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June 26, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-06-26

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tIy pocrites
cently said that compulsory health in-
surance should never be imposed on Amer-
icans because it is the first step towards
socialized medicine.
That may very well be, but let's start from
the beginning and find out if compulsory
health insurance is so bad in the first place.
There's a doctor in my hometown that
won't examine a patient who hasn't first
handed over $25. Payment by installments
won't do, and if a patient can't afford that
kind of money, he goes elsewhere.
Another doctor was once driving in his
car when he saw a man lying by the side
of the road. The doctor stopped to examine
the man. The man had been drinking, but
he had also been hit by a car.
Asked the doctor, "Do you have any
Groaned the man, "No."
Said the doctor, "Then I can't waste my
These are isolated events, and I am sure
that not all doctors are like this. In fact,
every time I turn on my radio, I discover
that the country is chuck-full of Dr. Chris-
But as long as there are doctors who are
hypocrites in spite of the Oath of Hypocrq-
tes, and jvho worship the almighty dollar
before their sworn duty, then the public
*must have some means of protection.
That is why national health insurance
programs and maybe even socialized medi-
cine are necessary.
-Arlynn Rosen
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

- Executive Reorganization

TODAY A BATTLE is in process, a fight
for executive reorganization in which
every citizen can take part. The primary
weapon at our disposal is the report of the
Hoover Commission on Organization of the
Executive Branch of the Government. It
will not be an easy victory, for as in the
past there are three major obstacles to the
launching of needed administrative reform.
In the first place is the apprehension of
government personnel who might be affect-
ed by such a program. Many bureaucrats
and agencies have unofficially lobbied
against the granting of blanket reorgan-
izational powers to any executive bureau,
for they have been afraid that an executive
program might place their status in jeopar-
Also, Congress has been hesitant to en-
trust much discretionary power to the
chief executive, in whom is already con-
centrated an overwhelming amount of au-
thority. And finally, apathy of the aver-
age American toward the pressing need
for immediate reorganization of the na-
tional administration has steadfastly ham-
pered the enactment of an effective re-
modeling program.
Previous attempts at reorganization have
progressively weakened the arguments of
groups opposed to the needed reform. Few
capable government officials have lost pres-
tige because of administrative revision, and
Congressmen have almost never undone an
affected administrative change. In turn, the
people of the country have been rewarded
with a strengthened national government
that has been somewhat better correlated by
these previous acts.
* * *
sively shown that the machinery of ad-
ministration is in great need of a general
overhauling. Because our government has
not been built up systematically, but rather

I SEE that the editorialists are earnestly
counseling the Senate not to cut the next
Marshall Plan appropriation by $1,000,000,-
000 or by $740,000,000, or whatever. It sounds
like the editorials of a year ago. But this is
not a repetition of last year's fight. The
pundits will be making a great mistake if
they think that it is. Much is changed in
the Marshall Plan picture, and the usual hol-
ler about keeping our role in the world,
etc., is not going to be quite as persuasive
as it was.
In the first place, a recession has begun.
In the second place, the current fight against
the Marshall Plan is being carried on more
by the "right than by the left, which makes
it harder to beat down. In the third place,
it looks as if we shall have a budget deficit,
raising the almost insuperable temptation
to balance the books at the expense of Euro-
peans, who don't vote here. In the fourth
place, almost nobody really believes any
more that the Marshall Plan is going to
bring about a complete state of balance and
recovery in Western Europe, so that the
very strong argument about giving a lot in
a hurry so as not to have to give any ter
is weakened.
In other words basic difficulties and po-
tential contradictions that were buried
deep down in the Marshall Plan setup
(and that were easy to keep buried during
a boom) are now coming to the surface.
The idea that we needed deliberately to
weaken our own competitive position made
sense at a time when every other country
was stretched out flat on its destiny; may-
be it still makes sense during an American
recession, but this time you have to use
Slick Chicks
ABOUT THE SMARTEST thing a guy can
do is take his girl swimming.
This is the theory put forth by the "Swim
for Health Association," 60 East 42nd St.,
New York.
They claim there are three ways to
beautify women through use of permanent
(fresh water) waves.
1. Swimming creates a symmetrical body
because it brings all the important muscles
into play. This helps the body to lose ac-
cumulated flesh in various parts "that are
infrequently exercised."
2. Swimming increases their appetites and
creates flesh to fill unsightly hollows.
3. Swimming even helps the digestive sys-
tem and eliminates complexion troubles
caused by poor functioning of the internal
Well, Hi Ho! It's off to the beach.
But swim ourselves. Oh no! Think what
might happen?
-Craig Wilson

t Trade
figures, charts, and four-color diagrams
to prove it.
Things are getting more complicated, a
little thicker - statesmen, for example, who
tell the people they cannot have new hous-
ing because we must economize, may find
it increasingly difficult to speak loud and
clear for full Marshall Plan spending. In
many ways, this is the morning after, and
we look upon the Marshall Plan in the
gray light of an unattractive dawn.
* * *
AND IT SEEMS to me that all this is a
kind of historic judgment on us because
we once closed ours eyes to certain facts.
Let us go back into history for a moment
to see exactly how we did this.
The original Marshall Plan conception,
if you remember, was based squarely on
the idea of an expanded trade between
Western and Eastern Europe. Partly be-
cause of Russian suspicions of the Mar-
shall Plan, but partly also because it was
found much easier to put the Marshall
Plan through Congress on a note of fear
of Russia, the original idea of east-west
trade got lost in the shuffle.
More than one observer was pained, during
the original debate, to see us throwing away
the only perspective which could make the
Marshall Plan work, as the price of getting
it passed. We passed it anyway, solemnly
setting up a scheme for the recovery of half
a world.
* * *
T HAT WAS THE midnight enthusiasm of
which this is the morning after. The
Marshall Plan, even with some of its main
arteries severed, still did a lot of good. I was
for it, still am for it, thought Europe needed
it, still thing it needs it, with or without
eastern trade. But the moment it became a
closed-orbit plan, its ultimate objectives were
vitiated, and that is why the news from
Western Europe, especially from Britain, is
of gathering economic trouble.
We can now learn the lesson, and work
for a revival of east-west trade, showing
ourselves knowledgeable enough to seek
out the line of greatest advantage, no mat-
ter how difficult or complex - or we can
continue to mock at the need for such
trade and squabble among ourselves over
how to keep the appropriations up.
The plain truth is that enough of us just
haven't seen that it was more important,
even from the viewpoint of combatting Com-
munism, to build up east-west trade and
thus a natural Weste:n economic stability,
than it was to give a short-range expression
to our defiance.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)
IN HIS YOUNGER days a man dreams of
possessing the heart of the woman whom
he loves; later, the feeling that he possesses
the heart of a woman may be enough to
make him fall in love with her.
--Marcel Proust.

by piecemeal addition, there is an obvious
lack of integration and coherence in its
structure. The creation of many agencies
for the sake of temporary convenience has in
many instances resulted in unrelated or-
ganization, duplication of effort and admin-
istrative confusion.
While Secretary of Commerce in 1925,
Mr. Hoover discovered to his amazement
that brown bears were under the jurisdiction
of the Department of Agriculture, grizzly
bears under the jurisdiction of the Secretary
of the Treasury, and polar bears under his
own jurisdiction as Secretary of Commerce
This is an example of the tremendous ob-
stacles that the chief executive encounters
in his job as manager of the national ad-
With his experience as head of the na-
tional administration, Chairman Hoover
directed the committee's efforts into ques-
tions of organization and procedure. The
group's recommendations in these fields
could undoubtedly be best effected through
a permanent organization, similar to the
Bureau of the Budget, which would be able
to supervise and instigate improvements
in the organization of the Federal govern-
ment. This "Bureau of Administrative
Management" is the most logical means
for repairing the loose and planless gov-
ernment structure.
A systematic regrouping and consolida-
tion of administrative agencies would un-
doubtedly be the main objective of a bureau
of administrative management. Lines of
responsibility could be clearly drawn, and
the operational area of each agency could
be defined so as to eliminate as much dup-
lication and divided authority as is prac-
AND A BUREAU of administrative man-
agement could also organize a civil serv-
ice system that would classify all govern-
ment personnel, except policy-making offi-
cials in the top echelon of the administra-
tion. This would not only result in increased
operational efficiency but would also main-
tain the national government on a more
stable basis during a change of adminis-
The present complexity of the func-
tions of the Federal government neces-
itates an immediate remodeling of its
organization.sUnity of administration is
the key to success in any large enter-
prise, and the future of this nation neces-
sitates an instrument that can adequately
cope with the problem.
The instrument best equipped to effect
the recommended changes is a permanent
executive agency charged with continual
government modernization and directly re-
sponsible to the President. Until such an
agency is organized to carry out the recom-
mendations of the Hoover Commission there
can bed little hope for an effective and co-
herent national administration.
-David W. Belin
The Daily Suggests:
Sunday, again. What to do in Ann Arbor?
Well, it depends. Have a date? Or are you
going with your husband or wife, which ever
the case may be? Perhaps you're all alone
this weekend? If you come under the head-
ing of a male or female, read on ...
The Michigan Theatre is offering today,
"Edward, My Son," the Broadway hit, with
Spencer Tracy. If you're married or are
taking in the night air on a stag basis and
you enjoy dramatic performances, it's the
Michigan for you.
But if 'you have a date, and want to get
in the mood, Bing Crosby is just the guy
vo help you out. Der Bingle teams with
Rhonda Fleming, for romance, and William
Bendix, for comedy, in Mark Twains' im-
mortal "A Connecticut Yankee," beginning
today at the State Theatre.

But that's only half the evening. If you're
one of those who have a date, we're sure
your fertile imagination will carry you for
the remainder of the lassie's time allotment.
If you're married or alone, you're beyond
Daily aid.
In spite of the generally acceptable at-
mosphere of the local cinemas, for those who
want complete privacy, there is the Huron-
not to bathe in, however. Take a jaunt out
to the stream where it meets Longshore
Drive and rent an Old Town canoe.
We can't tell you what to do once you
get there, because we're not sure we know
the fundamentals of canoeing.
In case you missed it, "Adventures of Don
Juan," with Errol Flynn, begins today at
the Weurth Theatre, on Main Street. This
is one production that will really get you in
the mood. It will also be somewhat frus-
trating. Errol is just a bit too good when
it comes to amorous intrigues. Listen for
Errol's resigned remark, when he is caught
by one flame's husband-quite appropriate.
Interested in art? The third annual ex-
hibition of the Michigan Water Color Soci-
ety is being shown at Alumni Memorial
Hall, from 2 to 5 this afternoon.

Looking Back
The 1914 Michigan baseball
team boasted its best record in
history piloted by a former Chi-
cago Cub. The captain of that
year's team was one George Sis-
ler, St. Louis Brownies' first base-
man in the 20's.
A new $25,000 contagious di-
sease hospital, financed by Ann
Arbor and built behind University
Hospital by the University, was
opened for business, accomodat-
ing students and Amb Arborites
William J. McAdoo led the field
for the Democratic presidential
nomination, with governor of New
York Al Smith a close second.
During the convention, the dele-
gates put on an old-time Demo-
cratic demonstration in honor of
Woodrow Wilson.
Babe Ruth led the Major
Leagues in the home run slot with
Olympic teams will have a
chance to keep in shape while
making the trip to Antwerp on
the S.S. America. A racetrack was
built on the promenade deck and
a swimming pool was set up with
enough room for fancy diving.
Rowing machines were installed to
keep the crews happy and the ship
was even equipped with a station-
ary javelin to keep the spear-
throwers in the right condition.
Henry Ford made a deal with
Thomas A. Edison and bought oner
of the inventor's first shops, at
glass-blowing shop at Parsippany,
N.J., where he created his carbon-1
filament electric lamp. The shop
was to be moved to the Edisonian
Institute at Dearborn.
Plans got underway to build a
memorial to Man o' War, after a
German big-wig was impressed by
the horse at the Derby. The me-
morial will be a life-size repro-
duction in bronze of the "great-c
est racehorse in history."t
New additions to the campus
for the year were the mall in front
of the League, the Rackham Build-
ing and the two Men's Quads.
Haven Hall was then the old Law
Two-ton Tony Galento got the
beer knocked out of him by JoeN
Louis in his futile attempt to takef
the championship from the Brown
Bomber. Tony's fate came in the
fourth round when he was so bat-
tered that he couldn't see; so the
referee stopped the fight. One
haymaker Tony wound up on
missed the champ by a "good twoa
yards," in the words of announ-
cer Don Dunphy.
Five officials of the Ringling
Brothers Barnum and Bailey Cir-
cus were arraigned for manslaugh-
ter after the big top went up in
flames at Hartford, Conr., kill-
ing 152 and injuring 250 more.1
Most of the victims were women
and children. Not one circus em-
ployee was killed or injured andk
all the animals escaped harm.
Only a few days before, one of
the officials said, the big top had
been water-proofed by a gasoline-
parafin solution.
American planes started shut-t
tling into Berlin with powdered
milk for babies and other suppliest
for the German capitol's 2,000,000
starving citizens, as the three-day
old Berlin Blockadeeby the Rus-
sians showed signs of tightening
rather than abating.
-From the Pages of The Dailyf

"Hell With The Uranium--Here's What Wer After"
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Week int Review
(Co-Managing Editor)
The inevitable began to happen last week in New York and Wash-
ington as the trial of twelve Communists, the Judy Coplan espionage
case and the Alger Hiss perjury trial dragged on.
The three were being called "The Communist Trials" and news-
papers were putting aside a special half of the front page for them.
* * * *
Win . .
WINNER BY SIX lengths was the Hiss Trial:
U.S. Supreme Court Justices Felix Frankfurter and Stanley
M. Reed and Boston U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Justice
Calvert Magruder testified to Hiss's good reputation.
Then Hiss took the stand in his own defense and repeated the
denials of Communist Spy charges made by Whittaker Chambers
which brought about his indictment by a New York Grand Jury.
THE REAL TEST will come Monday.
Defense attorney Thomas Murphy will cross-examine Hiss
and try to prove Hiss lied when he told the Grand Jury that he
did not see Chambers in 1938 and give him secret government
If Murphy is successful, he may break the case wide open. Con-
viction carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in jail and a $4,000
p* * * *
Place. .
JUDITH COPLON was grilled to until she burned up.
Chief Prosecutor John M. Kelley, Jr., spent the week cross-exam-
ining her - tracing her actions in her Justice Department job, her
admitted love for Russian UN construction engineer Valentine A.
Gubitchev, and her affairs with other men.
She stuck to her story that the "secret FBI reports" she
allegedly was smuggling out to Gubitchev were: 1. to help her
prepare for a Civil Service examination; 2. part of her work, and
3. material for a book she destroyed rather than turn over to
the FBI.
After the ordeal was over, Miss Coplon let loose an emotional
blast at the government's case against her.
She said she was being "framed."
"I'm not a Communist and never was a Communist . . . God
knows how many decoys and all kinds of frame-ups you hlave put
in this case . . . I will always say that I'm innocent.."

[It So Happens1
Mistaken Identity .. .
THERE'S ALWAYS at least one
good chuckle coming out of
registration each semester. This
one involves a Southern gentle-
man from New Orleans.
When one of the young ladies
asked him for his railroad ticket
(Michigan slang for the registra-
tion forms), he drawled, "Ah'm
sorry, ma'm. Ah just got in from
New Orleans this morning but ah
came by bus."
* * *
Pun Fun . .
A YOUNG LADY was complain-
plaining to her professor in
English recently about the diffi-
culty in interpreting Shelley's
"Prometheus Unbound." "I really
had to plough through that stuff,"
quoth the young lady. "My," re-
plied the professor, "that must
have been a harrowing experi-


Show ..,.
THE FOURTH DEFENDENT in the Communist conspiracy trial,
Gilbert Green, Chicago, chairman of the Communist Party, joined
three others who will sit out the trial in the clink.
Federal Judge Harold R. Medina lost his patience when Green
testified that his party has done more "to abolish all forms of ex-
ploitation of human relations" than any other group in the nation.
Washington Whirligig
MICHIGAN NEWSPAPERS continued their grassroots campaign
for enactment of administrative reform based on the Hoover Report.
Under new streamlining procedure, President Truman submitted
plans for a tenth cabinet post, Department of Welfare, and some
shuffling of the bureaucratic cards.
The gimmick was that if Congress did nothing for sixty days
the plan would go into check. Theoretically, what could be more
easy for Congress to do but nothing?
But there existed the possibility that Congress would adjorun
within sixty days - slapping a more-or-less "suspensive veto" on
the President's plans.
* * * *
Capitol Capers*...
No. 1 HOSTESS Mrs. Perle Mesta will be throwing her parties
in the Duchy of Luxembourg in the capacity of a minister.
They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach and
Pearle was currently feeding Democrats.
* * * *
PRESIDENT TRUMAN blamed Russia for failure of the most
recent Four Powers talks on Germany.
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Louis A. Johnson spent $80 million
redecorating a couple of aircraft carriers.
CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS groomed legislation to:
Support a trimmed-down version of the President's housing pro-
gram, which Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr, promptly introduced.
Raise the minimum wage from 45 cents to 70 cents.
* * * *

THE UNIVERSITY got money from
operations after July - but $1 million less

the State Legislature for
than they wanted.




. T =





Of course, it would have been most unfair for a
300 bowler to remain in the Catskill League. So,

Y7. -


I'm VERY sleepy, O'Malley.
Here. Hold my sand-pail and
I'll catch forty or so winks

So, as Pete the Sandman
slept, I, with his sand-pail

- -E

So, as Pete the Sandman
slept, l chanced upon


Ah! To sleep-to sleep.
T'would indeed be most

...so, because my good wife Your story t
can't sleep. . .she talks. . . I wish there
the more she talks, the less way I could


wonderful to sleep. '\


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