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August 08, 1949 - Image 14

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Michigan Daily, 1949-08-08

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Big Sister Plan
To Aid Freshrr



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Counselors To Help Newcomers Orient
Themselves to Busy Life on Campus

With the inauguration fo a new
Big Sister Committee in the Uni-
versity residence halls the fresh-
man coed need no longer feel that
no one cares what happens to her,
The Committee will go into op-
eration this fall with the purpose
of performing a real service to the
staffs of the various residence
halls and to the freshman women.
two counselors in each dormi-
tory appointed by the Dean of
Women. The Big Sisters will work
under the counselors and each Big
Sister will have approximately five
girls in her charge.
It will be the duty of the Big
Sisters to assume some of the
responsibility of training the
freshmen in becoming aware of
their duties to the residence
halls and to themselves.
The counselors will coordinate
the aims and ideas of the Big
Sisters through regular meetings
and also organize interest groups
based on the findings of freshman
interests by the Big Sisters.
with freshmen with which Big
Sisters feel unable to cope, the
counselors will be the first con-
Big Sisters will be responsible
for the awareness training of
freshmen in regard to scholar-
ship, conduct and activities.
In the matter of scholarship Big
Panhel lenic
(Continued from Page 1)
SORORITY presidents and del-
egates hold weekly meetings,
sponsored by Panhellenic, in which
group discussions are carried on
concerning activities and scholar-
ship. These meetings also provide
a means to contact houses with
announcements of League and
campus functions.
At Michigan, Panhellenic
sponsors many projects and ac-
tivities which include contribu-1
tions to the University Fresh Air4
Camp, campus projects such as1
the Red Cross, Famine Drive1
and United Nations Relief.
In cooperation with Assembly,
the independent women's associa-
tion, Panhellenic sponsors stu-
dent-faculty teas and last spring
they planned Frosh Weekend.
THE ANNUAL all-campus Pan-
hel Ball is held during the fall
semester. Another function of the
organization includes the sponsor-i
ing of exchange dinners between
sororities and fraternities.
Sorority transfers from other
schools may sign up in the Pan-
hellenic Office in the League.
Individual sororities give teas
or open houses to welcome their
transfer members in the fall.
Michigan's system of rushing
for sororities is "deferred," which
'means that rushing does not begin
until the spring semester. The rea-
son for deferring rushing is to
give coeds an opportunity to get
acquainted with the sororities and
decide whether or not they wish
to rush.
THIS YEAR a new counseling
system will go into operation. TheM
purpose of the counseling is to
assist rushees with any problems
they may have. One counselor
from each of 10 sororities is
chosen on the basis of election by;
her house and an interview with
Panhellenic. She completely di-
vorces herself from her sororityv
during the rushing period in order
to give completely unbiased aid tou
the rushees.
Coeds eligible to rush are thosey

with at least a "C" average for
their first semester's work. The
new condensed rushing period lasts
for two weeks.

Sisters will work with the aim of
seeing that all of their group
members pass their courses. They
will also help the freshmen ar-
range a schedule of regular hours
for study and relaxation.
THIS YEAR the competition be-
tween the Maize and Blue teams
for the first semester will be on
scholarship. There will be competi-
tion within the houses as well as
with the campus.
Big Sisters will also familiar-
ize freshmen with campus rules
of conduct and aid them socially.
Encouragement will be given the
freshman to develop hobbies or in-
terests and to participate in house
projects. During their second se-
mester freshmen will be urged to
participate in the varied campus
activities open to them-especially
Frosh Week-End, which gives
freshmen a chance to show what
they can do, to receive training in
committee work and to have fun
while doing it.
Ruthven Home
To Be Open
To 'U' Students
President and Mrs. Alexander
G. Ruthven will open their home
to all Michigan students from 4
to 6 p.m. on two Wednesdays in
each month.
Students will have an opportun-
ity to meet Dr. Ruthven and his
wife along with enjoying tea and
cake with fellow students.
Members of the League Social
Committee and other volunteers
will conduct tours of the beautiful
Ruthven home, which is tradi-
tionally the home of the Univer-
sity's president and one of the
original buildings of the campus.
It is furnished with many valuable
and interesting curios obtained by
Dr. Ruthven and his son on their
Freshmen are especially invited
to attend a special tea during
Orientation Week. Throughout
the year, special guests in the
home are residents of dormitories,
sororities, and fraternities, house
groups, and various organizations
of students from foreign coun-

Give Student
Freshmen Society
Honors High Point
Coeds for Grades
Freshmen women entering in the
fall may all look forward to dif-
ferent phases of University life,
but no matter what their field'
or purpose Michigan is well equip-
ped with honoraries waiting to
record their achievement.
Scholastic recognition is given
to freshmen women who attain a
3.5 average or higher through
Alpha Lambda Delta.
This society goes on to award
achievement honors to upperclass
women of their fraternity also.
Members are named at the close
of their first semester freshman
term. Advisor to this group is
Mary C. Bromage, associate dean
of women.
WYVERN is the honorary for
coeds who have proved outstand-.
ing in scholarship, leadership and
activities throughout their sopho-
.moremore years and is an all-
campus junior society. Members
are tapped in the spring of each
In the field of music, Mu Phi
Epsilon and Sigma Alpha Iota
are the goals of achievement
while Zeta Phi Eta, professional
speech fraternity, and Theta
Sigma Phi, honorary journalistic
fraternity, accord honors to out-
standing women in their fields.
Mortar Board, a national senior
women's honorary, is an all-cam-
pus organization for recognition of
seniors outstanding in scholarship,
leadership and activities. Mem-
bership requirements include an
average .3 above that of the cam-
pus average. .
* * *
Scroll and Senior Society, the sen-
ior organizations for affiliated and
independent women respectively.
Most of the groups carry on
active participation throughoutE
the year not only in selecting1
new women but also in further-c
ing relations with alumnae, par-
ticipation in campus affairs, giv-
ing benefit functions and en-
couraging high standards. -.
Wyvern and Mortar Board are1
honoraries which use unusual tap-'
ping procedures in wandering
through dormitories and houses
at unannounced times and sing-
ing songs, while Senior Society
and Scroll traditionally tap at the
annual Installation Night.

What's the


IT'S A STRIKE: Members of the Women's Bowling Club shown receiving instructions on the proper
way to make out a score sheet. Members bowl curing the week at the WAB. An announcement of
an organizational meeting will be made early in i he fall.
Scholarships, .Loans Provide Financial Adid

Major Women's Positions Filled
By Interviewing Appointments

Major women's positions on the
campus, positions within the
League, WAA, PanhellenicrandhAs-
sembly, are decided through a
system of petition and interview-
Each of those organizations has
their own interviewing committees
who grade applications or petitions
and interview women who have
petitioned for positions.
Headed by Patricia Reed, the
League interviewing committee
next fall will have three sopho-
more and two junior members as
well as the senior secretary, Jo
Bell. Sophomore and junior mem-
bers will be Pat Breon, Sallie Slo-
cum, Mary Ellen Turnbull, Sylvia
Sheppard and Jane Barker.
cific positions such as central com-
mittee posts on the class projects,
Soph Cabaret, Frosh Weekend,
JGP, or senior positions fill out
a petition form giving requested
details and an outline of their
own ideas for the position, hand
them in at the scheduled time
and sign for an interview. Inter-
views allow those petitioning to
elaborate on the ideas stated in
the petitions.
Most of the positions are then
announced at the Annual In-
stallation Night ceremonies held
in the spring.
This system is thought to be the
most fair inenabling all women
to go out for activities in which
they are interested with an equal
opportunity. Applicants need only
be eligible (at least second semes-
ter freshmen maintaining scholas-
tic average required) and apply.
Position holders are chosen on
ideas presented and past record.
AT THE TIME OF the inter-
view, applicants also turn in a
photo of themselves, eligibility
card and references of one house
director, one senior in the appli-
cant's house and one senior out of
the house.
House activities chairmen
throughout the term find out
the scheduled times of petition-
ing and interviewing for class
positions and report them to
their houses. From these house
chairmen, past petitions on file
in the League and presidents'
reports in the League Library,
women petitioning for the first
and even later time are able
to form ideas and find the basic
requirements of a good petition.
WAA, Panhellenic and Assembly
also have their own boards before
which interviewees will apply. It
is the effort of these committees
to make the interviewee as much
at ease as possible and toward this

end suggestions are always ac-
cepted by them.
Account is kept of all activities
of all coeds and recorded in the
merit files of the merit-tutorial
committee. These files, as well as
being of use to interviewing com-
mittees in selecting position hold-
ers, are used by honor societies
and other organizations.
'U' To House
More Women
The fall of 1949 will mark a
change in the women's residence
situation since, with the construc-
tion of a new dormitory, a much
higher percentage of students will
be living in University residence
halls than ever before.
Close to half of the women stu-
dents registered will have housing
arrangements in dormitories and
cooperative houses, while the
League house list is smaller than
at any time since the war, also
due to the completion of the new
Dormitory waiting lists for fall
housing have been closed for some
* * *
WITH THE NEW housing con-
ditions emphasis will be placed
more on inspection of League
houses and establishing uniform
standards among all types of
housing, according to information
from the Office of the Dean of
Women. The new emphasis is
brought out by the uniform train-
ing of all house directors.
At the present time the
League houses are nearly full
and students admitted late will
be temporarily accommodated
in the Michigan League where
student rates will be given at
the beginning of the semester.
Many women students will be
earning their board and room in
private homes for the coming se-
mester. Students living in private
homes must have letters of ap-
proval from their parents since
these places are not inspected.
AS USUAL, however, it is ex-
pected that all women students
admitted to the University will be
housed in approved residences. At
present in operation are 12 dormi-
tories, 19 sorority houses, 3 coop-
erative houses and about 50
League houses.
Further information on coed
housing can be found in the
pamphlet, "Living Arrangements
for Women Students," available
in the Office of the Dean of

I 5





Undergraduate and graduate
women in need of financial assis-
tance will find a score of available
scholarships and loans on hand
for application in the Office of
the Dean of Women.
Outstanding among the fairly
recent scholarships is the Laurel
Harper Seeley scholarship avail-
able to undergraduate women.
One to four $500 stipends are giv-
en each year in the spring on the
basis of high academic standing,
citizenship and need.
OTHER $500 annual awards to
undergraduate women are under
the Emma M. and Florence L. Ab-
bott scholarships and are avail-
able to "Protestant females of
American parentage needing fi-
nancial assistance who are Cau-
casion . . . who have been in resi-
dence at least one semester in any
school or college."
The Ethel A. McCormick schol-

arships, set up by the Michigan
League Undergraduate Council
in 1935, are available to junior
and senior women who have
shown participation in activities
included under the merit system.
Character, scholarship and need
are also considered. Given in the
spring, three of $100 are usually
the awards.
Betsy Barbour and Stockwell
Hall both have funds set up for
scholarships to residents with at
least a "B" average, while the
Women's Glee Club has an award
for a member of one year standing
or more.
* * *
ANOTHER JUNIOR scholarship
is that given by Delta Delta Delta.
Requirements for this $200 award
include a scholastic average .2
above women's average.
Application for these and
other awards is made in the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women

where a scrapbook is kept
including numerous available
scholarships and opportunities
for study abroad.
Loans also are available to up-
perclass students from regular loan
funds. Applicants must be in good
standing and submit the necessary
budget plan. Women students ap-
ply at the Office of the Dean of
W omen.
MOST OF THE funds carry a
small rate of interest and have
to be repaid as soon after gradua-
jtion as possible. In emergency
cases, underclassmen also may re-
ceive aids. The amount loaned to
any one applicant rarely exceeds
$200 per year, or $400 in all un-
less the circumstances are extra-
Along with extreme emergency
grants, these sources of financial
aid as well as information on job
opportunities are available in the
Office of the Dean of Women.




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