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August 06, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-08-06

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Latest Deadline in the State



Vf)lT. IX No.. MR

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Offered in
Arms Dispute
President's Blank
Check Power Out
ministration yesterday held out a
compromise to Congress in th
foreign arms aid dispute-a new
bill minus blank check powers fo
President Truman.
r It makes these changes: (1) I
no longer asks that President Tru-
man be empowered to decide what
nations may receive aid, (2) i
names the countries getting it
and (3) it ties arms for Atlantic
Treaty nations in with defens
plans to be worked out by the 12
pact nations.
* * *
BUT MR. TRUMAN refused to
give in on one of the principal
arguments. He stuck by the orig-
inal $1,450,00,000 figure which a
number of Republicans want tc
cut in half.
Drafted by Secretary of State
Acheson and approved by Secre-
tary of Defense Johnson, the
rewritten bill apparently made
some headway in reducing ob-
Jeations. Although others re-
mained, the administration was
in a better position to drive for
quick passage.
In the Senate, Chairman Con-
nally (D-Tex.) of the Foreign
Relations Committee introduced
the revised measure and said there
was a "fine reaction" to it in his
committee. He said it was a "vast
* * *
Mich.) ranking Republican on the
committee, said the bill had "sub-
stantially narrowed the area of
controversy." Some of the ob-
jections were removed, he said,
but some questions "are still wide'
Vandenberg complimented the
State and Defense Departments
for responding "so sympathet-
ically to the serious disagree-
7nent on the scope of the origin-
&I-bill an dthe delegation of
In the House, some Republicans
stuck to their criticism of the cost
of the program while welcoming
other changes in the bill. Rep.
Vorys (R-Ohio) said again "the
whole thing has got to be reduced."
Bank Reserve
Ratio Lowered
To Up Loans
eral Reserve Board yesterday or-
dered cuts in bank reserve require-
ments to make an extra $1,800,-
000,000 available for lending.
The cut in reserves is the sec-
ond in three months. It is the
latest in a series of "easy credit"
moves by the Reserve System to
bolster an economy which has
been slipping since last fall.
* * *
THE ORDER will permit banks
to lend-if they desire and if they
have loan applicants-a greater
portion of their deposits than at
any time since October, 1941, just
a few weeks before Pearl Harbor.
Reserve requirements refer to
the proportion of deposits that
banks in the Federal Reserve
System are required to post with
Federal Reserve authorities as

non-lendable reserves.
Board Chairman Thomas B. Mc-
Cabe said the Reserve unfreezing
was ordered after full discussion
by the seven-man board and the
five presidents on Federal Reserve
(central) banks.
Cabe said, the board acted, "with
primary regard to the general
credit and business situation and
the maintenance of orderly condi-
tions in the government security
Quake Kills 80
In Ecuador
QUITO, Ecuador-(P)-A series
of rocking earthquakes struck east
central Ecuador yesterday and at
least 80 persons-probably many
more-were reported killed.
At Ambato, 55 miles south of


SL Anti-Bias Plan
Will Go toParley
(Co-Managing Editor)
A "Michigan Plan" for the eventual elimination of discrimination
in organizations on campus originated by the Student Legislature will
be presented to the NationalIStudent Association Congress meeting
August 24, at the University of Illinois.
The plan is based on recent moves here to eradicate discrimina-
* * * *
THE UNIVERSITY Student Affairs Committee accepted the plan
by voting to refuse to recognize any future organization which pro-
* * hibits membership because of race,

1 4 Students
Represent U
AtNSA Meet
Fourteen University students
will attend the National Student
Association Second Congress, Aug.
24-Sept. 2.
They will also attend a pre-
Congress meeting of delegates and
alternates from the Michigan Re-
gion NSA Sunday, at Wayne Uni-
versity, Detroit.
The representatives were chosen
by the Cabinet of the Student Leg-
islature last Spring and will work
during the year with the SL NSA
* * *
THE COMMITTEE coordinates
student government on campus
with campus student governing
bodies throughout the nation.
Projects too large to be under-
taken on one campus alone are
handled by NSA.
The University delegates are:
Dick Hooker, NSA committee
chairman and delegation chair-
man; Don McNeil, Legislature
member; Quent Nesbitt, summer
SL had and fall term Legislature
vice-president; Leon Rechtman,
Legislature member and chairman
of the campus Committee to End
Discrimination; John Ryder, Leg-
islature president; Tom Walsh,
Legislature member; and Harvey
Weisberg, President of the NSA
Michigan region.
University alternates include:
Ed Lewinson, Legislature member;
Lester Moll, NSA committeeman;
Allan Wildman, president of the
Student Religious Association;
Craig Wilson, Co-Managing Edi-
tor of the Summer Daily and fall
Associate Editor; Dorrianne Zip-
perstein, NSA committeeman; and
Marvin Failer, NSA committeeman
and officer of the Association of
Independent Men; and Elliot
Charlip, NSA committeeman.
To iscuss
Law Relations
The Summer Institute at the
Law School will hold a series of
panel discussions on international
law relations.
At .10 p.m. the discussion will;
be on law governing international
sales referring to the Commercial
At 2 p.m. three panel members
will discuss practical differences
on foreign business, taxes and la-
bor relations. -
At 8 p.m. lawyers will discussi
"where cooperative organizations
fit into world trade.".
Among the panel members will
be Mario Mateucci, Italian legal
expert; Allan L. Cornick, associate
counselor for Ford Motor Co.;

religion or color.
It also required all present cam-
pus groups to file with the Office
of Student Affairs a constitution
or constitutional form "which sat-
isfied the pattern set forth in the
University regulations."
The new regulations set a
limit upon the spread of dis-
criminatory practices and bring
out "secret" existing regulations
against minority groups, ac-
cording to Tom Walsh, NSA
Both were Student Legislature
recommendations for SAC action,
and will be introduced at the
Congress by Walsh.
"The Michigan Plan would im-
plement NSA's Constitutional aim
of breaking down discrimination,"
Walsh said.
* * *
will ask that the second NSA Con-
gress urge its member schools to
initiate requests by the student
governing body to the school ad-
ministration to refuse recognition
to any new campus organizations
which have discriminatory clauses
in their constitutions or clauses,
according to Walsh.
The Michigan Plan will be a
compromise between no action
and the "Amherst Plan."
The Amherst Plan calls for
straight-over-the-board banning
of all campus groups with discrim-
inatory clauses, effective at a pre-
arranged date in the future.
Both alternatives to the Mich-
igan Plan have received strong
criticism, according to Walsh.
ON CAMPUS, the objective of
removing discriminatory clauses
was accepted unanimously as a
desirable goal.
Supporters of the plan argued
that its adoption:
1. Would constitute a recogni-
tion of discriminatory classes as
an evil by the student body
through its elected representatives
who, passed the recommendation
to the SAC.
2. Would halt further expansion
of groups with discriminatory
clauses without affecting any ex-
isting groups already recognized
and be a starting point for an
educational campaign to induce
members of present discriminating
groups to remove their restrictive
3. Would reduce the "black eye"
of unfavorable publicity discrim-
inatory clauses have brought down
on groups with restrictive regula-
* * *
The Michigan Plan of nat inter-
for ending all discrimination but
a first essential, constructive step
in eliminating discrimination in
an important segment of student
society," Walsh said.
The Michigan Plan of ont inter-
fering with present organized
groups will actually serve as in-
direct pressure on national fra-
ternity groups with discriminatory
clauses-if their further expansion
is limited, he declared.
The pressure would also
strengthen the hand of those
within fraternities who want to
remove the clauses, he said.

French Reds
Protest Presence
Of U.S. Chiefs
PARIS-(A)-Twentyfive hun-
dred Communists marched and
sang around the fringes of the po-
lice-packed Place de la Concorde
yesterday but failed to carry their
demonstration against the At-
lantic Pact to the doorstep of the
U.S. Embassy.
The semi-official French news
agency reported several persons
were slightly hurt and said around
100-including three women Com-
munist deputies of the National
Assembly-were arrested for re-
fusing to move on. The disturb-
ance was slight.
*' * *
the outskirts of the spacious
square chanted "we want peace"
and sang the Communist anthem,
The Internationale.
The three American Chiefs of
Staff, whose presence in France
was the pretext for the adver-
tised demonstration banned by
police, saw none of it.
They were at Fontainbleau at
the time, 35 miles away, on one
leg of a busy round of talks with
French and European Union mili-
tary commanders, exploring the
preliminaries for the Atlantic Pact
defense system.
* * *
SIX THOUSAND police and sol-
diers, using the customary massing
strategy to frighten off threaten-
ing Communist uprisings, kept the
peace in the Place de la Concorde.
The U.S. embassy is in a corner
of the great square.
A small Communist delegation
was permitted inside the em-
bassy. Brig.-Gen. Joseph O'Hare
of the embassy staff received
the delegation but said it was
not his place to accept any peti-
Ambassador David Bruce re-
fused to see the Communists to-
day but said he would be glad to
receive them tomorrow. Members
of the delegation said they wanted
to protest aggression against
"peace-loving Russia."
THE AMERICAN chiefs, Gen.
Omar N. Bradley, Adm. Louis Den-
feld, and Gen. Hoyt S. Vanden-
berg spent over four hours in mili-
tary talks on their first full day
In the forenoon they met with
the three French chiefs of staff
and lunched with them and de-
fense minister Paul Ramadier.
Then they went to Western Eu-
ropean Union military hea'iquar-
ters at Fontainbleau, the place
where Napoleon signed his abdica-
Vandenberg told reporters af-
terwards: "What we were talking
about was to get ideas of what
type of organization is best from
the military point of view."



To Support China
..VV(......-..E. ~. P u ts B la m e

* * ,' * '.



A ir Fair To Open Today
At willow Run Airport
A strafing attack, dozens of the Army and Navy's latest jet planes
and a two-mile delayed parachute jump will highlight the second
International Air Fair today and tomorrow at Willow Run Airport.
These and other sensational acts involving more than 400 air-
planes will be in store for the 100,000 expected crooked necks at
the Fair.
* * * *
THE STRAFING ATTACK will be on the airport itself, when

16 Army F-80 jets will fire ont
'U' Textbook
Loan Library
Needs Books
Wondering what to do with
those books you have used this
The University's Textbook Loan
Library has the perfect answer for
you. It needs your old books, re-
gardless of their condition or con-
was set up by the University to
provide all sorts of text books for
students with limited financial re-
Like all libraries, this one's
success depends upon the books
it can supply to its patrons. It
depends largely upon the gen-
erosity of students to secure the
volume it uses.
As students finish courses at
the end of each semester or sum-
mer session, the library quite nat-
urally expects a large inflow of
books to keep its stock complete
and up-to-date.
The end of this summer's term.
is no exception. In fact, the loan
library would like an even larger
inflow of books than usual this
summer. With fewer students get-
ting GI benefits the library is ex-
pecting more business next year.
So why bother with scroung-
ing around for a box for your
old textbooks so that you can
cart them home and let them
collect dust on an attic book-
shelf ?
You can save yourself a lot of
trouble by merely hauling the
books, be they about literature,
science or the arts, to the Angell
Hall Study Hall where loan library
personnel will collect them.
You can also do a great service
to students less fortunate than
yourself by making your own per-
sonal gift to the loan library.

the field with dummy 50 caliber
machine gun ammunition.
Jack Huber, dean of para-
chute jumpers, will bail out of
a plane two miles high. But he
won't pull the rip cord till he's
only 300 feet from the ground.
To enable the spectators to see
him better, he will let loose a
bag of flour as he goes down.
Most sensational of the acts will
be a speed demonstration of the
jet F-86 Sabre, Air Force's swept-
back wing fighter. The plane,
holder of the world's speed rec-
ord, will fly overtthe heads of
viewers at more than 600 miles
per hour.
iasts will be able to get into the
fun with a show of 150 model jet
planes from the Detroit Champion
Model Builders.
In a carrier take-off demon-
stration, 50 Navy Corsairs will
become air-borne in 16 minutes.
The planes will line up with
wings folded and take an ex-
ceptionally short taxi, all just
as they do off a flat-top.
Canadian Vampire jets, some of
the classiest maneuverers in the
business will strut their stuff, as
well as large civilian carrier
planes, including one take-off by
Jato jet-assisted take-off).
giant R-60, 189-passenger Lock-
heed Cnostitution, which amazed
thousands of persons in Detroit
recently. The Constitution will be
open during the fair for inspec-
tion from berths to bilge.
Running back several decades,
the fair will fly a 1910 high-
winged chicken-wired pusher
type bumblebuggy.
With all the planes flying to
and fro all afternoon, probably the
most startling sight will be a gen-
uine flying saucer tearing around
the airport.
All it is is a stunt to publicize
the show, built and flown by its
sponsors, the Aero Club of Mich-
igan. It is launched by throwing
out of a moving plane and has
a top speed of 15 miles per hour.
The fair's hours will be 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. both days, with flying
acts to start at 1:30 p.m. Tickets
can be had for $1.00 at the air-
port entrance. Parking is free.

Police 'Play
Dirty' To Help
Nab Speeders
Unmarked Patrol
Cars ProwlCity
"We'll have to play dirty if the
public won't cooperate in catching
speeders," Ann Arbor Chief of Po-
lice Casper Enkemann said yes-
Unmarked police cars will con-
tinue to prowl city streets nab-
bing unsuspecting speeders.
* * *
"IT'S LEGAL AS long as uni-
forms are worn by the police driv-
ing the unmarked cars," Enke-
mann explained.
"The choice of marking or not
marking police cars is complete-
ly up to local authorities," he
commented. "Some form of
identification is necessary, but
the officer's uniform is suffi-
Chief of Police Enkemann in-
augurated the use of unmarked
cars last week in an effort to check
"Unmarked cars have definitely
been effective," he said.
* * *
THIRTY-TWO speeders were,
nabbed last week by four patrol-
men riding in plain cars, while 21
arrests were made by their com-
patriots in the fancier autos.
The city of Ann Arbor had
operated for many years with-
out marking patrol cars, accord-
ing to Enkemann.
"It has been only within the
last five or six years that we have
been marking our cars," he said.
THE CASE FOR and against
unmarked cars is presented in the
"National Municipal Guids" pub-
lished by the National Municipal
Speaking for marked patrol
cars, the guide commented that
"potential violators of rules are
warned and the people can read-
ily see that their guardians are
on duty."
On the other side of the fence,
the guide says that unmarked cars
can "watch and pursue those wary
violators who escape detection by
uniformed cars, and they are use-
ful in apprehending criminals
wanted for other violations."
Apparently, most of the citizens
of Ann Arbor agree with the case
for unmarked cars.
There have been few complaints
by motorists arrested by the plain
cars, according to police.
"They seem to agree with us
that such a step is necessary and
they are willing to take their medi-
cine," Enkemann added.

On Chiang
For Collapse
Cites 5 Points for
Rebuldng State
man Administration yesterday
publicly abandoned all hope of
saving China from the Reds by
aiding its Nationalist Government,
and in an unprecedented blast, it
labeled that government as a dis-
mal failure in the war against
Instead of aiding it, the Admin-
istration laid down a policy of
encouraging the Chinese people
to throw off the "foreign yoke" of
a Red regime which, Secretary of
State Acheson charged, serves
Russian imperialism.
* * -
THE NEW TURN in American
policy was announced in a letter
from Acheson to President Tru-
man, presenting him with the long
awaited white paper on American
relations with China. It was am-
plified in a statement which Ache-
son made to a news conference an
hour after the white paper was
made public.
In the statement Acheson laid
down five "basic principles" for
American relations with China,
with emphasis on rebuilding "an
independent" Chinese nation.
Acheson argued that the Na-
tionalists are militarily incapable
of blocking the forward march of
the Red armies into those areas of
China which they do not yet act-
ually control.
But, Acheson said in his state-
ment, he does not at all share in
"the defeatist attitude" of some.
Rather he sees the Communists
extending themselves without be-
ing sure of their strength or of
the reactions in store for them in
China and elsewhere.
Truman that the Communist re-
gime might try to attack China's
neighbor nations in line with
"aims of Soviet Russian imperial-
The 1,054-page official record
of Chinese-American relations
is probably without parallel in
U.S. diplomatic history for its
criticism of another friendly
government. It bluntly blamed
China's fall to Communism on
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
and other Chinese Nationalist
leaders. It said their unwilling-
ness to win popular support for
their leadership was the root
cause of their "failures."
Not one battle was lost by the
Nationalists for lack of American
aid, Acheson told the President in
his letter. This aid since the end
of the war has totaled more than
$2,000,000,000, he reported.
The Administration report was
promptly assailed by members of
Congress who have long favored
greater assistance to the Chinese
Nationalists. Their attacks on the
report as a "face saving" explana-
tion were countered by Adminis-
tration supporters in Congress who
described the bulky document as
indicated in his statement yester-
day that he believes the Chinese
Communists may have taken on a
bigger job than they will be able
to handle in trying to rule the
country "in the interests of a for-
eign power." He said that they
are "committing themselves deep-
ly on the basis of unproved as-
sumptions as to the extent of their

own strength and the nature of
the reactions which they are bound
to provoke in China and else-
"The United States, for its
part," Acheson asserted, "will
be prepared to work with the
people of China and of every
other country in Asia to pre-
serve and to promote their true
interest, developed as they
choose and not as dictated by

Church Tod 'Cons ider
British Workers More'


"The church must make enor-
mous new efforts to devote itself
to the working class in Britain."
That was the opinion of the
Rev. Ronald Preston, who lectur-
ed yesterday in the Kellogg Audi-
torium. He spoke on the subject
"What Church and State Have'
Done toward Social Reconstruc-
tion in England."
WHEREAS fnrmerlv the wnrk-

liam Temple, archbishop of Can-
terbury has not been in vain.
Archbishop Temple was a man
to whom it mattered how God's
children were treated. He repre-
sents the theology and kind of
views the church adopted," he
* * *
church was not entirely success-
ful in reaching the working class-

w orld News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The military
establishment yesterday ccnsid-
ered whether to ask for extension
of the Draft Act, in view of army
sentiment for an "insurance pol-
icy" against sudden war. The Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee has
announced that the act probably
will be allowed to die next June
unless defense leaders then antici-
pate an emergency. But Lieut.
Gen. E. H. Brooks, Army personnel
director, told an interviewer today
the Ground Forces want the law
kept on the books to permit swift
mobilization in case of attack.
LONDON-A four-power high
command is being planned for
the Atlantic Pact Defense sys-
tem, diplomatic officials report-
ed. They said the projected Su-
preme Defense Council for the
12 pact nations would be run
by the United States, Britain,
France and Canada.
* * .*
HONOLULU - Harry Bridges,
president of the International
Longshoremen's and Warehouse-
men's Union, declared yesterday
he had come to Honolulu to de-.

EvenBach Had His Balmier Days

Those who like to think of Jo-
hann Sebastian Bach as a cold,
muenal n1musician may hbenr..

"Capriccio on the Departure of a
Beloved Brother," figures on two
student recitals given within a

The charming and somewhat
humorous movements have titles'
of their own. They describe in


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