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June 25, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-06-25

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by b. s. brown I
co-managing editor

Lucky in Sing Sing


T HE PICTURE BELOW is of a lucky mug
in Sing Sing Prison.
Although being "lucky" and being in Sing
Sing are an unlikely combination, they fit
together well for Louis Boy, 49, who is serv-
ing a life term for the 1931 murder of a
garage cashier in a New York City holdup.
After his death sentence was commuted

DR. SAMUEL GREEN, Grand Dragon of
the Ku Klux Klan, has been complain-
ing recently. He feels that he and his infa-
mous organization are being persecuted and
discriminated against.
Alabama is taking steps to unmask the
hooded night riders and a civil rights sub-
committee, headed by Reps. Emanuel Celler
and William T. Byrne, is in the process of
gathering evidence and witnesses to use
against the KKK.
It isn't difficult to see that men of re-
sponsibility are unwilling to allow a re-
currence of events which followed the first
World War. Green and his masked follow-
ers are going to be halted-they will be
unable to ride into power on a wave of
reaction like they did 30 years ago.
Dr. Green's un-American activities are go-
ing to be squelched. Southern civic-minded
citizens and judicial individuals below the
Mason-Dixon line are going to see to that.
And Dr. Green knows it. That's why he's
crying the blues.
There has been an increase in the activ-
ities of the Klan recently. There have been
Beatings, cross-burnings and threats.
Public ire has been aroused. Dr. Green
knows that, too. A mass initiation recently
netted only 125 persons, many of them wom-
en and children. Green is losing his touch.
People are awakening to the realization that
the hooded mobsters' lynchings and beatings
are as filthy a blotch on Americanism as
could exist.
Green recently said, "God himself seg-
regated the races. There is no law that
can be passed by President Truman which
can ever surpass God's law." May be, Mr.
Grand Dragon. But I don't recall God ever
saying that one race is superior to an-
other. And that's your argument.
Nothing would interest me more than to
hear Dr. Green explain how it feels to be
discriminated against-by discriminating
(literal) people. Nothing would be more in-
teresting than an explanation of how it feels
to be the object of intolerance-intolerance
.by those who refuse to tolerate one of the
worst forms of un-Americanism this country
has ever seen.
Faculty Funds
IT IS EASY TO see why the legislative ap-
propriation of $11,436,315 for the opera-
tion of the University during the 1949-50
school year came as a distinct disappoint-
ment to top University officials.
These officials have as their primary duty
the maintenance of the high standards
which have caused the University of Mich-
igan to be regarded as one of America's
greatest institutions of higher learning.
The greatness of a University depends
to a pretty great extent upon the caliber
of its faculty. An institution with out-
standing professors is pretty sure to be
an outstanding institution.
Outstanding 'professors, however, are men
who possess qualities of intelligence, educa-
tional experience, and personality which are
rare in the general run of human beings. In
short, outstanding professors are scarce.
Men who possess these qualities which
make them outstanding have every right to
expect a comfortable remuneration for thei'
contributions to the universities or colleges
they serve. At the same time, leading educa-
tional institutions must keep their pay scales
high in order to keep and attract first class
faculty men. Competition among colleges
can be as keen as competition in industry.
Other great state universities in the
midwest have received appropriations in-
creases ranging from 21 per cent to 63
per cent greater than their last year's
appropriations. This places them in a
much stronger position than the Univer-
sity in the competition for top professors,
since it has received only a 17 per cent in-
crease over its 1948-49 figure.

The seriousness of the situation is indi-
cated by a statement made by State Sen-
ator George N. Higgins of Flint. Sen. Higgins
commented that the University is "losing its
top rwen to other states; I hope it doesn't
lose too many before it's too late."
The University is faced with a serious
problem because of the appropriations situa-
tion. The question of how to maintain high
standards within the limitations set by the
financial resources available will present a
tremendous challenge to University officials.
-Paul Brentlinger.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

to life imprisonment, he has three times
voluntarily risked his life-without any
sort of compensation-to aid experimental
Doctors are in doubt whether he will sur-
vive the last experiment: submitting to a
blood exchange with a small girl with leu-
kemia in the hope that his healthy blocOd
might save her life. The attempt failed;
the girl is dead and prisoner Boys may also
die of leukemia.
He may have the luck he had in 1942 when
the Government was testing atabrine as a
weapon against malaria. In order to find
out whether the drug was poisonous, Boys
volunteered to take it. He saved millions of
Then, in 1943, he acted as a guinea pig in
tests of a new influenza vaccine. Again he
If prisoner Boys can survive leukemia,
the way should be opened for his rehabili-
tation and eventual freedom.
Because he has volunteered for these ex-
periments repeatedly, each time without any
offers or even the mention of his name until
now, it is apparent that he has shown a
willingness to aid his fellow men which far
surpasses the damage he once did.
-Craig Wilson

Age. of Deadlock

TWO WEEKS AGO I wrote a piece in
which I said that our age was, politically
The Age of Deadlock. This is not an age,
really, in which great decisions are being
made; it is, rather, an age in which forces
are so delicately balanced, so neatly adjust-
ed, as to nullify each other. This is the age
of stalemate, the age of impasse, the age of
The fantastic legislative logjam in
Washington is one of the signs. Here we
have a Congress which is typical of our
Age of Deadlock; it is a Congress which
is not quite certain whether it is the last
conservative Congress of the postwar pe-
riod, or the first liberal Congress of the
post-postwar period. And so it is a Con-
gress which, on many key questions, simply
can't seem to decide.
It is a Congress which doesn't want to
raise taxes and which, obviously, doesn't
wantto cut appropriations. It is a Congress
whose lower House has booted around the
issue of Taft-Hartley act repeal, and, after
several inconclusive votes ending in nothing
at all, has given the issue to the Senate,
where it has been taken up for apparently
interminable debate.
* * * *
IT IS a Congress which is deeply in favor
of the North Atlantic Treaty, but is much
more cool to the idea of sending arms to the
other pact signatories. It is a Congress
which is torn between the notion of cutting
THE GROUP of dissatisfied students,
teachers and alumni who seceded from
Olivet College last year because of a pur-
ported lack of educational freedom were
stymied, for the time being at least, in their
attempt to set up an independent school at
Sacketts Harbor, N.Y. "
Dr. Alvin S. Johnson, president-emeritus
of the New York School for Social Research,
accepted presidency of the proposed "haven"
school for educators and students. The
school was tentatively named Shipherd
In denying the group's application for
charter, a spokesman for the New York
state education department declared that
the proposed college did not have the
state-required $500,000 in assets necessary
for issuance of a charter. No doubt the
group is making every effort to raise the
required money and begin operations, but
meanwhile, the rest of the educational
world sits and awaits the result of the
Undaunted, the group has continued in
its search for the college site, having applied
to the War Assets Administration for ac-
quisition of the 101-acre former army post
at Sacketts Harbor.
It seems that the $500,000 rule was
adopted for the purpose of discouraging
"quack" colleges from springing up over-
night to steal the students' good money.
The Shipherd group, however, is formed of
bona fide, accredited professors and stu-
dents, which fact tends to set it into a
different category. Additionally, the pro-
fessors are risking their careers on the
If their plans fall through, however, the
sincerity and zeal which has been shown by
the instructors, might better be transferred
to the finding of positions with established
liberal schools.
-Alva Sexton

the Marshall Plan appropriations and bal-
ancing our own budget, or keeping them up,
partly in the hope that we can thereby dis-
pose of some of our surpluses. It is a Con-
gress which has been investigating almost
everything and voting on very little and
that, in itself, is a sign of how deep its
quandaries go.
And now, with the end of the govern-
ment's fiscal year in sight, making it neces-
sary that at least the appropriations bills be
quickly passed, we stand in a true crisis of
this, our Age of Deadlock. But it isn't the
calendar which is making the trouble; the
time factor is merely bringing to light the
state of deadlock which has existed since
Congress convened in January. The time
factor is merely a sub-crisis in that state of
deadlock which is our real, our continuing
and muffled crisis.
If we operated our country under some
sort of parliamentary system, we would
perhaps call a general election, and go to
the people for political refreshment and
instruction. Since ,we don't we can only
wait it out, with a Congress which can't
go home without taking up key matters on
which action was promised at the last
election, and which obviously doesn't in-
tend to do much about a number of these
even if it stays in session until Christmas.
It can't attend to them, and it can't not
attend to them; of such is deadlock made.
Meanwhile a gathering recession whimpers
on the edges of the scene, calling for man-
agement and direction from a Congress
which, above all, lacks a clear sense of
But these few tense and strained weeks
will be not without value if they cause us
to lift our eyes above the individual issues,
and to realize that deadlock itself is the
issue. If the President wanted to, he could
establish this issue, and go to the people
with a demand that the deadlock be broken,
so that we could begin to plan our way. He
could rise above the role of being merely
one of the factors in the deadlock, and try
for the role of being the man to end and
resolve it.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)
Looking Back
Official summer figures reached 1491, 100
more than 1913. The literary department
had 611 members, including 12 embalmers.
A famous 43-carat sapphire-blue diamond,
said to have belonged to Emperor Nicholas
of Russia, was taken out of hock at Nice,
France, where it had been for three years
as security to a 200,000-franc loan. The
owner said that she had refused an offer of
10,000,000 francs for it. The jewel is be-
lieved to have come from a Buddha in a
Hindu Temple more than 1,000 years ago.
Max Schmeling, in his rapid rise to fame
as one of the few who ever knocked out Joe
Louis, smashed Spaniard Paulina Uzcudun
into a bloody pulp in 15 rounds at Yankee
Regular trans-Atlantic passenger service
got off to a bang when Pan-American Air-
ways' Dixie Clipper, a 41-ton flying boat,
took off with 22 passengers, some of whom
had applied for passage eight years before.
The plane left at 2:12 p.m. and was expected
in Europe by breakfast the next day.
-From the Pages of The Daily

I\ew Team
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man being what lie is, our fu-
ture now depends upon the man-
agement of our affairs by Secre-
tary of State Dean G. Acheson
and Secretary of Defense Louis
Enough time has passed to give
an idea of the performance of this
new team, put in by the President
to replace the great post-war
pilots, George C. Marshall, Robert
A. Lovett and James V. Forrestal.
And Acheson's return from
Paris, after a modest but solid and
exceedingly creditable success, af-
fords a good occasion to take a
* * *
ACHESON has already shown
himself to be what most peo-
ple always have known him to be
-a man of character and great
intelligence, an apt and patient
negotiator and a shrewd judge of
world issues.
Even in this first few months,
Acheson has also had some suc-
cess in the slow task of bring-
ing order out of the immemorial
chaos of State Department or-
But with the assistance of Un-
der Secretary James Webb, who
has wisely chosen to be more ad-
ministrator than policy maker,
Acheson is getting ahead with the
job that was begun under Marshall
and Lovett.
ASTO ACHESON,. indeed, there
can be only one doubt. The
area of crisis is now shifting to the
Far East. -
The policy elaborated by Mar-
shall, Lovett and Forrestal spe-
cifically excluded Asia-Mar-
shall, with his strong dislike for
the Chinese National govern-
ment, again and again prevented
his younger partners from for-
mulating a clear Asiatic policy.
We have no clear Asiatic policy
today, and the National Security
Council at the moment is rather
nervously trying to develop one.
All of this means that in the
Far East Acheson has the job of
laying down new policy lines in-
stead of followiig old ones.
Unhappily, he cdmes to his
task with the conviction that
Marshall was in the right, rather
than Lovett and Forrestal.
The final test of Acheson will
be whether he succeeds in Asia as
well as his predecessors succeeded
in Europe.
* * *
AS FOR THE somewhat more or-
nate figure of Louis Johnson,
he canot be judged unless John-
son the moneyman, Johnsonthe
American Legion leader, Johnson
the politician, is first separated
from the Johnson who is also an
To date, as an administrator,
although he may have indulged
in adgood deal of unnecessary
sound and fury aimed at the
crowd in the political bleachers,
he must at least be credited with
a determined effort to make
service unification work.
Under his prodding and Gen-
eral Dwight D. Eisenhower's lead-
ership the Joint Chiefs of Staff are
at last nearing agreement on a
unified strategic concept, and on
the roles and missions such a con-
cept will confer on each service.
The question remains, how far
his highly visible Presidential
ambitions will influence his ad-
ministrative actions.
There have been some signs that
he regards Secretary Acheson as
a potential rival and means to
break down the vital State De-
partment -Defense Department
collaboration so carefully fostered

by the previous State-Defense
* * *
IF THE STATE and Defense de-
partments are to relapse into
their former hostility, or if our
strength is to be allowed to go
slack, we may as wellabandon
hope. There is another danger,
however, which is not a future
possibility but an existing fact.
Consciously or unconsciously,
sine the new team came in, the
Administration has allowed the
sense of urgency, the sense of
crisis in the world, to diminish
in the country.
The Atlantic pact has been de-
ferred. Military aid to Europe is
being put over to the next session.
One of the strong arguments made
against a positive Far Eastern
policy is that it will be hard to
But in fact the urgency, is no
less, the crisis has not become
less grave, just because Vishin-
sky is smiling instead of hurling
insults. The situation is merely
more complicated, not better.
And if the new team does not
accomplish the old team's feat, of
making the situation understand-
able to the country, we shall run
into very bad trouble indeed.
(Copyright, 1949, NY Herald Tribune)

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent toathe Office
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
VOL. LIX, No. 4S
The Inter - American Schools
Service of Washington, D.C., an-
nounces vacancies on the elemen-
tary and secondary levels, in vari-
ous schools in South America. A
degree is necessary, also a mini-
mum of one year of teaching ex-
perience. For further information,
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
The Board of National Missions
of the Presbyterian Church in the
U.S.A. announces vacancies in its
missionary schools for teachers of
the following subjects: Arts and
Crafts; Coach; Elementary grades;
English; Industrial sub j e t s;
Mathematics; Music. There are
also positions open for dietitians;
agriculturalists; maikiten an c e
workers; secretaries; and house-
mothers. For further information
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
Music School Students expect-
ing to present a recital during the
summer session must appear be-
fore a special full-faculty jury be-
ginning at 4 p.m., Monday, June
27, in Room 305 S.M., if they have
not previously been approved.
Graduate students may not elect
courses after this week. Courses
may be dropped with record after
this week, but will be recorded
with the grade of E if dropped af-
ter the fourth week of classes.
Student Recital: Patricia Hough,
graduate student of piano with
Joseph Brinkman, will present a
program at 8:00 p.m., Monday,
June 27, in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Master
of Music degree. Her program will
include compositions by Bach,
Franck, Debussy, and Hindemith,
and will be open to the general
Museum of Art: Michigan Wa-
ter Color Society, 3rd Annual Ex-
hibition; Islamic Pottery; Alumni
Memorial Hall, daily 9-5, Sundays
2-5. The public is invited.
Events Today
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy - Saturday, June 25,
8:30-10 p.m. at University Ob-
servatory (Observatory and East
Ann Streets, opposite University
Hospital) for observations of Sat-
urn and star clusters. Visitors'
Night will be canceled if the sky
is cloudy. Childrenemust be ac-
companied by adults. (Other Vis-
itors' Nights have been scheduled
for July 2, July 16 and July 30.)
International Center. Reception
for new students. Dance following.
7:30-12:00 p.m., Rackham Build-
ing on the terrace.
Coming Events
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda-

"Why, So It Is"
50 -
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SO Qp~z 04-
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tion will hold open house Sunday
night, 7:30 to 10:30 at the Foun-
dation, 2101 Hill Street.
There will be a short meeting of
all members, both graduate and
undergraduate, of the Omega Psi
Phi fraternity on Tuesday, June
28, 1949, at 7:00 p m., at the Mich-
igan Union for the purpose of or-
ganization during the summer ses-
Pi Lambda Theta will hold the
first meeting of the summer Mon-
day, June 27, at 7:30 p.m., in the
West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building.
Xe ttep4.
The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to, publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or suchletters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Alcoholism ...
To the Editor:
C. R. HILL has came up with the
obvious-an alcoholic is un-
hinged. The determinalists in psy-
chology will say that if the alco-
holic hadn't started drowning his
troubles in drinks (a slow pro-
cedure) the basic conflict would
manifest itself in some other way.
If the conflict is great enough and
he suppressed it enough he would
become psychotic. Maybe the de-
velopment of an alcoholic psy
chosis would be more fun than a
plain everyday run of the mill va-
riety of psychosis. Keep in mind
they are both merely symptoms.
Excessive drinking is a substi-
tute adjustment and the person
who adjusts to small conflicts in
this way will be more likely to look
for a bigger bottle when he has a
strong conflict than to seek proper
counselling or figure out a con-
structive adjustment.
But Hill, C. R., we can't assume
that since alcoholism is merely a
symptom that fascists run the
University and want to deprive
social drinkers of their life blood.
I can't remember but it was prob-
ably a prohibitionist that told
me liquor was habit forming and
some people drink excessively with
no real honest to goodness conflict
to back them up (andnnodmuseum
to sleep in if they don't dare face
their wife). Nor can we assume
that drinking is not a contributing
factor to crime because a few peo-
ple were left in jail during pro-
I contend that removing the
regulation will put the University
in the position ofhencouraging
drinking., I don't have space to
address those who think this is
small beer and refuse to consider
it. Jake: Jacobson and others I've
talked to agree that this must be
considered. Jake also tells me that
it would be better to have chap-
erones[d drinking in the chapter
house than off campus, unchap-
eroned dances and parties. This
must also be considered as pro and
con arguments are added up.
Most comments that have failed

to show any thinking haven't
failed to be entertaining. Don't be
discouraged, Walsh, it's a peren-
nial that will aid in a solution.
I'd like to ask Melvin Brighton's
friends to keep track of him and
if he really develops a persecution
complex to smuggle a few drinks
into his ward.
All of which goes to show that
you can back an ardent prohibi-
tionist up against a wall, a mu-
seum wall, and he will still appeal
for some real reasons before you
tear down that fascistic block to
human rights.
-Jim Jimerson.
Grass Roots .,.,.
To the Editor:
NOTICED with some surprise
that you state the Detroit
papers are part of a vast "grass-
roots campaign" blowing with the
prevailing westerlies toward
Washington, D.C.
To the best of my knowledge,
none of the Detroit editors are
aware of grass. Sod, perhaps, or
even turf or divots-but not grass.
The News is surrounded by bright
asphalt laid immediately after
Honest Dick Reading's first in-
auguration; the Times, it is true,
overlooks a small park but thi
is generally covered by a thin
layer of derelicts from Skid Row;
and the Free Press' awareness of
grass is confined to the broths of
boy-o's serving on its staff.
The nearest any of the three
editors came to the color was on
the fateful morning last Novem-
ber when a president of the United
States was elected, quite centrary
-even contradictory-to the ex-
pressed wishes of these three ed-
itors who have forgotten what
grass roots are. The color was re-
flected in their complexions.
But I am glad that The Daily
has come out against sin. Only one
question remains: whose sin are
you against?
-Leo V. Young.
FROM THE TIME of Galileo and
before, it has been obvious
that loyalty programs hamper the
spirit of free inquiry. The Federa-
tion of American Scientists na-
turally opposes requiring loyalty
oaths from government research
fellows, as part of a bill to estab-
lish a National Research Founda-
The scientists' group find the
idea dangerous because of the
state of mind it reflects and im-
poses, but beyond that the fed-
eration states that loyalty oaths,
in the realm of science, "are
valueless as security precau-
Galileo had to agree publicly,
as a token of loyalty to a medieval
church, that the earth really didn't
rotate around the sun. But the
enforced avowal didn't make him
or any other scientist change his
mind on the subject.
Those Congressmen who are
pushing their security motives
farther than practicality might
seek wisdom from the mouths
of undergraduates. A student
told a professor who asked him
to sign an oath that he wouldn't
cheat on an examination, "If I
don't intend to cheat, I don't
need to take an oath; and if I
do intend to cheat, I'd swear to
Anyone with truly subversive in-
tentions would feel the same way
about it.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch,

1Mid.wn &~i tILj


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown ...Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson. Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin.............Sports Editor
Marilyn Jones .......Women's Editor
Bess Young.................Librarian
Business Staff
Robert C. James .....Business Manager
Dee Nelson......Advertising Manager
Ethel Ann Morrison ... Circulation Mgr.
Jame McStocker ......Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail


The Catskill incident will be
n slendid anecdote for "The

JBCKmtOr e;

Well. A few years ago O'Malley and I were 'ATSKILLLI E
invitea to bowl in the Catskill Little Mens I'InflWLIN GO'O '

The Catskill Little Men's Bowling Conclave
was the scene of a close contest that year-

You couldn't really say he
did step over the foul line-

And I must admit he did
make a perfect strike-


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