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June 22, 1949 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1949-06-22

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lit Staff ...
he call is going out today for students
rested in all phases of producing The
imer Daily,
he welcome mat will be dusted off for
nd-semester freshmen, upper-classmen
transfer students desiring valuable
erience on a metropolitan-type daily
spaper. ,
O EXPERIENCE IS required of new
V meeting for students interested in
ing out will be held at 4 p.m. today,
the Student Publications Building,
' Maynard St.
>sitions are available on the editorial
E, womens' staff and sports staff. Stu-'
s will learn the fundamentals of edi-
1 work, copy reading, proof-reading
specialized reporting.
* * *
Trial page will be open for contributions
i members of all staffs.

'r Daily Calls
Opportunities on The Summer Daily
far exceed those offered during regular *._ I4
semesters because-although only five
editions are published each week-there w
are fewer students on campus, hence,
fewer on the staff.
Beginning students will spend one week
becoming familiar with the operation off
The Daily.
Then they will be given regular staff y
assignments to "beats."
'* * *
"BEATS" INVOLVE areas or depart-
ments on campus which the reporter covers
for news developments.
Advancement is based upon the abilityA
demonstrated by the individual student. .
Although no regular training program
will be conducted, Senior staff members#
and Night Editors will stand by to ad-i
vise new staff members.M
Work on The Daily traditionally serves
as a spring-board into high-paying jobs on
newspapers. Former staff members may be
found in virtually every leading metropoh-,
tan paper and in all the wire services. -- "

E ditorial, Business

Business Staff .. .
The largest business on campus, The
Daily, is looking for students interested in
learning the financial ins-and-outs of a
metropolitan publication.
Opportunities exist for students eager to
learn all phases of business management.
SECOND SEMESTER Freshmen, upper
classmen and transfer students are eligible
to try out.
A meeting for prospective business
staffers will be held at 4 p.m. today, at
the Student Publications Building, 420
Maynard St.
Specific opportunities exist in bookkeep-
ing, advertising, layout, design, classified
ad, circulation, sales, and promotions.
INSTRUCTION will be given to those
without business experience. And students
with classroom training may have an op-
portunity to reenforce their knowledge of
business practices.
The Daily business staff operates in


Latest Deadline in the State










Daily Enters Campaign
For Hoover Plan Action
The Daily has joined leading Michigan newspapers in a grass -
>ts campaign to bring Congressional action on early reorganization
the executive branch of the Federal government.
Coupons similar to those below have appeared in The Jackson
izen-Patriot, The Apn Arbor News, Detroit newspapers and other
>und the state.
READERS FILL OUT the coupons and mail them to: The Man.
ng Editors, Michigan Daily, Ann Arbor. They will be forwarded
the appropriate offices in Washington.


--------------- ------------- ---
Honorable Arthur H. Vandenberg, I
U. S. Senator,
Washington, D.C
Dear Sir:
Because I believe that billions can be saved and efficiency
improved by putting into effect- the recommendations of the
Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the
Government (the. Hoover Commission) I urge that you male I
every effort to obtain early passage of necessary legislation. I
Signed............. ..............
(Additional Signatures may be added)
-.. .. ..............r... ..-.... _..--.I
Honorable Homer Ferguson,
U. S. Senator, I
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir r
Because I believe that billions can be saved and efficiency I
improved by putting into effect' the recommendations of the f
Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the
Government (the Hoover Commission) I urge that you make
every effort to obtain early passage of necessary legislation.
Signed ............................... .. .
(Address) ..............................
(Additional Signatures may be added)
.--.--- -........--.--- - ---
Honorable Earl C. Michener,
Member of Congress, J
Washington, D.C.
Dear Si:
Because I believe that billions can be saved and efficiency
improved by putting into effect the recommendations of the
Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the r
Government (the Hoover Commission) I urge that you make i
every effort to obtain early passage of necessary legislation. 3
Signed .............................. ..
(Address) .............................I. .
(Additional Signatures may be added)
{ 1 l

SL Praises
Text Denial
By Ruthven
Also Urge Action
On Genocide Bill
Student Legislature has sup
ported President Alexander G
Ruthven's refusal of the Hous
Un-American Activities Commit
tee's request for a list of texts use
at the University.
The resolution will be sent t
the House Un-American Activitie
Committee, its chairman Rep
John S. Wood and John McCor-
mick, House majority leader a
well as to President Ruthven.
* * *
A SECOND resolution which wil
be sent to Sen. Arthur H. Vanden-
berg, cited the unanimous passage
by the UN General Assembly 01
the Convention on Prevention and
Punishment of the Crime of Gen-
The resolution added "Th
world agreement on the outlawing
of the deliberate and systematic
destruction of national, ethnic, re-
ligious and racial groups is a defi-
nite constructive achievement of
the UN which all thinking Amer-
icans will want to support."
The resolution also asked Sen.
Vandenberg, as one of the lead-
ers of the UN's founding and a
leader in the Senate, to initiate
and work for the passage of the
UN's Genocide Resolution dur-
ing the present session of Con-
Summer SL officers include:
president, Quentin Nesbitt; co-
secretaries, Ginny Bauer and
Debbie Dubinsky; treasurer, Dick
U' Enrollment
For Summer
T otah_8,824
University summer session en-
rollment is 8,824 students accord-
ing to incomplete reports.
Last summer's enrollment was
350 more than this year's total.
* * *
ported registrations for the first
six week summer session at Mich-
igan State College totaled 4,491-
17 below last year.°
On the University campus, the
ratio of men to women has
dropped to a happy-for men-
ratio of 2-to-one, with 6,280
men and 2,544 women braving
the heat to pursue knowledge
this summer.
There are 4,580 veterans in
school this summer, as compared
with 5,316 last year.

Summer Solstice Brings
Heat Wave Showers
(Co-Managing Editor)
Beaming broadly at all who '
passed below, Old King Sol her-
alded the first day of summer yes
terday with a blast of ultra-violets a
and infra-reds which had the
more than 8,000bUniversity stu
dents seeing double.'
Though mighty bright most of
the day, the sky was overcast with -
typical Ann Arbor rain clouds.
THE RAINS CAME. At a little
past noon and again at three, the
royal gentleman gave way to tor-z
rents of condensed water.
But there was conspiracy
afoot. Bursting forth with new
vigor, the sun combined his z'
withering talents with that of a 4
humid atmosphere to strip stu
dents of all unnecessary wearing
apparel. In fact, one prospectivek
student-of the class of 1967-
was seen as a reincarnation ofh
Adam, minus the foliage of the:
ficus carica.
Air conditioned havens in Ann
Arbor reported a sudden interestj
in the wares being offered, though ,
veryfew more sales were recorded
* * *
MUSIC SHOP owners declared
that stocks of the record "We'ref
Having a Heat Wave" were com-
pletely exhausted.
But what about the future? *
Yesterday marked the solstice
and the beginning of what might
be a very hot school session.
Dean Edmonson Cites Schools'

To Try Again
On U Budget
Await Report of
Joint Committee
The State Legislature, which
failed to appropriate any money
for the University and other edu-
cational institutions during regu-
lar session, will reconvene tomor-
row to try agair( }and this time
some kind of appropriation seems
certain, according to Lansing
The question that remains to be
settled is how much. A Senate-
House conference committee will
report back on its attempt to iron
out differences between Senate
and House proposals.
* * *
THE HOUSE voted for a $10,-
986,315 grant to the University and
$8,934,190 to Michigan State Col-
lege. The Senate proposed to boost
the University's appropriation to
$12,000,000 and slash MSC's to
(The University's original
budget request was for $12,500,-
000. Gov.'Williams' recommend-
ed an appropriation of $11,800,-
If the conference committee
fails to make a compromise, one
of the two chambers will have to
give way or the Governor will call
a special session before June 30,
when money for the colleges runs
UNIVERSITY Vice - President
Marvin L. Niehuss said he doesn't
know yet how the Senate-House
conflict may finally be settled.
But informed observers in
Lansing think the appropriation
may be close to the House pro-
posal; they say that final agree-
ment will probably be reached
tomorrow or Friday and that a
special session is very unlikely.
Action on educational appropri-
ations may be held up by attempts
to override two of Gov. Williams'
vetoes: one, on a $1-a-gallon tax
on fortified wine, and another on
a commercial fishing law.
The fight to override these ve-
toes will probably be brief and
unsuccessful, however; the legis-
lators' main efforts will be direct-
ed toward settlement of the ap-
propriations struggle.

leading philosopher

Americans have been so free
with their criticism of our school
system that they have too often
overlooked its positive accomplish-
ments, Dean Edmonson of the ed-
ucation school declared yesterday.
Edmonson gave the initial
speech in a series of lectures on
"State and National Trends in Ed-
ucation" to be held through the
summer session at the University
High School.
"AMERICAN citizens are freer
in their criticism of schools and
colleges than the citizens of any
other country," Edmonson said.

School children likewise feel free
to criticize education, and college
students especially have loudly ex-
pressed their opinions, he declared.
* * *
EDMONSON noted that the
United States has more high
school and college graduates than
any other country and praised the
increase in number of educational
institutions available to students.
Professors G. Max Wingo,
Claude Eggersten and Howard Y.
McClusky of the education school
are also scheduled to speak this
week as part of the lecture series.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - -President
Truman declared yesterday that
Russia's refusal "to recognize the
important progress" of the West-
ern Powers in building a democra-
tic western Germany had blocked
agreement on German unification
at the Paris foreign ministers
And in a conciliatory mood,
Russia expressed a pointed desire
to end the month-long Berlin
railway strike and praised results
of the Big Four meeting.
Although no agreement was
reached on Germany, problems in
Austria were worked out.
* * *
ecutive Committee of the Com-
mittee on growth of the Nation-
al (Cancer) Research Council
announced recommendations for
54 cancer research grants to-
taling $193.182.
Included were funds for the
University of Michigan.
* * *
ST. LOUIS-Six persons were
injured in a series of fights be-
tween whites and negroes in a
north St. Louis park yesterday.
A crowd of between 4,000 and
5,000 persons was milling around
in the area.
Mayor Joseph M. Darst rescind-
ed a one-day old order banning
segregation in public parks and
* * *
TOKYO - Government re-
ports today put the death toll.
in typhoon-lashed Japan at
Other reports said 563 were
PRAGUE - Czechoslovakia's
Communist government threaten-
ed last night to take legal action
against Archbishop Josef Beran.
It accused him of trying to

Academic Freedom Fight Continues

to the

At a meeting held on June 10,
the University Board of Regents
accepted gifts totaling more than


flirt Mn at

(Co-Managing Editor)
The fight to maintain and ex-
tend academic freedom on Amer-

Rep. Woods had asked 70
schools for lists of textbooks
used in courses, to see if they

throw of the United States
Government by force or any
illegal unconstitutional meth-

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