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June 25, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-06-25

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Ruthven Hits Budget Cut

Calls Lansing
Move Severe
Setback to 'U
Officials Vision
Tuition Increase
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven yesterday termed the State
Legislature's action on University
appropriations "a severe set back
which could seriously affect the
University's program."
His complete statement was as
* * *
$11,436,315 by the Legislature for
the annual operations of the Uni-
versity of Michigan is far below
the University's minimum needs
of $12,500,000. It is a severe set-
back which could seriously affect
the University's program. We are
unable at this time to say what
adjustments will be necessary to
meet the situation.
"In submitting the. Univer-
sity's requests to the Legislature
only the most urgent needs were
included. Now we are faced with
a serious budgetary problem at
a time when neighboring insti-
tutions in other states are re-
ceiving much more substantial
increases in their appropria-
tious. Only time will tell what
this will mean. Meanwhile, the
University will do everything
possible to maintain its high
standards within the limitations
set by the resources available."
With legislative controversy over
appropriations finally ended, Uni-
versity administrative officials
yesterday began the task of figur-
ing out a budget which could
make the best use of funds avail-
THERE HAS BEEN some spec-
ulation over the possibility that
enrollment may have to be sub-
jected to greater limitation, or
that tuition may have to be in-
creased. However, there has been
absolutely no offeiial action on
either of these possibilities.
The Legislature's action drew
severe criticism from State Sen-
ator George N. Higgins, Flint
Republican. He accused the Leg-
islature of "shortchanging the
The University is "losing its top
men to other states; I hope they
don't lose too many before it's too
late," Sen. Higgins said.
*; * *
THE $12,500,000 FIGURE which
the University requested from the
legislature was the result of a
long and elaborate calculation.
In the fall, the department
heads submitted estimates of
their operating expenses to
their respective deans or direc-
tors. The deans, after examin-
ing the estimates and approving
them, forwarded them to the
University Budget Committee,
which subjected the estimates to
further scrutiny.
The budget as determined by
the budget committee was then
sent to the Board of Regents for
their examination. The Regents
finally authorized the budget com-
mittee to submit the $12,500,000
figure to the state budget office in
Lansing, and the State Legisla-
* * *

MiC Offers
Extra Session
By The Associated Press
State College will offer a second,
six-week summer session from
July 27 to Sept. 3 despite a cut in

Alger Hiss Repeats

Denial of Charges

(Editor's Note: Staffer Roma.Lipsky
is covering tihe Hiss Trial for The
Daily. Miss Lipsky has been appoint-
ed Night Editor for the Fall term.)
(Special to The Daily)
NEW YORK-Alger Hiss con-
tinued his denial of Whittaker
Chambers statements yesterday as
Defense Attorney Paul Stryker led
him through the chief accusations
leveled by Chambers.
Repeating Chambers charges
that Hiss was a member of an
underground Washington spy ring,
a member of the Communist Party
hReds Initiate
On Priests,
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia - (R)
-The Communist government an-
nounced yesterday a strong new
police campaign is under way
against Roman Catholic bishops
and priests in Slovakia.
Church and diplomatic quar-
ters already had reported the
Communists have been closing
monasteries and arresting priests
for weeks in that southernmost
province and stronghold of Ca-
* * * *
MEANWHILE, in Bucharest six
Uniate Church bishops are re-
stricted to their quarters in mon-
asteries throughout the country
but a Romanian spokesman de-
nied yesterday any of them have
been subjected to tortures.
(A Vatican source said Wed-
nesday two bishops of the out-
lawed Uniate Church in Ro-
mania had been tortured by
Communists who sought to
break the clergymen's allegiance
to Pope Pius XII. The Uniate
Church is a Romanian branch
of the Roman Catholic faith.)
In Czechoslovakia, Archbishop
Josef Beran, now held incommun-
icado, is accused of being the
leader of the clergy's opposition
to state efforts to control or re-
place the church.
* * *
ment said police action was taken
against "reactionary" clerics for
'creating disturbances."

and a close friend of Chambers,
Stryker restated each point in
Chambers testimony, asking after
each item, "is there any truth in
that, Mr. Hiss?"
Each time, Hiss replied quiet-
ly, "There is not."
Stryker's questions rang out
loudly in the hushed crowded
courtroom, while Hiss, sitting tall
in the witness box, replied in a
low but emphatic voice.
REPEATING substantially the
same testimony he had given to
the Grand Jury last December,
Hiss said that he had not seen
Chambers after June, 1936, had
never given papers to Chambers
or anyone else, had never made a
Brooklynvisit to a Communist
named Bykov and had not given
Chambers money to buy a car.
Earlier in the trial, Chambers
claimed that Hiss had given him
$400 to buy a car. Bank records
show that Mrs. Hiss withdrew
$400 four days previous to the
time Chambers made a down-
payment on a new Ford.
Hiss testified that the money
was withdrawn by Mrs. Hiss to
buy furnishings for their new
* * *
THE LANKY 44 year old former
State Department official declared
yesterday that he first heard
about Chambers when newspaper
men informed him last August
that Chambers had cited Hiss as
a Communist while testifying be-
fore the House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee.
Hiss immediately requested a
chance to appear before the
Committee to "deny the charge
under oath."
Defense Attorney Stryker point-
ed to Hiss' knowledge that he did
not have to testify. After several
requests to see Chambers, Hiss
finally met him at a closed House
sub-committee meeting in New
York, and identified him as the
man he had known as "George
Crosley," and last seen in 1936.
* * *
THE TRIAL will resume at 10:30

Coplon Yells
'Frame Up'
In SpyTrial
Claims Decoys
Used in Case
WASHINGTON - () - Judith
Coplon punctuated the end of her
cross-examination yesterday with
a wild 10-minute outburst in
which she screamed that the gov-
ernment's espionage case against
her "smells to high heaven."
With dark eyes blazing, the
former government girl thrust for-
ward in the witness chair, at times
halfrising and beatingdher fists
on the chair arms, and poured
out a torrent of bitter cries:
"I AM INOCENT ... I'm being
framed, entrapped ... I'm not a
Communist and never was a Com-
munist .. . God knows how many
decoys and all kinds of frame-ups
you have put in this case. . . I
will always say that I'm innocent
and that I'm being framed .-
"This whole case is so fishy
that it smells to high heaven."
She did not break down. The
words tumbled forth and her
voice rose in shrill vehemence, but
there were neithertears nor fem-
inine sobs as she lashed out
against prosecuting attorneys, the
Justice Department and even the
man she professed to have loved,
in a virtually unbroken tirade.
* * *
SPECTATORS in the hot and
crowded federal courtroom, caught
up in a moment of crackling dra-
ma, listened spellbound as Miss
Copon shouted her accusations.
Thoughts that must have been
drumming through her brain all
through the long days and
nights during her two-months-
old trial suddenly came alive
when Chief Prosecutor John M.
Kelley, Jr., concluded his cross-
examination with the crisp
words of dismissal:
"That's all."
But it wasn't all. Not for Judy
INSTEAD OF sitting back and
relaxing to await the next phase
of legal formalities-the re-direct
examination by her own lawyer-
Miss Coplon stiffened and her eyes
snapped sparks..'
Again and again, amid ram-
bling and only half coherent
phrases, she shouted:
"This whole thing is a frame-
up. I don't know what it's about.
I've been framed ..."
REFERRING TO her former
Justice Department boss, William
E. Foley, and her contention that
Foley "ordered" her to carry ex-
tracts of secret FBI reports on a
weekend trip to New York, she
went on:
"What did you think he was
doing? Weren't you happy? I do
not mean, weren't you happy.
What I meant to say was, was it
necessary for Mr. Foley to come
and take a piece of paper and put
a memo down-point to a memo?"
Push Postmen
Out of Politics
WASHINGTON - President
Truman asked Congress yesterday

for a law which would divorce the
appointment of postmasters from
In a special message, he also
asked for legislation to put the
Post Office Department on a "bus-
inesslike basis" with streamlined

ACT OF GOD--Passengers in this crumpled American Airlines twin-engined Convair say it was a
miracle any survived this crash landing at Memphis, Tenn. The plane, loaded with 40 passengers
and three crewmen, slammed belly-down in a field a few seconds after taking off from Municipal
Airport. At least 34 were injured.
IBrandon Defends Willow Run Setup

University officials defended
themselves last night against
charges made in Congress that by
operating Willow Run Airport the
University is "doing business with-
out paying taxes."
Arthur L. Brandon, director of
the University Informational Serv-
ices, said the "only business the
University is in is the educational

THE CHARGES were made by'
Rep. Noah M. Mason (Rep., Ill.)
in presenting a bill to impose in-
come taxes on certain exempt cor-
porations which he said "are cost-
ing the government a cool billion
dollars a year."
Rep. Mason added that his
bill would "plug loopholes in the
law" which enables the Univer-

Senate Group Voices Protest
To Recognition of China Reds

a.m. Monday.
Prosecuting Attorney
Murphy is expected to+
amine Hiss, attempting
that he lied when he
Grand Jury that he had
Chambers in 1938 and
given Chambers secret
ment papers.

to prove
told the
not seen
had not

Deadline for Hopwood
Contest August Fifth

WASHINGTON - (1')-Twenty-
one Senators yesterday signed a
letter to President Truman oppos-
ing any recognition of the Com-
munist regime in China.
They expressed "great concern"
that the Administration may be
considering such a move.
* * *
"WE FURTHER believe," the
letter said, "that this Government
should make it clear that no rec-
ognition of the Communist forces
in China is at present contemplat-
S .'oplholi.sDies
After Stroke
Premier of Greece
Was Noted Liberal
ATHENS - (0P - Themistokles
Sophoulis, the aged Greek pre-
mier supported by the western
powers to head the fight against
Communist inroads from the
North, died after a stroke yester-
day at his summer home.
The durable old Greek scholar,
politician and revolutionary had
suffered a stroke on his 88th
birthday last Nov. 24 and doctors
gave up hope for him then. But
he rallied back into active work
and rode out the persistent Greek
political storms until his death,
which came unexpectedly.
King Paul asked Constantin
Tsaldaris, deputy premier and for-
eign minister, to form a new gov-
Tsaldaris, who was formerly
premier, said he would meet with
Sophocles Venizelos, Labor Min-
ister and a leader in the Liberal
Party which Sophoulis headed, to
discuss details of a new cabinet.

ed and that we shall make clear
that a free, independent and non-
Communist China will continue to
have the friendship and assistance
of the United States of America."
The letter was signed by 16
Republicans and 5 Democrats.
"Some of us believe the issue of
Communist recognition is under
active study," one senator said.
He added that the Nationalist
Government is now blockading the
waters of Communist China and
some Senators fear the United
States will not recognize this
THE LETTER was released by
Senator Knowland (Rep., Calif.)
after Republicans had opened a
bitter attack on the Senate floor
against Administration policies
not only in China but in Europe
and the Middle East.
Earlier in Senate debate on
international matters, Senators
Vandenberg of Michigan, Re-
publican leader in foreign af-
fairs, disclosed that he is con-
cerned about possible govern-
ment recognition of a Commu-
nist regime.
He said: "I say quite frankly
that I hope, for example, that
there will be no consideration of
a recognition of a Communist gov-
ernment in China without com-
plete preliminary contacts and ex-
plorations of the subject with the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
Senator Taft entered the debate
to criticize the Administration's
appointment of an Ambassador to
Czechoslovakia and a minister to
HE SAID THESE appointments
are a "symbol that we approve the
actions of Communist countries
and don't approve the actions of
Spain." The State Department
has refused to send an Ambassa-
dor to Spain until the Franco
government gives the people more
"basic rights."

sity "to operate Willow Run Air-
"Rep. Mason is confused by be-
ing unfamiliar with the facts,"
said Brandon.
BRANDON explained that the
University does not operate the
airport at all, but leases it out to
various air companies. "The re-
sultant income is sufficient only to
maintain the airport from deter-
"The airport facilities were
given by the government for a
three-fold purpose," he con-
tinued. "Facilities are provided
for public air-travel. Detroit
would be without large-Feale
aviation without the airport.
Also, the University is respon-
sible for keeping the airport
ready in case of a national emer-
gency. And extremely important
is the huge air research pro-
gram being carried on there."
Administrative Engineer of
Willow Run Airport, L. R. Biasell,
said, "250 researchers, faculty
members, and students are em-
ployed on the various experiments
now in .progress. At present, the
largest contract is with the gov-
ernment for a secret experiment
on guided missiles and rocket pro-
pulsion. Our facilities are worth-
while to brag about as a vital link
in the defense of the U.S."
Commented Brandon, "Willow
Run Airport would have been a
white elephant without the Uni-
He added that he would.inform
Rep. Mason of the facts.
Active Clubs
To File Plans
Student organizations planning
to be active for the summer session
must submit certain information
to the Office of Student Affairs
in order to receive University rec-
The information, which is due
not later than July 8, must con-
tain a list of officers and mem-
bers and the acceptance of a mem-
ber of the faculty who is willing'
to act as advisor to the group.
* * *
FORMS FOR reporting this in-
formation may be secured in the'
Office of Student Affairs, Rm.
1020, Administration Building.
Those organizations which do,
not register by July 8 will be as-
sumed to be inactive for the
summer term.

$45 Million
To Develop
Poor Areas
Seeks Protected
WASHINGTON- ()-President
Truman asked Congress yesterday
for $45,000,000 for his plan to help
backward areas of the world build
up their economies.
In a special message, he also
recommended that the Export Im-
port Bank be authorized to guar-
antee American private capital in-
vested in productive enterprises
abroad against "the risks peculiar
to those investments."
* * *
ed, must contribute to the eco-
nomic development of such areas.
The $45,000,000 he asked in-
cludes $10,000,000 already re-
quested in the 1950 budget. It is
to cover.American participation
in the aid programs of the in-
ternational agencies, and permit
assistance directly by this coun-
The general program has been
called "point four" because Mr.
Truman first mentioned it under
that heading in his address to this
Congress at the opening of this
session in January.
IN YESTERDAY'S message, Mr.
Truman said the measures he was
asking of Congress now "are only
the first steps."
The President said, too, that
the "grinding poverty and the
lack of economic opportunity
for many millions of people in
the economically underdevel-
oped parts of Africa, the Near
and Far East, and certain re-
gions of Central and South
America, constitute one of the
greatest challenges of the world
If the people of these areas be-
come frustrated and disappointed,
he said, "they may turn to false
doctrines which hold that the way
of progress lies through tyranny."
* * *
HE EMPHASIZED that the plan
has two main points:
1. Technical assistance to be
provided through the United
Nations or directly by the Unit-
ed States, and
2. Private investment to turn
* underdeveloped areas into pro-
ducing for the world economy.
"In every case, whether the op-
eration is conducted through the
United Nations, the other inter-
national agencies, or directly by
the United States," Mr. Truman
said, "the country receiving the
benefit of the aid will be required
to bear a substantial portion of
the expense."
* * *
THE PRESIDENT asked that
Congress give him power to ad-
minister the program, and author-
ity to delegate it to the Secretary
of State and to other government
officers as he deems appropriate.
As for providing capital, the
President pointed out that the
International Bank and the Ex-
port-Import Bank already have
provided some capital for under-
developed areas. He said they
may be expected to provide a
great deal more as growth of
the areas progresses.
The President said private
sources, however, must be encour-
aged to provide a major part of
the capital required.
THAT MAY require "novel de-

vices," he said, in view of the
present troubled condition of the
world, distortion of world trade,
shortage of dollars, and other af-
ter effects of the war.
Sturgis Hits
versity of Michigan medical pro-
fessor said yesterday that com-

The summer Hopwood manu-
scripts in drama, essay, fiction and
poetry will be due Friday, Aug. 5,
according to R. W. Cowden, direc-
tor of the Hopwood awards.
The rules of eligibility for the
contests state that regularly en-
rolled summer school students, do-
ing passing work in their courses
and taking one course in English
composition, either in the Depart-
ment of English or the Depart-
ment of Journalism, may compete.
HOWEVER, students who have
competed three times in summer
contests or who have won a major
award are ineligible to enter man-
Any work which has previously
won a prize in a Hopwood contest
may not be entered; and converse-
ly, a work which wins a summer
award is rendered ineligible for
later contests.
Any manuscript published in
a medium other than a college
newspaper or magazine may not

member of the University class of
1905. The purpose of the contests
is to encourage creative writing
Recent books published by
summer Hopwood winners in-
clude Ruth Herschberger's
"Adam's Rib." She has also pub-
lished a book of poetry.
Clara Laidlaw's short stories
have been included in "Best Short
Stories" and in several antholo-
gies. Joe Knox, also a former Hop-
wood winner, is beginning a series
for "Country Gentleman Maga-
zine. His writings deal with South-
ern mountaineers.
* * *
an award in the summer of 1943,
has had one work published in
"Atlantic Monthly" and three in
"Colliers." She has also published
a novel.
John Nerber, a winner in the
summer of 1940, has had a book
of poetry published. Ray Gin-
ger's "The Rending Cross." a

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