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June 24, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1949-06-24

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(Editor's Note is written by Co-Managing
Editor Craig Wilson.)
University President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven deserves the highest praise for his resis-
tance to pressure from the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee.
The House Committee modestly requested
that the University submit a list of texts
and reference books used in courses taught
here! Dr. Ruthven refused to submit such
a list.
Aside from the fact that compilation of
such a list would take months work and
would be impossible to keep up -to-date-
as long as students are free to use Tie li-
brary-it could not possibly be of use to the
Committee, because it would include books
written from every viewpoint imaginable.
Such is the base from which the ,educa-
tional process is built.
To make a special list of the texts within
this base-with the obvious single intent of
trimming off "radical" 'books-would be to
limit the field of ideas from which ed;-ea-
tion is drawn.
Basic to academic freedom is the right
to free inquiry into all writings. This is one
of the freedoms the House committee has
long been hacking awty at in its attempts
to curb the "threat of Communism."
The problFm .seems to be that every swing
at Communists' just slices off more vital
freedom. The value of which cannot be
compensated for by the dubious merit of the
investigations made.
Every attempt to undermine academic
freedom-and all other freedoms-must be
squarely blocked as Dr. Ruthven wisely did
in this case.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Economy--Sophisticated Art

"Shall We Lift The Mental Blockade, Too?"

Letters to the Editor

AMERICANS ARE, I think, more than any
other people, convinced that it is often
wise to spend money to save money.
A factory manager will show off an air-
purification apparatus, installed at consider-
able expense, or a costly bit of machinery,
with the simple explanation: "It increases
Nobody thinks this is a silly way to do.
* * * -
TRUE ECONOMY, then, is a difficult and
sophisticated art, and yet an understanding
of the principle of making real savings
through daring, high-capital-cost efficiency,
rather than through painful and short-
sighted frugality is rather well-diffused
among us.
There is only one level on which we still
insist on a more primitive approach to the
question of economy, and that is the level of
Our government, of course, spends a
great deal of money, one way or another,
on direct needs-but we do not allow it
to spend in the imaginative way in which
business does, for the sake of future bene-
fits, ultimate savings, smoothness of func-
tion, or contented operation.
For example, to set up a fund of, say, five
billions of dollars, right now, to halt the
gathering recession by providing work on.
public projects, and low-cost loans for bus-
iness expansion, might completely change
the current business mood and atmosphere.
But at the mere suggestion the cry of
''Economy!" would split the air; our govern-
ment is simply not allowed to engage in this
kind of economic weather control or social
air conditioning.
barred by its stockholders from spending
money to provide against a known risk. But
government is. It is for this field alone
that we reserve a kind of deliberately prim-
itive approach; it is only on the govern-

C U 111(kE 'I 7M 0V IE
At$ the M ichigan ...directed by Lewis Milestone, certainly it
tMashouldn't be missed by any, whether he has
THE RED PONY, with Peter Miles, Robert experienced the story by Steinbeck in written
Mitchum, Shepperd Strudwick, Myrna Loy form or not.
and Louis Calhern.t
T ISN'T OFTEN a movie can religious- At the State. Milan
ly follow the great novels or short stories, ALIAS NICK REAL, with Ray Milland,
but, with minor deviations, Republic has Thomas Mitchell and Audrey Totter.
come through with one of its few really fine
productions of the decade. IT IS REALLY unfortunate that Paramount
While it is unusual for Republic to turn had to select a trite plot for Messrs. Mil-
out a picture which could be called a master- land and Mitchell and Miss Totter, because
piece, all of the credit cannot go to the the trio, with unequivocally excellent support
studio. Author Steinbeck, in writing the' by the cast, turned in an admirable acting
screenplay, deserves the plaudits which do performance.
not go to Peter Miles, a newcomer with And it is unfortunate that the story is
promise for a stellar future, and Bob Mit- the mainstay of the movie. It doesn't take
chum. the movie-goer long to realize that Mil-
The difficulty in presenting the words landhas gonerfrom one evil (alcoholism,
of Steinbeck in this presentation was to in "Lost Weekend") to another (a por-
be found in the character portrayal of trayal of Lucifer.)
the protagonists, but this is overcome with It isn't likely that the producers have
a facility that lends the highest tribute made a serious attempt to point out that
to the players. following the ways of the keeper of hell can
Though there is a slight departure front only lead to destruction, for the story of a
the original story and a minor conflict is man selling his soul for personal gain is
added to the tale, the emotions of the char- too old to be effective.
acters are brought into sharp focus, which is Mitchell has a devilish time in eluding the
necessary for the success of the movie. winning Mr. Beal, but he is aided by a
Mitchum, as the rough-exterior, soft-in- saintly wife and a friendly minister. It
terior character, whom Steinbeck caused would be unfair to divulge the ending of the
to be so beloved by his readers, would have presentation but if you have seen this sort
stolen the show but for the intrinsic char- of movie before, the only reason for going'
acterization offered by little Mister Miles to see the production is the fine acting
as the sensitive, intelligent Tom. turned in by the performers.
Little can be said against this production, -Sheldon Browne.

mental level, and on no other, that we con-
sider every penny spent to be a penny lost,
Yet the government has a very deep, a
real, actually a direct financial interest
in curbing the recession. Continued re-
cession means lowered revenues, it means
that difficulties will spring up in the way
of maintaining our foreign economic pol-
icies, it means many large uncertainties.
Yet government, under the argument of
economy, forsooth, is not permitted to take
action against these possibilities; numbly, it
must lift its head toward whatever blow may
fall; knowing what may happen it is none-
theless required to act as if it did not know;
and this is all justified on the ground that
it is important for us to save a bit of
Everything that we know about true sav-
ings is violated by this approach. And sud-
denly one realizes that because of our un-
thinking fear that government may grow
up and become too mature, we have reserved
an area in our own minds in which we refuse
to become fully mature; that the odd and
obscure price we pay for not letting our
government act on its problems with preci-
sion and accuracy is that in one important
area of our thinking we have given up our
own right to tackle our problems with pre-
cision and accuracy.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)
romley Talk
THE CLASS OF '49 is gone, and with it,
we hope, went the last class whose sole
function at commencement exercises was to
parade before proud parents and perspiring
"Enough of this," said the officers of the
1949 Literary Class, "from now on, the
graduating classes should have a hand in
planning commencement exercises-par-
ticularly in selecting the commencement
The officers and committee chairmen then
wrote this idea into the new Senior Literary
Class Constitution which will be presented
to SL and the SAC for their approval in
fall. With the Administration's consent, the
picture presented by this month's commence-
ment exercises can be avoided.
"The role of the Conservative in America
Today" was the title of Justice Bruce D.
Bromley's speech on June 11th. Although the
judge spoke with fine delivery before his
large audience, the speech itself was not one
which the graduates wanted to hear.
This was clearly evident by the rustle
and stir going on in the student audience,
as well as by the criticisms heard later.
As a result, what should have been an
impressive and long remembered day-of-
days will probably bring to mind a jarring
memory to many of the graduates.
This situation has existed for many years
and the only remedy, as the Literary Class
of '49 pointed out, is for the members of
the graduating class to have the opportunity
to choose the speaker as well as the subject
of the speech.
After all, whose graduation day is it?
-Arlynn Rosen.
Two Methods
TWO NEWS ITEMS dealing with the same
subject recently appeared in a local
In one of them Paul Robeson was quoted
as loving the "Soviet people more than any
other nation" and exclaiming that the Ne-
gro would never fight against Soviet Russia.
* The other article told of Ada Fisher, a
Negro woman whose struggle for admittance
into the traditionally white University of
Oklahoma finally resulted in a breakirzg
down of that state's segregation laws.
The people in each of these articles were
trying to achieve what America so far has
failed to provide-racial equality.

Only in the methods used to achieve
this end can there be any controversy.
One may only commend Miss Fisher for
her uphill fight against the South's bigotry.
Her three-year battle in the courts ac-
complished not only its primary purpose,
that of opening the university to Njgroes
but it also elevated her and the Negro peo-
ple in the eyes of all rjear-thinking Ameri-
* * * *
Robeson's attitude, however, must be con-
demned. His acts of repudiating the nation
of which he is a citizen merely dads one to
lose respect for the man. His methods have
accomplished nothing; in fact they may very
well have done some harm by casting a
shadow of suspicion upon all of his people.
It is courage that people admire and re-
spect. But such actions as Robeson's have
an opposite effect.
To achieve the goal of recognition which
is rightfully theirs, the Negro needs more
leaders like Miss Fisher and fewer who fol-
low Paul Robeson's policies.
-Don Sigman

I ar



Indo-China Governmentb
WASHINGTON.-A crucial debate is now going on within the States
Department. The issue can be crudely stated as follows: e
Will the Far Eastern division, having made its mess in China,Y
at last adapt its views and actions to the foreign policy this countrys
has been following in the rest of the world for the last four years?Y
The outcome, it may be added, is still in doubt.
* * * *
A SYMPTOM, a passing sputter from this debate, was the guarded1
statement issued by the department on Tuesday, expressing coolc
but not unfriendly interest in the new government being establishedc
in Indo-China by the Emperor Bao Dai.
This sort of thing must seem immensely remote and trivial toX
the average American. But the unfortunate truth is that this sort ofY
thing may later turn out to have all the importance of war or peace.-
In brief, as reports from the scene have indicated in this1
space, the Communist power in Asia has reached the uttermostt
limits of safety. If the Soviet Union can extend its sphere beyond
China, into Indo-China, a chain reaction will become highly prob-
able. All of Southeast Asia will be threatened.
If Southeast Asia goes, Japan and India will be immediately men-
aced. And if this situation arises, the odds on war will be far better
than even. It is tiresome to rehearse this series of grim probabilities,
yet they must be daily borne in mind.
* * * *
JNDO-CHINA IS THE KEY, for two reasons. First, it is the state
in Southeast Asia most accessible to China. And second, French
folly has caused the Communist-nationalist movement of Ho Chi-
Minh to gain great strength among the Indo-Chinese. The new re-
gime of Bao Dai is the last chance to win over the Indo-Chinese people
to an independent, non-Communist government. On all sides it is
acknowledged that if Bao Dai fails, Ho Chi-Minh will succeed.
Such are the bleak basic facts.
The debate in the State Department concerns the extent of1
American support to be given to the new Bao Dai regime.. As has
also been reported from the scene in this space, Bao Dai is almost'
certain to fail if he is not actively supported by this country
(since exclusive French support actually discredits him in the
eyes of his people). The Far Eastern division of the State Depart-
ment is extremely reluctant, however, to support Bao Dai.
The reason for this reluctance is certainly not fear of offending
the French. The French government has actually hinted that Ameri-
can aid for Bao Dai, whom they have fully recognized, will now be
exceedingly welcome.
Furthermore, the European division of the State Department,
whose staff is a trifle more aware of the Soviet problem than the Far
Eastern division, has urged that the Bao Dai experiment be promoted
and assisted in any way possible.
* * * *
VET THE STATEMENT that was just issued, which could hardly be
more cautious or gingerly, represents an elaborate watering down
of a public awoval of sympathy, for Bao Dai that was originally pro-
Equally, tkose who see the apalling danger now confronting
us in Southeast Asia, have been urging the expenditure of E.C.A.
funds in Indo-China. But the Far Eastern division has succeeded
in watering this project, down also, to a decision to "consider" the
The arguments that are being made for this fpot-dragging ap-
proach may be superficially convincing. It is true that Bao Dai is a
risky investment. But the fact remains that aalthough supporting Bao
Dai is by no means an ideal solution to the utheast Asia problem,
it is the only solution available.
* * * *
THE OTHER APPROACH is simply to drift with the tide, as we did
in China, until we land on the rocks. And the rocks are now ten
times bigger and ten times more sure to destroy us.
Such is the rather unpleasing choice confronting Walton
Butterworth, the new Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern
affairs, who is not a Far Eastern division man.
His situation is further complicated by another grave fact. Al-
though the members of the State Department Far Eastern diiision
have recovered from their sentimental delusion that Far Eastern
Communists are mere reforming agrarians, they still have their record
in China hanging round their necks like an albatross.
* * * *
THEIR MAIN AIM now seems to be to prove that the albatross is
not an albatross after all, but a peacock or possibly a bird of
pa adise.
When officials have made one disastrous failure, their judgment
should be suspect the second time round. The rule s>uld now be
followed. It must also be recognized that choosing the least bad
alternative is preferable to drifting into the worst.
Otherwise we shall have no policy at all in the deeply dangerous
Asiatic situation.
(9opyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in ishich
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. 'rhe
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters,
* * *
Bromley " . .
To the Editor:
Down at Oberlin this month, the
graduating class heard UN media-
tor Ralph Bunche discuss the
United Nations; while at the
Michigan State College commence-
ment students heard a first-hand
discussion of the implications of
atomic energy by AEC chairman
David Lilienthal.
The University of Michigan had
a commencement too, and a speech
on an important topic. Justice
Bruce D. Bromley of the New York
State Court of Appeals spoke on
'The Conservative's Role in Amer-
The Justice called upon the
1949 graduates to join with those
who, are now working with "sac-
rificial devotion to the welfare of
the country" to introduce into our
public discussions a conservative
body of opinion.
And just what does this mean?
A good question!
A conservative, according to the
Justice, is one who believes in pre-
servfng what is of value in our
existing institutions. (Previously
he had' annihilated liberalism by
saying: that all thoughtful men
had accepted its humanistic im-
To nail down this platitude as a
cornerstone of the "conservative"
philosophy, the speaker, by impli-
cation represents the "liberal as
one who is not concerned with
what might be preserved in the
process of social change because
he is too busy finding remedies
based on changing the existing
conditions. (Lacking further en-
lightenment from Mr. Bromley, I
translated this to mean that the
"liberal" is anyone who wants to
change or destroy something that
h .1 1

the "conservative," for one reason
or another, prefers to preserve.)
To illustrate the "conservative"
happily championing the status
quo, the Justice said that "there
is much good in the Taft-Hartley
Act which should be preserved."
Telling only half of the story is
not always considered an admir-
able trait but since there was no
opportunity to refute his remarks,
the Justice was free to make his
point in this fashion. ,
What he omitted to explain, of
course, was just why the conser-
vatives just two years before had
been on the opposite side of the
fence, destroying the then exist-
ing Wagner Act by sweeping
changes in our labor laws, changes
which both the speaker and the
Honorable Senator Taft now ad-
mit should be modified.
Justice Bromley spoke in favor
of a full and searching discussion
of public issues and also said that
fair and candid alternatives should
be posed for the voters.
This was confusing. Was he
stating the liberal's view? Or was
this an apology for the "conserva-
tive's" failure to date and a hope
that 3,445 new "conservatives"
would do better.
Those of us at Michigan that
remembered which candidate in
the last Congressional campaign
here absolutelyrefused to engage
in public discussions and consist-
ently dodged commitment on pub-
lic issues, could be sure that these
noble ideas did not apply to exist-
ing conservatives. (And surely Mr.
Bromley must have heard of our
old Alum Tom Dewey who played
for a while at being everything
to everybody.)
Essentially the speaker seemed
to be saying that "conservatives"
have a monopoly on interest in
preserving what is good in exist-
ing institutions and that the coun-
try needed people with that view.
Those of us who believe that the
role of the University is to develop
leadership which will seek con-
structive solutions to public prob-
lems, taking into account both
the necessity for a remedy as well
as the value of what must be
changed, found it a bit difficult to
wax enthusiastic.
Perhaps this is the type of
speech which pleases our reunion-
ing alumni. And probably the par-
ents of the graduates were im-
pressed with the solemnity of the
But there is a minority school of
thought which holds that a com-
mencement address can and
should be an intellectual experi-
ence from which the graduates
themselves can draw some in-
spiration or at least some food for
There would seem to be some
legitimate question as to whether
this type of one sided presenta-
tion on an intense political con-
troversy can provide either much
interest or inspiration.
This "conservative - liberal"
controversy is probably the major
ideological issue in America to-
day which should be well under-
stood by Michigan graduates. But
if the University was striving real-
istically to provide some final
guidance on the topic for its 1949
graduates, it would have done
much better to have presented two
speakers of conflicting views to
discuss not only the ideals and ob-
jectives, but also the underlying
motivations of both the "conserva-
tive" and the "liberal."
-Tom Walsh.


(Continued from Page 2)
Small fee. Health Service check

Library Hours During


Summer Session: The general Li-
brary will be open 8 a.m. to 10
p.m. Monday through Friday and
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday.
There will be no Sunday service.
The Graduate Reading Rooms will
be open as usual except Graduate
Reading Room 5 which will be
closed evenings.
The Divisional Libraries will be
open the usual hours except Vo-
cational Guidance which is closed,
and Physics Library which will be
closed on Saturdays. Schedules are
posted on the doors.
Student Print Loan Collection:
Students interested in - obtaining
a picture for the Summer Session
may make their selection at Rm.
517 (basement), Administration
Building now. The prints will be
assigned and distributed through
June 30. A rental fee of 35 cents
is charged for each print. The of-
fice is open from 8 to 12 a.m.
and 1 to 5 p.m. daily except Sat-
Students wishing to take their
meals at the French or Spanish
residences may get in touch with
the manager, Mrs. Pauline Elliott,
1027 E. University, 2-5147 to se-
cure information. Those interested
in the German residence may cal]
Mrs. B. P. Bagrow, 1101 Church,
2-6753. All conversation is con-
ducted in the foreign language.
Summer Session closing hours
for undergraduate women stu-
dents: Sunday through Thursday
-11:00 p.m.; Friday and Satur-
day - 12:30.
Dean of Women
Householders interested in se-
curing the sebices of women stu-
dents in their homes in return fo
board and room beginning in Sep-
tember are asked to call the Offic
of the Dean of Women.
Women Students registered for
the Summer Session who expect to
remain for the fall semester and
who have not made housing ar
rangements for the gall should
apply at once to the Dean o
(Continued on Page 5)



More than 1,200 alumni from the classes
of '54 to '13 assembled at the University for
reunion exercises. Three tablets were un-
veiled at the ceremonies, one marking Mason
Hall, oldest on the campus, the others in
memory of Henry Tappan, first president of
the University, and of the Michigan men
who fought in the Mexican, Civil and Span-
ish-American Wars.
Dean Victor C. Vaughan of the Medical
School was elected president of the American
Medical Association in Atlantic City.
The Wolverines pasted Meiji University
from Tokyo, Japan, 16-1, scoring their runs
on 15 hits and helped along by "spotty"
fielding by the Japanese.
The '24 graduating class was the record
group in the University's history, with 1,800
receiving degrees.
The College of Architecture had its name
hanged to College of Architecture and De-

sign after the Literary College's department
of design was transferred to the College of
A gift of $25,000 was received by the Uni-
versity from the U.S. Public Health Service
for use in continuing - the pre-professional
work of public health personnel under the
Social Security Act. Another gift, of $2,200,
was given for research work with neurotics.
The Detroit Edison Company donated $2,000
worth of equipment to the University's cyclo-
The University's summer session listed
only 3,500 civilian students, almost outnum-
bered by the Army and Navy trainees and
The Japanese faced a showdown on the
Island of Saipan while the navies of the
United States and Britain hammered away
at Jap shipping and war fleets for a box
score of 36 ships sunk, all in one report.
-From the Pages ofThe Daily.


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown......Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson...Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin............Sports Editor
Marilyn Jones.......Women's Editor
Bess Young ................... Librarian
Business Staff
Robert C. James .....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.....Advertising Manager
Ethel AnnMorrison ... Circulation Mgr.
Jame McStocker ......Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled_ to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail


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Barnaby, your fairy godfather is
dismayed by the lack of sympathy

Here's a bit of luck! My old pal, Pete,
purveyor of Morpheus' bounty, merciful

How is it with you, Pete? /

That's a nice pail,-
Mr. Sandman. I had

I will hold your sand-pail for you
while you relate to Barnaby, here,

Ah! An inspired thought, Pete!
Tell Barnaby about his fairy

._..._ i _i a_ t








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