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August 08, 1949 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1949-08-08

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'Miss Mac' Performs Endless Job of Guiding
Directing Myriad of League Activities, Projects

Full Operation of New Dorm To Begin in Fall


* *

Aids Junior,
Soph Projects
The Michigan League, as well
as being the center of women's
activities on campus is also the
home and place of work of the
campus' walking book of knowl-
edge and guidance on women's
activities, Ethel A. McCormick.
More commonly known as "Miss
Mac", the mainstay of the Lea-
gue holds the position of social
director and is thereforg advisor
for women's activities.
"Miss Mac" include seeing that
every job or project undertaken
by coLeds in connection with the
League is a success. She is the
consultant on every kind of affair
ranging from JGP and Soph Cab
to men's dancing classes.
Miss McCormick is also re-
sponsible for budgeting events,
with a primary interest in de-
veloping leaders and women
who can assume responsibility
rather than in making profits.
As a member of the physical ed-
ucation department for women,.
Miss McCormick first came in con-
tact with Michigan co-eds. At
that time the cast of the Junior
Girl's Play rehearsed in Barbour
Gymnasium and Miss McCormick
started out her years of service to
University co-eds' by answering
any and all questions that arouse.
* * *

Ann Arbor Girls To Organize
For Activities, Representation

_ I

Last fall steps were taken for
the first time to organize the Ann'
Arbor coeds living at home and to
give them a chance to be repre-
sented in student government.
Associate Dean of Women Mary
C. Bromage obtained lists from
the three local high schools of
their graduates who were plan-
ning to attend the University in
the Fall.
All of them accepted her invi-
tation to attend a meeting at the
League early in September to dis-
cuss campus regulations and ac-
tivities. At that meeting a club
for Ann Arbor Freshman Coeds
was organized and a governing
committee of five was elected with
Diana Lahde as president.
THE CLUB was very active dur-
ing the first semester when it was
most needed since first semester
freshmen may not join sororities
or enter into activities. Its slack-
ening down in the second semester
indicated that it had accomplish-
ed its purpose of helping Ann Ar-
bor girls get into the swing of
campus life, Dean Bromage said.

The activities of the group
began with a skit prepared for
Assembly Fortnite and later in
the semester included a bask&-
ball team and weekly luncheon
get-togethers at the League.
Each week representatives of
the club attended the meetings
of house presidents to get announ-
cements of League activities and
other campus events, and also to
vote on issues which came up fromE
time to time.I
* * *I
NOT ONLY DID the club help
Ann Arbor coeds meet other stu-
dents but it also enabled home-
sick out-of-town coeds to get to
know local girls and to visit Ann
Arbor homes, Dean Bromage said.
With such an encouraging be-
ginning last year, the organiza-
tion will again become active
this fall.
A tentative list of 40 Ann Arbor
freshman coeds has been compiled
and they will be invited to attend
an organizational meeting which
is scheduled for 1:30 p.m., Thurs-
day, Sept. 15 in the League.

President Alexander G. Ruthven
to serve as coordinating, supervisor
of women's activities when the
Michigan League was completed.
She has served in her present
position and has been responsible
for making the League the mecca
of women's campus affairs as
well as a building devoted solely
to the interests of co-eds ever
since that time.
Miss McCormick has empha-
sized that she strives for a frank
relationship between students
and that many times she has
allowed co-eds to undertake pro-

? #!

Merit-Tutorial Committee
Files Data, Recruits Tutors

A League committee with a
strange sounding name but a very
important job is the Merit-Tu-
torial Committee which keeps a
record of coed extra-curricular ac-
tivities and recruits tutors for stu-
dents desiring help in certain
The Merit section of the com-
mittee keeps a complete card file
of all undergraduate women and
the activities in which they have
ATTACHED to the cards are
personnel reports made out by
various chairmen of committees'
and heads of other activities. Each
woman's activity point record is
determined from these reports.
The file is used by the Office
of the Dean of Women, the So-
cial Director of the League, Ju-
diciary Council, League com-
mittets, and the various honor
societies. After a coed graduates
her card is transferred to the
League Undergraduate Office
for reference use by prospective
Students desiring tutors may

contact the tutoring service at the
League and receive the name and
telephone number of a tutor. Tu-
tors and students make their own
arrangements concerning the time
and place of tutoring. Tutors re-
ceive 75 cents an hour and tutor-
ing ends two weeks before final
examinations begin.
* * *
THOSE ELIGIBLE to tutor are
students who have received a
grade of A in the course if it is
not their major and a B if it is
in their major field of study.
Tutors are available at the
beginning of each semester for
all students except first semes-
ter freshmen who may have tu-
tors after they receive their five-
weeks grade.
The Merit-Tutorial Office is
open every afternoon during the
week except Saturday and is op-
erated by coeds who receive activ-
ity points for their work. '
Head of the committee for the
coming school year is Patricia

jects that she believed would
not be entirely successful. How-
ever ( she was quick to admit
that in many cases she was
Regarding the League Council's
merit system of petitioning and'
interviewing, the social directors
feels that "There is a sincere ef-
fort to make every woman feel
that she is welcome in any campus
activity and to encourage women
to take part in the activities in
which they are interested. Any
one with an idea has the opport-
unity of having it heard".
Fall Students
To See Fewer
Job Openings
A change in the student em-
ployment situation will be noted
next term with fewer part time
jobs available to women students.
Waitress work is the chief source
of employment since women living
in the dormitories do all the table
service but the competition is
quite strong this fall for that type
of work.
* * *
LIKEWISE, the University hos-
pital will be employing less stu-
dent employes due to an increase
in full time help. However, the
library, the League and Union are
still employing students in large
For women wanting to do
part-time evening or afternoon
work, baby sitting lists are up
in the Office of the Dean of
Women for applicants.
Many faculty families with
small children are able to employ
coeds with the understanding that
they will be escorted home. These
jobs also provide an opportunity
for extra study time.
.* * *
AN INCREASE is also marked
this year in coeds wanting to earn
full board and room living in pri-
vate homes, while the Dean of
Women is making an effort to con-
tact Ann Arbor families who will
be willing to take student em-
While the Office of the Dean
is in charge of referring women
students for employment, they
also take into consideration how
students can fit into a job with
their schedule of studies.
Contacts are made through this
office with department stores,
business concerns, house-holders,
the University Personnel Office,
Hospital, League and Union.


Join Talents
In Glee Club
Concerts, Tours
Fill Singers' Year
Coeds who enjoy singing have
an opportunity to display their
talents in the Women's Glee Club
which is open to all eligible un-
dergraduate women on campus.
First semester freshmen may al-
so participate in the tryouts which
take place during the first week of
each semester.
The Glee Club is strictly a
League activity and is not a part
of the Music Club. No scholastic
credit is earned but League activ-
ity points are given to members.
BESIDES THE annual Christ-
mas and spring concerts, radio
broadcasts, recordings and appear-
ances in various campus programs,
the Club tours cities in Michigan
and vicinity.
Any member may petition for
the Glee Club Award which is
a sum of money offered each
semester to a member to help
her further her musical studies.
At the end of the year each
member receives a special award
in recognition of her work dur-
ing the school year.
Miss Marguerite V. Hood, As-
sociate Professor of Music Educa-
tion in the School of Music, is the
conductor of the Club.
NEW GLEE CLUB officers for
this year are Nan Hubach, presi-
dent; Beverly Bradford, vice pres-
ident; Nancy Beveridge, secretary;
Jane Buell, business manager;
Glee Dudgeon, publicity; Valerie
Polk, librarian; and na Sussman,
associate librarian.
The first University of Michi-
gan Women's Glee Club was or-
ganized in 1904 and a few of
those early members are still
living in Ann Arbor. They were
present at the annual concert
last Spring.
Last semester marked the first
overnight tour of the club in var-
ious cities of the Midwest, during
spring recess.
The program of the club includ-
ed Elizabethan Madrigales, art
and folk songs, Michigan songs
and medleys. The end of the tour
was a presentation for campus
This club along with the WAA
sports clubs is one of the few ac-
tivities open to freshmen womes.
without elegibility already estab-
lished. The president of the group
also serves as a member of League

Clothes Tag Freshman Coed

Upperclasswomen have always
been able to tag the incoming
freshmen-their clothes are laways
so bright and new.
But it takes a great deal of care-
ful planning on the part of the
entering coed to choose herobasic
wardrobe for the next four years
with an astute combination of
practicality and imagination. +
Fundamental to all coed's ward-+
robes are the sweater and skirt+
combinations. Skirts and blouses
are coming up in popularity also,
but the very cut and latest ex-
treme casual fashions are still re-
jected at Michigan as impractical.
casions, it is best to choose dresses
with an eye to personality, not+
particularly the latest rage in sty-
les, but fashionable.1
Ann Arbor women are not ex-
tremists-their clothes are taste-
ful butssimple. The practical
coed has to keep in mind that
some of her clothes will have to
last for a longer time than it
takes for designers to conjure up
the pronounced pads and doo-
dads that make the fashion
magazines change month in and
month out.
Traditional formel dances stud
the social calendar in Ann Arbor
and these formals usually call for
a minimum of two evening dresses.
The best plan is to have an all-
out formal and one which can be
changed easily to meet the occa-
sion. A suggestion is an evening
skirt for those that have to keep
to a minimum because these skirts
can be so adapted as to present a
different appearance each time.
*{ * *
ANN ARBOR is cold in the win-
ter-those "cute" lightweight top-
pers should be confined to the
advertisements. A warm winter
coat is essential and the ones they
have been designing in the last
year fit the bill and have the ad-
ditional factor of good looks.
If it is raining anywhere in the
world it is raining in Ann Arbor
so the raincoat, hat and water-
proof boots are standbys. Some
of the matching combinations
being sold are good-looking and
practical, but most women find
that the novelty is trying when
they have to wear the outfit so
Blue jeans are strictly functional

at the University. They are essen-
tials for the Arb and Island pic-
nics and the Saturday afternoon
bicycle date. Otherwise, coeds
shun them in classes and libraries.
First impressions at the Univer-
sity are important and good taste
in clothes can make yours a suc-
cessful one. But the coed does not
dress up her outfit, rather the
coed's activities dictate the choice
of her clothes.
Mixed Group Open
In Skating Club
The Ice-Skating Club is one of
the few sports clubs which is open
to both men and women students
on campus.
Activities will begin with an off
the ice organizational meeting
Nov. 17, following which the mem-
bers will go down to the skating
arena, a few blocks from campus.
Skaters have the privilege of
skating any day Monday through
Friday from 1 until 3 p.m. Wed-
nesday afternoons, the club serves
coffee and doughnuts.
Performances are given in Jan-
uary and February before the
hockey games which include lines,
solos and feature numbers.

Some 510 coeds moving into the
new women's dormitory this fell
will find not only the most mcd-
ern living quarters on campus, but
an entirely new plan for acc'om-
modating women residents among
the University dormitories.
The latest Observatory Street
residence will be the first coed
dormitory divided into four sep-
arate houses, each with its own
lounge, dining room, typical cub-
icles, laundry space, music rooms
and study halls.
One house will serve as housing
for graduate students only, indi-
cation of the rising enrollment of
graduate women in the University,
while the other three will accom-
modate undergraduates.
THE ENTIRE building will be
under the supervision of one resi-
dent director, also serving as a
house director for one of the
houses, who will have three as-
sistants directing the other three
The four separate house
lounges are decorated in yellow
and blue, black and gold, red
and green, while the main
lounge, serving for the entire
dormitory is multi-colored. All-
dormitory dances will be helot
in the lounge available to all
Individual rooms, all singles and
doubles, are furnished with blond
birch furniture and solid drapes
of either red, yellow or blue on
spacious walls. Walls are light
* * *



Bridge Lessons
Will Be Offered
For those students who wish to
learn bridge or to improve their
present game the League Social
Committee will again offer bridge
Players will be divided into
three classes - beginning, inter-
mediate and advanced.
The time and place for the
opening of the classes will be an-
nounced in The Daily.

Four-Sectioned Hall To Prove
Housing Innovation for Women

to furnish wall hangings, bed
spreads, rugs and plants to com-
plete the modern theme. Oppor-
tunities to complete the modern
decorations of their own rooms
with accessories should provide all
new dorm coeds with a bit of self
instruction in interior decorating.
The street level second iloor
provides the entire dormitory
with a main desk and lobby,
house directors' suits and a tele-
phone switchboard which will
eventually service all dorms on
that street. Men's rest rooms
and cloak rooms are also found
on this floor.
Clare Detchy of Detroit was the
architect 'for the residence, while
interior decorating was done by
Florence Knoll 'of Knoll and As-
sociates of New York,
Dance Series
A popular course on campus
even though it doesn't give credit
toward a degree is the series of
dance classes sponsored each se-
mester by the Michigan League.
Men aznd women students have
an oppor'tunity to learn to dance
or to imrprove on the two-step that
carried, them through their high
school days. Men are charged a
fee for the eight-week courses,
while coeds receive lessons free
whilenactingashostesses and as-
sistant teach ers.
Dancers are divided into three
groups -- beginners, intermediate
and ac'.vanced, and instruction is
based. on the ability and prefer-
ence of the class.
The groups meet for an hour
'One evening each week in the
League Ballroom, and enrollment
is limited to 65 men and an equal
number of women. The time and
place of registration and of try-
outs for the advanced class will
be announced in The Daily.

I mm r




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women students are advised to
budget their finances and determ-
ine exactly how much must be
made with an idea in mind of
what type of employment to ex-
pect. Consideration must also be
made for time.
After the student has initially
obtained a position, the Dean of
Women will be ready throughout
the semester to discuss with those
employed the success of their jobs
and will keep in touch with the
employers as occasion arises.


* . . Because here you'll find the smooth-
est of date dresses - eye-catching sports-
wear and distinctive accessories .. .
. . . Because you'll find style-wise, budget-
wise fashions by leading makers - and
personalized service that's bound to please.

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