open
for, co-educational. recreation

every Friday evening duringj
summer session, according to
L 'ken.

National Resources Best
Conserved by Home Rutle
"Home rule" action offers the best means for a solution to the
nation's natural resources problems, according to W. S. Rosecrans,
a vice-president of the United States Chamber of Commerce.
Rosecrans spoke yesterday in the second of the summer series
of lectures on public affairs. This year's series is concerned with
"Natural Resources in World Affairs."
* * * *
EMPHASIZING THE IMPORTANCE of state and local govern-
ments, Rosecrans declared that "government close to home is easier
E to keep responsive to the well-be-

Construction on a tunnel
leading from the New Womens'
Dormitory to the Materity Hos-
pital is near completion.
A University Plant service of-
ficial explained that the tunnel,
which is six and one-half by
seven feet in cross-section, will
be added to the central heat-
ing system running under the
Three branches from the
tunnel are also under construc-
tion. These will serve to supply
heat to Simpson Memorial In-
stitute, University Terrace
Apartments and the University
Green Admits
IHe Lied Under
Oath in 1927

Sentence Today Could Send
Her to Prison for 13 Years
WASHINGTON-(A)-A federal grand jury yesterday convicted
Judith Coplon as a spy for Russia ,tolling the word "guilty" on both
counts of an espionage charge that could send her to prison for 13
Judge Albert L. Reeves told newsmen he will sentence Miss
Coplon shortly after 9 a.m. today.
* * * *
THE SENTENCE will follow arguments on Miss Coplon's con-
tinued bail. Neither the judge nor Federal attorneys indicated any
desire to send Miss Coplon to prison before her second trial in New
York next month.
Unflinching to the end, Miss Coplon though nervous, made
no outcry or other sign of emotion as the jury delivered its verdict
* * * after 26 hours and 58 minutes'

Two Ministers
Itvesti gate
Mob Violence
Alabama Clergymen
Uncover Three Acts
ASHLAND, Ala. - (P)-Three
floggings were uncovered in this
rural county yesterday by two
Methodist ministers making a pri-
vate investigation of mob violence.
The Rev. H. Frank Ledford, of
Ashland, and the Rev. Luther
Brown of Millerville, said they are
investigating rumors of additional
beatings and acts of night riders.
* * *
Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of
Ancient, Free and Accepted Mas-
ons of Alabama.
They said they verified these
1. J. J. Gavens, 60, white herb
doctor, lured from his home to
treat "a sick woman" the night
of May 30 and beaten with a
blackjack. His wife exchanged
shots with the masked assailants.
He and his wife and small child
later sold their home and left the
Millerville community.
2. Willie Horton, 33, Negro in-
fantry veteran, and his brother,
Herschel, beaten and lashed until
they bled by white robed and
hooded men the night of June 1.
Willie was quoted by the ministers
as being told "we had been talking
too much."
Reds Let Trucks
Roll Into Berlin
BERLIN - (R) - The Russians
cut some red tape today and sud-
denly let Western trucks roll un-
molested between Berlin and the
Western Zones.
It turned out that one Soviet
entry post wasn't satisfied with
the way another Russian check-
point endorsed travel permits and
refused to let many trucks through
for two days.
Allied sources said the matter
was ironed out for the present by
intervention of high Russian of-
ficials. 4
German highway police report-
ed in late afternoon that all
trucks leaving and entering Ber-
lin got by the checkpoints with-
out trouble.

ing of the people."
He attacked a big centralized
government as "the historicala
method by which power aspir-
ing leaders have stolen the lib-
erties of their people."J
Rosecrans, who is also chair-
man of the California State Board
of Forestry, said that progress in
the management of natural re-
sources must come from educa-
tion and cooperation based on
conviction rather than compul-
sion, as well as action on a local
* * *
IN HIS OPINION, the force of
public opinion should be the mo-
tivating factor, with the minimum'
possible amount of governmental1
interference or bureaucratic ac-es
tion used to solve our resources
He conceded that a strong
central government with suf-
ficient police power could
achieve a solution to the prob-
lem in time. But he declared
that proposed solutions should
strive to preserve the human
values of initiative, liberty and
individual responsibility.
"Right now," Rosecrans said,
"we seem to favor less responsi-
bility for the individual," with loss
of opportunity as a corollary.
'Trenton Six'
W' Retrial
In Slaying
Decision Halts Mass
Jersey Execution
TRENTON, N.J. - (M - The
"Trenton six"-six Negroes sen-
tenced to die for slaying an aged
storekeeper-yesterday won their
fight for a new trial.,
The State Supreme Court unan-
imously reversed a Mercer County
Court murder conviction.
It halted a scheduled mass ex-
ecuation of the six prisoners and
ordered a retrial.
men last August touched off a
series of protest meetings.
The Civil Rights Congress1
spearheaded the appeal to save
the men from the electric chair.
Later the NAACP and other
groups joined the fight. Accord-
ing to them, none of the prose-
cution witnesses identified the
The six Negroes were convicted
of bludgeoning to death William
Horner, 72 years old, in his sec-
ond hand furniture shop Jan. 27,
1948, during a $35 robbery.
The Supreme Court's main opin-
ion held in part that Trial Judge
Charles P. Hutchinson had erred
in pronouncing the death sentence
because the jury verdict was
'guilty' rather than 'guilty in the
first degree."
Maker of Violins
Dies at Interlochen
bald Conrad Stenger of Chicago,
an instructor in violin-making at
the National Music Camp at In-
terlochen, died of a heart attack
in Munson Hospital here today.

i i



W. Va.-(P)-John L. Lewis yes-
terday ordered his soft coal min-
ers to work only three days a week
temporarily and the operators
promptly called the action "ille-
The United Mine Workers' pres-
ident got around his traditional
"no contract, no work" policy by
taking it upon himself to order
the short work week which the
operators had rejected.
The contracts covering 400,000
miners expired at midnight.
ALL UNION mines east of the
Mississippi are included in the
Lewis order to work only Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday each
week. However, the work days
will be Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday next week because the
Percival Price
Plans Concert
Prof. Percival Price, University
carillonneur, will perform a Ca-
nadian program in honor of Do-
minion Day, at 7:15 p.m. today.
Prof. Price will play a group of
school songs, Donnell's "Sonata
for 53 Bells," several chansons du
terroir; and Lavalee's "O Canada."
Prof. Price said that Domin-
ion Day is the Canadian na-
tional birthday, something like
our Fourth of July; because the
University is currently studying
Canadian relations, it was felt
that such a program would be
Donnell, formerly a pupil of
Prof. Price, is now Dominion Car-
illonneur at Ottawa. Chansons du
terroir are French Canadian folk-
songs, and "0 Canada," Prof.
Price enlined.

miners are on a 10-day vacation
which ends after Monday.
Lewis gave no reason for ex-
cluding the far western mines
which produce about 20,000,000
(M) tons annually.
GeorgesH. Love of Pittsburgh,
head of the northwestboperators
with whom Lewis has been nego-
tiating, termed the three-day week
illegal. The operators fear it vio-
lates the anti-trust laws.
LOVE TOLD a news conference
that Lewis' order "disregards the
economic needs of the people, the
welfare of his union members, and
their families, and his contract
with the operators."
He said he is not certain the'
operators would or could take
any court action.
The operator spokesman said
the mine owners would keep their
pits open for any who want to
work on Thursday, Friday and
decision to include the Southern
Coal Producers Association and
U.S. Steel Corporation mines. He
has been holding separate nego-
tiations with them and both
groups feared he intended to ap-
ply special pressures on them.

Concludes 24th Week
NEW YORK - (AP) - Gilbert
Green of Chicago, Communist
conspiracy trial defendant, un-
derwent cross-examination yes-
terday after 13 days of direct tes-
timony and admitted he once lied
under oath.
Quizzed by U.S. Attorney John
F. X. McGohey, Green agreed he
had made a number of false state-
ments in applying for a Chicago
postoffice job in 1927.
* * *
THE 24TH WEEK of the trial
was concluded with adjournment
for the Fourth of July weekend.
, The prosecutor began by asking
Green, "have you ever lied under
"I do not recall," the Chicagoan
The witness said he had
worked as a substitute carrier
in the Chicago postoffice in 1925
and 1926 but had been asked "to
resign because my political views
became known."
A few months later he said he
applied for another postoffice job.
Under McGohey's prodding, he
admitted these statements in the
application were untrue:
THAT HIS NAME was George
That he had attended a high
school for four years.
That he had worked as a clerk
with S. J. Hammersmark at 19
South Lincoln, Chicago, from
February, 1924, to September,
1927, at a pay of $27 a week.
That he never had been ar-
That he never had resigned any
position under compulsion.
THAT HE NEVER had been
employed by any branch of the
U.S. Government.
That he had no relatives in
government service.
The cross-examination also de-
veloped that Green at one time
entered into a common law mar-
World News
$550,000,000 or more in excuse
taxes was approved today by the
Senate Finance Committee.
* * *
TOKYO-(,?)-Japanese Com-
munists seized a police station
118 miles north of Tokyo yes-
terday but abandoned it when
rural police squads approached.
* * *
WASHINGTON--()-The with-
drawal of United States Army
forces from Korea, in accord
with a United Nations resolution,{
was announced last night.
A military advisory group re-
mains in Korea. It is headed by
Brig. Gen. William L. Roberts.

GUILTY-Judith Coplon, 28-
year-old former Justice Depart-
ment analyst, was found guilty
of espionageyesterday in Wash-
'Rapid Start'
For Housing
Program Seeni
WASHINGTON - (P)-Federal
Housing Administrator Raymond
M. Foley promised today a "rapid
start" on the public housing fea-
tures of the Administration's
Housing Bill.
The bill has passed both Houses
and is awaiting conference com-
mittee agreement. Backers pre-
dicted it would go to the White
House next week.
FOLEY SAID a "significant
number" of low-rent( federally-
subsidized units can be placed un-
der construction in the next 12
The "entirely new program"
of slum clearance, also provided
in the bill, will take more time,
he said, because it will entail
extensive local planning, organ-
ization, and possibly local or
state legislation.
However, he said, 24 states now
have laws authorizing participa-
tion in Federal-supported slum-
clearance projects. Also, a number
of major cities are far enough
along to be able to complete plans
and enter slum clearance agree-
ments within the next 12 months,
so that "actual slum clearance can
get under way thereafter."
Sale at Union
A few remaining student direc-
tories will go on sale at the Mich-
igan Union today.

of deliberation.
Her 65-year-old mother, Mrs.
Rebecca Coplon of Brooklyn, who
has been in constant attendance
since the beginning of the trial
last April 25, was not present in
the courtroom when the verdict
was returned.
The mother, a widow, was re-
ported ill in a downtown hotel.
* * *
Palmer immediately announced he
will carry the case to the U.S. Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals and if neces-
sary to the Supreme Court.
Palmer also asked Judge
Reeves to postpone sentence un-
til after Miss Coplon's second
trial-on espionage conspiracy
charges in New York-but gov-
ernment attorneys objected
"The government opposes any
delay in imposition of sentence,"
said Chief - Prosecutor John MV.
Kelley, Jr. "The case in New York
is mere accusation. We are now
dealing with reality."
Kelley's words stung Palmer to
a furious outburst.
"They've got their pound of
flesh," the defense lawyer shouted
bitterly. "Do they want the blood
with it?"
PALMER TOLD Judge Reeves
that once sentence is pronounced,
Miss Copon's bond will be e
yoked and she will have to go to
jail. He said she cannot raise a
new bond.
But Judge Reeves, 75-year-
old visiting jurist from Kansas
City, Mo., said he intends to
sentence Miss Coplon tomorrow.
Miss Coplon, 28, a Barnard Col-
lege girl who was graduated with
top honors and then became a
$4,479-a-year political analyst il
the Justice Department in Wash-
ington, is under a total of $30,000
uled to start in New York on
July 11, with her purported Rus-
sian sweetheart, Valentince A. Gu-
bitchev, 32, a former United Na-
tions engineer, as co-defendant.
Gubitchev is now free under $100,-
000 bail posted by the Russian
If convicted in New York, Miss
Coplon would face a possible max-
imum sentence of 35 years in
prison and $25,000 fine-over and
above the top penalty of 13 years
and $12,000 on her conviction to-
Co-Prosecutor Raymond P.
Whearty told newsmen: "We def-
initely intend to try the New York
CED Meeting
Held Today
The Committee to End Discrim-
ination will continue investigating
the possibilities of prejudice in ad-
mission to the University at its
first meeting of the summer ses-
sion at 4 p.m. today at the League.
The group was set up last term
to investigate the entrance re-
quirements for the various under-
graduate and graduate schools on
Twenty-one campus organiza-
tions, including political, religious
and social groups, as well as resi-
dence halls and fraternities were
represented on the Committee.
TAKING AS ITS basic aim the
"coordination, integration and in-
itiation of action agaimt ds-
crimination on campus," the group
has confined its activities to re-
questing from heads of various
schools the elimination of certain
questions on application blanks.
These unetionn. the committe

Dawson Talks
Before Group


Police Will Try To Keep
Holiday DeathToll Down
*1 __________________

Prof. John Dawson keynoted po-
litical discussion on the summer
campus last night, appearing be-
fore an open meeting of the Young
Dawson discussed the politics
and principles of the Democratic
THE MEETINGS will be open
to all students interested in polit-
ical afairs. On-the-floor discussion
of policies of public interest are a
regular part of the program, ac-
cording to Theodore Souris,
summer chairman of the Young
Play Continues
The last two performances of
"On Borrowed Time" will be pre-
sentr toniht anI tomorrow

New Drug Relief for Sneezes Wheezes

Sudden, violent death will meet
an estimated 500 persons through-
out the nation as a result of traffic
mishaps during the forthcoming
Fourth of July holiday week-end.

anti-accident campaign will be
rigidly enforced by local, county,
and state law officers.
The campaign against speeding
is not without reason, for statis-

Ragweed has lost its terror for
many of the estimated eight mil-

a substance present

in most bodyI

may result in anything from hives,
nausea, and asthma to death. The

"- *

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