_ _ .
Medicine and the Press
THERE'S A NEW cure for colds, arthritis,
cancer . . . There is is you're willing to
believe many of today's newspapers. But the
cure's only on paper and won't do anyone
much good.
Accurate reporting, in all fields, is the
aim of any good press organization. But all
too frequently, accuracy in reporting new
medical developments is subordinated to
Scientists have been trying for decades
to perhaps turn a successful method of
treatment into a cure. What they have
not in many instances succeeded in doing,
a sensational seeking editor or reporter
has accomplished in half an hour.
Watch out for the word "cured." Curing
a disease or just finding a way of treating
its outward symptoms are two entirely dif-
ferent things.
Some medical discoveries are startling.
But most new cures or treatments result
from a stockpiling of many years of re-
search. They rarely are found "overnght."
Yesterday, one of the wire services carried
a. story about an apparently new treatment
for a common skin afflication. A check
disclowed that this "new"treatment was
new-about ten or so years ago.
Recently many newspapers have carried
articles about a new treatment or cure
for arthritis made possible through a cer-
tain drug. To arthritics, this news came
as a blessing, but perhaps it was a bit
The drug had not even been thoroughly
tested when the news of its remarkable ef-
fect was released.
Of course many newspapers neglected to
mention that some of the side effects of this
new drug might be just as bad as the dis-
ease that it is intended to cure.
The drug may turn out to be of great
value to arthritics, but sensational news
stories at this time only tend to mislead.
Before any drug or treatment can be
universally adopted, it must be thoroughly
tested; generally over a long period of
time. Should an engineer build a road and
through a miscalculation, the croncrete
cracks, another road can be built.
However, this is not true in the case of
a human life.
It's like the old story of the medical stu-
dent who answered a question incorrectly.
Two minutes later he remembered the cor-
rect answer and raised his hand. "Never
mind," the instructor said, "You patient's
already been dead for a minute and a half."
Misleading newspaper reports create a
demand for cures and treatments that can-
not be safely used at this time.
Because of inaccuracies in reporting,
many medical authorities are reluctant to
release information other than through
medical research papers and journals.
Thus the job of accurate reporting be-
comes dffcult, for few reporters are qual-
ified to interpret a research paper without
A sensational newspaper story about a
cure for TB would bring a flood of patients
to clinics all over the country. Perhaps the
story was true, but only half the facts were
there.' Thus another mess, and another
false alarm.
When you read of a new medical discovery
that may be of importance to you, check
with your doctor and make sure that you
know all the facts.
The American press is probably the most
accurate in the world. But sometimes, a true,
story is missing only one fact, which may
turn hopes into despair.
-herb Kravitz.
Air Facts
PARADOXICALLY, the Air Force in most
public opinion has top ranking, even
though its lobbying is a very poor third
compared to the effectiveness of Navy and
Army pressure groups.
Nevertheless, would-be critics have at-
tacked Air Force leaders by accusing them
of laying claim to the ability of Air Power
to win a future war alone.
This is a false interpretation of Air
Force policy, and I would like to bring
forth briefly the real contention of mili-
tary airmen.
Air strategists have reiterated as one of
aheir primary goals their belief in real unifi-
cation within the national military estab-
At the same time, these men have pointed
Looking Back
An extra special'tdemand for seats gave
the new Hill Auditorium a chance to house
its first dramatic presentation, a reading of
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.
The daughter of the late Pierpont Mor-
gan was decorated in France by Marshal Pe-
tain for her great work in aiding devastated
France. She got the Legion of Honor, plus
the traditional French buss.
* * *
One of the first midget pleasure autos,
then affectionately called "baby auto," carey
out for $200. It had no chassis, each wheel
mounted independently, and was reputed
to get 50 miles to the gallon.
The 76th Congress adjourned after the
usual wrangling, but finally got around to
passing legislation to increase outlays for
Social Security and delayed a scheduled in-
crease in taxes. The new Social Security pro-
gram will retain for three years old age in-
surance of one per cent on employes and one
per cent on employers and will bring two
years earlier the date on which old age in-
surance benefits will start.
* * *
President Roosevelt, General MacArthur
and Admiral Nimitz got their heads together
under the balmy skies of Waikiki Beach to
map plans for smashing the Japanese into
unconditional surrender.
Congress adjourned after the usual wran-
gling and finally got around to passing an
anti-inflation bill after bolcking, ignoring
and rewriting the Truman program. And
they even did a little bit on housing legis-
-From the Pages of The Daily.
N HOW MANY lifes does love really play
a dominant part? The average taxpayer
is no more capable of a "grand passion"
than of a grand opera.
out that as a part of the defense team,
strategic bombing plays a vital necessary
role. Strategic bombing elements are primar-
ily designed to destroy the enemy's war-
making potential at the very beginning of
Stress has certainly been laid on the
importance of this immediate bombing of-
fensive, but never has the Air Force main-
tained that bombing alone can win a war.
Rightly so, however, Air Force leaders
-have maintained that without strategic
bombing groups ready at the instant of ag-
gression, our national defense cannot be
too effective.
Secretary Symington has pointed out that
the three services are mutually interde-
pendent. But, he says that in order to avoid
costly duplication of effort, each service
"should specialize in developing forces for
certain specific functions."
This is certainly a logical contention, for
the highest quality of air power can be
gotten only through service specialization.
Getting the specialized forces. together as
a team is the primary job facing the Secre-
tary of Defense. Teamwork should not, how-
ever, be at the expense of specialization of
military power, especially Air Power.
The would-be critics of the Air Force
should face defense realities. Strategic bomb-
ing by land-based planes is the essential
beginning point in any defense plan for
using the mobilized land-sea-air team.
-David Belin.
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown.................Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson................Co-Managing Editor
I.ere Levin....................:...Sports Editor
Marilyn Jones..................women's Editor
Bess Young ..............................Librarian
Business Staff
Robert C. James..............Business Manager
Dee Nelson...............Advertising Manager
Ethel Ann Morrison..........Circulation Manager
James McStocker ................Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited
to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second-class mail matter.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
WASHINGTON-It has now been exactly
one year since this column first exposed
both the kickback skullduggery of Congress
man Parnell Thomas of New Jersey and the
fact that he had had soldiers transferred
away from the war front in return for polit-
ical contributions. Since then, Thomas has
been indicted, but pled sickness and has
never faced trial.
The other day, however, he was seen driv-
ing up to the Statler Hotel in a sleek green
Cadillac convertible looking in better health
than ever.
Despite his good health and prosperity,
Republican leaders in the House of Repre-
sentatives have quietly gone to Democratic
leaders to ask that the indictment against
Thomas be dropped. Congressmen stick to-
gether, and Democratic leaders are planning
to pass this plea on to the Justice Depart-
What will be done about it-if anything
-will be one of the first problems faced by
the new Attorney General, J. Howard Mc-
* * *
Congressman Graham Barden of North
Carolina, bitterly attacked by Cardinal
Spellman over his aid-to-education bill, was
in Rome last year where he was received by
His Holiness Pope Pius. With the Congress-
man was Mrs. Barden and their pretty 15-
year-old daughter, Agnes.
Barden and the Pope had a most cordial
conversation, following which His Holiness
presented the former North Carolina school-
teacher with a bronze papal pocket-piece
bearing the likeness of the Pope. He also
gave one to Agnes Barden, and in doing so,
he took the girl's hand in both of his and
said: "Blessings on you, my beautiful child."
Greatly impressed, little Agnes never for-
got that visit. A Presbyterian, she sang the
Pope's praises to other children when she
got back to North Carolina.
Then, one morning last month she picked
the paper up from the front door and
brought it to her father. Across the front
page were headlines: "Cardinal Spellman
attacks Congressman Barden."
"Oh, Daddy," exclaimed Agnes, in distress,
"I'm sure the Pope couldn't have told him
to say that."
* * *
Around the White House it's now said that
President Truman is looking for a painless
way to kick Gen. Harry Vaughan upstairs
providing "that S.O.B. Drew Pearson" and
the Senate investigating committee don't
make things too hot.
This stubborn loyalty quirk in Harry Tru-
man's makeup has been admired by some
people but doesn't benefit the taxpayers or
those interested in good government.
Furthermore, the new White House think-
ing about General Vaughan arises just as
another question-mark in the extraordinary
life of the General is being raised-namely
what connection he had with the attempted
purchase of all the remaining army scrap
iron in Germany.
This was another deal involving lobbyist
James V. Hut whose diary reads as if he
were almost a member of the White House
staff, and who,. with Vaughan, once had
the Army Band play one of Hunt's musical
compositions at a White House garden
The scrap iron deal took place in March,
1947, when Benny Bender of Shreveport, La.,
went to Germany and signed a contract with
the army for 150,000 tons of scrap iron on
behalf of the Carnegie-Illinois Steel Com-
pany. Returning to the U.S.A. Bender found
himself in some trouble with Carnegie-Illi-
nois, which apparently had not given him
full authority to act and which refused to
honor a draft against them for $206,000.
Bender was then faced with the problem
of getting the army contract for the scrap
iron transferred to his name rather than
that of Carnegie-Illinois, a rather difficult
deal, since Bender had no sizable funds of
his own.
* * * *
It was at this point that Bender went to
Vaughan's friend, lobbyist Hunt, the reputed
miracle man who was supposed to be able
to accomplish anything with the army. Hunt
signed a contract with Bender April 15, '47
by which he agreed to get the army to trans-
fer the scrap iron from Carnegie-Illinois to
Bender. Hunt's fee for this transfer was to
be $12,500.
If the transfer was for the best interests
of the army, of course, no fee or undue
influence should have been necessary.'
IT IS ALMOST ALWAYS worth while to
be cheated; people's little frauds have an
interest which more than repays what the;
cost us.
-L. P. Smith.
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All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-1
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
VOL. LIX, No. 34S
Attention August Graduates:
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Public
Health: Students are advised not
to request grades of I or X in Au-
gust. When such grades are abso-
lutely imperative, the work must
be made up in time to allow your
instructor to report the make-up
grade not later than 11 a.m., Au-
gust 18. Grades received after that
time may defer the student's grad-
uation until a later date.
Recommendations for Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to recomment ten-
tative August graduates from the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter, sent to the Registrar's
Office, Room 1513 Administration
Building by 11 a.m., August 18.
Graduate Outing Club members
who will be on campus between
semesters and wish to participate
in outings during this period are
requested to leave their names,
addresses, and telephone numbers
in the sign-up box at the check-
room desk in the Rackham Build-
Library Hours After the Sum-
mer Session. The General Library
will be closed at 6 p.m. daily be-
ginning August 12. Evening service
will be resumed on September 26.
The library will be closed for
repairs from August 27 through
September 5; and on all Saturdays
from August 20 through Septem-
ber 17.
It will be open from 8 a.m. to
6 p.m. Monday through Friday ex-
cept for the times noted above.
The Divisional Libraries will be
closed August 15 through Sep-
tember 17 with the exception of
Bureau of Government, Engineer-
ing, East Engineering, Mathema-
tics-Economics, and Physics, which
will be open on shortened sched-
ules. Information as to hours will
be posted on library doors or may
be obtained by calling University
Extension 653. Requests for ma-
terial from the closed libraries will
be taken care of at the Circulation
Desk in the General Library.
Lecture: Summer Law Institute
on Legal Problems of World Trade.
Room 138, Hutchins Hall. Discus-
sion: "Introduction to the Law of
International Sale of Goods,"
Ernst Rabel, Legal Research staff
of the Law School, and Mario
Matteucci, of Rome, Italy, discus-
sion leaders, 10:00 a.m. Panel dis-
cussion: "Legal Problems of In-
ternational Sales," Alan L. Gor-
nick, Ford Motor Company, chair-
man, 2:00 p.m. Panel discussion:
"Co-operatives in World Trade,"
William Sprague Barnes, Research
Associate in Comparative Law,
chairman, 8:00 p.m.
Lecture. "Dynamic Loads on
Beam Bridges." Lydik S. Jacobsen,
Chairman, Department of Me-
chanical Engineering, Stanford
University, 11:00 p.m., Room 445,
Doctoral Examination for Mar-
jorie Lee Browne, Mathematics;
thesis: "Studies of One-Parameter
Subgroups of Certain Topological
and Matrix Groups," Wednesday,
August 10, West Alcove, Assemblyc
Hall, Rackham Bldg., at 9:00 a.m.-
Chairman, G. Y. Rainich.
Doctoral Examination for Tu-
dor Lloyd Thomas, Jr. Chemistry;
thesis: "Thermodynamics of Ad-c
sorption from Solution" Wednes-
day, August 10, 1565 Chemistry
Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairlan, F.
E. Bartell.-
Doctoral Examination for James1
Holman Robertson, English;
thesis: "James Kirke Paulding, A1
Study in Literary Nationalism,"
Wednesday, August 10, 3217 An-c
gell Hall, at 7:15 p.m. Chairman,
J. L. Davis.
Doctoral Examination for
George Franklin Dasher, Chem-
istry; thesis: "Adhesion Forces at
Phase Boundaries," Tuesday, Au-]
gust 9, 1565 Chemistry Bldg., at1
2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. E. Bar-
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert Lawrence Hess, Engineering!
Mechanics; thesis: "Transverse
Vibration of Beams," Wednesday,
Aug. 10, 411A West Engineering
Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman J.
Doctoral Examination for Nel-]
son William Hovey, Chemistry;
thesis: "The Electrodeposition of
Copper-Lead Alloys," Monday,
August 8, 223 Chemistry Bldg., at
2:00 Chairman, A. L. Ferguson.
Doctoral Examination for Faus-
to Arturo Ramirez, Chemistry;
thesis: "Studies on the Confirma-
tion of the C/D Ring Juncture of
the Sex-Hormones," Monday, Au-
gust 8, 223 Chemistry Bldg., at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. E. Bach-
Doctoral Examination for Gor-
don Dunwell Hoyt, Physics; thesis:
"An Investigation of Short Dura-
tion Arcs in Rare Cases," Wed-
nesday, Aug. 10, East Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3:00
p.m. Chairman, W. W. McCormick.
Doctoral Examination for Fran-
cis Andrew Ballantine, Education;
thesis: "Age Changes in Measures
of Eye-Movements in Silent Read-
ing," Thursday, August 11, 4015
University High School, at 10:00
a.m. Chairman, I. H. Anderson.
Doctoral Examination for Elmer
K. Raunio, Chemistry; thesis:
"The Addition of Propiolic Esters
to Ketones," Thursday, August 11,
East Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W.
E. Bachmann.
Doctoral Examination for Curtis
Bradford Merritt, Education;
thesis: "The Relationship Between
Interest Level and the Discrepancy
Between Scholastic Aptitude and
Academic Achievement," Thurs-
day, Aug. 11, East Alcove, Assem-
bly Hall, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, H. C. Koch.
Doctoral Examination for Har-
old Eugene Broadbooks, Zoology;
thesis: "Life History, Behavior,
and Populations of the Western
Chipmunk, Eutamias amoenus af-
finis (Allen)," Tuesday, August 9,
3091 Natural Science Bldg., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, W. H. Burt.
The University of Michigan
Choir: The University of Michigan
Choir will give a concert under the
direction of Henry Veld, Guest
conductor, on Sunday, August 7,
at 4:15 p.m. at the Michigan
League Ballroom. Their program
will include compositions by Bach,
Glinka, Tschesnokoff, Willan, Ko-
daly, DiLassus, and Cain. The con-
cert is open to the public.
Stuent Recital: Bernard Kas-
tin, graduate student of piano
with Ava Case, will present a
program at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday,
August 9 in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree
of Master of Music. His program
will include compositions by Mo-
zart, Scriabine, Beethoven and
Ravel, and is open to the public.
Student Recital: Lucile Mathre
McGaha, graduate student of
piano with Joseph Brinkman, will
present a program at 8:00 p.m.,
Monday, August 8 at the Rackham
Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree. Her pro-
gram will include compositions by
Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, and
Debussy, and is open to the public.
Student Recital: Arthur Zuelzke,
graduate student of clarinet with
William Stubbins, will present a
program at 4:15 p.m., Monday,
August 8 in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Master
of Music. His program will in-
clude compositions by Hahn,
Spohr, Messager, Gaubert, and
Brahms. He will be assisted by
Emily Derrer, Cellist, and Wayne
Bohrnstedt, Pianist. This recital
is open to the public.
Architecture Building: Exhibit
of student work in design and in
city planning. (June 9-August 13).
Museum of Archaeology: An-
tiquities of the Mediterranean
Clements Library: Unique Can-
adiana: A selection of fifteen Ca-
nadian rarities in the Clements
Library. (June 20-Aug. 19).
General Library: Main lobby
cases. Contributions of the Ancient
Mediterranean World of Western
Events Today
Opera: La Boheme, world fa-
mous opera, at Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, tonight at 8 o'clock. Only
two more performances of this
colorful and romantic opera. Tick-
ets on sale at Theatre box office,
from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Michigan
League Bldg.
Mich. Hostel Club Square Dance.
Every Saturday night from 8:00
to 11:00 at Women's Athletic
Building. Refreshments and inter-
mission entertainment. Everyone
Coming Events
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at the North West entrance
of the Rackham Building, Sunday,
Aug. 7th at 2:15 p.m. for summer
sports; swimming if possible. All
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Letters to the EditorB-
vThe Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Athletic Policy
To the Editor:
IT'S ABOUT TIME that we re-
examined our athletic policy
here at the University.
Just what motivates our present
policy and what is its orientation
or direction? Are we, as is so often
charged, simply out to make more
money in order to build bigger
stadiums to make more money,
Or is the University striving
continually to provide facilities
and to encourage participation in
athletics by ALL of the student
While I am convinced that the
latter should be our policy, three
facts raise a question to which
the University should give a
straightforward answer.
When the Athletic Department
suddenly decided a year ago last
spring to introduce 25 cents per
hour tennis court fees, a large
portion of the student body was
bitterly and vocally resentful.
The Student Legislature then
called the fee an "actual disserv-
ice to the general student body
because it discriminates financially
against some students."
Many of us who opposed the
tennis fee feltthat it accentuated
the undesirable trend in American
society toward spectatorship rath-
er than personal participation.
More recently the Athletic De-
partment announced the discon-
tinuance of lightweight football
because of "heavy travel expenses"
and a lack of interest at other
schools. (The latter explanation
seems, incidentally, somewhat in
This doesn't affect as many stu-
dents as the tennis court fees but
it -does prevent fellows who enjoy
playing football from doing so-
thus continuing the unwholesome
policy of discouraging personal
And now we have an additional
10,000 football seats that will bring
in an additional sum best calcu-
lated by my friends in Bus. Ad.
It may be too late to revive
lightweight football and perhaps
our added revenue wouldn't cover
its expenses.
But if the Athletic Department
were to adopt a policy of encour-
aging general student body par-
ticipation in sports, the money
might be used to pay part of the
salaries of the tennis court at-
ten dants.
-Tom Walsh.
Two Churches?
To the Edito:
a letter from a Catholic who
advances arguments more cogent
than the recent inane quote from
"Our Sunday Visitor." Mr. Stew-
art's naivete is so obviously
grounded in good will that I am
reluctant to disabuse him of it.
Yes, Mr. Stewart, you have hit
the proverbial nail right smack
on its proverbial head; there are
two Catholic churches. One of
them is a welcomed sharer of the
American scene, the other a hate-
ful importation whose roots lie
not in the American constitutional
tradition but rather in the bones
of Savonarola and Torquemada.
Is Cardinal Spellman a prince of
the same church which enriched
us with a Cardinal Mundelein?
Can Francisco Franco be a co-
religionist of the late Justice
Frank Murphy?
Professor Ralph Barton Perry,
discussing "Religion in America"
here last year, reluctantly con-
cluded that there are many points
of doctrine where Catholicism and
the American Creed are irrecon-
cilably opposed. To be realistic
about the existence of such points
is not to be anti-Catholic.
Wherever the pattern of cler-
icalism appears in the United
States it must be opposed. I am
delighted to hear, Mr. Stewart,
that you will consider the candi-
dacy of Herbert Lehman for the
Senate on its merits. But the
whole point is that his name may
never get on the ballot, because
the hierarchy in New York is so
fondly affiliated with the Demo-
cratic machines there that it can
withhold the nomination from
Lehman. It is this covert politick-
ing which is so distasteful.
I have indeed read Blanshard's
articles in "The Nation." I urge
all interested persons to read them
and form their own conclusions.
They are available in the Maga-
zine reading room at Rackham.
Will not Mr. Stewart agree that
the real answer is the most wide-
spread possible publication of
Blanshard's arguments, coupled
with point-by-point replies by
some responsible representative of
the church? Cardinal Spellman, in
the best tradition of the Index
seems to prefer suppression and
It is interesting to note that
George Timone, placed on the
N.Y. City Board of Education at
Spellman's instigation, led the
fight to ban "The Nation" in the
city schools, even trying to prevent
a hearing for representatives of
the magazine before the board
acted. This same Mr. Timone was
also closely associated with the
ChristianFront,' racharming or-
ganization "pro Christ et Patria,"
whose stalwarts indulged in pistol
practice with a picture of FDR as
Try comparing Drew Pearson's
column of July 30, as printed in
The Daily, with the censored ver-
sion in the Free Press, which
omitted completely the long pas-
sage describing the cordial dislike
of Spellman's activities in many
sections of the church. Perhaps
the self-styled "Free Press" was
. . . . . ,
19.2 Cl- 11 J.".e. it 6 - P., O.M.
graduates, faculty and alumni are
Doctoral Examination for Ward invited.
no, - +1-. 4-inc' invited.