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August 04, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-08-04

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THE DEPARTMENT of Speech and School
of Music have collaborated for another
musico-dramatic triumph, as last night's
audience at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will
testify. The occasion was the first niglt
performance of the opera, "La Boheme," by
Giacomo Puccini.
Puccini's melodies have an immediate
appeal; they may be tender or passionate,
but there is nothing subtle about them.
Consequently, the music could be easily
exaggerated into sentimentality. The
drama of "La Boheme" possesses sincerity
and reality, but hangs on a thin thread of
plot, and with its mixture of the comic
and tragic, could easily suffer the same
Last night's outstanding achievement was
the striking of the necessary balance. both
musically and dramatically. That this bal-
ance was reached, and in general maintained
throughout the performance, is to the credit
of Ml\4r. Wayne Dunlap, the musical director
and conductor, and Valentine Windt, the
As an outstanding scene to illustrate this,
one might choose the whole of the second
act, where the musical ensemble and the
dramatic action were at all times superbly
handled, down to the smallest detail.
Outstanding in the cast was Norma
Reyde, as Mimi. Mrs. Heyde's voice is well
produced at all registers, and shows con'
siderable variety in tone color. As an
actress, she brought the part of the frail
Mimi to life, endowing the part with real
Carol Neilson, as Musetta, also won mu-
cal and dramatic honors. Her vivacity and
volatile temperament contrasted perfectly
with Mimi's fraility and tendeness, as the
roles were meant to do. Her brilliant voice
was at its best in the familiar waltz.
Among the men, Robert Sill, as the painter
Marcel, stood out through intelligent use
of a fine baritone voice and convincing act-
ing. Jack Wilcox, the philosopher Colline,
and Malcolm Foster, in the role of the mu-
sician Schaunard, were of great aid vocally
and histrionically..
As the poet Rudolph, lover of the ill-
fated Mimi, Richard Miller sang well, his
rich tenor easily meeting the considerable
demands of the role. His diction was gen-
erally good, except on some high tones,
but whoever heard an operatic tenor who
was intelligible at all times? Dramatically,
though, Mr. Miller left a little to be de-
sired, his gestures and facial expressions
being sometimes too obvious.
Don Price contributed an excellent comic
bit as Alcindoro, Musetta's aged suitor.
Sets for the production were excellently
made up, in keeping with the atmosphere of
the opera. Costumes were also quite good,
though it was rather difficult to believe in
the poverty of the quartet of artistic young
men when two of them were so well dressed.
Two other minor points might be added
at the risk of being over-critical. The or-
chestra was occasionally too loud for the
singers, although this condition never lasted
very long. The other complaint applies to
opera in general as well as last night's per-
formance-why must applause interrupt the
continuity, especially in a drama so well-
knit as this one?
-Harvey Davis
THE VAGABOND, when rich, is called a
Composed by Giacomo Puccini and
presented by the Department of Speech
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
August 3, 1949. Directed by Valentine

Windt. Musical direction by Wayne
Dunlap. Costumes by Helen Forrest
Lauterer. Art direction by Oren Parker,
assisted by Harold Ross. Technical di-
rection by Jack E. Bender.
The cast:
Rudolph ................ Richard Miller
Mimi .................... Norma Heyde
Marcel .....................Robert Sill
Musetta ................. Carol Neilson
Schaunard............Malcolm Foster
Colline .................... Jack Wilcox
Alcindoro ................... Don Price
The Chorus: Elsie Bell, Ruth Campbell,
Una Chermerda, Jean Deal, Ralph Ham-
ilton, Mary Hammond, Beulah Hamkin-
son, Donald Harris, Mildred Hart, Suz-
anne Hendrian, William Hinton, Donald
Hoestetler, Presley Holmes, Valeska How-
ell, Alfred Johnson, Arlene Kool, Jacque
Normand, Phyllis Pletcher, Sunhild
Rauschkolb, Betty Lou Robinson, Reid
shelton, Janice Shively, Clarence Steph-
enson, Marvin White and Carolyn Whit-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

"You're Trying To Destroy Free Enterprise!"

Letters to the Editor

WASHINGTON-In the spring of 1946
when building materials were scarcer
than hens' teeth and several million veterans
were pounding the pavements looking for
homes, this columnist published a series ex-
posing the mysterious manner in which the
Tanforan race track at San Bruno, Calif.,
was able to flout the U.S. government and
spend $2,000,000 on new grandstands,
stables, etc.
Indicating they had "friends in Wash-
ington," Tanforan officials thumbed their
nose at court orders and went blithely
ahead with their building.
No one at that time knew the reason why.
Now, three years later, the backstage story
becomes clearer. The Tanforan race track
did have friends-including the President's
military aide, Gen. Harry Vaughan, t-
gether with his mysterious Greek sidekick,
John Maragon, and the now famous lobby-
ist, ex-Col. James V. Hunt.
Just when they started helping the Tan-
foran track is still not clear. Nevertheless,
General Vaughan has been serving as co-
ordinator for veterans affairs, and, as such,
his job is to protect veterans. Information
before the Senate Investigating Committee,
however, shows that he used his inflence to
help a race track get building materials sup-
posed to have been reserved for veterans.
For, when his friend, John Maragon,
couldn't get government building restric-
tions raised to help the Tanforan track,
Vaughan sent his other friend, James
Hunt, to the housing expediter. As a re-
sult, the office of housing expediter, also
supposed to protect veterans, sent a
memo to the Justice Department instruct-
ing them to lift the injunction which a
Federal judge in California had placed
against Tanforan's unauthorized use of
building materials.
* * *
The Tanforan track was owned by Joseph
H. Reinfeld, one of the biggest bootleggers
ever to operate rum boats off the New Jersey
coast during prohibition days, and once i-
dicted for the murder of Louis Lafera, a
prohibition agent who had seized his rum
boat "Herreshoff" with $75,000 worth of
whiskey aboard.
Came the end of Prohibition, and Rein-
feld became the exclusive distributor of
Haig & Haig, King William scotches,
Martini and Rossi vermouth; plus regional
distributor for Seagrams and Schenleys.
He also became the owner, with two
others, of the Tanforan race track. All
three, however, remained in the back-
On June 2 and June 22, 1946, ths col-
umnist first called attention to the Tanforan
violation of housing regulations. A review
of these columns shows that as early as
May, 1946, the Tanforan crowd seemed to
have mysterious influence in Washington,
which ruled that they were merely demol-
ishing former Navy construction.
U.S. authorities in California, however,
ruled otherwise. And on May 31, Gilbert
Kneiss, district Civilian Production Adminis-
tration representative, refused Tanforan a
permit for new construction, despite which
a CPA inspector on June 5 found Tanforan
continuing new construction.
In fact, Tanforan, for reasons best
known to itself, continued to ignore both
building regulations and U.S. Federal offi-
cials in California. Between June, 1946,
and Feb. 14, 1947, there were 18 viola-
tions of CPA regulations. In that period,
the track put up luxurious new construc-
tion despite orders to the contrary.
Finally this was too much for U.S. Judge
George B. Harris in San Francisco and,
on Feb. 14, 1947, he issued an injunction
banning further construction. Even this,
however, was ignored. The Tanforan boys
seemed to think they had protective friends
in Washington.
Significant excerpts from the Washington
Merry-Go-Round published at that time
read: "The Tanforan boys continued to

fix up their race track at a total cost of
around $2,000,000 . . . Their flouting of the
government appeared so willful that rumor
got round they had an 'in' with somebody
very high up . . . The contempt citation
was initiated by Judge Harris himself. CPA
officials apparently were standing on the
sidelines doing nothing about Tanforan's
continued violations of buildings materials,
so the alert judge decided to move . . . CPA
officials, when asked why they hadn't rec-
ommended prosecution, said: 'All our re-
ports have gone to Washington. We have
referred everything to Washington for their
decision.' . . . In Washington CPA counsel
Harold Price admitted that the Tanforan
report was on his desk but he had not had
time to study it."
While Washington marked time, how-
ever, U.S. Judge Dal Lemmon in Cali-
fornia proceeded with the prosecution.
Result: Guy Standifer, front man for Joe

Reinfeld, plus Tanforan contractors got
three months in jail and fines of $90,000.
Joe Reinfeld and the other two real own-
ers, never appeared in the picture and
were never prosecuted. In fact, their own-
ership was not known.
* * *
Just when the Maragon-Vaughan-Hunt
team stepped into the Tanforan picture also
is not known. According to information so
far unearthed by Senate investigators their
activity may not have started until after
Tanforan found itself faced with criminal
prosecution. At any rate the triumvirate
was remarkably successful.
For, in October and November, 1947, a
new inside lobbying drive was started in
-Washington to help Tanforan. This time,
it was stated, Tanforan had changed
owners. William Helis, Greek-American
oil operator in Louisiana and race-track
owner in New Jersey, evinced an interest
in the track and considered buying it. In
the end, it was purchased by Eugene Mori
of the Garden State Racing Association.
But Helis happens to be a close friend of
Gen. Harry Vaughan, and has used his
fellow Greek, John Maragon, to run errands
in Washington. Once Vaughan and Mara-
gon, after visiting Helis's Pancocas farms
in New Jersey, brought back a pig which
they turned loose in J. Edgar Hoover's office
as a joke on the unsuspecting FBI director.
It was after Vaughan, Maragon and Hunt
came into the picture that all of T'an-
foran's troubles suddenly vanished. Maragon
and Hunt made some calls at the office of
the housing administrator and shortly there-
after the Justice Department was asked to
lift its order banning Tanforan from the use
of building materials.
More about the mysterious team of Mar-
agon, Vaughan and Hunt and what they

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
theyare received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and lettersvof a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
To the Editor:
WHEN I RETURN to up-state
New York this fall to teach
in a Jesuit college, it will undoubt-
edly be made clear to me that I'm
not to vote for Herbert Lehman
if he runs for the Senate.
But it won't be the Catholic
press of the Catholic pulpit that
will warn me against doing this.
It will, be the Republican Party.
As for the Jesuits-I'll find some
fellow Democrats in their ranks.
And if Mr. Lehman promises
to work for the St. Lawrance Sea-
way and power projects, the parish
priest who is plagued by fuel and
light bills will have to be a good
Republicans not to vote for the
former governor.
Letters like the one from David,

Saletan make far more interesting
reading than this one. And col-
umns like Drew Pearson's in
Thursday's edition set me to won-
dering if there are two Catholic
churches with two sets of clergy
and Cardinals Spellman.
Did Mr. Saletan read the ar-
ticles in "The Nation"-Then he
knows but did not say that Paul
Blanchard didn't confine himself
to a criticism of the Church's "po-
litical activities." For instance the
fine ladies in religious garb, who
are studying with us this summer
were effectively misrepresented by
the author. But why argue with
those who don't believe good writ-
ing is also, in this case, anti-Cath-
The O'Dwyer - Spellman - City
Board of Education incident in
Mr. Saletan's letter is something
new to me." I would not defend
it. However, I'd like more details
on the affair.
As for Pearson-I'm sorry he
had to admit in his column that
Cardinal Spellman took no part
in F. D. Roosevelt, Jr.'s, congres-
sional race. It may be incredible
to Pearson, but not to a Catholic.
-Martin Stewart.

Minority Groups
Can Student Organizations Help?


(Continued from Page 1)

SLIGHTLY MORE THAN half of the students knew that there
are barbershops in Ann Arbor which do not serve Negroes.
"Do you happen to know that there are barber shops in
Ann Arbor which do not serve negroes?"
Yes... . .53% No..... 46% Not Ascertained.....1%
Students answering "no" to the question include those who believe
local barbershops do serve Negroes, and those who don't know whether
they do or not.
* * * *
THE AMOUNT OF information which the student has about
discriminatory practices in local barbershops is to some extent related
to their general attitude toward social contacts with Negroes.
Those students whose attitude is relatively favorable are more
likely to have heard about anti-Negro discrimination in barber-

accomplished inside the
folllow tomorrow.
(Copyright, 1949, Bell3

government will
Syndicate, Inc.)

[ooking Back

The Engineers took the

shops than those whose attitude is unfavorable.
Attitude toward social contact with Negroes:
Relatively Less
favorable favorable
YES, Knew about barber shops........65% 49%
NO, Didn't know about barbershops. . . .34 46
* * * *


"Little Pennant"

in the University's baseball league, with 7
wins and 2 losses. The Lits were second.
with 6 wins and 3 losses, while the lawyers-
and medics held down the second division.
The first unit of the Law Quad "mill'
be finished by Sept. 15 and 160 to 170
lawyers will be able to move into the
dorm, all decorated and equipped to match
the architecture (?) of the building-
(Wonder if they'll have to sleep on straw
mats on the floor?)
A likely candidate for the mayorship of
New York City was a Republican, Fiorella H.
La Guardia, to oppose Jimmy Walker, Tam-
many candidate. Both candidates are wets.
A tough, 52-year-old University chimney,
behind the West Engineering Building,
came out in a draw as demolition crews
tried to knock it down. After a day of
hitting a steel ball against the towering
vent, 18 feet of concrete foundation still
stood defiantly. But finally the wreckers
lost their patience and literally dug it out.j
-From the Pages of The Daily. j
r t '
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Prown.................Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson ..................Co-Managing Editor
,1erleLevin ....................Sports Editor
Marilyn Jones...................Women's Editor
Bess Young ..............................Librarfin
Business Staff
Robert C. James .................Business Manager
Dee Nelson................Advertising Manager
Ethel Ann Morrison..........Circulation Manager
James McStocker............... Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited
to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second-class mail matter.

A LARGE MAJORITY of the students feel that Negroes should
be served in local barbershops:
"Do you think they should serve Negroes or not?
No, or the decision should be up to the proprietor... 19
Don't know ........................ .............. 2
* * * *
THE MAJORITY OF students do not approve picketing those
barbershops which refuse to serve Negroes.
"Last year a student organization picketed a campus barber-
shop which did not serve Negroes. What do you think about
actions of this sort?"
Disapprove very much ....................... 9%
Disapprove ..................................52
Neutral or undecided ........................ 8
Approve .....................................24
Approve very much .......................... 5
* * * *
THE CHIEF REASONS given for disapproval of picketing are
that it is futile or that it might antagonize people.
Reasons for approval or disapproval of picketing:
No reason given .............................39%
Futile ...................................... .24
Antagonizes people........................12
Dramatic, brings issue to public attention .... 8
Stupid, emotional ........................... 8
Not necessary ............................... 6
Un-American, radical .....................4
Does more harm than good .................. 3
Healthy student activity ..................... 3
Effective .................................... 2
Solidifies barber's opposition .................1..
THE STUDENTS ATTITUDES toward picketing bears some
relation to their general attitude toward social contacts with negroes,

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building."
VOL, LIX, No. 32S
Refresher Course in School Vo-
cal Music, Hussey Room, Michigan
League. Program: 9, Efficient Su-
pervision and Administration of
the Music Department, Marguer-
ite Hood. 10, Choral Music and
the Dance, Louis Diercks. 11, Op-
eretta Production, Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. 1, Problems of
First Year Teaching, Thurber
lM adison. 2, Demonstration Choir
Rehearsal, Henry Veld. 3:30, Ball-
room, General Forum on Factors
in a Successful Career in Music
Education, Marguerite Hood,
chairman; Lawrence Vredevoe,
Louis Wersen, David Mattern.
Refresher course in String
Teaching, Michigan League Ball-
room. 9, Beginning Violin Class
Techniques, Thurber Madison.
10:30, Building String Quartets,
Oliver Edel. 1, Demonstration of
String Ensemble and Orchestra
Rehearsal Procedures, Louis Wer-
sen. 7, University High School, A
Rehearsal of Intermediate String
Quartet Music, under the direc-
tion of Oliver Edel.
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces an examination for
the position of librarian. The clos-
ing date is August 23, 1949.cFor
further information, call at the of-
fice of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
The Annual Masters Breakfast
will be held Sunday, August 7, at
9:00 a.m., in the Michigan League
Ballroom. If you are fulfilling the
requirements this summer for the
master's degree and have not re-
ceived your invitation and ticket,
please call at 3510 Administration
Building before noon on Friday,
August 5.
To all students having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books borrowed from the
General Library or its branches
are notified that such books are
due Monday, August 8.
. 2. Students having special need
for certain books between August
8 and 11 may retain such books
for that period by renewing them
at the Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students
who have not cleared their rec-
ords at the Library by Friday, Au-
gust 12 will be sent to, the Cash-
ier's Office and their credits and
grades will be withheld until such
time as said records are cleared
in compliance with the regulations
of the Regents.
Examination Schedule:

6, at 11:00 a.m. Both lectures will
be held in Room 445, West Engi-
neering Building. All who are in-
terested are invited.

The last in the series of infor-
mal talks on the history of
strength of materials and of the
theory of elasticity sponsored by
the Department of Engineering
Mechanics will be presented by
Sir Richard Southwell from 7:30
to 9:00 p.m., Thurs., evening, Aug.
4, in Rm. 311, West Engineering
Bldg. His topic will be "S. Ven-
ant's Work in Elasticity and Plas-
ticity." All who are interested are
invited to attend this meeting.
Summer Session Lecture Series;
"National Resources and Inter-
national Security." Edwin G.
Nourse, Council of Economic Ad-
visers, Executive Office of the
President, 4:15 p.m. today, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. Students en-
rolled in Forestry 194S and City
Planning 2005 are expected to
attend this lecture. Other students
and the general public are in-
Lecture. "Analogy." Professor
W. Freeman Twaddell, Brown
University, 7:30 p.m., Rackham
Lecture. "The Present Situation
in Italy." Mario Matteucci, Italian
legal expert and visiting speaker
in the Institute on Legal Problems
of World Trade, 8:15 p.m., Kel-
logg Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Mayer
Jerison, Mathematics; thesis: "The
of Bounded Maps into a Banach
Space," Friday, August 5, East
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.,
at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, S. B.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will pre-
sent a program on Wednesday and
Friday, August 3 and 5 at 7:15
p.m. His program will include se-
lections by Van den Gheyn, the
Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, 8
Polish Folk Songs, and a selection
of Saint-Saens. The Rackham ter-
race is open for those who would
like to listen to the program.
Student Recital: Newton Gra-
ham, Student of cello with Oliver
Edel, will present a program at
8:00 p.m., Friday, August 5 at
the Kellogg Auditorium, in par-
tial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor
of Music. His program will include
compositions by Boccherini,
Brahms, Faure, Debussy, Saint-
Saens, and Granados, and is open
to the public.
Student Recital: Kathryn Bush,
graduate student of piano with Jo-
seph Brinkman, will give a recital
on Friday, August 5 at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
This concert was previously sched-
uled for July 25th but was post-
poned to the above date. Her
program, which is given in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music, will
include compositions by Bach,
Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Pro-
Student Recital: Barbara Blythe
Zerby, graduate student of piano
with John Kollen, will present a
program at 8:00 p.m. Thurs., Aug.
.4 at the Rackham Assembly Hall,
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Mas-





since those students with a more favorable attitude
indicate more approval of picketing.
Attitude toward social contact with Negroes:
Attitude toward picketing:

* to Negroes
Approve very much .. .13%
Approve ..............32
Neutral .............. 3
Disapprove ...........41
Disapprove very much 11
* * *

to Negroes

toward Negroes
to Negroes




"COULD YOU OFFER suggestions for action which would get at
the problem in a different (from others listed above) or better ways?"
No suggestions ..............................239%
Official University Policy ....................24
Educational and religious activities ...........17
Campus organizations and activities..........16
Militant action ..............................2
Hopeless,.nothing can be done ................ 1
* * * *
STUDENTS WERE ASKED what action they thought the Uni-
versity administration should take in connection with campus organi-
zations which are restrictive in their membership.
There is considerable disagreement among students as to
whether the University ought to recognize organizations which
restrict their membership on racial or religious grounds.
"There are some organizations on campus which refuse member-
ship to individuals because of their race or religion. In your opinion,
should the University recognize, or refuse to recognize, such organi-

Hour of
8:00 a.m.-Thurs.,
9:00 a.m.-Fri.,
10:00 a.m.-Thurs.,
11:00 a.m.-Fri.,
1:00 p.m.-Thurs.,
2:00 p.m.-Thurs.,:
3:00 p.m.-Fri., :

Time of




All other hours Fri., 4:00

The Seminar in Applied Mathe-
matics will meet Thursday, Aug. 4
at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 247 West En-
gineering. Dr. E. K. Ritter of the
Aero Research Center will speak


I 'AL. Af c,Wi ~rI *rclto cut vounIr fahe~r and



He will. When he sees the pearls.


He was having trouble opening his cage at the


Jewish Students







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