See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
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60 Students
Get $14,000
In Awards
Budget Delays
'Sixty students have been award-
ed $14,000 in scholarships for th
academic year 1949-50, according
to the Literary College Scholar-
ship Committee.
The awards were given on a
basis of academic record and fi-
nancial need of the students.
ANNOUNCEMENT of the pres-
entation was late because of the
delay of final University budget
Major winners were: Walter
Johnson, '50, Mt. Morris; Thom-
as Maletta, '51, Queens, N.Y.;
Harry Berg, Ann Arbor; Harvey
The Dr. and Mrs. O. B. Camp-,
bell Scholarships went to Eliza-
beth Vinieratos, '50, Hampton,
Va.; Dorothy Ketchum, Wayne;
Helen Baker, '50, Ann Arbor; Wil-
liam Kotapish, '50, Chicago.
arship: Henry Boldt, '51, Mem-
phis, Tenn.; Jack Hess, '51, Char-
lotte; Paul Graffius, '50, Ann Ar-
s Phebe Howell Marsh Scholar-
ship: Edward Poindexter, Lan-
sing; Frances Little, '50, An-
dover, Mass.
Fanny Ransom Marsh Scholar-
ship: Alfred Raphelson, '50, Wash-
ington, D.C.
John Pitt Marsh Scholarship:
Vernon Emerson, '52, Detroit.
* * *
- Scholarship: Raymond Lewkowicz,
'52, Jersey City, N.J.
Class of '26 Scholarship: Eliz-
abeth Gordy, '50, Ann Arbor.
James B., Margaret S. and
Charles J. Hunt Scholarship:
Lloyd Putnam, '50, Jackson; Sarah
McHale, Ann Arbor.
* * *
OTHER MAJOR scholarship
winners were:
Florence Lindamood, '51, Mon-
roe; David Locke, '51, Escanaba;
Janet O'Donnell, '50, Springfield,
Mass.; Maureen Golden, Dear-
born; Gladys Quale, '52, One-
kama; Murray Levin, '52, Pontiac;
Martin Imber, '52, Detroit; Wil-
liam Weber, '52, Iron Mountain.
Walter Tabar, Almont; Mary
Manley, '50, Detroit; Peter Kar-
del, Charlotte; Joseph Zinnes,
'52, Irvington, N.J.; Howard
Roodvoets, Grand Rapids; Her-
bert Eichstaedt, '50, Sault Ste.
Marie; Willis Shafer, '51, Mel-
rose, Mass.; Stephanie Sargent,
'50, Ann Arbor.
Virginia Elliott, '52, Plymouth;
Leo Kivela, '51, Rudyard; James
Osborn, '51, Kalamazoo; Cheryl
Yoshihara, '50, Ann Arbor; Mar-
vin Sendrow, '52, Philadelphia;
Charles Arnade, '50, Long Island;
James Poppy, '50, Iron Mountain;
Patricia James, '50, Detroit.
LLOYD APPELL, '51, Birming-
ham; Naomi Schlossberg, '52, De-
troit; Wilmore K. Brown, '50, De-
troit; Howard Fosler, '50, Spring
Lake; Irma Koppel, '50, Brookline,
Mass.; Merton Aidinoff, '50, New-
port, R.I.; Sherwin Wine, Detroit;
Samuel Luborsky, '52, Detroit.
Douglas Cutler, '52, Muskegon
¢L Heights; William Hauke, '50, New-
ark, N.J.; Thelma Williams, '51,
Wyandotte; Terence Benrow, '51,
Wyandotte; Charles Weber.
Red 'Slavery '
Charged in
GENEVA, Switzerland - (A) -
British charges of a new slavery
in Russia, organized on a mass
production basis, yesterday touch-
ed off a bitter debate in the Unit-
ed Nations Economic and Social
Amazasp Arutiunian, Soviet
delegate to the 18-nation council,
immediately accused British dele-
gate Corley Smith of trying to
emulate the late Nazi propaganda
minister, Joseph Goebbels, "by re-
peating the same lies and slanders
which Goebbels disseminated."
THE RUSSIAN spokesman gave
several reasons for the British
charges, most startling of which
was that the accusations were a
smokescreen to cover the activities
_ _
Nourse Endorses
'Brannan Plan'
GOP Favors
As Chairman
Wins ERP Fight,
Edwin G. Nourse, chairman of
the President's Council of Eco-
nomic Advisers, yesterday endors-
ed several of the principles of the
controversial Brannan farm plan.
Nourse is here as a lecturer in
the University's summer session
lecture series on "Natural Re-
sources in World Affairs."
* * *
IN A SPECIAL interview, Nourse
told The Daily that "it is highly
desirable that the parity formula
be brought up to date, and that
it be kept up to date as conditions
change." The Brannan plan would
U.S., British
Hold Talks
On .defense
LONDON-(A') - Plans for de-
fending the Atlantic Pact nations
of Western Europe took form yes-
terday at the first conference of
top-level British and American
commanders here since the end
of the war.
Following a closely guarded,
four-hour conference, Admiral
Louis E. Denfeld, U.S. Chief of
Naval Operations, said the com-
pletion of a defense setup under
the North Atlantic Treaty "might
be done before the end of the
would take too long," Denfeld said,
reporting "considerable progress"
by the joint chiefs of staff of the
two nations.
Denfeld, Gen. Omar Bradley,
army Chief of Staff, and Gen.
Hoyt S. Vandenberg, U.S. Air
Force Chief, met formally for
three hours, then chatted infor-
mally an hour longer with Brit-
ish commanders. They were ac-
companied by Maj. Gen. A. M.
Gruenther, U.S. Joint Staff Sec-
The four Americans flew here
after talks in Germany with Ital-
ian and Luxembourg military
chiefsand U.S. occupation com-
manders. They will see Danish
and Norwegian armed forces lead
ers here today, then proceed to
Paris for talks with the French,
Belgians, Dutch and Portuguese.
DETAILS of yesterday's discus-
sion at the British cabinet offices
in Whitehall were not disclosed.
It was known, however, that
they centered on two problems:
1. The type and size of land,
sea and air forces necessary to
keep the peace in Europe against
any threat of Communist aggres-
Laing Cites
Party Patterns
In Canada
Liberals Represent
Compromise Spirit
Any party which seeks to come
to power in Canada must rise
above narrow secdionalism and
base its appeal upon national in-
That was the opinion of Prof.
Lionel H. Laing, of the political
science department. He spoke last
night on "Sectionalism in Cana-
dian Politics."
been almost continuously in power
since 1921. Last month's election
resulted in a landslide victory for
the Liberals and its leader Louis
St. Laurent, who heads the Cana-
dian government.
Prof. Laing pointed out that
the representation of the Liberal
party does not rest upon any
single province or section.
"The Canadian Liberal party
represents the spirit of compro-
Striking contrasts in the geo-
graphic regions of Canada tend
to create economic differences,
Prof. Laing said.
* * *
THE RETURNS of the last
eleetinn illutrat the wdenmna
bring about such a change in the
parity formula.
Parity refers to the adjust-
ment of current farm prices so
that they bear the same rela-
tionslip to certain lion-agri-
cultural prices as did farm prices
to the same non-agricultural
prices in a base period which
was reasonably prosperous for
the farmer.
"Economically, the principle of
having income support rather than
price support is a sound one,"
Nourse said. The Brannan plan
calls for just such income support.
* * *
NOURSE added that "the level
at which farm income is to be
supported must not be so high as to
affert the government's budget
adversely, nor so rigid as to pre-
vent shifts from surplus produc-
tion areas."
The economist described the
current employment picture as
This comment was based on
figures released yesterday by the
census bureau, which showed that
employment this month was high-
er than that for any other month
this year, with only a slight in-
crease in unemployment.
NOURSE also answered an at-
tack which Sen. Harry F. Byrd
(D.-Va.) made recently on the
Council of Economic Advisers.
Byrd had asktd if ideas expressed
by the council were "American."
In answer to this question,
Nourse said "My family came to
Massachusetts in 1642. I learned
my economics at Cornell and the
University of Chicago.
"There are no foreign ele-
ments in my economics, except
in the sense that truth, is inter-
According to Nourse, the func-
tion of the Council of Economic
Advisers is "not to develop par-
ticular doctrines of its own, but
to try to process the best of eco-
nomic thinking for consideration
by the President."
Nourse will speak at 4:15 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture Hall
on the Marshall and Truman
plans, among other things. His
general topic is "Quo Vadimus."
ReportI1 NeW
Polio Eases
In Michigan
LANSING-(A)COlnly 11 new
cases of infantile paralysis were
reported yesterday s- the lowest
daily total since July 15.
The additions brought the case
load for the state to 426 for the1
* m
ported, however, to bring the toll
to 7. There were 67 polio cases'
and eight deaths at this time last,
Elsewhere-infantile paralysis
totals are still mounting but
there is some evidence of a
slackening of the upward pace,
the U.S. Public Health Service
reported yesterday.
The Service said new cases
throughout the nation in the week
ended July 30, totalled 1,963-
more than 100 greater than the
1,839 reported during the worst
week of the 1948 epidemic. That
was the week ended Sept. 18-the
peak week of the epidemic, after
which the number of cases re-
ported weekly began to drop.
* * *
SINCE THE beginning of the
so-called "polio season," a total
of 7,375 cases have been listed for
this year, against 5,443 for the
comparable 1948 period.I
Beats Down Funds
Seen in Scott Job
WASHINGTON -(P) - Repub-
licans gathering for their "har-
mony" meeting today reported
yesterday it was Guy George Gab-
rielson of NewaJersey against the
field for election as National Com-
mittee Chairman.
All contended that the N'ew
Jersey committeeman was in the
lead to succeed retiring Rep. Hugh
Scott of Pennsylvania. Whether
he had enough votes was debat-
able, however.
WESTERN delegations were try-
ing to find a candidate west of
the Alleghenies who would com-
mand substantial support in op-
position. Members from the key
1948 Republican states of New
York and Pennsylvania also were
looking for a man, although pub
licly they said they were not for
or against anyone.
All agreed that the new chair-
man, who will hold office until
the 1948 national convention,
should have the backing of a
substantial majority of the 102
member committee (there are
three vacancies), not just a bare
Gabrielson's opponents were
talkin gof committeemen Harry
Darby of Kansas and Arthur E.
Summerfield of Michigan, but
both told reporters they were un-
available because they feel they
cannot leave their businesses for
the full time committee job.
* * *
THE WESTERN opposition was
discussing Axel J. Beck of South
Dakota, a committee member, and
A. T. (Bert) Howard, state chair-
man of Nebraska. Friends of both
were conducting open campaigns,
but others said support for them
was only scattered.
The opposition to Gabrielson
centered around the argument
that he was for Senator Taft of
Ohio for the Presidential nom-
ination last year and that he
comes from the east. The east
is already represented by Sen.
Brewster of Maine and Rep.
Leonard W. Hall of New York,
as chairme nof the Senate and
House campaign committees.
Gabrielson, when asked about
this, told newsmen he was for
Taft in 1948, but was not a dele-
gate to the convention. He said
he is "completely neutral" as to
future presidential candidates, and.
would not take the job if he were
not. He also replied that he was
born and raised in Iowa.
* * *
"NO ONE CAN unite the party
unless he is neutral and the same
goes for Republican factions in
the party," he said.
Gabrielson said he is available
if the party wants him and added:
"My friends tell me I have a ma-
jority of the committee."
Opponents disputed this and
added Gabrielson's support was
shaky in spots.
Playhouse To Air
Kipling Drama '
Rudyard Kipling comes to life1
tonight when the Angell Hall
Playhouse presents "Miss Youg-
hal's Sais."
The play will be broadcast at
11:00 p.m. over station WHRV. It
is a fascinating detective-romance
adapted for radio by Jacqueline
Gabourie, set in all the color and
charm of India aS Kipling knew
A sias is a type of manservant.
Delightful deception is created
when Miss Youghal's suitor be-
comes her sias.
Ask Spending
On Surpluses
Little Chance for
Other Changes
WASHINGTON -(A')- The ad-
ministration won an important
victory on the big foreign aid
appropriation bill yesterday when
it beat back an attempt to re-
quire that $1,350,000,000 of Euro-
pean recovery funds be spent for
surplus U.S. farm crops.
A similar amendment to so ob-
ligate $450,000,000 of army funds
for relief in occupied areas re-
mained pending, but the Senate's
decision made its chances dim.
* * *
THE FARM amendment went
out on a point of order, upheld by
e the Senate 52 to 32 when it was
A SAD DAY AT THE BANK-Occupants of the Georgia Avenue branch of the City Bank in Wash
ington, D.C., including a uniformed guard (right), stand outside weeping after an employ
accidentally tripped a release on a tear gas bobm intended to foil burglars.
Minority Groups
Can Student Organizations Help?
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the sixth of seven articles on the Survey Research
minority group report. Clip them-they will serve as the basis for student
and administration action in the fall.)
(Co-Managing Editor)
Campus organizations and the problem of solving racial discrim-
ination are studied in the sixth section of the University Survey
Research Center's report on "Campus Attitudes Toward Minority
"HAVE YOU NOTICED anything that campus organizations have
done to try to solve the problem of racial discrimination?"
Have noticed things campus organizations have done....67%
Have not noticed things they have done . .... . ..........33
* * * *
"WHICH OF THESE activities do you think have been worth-
"Which do you think have NOT been worthwhile?"
Worthwhile Not Worthwhile
Militant action (mass meetings, picketing,
petitions ............................. 8% 20%
Campus organizations and activities (inter-
Racial Association, Michigan Daily,
Student Legislature, Committee to End
Discrimination).....................39 5
Educational and religious activities (lectures,
church socials, Student Religious
Associations) ......................... 7 1
Official University policy, non-discrimination
in classes, housing) ............... . . . .12 1
On "militant action," many students referred specifically to the
picketing of barber shops as a tactic they considered unwise. (IRA
members picketed in December, 1947. Later, the group pursued ,its
objectives by other means.)
World .dews A t A Glance
By The Associated Press '
WASHINGTON-John J. McCloy, American High Commissioner
for Germany, opened a round of talks with top government officials
yesterday on organization of a 10-man cabinet to handle American
ACL Will
The Art Cinema League has
chosen "Professor Mamlock" as
its last offering of the summer
The advance sale will start in
the League lobby at 2 p.m. today
and continue through Saturday.
Tickets may also be purchased
at the Architecture Auditorium,
where the film will be shown Fri-
day and Saturday. Times for the
showings are 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.
. * * *
the best Russian film I have seen,"
according to Art Moskoff, who
will take over the ACL manage-
ment in the fall. "It is one of the
films from the Museum of Mod-
ern Art."
The movie was made in the
middle of the Thirties and deals
with Germany at the time when
Hitler came to power. It shows
the Russian attitude of that
The hero is a Jewish physician
who avoids politics and devotes his
whole life to curing people. The
professor is finally made to rea-
lize that he cannot ignore the
surging tide of Nazism, but it is
too late for him, and he dies.
THE ART Cinema League has
made tentative plans for a sub-
scription series in the fall. Three
or four foreign movies would be
shown under the system. The for-
eign language clubs would aid in
the selection of French, German,
Russian or Spanish films.
Deadline Aug. 5
For Loan Prints
All student loan prints rented
for the summer session must be
returned to Room 508 in the Ad-
ministration Building by tomor-
row, August 5.
A fine of five cents will be
charged students for each day that
a picture is held after that date.
The print loan office is open
from 8-12 a.m. and from 1-5 p.m.
Monday through Friday.
Vice President Barkley, the
Senate's presiding officer, ruled
that the amendment offered by
Senator McClellan (D-Ark.) was
an attempt to write new legis-
lation into an appropriation bill,
forbidden by Senate rules.
Senator Lucas of Illinois, raised
the point of order. Senator M-
Kellar (D-Tenn.) appealed from
Barkley's ruling.
THE DECISION, taken late in
the day, removed the biggest
threat to final approval of the
measure, now confidently antici-
pated by its backers. A similar but
somewhat more involved parlia-
mentary dispute last weekad
sent the $5,647,724,000 mrie&Yik
back to the appropriations com-
The bill contains $3,628,380,-
000 for Marshall Plan spending
in the current fiscal year by the
Economic Cooperation Admin-
istration (ECA), as well as $1,-
074,000,000 EAC money for the
last quarter of the 1949 fiscal
year, $900,000,00 for the army's
government and relief expenses
in occupied areas, and smaller
sums to furnish economic aid to
Greece and Turkey.
In a lengthy speech, McClellan
insisted on consideration of his
crop amendment. If adopted, none
of the money set up for the pur-
chase of surplus crops would have
been used for any other purpose.
McCLELLAN called his proposal
a taxpayers' amendment.
"It relieves them of paying
out dollars for farm surpluses
and the paying out extra dol-
lars for Europe to buythose
same products elsewhere," he
The administration fought the
proposal with everything it had.
ECA administrator Paul Hoffman
contended. its adoption would tie
his hands and threaten the suc-
cess of the entire recovery pro-
GOP Seeks
Changes in
Arms Plan
WASHINGTON-(P)- Republi-
cans predicted yesterday that pow-
er for the President to arm any
nation will be stripped from the
Administration's $1,450,000,000
foreign arms bill before it gets
out of the House Foreign Affairs
The Committee spent today be-'
hind closed doors, questioning
Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer of the
Army, Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner of the
State Department, and a battery
of assistants.
When it quit for the day, two
Republican members told report-
ers that broad presidential pow-
ers to decide what nations shall
get arms and how much they will
the House for action.
Republican members said also
that a full r1 nf tstimnv bye x
policies in Germany.
BATAVIA, Java-The Dutch
and Indonesian Republicans
formally ended their four years
war yesterday, but both sides
made clear it was an armed
truce for the present.
Republican President Soe-
karno, in a fiery broadcast last
night from his capital at Jog-
jakarta, ordered his guerrilla
armies to observe a cease-fire
proclaimed yesterday, but to
hold their positions.
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia -
The Communist-led Czech gov-
ernment announced yesterday
sentencing of a Roman Catholic
priest on charges of treason for
allegedly refusing to administer
the last sacrament to a sick old
woman because she held a Com-
munist membership card.
The Rev. Alois Fajstl was
sentenced by a state court to
eight years imprisonment, the
official Prague radio said. The
priest denied the charge.
Mammologist Calls Chipmunks Isolationists'
"To each his own" is the by-
word even in the chipmunk world.
The average male chipmunk's
domain is a strict 3.8 acres, and
the female has to do with 2.36
acres. But they're more or less
neighborly, because one won t
friendly fashion with their re-
latives, the ground squirrels, for
These observations were made
by Harold E. Broadbooks, a former
Horace H. Rackham special fel-
low who is now finishing work on
a doctor's degree at the University.
He did his work on a 40-acre
open range of yellow pine forest,
in the Cascade Mountains of
Washington, so that he could
study the animals in their na-
tural habitat.
* * *
DEER HUNTERS were often
them like old friends. Altogether,
he caught a total of 577 individ-
uals 20,000 times. He also trapped
600 individual deer mice and other
species of the rodent order, dur-
ing 1946 and 1947.
Broadbooks tried different
bright colors for his dying prac-
THEY SHOWED little hesita-
tion in going for the corn or sun-
flowerseed bait. Then the front
door would close on them, and they
were caught.
There were cattle, bears and
dee irnlAmno £nml In +he area.