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June 29, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-06-29

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i. LIX--No 6S



. ..

Officials Pare
Budget To Fit
Cut in Yunds
Briggs, Adams,
Talk with Deans
University administrative offi-
cials are still trying to solve the
budget problem which resulted
when the State Legislature's ap-
propriation for the 1949-50 school
year turned out to be about $1,-
000,000 less than had been re-
Vice-President Robert P. Briggs,
Provost James P. Adams, and
deans and heads of academic and
administrative departments have
been meeting for the past few
days in attempts to pare the bud-
get to the level of the funds which
will be available for operation.
BASED ON figures for the cur-
rent year, it appears that the
1949-50 total budget, including
funds received from tuition fees,
will run in excess of $18,000,000.
The 1948-49 budget was about
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven has said that he would be
"absolutely opposed" to any
measure which would obtain ad-
ditional funds from higher stu-
dent tuition fees.
However, a tuition boost is
probably not out of the question.
WHEN ASKED about the pos-
sibility of a rise in tuition, Vice-
President Marvin L. Niehuss said
that "one measure that doubtless
w ill be given consideration is a
possible tuition increase. How-
ever, any increase would neces-
sitate action by the Board of Re-
No definite date has yet been
set for the next meeting of the
The problem of a possible loss
of top professors to other insti-
tutions remains a serious one.
0OMMENTING ON this prob-
lem, Prof. -"iehuss said that the
"sentiment of the administration
is that something must be done to
improve the financial status of
the faculty. Every effort will be
put forth to maintain the high
faculty standards which the Uni-
versity has enjoyed."
Speculation has arisen over
the possibility that further lim-
itations in enrollment might be
necessary in order to maintain
the University's high standards
in the face of the limited
amount of funds available.
Since most applications for en-
rollment for the fall semester
have already been processed, there
is not likely to be any drastic limi-
tation of enrollment, according to
Vice-President Niehuss.
He added that "any significant
adjustments in enrollment could
hardly be made less than a year
or two in advance.
Strikers Vote
On Settlement
At Bendix
SOUTH BEND, Ind.-An end to
the 70-day strike at the Bendix
Aviation Corp., maker of vital air-
plane engine and automobile

parts, seemed in sight yesterday.
After a prolonged conference in
Washington with representatives
of the plant management and
striking CIO-United Auto Work-
ers, Secretary of Air Symington
announced this morning an agree-
ment had been reached to end
the walkout.
The 6,100 members of the Ben-
dix Local; will vote at 3 p.m. to-
day on whether to accept the
pending the vote of the workers
and further study by the union
and management representatives.
Meanwhile, pickets remained
on duty at ten gates of the huge
plant, which makes a variety
of automotive and aviation
The strike started April 20 after
discharge of 47 workers on slow-
down charges. The Union de-
manded their reinstatement and
an adjustment in the take-home
pay of certain workers in the
hA shne denartment. The Un-

-Daily-Gene Kiddon
"ON BORROWED TIME"-Robert Thompson (Gramps) and
Jim Wessinger (Pud) exchange confidences during a final re-
hearsal scene, in preparation for tonight's opening performance
of Paul Osborn's fantasy.

* * *


Raise Curtain Tonight
On Osborn Production

. "On Borrowed Time," the cele-
brated humorous fantasy by Paul'
Osborn, will open at 8 tonight in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Direction is by Prof. Claribel
THE PRODUCTION, long a fa-,
vorite of theatre-goers, is the first'
in a series of summer presenta-
tions to be offered by the Depart-
ment of Speech.
Prof.Kenneth T. Rowe, dis-
tinguished drama critic, last
Polio Increase
Shorts Funds
For Research
'U' Given $100,000
For Virus Study
The record-breaking $25,728,-
000 raised in the 1949 March of
Dimes may not be adequate to
combat the rising toll of infantile
paralysis cases.
Stepping up its program, the
National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis has given more than
$100,000 in research grants to the
University for 1949.
LAST YEAR THE worst epi-
demis in 32 years wiped out fund
reserves of the National Founda-
tion and reduced reserves of local
chapters, according to Basil 0'-
Connor, president.
Polio cases more than doubled
in the past five years. 1949 shows
no sign of any relief from the
heavy toll experienced in recent
years, O'Connor said.
Included in the $100,000 is part
of a five year grant to the School
of Public Health of $124,000 with
provision made for supplemental
grants if the research requires
THE WORK, UNDER the direc-
tion of Prof. Thomas Francis, Jr.,
will concentrate on research for
compounds which will:
1. Prevent the entrance of
polio virus into the body via the
alimentary tract.
2. Halt virus infection of
nervous tissue where it does its
3. Stop the growth of virus
in nerve cells.
With such an increasing num-
ber of cases of polio and expanded
research program, O'Connor com-
mented that the need for funds
to fight polio "still remains ex-
tremely critical."

night said, "'On Borrowed Time'
is one of those occasional plays
that sends one home with a
warm glow of having really been
to the theatre."
Prof. Rowe, who conducts classes
in playwriting and modern drama
at the University, continued his
critique of the play, saying, "It
has illusion,thumor, and strongly
projected characteiizatiotis,
speeches and situations. It is
thoughtful and tender, and very
good entertainment."
INCLUDED in the cast of the
initial presentation, which will run
through Saturday evening, are two
nine year-old Ann Arbor resi-
Jim Wessinger, 1506 Granger,
will take one of the leading
roles, playing Pud, while Eric
Arnesen, 1231 Baldwin, will play
the part of Bill Martin.
Both- youngsters, who are in the
fifth grade at the Eberbach
School, were selected by Prof.
Baird during a tryout session at
the school.
TH SETTING, designed by Oren
Parker, of the Yale University
drama school, has been construct-
ed so that one scene will follow
another in quick succession, thus
dispensing with long intermis-
sions, according to Miss Ann Drew,
public relations director.
Others in the cast are Robert
E. Thompson, director of theatre
activities at Rosary College and
a graduate student in the De-
partment of Speech, Nafe Kat-
ter, Ann Husselman, Lillian
Canon Boland, Jane Lensen-
meyer and Ted Heusel. The list
of players continues with Jim
Bob Stephenson, Fran Bouws-
ma, William W. Taylor, Presley
Holmes and J. Sheldon Murphy.
Tickets for the season series and
individual presentations will re-
main on sale today at the League
box ,Mice.
* * *
Whit ford Kane
Will Lecture
Whitford Kane, noted Broad-
way and Hollywood character ac-
tor, will give a talk this afternoon
in the amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building on "Gas Lights to
The talk, which is the first of
the summer season to be sponsored
by the University's Department of
Speech, will be open to the public.
A familiar figure to Ann Arbor
theatre goers, Kane will direct
"The White Steed," fourth produc-
tion in the summer series.

Mrs. Hiss
Takes Stand
For Husband
Alger Hiss Admits
(Special to The Daily)
NEW YORK-Alger Hiss con-
cluded his testimony and Mrs.
Hiss took the witness stand yes-
terday in one of the longest and
most spirited sessions since the
start of the Hiss Perjury Trial
20 days ago.
An intense and dramatic cross-
examination by Assistant U. S.
Attorney Thomas F. Murphy last-
ed most of the day.
* * *
tempt to show inconsistencies in
the testimonies Hiss gave.
Hiss admitted a few inconsis-
tencies in his statements on the
disposal of the Woodstock type-
writer, which the Government
claims was used to type stolen
State Department documents.
But he insisted that he had
answered each time "to the best
of my recollection."
* * *
TEMPERS WERE heated at
one point in the testimony. Mur-
phy asked if Mrs. Hiss 'had been
in the car on the drive to New
"I told the House Committee
that I thought Mrs. Hiss had
been there, but I could not be
sure without consulting her."
Since that time, Hiss has stated
that she was not present.
Murphy's rephrasal of the an-
swer brought the first look of an-
ger to Hiss' thin, boyish face since
the start of his testimony.
"YOU ARE characterizing my
statements," he said.
Murphy turned to the judge
and snapped, "Will you tell this
character not to make any re-
marks to me."
Defense Attorney Paul Stryker
responded with a loud "Objec-
tion," and declared, "This is of-
fensive and improper, and if not
A comprehensive background
report by Miss Lipsky on the
Hiss Trial appears on Page
for the fact that I do not want a
mis-trial, I would move for one."
* * *
mony re-affirming his denial of
Chambers' statements that Hiss
was a member of the Communist
Party and transmitted secret Gov-
ernment documents to the Com-
munist Party.
Mrs. Hiss, answering Stryker's
questions in a low but firm
voice, denied point by point
most of the testimony previous-
ly given by Mrs. Chambers.
Mrs. Hiss will resume the stand
at 10:30 a.m. today to continue
her support of her husband's tes-
World News
RFound- Up
By The Associated Press
source said yesterday that the last
two Roman Catholic bishops still
free to perform religious duties in
Romania have been placed under

arrest. Charges against them were
not explained.
*' * *
BERLIN-Russia touched off
a new East-West squabble to-
day by seizing a truck convoy
as it approached Berlin from
Western Germany. The vehicles
carried vital power plant ma-
chinery for West Berlin.
* * *
and Southern Korean troops
equipped with artillery and ma-
chine guns are engaged in heavy
fighting, the United Nations
Korean Commission officially
reported today.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Prosecutor
John M. Kelley, Jr., denounced
Judith Coplon at the end of her
espionage trial today as a "clever
spy" for Russia and said Moscow
chose her because, "she hated the
United States."
I / l 1I'S1IU ri7

GOP Labor Plan Okayed;
Truman Forces Defeated


-Daily-Gene Kiddon
DEAN OF STUDENTS TALKS WITH STUDENTS-Dean Eric A. Walter (fifth from right) talks
with members of Student Legislature and observers on problems and relations between University
officials and students at SL's first meeting with administration personnel. Students discussing these
problems with the Dean are, left to right: SL members Dick Hooker and Polly Hodges, observer Peter
Hotton, SL member Stu Hurtzberg, Dean Walter, SL members Tom Walsh, Herb VanBergel, Louis

Wirbel, Frank Butorac.

- =.

Segregation Ban Loses
In Truman Housing Bill

issue was injected into the Hous-
ing Bill battle today, but the
House promptly defeated an
amendment that would have pre-
vented segregation in publicly-
owned Housing projects.. y-
The vote was 168 to 130.
* * *
cleared, the House quit, postpon-
ing a final vote until tomorrow.
The race amendment, offered
by Rep. Fulton (R.-Pa.) would
Alabama Rips
KKK Masks,
MONTGOMERY, Ala. - (P) -
Alabama ripped the mask off the
Ku Klux Klan and kindred organ-
izations yesterday in a move to
halt a wave of hooded terrorism.
Legislation to prohibit the wear-
ing of masks in public was signed
into law by Gov. James E. Fol-
som within minutes after it passed
the House of Representatives by
an 84-4 vote.
* * *
THE INK WAS hardly dry on
the anti-masking act before the
Governor announced he will issue
an executive order calling the new
law to the attention of law en-
forcement officers and ordering
them to enforce it rigidly.
It was the second blow aimed
at the Klan during the day. At-
torney General Albert A. Car-
michael a few hours earlier
urged members of the legislature
to pass a separate law to re-
voke the Klan charter.
Carmichael branded the hooded
organization as "injurious" to the
State and blamed its members for
"floggings, terrorization and other
lawless demonstrations contrary to
all accepted concepts of decency
and good order."
* * *
HOUSE PASSAGE of the anti-
masking bill took only four min-
utes and came without a word of

have permitted White and Ne-
gro tenants to occupy the same
public housing buildings. It
"There shall be no discrimina-
tion against any person because
of race, color, religion or national
origin in the rental or occupancy
of any housing constructed under
the provisions of this act."
* * *
EARLIER, a tie vote narrowly
saved Mr. Truman's Housing Bill
from a "home rule" amendment
that would have barred publicly-
owned housing in any city unless
its voters first approved it.
On the "Home Rule" Refer-
endum Amendment, Rep. Boggs
(D.-La.), presiding at the time,
announced the vote as 132 to
132. He quickly added:
"The chair votes "no," and the
amendment is defeated." (A tie
vote would have killed the amend-
ment without Boggs' vote).
REPUBLICANS were virtually
solid in their support of the Ful-
ton Amendment, but were aided
by only a scattering of Democrats.
Administration forces, after
dominating the legislation from
the start, suppered two minor
set-backs during the day.
The House approved 199 to 41,
over their objections, an amend-
ment by Rep. Powell giving first
priority for occupancy of publicly-
owned housing to persons removed
from their homes by slum clear-
ance projects..
THE OTHER defeat came on
an amendment by Tep. Bennett
(D.-Fla.) to require hearings by
local public housing authorities
before they acquire land for slum
clearance projects. This was
adopted 167 to 164.
Just before adjourning, the
House knocked down 136 to 48 a
proposal to authorize low interest,
long term government loans to
non-profit organizations for build-
ing apartment-type homes for
lower income people.

* * *
SL Sets Up
Dean Walter Meets
Student Legislators,
Student Legislature last night
set in motion a proposal to set
up a committee of legislators, IFC
members, faculty and administra-
tion personnel to prepare anti-"
discrimination program to be
carried out next semester.
Administrators of the commit-
tee will be summer SL president
Quent Nesbitt and IFC president
Jake Jacobson.
Walter, SL's initial guest adminis-
tration official, said that a stu-
dent voting ticket could be added
to the registration "railroad tick-
et," automatically qualifying each
student to vote.
Dean Walter also suggested
that the voting places be placed
indoors, so that ballots would
not be forever blowing away.

Inj unetions;
Seizures Get
Senate Nod
Southern Dems
Aid TaftVictory
WASHINGTON - (3) - In a
stinging defeat for President Tru-
man, the Senate yesterday ap-
proved a Republican-written plan
for dealing with national emer-
gency strikes.
It provides for both Taft-Hart-
ley injunctions and for plant seiz-
ure by the government.
* * *
THE PLAN was adopted by a
vote of 50 to 40, and was thus
made a part of the Administra-
tion's Bill to replace the Taft-
Hartley Act with a new labor law.
President Truman campaigned for
Adoption of the amendment
at a tumultuous Senate session
was an important victory for
Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) and
others who are battling to keep
the basic provisions of the Pres-
ent law.
The National Emergency
Amendment was sponsored by Taft
and Senators Donell (Rep., Mo.)
and Smith (Rep., N.J.). The Sen-
ate approved it after first batting
down three other plans for han-
.ding strikes imperilling the na-
tional health orsafety.
* * *
with spectators, the Senate did
these things in this order:
1. Defeated, 54 to 37, an amend-
ment by Senator Holland . (DIe.,
Fla.) to preserve the Taft-Hartley
Emergency Injunction provision.
The amendment would not have
authorized seizure of struck plants.
Neither does the Taft-Hartley act.
2. Rejected, 46 to 44, an amend-
ment by Senator Lucas (Ill.), the
Democratic leader, to strike the
injunction provision from Taft's
injunction-plus-seizure plan. Un-
der the Lucas proposal, only seiz-
ure of plants would have been
3. Turned down, 51 to 40, a pro-
posal by Senator Ives (Rep., N.Y.)
to have Congress deal with "Na-
tional Emergency" strikes on a
case-by-case basis. The Senate de-
feated the same plan last week, 67
to 13.
4. Approved, 50 to 40, the Taft-
Donnell-Smith plan for keeping
the Taft-Hartley injunction fea-
ture and adding a provision for
government seizure of struck
plants for up to 60 days.
* * *
as drafted, would have provided
neither injunctions nor seizure,
but would have established., a 30-
day cooling-off period without
specific penalties for violation.
In a drive to lure votes away
from the Taft plan, Lucas came
up with his seizure-only amend-
ment. He said it was acceptable
to Mr. Truman because it was
aimed primarily at getting rid
of the labor-hated Taft-Hartley
On the Holland Amendment, 12
Democrats-all from the South-
teamed up with 25 Republicans in
favor of it. Forty Democrats and
14 GOP Senators voted against it.
THE DIVISION on the Lucas
Amendment was 38 Democrats and
six Republicans for the plan, and
32 Republicans plus 14 Democrats
opposed to it.
For the Ives Plan were seven

Republicans and 33 Democrats,
while 32 Republicans and 19
Democrats voted against it.
On the showdown vote on Taft's
amendment, the Ohioan pulled 32
other Republicans and 17 Demo-
crats-14 of them from the South
-along with him. Thirty-five
Democrats voted against the in-
junction-seizure plan, but Taft
lost only five Republicans-Sen-
ators Capehart (Ind.), Ives (N.Y.),
Langer (N.D.), Morse (Ore.) and
Thve (Minn.)


realize that this might re-
the number of voters," he
"but it would protect the
and candidate."
* * *

make SL a stronger, more exper-
ienced body, Dean Walter said
that past legislators, especially
those still in school, could be kept
in contact, and some machinery
might be set up to do this.
As the first guest of SL, the
Dean suggested that the students
invite faculty members as well as
McGill Lecturer
Joins Study Group
Bernard Hymovitch of Montreal,
has been appointed a study direc-
tor at the University Research
Center for Group Dynamics.
Hymovitch was a lecturer in
psychology at McGill University
and more recently held a similar
post at Sir George Williams Col-
He will direct research into the
principles governing behavior of
social groups and will take over his
new post Friday.

Summer Directories
On Sale Tomorrow

Intensify Search for Hit-Run Driver

(Co-Managing Editor)
"We had the cards stacked!"
That is the reason why the 1949
Summer Student Directory will
hit campus earliest in history at
the lowest price ever announced,
according to Paul Rider. Grad.

ADVERTISERS cooperated in
signing contracts early, Rider ex-
Lithographers, Cushing and
Malloy, Ann Arbor, also contrib-
uted to hurrying up final dis-
tribution of the Directory, he

(Co-Managing Editor)
Law officers today intensified
their search for an olive-green car
with a damaged right front fender
-the car which brought sudden

dark green, and more likely a
The affair brought a tragic
conclusion to the party being
held at Portage Lake by several,

the car, now dark green, was prev-
iously blue-gray. That color was
used exclusively by Chevrolet man-
ufacturers in 1942 and 1946, al-
though officials say that the blue-

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